Highest of all in Leavening Pow Royal The Lexington Dispatch WEDNESDAY. LECEMBES 18. 189). Index to New Advertisements. S leriff's Sales. Clerk's Sale. Governor's Proclamation. Mrs. II. C. TVyse?Notice to Trcs- ; passers. E. Sharps?Aotico to Trespassers. Plymouth Pock?$3 Pants. What is Home Without a piano, or organ? If you desire either, write to M. A. Malone, Columbia, for special prices and terms. A Spanish Jack, 13 hands high, for sale: or wil trade for a good mulf, apply to ; G. B. BICKLY, Hilton, S. C. ; $195 TJp : Will buy beautiful upright piaDos from M. A. Malone, Columbia, S. C. Write him for particulars. 1 i Court. ] Court is dragging its weary length 3 a'ong. No progress in the disposi- J tiou of cases on tbe docket, that is, which will amount to anything. The only case tried since last Wednesday was that of J. H. Lorick ] vs. Southbound R. R. Co. The ver- g diet was in favor of the plaintiff for * $235. The jury in the case of Lizzie 1 B. Geiger vs. Southbound R. R. Co., 1 was empaneled on Saturday last. < They are still hearing this case, j t which possibly will be given to them ] j this afternooD. < Fire Works. i The joyous time for the small boy I i as well as the larger can now 1 be satisfied at the Bazaar, with Fire j t Crackers from the smallest to the ' c largest size and Fire Works of all ; \ kinds. i i ! Masonic. | a Lexington Lodge, Xo. 152, will t meet in extra communication next s Saturday at 11 a. m. Instalation of j j the newly elected officers and the de- v vouring of an elegantly prepared e luncheon, will be the program. t . * ? Burglars. N \ a My store was entered by bsu-glars s last night, December 17ih, anu goods j q taken to the amount of about ?10 or j t more, viz: Ready made clothing, ; .shoes, pocket knives, pistols, razors, I p under shirts, shirt collars, &c. j J . . ' "t 1 .vl n*ill 1-?p nmfl for tllfi ! i; JUiUViai X t u Wi M *4* VW -w- Vl arrest of the party or parties. t F. W. Oswalt. ( i t A Life Saved. i t Jamestown, Term., October 15, 1S91. My daughter tried physicians and nearly all remedies for Female irregularities, but received no relief or . n benefit whatever. We had nearly j despaired of her recovery when we j 0 were induced by our postmaster, | Mr. A. A. Gooding, to try Gerstle's j Female Panacea, and after using four . o a bottles she was entirely cured, for which I feel it my duty to let it be known to the world and suffering ' ^ humanity, for I believe she owes her j _ life to the Panacea. i J, A. J. MACE, d Sheriff of Fentress County, Tenn. j n For further information call at \ i Julian E. Kauffman's drug store and ; c get free, a pamphlet entitled, "Ad- j vice to Women and Other Useful In- ! q Formation." G. | y ^ _ } ; o To the Public. i ^ My Holiday Box has arrived. If i ^ you want to make a nice Xmas pre?- ' y tnt call and examine my line of Toiltt ^ Articles, Fine Perfumery and Druggists Fudcv Goods. r "Cosmeon" Toilet Articles are bet- ^ ier than silver. If you want initials j ^ er.graved; call in time. I T d.-? unf mrrsfinn nrices here. To ! r? . a compare the goods with the price : , will satisfy anyone. j * J. E Kauffm.\xx, Druggist. j a Lexington, S. C. { ^ Suffered Another Loss by Fire. i r JMr. S. J. Clark of Chapin, who ; ^ a short while ago had the misfortune S of having his barn, stables, four 0 head of stock, all of his rough food ^ and other property destroyed by fire, ' has met with a like misfortune in the s destruction of his gin house, mill j 1 4 and machinery by fire. The fire is . supposed to have originated from a ' hot box. The loss is heavy and com- u plete, falling entirely upon Mr. Clark 1 as there was no insurance on this j property. j The Columbia, Newberry "and j Liurens Railroad depot, which was j c near the gin house, was also con- 1 sumed, but we are informed that its contents were saved. ? + $35 TJp i Will buy an organ from M. A. ? fl^Attalone, Columbia, S. C. \ 1 cr.?Latest U. S. Gov't Report ELY PUKE A CARD. I take this opportunity of express- j iDg my regrets at having disappointed several parties at Lexington, Friday { morning. Dec. 13th. Some verv ur. gent business required my presence ! in Columbia Friday morning. I hoped to return on my bicycle by 10 j or 11 o'clock, but was unavoidably detained. If those who could not wait cr found it inconvenient to return Saturday, will write me if only a postal card, about a week before 1?ar?r? \vV.of will Slllf tllPm 1 think I can arrange to attend to their wo:k duriDg cur next appointment, Jan. U to 18th, 1896. Those who