MHHCBBHHHMHBBHaBaB THE lEXLMiTIIV I SOUTHC t LIST OF < ? o: Lexington Couni NAME. POST OFFI( Addy, James B Lattak Addy, D. IT Leesvi Amick, Jeff B Lexingt Asbill, Ed. L Leesvi Barr, W. W Lexingt Berley, W. H Lexingt Berley, W. Q M Lexingt Boozer, A. M Columt Caughman, C. W Lexingt Caughmao, D. James.Lexingt Caughman, J. E Lexingt Caughman. T. H Lexingt Cayce, B. B Columt Cayce, R. W Columt Clark, Paul P Clark's M Clark, Sidney J Lexingt Clark, W. A Columt Counts, J. H Irr r* e^A knA.avc ColnmL Vjl CI W1U1 Uf xxuui v . - ? Crosson, D. M Leesvil Derrick, F. A Lexingti Derrick, G. A Hilt Dreher, C. E Pricevi] Dreher, C. R Pricevi] Dreher, HeberR Selwoi Dreher, J. Waller Pricevi] Efird, C. M Lexingti Efird, D. F Lexingti Farr, John D Chap Fort, James C Lexingti Geiger, J. W..; Shumpe George, S. B Lexingti George, S. P Lexingti Goodwin, W. A Gast< Griffith, D. J Lewieda Guignard, G. A Columb HallmaD, M. C Fredon Roof, Mrs. Annie E . .Lexingti Roof, E. B LexiDgt< Roof, Sam P Lexingti Roof, W. Pickens Lexingti Roof, W.Pickens, Jr. .Lexingti Shuler, R. L Selwoc Shull, Mike W Columb Seay, W. B Seayvil Smith, H. D Ban Words That Burn. Some of the Epigrams Given th< "r 1 ** irv D,.of/%nf War Woria jouriug tuc x 1 couui II M*. Here are some of the epigrammatic sayiDgs of the present war that will go down in history: Excuse me, sir; I have to reporl that the ship has been blown up and is sinking.?Bill Anthony of the Maine. Suspend judgment.?Capt. Sigs bee's first message to Washington. We will make Spanish the cour! language of hades.?Fighting Bol Evans, when war was declared. Remember the Maine.?Commo dore Schley's signal to the flying squadron.. Don't hamper me with instruc tions; I am not afraid of the entire Spanish fleet with my ship.?Capt Clark of the Oregon to the board ol strategy. You can fire when you are ready Gridley.?Commodore Dewey at Ma nilla. To hell with breakfast; let's finisl 'em now.?A Yankee gunner to C;>m modore Dewey. The battle of Manila killed me, bul I would do it again?Cipt. Gridley of the Olmpia on his death-bed. Don t get between my guns and the enemy.?Commodore Dewey tc Prince Henry of Germany. I've got them now, and they wil! never get home.?Commodore Schley on guard at Santiago harbor. There must be no more recalls; iron will break at last.?Lieut. Hobson to Admiral Sampson. Don't mind me boys; go on fight ing.?Capt. Allyn K Capron of the Rough Riders. Don't swear, boys; shoot!?Col Wood to the Rough Riders. Take that for the Maine.?Capt Sigsbee, as he fired a shot througl the Spanish torpedo boat Terror. Expect to take the place as sooi as I can move; reinforcements wil not reach me.?Gen. Shafter befor n oauuagu. Shatter is fighting, not writing.? Adj. Gen. Corbin to Secretary Algei when the latter asked for news fror the front. War is not a picnic.?Sergt. Ham ilton Fish of the Rough Riders t his mother. Who would net gamble for a ne^ star in the flag??Capt. Bucke O'Neill of the Rough Riders. Afraid I'll strain my guns at lor range; I'll close in.?Lieut. Waii wright of the Gloucester, in thefigh with Cervera's squadron. Don't cheer, boys; the poor devi are dying.?Capt. Phillip of tt Texas. I want to make public ackncw edgement that I believe in God tl father almighty.?Capt. Phillip < the Texas. The Maine is aveDged.?Lieu Wainwright, after the destruction i Cervera's fleet. "I think DeWitt's Hazel Salve the finest preparation on the mark for piles." So writes John C. Dun of Wheeling, W. Ya. Try it and y( will think the same. It also cur eczema and all skin diseases. J. ] Kaufmann. 0. FAIR ASSOCIATION OF JAROUNA. STOCKHOLDERS F THE ? t Fair Association ?E NAME. POST OFFICE. :oo Harman, C. W LexiDgton " " ci AT T.ovm^fnn lit fiaiiuaij, v. on Harrnan, G. W LexiDgton llf HarrnaD, Killian Lexington on RarmaD, M. D Lexington on Raiman, S. A. B Lexington on Rarrnan, Thomas L. ..Lexington )ia Hegman, F. A Lexington on Hegman, Otto Lexington on Hendiix, H. W LexiDgton od Hendrix, James E.. ..LexiDgton on Holzhouser, T E F.. ..Columbia oia JoDes, Wilie Columbia >ia Kaminer, George A. .Rocky Well ill Kamiuer, John iLexington on Keisler, G. Frank Priceville >ia Keisler, P. C Priceville no Keisler, Reed L Lewiedale >ia Kyzer, G. W Rocky Well lie Langford. L. J Lorena on Leaphart, C. E LexiDgton on Leaphart, Ollan C Priceville lie Lewis, J. W Lexington lit Long, Emanuel Lewiedale od Long, John N Columbia He Meetze, H. A Lexington on Meetze, H. A1 LexiDgton od Meetze, JohnH Lexington in Meetze, J. P LexiDgton 3D Meetze, T. P LexiDgton rl Meetze, W. H LexiDgton >d Raw!, H. J Ilocky Well 3D Raw), James E Lexington 3D Raucb, E. T Ballentine ,le Reeder, Geo. W. .Reeder s Store iia Roberts, Clay LexiDgton ia Roberts, West B Lexington 3D Stokes, J. W Orangeburg 3D Swygert, B. B LexiDgton 3D Taylor, Albert R Columbia 3D Taylor, W. B Rocky Well 3D Wessiuger, John A.. .Ballentine >d WessiDger, Paul J Seayvilie iia Wingard, E. L LexiDgton He WiDgard, H. M LexiDgton re Wingard, T. E LexiDgton Negro Rule in North Carolina. ? A North Carolina exchange points out that the negro is more in evidence ; in politics in that State than in any 1 other State in the union. It says: "North Carolina is the only State t j in the United States whose elections 1 | are controlled by the vote of the > colored people, and consequently this State has more colored officers than - any other State in the American union. t "Had you thought of this? ) "The Republican party is now the dominant party in this State and - three fourths of that party in this ; State are colored men. "As a consequence you will find - that: > 1. North Carolina is the only State . that has a colored congressman. [ 2. North Carolina is the only State that has a colored United States dis trict attorney. 3. North Carolina is the only State that has a colored State inspector of l fertilizers. 4 North Carolina has more colored members of the legislature than t any other State. 5. North Carolina has more colored postmasters than any other State, there being seven in one county. > 6. North Carolina has more colored magistrates than any other State, I there being seventeen in one county f alone. 7. North Carolina has more colored ; registers of deeds than any other . State. 8. North Carolina has more colored school committeemen than any other > State. 9. North Carolina has more colored county commissioners than any other State. ?. i Millions Q-iven Away. It is certainly gratifying to the * public to know of one concern in the e land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Dis' coverv for Consumption, Coughs and n Cjlds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great mediL" cine; and have the satisfaction of 0 knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthmr, ,v Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all disy eases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on J. ? E Kaufmann, Druggist, and get a 1_ trial bottle free. Rpgular size 50c. and SI. