The Propsr Time When the most benefit is to be derived from a pood medicine, is early ' in the year. This is the season when the tired body, weakened organs and nervous system yearn for a buildingup medicine like Hood's Sarsapaiilla. Many wait for the open spring weather and. in fact, delay giving attention to their physical condition so long that a long siege of sickness is inevitable. To rid the system oi the impurities accumulated during the winter season, to purify the blooc and to invigorate the whole system there is nothing equal to Hood's Sar saparilla. Don't put it off, but tak< "' -J'- c* III It ,?;;i ,1, iioou s oiusa ]>iu ;jia at ?in you good. Read the testimonial! published in behalf of Hood's Sarsa parilla, all from reliable, gratefu people. They tell the story. 20 ? STews frcrs. Bse&ors Storo. To the Editor of the Dispatch: As it has been sometime since ! have sent you the news from tbi.< v section, I will say that the peoph in this part of the moral vineyarc are starting their crops in goo< spirits this season. I hope they wil meet with success. Mr. Morgan Leard has his crib ful of corn and has some cotton to sel T yet to Dacu: mm up. mr. jueara 13 i hard working man, and lives at horn' and boards at the same place. Mr. John Barrs is preparing t< build on his new place. Mr. Elmore Barrs is going to farn this year. Ke says Sw ansea don' agree with him. That's right, boys go ahead and work for what you eat Mr. L. K. Spires is rafting agaii this season. He is a good hand; anc Kit goes to town with it just th< same. We bad preaching last Sunday ai Clay Springs by the Rev. Henrj Rodgers, assisted by the Rev. Mr Redenbaugh, and an able address tc the Sunday school by the latter. The Rev. L. Williams has gone tc work with renewed energy this year. He says he is going to pay considerable attention to farming, fill his appointments and make the anvil ring with the music of the hammer, for his larder has to be re plenished, his clothes patched and horse fed. I don't blame you, parson, for I expect you are like the ? !il._ 1--. editor, promises to pay wnneii uy delinquents in the sand which are only settled by the rain washing them out Shumpert has started hi3 mill up again. He has a splendid grist mill, but has not been able to put in his saw mill, as "FUz" wrote sometime ago. Somebody had misinformed him, I guess. Much success to the Dispatch. II. D. Seumpkrt. Marvelous Results. (From a letter written by Rev. J. Gunderman, of Dimondale, Micb., we are permitted to make this extract: "I have 110 hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery a3 the results were almost marvelous ?^ in tho case of my wife. V bile I was pastor of the Baptist Church at Rivers Janction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Dis coverj; it was quick m its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at G. M. Harman s drug store. Happenings Along the River. To Jfche Editor of the Dispatch. Hurrah for our boys! They have b2gan to realize the fact that a stock of goods would pay in this vicinity. We now have two sinall stores not far apart, Mr. J. H. Price and John Price being the boss kuights of the yardstick. Now, how about a railroad. AYe are sure cue would pay as our forests abound in undeveloped resources which would be valuable if put in a marketable condition and which would be done were they in easy reach of transpotation facilities The importing of goods and other articles used by the farmers would be a big item towards sustaining a railroad. It is fifteen miles to cur nearest railroad station, so you may see it is quite inconvenient. Guano is being extensively