ft I ANNUAL REPORT ?OPE. L WTNGARD, Treasurer, -OF LEXINGTON, COUNTY, S. C, For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31,1896. OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURE? Lexington, S: C., May 17,189^ To the Hon. W. C. Benet, Pbesit'0 Judge, Coubt General Sessions ob the June Term, 3897, fob Lexi^" ton, S. C. * DEAR SIR: In conformity wi^ the requirements of Ah Act in refe ence thereto, I have the honor ^ submit this, my annual report of J*e transactions of this oflP^^5''"*^0 fiscal year ending Decf**^1 L897: SCHOOL 00 May Haltiwanger, teaching 25 00 101 H V Risb, teaching.. 21 00 . 102 Jas Y Smith, teaching 101 00 103 Rosa M Hydrick, 22 00 104 P E Hutto, teaching 40 00 05 P E Hutto, teaching 10 00 06 T M Parke, teaching 25 00 107 T M Parks, teaching 6 00 08 Bowman, teaching 21 25 09 J A Cromer, teach ing^^WiG50 10 Lizzie LangIorcnfS?^!^^^f^??r ing 23 00 11 John H Hart ley,teaching 15 00 12 WP Garrett, teaching 43 75 13 J J Bickley, teaching S3 50 14 Jennie "Williams,teaching 10 00 15 L B Haynes, teaching 53 00 16 A R Geiger, teaching 24 00 17 Sid J Derrick, teach- ? ing V 30 18 Ellen L Pou,teaching ' 27 00 19 W E Black, teaching '31 50 20 W L Darr, teaching. 29 (0 21 Hattie C Kaigler, teaching 30 00 22 J H Hiller & Co, lumber furnished col- . '-*f' ored school house. 13 00 123 Roof & Barre, lumber 2jo 50 124 L J Langford, freight on globes and chaits ^ oo 125 J. B. Walker, teaching I\ 00 126 G. W. Lindler, 4 CO 127 S. S. Lindler, teaching 40 00 !2S E. A. Souter, teaching GO 00 129 Annie Craft, teaching. 20 00 130 Annie Craft, teaching. 20 00 131 Annie Craft, teaching. 132 Hattie C. Kaigler, Y teaching 2lf 50 133 Olga Hendrix,teaching 334 H. E. Lewib-j teaching 22 50 335 E D. P. Pucker, lumber and hauling.. .. 9 18 330 E A. Souter, t< aching 15 75 337 E. A. Souter. teaching 21 00 333 J. P. Wilson, stove... 15 (0 . 339 C D. Senn, teaching.. 15 00 3:0 John D. Farr, services as School Comr 210 00 341 S. J. Derrick, services on Co. BJ. Exmrs... 18 80 312 L. B. Haynes, services on Co. BO. Exmrs,.- 24 00 343 John D. Farr, sei vices as School Comr 190 00 344 John D Fai r, traveling expenses 12 CO 345 J. Frank Kjzer, interest on note 15 75 34C Loan A Exchange Bank, interest on note 82 00 I 317 Loan & Exchange Bank, interest on note.... 22 58 j 318 M. F. Miller, interest on note 01 00 319 Women's Aid Society, interest on note.... 92 35 350 Jane C. Hendiix, interest on note- 35 00 351 Scott Hendiix, interest on note 210 00 C. Harman, interest on note 3 0 80 353 Maliuda E. Seay, interest on note 34 70 351 A. O. Geiger, interest on note 19 55 355 L. It. Wingard, interest on note 10 91 Total for school purposes $9,694.14 w t. mar , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, COLUMBIA, S. C. Merchants and Planters will do well to try this House when purchasing. All kind? of HEAVY GROCERIES, GRAIN. FEED, Ac., kept in stock. Orders accompanied by the cash will receive prompt attention. Name amount of each article wanted for money sent and prompt shipment will be made and SATISFACTION GUARANTEjfc r >i vjiairs's ^ BIG ALLOWANCE STORE, COLUMBIA, S. C. Jnne 6.?tf Miss Maria Parloa is admitted to bo the leading American authority on cookie g; she Says "USE a good stock for the foundation of soups sauces and many other things, and the best stock is Li.ebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef." ' 100 of Miss Parloa's recipes gent gratis by Daacby& Co., 27 Park Place, New York. yGT?T?Ti>T?T?TeTaTeTQT?