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. Is ie Notice to School Trustees. j The County Board of Education 1- has decided that the free public ie schools of Lexington county, for the of scholastic year, commencing July 1, ' 1898, and ending June 30,1899, shall I. open on the first Monday in Novemof ber, 1898. All balances carried for' ward from last scholastic year may be used this summer. . j By order County Board of Ed. *s, John D. Farr, et1 Clerk of Board. L | Lexington, S. C., Julv 11, 1898. hi' ! eg> Some husbands never thiLk of P I telling their wives auything until after they have found it out for themselves. , OBEBDHonaasniJ.. .JueaaaBn I ^monthly! I jl These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected. The menstrual function should operate painlessly. ' * ?idiiij makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the delicate menstrual organs in condition to do their work properly. : And that stops all this pain. \ Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine Of Cardui will relieve her? It costs $r.oo at the drug store. Whv don't you get a bottle to-day? t For advice, in cases requiring I special directions, address, giv- t iug symptoms, "The Ladies' p Advisory Department," The fj Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Teun. E ** ## * * Mrs. ROZENA LEWIS, K oT Oenavlll*. Texas, says: fi| " i was trou N at monthly Intervals Eg with terrltle pi sad and back, H J but have been w . o ? history. The United States will take immediate steps to collect customs and revenue at Santiago, as a war contiibution. This action is to be taken pending the final settlement of the state of Cuba, after the close of the war. Sick headache, billiousness, constipation and all liver and stomach troubles can be (juickly cured by using those famous little pills known as De"\Yitt's Little Early Risers. They are pleasant to take and never gripe. J. E. Kaufmann. Plans for sending Watson's Eastern squadron to Spain have reached the point where the naval officials are considering the exact day of departure, and it is said that positive orders have been given to have everything in readiness by the end of the week. Every man who encourages sue cessful wrong sins twice and congratulates two sinners. Stats Dispensary F.epcrt. Figures Showiug the Business Done O r*? in Three Months Pust. The Legislative committee, which has been in session for several days past in cheeking up the business of the State dispensary, has made its report to Governor Ellerbe of p.11 transacts ns for the quarter coding June 30. The report speaks for itself and comment is unnecessary. Here it is: His Excellency, Wm. H. Eilerbe, Governor: Sir: We, the undersigned joint committee from the Senate and House, have met pursuant to the act of the General Assembly for the purpose of examining the accounts, books, vouchers, etc., of the State dispensary for the quarter ending June 30. The stock of liquors and supplies on hand was taken by Messrs. Douthit and Miles, representing the State Board of Control, and Mr. A. K. Sanders, representing our committee. Hereto