The Lexington Dispatch Burned April 25th; rebuilt July 19, 1891. G. M. HARM AN, Editor and Publisher. LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY. MAY 27. 1896. It is alledged that the State Democratic Executive Committee will entertain the proposition to reduce the number of campaign meetings this year. It is proposed by some to re quire the candidates for State omces to attend only one meeting in each Congressional District. The Columlumbia correspondent of the CharlesNews and Courier is the strongest advocate of this proposition that we have yet seen, and this of itself, were there no other stronger considerations, would justify its rejection by the committee. The people have a right to demand that the candidates seeking their suffrage shall appear before them and discuss the issues of the day. Only by this method can the voter form an intellig( nt id( a of the ability of the candidate and his fitness to discharge the duties of the office to which he aspires. The argument of the correspodent insuprvwf. nf the r>ror?o8ition that the can f X--JTdi?e makes one and the same speech A at every campaign meeting and that speech is published in the papers, might do under some c rcumstances, but not when the report of the speech is colored to meet the political views of the editor of the papers in which the report is published. Let the candidates meet the voter face to face. The State Board of Control has made another step forward in prohibiting the county dispensers from taking a partizan part in politics. This order of the Board removes another serious objection to the dispensary system and if strictly and hon- i estly enforced,which we have no doubt will be done, will tend to check the disposition of designing and unscrupulous men to use the. dispensers as a machine to advance their own selfish personal and political ends. There is, however, still room for great improvement in the management of the system, and as the present Board has given substantial evidence of its purpose to correct, as much as they can, much of the evil attending the sale of whisky, we may reasonably expect other salutary reforms to be adopted, and right along this line, it would be in keeping with honesty, at least for the State to deal fairly with her citizens and patrons. If the State of South Carolina is to deal in whisky and force by stringent laws her citizens to patronize her bars, she should cer tainly in return give full and honest J measure. It is a fact that the pint and half pint flasks now scld by the dispensary authorities do not contain full measure. The State should set the example in honesty and we trust that the Board will see that it is done in this respect. Columbia has had an organized gang of negro thieves, who broke window glasses and stole goods out of the store windows. The police caught on to the racket and scooped the light fingered gents in. Tillman badges?a silver pitckfork upon the tines of which little gold bugs are impaled?are becoming quite numerous all over the countrT. Senator Tillman says that he has received over 500 invitations to speak in different parts of the country. A Card. j To the Editor of the Dispatch: Pease allow me space in your valuable columns to return my thanks the people of this community for their kindness show me during my wiies illness and the many attentions that I received at the hands of Walter A. Shealy, J. J. Harman, L. Nichols and others and to Midway Alliance for some money made up among them, and to the families of Albert Ccrley, Wjllie Corley and Mrs Nance Wingard for things given me for a support. {.God's riches blessings always be upon them is my prayer. O. J. Duffie. ? Re-organized. The Lewiedale Democratic club met Saturday, May 23, for the purpose of re organizing, and elected the following others to serve for the next two years: R. L. Keisler. President: P. M. Craps, Vice President and executive corn m it teem aD: J. L. Gunter, Secretary and C. W. Riley, Treasurer. The chair appointed Capt. D. J. Griffith, P. H. Craps and J. S. Shealy as committee on registration. By resolution of the club, the Sectary was requested to send a copy of the proceeding to the Lexington Dispatch and Our News-Letter for publication. The club adjourned subject to the call of the President. J. L. Guxtek, Secretary. Tje cities which s'ood the longest sieges dcring the Cml wsr were Vicksburg, M ss, and Petersburg V* ANNUAL" KUrOKX " -OFD. J. GRIFFITH, Treasurer -OFLexington County FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING 0CT0BER 31,1895. Office of County Treasurer, Lexington, S. C, May 15, 1S9G. To the Hon. E. C. Watts, Presiding Judge, Court of General Sessions for Lexington County, S. C. DEAR SIR: In conformity with the requirements of an Act, No. 194, approved December 23d, A. D. 1889, j I have the honor to submit the following report of the transactions of i this office for the fiscal year beginning November 1st, 1894, and endii g October 31st, 1895: r^nrr^nrv nT ATVS. VV/U-1.