I Is what gives Hood's Sarsaparilla its great j* popularity, its constantly increasing *. - sales, and enables it to accomplish its wonderful and unequalled cures. The I combination, proportion end process used in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla f are unknown to other medicines, and K" - make Hood's Sarsaparilla I Peculiar to itself It cures a wide range of diseases because of its power as a blood purifier. It acts directly and positively upon the blood, and the blood reaches every nook and corner of the human system. Thus all the nerves, lrusrirs, bones and tissues come under the beneficent influence of t ' Sarsaparilla I>jF. The One True Wood I'urif.er. ?1 per hottle. ; V ?, ,, nM, care I.iver Ills; easy to 000 S PliiS take, easy to operate. |. 7 . The Lexington Dispatch XVhDXESI AY. KEPTEUBER 1(> J896. fit Index to k-w Advertisements. rroclimativii-:g Y. C BadL^m?Machienry I The Murray Drag Co ?Caution J. C. Thbc?Notice Trespassers | J E. !>. M-Caiihi?Notice 1 ^ ?P. II E IX trick?Final Dis- 1 J- ^ charge C v C - g - - - . 0 I Was there such bargains offered in J Fiauos and Organs as you will find j # -at M A. Mdlo&c's in Columbia. , Hak: Ycnr Appun.nnnt in Advarce Dr. J. E Boozer will be at Lex- ^ ington for at least three days during couit week prepaied to do denial woik. Those making appointments will have preference. mm ? LI* Th i : J l ? il . /?_? ^ uurtuio 10 oDiain ice cmciai returns of the second primary dec lion -emtil Lite Thursday afternooD, 1 we were unable to issue the supple * ment promised, in time to r-eacb I many of our subscribers ahead of our regular edition, so we concluded to a abondon the supplement and publish t the tabulated statement of the re I turns on the outside of this issue. Fishing Tackle. I t ' The best and most complete lice ' iof fishing tackle, consisting in part of the best silk, cotton, linen and T waterproof lines; Limerick steel set, catch, and snood Look?, bobs 11 and ities; pond and river nets, made * of gill thread. Just opened and for sale at th6 Bazaar. I M ^ \7hisky ur.d Pistols. There w is a shooting scrape last ] > Saturday evening, about suudovvn, t at a barbecue on the Calk read, ce-ar ] Good Hope church, which resulted in one negro o&ing suoi iuiuu^u iuc ^ | - temple axid another through the ^ [ shoulder. Albert Swvgert became ^ involved io a difficulty which, grew ^ oat of a friendly tussle; an 1 ended (in Smith shooting Swvgert through ^ the shoulder, who in turn received a . bill from Swygcrt through the tern- j. pie, killing hioi instantly. Whisky is 9aid to be the cause and Smith the aggressor. # ? * Bcnnd Over for Court. At a preliminary hearing, had be- ^ fore-Magistrate E. L. "Wingard, cn c Saturday last, .Jake Erdcw, J. J. v Black, and Luke Burket, were bound overdo the Sessions Couit on the s charge of i or jury, committed iu tcs- | tifying in the ease of the Stale vs. \ Jk "W. P. Bowers, at the June term of t K court. rf? Vt. wv K The following li.-;t of young ladic*s , who left last week for Dallas, X. C , where they will enter the college at I that place, has been handed us by i: u friend: Misses Pauline Smith, 3 It Lotta Cromer, Agnes Keitler, Ma- ' liuda Kyzer, Belie Caughuian, Fulmer. A Miss Black from "Wards, two young ladies from Aiken?ten ( in number. There may be others j $tr who have gone there but their fiier d . Deflected to tend us their names. ; w k - ^ Plan:: and Organs?Pries & Tnat Srsak ths Escard. ? I . Times change, values drop, par! chasing power of gold or silver be ^ comes grater. Look at the way bi cycles arc selling! Just about one half i fe: old price?! Same is true a> \o Piano > j and Oogans See the . astonishing j oilers just advertised by the pT great house of Ludden k Bates, S.r- : wannah, Ga, which has been doing j business i:i the South for a quarter of a century and is as