Highest of all in Leavening Pov 1 Ag&OM>1 ^ The Lexington Dispatch WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1896. Index to New Advertisements. Proclamation by the Governor. Pension Board.?M. D. Harman. Attention, Washerwomen. * Thomas' bluing, dry or in liquid, for washing purposes, is the best 5 cent and 10 cent sizes. For sale V- at the Bazaar _ Prevention better than cure. Tutts Liver Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. Cheney's! Cheney's!! Cheney's!!! Yes, Cheney4s Expectorant and Cough Preventive^ one of the best remedies for coughs, colds, bronchitis, whoopiDg cough, asthma, and V never failing for croup, and all affections of the throat and lungs known. For coughs after measles there is nothing better. Only 25c a bottle, at the Bazaar. ? Pitchfork for Tillman. Denver, Colo., April 13.?Senator Tillman, who arrived in Denver yesterday, and who addressed the Democratic State convention this evening, was tendered a V reception at the Brown Palace hotel. A large crowd greeted the Senator, who after being presented with a pitchfork made from gold and silver taken from the mines rvf PaIatqAa Kr TJArt V. PTrkl/lon in half of the Tillman club, male a sLo.t address, which was received with applansr. Mr. Tillman then shook hands with several j thonsand pec pie. I After his Kentucky speech, Senator Till- ^ man was presented with a silver-moanted corn-cob pipe. ( ' ' ' ? v Secretary of Agriculture. Morton, has or- i > dered 10.000,000 packages of free seed to txdistributed daring April. The total fortune of the Rothschild fam- i ily on the continent is two billions of dol- j Jars. It is impossible to estimate this enor- i mous sum. ' Half a span of angry steel will produce j .no more fatal results than a neglected cold or cough. For all throat and luug disease5, j Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best remedy- | It is invaluable in cases ol croup, whoop cough, brochitis and hi grippe. Ths president and officers of the great' y mills of New England, met in Boston last ; veek, and s:y that the manufactories of j VUHUii iu 1117 i^vnu is uwuicu, Marshall, a lawyer of Michigan, last week shot the president of the village, and then vent home and killed his wife and three .children and suicided. Bob Ingersoll has turned preacher, and -delivered a sermon before the Militant church congregation of Chicago. That congregation must not be worth saving. The orange trees in Florida, thought to Lave bee%killed, are putting oat, except in the upper section of the State, and a fair crop of iruit will be gathered. 5; Spring is full of terrors to all whose c nstitution is not able to resist the sudden j changes of temperature and other insalu- j brities of the season. To put the system ! in condition to overcome these evils, nothing is so effective as Ajer's Sarsiparilla. A twenty-story house i3 being built in New 1 York which on9 man c in lift through the t means of electric jack-screws. Modern j science has knocked Sampson out completely. The sugar trust wants the Caban rebellion to go cn for another year in order to enhance the value cf stuck in h&ua. Bat ^ 1JD0 trusi GOES UUb viiuil nutici.rti.iuu ui mc island. Commercial reports for the past quarter show that there were fewer failures in the South than any p irt of the country. The average of failures, under the British gold standard, were higher than last year. The State Baptist convention of Georgia recommended the withdrawal of fellow- j ship from all members who drank whisky as a beverage, and the members were urged to vote for anti bar-roon candidates W. D. Pyles. a prosperous jonng farmer living near Monntainville, Laurens couuty, while moving some brick from his yard, miearthed a tin box said to contain one thousand dollars in gold and silver with some old coins dated 18!2. If you wonld always bo healthy, keep ' your blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilia, .the