? tatk cf Ohio, City of T\ ledo, ) Lucas County ) s " F.ank J. Cheney makes oatb that be is tbe senior paitner of tbe firm of F J Coecey & Co, doit? Lusiress in the C.ty of Toledo, C nit/ and S ate aforesaid and that said firm will piy tbe sum c f 0 .e Hundred Djliars for each and every cate ; * cf Citarih that cannot be cured by ! the use of H til's C .tarrb C :re. FRANK J. CHENEY S forn to btfure me and subscribed ; io ciy presence, this Gih day of D cember, A B. 18S6. J SEAL I A W' GLE'SOX, I ) Notary Public. Htil's Catarrh Cire is taken inter- j nally and ac's directly on tbe blood and mncoQs surfaces of tbe system S-*nd for testimonials, free. ~ F. J. CHENEY & CO, Props., Toledo, O. fig^Sold bv dru^rsrists, price 75c. 2- J Lesirgtcn Frize Winasis. Below we give a list of exhibitors from this county who were awarded i pretniums at the late State Fair. j \ "We are satisfied that the list is by no means correct?that many others ; whose names do not appear in the j list below were prize winners?but I it is as complete as we could possibly ' make it: P. J. Wessinger?Bed wheat $2; | white wheat 2d $1; biead corn 1st $2: i ttto 0,1 il. -ninrlai-a 1 -if, S2: Ilish TO" ! * J V ' ? - . tatoes 2d $1; ruta baga turnips 2d j Si; other varitks of turnips 2d $1; j sorghuoi 1st S2; bacon; dried apples; ' upland cotton. Mrs. P. J. Wessinger?Cine syrup; conord wine, apple and blackberry jelly. Mrs. Mary M. Gable?Lard and j soap. H. H. Eleazer?Bread corn 2d ?1; j red oats 1st $2; red oats 21 $1; 1 white oats 1st $2; black oats 2d ?1; i * speckle peas 1st and 2d 83; peavine j hay 2d 82; native grass hay 1st 83; ) barmuda hay 1st $3; german millet ! 1st S3Mrs. II. H. Eleazer?Dried black berries; cherry jelly; chip pumpkin preserves; tomato pickles. H. A. Eleazer?Clover hay 2d 82: native grass hay 2d 82; speckle peas 2d $1. D. B. Shull?Pinaars 2d 81; clay i peas, 2d 81. red peas 2d 81; y&m potatoes 2d 81: peavine hay 1st 8-; ! sugar cane 2d $1; rice 2d 81; fleece j an glow goat wool 82. Mrs, M. A. Shull?Sweet potatoes 2nd 81. Miss Mutlie Nunnamaker?Best cucumber pickles made by a girl. It. W. Ciycc?White oats 2d $1; i black oats 1st 82: rye 1st 82; black j peas 2nd $1; white peas 1st $2; red peas 1st $2; Iiish potatoes 1st 8.; pumpkins 2nd 81. J. D. Senn?Sugar cane 1st 8 b rice 2d 81; white rice 1st $2. "W. Q Berley & Son?Upland rice 1st 82. Mrs. C. P. Huffman?Native grape wine. Mrs. B. H. Backer?Muscadine wine; tame cherry wine. G. E. Eleazer?Yellow corn 2nd $1: < jpumpkin potatoes 2nd $1; clover j hay 1st 83: native grass hay 82: upland coitm. J. "Walter Dreher?Barley 1st 82: peas 1st 82; red wheat 1st 82. . Bates Nunamaker?C'av peas 1st 8 b pumpkin potatoes 1st 82: sor- I ghum 2nd $1. . M. W. Shull?Buta baga turnips 1 J. A. Guignard?Horse ?5. Carry Hilier?RidiDg horse S5. G A. Guignard?Gilding one year old $5. "We all know that any tired muscle j can be restored by rest. Yourstom- j ach is a muscle. Dyspepsia is its i manner of saying 'T am tired. Give : me rest." To rest the stomach you ! must do its work outside of the body. This is the Shaker's method of ; curing indigestion, and its success is : best attested by the fact that these people are practically free from what is without doubt the most prevalent j of all diseases. The Shaker Diges- ! tivi Cordial not only contains digested j food which is promptly absorbed without taxing the tired digestive organs, but it is likewise an aid to the digestion of other foods in the | stomach. A 10 cent trial bottle will j convince you of its merit, and these you can obtain through all druggists, j LAXOL is the best medicine for children. Doctors recommend it m ; place of Castor Oil. Nsv Counties. Columbia Evecirg News, Oct 16. A great deal of interest and much j feeliDg has been exhibited in the Constitutional Convention on the subject of the organization and formation of new counties. The prevailing sentiment, it is : strange to say, seems to be in favor of smaller counties. County governments are a very expensive luxury in a variet of ways. The proportionate expenses of small counties is greater, and the taxation to support the machinery of govern- ! ment becomes burdensome. The tax to support the county j / ACtBDDBOBKt fc" TT.J UHQS3B3BK3 ?