used this year, though we fear it will be paid for with cheap cotton. Guess who that boy was who did rot know that a girl's arm was always included in the bargain when he made an engagement with her to escort her heme from a sociable. ''Creep in the dirt oven next time, old pard, and you will be out of the world." The girls all say the bouquets have got the measles. ''Don't know how Clawhammer will pull through", - * ? T 1 _ I but as lor mo, tuey say i am uieasie proof and Bad has had them, (I guess he will not accept of many.) [We have "cut"' .."Andy" in two, publishing a part of his article last week and part in this issue.? Editop Dispatch ] ? ? Stit&sod for Arizona. Washington March 20.?Senator White from the Committee on Territories, today presented the report of thst committee on the bill for the admission of Arizona as a State of the Union. The report says that the territory contains 113,000 square ( miles or a greater area than is con | prised in the ten States of RhoJ | Island, Delaware, Connecticut, Xc1 Jersey, Massachusetts, Xew Hamj shire, Vermont, Maryland, Wes Virginia and South Carolina con bined. Its resources arc represente as unlimited, comprising much rie i agricultural land, forty million acre * of grazing land and the largest ui broken forest area in the Unite I Siates as well as rich deposits < , gold, silver, copper, lead, ony " | marble and precious stone. T1 * population is placed at eignty tnou 3 and and is represented as rapid! - idcreasing. The territory is said I 1 be prosperous notwithstanding 11 dull times. The people of the te ritory, the report says, are almost unit fcr Statehood. During the winter of 1S93, F. 3 I Martin, of Long Reach, "West Yi contracted a severe cold which le 3 him with a cough. In speaking * e how he cured it he says: 'T us* 1 several kinds of cough syrup bi I found no relief until I bought a be tie of Chamberlain's Cough Remed which relieved me almost instant! and in a short time brought about 1 complete cure." AYhen troubled wit 1 a cough or cold, use this remedy ac a you will not find it necessary to ti several kinds before you get relie 0 It has been in the market for ov twenty years and constantly gro^ 3 in favor and popularity. For sale 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Julia E. Kauffman. t 23 Diseased Aniaals, Etc. 1 Clemsox College, S. C., 5 March 21, 1896. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Kindly give publicity to the fc lowing: 1. The Yeterinary Department < } the South Carolina Experiment Station offers its aid to the people < ' South Carolina in the investigatic and extirpation of contagioua an infpp.h'nns diseases amon? the dome ' tic animals: horse, cow, swine, fowl etc. The College Veterinarian wi take pleasure in corresponding wit the owners of diseased animals an will, whenever possible, give diagnos and advice free. In all cases of contagious nature requiring person: inspection, the travelling expenses < the Veterinarian must be met by tb owners of the diseased animals. 2. It is the intention of the Vei erinary Department of Clemson Co lege to give to the stock owners an others of this State who may wish i a special course in Veterinary scienc< Anyone of good moral character ma avail himself of this course under th head of the Veterinary Depart men! For further information address, Dn. W. E.