One True Blood Purifier. Holmes, the brutal murder of Ciacinatti, on the eve of execution, sold his confession to a newspaper. He tells of his many horrible crimes, and admits to the cold-b'o d killiug of 72 persons, men, women and children. He shed blood for the love of it. A big burly negro, who outraged a white i girl of prominent family in Camden, was , taken from the j lit at an earley hoar Wed- f nesday by a mob of seventy-five or a hun- 1 dred and swung to the limb of a large oak I in the swamp two miles beloy the city. Mr. H. H. Stewart, of C iswell county, ' N. C., sold ?300 worth of tobacco in Dur Lam. On his return home ho overtook j what seemed to be a weU dressed woman ' in the road. As the person started to get! in the wagon, he noticed that she had on I boots and pants. Stewart kuocked the man, ! dressed in woman's clothes, over with the butt of his whip, and drove off. Hut in the i meantime the would-be robber had thrown a satchel in the wagon. When this was opened it was found to contain a good pistol and $400 in money, and which the f irmer ^ kept, as the owner did not apply for it, and iias not been heard from since. ?er.?Latest U. S. Gov't Rep or.. , Powder '??? PUKE Interdenominational County Sunday School Convention. To the Editor of the Dispatch. Some time during the month cf May there will be held an Interdenominational County Sunday School Convention for Lexington county. Communities that may desire to.ertertain the convention will plea?e send invitation to me. All Sunday schools in the county are requested to elect delegates and make provision to be represented. The normal work will be a special feature and each school is asked to contribute to meet its expense. Program will be announced soon. L. B. Haynep, Vice President for Lexington Co. Leesville College, Mar. 23,1896. Fishing Tackle. The best and most complete line of fishing tackle, consisting in pa] t of the best silk, cotton, linen and waterproof lines; Limeiick steel set, catch, and snood hooks, bobs and flies; pond and river nets, made of gill thread. Just opened and for sale at the Bazaar. ? Congregational Meeting. There will be a meeting of St. Stephens Luthern congregation on Wednesday evening, April 29, 1896, at 7| o'clock p. ra. A full meeting of the congregation is earnestly re j quested as matters appertaining to the erection of the new church edifice, and the location of the site for the same, will be up for final action. So come one, come all; both sister 1 as well as brother, as you all have an interest in the matter. By order of Church Council. , M. D. Hakman, Secretary. April 16, 1896. 1 WHH A ? From US. Journal of 2f*2urhn H ^ ^ M _ Prof. W. H. Peekc, who ? ^ makes a specialty of || l Epilepsy, has without HaiB doubt treated and cur- 1 S I ed more cases than any ? Ja & living Physician; his ? I t 1 success is astonishing. jfflL Sa. We have heard of cases of so years' standing cured by t S ^ J him. Ho B XH publishes a i ii r wt*ii~ IJ Hi CuiS ; ? 1 large bot- 1 tie of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers who may send their P. O. and Express address. We advise any one wishing a cure to address PTOf.W, JL PDEKh, F. ]>., 4 Cedar St., ITewTori l c Dots from Cedar Thicket To the Editor of the Dispatch: c Welcome, sweet spring, with all your pleasant days. t Farmers are very busy preparing f their cotton laud, which seems to be on an increase to what it was last year. I We are glad to welcome Dr. James t Harman back to his home again; and ^ I know that there is at least one girl who is glad to see his pleasant smiles and to bask once more in his i; presence. t Your scribe was present at the Easter service which was held at St. Peter's, which was a very pleas- a ant occasion. Rev. W. H. Roof de- t livered a very touching sermon and the Rev. J. A. Cromer gave a short, but very interesting talk. After din- | ner the very large crowd re-assem- , bled to hear from the missionary meeting. Hon. H. A. Meetze first ( gave a short lecture, and he was fol- t lowed by the Rev. W. H. Roof. The 1 choir furnished excellent music for the occasion. f I wondered why a certain young s girl was looking so sad and melancholy on a recent Sunday, but I could I j very readily comprehend when I was I informed that Mr. Sam Harman had i1 returned to his home in Richland. ! 