s bbmbbbbbbhmhhhh More Medicinal value in a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla than in any other preparation. More skill is required, more care taken, more expense incurred in its manufacture. It costs the proprietor ar.d the dealer More but it costs the consumer less, as he gets more doses for his money. More curative power is secured by its peculiar combination, proportion and process, ? which make it peculiar to itself. ^ M ore people are employed and more space occupied in its Laboratory than any other. More wonderful cures effected and more testimonials received than by any other. More sales and more increase year by year are reporteo by druggists. More people ar taking Hood's Sarsaparill3 today than any other, and more are taking today than ever before. More and still jioke reasons might be given why you should take r Sarsaparilia The One True Blood Purifier. $1 per bottle. I. r**n cnre Liver Ills and ilOOU S HlllS Sick Headache. ? cents. Tiie Lexington Dispatch " WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19. 1896. 7 L/ ' Index to New Advertisements. New Goods?Mimnaugh. Barbecue?J. M Thompson. Barbecue?Kleckly & Kle -kly. BrooklanJ's Physician and Druggist. Picfo es?W. A. Reckling. Bicycles, etc.?J. P. Lovell Arms C>. _ Citation?C E Leapbart. A Basket Picnic There will be a basl et picnic at Midway school house, on Thursday, August 20; pven by Ford Alliance. Speakers of note will address the ? Am ? 1 %? # 1_ crowd. A brass Dana wiu iurmsn music. The public is cordially in; vited. D. F. Efird, Chairman of Committee. ? 1 ' . ^ Sad Death. During an electrical storm last Friday, Mrs. Joseph E rhardt, who lives about one-half mile from Brook land, on Majrait's hill, o 1 the Leap hart road, was struck and instantly killed. She was at her household duties preparing supper for hei family, when the summons came for her to go up higher. She was a good woman, devoted to her husband and little ones, was charitably disposed and a consistant member of the Lutheran church. Her remains were interred in the cemetery at HebroD church in the presence of a l?rge concourse of relatives and sorrowing friends. The services were condnfltPil hv Rev. E. L. Lvbrand. who preached a touching and eloquent I sermon from Matthew XXIV; 42 The deceased was a membir of St. | Davids Lutheran church. She! . eaves a husband and seven children to mourn her sad fate. I THERE IS^>> if | jS a certain " something " about our goods which makes customers like jgg j || them. They're well made from Ere B good quality of stock, and they're K3jj ??, made to look well and wear wellX2 In short, they're/ixxf in every way. KS ( We manufacture Doors, Sash, IB Blinds, Transoms, Side Lights, aS Mp Newels, Balusters, Rail Mouldings, 9 J a(P Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shin- jS IpS? g'.es, and everything else in the ltne K ARK of woodworking. Our new price E .|yi list is ready. Send for a copy. gj 3?j AUGUSTA LUMBER CO., j j AUQUSTA. OA. I SpjB of the Maker.'' | Campaign Meetings. The follow'Dg is the dates for the county campaign meetings, all of which occur in August: Irmo, 21 r ChapiD, 22 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilbhiins, Corns, and Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at J. E. Kauffman's. Attention is especially directed to the card of Mr. E. J. Etheredge, Surgeon Dentist, who has located at Leesville for the practice of his profession. Mr. Eetheredge has recently taken an M. D.. course in one of the leading medical institutions of this country, from which he gratuated ' T>-T with great distinction, joemg ui studious habits aud devoted to his profession, he has fitted up his office with all the tools and appliances inown to modern dentistry necessary ior the practice of his profession. The people of Leesville are to be congratulated on having one so gifted as Mr. Etheredge to locate ainoDg them and we are sure that they will show their appreciation in a substantial manner by giving him a liberal patronage. MAERIED. August 9th 1896, by the Rev. N. S. Younginer, Mr. H. Derrick and M ss A. G. Reeves, both of Lexington cjunty. Candidates can get the official ticket at tb^ office. Price $1 per M. Tna Place to Buy Your Goods. Mimnaugb, the merchant prince of Columbia, having captured and controls the trade of that city, has determined to do likewise with that of Lexington county and has consequently laid in an immense stock of goods, especially adapted to the wants and necessities of the people of Lexington. His. two immense stores are filled with some of the rarest bargains ever offered in the State, as is attested by the large sales and shipments he is making 1? "cr~ fho vonta of every uay. juo uaato ?uV .. the people a study, and having an experienced buyer in the