/\\ Iw ?"who lake? . he surest i f !i *? rorit? Prescription. I feel r* P?\ it my duty \q say to all wo- I men who are suffering from ^ '> any disease of tl>e uterus \ J*' } that it is the best medicine K J on earth for them to use; J.V Icarnot praise it too high- /* lv for the good it did me. VT; rflaS.'' If any one doubts this, give 'A ' them my name and address." Mrs. Wiisom. A pamphlet, containing a vast number of testimonials with reproduced photographs of those cured and giving full name and address of each, will be mailed to anv adtba Mills will be sold in T -ve: ty one Lo's of from one to three acr s each, the r. m tinder in I tracts ol lrom fifty to three bundled ::c <.s each; separately, according to ihe p'ats of the same of the re snrvet of the said lands by Samuel B. G orge. Surveyor, dated October, 189 : which said p'a's nr* dow on file in my office and will be exhibited oi day of sa'e. Four cf which said lots have dwel iags thereon. TERMS OF SALE:?One-third cash, and balance in one and two years, witn iutercst from day of sale, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises old; with leave t > the purchaser to pav all ,c sh Purchasers to j av for papers. II. \ SPANN. C.erh's Office. C C 0. P. -November 11. 1895. 3w2. The State of South Carolina COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. In Court ol Common Picas. Mrs. S. A. (rr.'ffi b, Plaintiff, against H. A. Spann, as Admiui.-trator of the Estate of Dauiel Smith, decesed, Mrs, Victoria Smith and others Defendant?. Foreclosure of Mortgage. TX OBLDIEN'CE TO THE TECBEE OF J. the Court in the above stated case, I a ill s 1 to the Lighest bidder at public outcry, before the court house door in L xingtcn county, during the legal hours ot sale, on the first Monday in IXceaib'r next, thu following described prop rty, to wit: All that lot. piece parcel and tract of Lad. situate. "1^ iug and being ia the county of Lexington. .State a'oresaid, 011 waters of L mp branch, waters of Twelve Mile creek and bound-.d by land. on the north of J. II. I p-vie, de eased, and Estate lauds of John Steele, deceased, on the east of D mie! Keisler, Estate of John 8 ee'e, deceased, and Alfred Keisler, on the routlr Estate lands of J II Lo vie deceas d. and known as the David Drafts' lauds and containing two bun Ired ams. nn r? or less. TEoMS (. F SALE?One half of purchase money to be paid in cash, and the balmce on a credit of twelve mot t is, with iut re-st lrorn day of sale, s*cured by bond ol the purchaser and mo tgage of the piemi.-es sold. Twenty-five d? 1 ars to be paid down cash or the prrp^rty immediately rero \ Purchaser to pav for paper-. II A SPANK, C C C P. Clerk's Office. Nov en her II, 1S9", 3w2. The State of South Carolina. COUNTY CF LEXINGTON, In the Court of Common Picas. The Carolina National Bank of Columbia. 