1 Did you see anything of that fellow j J on a late Sunday night going home j with his saddle on his back? Max. i ? j { Notice. | To the Managers and Clerks of the j Election of Delegates to the Con- I stitutional Convention, August. J 1895. | Tour pay for services in this election ! is now in my hands, and ready fcr i disbursement. ! Sam'l. B. George, Chairman, Com'rs of Election. ! Lexington, April 15, 183G. April 15?2w23 The Assistant County Lecturer, j Enoch Kite, will give a public j lecture at Midway school bouse on i Saturday, April 25, at 2 o'clock p. m., i on Alliance principles. The public , is invited. G. B. \Vi oard, ; April 10, 189G. President. j Remember that medicines o: all ! kinds, perfumery, sweet soaps, combs, j brushes, etc., can be found at the Bazaar. A lot of beautiful stationery?gilt edge, illuminated tints, cream aud j white linen, mourning paper and en- j velopes in boxes, besides all standard j articles in this line. An elegant as- i sortment of inks, pens, pencils, etc , 1 just opened at the Bazaar. If you have aching sides and back i or suffering from rheumatism of any | form and want relief and permanent j cure, then try Spirittine Balsam, 25 : j and 50 cent bot tles. For sale at the j Bazaar. Wanted Immediately?A position j as teacher. Address, David Fritz- ; gerald, care of Lexington Dispatch. ' mm and scissogs. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and I here by a Dispatch Man. Don't fail to register. Ice cold drinks, at the Bazaar. Prayer service at St. Stephens this evening. I Try a can of Hopkins' steamed Hcininy (Hulled Corn). It is delicious. Call on your grocer for it. See tk9 proclamation of the Governor. Be prompt at your club meeting the 2d of May. The best of life is ever still ahead or JUbl OUU1L1U. The grain and other crops are suffering for rain. Revenge, however sweet, always cost more than it is worth. Exercise is the best remedy to put colors iLto a pal9 face. In the British museum there are at present 39 miles of books. If you do not register you cannot vote, so to vote register. The pesky fly h s settled down to its work of aggravation. Sweetning one's coffee is the first stirring event of the day. It is generally the man who can't waltz who declares that dancing is sinful. Man will utter 10 words to ex pre? s his joys and 50 to lament his sorrows. Mrs. W. J. Beeland of Maron, Ga, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lizzie, TT IS* j ivaunman. Two (lillais is the price of a divorce in Japan, and it only takes four hours to get one. A correspondent in Sunday's ."Register nominates Hon. C. M. Efird for Governor. People seldom improve when they bave no model but themselves lo 3opy after. When a man and a woman are raaried, their lomance ceases and their listory commences. Tha Democrats of Lexington will ally to the support of the party igainst all its enemies. A little child of Mr. Gunter, "who esides in the M. Y. Hearth J lome itead, died yesterday. A wise man says that it is b *tter o be accused without occasion tlian .0 have occasion to accuse yourself. A protracted meeting will conrnence at the Methodist Chuich Sun -; lay and continue through the weekA^vice is like snow, the softer it alls the longer it dwells, and the leeper it sinks into the mind. Senator Tillman has ceitainly set he West on fire. His tour has been rom triumph unto triumph. Messrs. P. H. Corley and Edwin )reher, will leave for Saluda, N. C.. his