Northern markets, with plenty of cash, he never lets a bargain go by, the benefits of which he gives to his customers. All goods sold from his establishment are guaranteed to be as represented, and he thus gives perfect satisfaction, and makes customers and retains them. There is nothing in the lines of dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, notions, millinery, carpets, window shades, etc., but what he can furnish upon call. His various departments are overflowing with pretty goods fit to adorn and beautify the person of a lady of the realm, and at such reI markably low prices as to be within the reach of the poorest in the State. Mr. John M. Stuart, presides over the clothing dapartment and will take especial pains to give his numerous Lexington friends a perfect fit of a nobby suit and the latest style in hats at low prices. Mr. Reuben F. C^rley, known far and wide over the broad domain of " ' - j i? JLiexington ior nis guuu luuaa, raanly bearing, lamb like disposition, and accommodating manners will fit all Lexington with the finest, most durable and latest shaps in footwear cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. His other departments are presided over by equally polite and accommodating gentlemen and ladies who will take pleasure in showing visitors and customers through Mimnaugh's immense establishment filling their orders. Paying considerable attention to the wholesale trade, merchants desiring to fill up their stock will find it to their advantage to call on Mim oaugh, as a nice selection can be made at prices which will favorably compare with those of the Northern markets, to say nothing in the sav ing in freight charges. Sid Death of a Splendid Young Man. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Departed this life A ugust 6,1896, in Knoxville, Tennessee, Daniel Thompson Sease, son of Mr. Daniel E. and Susannah M. Sease, of Pcmaria, S. C. This young man was born August 10, 1871 and lacked only four days of reaching his 25th year. In infancy he was given to the Lord by the rite of holy baptism and after proper instruction was received into full membership in the Lutheran congregation at Little Mountain, S. C, by Bev. S L. Nease. Young Sease was a bright member of the senior class of the South Carolina College, and was highly es teemed by his professors and fellow students. He was noted for fidelity to duty and for his noble Christian bearing. Having completed his junior year at the South Carolina College in June last, an opportunity pre ** ' 1* A - L' X sentea ltsen 10 mm 10 go t-u ivuuaville at little or no cost to himself and attend the Southern Students' conference to be held in the University of Tennessee. On reaching here he was at once recognized as amongst the brightest representatives of the assembly. In a very short time after the opening of the school, and in the midst of the athletic exercises required by the program, young Sease received some injury from which resulted his death. In his illness Rev. A. D. R. Haucher, Lutheran pastor, visited him and also conducted the funeral services in the Young Men s Christian Assccittion buildiDg of the University, assisted by Rev. T. C. Warner. The interment was made in the Y. M. C. A. lot in Woodlawn cemetery, Knox ville, Tennessee. The sorrow stricken father reached the scene of his son's final illness and was present at the funeral. This is a very severe trial to the fond family that watched with deep anxiety and keen interest the faithfulness and progress of such an energetic son and brother. All of us who knew him saw in him the promise of great usefulness in Church and State. But his earthly career was soon ended. His life so full of bright promise was cut short Why, God alone can tell. The best medical attention was given him, and his Y M. C A. and student friends administered to his every need, but still he died. God is willed it and all is well. The Lord never errs Young Sease seemed calmn and perfectly resigned to the will of God and gave satisfactory evidence of his willingness to depart in peace to the blissful presence of Jesus and the place of just men made perfect. M. M. K. Mrs. James F. Hallman, who resides near Samaria, drop dead Monday, from heart failure. ML Ai\[) SCISSORS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here anc There by a Dispatch Man. The Orange blossoms have ceased to open here abouts. Judge Simonton evidently believes in a government by injunction. Lemons, lemons, lemons, always to be found at the Bazaar. The hot wave continues with great intensity. Bicycle riding is becoming quite a fad hereabouts. Miss Viola Bouknight of Columbia is visiting friends at White Rock Tuesday, the 25th inst, is the day for the primary election. Prepare your ballots, gentlemen. We have a car load of new buggies for sale cheap. D. W. Shealy & Co., Leesville, S. C. Call and see them. We learn that Mrs. J. E. Rankin recently lost a hundred head of poultry from cholera. Delicious Ice cream will be served next Saturday afternoon at the Bazaar. An excellent Sunday school librai y was placed in Bethel church at White on the 16th. The Alliance picnic at Midway tomorrow promises to be well attended. There is some talk of the young people giving a moonlight picnic at an early date. Bryan and Sewall buttons for sale at the Bazaar. Show your patriotism by wearing one. 5 cents a piece. The State campaign closed at Abbeville yesterday. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. I DANGEROUS jj ^ but not more so than the quickly ? ? advancing diseases caused by 9. ; bad blood! More people die J ? from failure to take simple $ ? healthful precautions than from fF i lawless people. The first sign 9 ? mav be a weak, tired feeling, ? 1 lacs of energy, dizziness or 5 ^ headache. DON'T neglect that ? ) sign! It's easier to prevent than 9 ? cure. Get at once ? > Dr. CLARK JOHNSON'S ? I INDIAN | | BLOOD |; | SYRUP ? It's the best blood remedy. It's a 5 5 cure, not for a day or a week, but 2 Z a permanent cure, prompt and 2 I sure. Oyer 30,000,000 Dottles s J sold. J ? 50c. per bottle; all druggists. Y Remember that the polls open on j the 25th at 8 o'clock in the morning, and closes at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. All managers will confer a favor by sending this office as soon as possible full result of the vote polled at their precinct. Rock is being hauled to the site of the new Lutheran church. Work on the building will be commenced at an early date. The manager of the primary election at Hollow Creek precinct should be G. H. Hall man, instead of G. H. Haltiwanger as published. Mr. Elton Rawl and his beautiful s nd accomplished bride are spending their honeymoon with relatives at this place. J. M. Thompson will serve a splendid barbecue on Saturday, the 27th at the old Nellie Spring two miles from Brookland. Mr. Hiram Hutto, who resides in the Oak Villa neighborhood, lost a valuable mule Tuesday of last week by being struck with lightning. The weary campaigners will call on the people of Irmo Friday and those at Chapin on Saturday, winding up the first primary. Neirlyallof our space is given up this week to make room for communications, election matter and other articles. We have no apology t) make. The ladies of the Rocky Well com munity will furnish a bountiful pic nic dinner on the occasion of the reunion of the students of Newberry College on August 29. We have been requested to an| nounce that it is expected to dedic ite the new Lutheran church at White Rock, on the 5th Sunday in this month. The holy communion will be administered at tne same time. The campaign in this county this ! year, must certainly be pitched on a j high plaue as there is an absence ol the personal abuse by candidates oi each other which heretofore has beer j the predominant feature of the cam i paigns. Another pleasing feature if | that factional lines is being disre I garded. at? D. D L. BOOZEli, J. VvlLLlA.il B002 Extracting and Artificial Denture, Filling DRS. D. L EC 1 DENTAL S 1515 MAI , columbia, One of the firm will be at Newberry one At Lexington, the week beginning sccoo i Persons making regular engagemen s wi crowded out or disappointed or iticoaven:< if only a postal, the day and hour you pre! rejerve this time for you. uuless it is aire id We learn that Mrs. Scof.li, mother of Henry and John W. Scofiil, is seriously ill and no hopes are entertained for her recovery. She is an old lady of about 77 years of age and blind. We learn that one of Mr. Noah Lucas' sons accidentally shot himself recently, while playing with a p'stol. The wound is not serious although the ball has not been found. Ev the hext issue of the Dispatch maDj a heart will be aking, many a candidate disappointed, after the election, exclaiming, "Oh, Lord! send a bolt of lightning and strike down these Ananiase9, who promised to vote for me and never did it. Prof. Sidney J. Derrick will address the Pine Ridge Sunday school at Pine Ridge school academy on the second Sunday in September, at 3 o'clock. Prof Derrick is a fluent, eloquent and graceful speaker, and the people of that vicinity may anticipate a rich treat in oratory. Rev. Jacob Wike preached an excellent sermon at St. Jacob's church on the 3rd Sunday. The Carolina News is the name of a new paper published at Chapin, in this county, by the Chapin Publish ing Company, and edited by Mr. F. A Happoldt. It is a newsy sheet ^ ~ ^ ntioVi nil ana weu pnuieu. nc mou an cerned much prosperity in their undertaking. The copy of the Dispatch sent out in the boxes contains the law, the