reliable as the j Bank o: Big!vol. P.an >3 for only $183 that have been $333, Organs ? for $70 that once sold at $33. Lud i den k Bates are progressive, sound business men, who recognize that old methods and old high pi ices will not j L win trade in these close times, and \ accordingly lead off in making New | Price?, which meet the need of all I buyers. Head their strong ad "White thorn. | "When you come to court don't fort get to send your dues for the Dis| patch. PENCIL AM) SCI *-| Wayside Notes Gathered Here ar.d There by a Dispatch- Mart. Tie campaign of surprise is over A b)other of Mrs. DaBose is visit- j iDg.ber at the Methodist parsonage. Prepare your lands to sow small grain. Miss Eloise Kaminer is visitirg her Aunt, Mrs. HallmaD, in Orange- \ ourg County. The town Council held its regular monthly meeting Monday night and transacted much important business. The weeds on the streets are being cut down by authority of Coun- j cil. An exchange very appropriately j refers to the Iudiauapolis nominee, 7 I as "the Dead men's ticket." i C nnmunion services will be held ; at Providence church on the fourth 1 1 Sunday in this month 1 Miss Bessie Beiley, a popular and j i charming young lady who resides a few miles from town, is visiting her ? cous'.u, Miss Annie Daily. Fish, meats of all kinds, and the \ best of every-thing will be found at ij Mark's Restaurant, during court. * Don't come to town, sell your cot- * fou and other produce and go away 5 without paviner for the Dispatch. 4 " w " I Prof. W. D. Schoenburg has been c elected principal of the High School g it North s, in Oranageburg county. a Autumn leaves have made their ap- ^ " mi a )earmce and soon the woods will be jeorgeous with many beautilful * jues. | For sale, an 18 months old Jersey 1 bull, registered, apply to. C. E Leapbart, '' d Lcxicg'oi^ S. 0. ! r. Mrs. M. D. Harraan is visiting her one, Messrs. C. B. and Willie E. a Augusta. Ketu'niog, she will ^ risit her parents at Batesburg c There is but little if any improve* nent in the condition of Mrs, Belton ^ c loof, who has been quite ill for the* uss. several weeks. r< Just received, a b:g lot cf single ind double harness with heavy li races and strops, marked low down, tl ). W. Sbealy & Co., Leesville. C We regret to learn that Mrs. Har iet Benjamin, the aged mother of jk Jrs. Maj. Meetzc, is critically ill at 11[ .-a i j __ i rr ue resilience 01 nei uauguier. ? ? "We are sorry to learn tfcat Mr. IVillie, the son of Rev. "W. D. Quick, 3 critically ill with a rtlapse of 1' vphoid fever. i p Just received, a large supply of >uggy and wagen material, at lowest >rices. D. W. Shealy & Co. Miss Lola Haltiwan^er. from the tl Dutch Fork of this county, has en- j ered the female seminary at Mount j 0 Pleasant, N. C. j ?' u Hon. H. H. Evans. Mayor of N..W- | )eny, was in town Friday, on private j >usiness. Mr Evins is a jovial genleman and a progressive and enterprising citizen. 0 The Dispatch has recently added a ^ arge first class paper cottar to its ob equipment. We arc now ready cr book and pad work. i * We have in stock a lot of Black ! Tawk com shellers. Everv farmer I .hould have one. D. W. Shealy n our streets again, and feel the j, varm clasn o? bis baud once more. ! j t There will be a picnic at Tarrar's j ;pring, Saturday, September, 10. The ^ :ublic is cordially invited to attend | ^ vitb baskets. A pleasant time is an- j j. icipated. i i. For the cheapest and best grccc- J c ,ies, canned goods, fruits, smoking | ^ ind chewing tobacco, go to S. N ; 1 ilendrix, CAumbia. A dog belonging to Mr. James P. 1 tfeeize, said to be suffering with j ^ .'abis, was shot this morning. The j ^ .log was bitten by another cleg about f i year ago. f ? a The Governor has offered a reward c ef me hundred dollars for the apprehension and conviction of Pierce t llarman anu Collins Pawls, who