8. C., Plaintiff, vs. F. C. Cauglunau, Defendant. J rdgment of Foreclosure and Sds. TN OBEDIENCE TO THE ORDER OF JL this court, signed by the Hon. I. D. Yv'itht rspoen. the Judge Presiding, and dated Septemt or 28:h, 1895. I aill sell to the highest bidder, at public outcry, before the court house door in Lexington, S C , during the usual hours of sale, on the first Monday in December next, the following described property, to wit: All that lot. piece, and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the town of Lexington, in the State oi South Carolina, (routing and measuring on the Orangeburg road, or Depot street, one hundred and five lett, and running back two hundred and ten feet, containing cne-lralf of one acre, more or hss. and bounded by the said street and lots belonging to Mrs. ?.I A. Corley. TERMS OF SALE: - One-third cash and balance in one and two 3ears with interest from the day ol sale, secured by bond ol the purchaser and mortgage ot the premises sold. Purchaser to pav for papers. II. A. SPA NX, I November Hth, 1895. C. C C. P. Attorneys of Record: Messrs. Clark & Mu'.ler, tor the Plaintiff. 3 a'2 The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, Iu the. Common Pleas. American Freehold Land Mortgage Company ot London, Limited, Plaintiff. against j Rosannah C. Crossou ct. als., Defendants. Judgment ol Foreclosure and Sale. TN OBEDIENCE TO THE DECR'E A 111 the above stated case, of date Noi v mb< r the 4 b, If 93, ni.d signed by (he II >u I. I). Witherspoou. Presidium Judge, 1 will se'l to tbe highest bidder, at public outcry, before court house door in Lvxiugton county, during tLe usual Lours of sale, on the lirst Monday iu December next, the following described prp rty. to v it: All that lot. piece and parcel of land, sitna'e. lying and being in the county of Lexington and State aforesaid, and bounded as follows, to wit: by lands of David Black, Lowis Shcaly. John D. Sons, James Addy, Adam Ki.sh, Jacob Sons and others, containing fiiteen hundred end sixty-five acres, more or less, formerly | owned by Arthur H. Fort, and situated on bo'h s'.d^s oi Caarlotte, Columbia and Au1 gusta.Railroad. TERMS OF SALE:-One half cash; \ the balance on a crtdit ol one year, with | interest from day of sale, secured by the bond of the pureh iser, arid a mortgage of the premises sold, with privilege to tbe purchaser to pay ali caso. Purchaser to piy for papers. H. A. SPANS, C. C. C. P. Clerk's Office. November 11 18 i>. 3 w 2. At tome;s lor Plaintiff: R W. Shand 1 and G T. Graham i mSSFS ff S rwi rsi ? m SI D It Illfj IjIIIIJIJ Hll j. RESTAURANT, W. H. FIT2SI3B0N, - - Manager, 1K8 1'iain St., Cjlnmlia, S. C. GAME. FISH, OYSTERS, BEEFSTE \K, Ham and E?'gs, Sausage, and in fact everything m season, served prompt in the very best stvle. at nil hoars, Delicious C itOe or Tea. Breakfast, Dinner and Supper at regular boars. Soup from 11 to 12 m. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Trices much lower than Mai a Street Restaurants an.l set vice li:st class in every paiticul ir. Headipiartfrs for ail Lexington folks, who arc tf-peciully invi ed to cnii whenever m to \n. Nov 13 tt State of Soith Carolina, CjUXIY OF LEXINGTON. Iu the Probate Conrb Ex Parle II. A. Spann, as Administrator. Ii Re Estate of Jacob W. Bingbinan. fa!e of land in Aid of Assets. IN OHEDIENCE TO .AN OEDcR OF this Court in the above stated action I will sell to the highest bidderut public outcry, before the court house door m Lexington S during the usual hours of sale, (n the f.rst Monday (salesday) in December next, the sime being the 2d day thereof, ihe following lands belonging to the Estate of the said Jacob W. R.ughman, deceased to wit: Ail that peice, parcel or tract of land ?-it iiixio. lying and being in Lexington county and State aforesaid containing ninety (bt?) acrts, more or less, and bounded by lauds ot Abram Geigtr. and perhaps others. Also. All that other tract or pared of land, situate, hi: g and being in the county a id State aforesaid, contaii i ig ten (10) acres, more or less. and bounded by lands of Abram Geiger and peth.ips others. ^lEllMS ( F SALE?Oae-balf ol the pur chase money to be paid in cash; and the b.i'auce on a credit of twelve months, so- 1 nred by personal b< nd of purchaser aud | mortgage of prein sts sold, and to bear interest at 7 pir cent, per annum from day oi j aV. with ? rs to p y ail cash. Purchaser to pay lor pa -ers. C. E. lEtPIl ItT. Judge o' Probate L xingtou C unity. > ovember b. 1K03. J vj Attorney s of 11 tcord- C M Etird. The State of South Carolina, j COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. In the Probata Court. Ex P..rtc II A S ann. a> AJa.inistrator la Iio E-'a'e of D.