rules and other instructions to the managers for conducting the election. Save the copy for reference The Messrs Kleckley will furnish a good barbecued dinner at Midway school house on September 5th. All the candidates will be present. Music and dancing for the young people See card of Dr. F. L. Sande), phy sician and surgeon at Brookland. Besides attending promptly to the demands of his large practice, he keeps a well selected stock of pure drugs and fresh medicines which will be sold at rock bottom prices Rev. E. L. Lybrand is associated with him. A protracted meeting will begin in the Baptist church at this place next Saturday evening at 8 o'clock and continue until the 5th Sunday, and longer if it is deemed expedient. The pastor, Kev. J. J. Myers, will be assisted by Dr. J. u. vvimams ui Allendale. Everybody is cordially invited to attend these services. The crops in the lower portion of the county are very poor generally. The corn crop will be one half or two thirds. The cotton crop will fall short fully one-third, if not one- | half. Mr. JeffSharpe, near the Cross Roads, has the finest field of corn and peas that we have see in the county, and Capt. George Swygert has the heaviest staiked and best fruited cotton. Mr. B. H. Slice is erecting a fine building a mile and a half from Spring Hill. Campaign Sorgs. We have just received from the music publishing house of The S. Brainard'a Sons Co,151 Wabash Ave, Chicago, a copy of the "Red Hot Democratic Campaign Song Book," for the campaign of 189G. The bookcontains solos, duets, mixed and male quartetts, and is especially ar ranged for campaign clubs. It is not a cheap word edition, and is sold for the remarkably low price of 10 cfcs. or $1.00 per dozen post-paid. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. By C. E. Leapliart, Probate Judge. WHEREAS, MRS. ENSLEY E. HARrnan made i-uit to me, ti grant her Letters of Administration of the Estate of and tfftcts of Simeon T. H?rman, dccased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singnUr the kindred and creditors of the said Simeon T. Barman, deceased. that they be and appear before me. in the court of probate, to be led at Lexington, C. H., fc>. C., on the vch September next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 19th day of August Anno Domini. 1896 C. E. LEAPHAltT. [L.S 1 Jud.ee of Prolate, L. C. Tablished on 19th day of Augmt, 1896, in the Lexington Dispatch. 3w42 BROOKLAND'S PHYSICIAN AND DRUGGIST. DR. F. L. SANDEL, ' Physician and Surgeon, OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERvices to the citixens of lirookland and surrounding country. Calls answered day 1 and night. He also carries and offers for J sale a line of 1 FRESH DRUGS AXD WISES, i which can be bought at the lowest Cash prices. 3 >?*~Rev. E L. LyVrand is associated with Dr. Sandel and will be pleased to ac" commodate his friends. August 19-3m. :EU. D D. S. J. EDWIN BJUZEK,D. D. S and Treating Teeth. Crown and Bridge Work lOZEPt & SONS, NSLliEET, * s. c. week, beginning first Monday in each month, d Tuesday in each month, l! hive preference. In order to avoid bring i:nced :u any way, write to n* at Columbia, er calling to have your work d >ne. We will y engaged, in which case wo will notity you IfiSlDlil a and its curb To the Editor I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to send t-xo bottles free to those of your readers who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and postofTice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCTTM, M. C., 183 Pearl St., Hew York. Z3~ The Editorial and Business Management of this Paper Guarantee this generous Proposition. Keep your Eye on this space, it will soon tell you all about the famous Lovell Diamond Bicycle j for 1897. ' J. P. Ill, AMIS CO Manufacturers and Dealers in fire AltMS, FiSlJING tauale, , CU i'leky, . tfBlGYCLb SUNDKihStl PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES, ATHLETIC AND SPOUTING GOODS, BOSTON, MASS. ' j August 10?J y. W. A. HECKLING, I ^.lESTZST, J COLUMBIA, S. C., IS NOW MAKING THE BEST Pictures that can be bad in this country, and all who have never had a real fine picture, should now try some of hi* lateft | styles. Specimens can be seen at Lis Gal| lcry, up stairs, next to the Hub. iLEESVILLE COLLEGE, LEESVILLE, S. C. CHRISTIAN, CO-EDUCATIONAL, INDUSTRIAL. j Opens September 23d. 189G, with a "a-'ge Facuny, extended Course of Study, better eqirpmentacd teu Dep irtments, in the lead for combining superior at'vadially invited to come. The mr.sic v.i 1 be furnished by tbe Rocky Well baud. Cbargts fcr dinner 25 and 33 centr. Good order and a nico time premised to all ( W. K ARNOLD. August 5th- 5w4l. LEXINGTON MARKET, CORRECTED WEEKLY BY THE MERCHANTS. Cotton, per lb <14 a Bacon?Hams, per to a Sides. " " 