are j k indicted with larceny of live stock. !c ! i We sell the premium Carolina i j buggy, the best made, every spindle j [ warranted. D. W. Shcaly & C~., ' r Leesville, S. C. Call and see them. | c c Tbc September term of court will 5 open next Monday, with Judge O. | ^ W. Buchanan on the bench. The J dockets cn both -sides of the couit J < are heavy and the jail is full of prif - j ( oners. i f. I 1 Miss Minnie Dick?, after speeding | a pleasant time with her friend, "Miss j Ixosa Haraian, returned to her home | in Wiiliston, Fi id ay. She went by ! the way of Augusta where she spent j( several davs with friends in that city, i * !J Dating the past week we have | sent out some beautiful job work, j ; i < which would reflect credit on any first class office in the Slate. We j , do as good work at less price as any i 1 ofliee. Give us a trial order. Mis. L S. Madison has gone to Orangeburg to assume her duties as j< teacher in the graded schools of that ; city. She was accompanied by her j young daughter, Lina Wakefield. I DANGEROUS I I ? but not more so than the quickly ? 9 advancing diseases caused by 9 1 ? bad blood! More people die Js g 9 from failure to take simple S ? healthful precautions than from e 9 lawless people. The first sign 9 ? may be a weak, tired feeling, P 9 lack of energy, dizziness or V P- neaaacne. j^uin i neglect ir.ai i\9 sign! It's easier to prevent than $ o ? cure. Get at once if g I Dr. CLARK JOHNSON'S 2 n \ INDIAN | ; | BLOOD I \ SYRUP I a ^ It's the best blood remedy. It's a L t ! cure, not for a day or a week, but 2 r, j: a permanent "cure, prompt and 5 ' sure. Over 20,000,000 bottles 2 f i sold- ? t: f 5Cc. per bottle; ad druggists. ? ) i . Fruits iu season, candies, cakes, [} rackers, the uiost delicious canned a ^ocds, the best grades of smoking g( nd chewing tobacco, fragrant cigars, ^ ull cream cheese, a-full line of fancy ^ rticles can always be "ound at the ^ Bazaar. v This has been a remarkable year fi u move respects than one. In the a rst place it Las been remarkably ci ry, remarkably hot, remarkably n usty, remarkabl for the political ft evolutions which have occurred. Messrs. George C. and Jacob E laltiwinger, two of the most- sue essful farmers of the Dutch Fo k, n ^exington county, were in the city ? esterday. They report that the rops are poor in their immediate ? eighborhood, but fair in the sur- . It Dunding country.?The State. Certain persons have been travel ^ ng the State claiming to represent ie drug house of The Murray Drug ^ iompany of Columbia. p J. C. Wessinger, accompanied by is charming wife, who now resides 1 North Carolina, is spending his fr lonths vacation with his father, Mr w hivid Wessinger, in this county. 0j An interesting protracted meeting s! i being conducted in the Methodist y< [lurch in this place. Rav. Mr. Du- b; lose is doing good service in his ni [aster's vineyard. May his hire be 01 le gathering of many souls. te P?:rticilar attention is directed to ai is advertisement of V. C. Badham fa f Columbia. He is agent fir some P f the largest machinery manufactrers in the United States, and wil* ell at factory prices. Give him a all. ^ Mr. J. Willie Hicks was married c< a SuDday evening, August 30,1896, t G o'clock to Miss Addie Lewis, t >v J. J. Myers officiated. At night lie couple, relatives and few friends . njo}ed an elegant supper at Mr. ^ iapoleon Hick's. n Dr. D. L. Boozer, Jr., has been ^ ppointed Assistant Demonstrator in bo Medical department of the Uni- ^ ersity of Maryland, from which in- j titution he graduated with honor. ^ le is the son of Dr. D. L. Boozer ^ >f Columbia W. A. Heckling, Columbia's gifted c rtist. will be at Batesburg on Sep- ) c ember 18 and 19, for the purpose of i a aking pictures All who wi^h the c itest bhlc, the finest finish, the i tl I oost beautiful tones aud most grace- i a ul pose should keep these dates i p a mind and give him a sitting. t Before going ou a sea voyage or - o ulo the countiy, be sure and put a ; " >ox of Avers Pills in vour valine i c : h l"ou may Lave occision to thank us j or this hint. To relieve ccnstipa- ! 