\ Henry T>t il Sale cf Land in A d of A sets. TN OBEDIENCE TO THE ORDER OF A this C -urt in tiie above stated action, I will s? 11 to the highest bidder, at publicoutcry. before the court liou.se door in Lex i gton, S. 0 , daring the usual hours o! sile on the first M outlay (salesday) in December n? xt. the same being the 2d day thereof, the following described piece ot land belonging to the Estate of ihe said Dr. Henry P> 13; All that puoe, parcel or tract of land, situate, lung and being in said county and Slate, not far frrm the town of Lexington, coutain'ng thirty-seven (37) acres more or less, and bnuudtd by lands of M. L. T*y1 >r. F. A Derrick, Wra. Henson and others TERMS OF SALE:-All of the { urchase money thereof to be paid in cash. Parchaser to pay for yaptrs C. E. LEAP:JART. Judge Probate Lexington C > , S. C. N ivember 8, 1305. 3w2. Attorney of Record: C. M. Elird. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. Li the Trobate Court. Ex Fartc Dr. J. W. Eargle, as Adminis'.rator. In Re Estate of David Kunkle, Sdc of land in aid of assets. IN OBEDi: NCE TO AN OLDER OF this Court in the above stated action, I will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, b Tore the court house door at Lexington, S. C . during the legal Lours ot sale, ott the first Monday (salesday ) >n !).ct-mber next, the same being the 2.1 day thereof, the following lands, to wit: All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lyiug and being in L xiugton county and State afoie-uid, containi: g forty-two '4*2) a* res, more or Ices, and bound d on the north by 1 tnds of the Estate ot Ilenry Miller, east by lands of AY. H. Snmiuer, south by lands of -h hn A. Slice and w st by lands of E. AY. B jwers. All tLat certain tract or parcel of land known is the Hirman Stilton tract, adjoining lands of J. M. Clark, D. R Fptinp. Henry Miller and others, and said to co- tain ti'tv-two (52) acres, more or less. TfRSlS OF PALE - One-half of the purchase money to be paid in cash, and tLe balaLce in twelve months, secured by per>onal bond and mortgage of the premises on/! infprovt. oh 7 r.Pr rc^r>t ivr ap. num from day of sale, with leave granted the purchaser or purchasers to pay allcaih. Purchaser to pay for papers C. E. LI A-HART, J. P. L C. November 8, 1S93. 3 \ 2, A tornejs o.' Record: C. M. E:ird. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUN1Y CF LEXtNGT X, lu the Probate Court. II. A Spar a, as Administrator of the E:tate of Eapbriam Alewinc, deceased, Plaintiff, against Mrs. Rosarnah Lucas, Defendant. Sale of lands in aid of assets TN ACCORDANCE WITH AN ORDER L passed iu the above stated case, on the 7ih day of October, 18J.3, and an rrder lor r sale p issed c u the 12th day of Nov* ruber, by this court. I will proceed to sell the lind'smentioned and described below oa the first Monday ia December, 1803. before the court Louse door at Lexington S. C.. during the usual hours of sale, TERM * OF 8 VLE? One half cash, and the balance on a credit of twelve months, s- cured by bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sol I. Parchaser to pay lor papers. Purchaser may pay all cash e n day of sale if s> desired. All that piece, parcel or lot of land, situate. Icing and being in Lexington county. State aforesaid, containing two hundred acres, mere or less, lying and being on Congaree o-cek. waters of Conrnree river. ] bounded by John Sbealy. J. J. C ark, Watson and others; the same being ihe Home Place upon which the said Eapbiiam Aic- i wine lived at the time of his death. C. K. LEA' HALT, J. P L C. November 12. 