afternoon. They have a contra*. t o build a house. "Scientists say now that handshak ng conveys disease." Of course hat's the way grip got started. Many a man dreads throwing iway his life at once, who shrinks ?ot from throwing it away by pieceneal. There wiil be a dime sociable at he residence of Mrs. James E. HenIrix, Friday evening, April 24, given >y two young ladies of the Woman's kid Society. A cordial invitation is jxtended to all. Refreshments ierved. Since Dr. James Wingard has iDished an extra course in medicine tnd returned home,.he has hung out lis shingle and has a growing prac;ice. For cheap groceries, provisions, smokiDg and chewing tobacco, hay \ >ri^ rrrain pall nn Wm. Piatt, A*. C!r> . i Columbia, and they will supply your vants. Mrs. Louisa IlarmaD, the aged nother of the publisher of this paper, received painful injuries by au incidental fall last week, from the ?fiects of which she is still ponfined ;o her bed. In addition to the other officers to be elected by the various clubs at : their meeting on May 2d, a commit- ; ;ee on registration should be ap- | pointed. This is impoitant and | should be attended to. There is always a demand for the I jest fruits, the be3t products of the ji .lairy, the truck patch, the garden or t the field. There is always room at I the top. ; T . x! il_ _ 11 1 1 _ > 2. : ?n reporting me spelling oee msi i week we gave the name of Miss Mary Henry, as furnished us by our inform- j ant, as one of the three who remained ;j standing on Master Jules Bradford's t side after the others had been de- j featsd. It should have been Miss I Maggie Derrick. | Numerous candidates in other j Counties have announced themselves s through their county papers. Ours are such modest ones that they are not through blushing yet. On account of the club meetings the meeting of Oak Grove Alliance on May 2d, has been postponed to Saturday before the tirst Sunday in June, at 3 p. my, at which time the County Lecturer will make a public address. ... . - . . ^ Or. 0. L. BOOZER, J. WILLIAM. BOOZER, Extracting and Ar'.ificia Denture. Filling and Tre D, 1). L. BOOZ 1515 MAIN i COdL.TJMI3X^, One of the firm wiil be at Newberry one wre At Lexirgton, the week beginning second T Pt-rsous making regular engagements will h crowded out or disappointed or inconvenience it only ft postal, the day and hour you prefer c reserve this time for you, unless it is already o "ORGANIZE! ] In accordance with a resolution 7 adopted by the State Democratic ( Executive Committee, the President of the various Township Clubs in Lexinaton county. is berebv ordeied o 1/ / ? to call a meeting of bis respective club on May 2, for tbe purpose of re-organiziDg tbe club; tbe election ( of one Executive Committeeman; tbe t election of delegates to a County c Convention to be beld on tbe first c Monday in May, to elect delegates to c tbe State Convention to be beld in c ; Columbia on tbe third "Wednesday in ? i May next. By order ^ H. J. Seibles, County Chairman. 1 April 8, 189G. ? Democratic Club Meetinas w Saluda Club. ] Tbe members of Saluda Democratic ( club will meet at Hilton, May 2,189G, c at 3 o'clock p. in., for tbe purpose of t reorganizing the club, and to elect a c Member of the County Executive t Committee, also to elect delegates to * ~ ? . i i 4. tne bounty convention, to meet at k at Lexington C. H., the 1st Monday in May. G. A. Derrick, Pres. Lexisgton Club. t There will be a meeting of Lexing- s ton Township Democratic club, in o the court house, at this place, on the o 2d day of May, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of reorganizing the club n and to elect a member of the County c Executive Committee, also to elect h delegates to the County Convention wViinK oqqpttililnn the 1st Mondav of May next. By order P. H. Caughman, ii President. 