0 ion, bilious, and nausea, Ayer's Pills L .re the best in the world. They are c :asv to take. t Paint up your wegons with D. W. ihealy & Go's., wagon paints. Ycu :ertain!y will be pleased with the ^ mprovements after you paint up. kud why not shine up your old )uggy and make it look as good as lew when you ean do the work your- ^ lelf at such a small cost. Call and >zc it, at D. TV. Shealy & Co's , Lees- E rilie, SC. The Dispatch predicted Evans de- E defeat when it regretted the with- v *r aval of Irby from the race- It s said then and it now repeats that r [r'oy could have beeu re nominated ;>y a much larger majority than Eaile jas secured. c "We regret to learn of the sudden c kath of Mrs. J. B. F. x, which sad 1 :vent occurred kit Saturday at her home iu Newberry. She had that I * m j Jay left her mother, Mis. G.JDiercks ( of Columbia, and to all appearances i when Mrs, Fox left her mother she f was in excellent health, but was <. taken sick on the train and died on I reaching her residence. Mrs. Fox ^ was the wife of Rev. J. B. Fox who j at one time preached in the Fork * and his many friends iu that section ] of the county sympathize with him j in his sore affliction. : i I. ? Di. D L BOJZER, J. WILLIAM BOOZE Extr .cling and Artificial Deuture, Filling an DBS. D. L BOC DENTAL S 1515 MAIN COLUMBIA, One of the firm will be at Nowberry on ? w>: At Ltxington. the week beginning second Persons making regular engagenion s will I rowded out or disappointed or iucouveuieui f only a postal, the day and hour you prefer easrve this tioi3 for you. unless it is already < Rev. E. L. WessiDfrer, a native of ! his county; has been installed pastor >f a Lutheran congregation at Shirenanstown, Pa. He is a graduate of j toanoke and is a young man of bril- j iant attainments, full of promise, of j i long and useful life and thoroughly | quipped to garner precious immort- \ .1 souls in the MastePs vineyard. Mr. James P. Mcetze, proprietor if Ivaminer Hotel, is making extenive preparations for the enterlainaent of his friends and patrons dur- ! ag court week. His tables will be j ' applied with the best the Columbia nd this market affords, served in ' xcellent style, by polite and accom- i !ating waiters, who will look after ] he comfort of the guests. The '< ooms are large, and airy and well ' jrnished. When iu town stop at i he Kamiror's. < This is the season of the year rhen people should begiu to pay heir depts. There is a large mount of money due us by subcribers and we need it very much 3 meet our obligations. We trust hat those indebted to us will call * -> A/MH I ortil onf I lo lieu i|j iun u wuii cca uuvi ovuiv 'ith us.' We need the money, riends, so come* to see us and pay part if you caDn t pay all. Yon an then read tho Dispatch with lore satisfaclion than if you owed jr tho paper. Try it aud see. Death of Little Katie. About a year ago Mr. It. B. Barr 'as called upon to mourn the death [ his beloved wife, to whom he had een married not quite a year. Once lore he is called upon to mourn the i eparture of tho precious jewol Iff. 1 i his keeping by his sainted wife, j he little rosebud was plucked by r le grim leiper death, last Saturday, id its eaithly remains were carried > the Younginer grave yard, in the ork, when tho lovely form sleeps j eside that of its mother. . v A lovely flower is thus plucked om the thorns and thistles cf this * orld and transplanted in the garden j : Paradise, where it bltoins and leds the perfume of its innocent f lung life, nurtured and cultivated t y the gentle hands of its loved iother, and warmed by the sunlight ' o ro/lionf (riirl k (b I AV/& O iUUtVUU ^/1 VOVUVVt VV? imper the winds to the bleeding c ad broken heart of the. bereaved t ither as he mourns over the de- ] arture of little Kate. I A, Handsome Picture. Isn't that a handeome picture hich adorns the centre of our first age, as handsome as it is, it is not < amparable with the handsome maner which the gentleman whose like- I ess it is, treats the people of this I Dunty who trades with lfim. It | ?the picture of a gentleman who as done so much for the business \ itere&t of Columbia. Do you know j j 'ho it is? You answer, ''why, yes; I 'e know him by his pleasant couute- j ance, by the merry and jovial eyesJ b is J. L. Mimnaugh, of Columbia, j ^ ead of one of the largest dry goods 0U80S in the State who^by Iris enprprise, energy and pluck has succeeded in building np a large aud in- . reasing busiuces." Ho never lets j i u opportunity escape him to get the j ream of the bargains obtainable in I be Northern markets, hence he i< J lwavs prepared to give to the pec ; ie of South Carolina in genera] and j be people of Lexington in particr- j ir, real bargains in just such g< ols j s fashion, society and custom derees and as a consequence j lis immense stoics are always | rowded with bargain hunteis who j lever go away disappointed as to j . [uality, quantity and price. j ! In today's issue of the Dispatch ic extends a cordial invitation ti the j teople of Lexington to visit bis mag- , lificent stores and see the beautiful 1 lisplay of handsome and useful j ;oods which he is olTeriug at such j emarkabiy low figures. From h m, ' ou can get from a paper of pins up ; o the finest, costliest, and most deli- ! . r 1 rri i aie iaonca. lut'ie is wj u.-,c iuu- i i ling all over town looking for what ( ou want, just go to J. L. Mitu- j laugh & Go's., tell them what you j eaDt, and they will supply vou, thus j aving worry, much fatigue and big j uoney. Give them a call. j Lexington market, IOKRECTED WEEKLY BY THE MERCHANTS. ! Jotton, per ft 8 a | Jacon?Hams, per ft lo a Sides. " " Shoulders: " " a jard. per ft "I j a -j ''lour, per ewt 2 10 a brn.perbu 50 a 5> \ 'eas, " " 5" a 53 )ats. " " 33 a odder, per cwt "> a Uveet Potatoes, per bu f-0 a lice. per lb 3* a 3,'i Sutter, per ft is a 20 2gc$.per doz lo a ruruoys, per lb ? a 3eesi\ per pr so a oo j Shickeus, per boaJ 10 a 25 ; beeswax, per ft 15 a IT 3eef. per ft ^ a 10 i>ork, " " >> a 10 rallow. per ft 5 a K. i) I). S. J. EDWIN 15 JOZSB,!). I). S d Treating Teelii. Crowu and Bridge Work IZE11 & SONS, URGEONS, SillHET, S. C. iek, beginning M >aday iueach mouth. Tuesday m each month, hivo preference. In order to avoid being e l ui any way, write to its at Columbia, calling to hava your work done. We will ane i i:i which case we will notify you. Buy 2 Buggy, Cheap. There are times for all things?a time to work, a time to eat, a time to drink, a time to sleep, and a time fur enjoyment?the time for enjoyment is here now. The farmer and the farmer's b'>ys, have their season of work, ami now they can turn attention to amusements and pleas me. One of the best and most harm less and at the same time the most health}-, is buggy riding. T. 13. Aughtry & (Jj., Columbia, have just opened up a large supply of beautiful, well built, durable made buggies uf (he best materials and by the-best wcikmen, which they are offering at remarkably low pi ices Call on them und inspect their buggies and get their prices and we are satisfied that pou will be pleased ill every particular. YOUR MONEY'S lij I Sl?i??,ci an'.)cli''vefirm:y^ ? *ork iv^n ?s- * bttsiness is U* ggj? I that o^c^r i;i ^hich jve ^ l ^"us- B ? - ? ? As we go to press the sad news is 'eceived of the death of Mr. Jes.1 e iVingard, one of our oldes? and kipected citizens. Ke was 81 years )ld. Here We Are! Three excellent remedies, that icver fail to do what is