1895. 3v2 ARE YOU SICK. ! | SUFFER SAG, ! OR ! AFFLICTED IN ANY WAY, AND NEED ! I DO YOU H AM RELIEF! j If so, you will find in the Drug and Medicine Department at the Bazaar, Standard Medicines for all Complaints, j Diseases, Etc, which will ; give relief and cure you. AT THE BAZAAR, LEXINGTON, S. C. I\Totic3 to School Trustees. The trustees of the several School Districts in Lexington county are here by requested to send to me at their earliest convenience a list cf the names of all persons who pay poll tax in their respective districts. Please distinguish between white and colored. J. D. Farr, S. C. L. C. + $35 Up to $100 "Will buy a square piano from M. A. Malone. Write him for particulars. ! > ? The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of n i ~T r i i nr .. 1 f ivast unmiieK1., iuass., uau ueeu siufering from neuralgia for two day?, o rs / ' not being able to sleep or hardly keep still, when Mr. Holden, the merchant there sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and asked that she give it a thorough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells the next day he was told that she was all right, the pain had left her within two hours, and that the bottle of Pain Balm was worth ?3.00 if it could not be had for less. For sale at 50 cents per brtlle by Julian E Krufmann. 2. Th.0 Great Family Medicine, Is Spirittine Balsam. This valua ble preparation is the ] ure extract of certain pine trees, and manufactured with great care, and in consequence of the astonishing success in removing diseases, has become' very popular and is being called for again and again until it is a necessity in every household. This great family medicine has proven to possess the most safe and efficient properties for the cure of Colds, Rheumatism, Lameness, Sprains, Bruises Neuralgia, Sore Throat, Soreness in the Bones, Ringworm, and is very use ful in all cases where an externa remedy is applicable. For Earache, and Toothache there is no better remedy. Sufferers from Lung and Bronchial Affections will obtain great relief, end for general use there is no better medicine for the household. For sale wholesale and retail at the Bazaar. If you have aching sides and back, or suffering from rheumatism of any form and want relief and permanent cure, then try Spirittine Balsam, 25 and 50 cent bottles. For sale atthe Bazaar. -> Manchester's Fill's Manchester's famous English Pennyroyal Pills, for female ills. For sale at the Bazaar. r Root "Beer, Cream Soda, Ginger Ale, Pepsin Cheiry Tonic,?all delicious fal 1 and winter drinks, served at the Bazaar's fountain. 5 cents a driuk. FTends, are you afflicted in any way. Then try nature's own remedy. It affords all the benefits, is simple, safe and reliable; caD do no barm, and has never been known to fail to do good, Spirittine Balsam. For sale at the Bazaar. Do You Want PURE PAINTS? tcsels-U3SgC35S 3L^-I ^ "I ! f (9MEMBr.? I I J fljsraw ? m 1 Nr* li ^ ^ 1>- y ?j i ^HhMWL PMIMI ? i SCTX> ITNDrR CUARA.KTFC. ACTUAL CO^LISITILilJ U.^rZSC-AL, Those who wish PAINTS, GRAINING COLORS, STAINS, VARNISHES, JAPANS, OILS, ETC. Will had a select stock at the Bazaar in packages to suit the demand. COLORS of all shades,in oil or dry. T- ? T CA-.TTX-I' 1 _ J _ _ 1 JVAJLiOVj-UJ.