0 M. D. Harm an, Secretary. s] April 15, 189G. el b re Pj-ak Club. The Democratic club will meet in the Town Hall, at Peak, on the 2d . day of May next, at 3 o'clock p. m. . A full attendance is desired, as busi ^ ness ofimportance will be transacted. , The election of officers for. the next two years, and the election of delegates to the County Convention, and ^ other business of interest to all Democrats. ^ By order of s* J. D. Farr, President. LJ Jas. B. Addy, Secretary. fi T r;XE RIDGE CLUB. K Pine Ridge Club Democratic wi'l g) meet the 2d day May, at 3 o clock, at the Alliance hall to re-organdize, olect delegates lo the county p convention and a committee man for _ the club. D. I. Eptino. g IRMO CLUB. Irmo Deiaocratic Club will meet at the usual |>laee of meeting, on Saturday, May 2d, for the purpose of re-organiziDg, electing deh gates to ] the county convention and a commit- w . 01 tee man. it J. H. Counts, President. J. L. Shulek, Secretary. | ~q lc c0ngabe2 club. This Democratic Club is called to ^ meet at Brookland on the second day emocrat of the strictest sect. TATS 0? SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, In the Probate Court. . B. Able, Administrator with Will Aunt XicL In Ito. Estate of Mary i'.cwn, deceased. ,rN OBEDIENCE TO AN ORDER OF L this court in the above stated action, I ill sell to the highest bidder, at public citcry. be-ore the court house door at Lexicon. S. C.. dories the legal hours of O - ' w w tie, on the liist Monday (salesday,) in [ftj next, the same being the 4th day lereof, the following lands, to wit : Trac' No. 5. All that piece, parcel or it of land, situated in the Town of Gas>n, in the county and State aforesaid, onting sixty feet on Railroad street, and I sveuty feet on Depot street, and west by , [ary Lown lot No._6. Also. Tract No. G. situate in the Town f Gaston, in tho county and State afore- 1 iid, fronting Depot street one hundred , ad seventy-one feet, on the east seienty :et by lot No. 5 and west seventy feet by ] ?t No. 4 1 TERMS OF SALE?One-half Cash, and ] le balauce on a credit of twelve months; ( le deferred payment to bear interest from ite of sfde. secured by bond of purchaser 1 id mortgage of the peipises sold. Puraaser to nav for pipers ] C. E. LEAPHART, J. P. L C. April 7, 189G. 4w24. Final Discharge. 4 LL PERSONS INTERESTED WILL X take notice chat I will apply to the robnte Court for Lexington County, S. C , a Fridav. the 15th day of May, lS'JG. ; 10 a. in., for a final discharge as Iministrator of the Estate of James uliner, deceased. , MRS. NANCY DUDLEY, Administrator. April 15, 1S9G. 5>v26. Final Discharge. A LL PERSONS INTERESTED WILL \_ take notice that I will apply to the rebate Court for Lexington county, S. C., a F.ilny, the 22nd day of Jfa , i'JG, at 10 o'c'ock a. m , for a final settle- j tent and discharge as Exeontor of the E-site of Wm. Bille-itiue. I). E. BALLEN1INE, Erfcntor. April 15, 169G. Gw27. Notice. AIL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE TL Estate of W. t'anford Eleazer, w;ll ( take payment to the undersigned and those aving chiims against the slid Estate will ( resent them. properly attested, on or be- ( )re tho-kllth day of Ma*-, 18'JG. H. A SI;ANN", Adroistrator. April 8, 1896 4w'24. 'ay Your Doctor's Bill, , r HAVE RENDERED FAITHFUL SERL vices to th^ sick, Lave waited patiently jr my lees and now desire all to come jrward and pay up, as I am needing money ) meet urgent expenses. Do so within lie next thirty days, please. C E. LEAPHART, M. D, October 15, 1895. 