Highest of all in Leavening Powe: ab^oluii The Lexington Dispatch WEDNESDAY. XOYEMBELi 27. 1893. ^ For Sale^ 25 acres good farming lands fronting Lexington Manufacturing Com ^ pany's mill, with good building^site. "Will be sold cheap for cash. |&k Charles E. Corley. Phosdamatine. The renowned French remedy for males and females, for weak and debilitated organs. For sale at the Bazaar. ? What is Kerne Without a piano, or organ? If you desire either, write to M. A. Malone, Columbia, for special prices and terms. Pii;k Tea Party. A Pink Tea will be given on Thursday evening next, November 28th, at the home of Mrs. M. D. Harman, for the benefit of the Ladies Aid Society of St. Stephens Lutheran church. Admission 10c. The public is corially invited to attend. Prevention' better than cure. Tutt's Liver Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, - dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. i ??? ? ___ $35 Up Will buy ail organ from M. A. | Malone, Columbia, S. C. i Fruit Cake Ingredients. j : Ladies bake your fruit cakes in | ; time for Christmas and the holidays, J as age improves taste and flavor, j j You will find at ike Bazaar nic, ( * : < fresh, cleaned currents, seedless rai- ; sins, citron and spices. Powdered < sugar and cake trimmings for icing s and dressing cakes. j , A Brilliant Young DivineBev. James .Kinaid, a brilliant : young divine, and a graduate of New- j j berry College, has been called to the ! Leesville Pastorate of the Lutheran ^ churck, made vacant by the resigna- 1 ^ tion of Rev. H. P. Counts. He has , accepted the call and has entered j upon the discharge of his duties. ! Mr. Kinard has the reputation of j beiDg an earnest and zealous Christ- i ian worker and this charge is to be ! congratulated upon the wisdom of j its selection. j ^ Attention, Washerwomen. j \ 1 Thomas' bluing, dry or in liquid, 'for washing purposes, is the best. . c^ent and 10 cent sizes. For sale 1Pcthe Bazaar. $195 Up ? t TV ill buy beautiful upright pianos from M. A. Alalone, Columbia, S. C. c Write him for particulars. I 1? ;s How About a WagonThis is the time of the year when ^ the thrifty farmer is laying his plans * and making arrangements for next 1 year's farm work. In looking over * the odds and ends about the farm to 1 see what will stand repairs and what ^ will Dot. It will no doubt be found ^ that the old wagon, buggy cart will have to be replaced with a new i \ one. ' The question now to settle is where j can the best, most durable and cheap e3t vehicle be purchased? This ques- ^ tiou is easy of answer if T. B. Augh- i try & Co., of Columbia arc consulted ! J . i c They keep one of the largest stock j of vehicles that can be found in the 1 capital city which for excellency of j workmanship, durability of material and cheapness cannot be surpassed. They also have a large stock of family and plantation groceries, which they offer at prices as low as the lowest. Don't forget to purchase j a package of their horse, cattle and j hog powders. It is guaranteed. Free Medical Keferer.ce Bo:k (61 pages) for men and women -who are afflicted with any form of private disease peculiar to their sex, errors of youth, contagious diseases, j i :female troubles, etc., etc. | j Send 2 two cent stamps, to pay postage, to the leading specialists j .and physicians in this country. Dr. ; HATHAWAY A CO., 22| So. Broad J .St., Atlanta, Ga. September 18?3m3. Buckien's Arnica Salve. Tho Best Salve in the world for "Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped j 1 Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and Skin j ( Eruptions, and positively cures Piles j or no pay required. It is guaranteed j ^ Iio give perfect satisfaction, or money j refunded. Price 25 cents per box. j * For sale at the Bazaar, ! j r.?Latest U.S. Gov't Report Powder A Powerful Sermon. Rev. G. Edwin Stokes preached one cf the most powerful sermons in the Methodist church last Sunday morning, that we have heard delivered at this place. He laid the foundation of his remarks from the words, "Why persejuteth thou me." The leading thought of his discourse was the impoitanee of conversion. He contended that there was something more necessary in order to ob tain life everlasting than mere education of the mind, and the conscientious discharge of duty, but there must be a regeneration of nature and change of heart; the carnal mind was at enmity wiih the'purecommands of God's law and no amount of human education, worldly attainments and culture can reconcile God to man or change the nature of man. Saul of Tarsus, said the preacher, was one of the most finely educated men of his day and times; he was active and zealous in the service of his God according to the training and traditions of his fathers; that in the persecution of the Christians he was conscientious; that his efforts to arrest the spread of the teachings and doctine of Christ which were, without the experinces and teachings of this change of heart and nature wrought by conversion, were at variance with the doctrine of the old rtisnonsinn? thaf Hip nhpdipnp.p nf thp ? law was the outward manifestation of the approval of God, and from this outward obedience, his cduca- , tion taught him to look for an out- j ward, or visible, not a spiritual or in- | visible kingdom of Christ, and it took a^heavenly light while on his way to Damascus, the brilliancy of which j prostrated him on the ground and made him blind for the space of three days, to convince him of his i fatal error ahd conversion, or rcgene- J ration of the heart, to change his nature, and to prepare him for the j accomplishment of the great work for the upbuilding of the kingdom Df Christ which he afterwards did. Saul's education made him a persecutor of Christians; but Paul's conver- j jioi and change of nature made him j an humble follower of the lowly Xa- ; sarene desiring to know nothing but i Jesus Christ and him crucified, i'ou may educate a hog, by way of illustration, to such ah extent as to enable it to play cards and win at poker, but allow that hog to follow j tbe inclination of his nature and be j tvlll get up from the table, go out md return to his wollow in the mire. Another thought advanced by tie : preacher was, that in on* e to pc-rse- j ifo f.tiricf if n?-if tn ; ./WAUWS AW il wy JLiUV Wi\. VVWS/VMA J W v j >tone, load the Children of God i with ii\,ns and incarcerate them in j prison, burn their bodies at the stake, | )r rack them in torture on the ra :k; 3ut Christ could be effet tuallj perse mted by mocking, scoffing and treat- j ng lightly his religion and by ridicul j ng his children. In giving the above outline of the ! sermon, we do not wish to convey ; * I ;he idea that we are using the preach- j ! ?r's words to convey his thought, b ut> ! ire only staling the impression the: i3rmon made on our mind. i This being his last sermon before ; Donference, Mr Stokes bid his congregation in a few touching and pa- , hetic remarks, in which he referred j o the kindness of the people of Lex- ; ngton toward him and of his two j rears' labor among us. Mr. Stokes is a gentleman of high Christian character, earnest and mergelic in all matters tending tovards the moral and spiritual inter ,'st of his people and community and i faithful worker in his Masters dneyard. By his Godly life and con- j ersion and high social qualities he | las endeared himself to the hearts j >f all with whom he came in contact j >f whatever name, sect or denominn- I ion, and it is the unanimous wish : >f all that Conference will return iirn to this people. 1 of woodwork J"o(RoSur business fi j || f,on to me as leaders W j ^ we ^vcn^d l{ we should do Qj ? ? i Hippny Mirried. Mr. John Ziuker and Miss Ida fowls were married by the Rev. Mr. j } lick on last Thursday evening. "We ixtend our most hearty congratulaions to the happy couple, and wish or theui a pleasant and prosperous ourney adown the stream of life. i I " PEML MD SdSSORS Wayside Notes Gathered Here and There by a Dispatch Kan. Mcnday is salesday. Truth cannot be burned, beheaded or crucified. The days are very shoit ind are I getting shorter. Lexington is on a quiet but substantial boom. Fresh cakes, crackers and candies, ! at the Bazaar. "YVe are in the midst of a cold ivave fresh from the North Pole. Our merchants have placed their orders for Christmas goods. No man is so insignificant as to be ; sure his example can do no harm. m i ^ i 1 i ?ne music oi tne marriage oeus I quickens the beats of a maiden's ! heart. I . Miss Nannie Nunamaker, of Lower ! Fork, was in town last week visiting : friends. Come, friend, and pay us that lit i tie amount you owe us. High winds prevailed hereabouts j Tuesday night. No damage was : done however. M'e have been enjoying some exj ceedingly line weather during the ! past week. M hen you come to pay your taxes 1 do not forget to bring along the I amount you owe the Dispatch. Good bed and board for any one | attending court, furnished at 50c per I day by J. M. Craps. It is when a man rises above his ! circumstances and moods that tiue j manhood shows itself.' "tv i __ t xme i^oiiutrru appies, ounanas, I cabbage and oDions just received, ai 1 the Bazaar. The reaction in the price of cotton has not as yet taken place to any appreciable extent. More commercial tourists were in town last week, than any previous week for several years past. Old type metal, as, good if not better and cheaper than Babbit metal suitable for mill men, for sale at the Dispatch office. Lexington is well represented in Atlanta this week by a delegation of gallant men and beautiful women. 