^ i i iu assorieu roiers1, Turkey and Yenitian Red, Spanish Brown, Vermillion, etc. FLOOR PAINT, for Piazza and Porcli work, covering floors nicely and cementing cracks. These paints are manufactured and prepared by Longman & Martinez^ the largest manufacturers in the United States, and their paints are guaranteed to show up as bright and pretty and last as long as any paints used. Those wishing to paint their dwellings, will save money by calling on or addressing, G. M. HARMAN, Solo Agent for Lexington. Mar 13?lv %J Most Modern and progressive For catalogue or information write to TUB MARLIN PIRE ARA15 CO., New Haven, Conn. January 27?ly | "Plight cost?; cotton planters more than five million dollars annually. This is an enormous : waste, and can be' prevented. ' Practical experiments at Alaj bama .Experiment Station show ! conclusively that the use of | "Kamit" will prevent that dreaded plant disease. Our pamphlets arc nr.: advertising: circulars hoom ! ing special fertilizers, nut are practical \mrss, j ing the results < t I itest experiments i:? this line. Every cotton farmer should have a copy. 'I hey are scut tree for the asking. GERMAN* KALI WORK?. 03 Nassau St., New V jrk. Henry L. Cade, President. C. St. C. Kirk, Sec &Tres CilARLESTOX LIMBER AM) MAXLTACTL'RIXG CO., . SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS, LUMBER, GENERAL BUILDING MATERIALS, MILL WORK. HARDWARE. PAINTS AND OILS. GLASS ETC. ETC. WWritc for estimate. CHARLESTON. S. C. December 5?ly, |&pS|pli HA!RRBALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. ?41 Promotes a luxuriant growth." gs^Sv- ^^ffiKover Fails to Restore^ Gray Curea walp^diltcacoii M3NDERCORWS. I The only sure Cure torC'oms. Stops a:! pain. Ensures enm1 furt to Uie feet. Makes Walking easy. loots. at bruggitu. The Leading Conservatory of America^-?"? CAP.L I'aeltz.v, ilircctor.^? tllTO^ Fotitvdcd 1 n lsoo by VTG\\ L* ?Send for Prospectus giving full information. .. ?" Frank W. Hai.e, General Manager. P Chichester's English Diamond RranJ. ENNYRS^AL PILLS -/SL-s. Original and tinly Genuine. A j- s*rc, a!ray.< reliable ladies ?>k ??\ ( A\ Druggist for Chicherters Kuqlith Diagfk\ L^K^i3tsjjSlt\monil J!rond in Kcd and mhtidu- v I'J ? nftiont and imitation*. At Pfuggisrs, or scott to. I Lm, VJ it stamp* for particulars, testimonials an.1 \ B " Kellcf for Ladle*." in letter, by return k IF Mall. lt'.OOO Testimonial*. Same Paper. ^ / Chlehc?torChemiculCo.,MadI?on Squiii Bold by all Local Druggists. I'hlluda., i'a. THIMAHIiRA E BiSB'ara^ vesn FOB THIN PEOPLE. ASS YOu THIN? Flesh made with Tuinacun Tablets by a scientific precis?. They create perfect assimilation of every form of lood, secreting the vain able part sand discarding thoworthbss. They make thin faces p'ump and round out the figure. They r.re the STANDARD REP^EDY for leanness, containing no ars.nic, audits' latilv harmless Price, prepaid SI p'?v Pox fi> for So. Pamphlet. "flOW TO GET FAT." free. The THINACUKA Cu.. b49 Broadway, New York. PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL > For Barb Wire Cuts. Scratches. Saddle and Collar Galls, Cracked Heel Burns, Old .Sores, Cuts, Boils, Bruises, Piles ar.d all kinds of inflammation on man or beast. Cures Itch and Mange. Tio Cora, Cat c: Sure rill sure? astte: titer tio ell hi: '03:2 applied. Dc prepare J for accidents by keeping it in year house orst:u>i=. AilDr'.'ggictsscilitcn r. guarantee. Ha Cure, He Pay. Price ?j cts. and $1.00. Ifycur Druggist does net i;ccp it send us 25 cts. in postage stamps and v/c will send it to you by mail, Tarit. Tcan., J.in. 29th. ]?24. Pear Sir: I have used I'uHerN Antlarpilc Healing C!1 fir Harness.