attached you will find a statement of the assets aid liabilities shown by the inventori s takeD, also a statement of the cash and profit and loss accounts. We checked up the balance sheet aud have examined the vouchers for these statements and also the cash statement of thi3 officer with that of the State Treasurer, which agrees. We find the suspended accounts for this quaiter very small, only amounting to $171.19. We also find the I net profits for this quarter to be I */\ef r\nvfnrtt CVU'J aIILI ai3U IUU iuuni 1CLU I micide in the word. If you are sufbring with any of the insects tiy this most wonderful Insect Destroyer and be convinced of its merit. It is the most perfect insect destroyer in the market. Invaluable to every household. Sold under a positive guarantee. Price, 25 cents, at the Bazaar. ? ? Sour Stomach Cure. Along time I was great sufferer fro 11 Liver autl Stomach troubles. 1 had a dull j-ain in my left side uu.ler my beait. At times niv side became swollen aud the pain acute. My stomach was always sour and I would vomit every time I ate. My bowels were very irregular, causing me t ain and distress. I tried many things without any benefit. I read of your medicine and concluded to try it, and am glad that I did. I felt better alter the first dose. I continued to take Ramon's Liver Pills A' Tonic Pellets until I was entirely cured. - D. W. Penland, Otto, Macon Co . N. C. Sold by G. M Harman and J. E Kaufmann. US pOLUMBIA, NEWB'RRY AND L'LAURENS RAILKOAQ. In Effect October 17th, 1897. No. 52 No. 2 11 00 a m lv..Columbia, .lv 5 00 pm 11 10 a m ar. 5 21 pm 11 17 a m ar... .Irmo . 5 33 pm 11 23 a ra ar.Ballentine .ar 5 48 pm 11 28 a m ar.White 5 57 pm II 35 a m ar. ..Chapin. G 12 pm 11 45 a m arL. Mountain ar G 30 pm 11 49 a m ar.. .Slighs.. ar G 40 pm 11 58 a m 7 00 pm 1 a 1 A \r i a ~ iz iu p m ar. ixewoerry. ar i zo pm 12 23 p m ar... Jalapa... ar 8 00 pm 12 27 p m ar. ..Gary ar 8 10 pm 12 31 p m ar.. Kinard. 8 20 pm 12 38 p in 8 30 pm 12 50 p m ar.. Clinton . .ar S 50 pm 1 10 p m ar. .Laurens. .arlO 00 pm RETURNING SCHEDULE. No753 ~ No. 1 1 45 p m lv. .Laurens. .lv G 00 am 2 10 p m lv. ..Clinton., .lv G 35 am 2 22 p m G 57 am 2 30 pm lv. ..Kinard.. .lv 7 07 am 2 35 p m lv.. ..Gary .. .lv 7 17 am 2 41 p m lv. ..Jalapa.. .lv 7 28 am 2 57 p m lv. Newberry .lv 7 50 am 3 13 p m 8 15 am 3 22 p m lv.. .Sligbs.. .lv 8 33 am 3 30 p m Iv.L. Mountain lv 8 40 am 3 45 p m lv. ..Cbapin.. .lv 8 57 am 3 55 p m lv.White 9 12 am 4 01 p m lv.Ballentine. lv 9 20 am 4 10 p m lv.. .Irmo lv 9 37 am I 4 17 p in lv..Leaphart. .lv 9 50 am 4 40 p m ar..Columbia, .ar 10 10 am I Train No. 52 connects at Laurens for Greenville, Spartanburg and Augusta. Train No. 53 connects at Columbia for Charleston and all points East. Train No. 2 carries through sleeper j to Atlanta daily except Sunduy. Berth fare Si 00. Train No. 1 carries through sleeper from Atlanta daily except Sunday. For tickets and any other informa tion, call on B. F. P. LEAPHART, City Ticket Agent, Columbia, S. C. THE CHARLESTON LINE SOUTH CAROLINA AND GA, R. R. Co. Schedule corrected to December 19. 1897. (Eastern Time.) lv Charleston *7 10 a m *5 30 p m *7 10 a m ar Columbia. 10 55 a m 10 10 p m 10 55 a m lv Columbia 1123am 11 35 a m ar Spar'anb'g 2 40 p m ar Ashville .... 6 30 p m lv Columbia.] 1 1135am lv Charlotte 8 Z > p ui 8 55 a m lv Danville.. l2O0ng't 130pm ar Washing'n 0 42 a m 9 25 p m ar 15 iltimore. 