300D FOR EVERYBODY : ;id everyone needs it at all times of the /ear. Malaria is always about, and the )n!y preventive and relief is to keep the diver a/tive. You must h=Io the Liver a kit. ir.J the best helper is the Old Friend, SlAtAON3 LIVER REGULATOR, the RED Z. Mr. C. Him rod, cf Lancaster, Ohio, -.ays:. "Simmons Liver regulator broke a case of Malarial Fever cf three years' standing for me, and less than one bottle did the business. I shall use it when in need, and recommend it." Be sure that you get it. Always look for '.he RED Z on the package. And don't I "orget the word REGULATOR. It is SIM- , r\ON3 LIVER REGULATOR, and there is >aiy one, and every one who takes it is sure to be benefited. THE BENEFIT IS :.LL IN THE REMEDY. Take it also for 1 kiiousness ani-Sick Headache; both are j ".used by a sluggish Liver. J. Ii. Zei'in ?.v Co., Philadelphia. : Miss Eula Wright, having closed 1 out her stock of millinery, has re- ] turned to her home at Johnston. i Fruits, candies of all kinds, cakes ' and crackers will be found continually through the seasou, at the ( Bazaar. ] The Auditor will commence his ^ rounds to receive tax returns for the 1 fiscal year 1895 9G, on January 2. 1 Judge J. \Y alter Jlitcnell, one or Batcsburg s most prominent citizens, was in town Saturday and Sunday. A woman who can cook with green < wood, and be pleasant with it, must have a disposition that angels envy. ^ To close out aud retire from busi- ( ness, a lot of English rabbits will be j sold at 25 cents a piece. Enquire at j the Bazaar. { The Baptist Sunday school will 1 celebrate Christmas with a tree, a 1 cantata and other appropriate cere- s monies. j Exposure to cold, damp winds, t may result in pneumonia unless the system is kept invigorated with 1 Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 The Augusta train on the Southern ? i Railroad is a tri-daily, in that it gets here on time one day and tries to do ( so on the next day. ] The Palmetto Institute will close today until Monday morning, for Thanksgiving aud to give the teach- , ers an opportunity to go to Atlanta. < "When a woman steps out on the 1 back poach with her arms rolled up , in her apron, it is a sign to her neigh- , bor that she has something to tell her. j A plate of raw sliced onions placed i in a room where there is diptheria ; will absorb the poison and prevent the disease from spreading. The : onions should be buried every morning and fresh ones cut up. ; Dr. D. L. 300ZER, J. WILLIAM. BOOZER Extracting and Artificia Denture. Filling and Tr D? 1). L. boo; DENTAL S 1515 MAIN COLUMBIA, ft?!" Branch Offices: Newberry and Lxicj 'Tn-y-t l? Dr. J. W. Lee lias tie offer of a | lucrative practice in Florida, and { may accept tbe offer. In the event he does his place at Irmo will be for sale. When you are in need of any kind of job printing keep us in mind. We can suit you both in quality of work and price. It is rumored that Hod. C. M. Efhd will shortly move to Columbia, tfhere he wiil reside in the future. Mr. Efird is absent from town at present, so we cannot vouch for the correctness of the rumor. Married, at Mr. John Frey?s, four miles east of Lexington C. H., November 24, 1895, by Rev. G. Edwin Stokes, Ch r e Frey to Miss Carrie Wingard and Edward Frey to Miss Arline Wingard. Miss Lina Belle Spann was elected seccnJ assistant teacher of the Palmetto Institute last Wednesday, and began her duties Monday morning. The attendance at the Institute is large and constantly increasing. Mr. F. E. Dreher will leave for Washington Sunday to assume his position as private secretary of Hon. J. Wm. Stokes. The eyes of many a gentle fair one, with whom he i3 quite popular, will read this notice with regret. Tomorrow is the day for thanksrrivino The Rennblio.ans all over O* ' *"? 1 the country should enter lustily into joyous festivities of the occasion while the Democrats ought to sulk in a corner in contemplating that saddest of refrains, "What rn-gkt have been."' Mr. D. L. Senn, a popular clerk of Lorick & Lowrance of Columbia died in that city Saturday after a lingering and painful illness. Mr. Senn was well and favorable known in this county and had a host of friends among our people by whom the news of his death will be received with sadness. Economy is something that everybody tries to practice, and yet just a little oversight will sometimc-s rob the most frugal and thrifty family of a j'ear's savings. You want to do as J. P. Hickmann, of Monticello, Ga., did. He writes, "For six years I have kept Simmons Liver Regulator in my house, and used it in my family and have bad 110 need for a doctor. I have five as liealthy children as you , can find/' Alcncr the Rive? Side. To the Editor of the Dispatch: I shall have to criticise the subSupervisor who has chaDge of the public highways in this vicinity. He is a dignified chamc; go and see the floor of the Hollow Creek bridge, known as the Hayes bridge which he has had repaired. I am sure if you will go and look again you will find , that a new bridge is needed instead of repairing the floor of the old one. Amy insane man will