^A. Wyuan, Veterinarian to S. C. Experiment Station and Clemson College. If a small bottle of Shaker Digcs live Cordial does you no good, don' buv a large one. j ? , "Prove all things; hold fast tka which is good." It's not good foi everybody, only for the thin, pale sick, weak and weary. For thos< who are starving for want of digestec I food. For those who cannot get faj or strong, because their stomachs d( not work as they ought to. These are the people, millions o: them, whom Shaker Digestive Cjr dial will cure. Food makes strength, muscle brain, blood, energy?after it is ai gested. If net digested, it will dc you no good at all. Shaker Digestive Cordial helps j your stomach to digest your food auc J cures indigestion permanently. YYbe1 vou've tried a small bottle, you car | tell. Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 1C cents. ? ? A Possible Fusion. Republicans and Fopulists of Texas May Unite. Austin, Texas, March 27.?A re j port is current here and it has ap j peared in some of the Texas papers j that the leaders of the Republicans ! and the Populists have a scheme tc fuse, the Republicans to vote for the Populist nominees for State offices and the Populists to put Republics! j electors on their ballots. If this fu J sion is accomplished, it'will endange] j Texas as a Democratic State Ibis year. Two years ago the Democrats vote for Culberson was 207,107: Pop ulist vote 152,737, and Republicans j 59,001. The figures show that tin I combined opposition two years age ' had a majority of over 500 and this | has been greatly increased since b^ J defections from the Democratic ranks i This fusion movement, it is said, was | put on foot at Dallas some two weeks i aaro bv Edward Green, W. K. Maken j j son and other prominent Republicans j and leading Populists and Republi I cans and Populists here say it wii i succeed. 1 _____ ^ 0 Thousands Lave tested tbe grea building-up power of Hood's Sarsa parilla and have found renewee | strength, vigor and vitality in its use A Kansas Court has ruled that ! j man who calls upon a woman regu larly and takes ber to entertainment! occasionally is legally engaged ti trairy ber. >- A Heroins. f 0 Greenwood Journal. * Iu 18G1 Cornelius Horn and bis wife Lucinda were liviDg in Edge^ lield county, near Ivirksey's. They bad an only son, W. F. Horn, who was grown up. Both men enlisted s in Company K , 14th South Carolina ^ Regiment. They were poor, had 110 ortil oo lioeo fllTTO _ iiUIUL" U1 Uitil \J ?? LJ? UiJVl uo WUVWV vv jf composed the family, the mother refused to remain alone in her loneliiC ness, with no means of support, while her son and husband went to ? lv a ^ the front. She accordingly accorupa- ^ nied them, was enlisted, and re20 mained with them, until near the rclose of the war. The son was severely wouDdcd, and she brought s him back from Virginia and nursed f' j him at the home of some relatives, t., She met bravely all the hardships inft cident to Confederate camp life. She i " i ?_ ; iL. did ail in ner power in nursing me jj. sick and wounded in the camp, on ^ it- the march, on the battlefield and ^ y, everywhere that she could help a q y% suffering soldier. Her sen died a r i few years ago of wounds received in ? id battle. Recently she passed to her ry reward at the home of her grandson' c in Augusta. Her remains passed e through Greenwood and she was ^ at buried at Chustnut Hiil besides the ? son she followed so faithfully through j out the war. She was 82 years old, f and has left her husband behind to r mourn her loss. r I There is more Catarrh in this sec- r tion of the country than all other * diseases put together, and until the J last few years was supposed to be in- J curable. For a great many years : p doctors pronounced it a local disease, , and prescribed local remedies, and J by constantly failing to cure with ! of local treatment, pronounced it incur- < al able. Science has proven catarrh