1 Mr. G. M. Harman, editor of tb paper, has gone to the lower part i the county on business conuecte with the paper. Duriog his absent he will mix a little pleasure wit business by wt tting his line in Gantt pond. His printer being sick, tl forbearance i f the readess of the Di patch is craved. Mr. S. S. Lindler, writing to th Dispatch under date of April 2t ays, ''that Mr. J. H. Price's two lii tie boys were thrown frcm his wage during a run-away last AVednescbt; and the smaller was badly cut c the head and about the face. It ^ped that he will soon nco.'e T .e ar tcr 1 o * received some ugl J.I 1 . M cuts out no Druise-s. A suggestion has been made I Capt. J. H. Counts, President of tt Irrno Democratic club, in referent to the manner of calling a mectir of the township clubs, which is decided improvement over that no io vogue, and one whi h if adopte< will give more general sntisf&ctioi His idea is simply for the Count Chairman to call a meeting of th clubs direct instead of ordering th Presidents to call a meeting of tnei e pective clubs. Persons holding accident insurant p licies will be glad to learn the t leir death will bo considered at c dental if they are lynched by a mol A Missouri court has establishe the ir.cedent. H W++++++++++++++++++W4"l' i o a 1 I APRIL ? v J 5UN.M0M.TUJjTVE0.THU*. Fill. 5AT I k I 2 I 3 |T * '* 13 '7/ ,?7 18 + 19 rio" 2\ |^T 25 I I ^?dlr' r? I THIS IS THE MONTH + + to cleanse the blood ! Malaria, ^ Chills and Fever, that dull, + heavy, tired feeling, pimples, + blotches and headaches, all are * due to bad blood. Prepare the + system for Summer's tremen* dous drain upon your energy by J using the scientific blood purifier t Dr. CUARK JOHNSON'S ! ! INDIAN ! | BLOOD I SYRUP : + Not an experiment, but a house- [ J hold remedy for 30 years, for * + all blood diseases, Rheumatism, ? + Scrofula, Liver and Kidney J 4, Complaint and lack of vitality. 4 + Millions of bottles sold. Easy i t to buy, easy to take. Try it! jj J 50c. per bottle \ oil druggists. I u ,t..iX J.Jii.JiAAAXJiXJutrlftlf A ?>ttTTTtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT' liliiiil OF SODTH CAROLINA State, City a County Depositor' COLUMBIA, S. C. Paid up Capital $137,0$ Surnlus and Profits O.OO Transact a general Banking business Cireful attention given to collections. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, payable quarterly, on first da; of January, April, July and October. Safety deposit boxes to rent from $4 t< Sl'2 a year; Herring's best?absolutely bur ^lar proof and fire proof. A, C. HASKELL, President, W. C FISHF.R, Vice President. JULIUS H. WALKER, Cashier. February 12?ly. HAKE3 A FINE HOME IT IS TRUE but unless you buy very judiciously yot ire "Humbugged" by outward appearance* "All is not gold that glitters." Justs* with Furniture. BeneatL the varnish de :eption lurks and flimsy stuff is oftej pushed off on you for betUr grades. B; :areful buying and from only reliable houses I am able to offer a full line of firs ilass furniture at the very closest figures such as: A 10 piece Solid Oak Suite, formerly $25 now $20. A 10 piece Solid Poplar Suite, formerl; $20 now $15. 31Y LATEST ADDITIONS: 23 rolls of Beautiful figured Chines^ Jointless Matting, at only 121c per yard. Assorted 3 piece Tin Sets, oulj $1 35. G dozen pairs Beautiful figured Whit Lace Curtains, only $1.25. 10 dozen Bamboo legs figured top Cente Tables, only 50 cents. 10 dozen Bimboo Esels, only 35 cents. 2 dozen 7x9 Chenille Curtains $3.50. 4 dozen 4x4 CLeuille Table Covers 40c. And all other things in my line propor tionally. I am now offering the following article ? ?X*T\ urr nw n A1 Ai^i/ X9LJX*\S f? fi dozen Pictures different size?, fron 5Cc to SI.50. A First Class, pure cotton t_.ll size re versatile Satin Comfort, for SI.50. A Full Size Top Comfort $1 25. A Nice Comfort, for only 75c. '.[ |im now carrying tlie largest and mos complete assortment of my kind in the cit; ml by close prices and fair dealings I bop to merit a share of your trade. I am always at your service to order ou mythiDg not carried in our line, and wil quote you prices on any kind of Furnitur made. I am still handling the NEW HOMI MACHINES and The Story & Clarl irgans J. Hi. SHX7LL. THE ALL ROUND HOUSE FURNISHER, J&5T Remember, at 1610 Main street, Columbia, S. C. Nov. 6?6m , ?? 