8 05 a m 11 25 p m ar Philadel'a 10 25 a m 2 56 a ui ar New York. 12 53 pm fi 23 a in ar Boston ... t8 30 p m t3 3.) a m lv B iston ... +9 00 a m *4 00 p m lv New York. "3 20 pm *120)am lv Philadel'a 5 55 p m 7 20 a n< lv Biltimore. 8 37 pm 9 42 a in lv Washing'n 10 05 pm !1 15 am lv Danville .. 4 45 a m 0 (Mi a in ar Charlotte . 8 40 a m 10 00 am ar Columbia , 3 55pm lv Asheville | *8 00 a m lv Spartaub'g 11 45 pm Ar Columbia.! 3 45 p u. I 3 55 p m I.. /J OO n m 7 00 a 111 4 00 D 111 ar Charleston *3(0 pin *11 (JOa a, *3 00 p m 'Daily. fExcept Sunday. AUGUSTA DIVISION. (West-Daily.) leave Charleston 7 10 a m 5 3<) p m arrive Augusta II 51 a m 10 45 p in arrive Atlanta 3 20 p in 5 00 a in arrive New Orleans 3 20 p m | arrive Chattanooga ... 1 00 a m 1 00 p m I arrive Nashville (J 40 a m 0 55 p in j arrive Evansvlil* t 40 p in 1 25 a ni j arrive St Louis 7 32 p n: 7 20 a in THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE. Pullmaa Palace Sleeping cars between : Charleston and St. Louis, via Atlanta ChatJ tanooga, Nashville and Evansville, without change. Augusta Division.?Through Sleepers beI tween Charleston and Atlanta, leaving j Charleston at 5 30 p. in., arriving in Atlanta at 5 a ni Columbia Division ? Through Coaches between Charleston and Asheville, both di: rections. I sViorfAst route to Asheville and Hot ; Springs, X. C., and all resorts of Upper j North and South Carolina. Through tickets can be purchased, sleep, j ing car reservations secured. baggage ; checked to destina'i >n and all otb??. 3* NO. 30 Northbound. I>Hjlv 1>aJIy I.v. J'villf. F.C.JtcP.Kv 8 00 a 0 5np " Savannah ! 12 o*p 11 -tip Ar. Columbia 4i5p 4-la Lv. ChJtr'ton.SC&Ultl; ' W a -r> '*tp Ar. Columbia.. ...._. 10 5.> a 10 10p Ar. Spartanburg, so. Ry . ...; 35" 11 -5a Ar. A>h'*viUe ! ? Wp' - *->P Lv. Aupustn, So. Ry - 10 p 30 p ' Granitevillo 1 2 30p 10 lap " Trenton. . 3 08p li 00p " Johnstons. j 3 _I9p 11 20p Ar. Columbial'ii. dep't i 1 ;i] P - loa Lv Cobbta Bland'*; at I 5 lap 5 34 a " Win?sl>oro j *? 07 p fl 'At a " I 'hester ! rt "'4 p 7 18 a " ll.M-k Hill 1 -Hi' 7 58 a Ar. Charlotte H R>P 'JWja Ar Greensboro .. 10 43 p 1- 10 p Lv. Greensboro lo.Vlp ..? Ar. Norfolk ~ " Danville II alp 1 35p Ar. ltiehi'inud 0 40 a 0 25p Ar. Washington f> 42 a 0 35 p " Baltimore Pa. K. R 8 03a( 11 35 p " Philadelphia lo 15 a 2 50 a " New York 1- 43 p ti 23 a Southbound. 37 No? 35 l'ully. Daily. Lv. New York. Pa. i 4 ;jup 12 15nt " Philadelphia ti 55 p 3 50 a " Baltimore. .. 0 20p 6 31 a Lv. Wush'ton, So. Ry.. .. ! lo 43p 11 15 a Lv. Richmond lUlOut 12 01m Lv. Danville 5 50 a 6 15 p Lv. Norfolk ... U 35p Ar. Greensboro ti 45 a Lt. Greensboro | 7 05 a ?32p " Charlotte 9 35 a lO'JOp " Rock Htll . .j lo 20 a 11 OS p " Cheater 10 55 a 11 37 p " Wiunsbor. 1 11 41 a 12 2ti a Ar Col'hiu Blai.d'jr st 12 45un, 137 a Lv. Columbia l'n. dep't. . ... I 1 15 p j 4 00a " Johnstons. j 2 53 p 6 00 a " Trenton 3 08p| 8 25 a " Graniteville . a ! 3 38p 7 07 a Ar. Augusta.. . j 4 15]. 8 00a Lv. Asheville . 8 20 a 3 05p Lv. Spartanburg 1140a ti 15 p Lv. Colbia, S.C.&G.Ry I .1 UUpl 7 IX) a Ar. Charleston | ?> 40pr llOUa Lv. Colbia. F.C.&P.Ky j 11 55 h 12 47 a " Savannah ! 