to j be a constitutional disease, and there- J fore requires constitutional treat- \ ,n ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu- J id fuciured by F. J. Cheney & Co., < s- Toledo, Ohio is the only constitution- < g al cure on the market. It is taken < ' internally in doses from 10 drops to < a teaspoonful. It acts directly on J h the blood and mucous surfaces of < U WC njoiviu. XUCJ VlUbl uu\. UUUU1.VU < |g dollars for any case it fails to cure. ' Send for circulars and testimonials. : a F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., al Toledo, 0. )f EE^Sold bv druggists, price 7oc. , 19. ; Two-thirds of all the letters which j. pass through the postoffices of the ^ world are written by and sent to | f people who speak English. J 2. It is estimated that over 4,000,000 ! y COO human beings have perished in e the wars of the world since the open- ! t. ing of the Christian era. < I ? A Lifs Saved. Jamestown, Tenn., October 15, 1891. My daughter tried physicians and nearly all remedies for Female irregularities, but received no relief or benefit whatever. AYe had nearly t despaired of her recovery when we were induced by our postmaster, Mr. A. A. Gooding, to try Gerstle's Female Panacea, and after using four r bottles she was entirely cured, for , which I feel it my duty to let it be a known to the world and suffering , humanity, for I believe she owes her r life to the Panacea. A. J. MACE, ^ Sheriff of Fentress County, Tenn. ) For fuither information call at Julian E. Kauffman's drug store and f get free, a pamphlet entitled, "Ad- = vice to Yv'omen and Other Useful Information." 23. i This inscription painted on a board adorns a fence in Kent: "Notis?If j any man's or woman's cows get info J these hare otes his or her tail will be ^ cut off as the case may be." BROWN'S 3 1 IRON BITTERS ! -^3 I fllPPa Constipation I 1 iUM Biliousness 0 111 |? Headache I : IB Debmt* *? 5 il wSf Malaria J 8 Pte Neuralgia > l&f iggtsi^ Bad Bicod j ' trl : L^^%| Kidney&Liver Try Kxpross or Ma!!, on receipt of pr!c? 11.OO per bottle. Book "TO AlOTiiEBV jailed free. iliADFIELD REGVLATOtt CO., ATLANTA, GA, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. "Do you go to church to hear the ermou or the music, Maude? "I g< or the hims," said Maude. The Groat Family Medicine, Is Spirittinc Balsam. This valua >le preparation is the pure extrac f certain pine trees, and manutac ured with great care, and in couse [uence of the astonishing success ii emoving diseases, has become ver; >opular and is being called for agaii ,nd again until it is a necessity v. ivery household. Thi3 great famil; oedicine has proven to possess th aost safe and efficient properties fo he cure of Colds, Rheumatism jameness. Sprains, Bruises Neural fia, Sore Throat, Soreness in th Sones, Ringworm, and is very use ul in all cases w here an externa emedy is applicable. For Earache ,nd Toothache there is no bette emedy. Sufferers from Lung ani bronchial Affections will obtain grea elief, and for general use there is n >etter medicine for the household Tot sale wholesale and retail at th Bazaar. Caveats, and Trade-Maria obtained and all Patlent business conducted for moderate Fees. OurOffice is Opposite U.S. PatentOffice r?uiu wc wuaciuic pa^.111. kunu [remote from Washington. i Send model, drawing or photo., with description. Wc advise, if patentable or not, free of [charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. > A Pamphlet. 