^ JL JL V/-U . No. Names. Kind of Service. Am't 1 EHuffstettler,pauperS 2 00 2 Judy and Adam Cbrley, allowance as paupers 8 00 ! 3 Annie Sm th, allowance as pauper? 3 CO 4 Hayne Harman,allow ance as pauper 3 00 5 Polly Alewine, allowance as pauper.., 2 00 6 Polly Alewine, allowance as pauper... 3 00 7 S L Smith, services; as commissioner. - 18 90 8 H A Spann, expressage 35 9 Geo C Clarke, repairing bridge on Cougaree creek 7 00 10 Sucky Sistrunk,allowance as pauper... 2 00 11 Hayne HarmaD,allowance as pauper... 3 00 12 Polly Ale wine, allowance as pauper? 3 00 13 Annie Smith, allowance as pauper... 3 00 14 E Huffstettler, allowance as pauper 2 00 15 Judy and Adam Corley, allowance as pauper 8 00 16 G S Drafts, dieting prisoners 80 70 17 M D Harman, services as Auditor 25 00 18 J "Walter Mitchell, desk for office of Probate Judge 10 00 19 Meetze & Son, oil, soap and two buckets 1 15 20 H P Roberts, boarding paupers, Ac 49 40 21 A J Lorick, lumber 7 22 22 J Hite, rent of building 1 00 23 H E Geiger, claim 4 33 24 T M Sightler, lamber furnished county 7 00 25 P H Caughman,services as. commissioner 38 05 26 S L Smith, services as commissioner 49 50 27 Geo S Drafts, dieting prisoners 82 50 28 J AMuller,trial justice, &c 41 00 29 M D Harman, services as auditor 25 00 30 J J Derrick, services as referee 2 00 31 H P Roberts, boarding paupers 53 00 32 M Hollow ay, cleaning sewers at jail 2 00 33 J J Derrick, hauling on road 1 25 34 Sucky Sistrunk, allowance as pauper 2 00 35 E Huffstettler,allowance as pauper 2 00 36 Polly Alewine, allowance as pauper 3 00 j 37 Annie Smith, allowance as pauper 3 00 38 Hayne Harman, allowance as pauper 3 00 39 Judy and Adam Corley, allowance as paupers 8 00 40 W A Goodwin, services as trial justices, &c. 43 75 41 S J Langford, services as commissioner.... 7 40 42 J B Stokes, shovels... 1 60 43 E K Moye, repairing bridge 8 74 -1.1 d-arwcra S Droffs. frieght, Ac 8 24 45 Samuel Rawl, wood for office of Supervisor.. 50 46 J M Sbealj, lumber for county 104 72 47 J W Dreher, services as trial justice and constable 31 25 48 J Frank Kaiser,expressage and postage 1 30 49 Scott Hendrix, coffins for paupers 6 00 50 talker, Evans & Cogswell, ink, paper, &c.. 21 55 51 T E Addy, services as constable 18 75 52 Geo C Clarke, repairing bridge 16 30 ! 53 C E Leaphart, practice at poor bouse 5 59 54 C E Leaphart, practice at poor house 13 CO 55 H A Spann,having clock fixed 1 00 56 G M Harmau, printing, etc 55 15 J 57 H E Bieklev, building bridge 37 00 | 58 J J Boozer, cleaning J sewer at jail 1 00 MM???MM??????? 59 Pauley Jail M'f'g Co, six jail hammocks... 20 CO GO Farmers and Mechanics M'f'g Co, 12 pairs of blankets 9 CO G1 Jeremiah AVise, services trial justice and constable 31 25 G2 AY N Martin, repairing bridge 5 00 63 S J Clarke, lumber.... 10 21 I 7 j G4 James B Addy, services as trial justice 12 50 G5 J H Hiller, lumber... 9 63 6G JH Hiller,commutation tax 16 00 67 J H Hiller, services as township commissioner 4 35 ; 68 J H Hiller, two days and mileage on board of equalization 7 80 69 C S Bradford & Co, agents, insurance on. court bouse 100 00 70 D J Griffith, interest on notes 228 42 71 D J Griffith, postage, stationery, etc 23 50 72 J C Fulmer, services as referee 1 00 ^*5 n'nll-nw Vronc JL' /~V?rrs I *J IT CllXX^i j u I auo w vvjjw well, seal, ink and paper 5 50 74 Walker, Evans & Cogswell, one arm rest.. 1 47 75 Walker, Evans - ? Notice. D. F. Efird, Lecturer ofLexingttn County Alliance, will deliver to the members of Summerville, Spring Hill, St. John's and Martin District Alliances, at Summerville scliO' 1 house, a private lecture, on the 30th day of May inst, at 9 o'clock a. m. At 10 o'clock the same day Mr. Efird will deliver a lecture to the public generally. All person wishing to hear an explanation of Alliance principles are especially invited. Respectfully, James. B. Addy. JEWELRY! ALL IS NOT GOLD THAT GLITTERS, nor is everything Sterling Silver that is stamped "sterling." Of course in the crucible of the chemist it is easy to tell the pure metal from the dross, but people can't carry chemists and crucibles about with them when they go shopping. Guard against mistakes then by buying irom dealers ol known reliability. I have sold Reliable Jewelry in Columbia for a great many yiars and it is a gratification to me to know that my patrons have received full value for their money and have always "bought what they bargained for." headquarters for Spectacles Eyeglasses, etc. "WATCH WORK of the best and guaranteed. Repairing Jewelry, See., a specialty. A full line of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, and every article found iu a first class Jewelry Store, all at the lowest possible prices. rictoIg, OPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL EOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C. OFFICIAL WATCH INSPECTOR FOR SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Nov 13?ly Barbecue. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL GIVE A Barbecue at Irene, (better known as Red Bank Mills) on July 4th. The public is cordially invited to attend. Interesting public spcekers will be present and en. lighten us on the questions of thf d.iv. GEO. W. KLAPMAN. HOMER WOODS. May 13, 189G. 8w3f FIXE LAID FOR S.ILE. PART OF THE LANDS IN LEXINGton County, known as the Leuphart 1 Lands and upon which Mrs. Saruh Drafts resided. Possession given immediately. For terms, etc., apply to my attorneys, Velton & Melton of Columbia, S. C., or Meetze A Muller of Lexington, S. C. POLLY C MILLER. i December 11, 1895. tf. Lou pay good honey, ||| ^you want good good j. m MACHINERY. ENGINES BOILERS, SAW MILLS, COllN MILLS, ROLLER MILLS. BRICK MACHINES, PLANING MACHINES, and other kinds of woodworking machinery, SHAFTING, PCLLIES, BOXES. I am the General Agent for TALBOTT & SONS. THE L1DPELL COM PA XV. WATEKTOAYN ENGINE COMPANY. H. B SMITH MACHINE COMPANY. Can furnish full equipment in the above I I I lines at Factory Prices. I V. C. EADEAM, j GENERAL AGENT, COLUMBIA, S. cf Sillr season wp have had in blc stylos ou baud. We offer our entii Printed Silk worth SI.00 a ya Linens. Linex Fringed Table Cloths 21 and 3 yards Ion HOSIBBT, - - : TAN SB See our Cloth Top Vici Kid, wine shades, $ year Welts, ?2 50. Our line of Ladie ?1.50 to ?2.00, all style lasts aud beauties. BIG GL0THI1 For the next six weeks, as we expect to re Kooni during tire sua>mer, we offer oi at reduced pr MIMNAl COLUMBL October 10?ly. ^itUreI t@m (synjg^l l IMF I ? 1 Si! ] A LONG FELT WAfi I have at last oqninped myself so as to furnis' needs in her line, including Furniture, Crockery Carpeting, Matting and all other house supplies, 1 have it! Which no other House in Columbia c: My latest arrivals: 2 dozen Relricerators from So.00 to 520. 1 1 3 doz Ice Cruini Frc< zer.s, The Bc^t. from S2.00 to $3.50. 1 di 25 Bolls Matting from 12Jc to 25c. 1 N 25 baby carriages from $5.00 to $25.00. 1 N I have made a entail along the liue which my I mean to sell goods and keep abrNI> WAG( HARNESS AN STOVES AND TIN LEESV1LL! February 19?3m. NEW PIANOS OF \ \ \ \ \ x ON INSTALLMENTS. I The Cheapest I handle The Next Grade The Next Grade The Next Grade The Next Grade The Next Grade See Higher Grades of Uprights and Second Hand Pianos Address, M. If you desire to learn why legitimate for less than ?200, and that any sold belo value, ask by mail The Musical Courier, 1 rri-Aofocf ninw in fha tvnrld. and charge, if you send this advertisement in DO YOU WANT Do You Want; I guarantee to sell you a good Organ at $25.00 for Little Giant No. 1. $35.00 for Little Gi: *S*Write for estimate. Nos 21 to 47 Ashley Avenue, bril( CHARLESTON. S. C. Bar' December 5-iy. OU? i : m Succesful! Hiag is Unsurpassed. fiic Safe of , & BOUTS. 4 SILKS. 1 years and we have many desirare line of 27 and 32-inch rd, now at 40 cents. &s. Linens. g, slightly soiled, at a bargain. , L-LN U". ;oes. 1 3.50: Genuine Russia Calf, Good- ^9 s* and Misses' Oxfords for toes, cloth tops and M SALE, j novate cur Clothing and Shoe 1 ar entire stock of Clothing ices. V, 8. C. j 9H t i j-sszxnl CTV MATERIALS, D WHIPS, ROOFING, ETC. j K, S. C. sib on nro ALL bnAUtd. V \ \ S 2ASY PAYMENTS. 8225 275 300 f. 325 450 500 I Grands from 8500 to 81,500, at all Prices. A. Malone, Columbia, S. C. Pianos cannot be sold at retail I w that price are without merit or I 9 Union Square, New York, the | it will explain to you without your letter. 1 m ORGAN!! "J a Bargain? the following prices: 4 3 122 reeds. jd 122 reeds. ial, but in modest cases. The 7 d to Si.50. If you desire the ^ i,ts, write me for particulars. .LONE, | s. o. |i Final Discharge. % LL PERSONS INTERESTED WILL lake notice that I will apply to tLo je of Probate of Lexington county, on the 'Jib day of Jane. 1S9G. at m , for a settlement and Final DisT> _ . _ r it. . T? a i. _ r > c %'j lis r,xeca.or 01 me r-suis 01 jj. artb, deceased. S. P. WINGARD, Execntor. xy 0, 1SSG. 4w29. emcmber that medicines of all; Is, perfumery, sweet soaps, combs, dies, etc., can be found at the aar. x r ^ 'fim \ \ - ?1