^T3T0Te?TTeT^T0T9Ts7aT?Ti IMATHUSHEK 1 ^ The Piano for a Lifetime, The Piano of the South, Js The Piano Sold Most'Reasonahly. *e The old, original Mathushek, sold by us for over a quarter of a century and the g delight of thousands ofSonthern homes. <| More Mathusheks used South than of any other one make. Lovely New Styles at Reduced Prices, jg cheaper than ever before known. Styles once $435, now $325. ^ $100 saved every buyer. ^ How, because we are now interested in % the great Mathushek factory, supply 0 purchasers direct, and save thein all intermedlate profits. White us. 1 LCDDEN* BATES, p Savannah, Ga., and New York City. ] M-r. 13 lr ] GEOPwQ-E BETOS I 1 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C., 1 JEWELER REPAIRER!! Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Watches, ^ Clocks ami Silverware. A fine line of 1 Spectacles and Eyeglasses to fit every one, 1 all for sale at lowest prices. j nn Wiifr?}iaq fjr^f olflrr quickly done aud guaranteed, at moderate ? prices. ?0?tf. 1 ! Barbecue. ' t TTTE WILL FURNISH A FIR-T \ ? class barbecue and refreshments a Lull mile east of Mt. Hebron church, at the residence of Mr. Peter Shall, on Saturday. July 2 1. T;ie public is cordially invited to attend and everything \*i 1 be " done to nn?ke the day a pleasant and en- . joyable one. HENRY BT7FF, J J S. A CARTER. ! \ ^ M.tjLJO, 1?07-Tw33. 1 c * "Blight" costs cotton planters more than five million dollars annually. This is an enormous waste, and can be prevented. Practical experiments at Alabama Experiment Station show conclusively that the use of "Kainit" will prevent that dreaded plant disease. All about Pota*h? the result; r>f its use i>v actual expwiment on the hot farm* in the United States?is toid in a little k win. h we pubibh ami will K-ailly mail free to atij firmer in Atr.-ri. a who w i;l write font. G F.R.MAN KAI.I WORKS, can nuke money rapidly the work l>e;rg light aud employment the year round. Kt qui res no capital or great educa ion. Some f onr best salesmen are country boys. I'rotks quick and absolutely sure. Write at once lor lull pirticu'.ars. Address, H. C. HUDGIXS S: CO., Kiser Building, A'.iantu, G.i, HARIV1AN & SON, CONTRACTORS, AND BUILDERS STEER AND IRON" ROOFING, lexington, s. c. Bids submitted for all kinds of carpenter work. Estimates furn lslieil. Noue but First Class Workmen em pioyed. House building a specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Remember us when you want work done. S. A. F> IIUIMAN, KJLLIAN 1IARMAN. September?11. tl |'SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time Between Columbia and Jacksonville. Eastern Time Between Columbia and Other I'binN. EFFECTIVE HAY 2, 1897. - --- - j\o. 38 No. 3d Northbound. j I)a(iy | DaiIy Lv. J'ville. E.C.&P.Ry..f 8 15 a 7 00 p " Savannah I 12 2upl 11 35 p Ar. Columbia.. r 4 15pj 4 24ui---- ? Lv. Char'ton.SC&GRR.' 7 10a| 5 30 pi A r. Columbia j 10 55 a 10 10 pi Lv. Augusta, So. By \ 2 10 p' 9 30p! " Graniteville j 2 39 p! 10 12 p! " Trenton f 3 08 p. 10 50 p " Johnstons I 3 20 pi II 10 p Ar. ColumbinUn. dcp'r. 4 55p| 2 17 a Lv Col'bia Bland'g st...: 5 30 pi 5 34 a " Winnsboro ! 0 12 p! 0 23 at " Chester 7 07 p! 7 ISn " Rock Hill ! 7 .*4 pj 7 57 a Ar. Charlotte I 8 20 p 8 55al " Danville ! 