44 Hew to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries [sent free. Address, IC.A.SNOW&CO. ^pp^atekt Office, Washington. D. C. In these days of j ITALL j TALK I> Actual Acbieremen?s often seem to beatn dls- 1 ) count, hut after ail Actual achievements are 1 S the only th ngs that count. < ) It Is ?r?sv to talk in General Terms about the 1 ? merits of i'XA N Oi, but - be more specific? i THE MATHOSHEKj !; Tbe grsat gasthara psvtritf. ]! U Established 30 years. 30,000 now In use. 1 t) Sold by us for 2"> years. Note lies* Valuable I, (> Pateuteit Improvements? ( |) Patent Repeating Action. < >? Patent Sounding Board. } * Patent Tuning Pin Bashing.) Patent Improved Agraffes. < it Patent Soft Stop. S [) One of the only two Pianos made complete ) [? (every part) In iss own Factory, one of the < t) best made In the U. S. 8o)d lower than any < s) other Hich Grade Piano One prodt only from ( t) maker to purchaser. WKITK U3. < 3LUDDEN & BATES,! [j SAVAKNAH, GA. j BAR A J i A | VKJK'S Sweet Peas fliied Varieties Lb-QU"rU"S.fi5c!Se' ..The Only | Bride of Niagara, DOUBLE TRUE TO XAME 5U/FFT DC A Packet 25c. )WCLI rClMl Half packet 15c. The "Wonderful GRIMSON RAMBLER ROSE Only 15 cents. rhese Floral Novelties are described in ' The Pioneer Seed Catalogue" Vick's FLORAL luide for 1856, which contains lithographs of the )ouble Sweet Pea, Roses, Fuchsias, blackberries, laspbemes, New Leader Tomato, Vegetables. Filled with good things, " " ~ ~ Id and new. FuU list of TEUB lowers, Vegetables, Small * } , , * * * . . , Fuchsias, Ptoses, ruits, etc., with descnp- Pe4rl Gooseberry, on and prices. Mailed on Blackberry, tccipt of 10 cents, which i^fd,er To?ato? .... L-r.' Potatoes, etc. g lay uc ucuuncu iiuiu iixai hi ? m rder?really free?or free with an order for any I f the above. In the floral world it is the only safe 5 GUIDE Rochester, N. | 1AMESV1CKS SON j BREAKFAST ? SUPPER. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. BOILING WATER 0R MILK. PARKER'S g|g?Spsg HAIR BALSAM REcfty'-?! -* 3 Clan:-. ? and beautifies tin hair. KJgPSjrZJ^fiagFrcniotco a luxuriant Rrowt':. JK|i3^==?.wjgSj2fever Fails to Bestore Cray cSSsKy^^gSBg Hair to its Youthful Color. S?SfSCTjFla?fflSSCures pen'o dis*a=:s & hair ICiiag. /wSKfe? ~"53 g'e.andSXtUat ihugrins HJ^DERCORKS. rhe onlv sure Cure for Corn?. ?to;>3 a:! pain. Jiti?nr.-8 coreox: to the levt. Makes tvaiiiing cr.rr.Xku. at Bruggisu. Oil eh enter'* En^iU.i Diamond i>ranj. I EWHVROYAL PSLLS I Orictnul sad Only Gcnisinc. A s*.CArc, alw/tv< reliable. laoico * i /^\ t'f\ &V)? Drc^dst for Chkktiter * t />, i//\\ Brand i:i K?*tt nc I n^i^Uc^UW >rv -seaScJ with bins libbou- Tnko VUr no other. He/'~.edangerom V "y ? iWtUmscnd imitations. At cr wnd-lc. W ,y in sttojA f-r particulars, tcsticwoiils Ant i ?* ?* "Relkf fo- I.ti'Iir*," in Ir'.icr. by retsirn A. If Mall. 1<>,n Squn.v, M tj ail Local l'ruf;i?:s. t hll&-la., i'a. Nice canuies, cakes aud crackers in always be found at the Bazaar. ARE YOU SICK. J SUFFERING, i l OR i AFFLICTED i T-m-r- i -*.T-WT T?T I TT IJN AJN I VVAI, AND NEED D I DO YOU WAIT RELIEF a a 7 I If so, you will find in the Dru< i, and Medicine Department a e~ the Bazaar, Standard Medi s cines for all Complaints 5 Diseases, Etc., which wi > x give relief and cure you. t 0 ? AT THE BAZAAR, | LEXINGTON, S. G i| Nice evaporated apples, prunei | canned pie peaches, mince mea | canned pine apple, cream cheese, an 5 mountain butter, at the Bazaar. ! I Thin jj I And 1 8 I MA Mil MA | | B I i IgJVSl & | I Blood i ? caos scc2cma?scfo^t,^a> 3 * blood poisonings liver !s| and kidney troubles, dys fig pepsia and many other Jf diseases* Purify it! Remove the cause* There's ? /3 a core?prompt ano sure j g DR. CLARK JOHNSON'S } I INDIAN j ! BLOOD i I SYRUP I { !