6 a Shoulders, " " a Lard, per lb a Flour, per cwt 2 10 a Corn, per bu 5" a 5> Peas, " " 50 a w Oats. " " 35 a Fodder, per cwt 75 a Sweet Potatoes, per bu go a Rice, per lb 3 a 3^ Butter, per tt? 13 a 2o Eggs, per do:: lo a Turirevs. r,er lb 7 a Geese, per pr 50 a 60 Chickens, per head 16 a 25 Beeswax, per ft 15 a 17 Beef, per ft S a 10 Pork, " " S a 10 Tallow, per ft 5 a Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use In time. Sold by druggists. g| COTTON GINS. Complete ginning systems contracted for with Thomas' Elevator, Lint Flue. Battery Cor.densor, Self Packing Revolving Br>x Cylinder Preases and all improvements lor an up to datj, lhOG, giunery. Buy no other uutil you get prices on the Thomas. ENGINES BOILERS, SAW MILLS, CANE MILLS, RICE MILLS, CORN MILLS, Write for prices. V. C. BADHAM, GENERAL AGENT, COLUMBIA, S. C. October 1?1. y When writing mention the Dispatch. Great Slaughter our UillJlJ. Dont delay the purchase of your Summer Suit longer, and don't get it until you've seen us, because we are closing out Summer Suits at prices lower than any other house in this State, and will give you better values than will be obtained elsewhere. This week we oiler the following at greatly reduced prices, and they are in reach of all purses: Line of Black, Blue and Fancy Cheviot, Flannel and Serge Sacque Suits, made up and trimmed in the latest style, and marked 87.G0, 88.50 and $10.50? our price now only $S.5oI Line of Black, Blue and Fancy Cheviot and Serge Sacque Suits, made up and trimmed in the latest style, and marked $10.50, $12.50, $15.00 and 81S.50?our price now :.nly $lo.oo. Line of beautiful patterns in Men's Trousers, that are marked $3.00, $3.50 and $5J0?our price now only $2.50. This sale is for Spot Cash, and :kese goods will not be sent out on ipprobation. Wo are showing a boautiful lino of Negligee Shirts, Dress Shirts, Neck tY Cttl , JJaiUl i^gau, JJIOJU JLuibau auu India Gauze Underwear. M. L. KINARD, THE PEOPLE'S CLOTHIER. 1523 Main Street, At Sign of the Golden Star COLUMBIA, S. C. April 25?ly. Not one part but every part of HIRES Rootbeer tends toward making it the perfect temperance and healthgiving drink. Made only by The Charle. K. Hirc? Co.. Philadelphia. A 25c. package makes 5 jalloaa. Sold everywhere. MoneY "made "easily and rapidly. EtEAD THIS AND THINK IT OVER We want LOO men who have energy and ?rit. We will give them situations in vhich they can make money rapidly- - the abor btiug light and employment all the he year roond. ltequires no capital or .rcat education. Some of onr best sa'.esneu are country boys. Young men or ola mAa a/ A Aant i uteresi uuuwcu ui> mva -* wan per annum. W. A. CLAEK, President. Wilie Jones, Cashier. December 4--iy. GEORGE BRUITS .1 MAIN 8T., COLUMBIA, S. 0., JEWELER ~ REPAIRER Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware. A fine line of Spectacles and Eyeglasses to fit every one, ill for sale at lowest prices. Bepairs on Watches first claro quickly done and guaranteed, at moderate prices. 50?tf. LllSiSill OF SOUTH CAROLINA State, City & County Depository COLUMBIA, S. C. Paid up Capital $137,000 o?1 a fin nno OUipiU^) UUU X XVUW3 Trausact a general Banking business. Careful attention given to collections. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of SI and upwards received. Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, payable quarterly, on first day of January, April, Joly and October. Sifety deposit boxes to rent, from $4 to Si2 a year; Herring's best?absolutely burglar proof and fire proof. A. C. HASKELL, President, W. C. FISHER, Vice President JULIUS H. WALKER, Cashier. February 12?ly. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, SaltKlieum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Sites, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lida. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. to hobse"ownebs. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition try I>r. Cad/s Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, curt loss "of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 2o cents per package. For sale by druggists. RAMSEY & REYNOLDS, THE LEADING WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS. OF AUGUSTA, GA, Who are selling WINES. LIQUORS AND BRANDIES, AT "RAPREE prices. Have just received a car load of Milwankie Export Beer, (bottled at the Bewery,) and are offering it to customers at the wholesale price. They make a specialty of Claret, Rhine, Angelica, Catawba and other delightful and relreshing Wines daring the summer. ! OROERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Prices quoted upon application. ! BAMSEY & EEYNOLDS, 833 Broad St, AUGUSTA, GA November 6, 1895. Medicated cough drops and the best cough syrup, for sale at the 1 Bazaar.