are well acquaintel with the members of our firm know that we make every sacrifice in order to the convenience of our patients and we hope when those who were i disappointed understand that the dis ! appointment was not caused by any neglect or carelessness on our part, that they will pardon us. Thanking the people of Lexington For their liberal patronage, and wishing them a merry Christmas and a aappy New Year. I beg leave to re- | xiain, very respectfully, J. William Boozer. M iss Adams' Entertainment. Miss M. Jean Adams, teacher of Elocution in the Leesville College, *ave an exhibition of her elocution>?'tt 4 o 1 /-iy> f o Polmclf a Tricfifnfo locf 11 J I U1VU I ck iJ JL. ai.JUVI.VV U JL?kJV j Wednesday evening, before a small ! but attentive and appreciative ai- ! Lence. The program selected for | ;he evening's entertainment was va- ! ied, interesting, instructive and imusing. Miss Adams came to us with the j lighest recommendations of possess- | ng elocutionary talents of a rare ligh order and she ably sustained ! hem. Her personification of the j haracters which she assumed was vonderfully realistic; the rapid trans- j tion of manner from gave to gay j vaspleasiDg and amusing; her voice 1, ,nd gestures were under complete con- I , rol and expressed the very idea i i ought to be conveyed by the em- j )hatical words; her apostrophizing 1 fas cute and made her audience ; ncer into the fullness and spirit of I < he thoughts of others. That on j : Sam's Letter"' was particularly fine ; ' nd charming. Xo act was overdone i ( ave that, perhaps, of the too fre- ; tuent use of the handkerchief in j he '"Burlesque Sermon." J ^ We very much regret that more j ^ leople were not present to hear Miss Ldams, as they certainly missed a ; reat of rare literary merit. We hope | hat she will consent to repeat her i 1 ntertainment at an early date and j * hus give our people another oppor- ; unity of Leariug her. j ? l Mrs. Elizabeth Roof Gone Rest, j ^ Mrs. Elizabeth Roof, the venerable I a lother of Capt. S. M. Roof, peace- | ally ended her esithly pilgrimage ^ nd entered intcLthat rest which rej c aaineth to the people of God, on : ridav, December 13tb, lSWb, at tiie e dvanced age of 92 years 11 months ^ nd 1 day. i Her husband, John Roof, preceded | er to the spirit land thirty-four j 1 ears ago. She was the mother of " 1 welve children,?six sons and three aughters survive her?sixty five rand children, fifty-three great grand jc hildren and t ro great great grand * bildren. ' ? Mrs. Rroof was an estimable l Ihristian lady, of a trait of character j * rhich endeared her to the affections f all with whom she came in con- c act. Beautifully she lived in the ? ope of a blessed immortality be- 1 ond the grave? her life was a lamp I d the feet of others to light up the I ray to the foot of the Cross: her j t lodly precept and example impressed hernselves upon the lives and charac- c i er of those whose moral training j 1 :ere intrusted to her instruction by j n all wise Providence, and by them ? ransmitted to their children and ? rom generation to generation until race of God loving and successful I usiuess men and woman has been t eared to bless the community in } rhich they reside. Her death was a InviAllC frit imr>h nf the truthfulness ( IVi ?. - ? ? ? - f the doctrine she so meekly yet so ] eautifullv \ adorned, and as the ( riDjred angel of immortal life bore her \ ainted spirit to her eternal home in i hat mansion not made with hands i hose who stood around her earthly t abanacle witnessed the triumphaut j leparture of a noble mother in Is- , eal. : ( 1 Horse for Sale. t I A good farm or draft horse, 8years i Id, for sale, apply to I L. V. MACK, ( Lexington, S. C. I i f To close out and retire from busi- j i less, a lot of English rabbits will be j i >old at 2o cents a piece. Enquire at j ;he Bazaar.. i i PEXCIL A.\D SCISSOltS. Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Man. The question of freeing Congnree Bridge bobs up serenely again. Header, are you in arrears at this office? If so call and settle or send the amount due. Mr. Isaiah Taylor lost his infant child last Thursday from croup. Mr. D. E. Farr 1 as been assisting Mr. Spann in the Cleiks office for the past week. There will be a Christmas service and Sunday school picnic at Providence church on Christmas day. All are invited to come and bring baskets. The composition on "School Companion," on the first page, should have been signed "Eh." The Palmetto Institute will close for the Holiday, Tuesday December 24tb, and reopen Monday, January Gth. .Everybody loves nice, fresh, candy, and at the Bazaar is the place to find it, from the purest plain candies to the best crystalized fruits. Come and see the display for Christmas. We are glad to learn that the Baptist congregation have retained the Rev. Mr. Myers as its pastor for another year. Hon. W. H. F. Rast, member of the House of Representatives from this county and leading merchant at Swansea, was in town Monday. When you come to town don't R rget to call and settle your subscription due the Dispatch. iiT g TTT^TT" and ever/one. reeds it at all times cf the year. Malaria is always about, and the only preventive and relief is to keep the Li ver active. You must help the Liver a bit, and the best helper is the Oid Friend, SIMmons Liver Regulator, the Red z. Mr. C. Himrod, of Lancaster, Ohio, says: "slmmons llver regulator 1 broke a case of Malarial Fever of three years' standing for me, and less than one bottle did the business. 1 shall use it when in need, and recommend it." ' Be sure that you get it. Always look for ' the RED Z on the package. And don't ] 'orget the word regulator. It is sim mons Liver Regulator, and there is only one, ar.d every one who takes it is sure to be benefited. the benefit is \ll in the remedy. Take it also for Biliousness and Sick Headache; both are ] taused by a sluggish Liver. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. The Plutonian which has hereto- 'ore prevailed on our streets, has ^ oeen cleared away by the cheerful ^ ays of the lighted street lamps. Fruits, candies of all kinds, cakes tnd crackers will be found continlally through the season, at the Bazaar. Six of the men implicated in the Broxton Bridge horror have surendered themselves to the Sheriff of bnlWnn pnnrtfw and have retained ible counsel. People are suffering from an anloying epidemic in the nature of a :ough. While painful and very dis.greeable, the disease is not consid red dangerous. Remedies at the 3azaar. Old type inetal, as good if not beter and cheaper than Babbit metal ;uitable for mill men, for sale at the dispatch office. Farmers you need not take your :otton to any other market, bring it o Lexington, where Mr. "W. P. Roof ] guarantees highest price. Ke can ' ise and wants every bale raised in , he county. < Don't forget, teachers, the meeting | ?f the Teachers' Association next : Saturday. The meeting will be in i Palmetto Institute buildiug and will ! >egin promptly at half past 10 o'clock. Svery friend of education whether a eacher or not is invited. , Fine Northern apples, bananas, :abbage and onions just received, at he Bazaar. The ladies of the Methodist congregation are renovating the parsonige, previous to occupancy by Rev. dir. DuBose, the newly appointed Dastor, who is expected to arrive in .ime to fill his appointment at this | J 'lino nor+ f"s 11 tt rj o xr mAmirinf ! Rev. G. Edwin Stokes has been juite sick at the residence cf Mr. H. A. Spann. Mrs. Stokes was 'ailed to his bedside last week. We vere glad to see him in thi office yes.erday. If his health will permit, he .vill leave for his new field of labor ;omorrow. We publish this week two excellent irticles?one on the outside and the 1 itber in supplement form?the first ] aeing the annual report of the Comp:roller General to the Legislature, irvhich paper is full of information to .hose who desire to study the finan-; < fial condition of the St ate, and how j die tax money has been expended, j i rhe other is the new constitution : idopted by the recent convention. Both this issue and its supplement should be carefully studied and filed iway for future reference. Or. 0. L. BOCZER, J. WILLIAM. BOOZ Entracti'ig and Artrficia Denture. Filling anC Ik D. L. BOC DENTAL ? 1515 MAI COLUMBIA, 7^3r lJmncb Offices: Newberry first M< month. Found Dead. On Tuesday of last week Mr. W. A. Daily, who resided in the Fork, took Lis gun and dog and went gunning on Broad river. This was the last seen of him live. Not returning that night, his wife became alarmed about him and aroused her brother, Mr. G. D. Ellisor, and told him her fears. A party of neighbors was organized and the search for him commenced, which extended through the night and until Wednesday morning about 10 o'clock, whin the body if h's dog was found liddled with shot. The search was renewed with vigor and about half mile from where the dog was found and within a quarter of a mile from his home, the body of Mr. Daily was found in a path laying on his light side, with the