$ for thirty years a standard 4 y ? remedy. Wot an experi- c I a ment, hot a proved reliable I v| core. Over 20 MILLION < || BOTTLES SOLD. It does j $ core. Good for the whole f ? family. Gives new vigor, 5 ! 8 life, nope, strength. Ask J S for a bottle at your drug- ] i | gist's TO-DAY. S | [jlii Magazines fc for the k0me.< j Ifpllif' PFRANK LESLIE'S OPULAR MONTHLY ) Contains each Month : Original Water Color ('Frontispiece; 128 Quarto Pages of Reading Matter; 10C New and High-class Illustrations; More Literary Matter end Illustrations than any other Magazine in America 2*5 cts.; $o a Year. Frank Leslie's Pleasant Honrs FOR BOYS AND CSRLS. A Bright, Wholesome. Juvenile Monthly. Fully illustrated. The host, writers for young people contribute to it. 19 < ts.: $1 a year. SKID ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO HAM LESLIE'S PLC. HOUSE NEW YORK. il?>l?.l<*aJi.i r>/->n+ O'uVi firrnze i j UfiUUUULdUiy Hid DSM oiuu unoia ! \ Srnd In Frank Tsdir's Publish ing, .V. for Few lb \mtr>itcd i'rriurir.i List, Ftcr, CATARRH LOCAL and is the result of cold gu and sudden climatic ^?g& It can be cured by a picas ^'t fertilization, ar.ii ; f are really helpful to farmers. I'hcv arc sen: free I^r the ubliiug. CKR.MAN" KAI.I WuKKS, Nassau fit.. New York. fJ! 11 p ?| ! i SPIIilTTIXi: r^r A. w ? - . y 3 t ; REMEDIES II Endorsed by soree of the Lcr.din? Medics Profession. No Qaack or Patent Medicine, but NATURE'S PURE REMEDIES. t, ^ Admitted into the World Columbian Exposition in 1803. Use Spirittine Hals am for Ehensiafism, Colds. Lameness, Sprains Sore Throat jj Use 8'piiittino Iahalent for Consumtion, 4 Consumptive C oughs, Catarrh, Asthma i) and La oripp^. iSpiritiiae Ointment is indispensable in the treatment of Skin Liseases, Cure Itch, Itching Piles, g In consequence of the astonishing suej cess in removing diseases, its demand now B comes not alone from this vicinity hut 3 from everywhere in the United States and J Europe. 5 SPiRITTINE CHEMICAL CO., 1 \ WILMINGTON, N. C. jj| Wholesale and Retail by G. II. IIARMAN, | Lexington, S. C y January 30?ly | OLD ?TIME i Every household should have these | weli tried remedies so that in case of ? sickness your physician is ever at B ttamv ?w nr\/1 T'lint? n vn nniin 14-* i* p* J uui iJLiniavu. a-u\jjr u: i; jM^puitW, jj/ because they give certain and quick p relief, wherever used. | PLAMERSOIDTSECOUGIISVBCP * The PriDce of Cough Syrups. The I consumption preventive. For croup 3 in children and coughs of ail kinds ? it has no equal. An excellent remedy Ifor grippe or severe colds. 25 and 50 cents bottles. PLATERS FEMALE REGULAtor, the priceless boon lor women. A special treatment for ail diseases pc culiar to her sex. Price ?1. PLANTERS PILE OINTMENT, never fails to effect i cure. AY by ;! suffer from this troublesome disease, (J' when a single package of this medi! cine may cure you. Price 50 cents. !; PLANTERS CATARRH BALM, j for colds, catanh, hoarseness, sore <| troat, loss of voi-e, loss of healing, \ hay fever, etc. etc. Price 50 cents. \ THE TWIN PAIN KILLERS, ) Cuban Oil for extoi ud use, Cuban j Relief for internal u.-o, for man and t beast. Price 25 cents. PLANTERS EYE WATER for ) inflamed and sore eyes of every de5 sciiption. Strengthens the eyes of | the age. 25 cents per bottle. PLANTERS HEADACHE POW( ders for sick and neivous headache r and neuralgia. Will cure in 20 miuS utes. 10 cents per package. PLANTERS HORSE AND CAT tie Powders, the finest medicine ever | known for stock and poultry. ln\ vest 25 cents and make your horse ? worth ?50 more. \ PLANTERS NUBIAN TEA, the I finest veer,', hi Me liver rerrnlsfnr i?i the ( r* ? ? # ij woild. Dues not gripe. Cures biliousness, indigestion, sour stomach, dyspepsia and all liver complaints. ( 2-5 cents per package. ) tST For sale at the Bazaar's illed> ical Dep.aitment, Lexington, S. C. January 1. 