claimed for hem. Give them a trial and you vill be convinced. PLANTERS SYRUP VERMI uge, the Worm Destroyer. It is feasant and the children like to take t. Price 25 cents. PLANTERS TONIC TEETHING Syrup brings health to the baby; rest o mothers. Price 25 cents. All for sale at ihe Bazaar. ' Don't Deiav, y 1 If you desire to secure a fine Piano >r Organ at a big bargain Forpariculars write or call on M. A. Urtlore, Columbia. HUB A j /V#m V.S.Jourril rf X'airtnt 10 ^ J. Prof. W.H. Pcekc, who B makes a specialty of rR 9 i ^ Epilepsy, lias without E *3 to*. doubt treated and cur6 H ed more cases than any S I V V success is astonishing-. J3L We have heard of cases """" of 20 years' standing argo j :1s of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers who may scr.d their P. O. and Express address. iVe advise anv one wishing a cure t<> address tof.W. H. P7.F.KF, Cellar St., ITetv Tor is HARMAN & SON, " CONTRACTORS, AND BUILDERS STiSf-ll. AND IKON- HOOFING, i.KXlN'GTOX, S. C. T)IDS SUBMITTED FOR ALL KIND'S i) of ; trjJeDtcr work. Estimates .lur tilled. Nouc l'Ul Firs'. Class Workna n? :njii.>yt-.L IIoW'p building a specialty. S.it.siucticn (ihunuitecM. lltmciubi r ;;s v!:< n rou v.'aot viork done A. B. II ?IIMAN, Ji HA u.VI AX. Feptiinbtr 11 -11. 15 I'OOK LANl)^ nuveiPiA H awn ngiiafHST. rn s uiui?i? miiu vnww?>>?>. DR. F. L. SANDEL, Physician and Surgeon, 0~ FFEKS IIH PKOFESSTOXAL SEii vices to tbe citiz-'UK of Brook land ami urroniuiing country. Calls answered day md night. II',' also carries and cll\ rs for sale a lire oi FBESii DHLiiS-AXD HEOH'MS, whi<*u cm bo bought at the lo.vrst U isli j? ;ce ?*f* llev. E h. L\rand is u->:oei.iUd with Dr. Snmiol and will be pleased to accommodate Lis fr.ru is. August 1!) ~ 3m. Professional Calls. A NY CALL LEFT AT TIIE IJAZAAT. vfx tor u:\ services wi 1 be promptly attc >fieri to.* C. E. LEAPIJAIIT, M.'D. Sep ember 11.--tf. DON'T 118 THIS Uuless von are sick tiud wish to be cured. Pml' 7M1*. jL7i. H llliatuu > ? 7 Pointer's Pink Pills, HoorVs Pills. Dr. King's New Life Pills. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, Ayci's Pills. Dr. ThacLer's Imp. Liver Pills. Improved Vegetable Liver Pelets. Compound Cathartic Pills. Black Draught, St. Joseph's Liver Regulator, Simmons' Liver Powders, Nubian Tea (powders) one of the finest Liver Regulators in the world. Hilton's Life for the Liver and Kidneys, Dr. Thacher's Liver & Blood Syrup. Syrup of Figs, Syrup of Prunes, Lemon Elixir for the Liver and Kidneys. A'l of the above, and all kinds of medicines, for sale at the Bazaar. Great Slaughter j SALE. / Djut delay the purchase of your Summer Suit longer, and don't get it j until you've seen us, because we are closing out Summer Suits at prices lower than any other house in this Slate, and will give you better values tlnn will be obtained elsewhere. This we< k we ofler the followiug at greatly reduced prices, and they ate in reach of all purses: Line of Black, Line anil Fancy Cheviot, Flannel ami Serge Sacque ' Suits, made up and trimmed in the latest style, and marked 87.00, 88.50 tfind 810 50?our price now only $G.5oI Line of Black, Blue and Fancy Cheviot and Serge Sacque Suits, made up and trimmed iu the latest style, and marked 810.50, 812 50, , 815.00 and 818.50?our price now only Glo.oo. ( Line of beautiful patterns in Men's Trousers, that are marked 83.00, 83.50 ucd 85JO?our price now only G2.GO. This sale is for Spot Cash, and these goods will not be sent out on ? approbation. ? We arc showing a beautiful line of t Negligee Shirts, Divss Shirts, Neck- | wear, BalbriggaD, Lisle Thread and i Iudia Gauze Underwear. M.L.KINARD, j THE PEOPLES CLOTHIER, i 1523 Main Street, At Sign of the Golden Star i COLUMBIA, S. C. April 25 - ly. ( Not one part but every part of HIRES Rootbeer tends toward making it the perfect temperance [ and healthgiving drink, i Ma>teonlr hr The Qiarie* E Hirr? Co., Philadelphia. '' A 2oc. package make. .'