gun g asped a :ound the barrel, just as guns are usually carried in the hand while hunting. There were no marks upon the body that would suggest the theory of murder or suicide, nor were there any circumstances that would support these theories. It is thought that Mr. Daily shot the dog himself for running hogs as he had been heard to say on seversl occasions that he would kill the dog if it did not stop running hogs. Tiial Justice Jacob W. Drcher held the inquest, and after the examination of witnesses and the post mortem by Dr. Henry Eleazer, the verdict of the jury was that the "deceased came to his death from natural causes," perhaps heart failure. Mr. Daily was a good, quiet and industrious citizen. He leaves a large family of a wife and about U ' Dine children in not very good circumstances. Our sympathies go out to the stricken family. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at the Bazaar, Nodes to Teachers. All teachers desiring Congressional literature for school libraries are requested to communicate with the undersigned at once, giving the number of volumes iu library of what they consist, and state facilities for taking care of same. Respectfully, J. Wm. Stokes, House of Representatives, "Washington, D. C. Tried Friends Best. For thirty years Tutt's Pills have proven a blessing to the invalid. Are truly the sick man's friend. A Known Fact For bilious headache, dyspepsia sour stomach, malaria,constipation and all kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS AN ABSOLUTE CURE. Superior to All Other. Geeexto, Miss, Mar Gtb, 1892. Although I never used any secret remedies before, I prescribe St. Joseph's Sarsapaiilla in my practice as I would any prescription of iny awn compounding, and any physician who will do the same will be greatly pleased at the results achieved. In my opinion it is superior to all others and has been es pecially useful to me in Rheumatic and Scrofulous cases. R. M. KITTREL, M. D. For further information call at Julian E. Kaufxmann's drug store and ask for a pamphlet entitled, "A Treatise on the Blood.'" 6. A Card of Thanks. I hereby tender my heart felt thanks to my friends and neighbors for contributions in feed, work and money, and truly do I appreciate this kindness in substantial smypathy in | my unfortunate condition, and I shall ever gratefully remember them. S. J. Clakk. ? Bantist Association. X Editor Dispatch: Program of next Fnion of Upper ? < T i. -_ \ Uivision oi juexiugiuu j^upusb i ciation which will convene at New ! Lexington (C. II.) church, Satuiday ; bjfore the oth Lord's day in Decern- ! b;-r. Introductory seimon by Dev. Joab Edward?. 1st Query: Our duty to Missions, | opened by C. B. Avery. ! 2d Query: Why are our people so ! indifferent to Sunday school wort, 1 and how can we arouse them, opened j by J. T. Sawyer. Mission sermon, by Rev. ?. J. j Riddle. J. T. Sawyer, Clerk Union. ER, D. D. S., J. EDWIN BOOZER, 0. D. S,; I Treating Teeth, Crown and bridge Work. !ZER kSONS, SURGEONS, NT STREET, S. C. jnday; LoxirgtoD, second Tuesday in each ' July 4 - V OLD TIME PRICES N^ME. Head and Wonder! This is an era of progressiveness. Everybody must hustle to keep abreast of the times. Old time prices is a thing of the past; realizing this stubborn fact, I have determined to j break the record and sell out my mammoth stock of HOUSEHOLD GOODS at living prices. Come and get my prices and you will open your eyes with astonishment and wonder. Here are some prices. Realizing that a thing of beauty is a joy forever, and that a BEAUTIFUL PICTURE will throw rays of sunshine into the gloomy homes, I have selected the grandest assortment ever brought to this city. Come and see my grand display. A fine representation of the "Grand Musee do Art." fi^But the Prices A Fine Oval Hand finished Painting at - $5.00 A 20x24 Imta. Pastel, only 2.00 A 1(5x20 Imta. Pastel only 75 A 20x24 Chroino. 