-.nd Saddle(iailvScrnteheitnd IJarb Wire Cuts with perfect satisfaction. and I heartily recommend i: to all Livery and htocknicn. C. h. IRVINE, Livery and Feed Stable. CA3Y B'JK?JEO. Gentlemen .?I cm pleased to speak a word for Porter's Antlacptle toslion OH. My baliy was br.rned s few months ajo.and after trying c!t ether re-medic* I applied yot:r"Oii"' and the tirrt application gave relief, and in a few dare tl-e 301V vas w'-il. I r.lio ?f-y; tf.C Oil on r.lV MOCSC a so coo w.ai It 1j to . best remedy I ? *'its oarooac that t have cwr ti'cii. Vocfi, C. T. LEWIS. Pari', Term . January I*. IV t _________ EisrFitTrr.s-i r. T PARIS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS; 210 F >r s-tle by G 3F HarmaD, Leiioghn C. II G Frank Keis'er, Pncevillr, December 2*j?ly * I ~?r ?. %S V a Btl ijjpp ISIisH * i s 1 |PIAM?S ^ | ^ $.5 Monthly-> f i i S2 Monthly^ bow much pleasure ami 0* 1 1 i 11 ^ iv fu a piur.o or Parlor Oryaii^ 4 will be to your u ifc atu! children, and bow longw ithoy have wanted ami waited. ^ ? DON'T WAIT TOO LOXG jL ? They wont be with you forS \ ever, make them happy whiles 5iTHI\^ how very easily yon can no'.v\ ^ 1 I 111 Iv j.ay a superb instrument on onr^ ^installment j lans. and pay lor it almost without^ v missing the mom-y. y. I | -4 ACT Q'uICH 4- | I r Write for Midsummer Sale Bargain Sheet^ @300 Super'.) instruments oil easiest^ pterins ever offered; YOl'K own price ? \for CASH. Write for particulars. i Pfiut BE QUICK. Uercains rolling out & ? Wea^ MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVI: A C*>rta!n Safe and Effactiva Remedy for SORE, WEAK and INFLAMED EYES, Producing Lonrj-SightPdnesft, and Restoring the Sight of the old. i Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye ; Tumors, Red Eyes, /Iat ted Eye Lashes, AND PRODUCING QUICK RELIEF AND PERMANENT CURE. Also, equally cflieacions niton used in other maladies, snch as Ulcers, Fever | Soros, Tumors, Walt Rhe>i?i, Burns, j Plies, or wherever iiu'!amma:5on exists, i MITCHELL'S SALVE may be used to i advantage. j_SOUnr^liDRUGGlST^l^^gNTS^_ . .. -- - , S" Boilers. &Ij~Get our prices. Atlas and Erie Engines Tanks, Stacks, \ Stand Pipes and Sheet-Iron Work; Shaft- 1 ing, Pulleys, Gearing, Boxes, Hangers, etc. ^ Complete Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil and j Fertilizer Mill outfits; also Gin, Press, Cane Mill and Shingle outfits. Building, Bridge, Factory, Furnace and j [ Railroad Castings; Railroad, Mill, Ma- " 1 ciiinists' and Factory'""Supplies. M Belting, Packing, injectors, Pipe Fittings, H Saivs, Files, Oilers, etc. JUT Cast every day; work 150 hands. JHH Lombard Iron Works 1 and Supply Co., A Passenger Depot. AUGUSTA, CA. January 1?ly AA, CHILDREN WILL WEVES REFUSE T0 TAKE Dr. Thacher's Worm Syrup ?l' WHO HAVE TAKEN IT ONCE. ' ru&iu?ciy nctnuTCa nurmj ?nu uicu vauqcq. ncuudiw ''jf&fe iS^^t 9K ? > the Liver and Bowels. Restores the Appetite. T Mrs. Sarah Harvey, of Warrensbur&Tenn., says: - ' : vs^ci Yii Hn rUT? ) UI happened to get hold of one bottle of Dr. H. ' x S. Thachcr's Worm Syrup and gave it to my chil' dren by the direct ions. 11 is the best worm destroyer , PRICE, 25 CENTS.' NSo,.c;;. ' :*?'? Dr. H. S. Thacher Medicine Co., "CHATTANOOGA, TENN. September 14?lv. BIG RACKET I i liiiicf Has Come for Hard Times! at the HcGKEEEY RACKET STORE COLUMBIA, S. C. | New Goods in Every Department. all the latest novelties just received. NO SPECIAL SALES DAYS. I -llARGAlNS~EVEW~DAY~iW THE WEEK.') < ALWAYS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. November 2?ly. LOBICK & LOWBANCE i COLUMBIA HOTEL BLOCK, COLUMBIA, S. C., HEADQUARTERS FOR Ml MILLS, EVAPORATORS, SHEET COPPER, FISLD .Z^ILTID C3--^3R,jDS2?T SEEDS COTTON GINS, FEEDEERS, CONDENSERS, PRESSES A~SD BELTING, ' PLAIN AND EECORATED GLASS, MARBLEIZED MANTLES, GLAZED TILES GRATES, jc'EADERS, ETC., |H.A.RSW.&RE - GROCERIES' Come and see us or write to us when in need of anything in our line. D. Li, SENN, Traveling Salesman* Jan. 1.? It. ' *. i i i *. ? ?? Wards off Malaria. Is a pleasant and inviff- . orating medicine. Particularly effective' in the cure ol iJyspepsia, Indigestion^ Nausea, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,, etc A valuable liver regulator Corr