12 ftmt! 1 SOpj At. Richmond i 6 00uj G 40j>; Ar. Washington .! ( 42 a' 9 40 p " Baltimore Pa. E. R.. 8 00 a j 11 35 p " Philadelphia j 10 15 a' 2 56 a " New York ' 12 43 pj 6 23 a Southbound. I ^;.,37h"-.,35 j Daily, j Daily. Lv. New York. Pa. R. R. 4 30 pi 1215nt ' Binindckttg=rr:^?: ~ " BastimOre. 9 80p 6 22a l^v. vvasmon, tso. ivy., a; sap u w?i .... Lv. Richmond j 2 00 a 12 5)p Lv. Danville ! 5 50a! G 20pi .... " Charlotte I 9 35 a 10 20 p " Rock Hill | 10 20a, 11 OGp " Chester I 10 55 a j 1137nt! " Winnsboro I 11 41 at 12 20 Hi Ar Col'bia Bland'g st... 12 50nn 1 37 a! Lv. ColumbiaUn.dep't. 1 lop 4 30 a! " Johnstons 2 53 p C 32 a " Trenton 3 OSp 6 48 a'. " Graniteville 3 38 p 7 17 ?; Ar. Augusta 4 lop 8 OJa Lv. Col'bia, S.C.&G.Ry. 4 00 pi 7 00 a Ar. Charleston 8 00 p! 11 00 aj Lv. Col'bia, P.C.&P.RyJ 11 55 aj 12 47 n " Savannah. 4 fop! 5 l)a Ar. Jacksonville j 9 80 pj 9 10 a| SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. Double daily passenger service between Florida and New fork. Nos. 37 and 38?Washington and.South western Limited. Solid Vestibu.ed train with dining cars and first class coaches north of Charlotte. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars between Tampa, Jacksonville, Savannah, Washington and New York. . . Pullman sleeping car between Augusta and New York. Nos. 35 and 38?U. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing room bullet sleeping cars between Jacksonville and New York and Augusta and Charlotte. Pullman sleeping cars 1 etweon Jacksonville and Columbia, en route daily between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asheville. W. H. GREEN, J. M. CULP. G. Sunt., Washington. T. M.. Washington. W. A. TCRK, S. H. HARDWICK, G. P. A.. Washington. A. G. P. A.. Atlanta* COLUMBIA, NEWB-RRY AHD LlAUHEHS RAIU0A9. The Short Line to Greenville, Spartanburg and Glerm Springs?Iu Effect April 30th, 1S9G. Passm WINDSOR. Specifications of tb? WINDSOR BICYCLES prove conclusively that better, handsomer bijycle than the ' American Beauties" have sever been bniJt. The elements ot strength, aeanty, speed and durability are embodied in Lheir construction. Frr catalogue, address 8IEG & WA1 POLE MEG CO.. i ? rv cnnm I fj =T IDail3r. id Dyes. 1 ? F / | IT ABIE SCLOU | )R | k, Feathers, Etc 1 > BAZAAR, JITS, CAKES, MIS, ' EOCDBIES, a SMOKING TOBACCO rfttuk Nnfinns MIEUDXCXatflSS, CDCOL BOOKS, ALBUMS, SC~^ above Goods constantly on hand and sse Goods are all fresh and reliable, c. n.r^ BROOHLAND I PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST. DR77T~SANDEL, I Physician and Surgeon, V OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SER-^^B yic^Sj^-Uin citizens of lirookland and'^H^M ^ Ann /""AHO H /1A?? ouj; jwuuiu^ Luuuu j. vouo oi'.'swnai ua/ ar.d night. He also carries and offers for sale a line of F8ESH DRLGS A.\D MEDICINES, which can be bought at the lowest Cash prices. ?*-Rev. E L Ly'-rand is associated with Dr. Sandel and will be pleased to accommodate his friends. August 19-3ui. When you visit Columbia don't forget to call at the Parlor Restanrant FOE Ladies and Gentlemen, (KENDALL BUILDING,) for Oysters. Fish. Steak. Cu.ops. Veal, Brains, Ham and Eegs, Liver, Chickens. All Game in season and prices to suit pverxhrdv (rrtnrl on/1 riAlttc ood meal, cooked >nd served in the best style and at only 25 ents, call and you will be pleased. Lcdg^ ngs also provided. September 9. / : ?* t '' &