> ?i?!1od*. Sold everywhere. Money made easily * AND RAPIDLY. j READ THIS AND THINK IT OVER We want lO-'J men who have energy and grit. We will give them situations in which they can mu>e money rapidly - the labor being light and employment all the the year round. Kequiies no capital or ire it education. Seme of oar best sales- j ir;e:i are country bovs. Young nirii or old ' will do. lien am oration is quick and sure. ? We have need lor ICO men withi 1 the next I thirty days. Do not hestita?e. but write at once for full narticobrv. A !} til \LL IS NOT GOLD THAT GLITTERS, nor m everything Sleniujj Silver that b xt.il! |;f tl **Kit-rlillJf " Of COUTSO i? tlii crucible o! ibe chemist it ia tasy to tell the pure metal from the dross, bnt people can't carry elu mixta and crumbles about with them when they go shopping. Guard against mistakes thcii by buying from dealers ul known reliabiiity. I have colli Reliable Jewelry iu Columbia lor ;i groat many y ;irs and it is a gratiliealion to me to know that my patrons have received full value for their money and have always boil ;ht what they bargainer; lor." i;]eau4turners for Spectacles Kije glasses, etc. I WATCH VVOIiK ft the best ami guaran teed. Repairing Jewelry. Ax*., a .specialty. A full line o! Juwedrv, Watches, C ocks, and every article found in a first class Jewelry Store, all at the lowest possible prices. OPOSITE Gil AND CENTRAL HOTEL. t CGL^hiEIA, S. O. OliiVlAJ, W A H 11 lAMXUlUft ivjl'. | SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Nov ]:j 1 y wTT'ImuM y .a-stist, OOIXAilJIA, !S. C.. IS NOW MAKING THE BEST PIG- ! tnrc? that c;.u bo bad 10 this country, and till wli0 have never had a real nno picture*, should tiow try some of his latest styles. Specimens can tw seen at his Gallery, up stairs, uext to the Hub. C. M. Efikd. F. E. Di:eiier. EFIRD &DREHER, Attorneys at Law. i IEXINCTON, C. H? S. C. TT7ILL 1*R ACTICK IN ALL THE VV Courts. Business solicited. Oue member ot tlie firm will aiwavs be at office, Lex Upton, S. C. i? June 17~Gai. Henry L. Cade, President. C. St. C. K,tk. Sec. Sc Tres . CilARLESTOX LIMBER AXD MAX-1 UFA('TLRI\G CO,, SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, f LUMBER, GENERAL BUILDING MATERIALS, | v MILL WORK. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND ! 1 OILS. GLASS ETC. ETC. Write for estimate. Nos'21 to 47 Ashley Avenue, | CHARLESTON. S. C. S December 5?1 v W C. C. STANLEY, ] SUR8E0N DENTIST, COLUMBIA, S. C. Ollii e in the K-muI.uI lhiikiin^, (' truir Miin and Wasbinetou StreeU. Rooms r Nos. 7 and 8, Second Fluor. October I. F r.?t College in the State to make provision for young ladies to reduce cxpemes | by doing domestic work. | _ Young mm board in private families under * regulations established by the College j / Special atteutiou giveu to ph'sicil culture 1 \ as the t uc basis for ail in-iital and j ^ moral development. Actual business weth- I a] ods taught iu Commercial L)?pi lincnt. , a, For cata'ogue, address ai L. 1! 1IAVMS. A 11 l'.xv.Jcut. I ? j d 1 a< Subset ibe for the Dispatch. W. T. MARTIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GrROCER, ; COLUMBIA, S. C. Merchants and Planters will do /ell to try this House when gfxr> chasing. ? dl kindf of HEAVY GROCERIES, GRAIN FEED, kept in stock. )rders accompanied by the cash will receive prompt attention, fame amount of each article wanted* for money sent and prompt ship- B ment will be made and B SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. MARTIN'S, | 316 ALLOWANCE I STOKE, I COLUMBIA, S. C. June 6,?tf B LEXINGTON B SAVINGS. BANK. I EPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT 8 CHECK. B LLEN JONES, President. B W. P. KOOF, Cashier.'B DIHEGTOBS: B lieu Jouen, W. P, Eocf, C. M. Eflrd, B 11. Iiiltou James