50 See our latest craze: The Panel Glass (just out) only 75 Easels from 25c to $1.50. I have just received a job lot of Frames and am selling them at prices unheard of before. A Handsome Gilt Enamel or Steel finish frame, cabinet size, for only 25. Chairs! Chairs!! Every kind and quality. My stock of Reed Chairs is in and will suit the most fastidious. See my Ladies Reed Rockers for only $1.75. A Dandy cane bottom, high back, sitting Chair for 75c. Just think. Children chairs from 40c to $2. MY SPECIALTIES, Toilet, Water and Tin Sets. Lamps, Clocks, Full line of Crockey and Glass Ware always on hand. My line of Blankets, Down Pillows and Comforts is just in. See my fine Austrian wool Blanket for $5. A fine Reversible satin Com fort $2. BED ROOM SUITS: Just in from the West and are too "knobby" to describe. JUST THINK: A Fine 10 piece Oak Suit, German bevel glass, $25. The same in Poplar for - - 20. See my Antique Oak Suits, quarter sawed French bevel glass, only $50. I am Sole Agent for the Celebrated NEW HOME MACHINES and have broken the record by sell ing the New Home at $35. New Ideal Machine at $25. Both with a written guarantee for five years. I am also agent for the STORY & CLARK ORGANS. ? * -1 1 r\ r &r.r\ A mce kj&k panel wrgan iui gnu. Special prices and terms given to Ministers and Churches. I have had the largest trade this season ever before which I fully appreciate and will alwas keep a full slock in my line and am always ready to show .you around whether you buy or not. Thanking you for your liberal patronage, I am yours for tn.de. J. HJ- SUXJLL, THE HOUSE FURNISHER, Remember, at 1G10 Main street, Columbia, S. C. Nov. G?Gin The State of South Carolina COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. In Court of Common Pleas. JoQn Q A. Gregory, vs. L. L. Lown, Emanuel Lown and Lorick & Lowrancc. IN OBEDIENCE TO ORDERS PASSED in this case, I will sell to the highest bidder, at public outcry, befor< JJ he court house door iu Ltxington couniy, during < the usual hours of salt-, on the nrst Monday in January next, the following dee/*rilia. Iluict, It. G. Johnson and J. II. Iluiet, [ Defendants, Copy Summons for Pi lief. (Con.plaint served.) To the Defendants above named: "\roU APiE HEREBY SUM HON D AND JL rccptired to ai.swcr the complaint in tins action, of which a copy is herewith served upon yon. and to str^o a copy of your answer to the said complaint 011 the subscribers at 'h- ir ofnee at Lexington -C. II , S. C., witLiu twenty days alter service hereof, exch s'vo of the diy o: such service; and it you fail to answ. r the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in ! this action will apply to the Court lor the relief dtmanded in the complaint. Dated November oilt, l-Hlto [L S.] II. A SPANN. C. C. C. P. HEE1ZE A- MULLElt. Plaintiff's Attorneys. To C B Hi-,let. absent defendant in above stated case: You will pit ;vse take notice that the ordinal complaint is now on file in theoiiiccof ClerK ot Court for Lexington County in said Slate. MEEfZE & MULLER, Plaintiff's Attorneys. November 9, 1895. Gwo. NEW F ILL - AM) - WINTER GOODS I ARE NOW READY AT GEO. E. JACKSON'S COLUMBIA, S. C. You can save from 10 to 15 per cent, on the dollar by making you purchasers Iron this store. Ask lor TICKETS GN SILVERWARE J and you wili ^ct a part of the profits back. The Stock is No. l.and eralraces all styles, quality and prices to be h d in the larger stores. Remember the stand, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 1715 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C, C. F. JACKSON, Manages, May 30,?ly. ^ ...A.!TT..r ] < BOX T LIE! ! c Awake at night and worry about finding the place where you can Get Best Value for the Money ii You Invest in i CLOTHING. Come to us and well give you j BETTER CLOTHING | FOR THE MONEY ] than will i)e obtained elsewhere. We ? offer the following: p i i*i i 11 _ 11 _ .i_ ... I A srynsn ana serviceaoie oiacii cr fancc Cheviot Sacque Suit at only ^ $8.50. Line of stylish Sacque Suits in black, blue and fancy Cheviots, good wearers, at only t $10.50. 1 Line of beautiful black Clay weave ?i Cutaway Frock Suits at only $10.00. An elegant black or blue unfinished worsted of fancy Cheviot Sacque Suit p at only $15.00. "We also offer some special values V in Underwear. Excellent quality Men's Shirts and j Drawers only 50c each. Elegant Camel's Hair Shirts and c Drawers only 75c each. Fine Natural "Vv'ool Shirts and Drawers onlv $1 each. 3 P Extra quality Camel's Hair Shirts _ and Drawers only Si 50 each. Elegant imported Merino Shirts and Drawers only 82 each. Beautiful Nut Brown English Cashmere Shirts and Drawers only S3 each. -nr- n.;a mftr fn> H e die 3UJ.C U." C1JIO 1U luw V/HJ i wi Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen Underwear and Jaros Hygienic Underwear, and catalogues will be mailed upon application. ti: ^Prompt and careful attention [*iven to mail orders. M. L. KINARD, I CLOTHIER FOR THE PEOPLE. 