5? ; m i II in ii ii 11 ] GREAT REDUCTION ?e JCSrlN PRICES iDRY GOODS ie ?AND? s NOTIONS, e TO MAKE ROOM FOR A LARGE ^ stock of Spring and Summer Goods. Remember we make Quick Sales in c at Small Profits, and all for Cash. >n You will be astonished at the reduced prices and the quality of goods. A * call will convince you that we mean to divide profits with you. Itemember the stand, ; POST OFFICE BLOCK, g 1715 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C, a C. F. JACKSON, Manager, May 30,?ly. } HONEY TO MAI r AT THE e 6KRU1 KITIOKAL BIKE. d COLUMBIA, S. C. i. b; $100,000. a TO LEND IV SMALL SUMS, AT thirty, sixty and n;nety days, or until ? 1st of November next, on endorsed notes and on notes secured by good collateral. Applications made before 1*2 o'clock will . be acted on before the bank closes the same day. Interestallowed Savings Deposits, under rules. A. 2T. TALLEY, President. J. H. SAWYER. Cashier. January 29, J89G-ly. COLUMBIA, NEWB'RRY AND : ^LAURENS RAILROAD. Time Table in Effect Jaunary27,1896 Eastern Standard Time. PasseDger Local Ft. ; No. 52 No. 2 ' Iv Columbia 11 10 a m 5 00 nm ? A. lv Leaphart 11 25 a m 5 19 pm I lv Irmo 11 31 a m 5 21 pm lv Ballentine 11 42 a m 5 43 pm ! lv "White Bock. .11 47 a m 5 49 pm ' lv Chapin 11 55 a m G 01 pm lv L. Mountain. .12 04 p m G 1G pm lv Slighs 12 08 p m G 22 pm lv Prosperity .. .12 17 p m G 37 pm lv Newberry..,, 12 32 p m G 57 pm ! lv Jalapa 12 46 pm 7 17 pm lv Gary 12 52 p m 7 26 pm lv Kinard 12 57 p m 7 35 pm lv Goldville 1 03 p ra 7 47 pm lv Clinton 1 15 p m 8 00 pm ' ir Laurens 135pm 8 30 pm RETURNING SCHEDULE. Passenger Local Ft. No. 53 No. 1 [ lv Laurens 2 00 p m G 30 am lv Clinton2 2-7 p m 7 05 am ! lv Goldville 2 35 p ra 7 15 am lv Kinard 2 41pm 7 25 am lv Gary 2 45 p ra 7 34 am ' lv Jalapa 2 49 p m 7 43 am i iv Newberry 3 04 p ra 8 04 am lv Prosperity ... 3 18 p ra 8 23 am lv Slighs 3 27 p ra 8 38 am y lv L. Mountain.. 3 31 p m 8 44 am lv Chapin 3 40 p ra 8 59 am IV YYDite rock.. 6 U'l p ra y li am 0 Iv Ballentine 3 57 p m 9 17 am . Iv Irmo 4 05 p m 9 29 am !v Leaphart 4 11pm 9 41 am . ir Columbia .... 4 30 p m 10 00 am For tickets and any other information, call on ! B. F. P. LEAFHAItT, City Ticket Agent, Columbia, S. C. W. G. CHILDS, Superintendent. J. R. NOLAN, Train Master. COOKING STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, IRON, TIN AND WOODEN WARE, And every conceivable household | furnishing article. If you need anything in my line it will be to your interest to see my stock before you buy. Think of me before you leave , bom?, and call when in town. R. R. WOOD, . THE STOVE MAN, > P. O. Block, Columbia, S. C. Nov. 13?ly. \ J. WALTER MITCHELL, ! ATTORNEY AT LAW, . BATE3BORO, - - S. C., WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE State Coarts. offer bis professional services to the citizens of Lexington and Edgefield comities, f Special attention given to claims and settlement of estates. January 30?3m. e ANDREW CRAWFORD ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBIA, - - - S C r PRACTICES IN THE STATE AND j jT Federal Courts, and offers his profes- | einnai services to the citizens of Lexington j County. October 18 -ly. i - DR. C. C. STANLEY, SURGEON DcNTiST, s COLUMBIA, S. C. 16C9 MAIN ST.. OVKR THOMAS' DBUO STOXE. October IG, 1895.?6m. I STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. By C. E. Leophart, Probate Judge. t I TT 7"HERE AS. H. A. SPANN, C.C. C. P., ,, VV made sail to me, to grant him B Letters of Administration of the estate o( I and effects of Mrs. Mattie M. Counts, de^ ceased: j These are, therefore, to cite and e admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Mrs. Mattie | 2 M. Counts, deceased, that they be and 1 appear before mc in the Court of Probate, to be held at Lexington court house S. C., on May the 2nd next, after publication ! thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to ' 1 show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my bind this 21st day of March, Anno Domini. 