The Lexington Dispatch! Burned April 25th; rebuilt Juiy 19,1891. G. M. HARMAN, Editor and Publisher. LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDN33DAY, APRIL 22. ISho. WHY NOT ALL THE WAY? ^7e are glad that Hon. C. M. Eflrd has spoken with no uncertain sound on the subject he discusses elsewhere in this issue. Iiis reflections on the situation which confront the Deiuo?thia Sfflfn tnJnv icruLIVJ pin bj au ^ are in tbe main timely and bis position is well taken. His rea- | son3 for making the fight for silver within the party lines are un ! questionably strong and will be very bard for tbe advocates of a bolt to suece s Y'lly controvert. The}- are convincing in their logic and bis arguments glitter and sparkle with truths so patent that even be who runneth cannot faii to see and un derstand. As far as he went Senator Efird has placed himself upon record as being opposed to bolting tbe party, or at least until the nomi nation is made for President at Chicago, and even then, should the nomination be adverse to silver, he has doubts about the wisdom of bolting, for he says, in substance that, should foil UO AAW* Q would try bis baud. But, alas! the young man yelled out, "S'cat, then, durn you; let my Irish .tatter go." It is rumored tbat Commodore is going to run for sumpin'. Bless your soul,'when you get to be Sheriff I will creep into a hole and pull the hole in on me. The orange blossoms have ceased to bloom in this "vicinity. I guess this g\ r ng like weather has got too hot fortnem. Where did that bachelor go with that stove the other da}? Mind, now and don't let your biscuits push the top off. I got one April fool and Bud is expecting one. Lordy, how C'-awhammer's mouth waters. May the Dispatch and its Editor ever prosper through the journey of life, is the wish of Andy. A Prominent Minister Speaks. ; From a personal test, and a nnfcirlo nhnpi vfltinil. I am "uu'yuhu v ' ' prepared to recommend Cheney's Expectorant as a positive remedy for Coughs, Colds and Croup. Rev. Henry Buchanan. Jonesboro, Ga. For sale at the Bazaar. - Tha Teachers at Red Star Academy. To the Editor of the Dispatch: The Teachers' Association met at the Red Star Academy, April 11, 1896. The President, Sidney J. Derrick, being absent, Vice President S. S. Linder, called the meeting to order, which was opened with prayer by S. R. Bridges of the Leesville oollege. An address of welcome was made by Enoch Hite and this was responded to by S. S. Lindler. This meeting may be truly called a substitute affair, as there was not one present of those who were ap pointed on the program to lead in the disoussions. The program was adhered to and all members present manifested a lively interest in the discussion of the difierent' subjects. The President appointed the following to lead. Industrial Education-S.R.Bridges. Should our free school term be supplemented by a local tax levy ?? W. K. Black. Lexington County Schools?Miss Ellen Hendrix, Elocution in the school?C. J. Ramage. Methods in teaching drawing in our country schools?C. I. Morgan. On motion of C. J. Ramage, S. S, Lindler tendered the thanks of the Association to the people of the vicinity for their hospitable enter tainment. h am avm a t Via m a of cno I A UlS XiUB UCCU UUC U1 IUC liiuoKouu cessful meetings that the associate n bas eyer enjoyed. The good people of this section gave us a welcoc e that showed their true appreciation of our presence. The mothers and fathers left their cares of home and assembled to enjoy meeting with the teaching profession of tliia county. The little ones, too, were b.rought and their presepce reminded ps of our daily associations and the important woifc \yhich lies before us in the interest of growing humanity. The academy was most tastefully decorated with green entertwined with red, white and blue. The kind ladies did not forget our temporal needs and provided a most sumptuous dinner. Delightful music, which was most heartily enjoyed, was furnished by the Shsaly String Hand. The pleasure and good will which were seen on all sides marked this as a holiday for all. Secretary. -? If the Baby is Cutting Teeth* Be sure and ijsp that old and welltried remedy, Mrs. AY'inslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain,'cures wind colic and is the Ijest remedy for diarrhoea, fwpnty-tiye cents a botfc'e. It is the h.est of all. r ? 