E. Iiendrix. H EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND 80LD. B Deposits of $1 aud upwards received and IB iteresl at 5 per cent, per annum allowed. |B ijablfe April and October. September 21? tt |H 'OMONA HILL I Nurseries, 1 POMONA, N. C. I ALL LEADING" FRUITS, D ilcukted to suit the Southern and border States. BB snd for descriptive Catalogue No. 1, tf FitUIT TliED, VINES, ETC., - H id No. 2, Green Hoose Catalogue of youajg ^fl pot grown OSES, CHRYSANTHEMUMS, CABNA. H TIONS, Ac. U Calalognes free. Correspondence soli- |fl ted. Address |H J. VAN LINDLEY, Proprietor, Pomona, N. C. fl April 23?ly. MB CAROLINA I (ATIONAL BANE,! AT COLUMBIA, 8. a H am /iniTMfitir nnnnnvrnittv . I ATE, I'M"I AAU lUliil l l Ulsru&IIU?I,^H lid up Capita! $100,000 jrplus Profits 100.000 BB Saving's Department* H Deposits of $5 00 and upwards received. SB iter eat allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, BB :r annum. W. A. CLARK, President, ^B Wilxk Jones, Cashier. ' HI December 4?ly. flH 1E0BGS BBUSSI MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, 8. 0., t H EWELER "d REPAIRERS Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Watches, SS ,ocks and Silverware. A fine line cf SB xectaclcs and Eyeglasses to fit every one, SB 1 foe-sale at lowest prices. SB Jk pairs on Watches first class BB lickly done and guaranteed, at moderftte^^B 'ices. 50?tfi fl ffllMMBMl OF SOUTH CAROLINA H -r. . mr* n im 5 ?ITV T*\T TIAC TTAt) vl^fl I AIL, LI i I a LUUi'i i I JLT.ruoiivsi\i^M COLUMBIA, 8. C. aid up Capital $137,OOQ^K arplus and Profits Oo.OOO^M Transact a neutral Banking business. ireful attention given to collections. AVINGS DEPAET2?22TT.H Deposits of St and upwards receiTcd.^H aterost allowed at the rate of 4 per cent?^^H er annum,'paiable .quarterly, on first day^^J I January, April, July and October. Sifety deposit boxes to rent, lrom $i 12 a year; Herring's best?absolutely bur JH| lar proof and fire i roof. A. C. HtSKELL, President, I W. C FISHER, Vice President JULIUS H. WALKER, Cashier. M February li ? ly. I haxnberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment^H Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter,, Jieum, Saild Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped j^M lands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost JBites,^H hronicSore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids.^H or sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. ^Hj TO H0BSE0WNXB8. I For putting a horse in a fine healthy con-^H ition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. IH hey tone up the system, aid digestion, cuv^H jss of appe tite, relieve constipation, correct idney disorders and destroy Worms, givingj^H ew life to an old or over-ivorked horse^ 2oflI ;nts per package. For sale'by druggaits.a^H 1AMSEY & REYNOLBSfl THE LEADING ' WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS,! OF AUGUSTA, GA, H fho arc selling WINES, LIQUORS H AND BRANDIES, Hj AT HADRFL PT^TITRS. H Have just received a ct-r load of Mii-flB ankie Export Beer, (bottled at the Bew-^H ry.) and are r & ring it to customers at tba holesale price. They make a specialty offlH luret, Rhine, Ange ica, Catawba and other ilightful and retrying Wiues during the^H immer. RDERS RECEIVE^ PROMPT ATTEN-B Trices quoted upon application. lASdSSY & EEYKOLDS.H S3 Bread St, AUGUSTA, QaB November G. 18'Jo. flfl VIRGINIA COLLEGE I or YOUNG LADIE', ROANOKE, Va.H PENS SEPTEMBER 10. 18!) . ONE^B _/ of tbe leading Schools for Young La-^^H ies in the South. Migniticeut buildings,HM !l modem impro* clients. Campus t?n^H| res. Grand mountain scenery in Vallej^^H f Virgiuia. famed tor health. Europe* n^^B ad American teachers Full course. Sa-HH trior advantages in Art and Music. Stu-^H en to from twenty States. For cataloguettHB idr- ss tbe President. AIALTIE P. HARRIS.Roanoke, Va.