18D6. ; NO ^.OBE E?E-GLiSSES, K? WeaS j More """ ^cs' MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE I r A Certain Safe and Effective Remedy for ' SORE. WEAK and INFLATED EVES.! Producing Long-Sightcdness, and \ J } Restoring the Sight of the old. < Cures Toar Drops, Granulation, Stye j i Tumors, Red Eyes, flatted Eye Lashes, ! ' AND PRODUCING QUICK RELIEF j i AND PERMANENT CURE. 1 Also, equally efficacions when ased t n =. other maladies, *;irU ay Fleers, Fever ! * Sores, Tumors, Halt Klioatn, Lums ' Plies, or wherever inf?am:nn:ion eshls, t MITCIEEE.L'S SALVE may be used to bUvantage. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AT 25 CENTS. v 11 ciall" Boilers. f To'Get our prices. At'as and Erie Engines Tanks, Stacks, Stand l'ipes and Sheet-Iron Work; Shaft- J in.g, Pulleys, < bearing. Poxes, Hangers, etc. Complete Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil and I*. rtil::?er Mill outlits; al>o Gin, Press, f j Cane Mill and Shingle outfits. ^ - j Bunding, Bridge, Factory, Furnace and Bai^oad Castings; Kailroad, Mill, Mucin. .ists' and Factory Supplies. P-elting. Packing, Injectors, Pipe Fittings, Saws, Files. Oilers, etc. % | CD'Cast every day; work 150 hands. [orated Iron Works i and Supply Co., A e -J A s S&f A iT- /\ r^scr.^er Depot, /-i. ?v3 *** ^ ?/ * * iSS t " 1 January jl?ly jgsgBk. CHILDREN . | WILL SEVER REFUSE TO TAKE ?r' Thacher's Worm Syrup \ WHO HAVE TAKEN IT OfJCE. itivcly Removes Wcrms and tlicir Causes. Regulates vS&ggjy ' the Liver and Bcv?els. Restores the Appetite. ^ Mrs. Sarah JTnrvoy, of Wnrronsbnrp, Tenn? says. 12'XmPWS i *1 happened to i?et !>oid of one bottle of Dr. H. * Thachcr's Worm Syrup and pave it to my cbit5 "Wards off Malaria. Is a pleasant aDd invigorating rntdicine. Particularly effective in the euro of Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Nausea, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, etc. A valuable liver regulator. Comets X s 15 ?3 all disorders < { thekidneys. Wonderfully ra gr ikasa rtws beneficial in fen ale complaints Taken H H 65^ along rvith quinine, is an effectual enre for Ie?39 13 0 loSS Chilis. A great arpetizcr when taken betea uaasa 4.? ,r,. ? 1_. T? lUl'J lliruia. r.iU i r.?un vu^cow*vu. A** FOR TIIE lar^o 25c., 50c. and $1 bottles. Sold at tLe Ruzoar and by W. P. Root, LiPR AND KIDNEYS L"iDs,onMl.tJ a^kc#?-SB_ fi *? 'Wholesale by THE PeIURRY DRUG CO., I COLUMBIA, S. C. March 14?ly. | | OF? ? i . 1 c< I EY3R7 O'OITCSSVASiB O'SLOS. I i rnriTd pij,to rnirtirvDfl t'uAF tAi I l*ii\ iiilihi1, ili t i i r; lAKk, lliAtMii^ h I IF-A-HSrCST G-HOCBEIES, j ! OICirAXiS. < XIICWING mid POiOKXNG TOBACCO ! 4 I Tovs, Fancy Goods, Mobs, i ?/ 7 / 7 ' jIDIK'CrGbS and MEDICIITZS, 1 PEiiFilHi, STATMEUr, SCHOOL BOOKS, ALBUMS, ETC. A well selected stock of the above Goods ronsta fitly < n band eccl I always at the very lowest prices. These Gcctls arc all fresh ana : enable. ^ | I ^ IS >1 I IV c> rr O IV II . , H ? c . _ ? _ . _ _ . ?. t ' X . :. v.. it ,\\ ccir.s 00 YOU 00 HUNTING ? ; n-.V>e:cci?CiN 'SS'SSsr1" 00 YOU WANT AS GROAN? I; t::o J IJ^rrcJ?Accnraey. I: Lis Icv/ec:; ;.r:s-h-r.:;j,lic;ry. CD YOU WANT A GOOD ONE! Scn;l forccn:?'rtte'nic, frco. Sr-ecla! psefc ' Vc^sfor-occnu. *r F.EPEESEXT TII3 FINEST LINE TiiH MAIvLIN FIRE ARMS CO.* 1 ot Organs m America, at lair prices ^ vB J, ti,. ,. ? and ou easy terms. For catalogues ami ?>CA lia.CU, LC:i2, i , " , . ,r 4 iu>AYf ] particulars, address, il. A VAi-ONL, January 27?Gin Colombia, S. - - a?