1'Jip ofd reliable .Swift & (Jourtney parlor matches, (brown head) never draw damp and fail to lire, are on sale at the Bazaar. ? Z mzibra, more correctly Zauguebar, e;gnifies: "The coast of the Xe groes/ Thrift is better than to be remembered in your unck^vill^^^^^^^ ? - HfcW Saluda's Couuty Soat. Re a Bank, a Historic Spot, Won by ?8 Votes. R:d rank, S. C. April 15.?The second primary election for the location o: the county seat of Saluda county was held yesterday. The total vote cast was 1,733, of which lied Bank received *J13 and Emory 823. ltcd Bank thus receives a majority of 83 votes and will secure the county seat. Great .ntcrest was manifested in the election and a very full vote was polled. The location selected is at lied Bank Baptist Church, which was orgiuizcd over 100 years ago. Many of the most distinguished of South Carolina's sons have gone forth to the service of their county irom Red Bank or its immediate neighborhood. Col. Travis who commanded the Texas troops at Alamo, was born in sight of lied Bank. In the Batler burying grounds, only about five miles from Red Bank, rest Major General Wiliiam Butler, of Revolutionary fame; Col. Pierce Butler, who commanded the Palmetto regiment in the Mexicau war and fell at Cherubusco and other members of the same family, who have rendered distinguished service to the State and nation. Dandruff forma when the glands of the f-kin are weakeLed, and if neglected, bal ness is sure to foilow. H dl's Hair Renewt r is the best preventive. PROCLAMATION. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EXECUTIVE CHAMBEB. TT/-HEREAS INFORMATION HAS VV been received at this Department that during the mouth of November, A. D. 1805, the barn and stables of S. J. Claik, County of Lexington, were d stroyed by fire and there being reason ;o believe that the and burning was an ait ot incendiarism, NOW. THEREFORE, I, John Gary tiVans. uovernor 01 me o>aie 01 oouiu Carolina. iu order that jastice may be done and the majesty of the law vindicated, do hereby offer a reward of Fifty (50) Dollars for the apprehension and conviction of the person or persons committing said act of inceudiarisiu. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have here unto set my hand and [seal.] caused the Great Seal o the State to be affixed, at Columbia, this thirteenth daj of April, A. D. 1896, and in the one hundred and twen tieth year of the Independence ol the Uui'ed States oi America. JOHN GARY EVANS. By the Governor: D. H. TOMPKINS. Secretary of State lw26. Pension Board. COUNTY 1XAM1NNG BOARD OF Pens:on8 wi:l assemble in the conit house at Ij'xington, S C. on Friday aid l.f OA IttQft fnr. ll._ ua^ui uaj j atjlnj a r?v nuu mvi( ?u v/j iu< purpose of considering tLe app icatiocs cl all new applicants for pensions provided for in the p nslon act approved the 9tL of March. A D. .'8(J6 S II. H^TiWAKOEr, Chairman. M. D. Hakman, Secretary. 2w24. SPRING GLOTHING! ALMOST EVERY TRAIN Brings New Spring Goods for us. Suits and Hats for men and boys, Laun dered and Unlaundered Shirts, Collars and Cuffs, Balbriggan, Gauze and Lisle Thread Underwt ar, exquisit patterns and styles in Neckwear. Columbia has never before known such values as we will this season nn^Ano on/1 frr,m omAnrftt uuoi uui j;auv/u(?<| auu 41VU4 uuww^uv them we mention especially the following: Line of stylish all-wool Fancy Cheviot Suits, at only $S-3oI Line of stylish all-wool Fancy Cheviot and Black and Blue Serge Suits, at only $7.50. Line of elegant all-wool perfect fitting Fancy Cheviot and Biack and Biqe Serge Suits, at only Slo.So. Line of alI DOORS AND BLINDS, ' lumber, I GENERAL BUILDING MATERIALS, MILL WORK. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND OILS. GLASS ETC. ETC. J&~Write for estimate. Nos 21 to 47 Ashlry Avenne, CHARLESTON. S. C. December 5?1 s machinery; I ENGINES BOILERS, SAW MILLS, CORN MILLS, ROLLER MILLS, BRICK MACHINES, PLANING MACHINES, and other kinds of woodworking machinery, SHAFTING, FOLLIES, BOXES. I am the General Agent for TALBOTT & SONS. i TIIE LIDDELL COMPANY. 1 WATERTOWN ENGINE COMPANY. H. B. SMITH MACHINE COMPANY. Cau furnish fall cqnipmeut is the above lints qt Factory prices. V. C. BABHAi, GENERAL AGENT, ICOLU.UU1A, Sj. yj . October 1?1. y | Toachars' Examination. 1 off :v. of SCHOOL CUM UI-S ONF.Il, Lf^inglqu G;unly. IiKiiNc/rax, S. C., April Alii, IsOft. > ? ! rnflE NEXT REGULAR E>L\M.rN.\ j 1 X tion of for teftohciV ctili! tiiicb i;i ibe ?';ao i)ob*:ic h'.ols oi L'-x:n.;ton County, u'-'l b-' 1:^*1 i in tho canr hoasv. IVibv. April 24th. lnOo. Tbvet.ii.rnn'ion willuoiuujenc- prcn p'.'.y nt 'J o'clock n. iii. > JOHN D FARK. S. C. L. C. . _ L Manchester's Pill s j [ Manchester's famous English Ihu- j u nyrcyal Pille, for female ills. For | sale at the Bazaar. DEALERS IX B HARDWARE, MILL SUPPLIES, I Paints. Oils and Varnishes, -\r WTTT^TCV dollars per month. tfl i'* 1 'ita' Tuition from One to Three Dollars per ll CiliN. month. Inm, Cognac Brandy. Peach Brandy. Apple French and German taught. Music-. . 'ivti-,1 Vnr norti^niars. address. > fl Brandy. Blackberry, wiac, 1 or: ?iue, ^-? t * - _ Ale, Porter, Wine* and Liquors of S. J. DERRICK, Principal, | tv.ry description Prices 4no- or c M efxkd ch Bd Trustees.. 11 ted upon application. . xW MIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT AT- j Jn!v 13i im-Zm XID8t?n' 8 T?r*T!0N, ! : I 83 sroad st,atousta, CzA Albert M. Boozer, 1 Kovcmbc-r 0, ldbo. 1 Wantcd-Satanc, A"?rs?.v at ?**> I COLUMI51A, S. C. || r'O CANV ASS IEXISGTON. RICH- - , u i h.: borsn ittiit" l,n?v pref.rrnl Tlio? ^tt C ?t ' I rittTcsteil should write for particulars and ?te Cwyuzll, Corner JIam and Washing rraiiee **"" a persona! In:sines-; meeting. oo I J. F. UOCGE. Slower, February 28-tf. ^ J l">14 Taylor St., Colombia, & (J. V Fcb^-tf Fresh garden seeds at the Baazar- I