1S9G. ' C. E LFAPIIART. Judge of Probate L. C. Published on the 2oth day of March, 189G. in tho Lexington Dispatch, a 6w21 I W. I. martin, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, COLUMBIA, S. C. Merchants and Planters will do well to try this House when purchasing. All kinds of j HEAVY GROCERIES, fTKATNT l<'Pr?T> irn kept in stock. Orders accompanied by tbe cash will receive prompt attention. Name amount of each article wanted for money sent and prompt shipment will be made and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. MARTIN'S BIG ALLOWANCE STORK, COLUMBIA, S. C. June G.?tf LEXIN GTOW SAVINGS BANK. DEPOSITS BECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. ALLEN JONES, President. W. P. ROOF. Cashier. DIRECTORS: Allen Jones, W. P, Roof, 0. M. Eflrd, R. Hilton James E. Ilendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, payable April and October. September '21? tf POMONA HILL Nurseries, POMONA, IV. C. ALL LEADING" FRUITS, Calculated to suit the Southern and border States. Send for descriptive Catalogue No. 1, of FRUIT TRED, VINES, ETC., and No. 2, Green House Catalogue of young pot grown ROSES, CHRYSANTHEMUMS, CARNATIONS, Ac. Catalogues free. Correspondence solicited. Address J. VAN LINDLEY. Proprietor, VT r% JL ViUUU?t lit Vl April 23?Ij. . MASONIC. a A REGULATI COMMUNICA^i^jrtion of Lexington Lodge, 152, A. F. M.. will be held on Saturday, April 25th at 3 p. in. Members will be prompt in attendance. G. M. Hauman, Secretary. CAROLINA NATIONAL BAM, AT COLUMBIA, S. C. STATE, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY. raid up Capital - - - $100,000 Surplus Profits . - . 100,000 Savings [Department. Deposits of to CO ami upwards received, interest allowed at tho rate of 4 per cent per annum. W. A. CLAIiK, President Wilis Jokes, Cashier. December 4?ly. OEQEGi BBX72TS MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, 8. C., JEWELER REPAIRER | Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware. A fine line of4 Spectacles and Eyeglasses to fit every one, til for sale at lowest prices. Ilepairs on Watches first class quickly done and guaranteed, at moderate prices. 60?tf. fill LITTLE HUB RESTAURANT, W. H. FITZSIBBOH, - - Manager, 110S Plain St.. Columbia, S. C. fS CtMIE. FISH, OYSTERS, BEEFSTEAK, Ham and E*gs. H.icsage, and in fact everything in season, served prompt in the very best st\lc. at all hours, Delicious Coffee or Tea. Breakfast, Dinner and Supper at regular hours. Soup from 11 to 12 m. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Prices much lower than Maio Street Restaurants and service first class in every particular. Headquarters for all Lexington folks, who are especially invited to call whenever m town. Nov 13? tf Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, SaltRheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bite3, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. to hoesiTownebs. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition try Dr. Cody's Condition Powders, i'hey tone up the system, aid digestion, curt loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists. Professional Calls. A NY CALL LEFT AT THE BAZAAR J\. lor my services wi'tl be promptly attended to. C. E. LEAPHART, M. D. CAn'nmVior 11 f f UC^/.WlliVVl * A. %? mim foli mmii, . A TTORNEY AT LA W. | BATE3BURG, - - - - S. C. | Practices in all the State Courts especi[ ally in Lexington, Edgetieid and Aiken counties. Mar. C?ly | Final Discharge. 4 LL PERSONS INTERESTED WILL 1V take notice that I will apply to the Judce of Probate of Lexington county, S. C., on the 11th day of May, 189(1, at 21a in , for a settlement and Final Dis| charge as Gu ;rdian of the Estate Alice E. i Sena, now ot age. L D. Roof, Guardian. April 7. 1S96. 4w2L ! Medicated cough drops ana the best cough syrup, for sale at the Bazaar, -