1523 Main Street, C At Sign of the Golden Star COLUMBIA, S. C. f] April 25?ly. (; F j When you are in need of any kind : 3f job printing keep us iu mind. We ; ,4; :an suit \ou both in quality of work J , . v io and price. : tj ; cc 3 WAST Prof. 8miih, fcr 19 Yeara Principal ?f the T? COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 0F.KY. UNIVERSITY ? Awarded Medal bp World's Exposition For Sjeienj of Bocili-Kcopltue and General I!u?iiie.'*?? successful cradnates ? 1?m in banks and U?1 officials. >'o Vacation. KXTKR >'t>W. Kentuckv University l>iploina awarded our trradtiates. Assistance given our al gradual*? itt securing situation*. _ Kt?S~ In order that pour letter* mag reach this College * ' tare this notice and address as heloir, WILBUR R. SMITH, LEXINCTON, KY. I W. T. MARTIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, COLUMBIA, S. C. Merchants and Planters "will do well to try this House when purchasing. All kinds of HEAVY GROCERIES.^ GRAIN, FEED, &c., kept in stock. Orders accompanied by the cash will receive prompt attention. Name amount of each article wanted lor money sent and prompt shipment will be made and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. MARTEN'S BIS ALLOWANCE STORE, COLUMBIA, S. C. June 6.?tf LEXINGTON SAVINGS BANK. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CI1ECK. &LLEN JONES, President. W. P. ROOF, Cashier. DIRECTORS: \Jleu Jones, W. P, Roof, C. M. Efird, ?^ R. Hilton James E. Hendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and nterest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, payable April and October. September 21?tf POMONA HELL IT Miseries, POMONA, TV. C. ALL LEADING FRUITS, Calculated to suit the Southern and border States. Send for descriptive Catalogue No. 1, of FRUIT TEED, VINES, ETC., ,nd No. 2, Green House Catalogue of young pot grown iOSES, CHRYSANTHEMUMS, CARNATIONS, &c. Calalogues free. Correspondence soliited. Address J. VAN LINDLEY, Proprietor, Pomona, N. C. April 23?lr. _______ m WANTED HIDES AND BEESWAX. IN arge or small quantities. Will pay lighest market (cash) price. . RICE B. HARMAN. LEXINGTON. S. C. MASONIC. ft A REGULAR COMMUNICAk^A^tion of Lexington Lodge, 'V\No. 152, A. F. M., will be held n Saturday, January 4tb, at 3 p. a. Members will come pepared to iav dues at tbis meeting. There will be an extra meeting on iaturday the 21st for Installation of fficers. Take due notice and govrn yourselves accordingly. G. M. Harman, Secretary. CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK, AT COLUMBIA, S. C. TATE. CI TV AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY. 'aid up Capital ... $100,000 urplus Profits . - . 100,000 Saving's Department. Deposits of $5 00 and upwards received. nterest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, er annum. W. A. CLAKK, President. Wilie Jones, Cashier. JDecember 4?ly. JEQEGE BETOS MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C., "EWELER REPAIRER Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Watches, locks an J Silverware. A fine line of pectacles and Eyeglasses to fit every one, [\ for sale at lowest pri res. p*S~ Bepairs on Watches first class uickly done and guaranteed, at moderate rices. 50?tf. ESTABLISHED 1S69. B. VISANSKA. - j BATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND SPECTACLES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and all kinds of STPJXGS. 1 VISANSKA IS THE EIGHT MAN .J# to go to when you want anything in te jewelry or musical lines. He will sell >u goods at the lowest cut prices and larantees honest dealing. Yon can also rt a first class job at a very reasonable rice when you have auy repairing. COLUMBIA, S. C., ain Street, next door to Central National Bank. November 20?3m. hamberlain'8 Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, Saltheum, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Chapped 'and*, I telling Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, [ironicSore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. a- c-ilo 1.v (?riicrrripnt? rmr Kat to eokse"ownebs. For putting a horse in a fine healthy contion try Dr. Cadv's Condition Powders, hey tone up the system, aid digestion, curt ss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct dnc-v disorders and destroy worms, giving :-w life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 nts per package. For sale by druggists. Professional Calls. I NY CALL LEFT AT THE BAZAAR X !< r my services wi'l be promptly atsded to. C. E. LEAPHART, II. D. Sep* ember 11? if. ; SoflLlTs!EQIISlf ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATESBUEG, - - - - S. C. j Practices in all the State Conrts, especily in Lexington, Edgefield and Aiken junties. Mar. 0 -ly