4 47 p.1 5 (Ma Ar. .laok.sonville. . I 9 25 pi 9 15a SLEEITXG CAK SERVICE. Excellent daily passenger service between Florida and New York. Nos. 27 and 38?Washington and Southwestern Limited. Solid Vestilmled train with dining ears and first class coaches north of Charlotte. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars Ijetween Tanina, Jacksonville, Savannah, Washington and New York. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Charlotte and Richmond. Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars 1**tween Greensboro and Norfolk. Close connection ut Norfolk for OLI) POINT COMFORT, arriving there in time for breakfast. Solid train, with Parlor cars, between Charleston and Asheville. Nos. So and 30? U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping cars be tween Jacksonville and New York and Pull man sleeping curs between Augusta and Charlotte. Pullman sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Columbia, en route daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. FRANK S.GANNON. J. M.CCLP, Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr. T. M., Washington W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDW1CK. G. P. A.. Washington. G. P. A., Atlanta SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule In Kffieeft JULY 4. 131)7. STATIONS. | t.v. Charleston. 7 Lv. Columl/in 11 W a na " Prosperity 12 11 p ? " rfawberry 1- ? p m " Ninety-Six 1 25 p in Ar. Greenwood 1 45 p in " Hodges 2 26 p in Xr. a51?v111? 65 p ia ^r. Balton 8 10 p a [ Ar Apueraon .1 a5 p m Xr. Or?nvilla !. 4 & p ra Xt. Atlanta 9 30 p a STATIONS. | Lv. Greenville 10 4) a m Piedmont 10 55 a m M Wllllannton ? 11 18 a m Cr."Xnder9on II 05 a m Lv Belton ii 55 a in Ar. Donnalda I 12 o2 p m Lv. ALbevflU . 11 45 a ru Lv. Rod gat 12 5j p m " Greenwood . 1 00 p m " NLaetj-81x 125pm " Newberry 2 25 p m 14 Prosperity 2 27 p an Ar. Colunib:a _ 3 50 p m Ar. Charleston & 05 p tn KPiiSii WAGONS. usaa 6 Sop, f lUaLr... (Iiarlrston. An &ft>pill OQft ISWIiaR! ~ 7?ohniii.ia .... " 3 35pj 13?P 9 07a 12 I5p " A 1st on " I 2 43pj 8 52a 101)4*' 126p; " Saiituo " I I 25p, 7 tip 10 a*: 20?p| M Union " J uSp| T 80p 10 30* 22Spi M ... Jon*?vi:i? ..." ;12 20pj C5?p 10 64*1 2 B7p! " Pacdet " .12 Up 6 ?7p 11 2;*; 3 lOpAr.. Sparta nlmrg. I.v 11 4.*iA| 8ik)p 1146*; 8 33p Lv . Spartanburg.. A . ,11/x*. 0 06p t 4Spl 7 OOp Ar? AshcYl'I*? Lvi 8 .Ma' SOSp "P," p. m. "A." *. m. Trains 9 and 10 carry airman* Pnllni** gleeplug cars bet* een Columbia am! Ashevill*. euroute daily between Jacksonville andCinolu cafl. Trslns leave Spartanbnrg. A. & C. division, northbound, 6'37 a.m.. 3:4< p.m.. 6.1M p.m., (Vestibule Limited); aouthliountt 12:2K *. in . 1:16 p. m.. 11:37 a. m., (Vestibule Limited.) Trains leave (ireoavil!*, A. and C. division, northbound. 6:43 a. in., 2.31 t>. m. and 6:30 p. m., (VesUbuled Limited i rout),bound. 1:26 a. m.. 4:20 p. ni., 12.60 p. in (Ve.-?tlbul*d Limited) Pullraau Service. Pullman palace sleeping cars on Trains C3*?d Cd, 37 and S3, on A. and C. division. W. H. GREEN, J M.CULP Gen. Superintendent, Traffic Jf^r. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C VT. A. TURK. 6. D. KAKDWICH Cen. Pans. Ag't. Aa'ttion Pa*. Ag . Washington, D. 0. At1 ita. Go. m From Maker Direct to Purchaser. Si H A ^ j M | A Good g | Pianoj 1 lll^llif III'^ i ^33SS3HSS8fil i>''ve endless w *0 Tte vexation. ^ I Mathushek I Is always Good, always Reliable, >H' always Satisfactory, always Last- Mf w? inir. You take no chances In buy- w? inn it. /jK 317-1 It costs somewhat more than a ?5 Mf chrop, poor piano, hut is much the MC SB* cheapi .tt in the end. SK Mi No other Hitfh tirade Piano sold so Mi, 9% reasonable. Factory prices to retail ?5 Mk buyers. Easy payments. Write a*. Mi S LUODEN & BATES, & jgv SavHnnah. St., and New York City. ALL BIG BOXING EVENTS Are Best Illustrated and Described in POLICE GAZETTE! The World-Famous . . . . . Patron of Sports. $1.00-13 WEEKS~$1.C0 ^' TTrn TV. vari! \T)T)RF.SS. ?U ."A lijlil/ 1 V X vy v i? . . . RICHARD K. FOX, Publisher, Franklin SN, S. C. GROVES "tasteless CHILL TONIC 18 J U8T AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 000tS? Galatia, Ills., Not. 16, UN. Paris Medicine Co., 8t. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen:?Wo soM last year. 600 botUea of GROVE'S T/ STELESS CHILL TONIC and hare bought three groM already this year. In all our ex perience of 14 yean, id ido arug DimoeH, MTer old an article that gave such unlTtnal aaUB> || your Tonic, zoun truly, iSZIT.autOOb For Sale by Dr. 0. J. Harris, Batesburg, S. 0. The Bazaar, LexingtoD, S. C. Feb. 18 -ly BANK OF COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. ? STATE, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY. Special attention given to all business transactions and satisfaction guaranteed. Interest allowed on all Savings Deposits from date. County business specially solicited. m W. G. CBILDS, Pres. " W. T. MARTIN, Vice Pres. T. H. GIBBS. Casbier. MARTIN STORK, Teller. Aug 11? tf THE mmi urnm nu COLUMBIA, S. C. i CAPITAL $100.000 00 SURPLUS 30,000 00 ESTABLISHED 1871. JAMES WOODROW, President JULIUS WALKER. Vice President JEROME h. SAWYER. Cashier. DIRECTORS?James Wood row, John A, Crawlord, Julius h. Walker. C. Fitzsimloons, W. C. Wright W. H. Gibbes. John T. Sloan, T. T. Moore, J. L. Mimnangh, E. S Joynes. *% This bank solicits a share, if not all, of your business, and will giant every favor consistent with safe and sound banking. January 29, 1897?ly. IffltlMANGEBAl OF SOUTH CAROLINA State, City & County Depository COLUMBIA, S. C. ^ Capital Paid in Foil $150,000 00 Surplus 35,000.00 Liabiliites of Stockholders 150,000.00 $335,000.00 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum paid on deposits in this department. ^ TRUST EEPARlMENT. This B-mk under special provision of its charter exercises the office of Executor, Administrator, Trustee or Guardian of Estates. SAFETY DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT. , Fire and burglar proiif safety deposit for rent from $4 00 to $12 CO per year. EDWIN W. ROBERTON, President, A. C. HASKELL, Vice President. J. CALDWELL ROBER180N, i 2d Vice President G. M. BERRY.Cashier. February 12?ly. POMONA HILL 4 Nurseries, LARGEST AND OLDEST IN THE SOUTH. HEALTHY STOCK. TRUE TO NAME. Leading Old Standard Fruits as well as New Varieties of Merit Foreign and Oriental Fruits and Nuts, Japanese I'ears, Plums, Apricots. Walnuts and Cut stnuts a big success. .Large mock ot Koses and Ureen nouse Plants, Cut Flowers, Floral and Funeral Designs. Please give your order to our salesmen who canvass your county and the same shall have our prompt attention. We would be pleased to have yoa write a at once for catalogue and pamphlet on 'How to Plant and Cultivate an M Orchard." * Address J. VAN LINDLEY, Proprietor, Pomona, N. 0. Apni 23?lj.