tell you that; j wheu you can't reach solid wood in a i bridge sill with a sixty penny nail, it is dangerous to cross and needs a new one. I am informed that his idea is to use the lumber which is put on the old one on the new, but I should like to inform him that he don't regard ^ the cost of double labor. The labor will cost as much on a new biidge t with those new planks lying on the ^ld one as it would cost if it were all new, so you may see the sum paid ^ for repaii ing the old one is (I must say) ^ n vi TTTi T cVi/Milrl i ^aiu UU tUT'tlJ j J. OUVUiU iiV ' kj Wi-iuaiv | this criticism to public print, but it is public matter and I feci it a duty f to do so. 80 let us have a new up- ] right braced bridge. What has got ( }r been the matter with our board of r equalization? I am sure that we have ] in honest upright set of gentlemen 1 )n the board, but why is it that they ian't see the difference in the value of and? The land on Saluda in this township is rated a $3.00 per acre ilso the land in and around Price- n rille is rated at the same when the ands in the Priceville a section sells at thirty- i ive and forty dollars per acre and the lands in this vicinity only brings J or 8 dollars per acre. Can't you come ] rearer rating it equal, gentleman? or 1 row do you do this equalizing? * The trustees of this school district which is No. 10, has met with many of the patrons present, and agreed to : 1 run three schools. "We take notice of j ^ the rapid increase of scholars, as the j 1 district was too small last winter to ' , i ? cut in ball an run two schools but it \ has now grown to the immense size i jf a three school district. I think j probably in a few months more, we | can run another as three is an un- j even number. i I shall have to compliment Prof, j S. S. Lindler on the professional style in which he is keeping the Star he has now added two stars the yard | which is a perfect ornament, and makes it thrible star. I am truly yours, Andy. Ella, S. C., Nov. 25th, 1895. 1 , D. D. S., J. EDWIN BOOZER, D. D. S,; eating Teeth, Crown and Bridge Work. Ml & SONS, XJRGEONS, STREET, S. C. jton. TAX RETURNS. TN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 1. law in reference to tlie assessment and taxation of property, the Auditor, or his assistant, will be and attend the following named places for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the fiscal year 1805 '9G, and in or der to meet the next appointment tue Lour will close at 111 o'clock in the morning and at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. taxpayers will, therefore, be prompt in meeting the appointments so as not to cause any delay: Taxpayers will please come prepared to give the name of their township and number of school district wherein they reside. Brcokland, January 2d, 1896. Ban's Landing, morning, January 3d, 189G. Saxe Gotha Mill, afternoon, January 3d, 1896. Gaston, morning, January 7tb, 1896. Martin's, afternoon, January 7th, 1896. "Wolfe's morning, January 8tb, 1896. Red Store, afternoon, January 8th, 1896. iSwansea, January 9th. 1896 Jacob J. Macks, morning, January 10th, 1896. Oakvilla, afternoon, January 10th, 1896. Scoffill's, morning, January 11th, 1896. D. F. Shumpert's, afternoon, January 11th, 1896. Dreher'p, morning, Januarv 13th, 181)6. Nunamaker's, .afternoon, January 13th, 1896. Jrrao, January lltb, 1896. "White Rock. morning, January 15th 1896. Spring Hill, afternoon, January 15tb, 1896. Peak, morning, Jauuary 16th, 1896. Cross Roads, afternoon, January 16th, 1896. Chapiri, January 17tb. 1896. Shealy's, morning, January 18th, 1896. Wessinger's. afternoon, January 18th, 1896. C jl. Ban's, morning, January 20th, 1896. T. J. Drafts1, afternoon, January 20th, 1896. Lewiedale, January 21st, 1896. Summit, afternoon, Januarv 21st, 1896. J^ee3ville, January 22d. 1895. Batc3burg, January 23d, 1896. Ban s Mill, morning, Januarv 21th, 1896. Samaria, afternoon, January 21th, ; 1896. Section 270 of the law in reference to the assessment of taxes, (Revised Statutes,) reads as follows: All nroneitv shall be valued for ? - - L ^ taxation at its true value in money, which, in all cases not specially provided for by law, shall be held to be j is follows, to wit: For personal property, the usual selling price on the j usual terms of similar property at idministrators' or executors' sales, at , the place where the return is made; md for real property, the usual sell- ; mg price on the usual terms of simitar property at sales for partition i under the order of the couit, at the , place where the return is to be made, [f there is no usual selling price, :hen at what is honestly believed 1 rould be obtained for the same at a rair sale under the conditions above nentioned. It shall be the duty of each owner )f lands, and of any new structures ;hereon which shall not have been ippraised for taxation, to list the same for taxation with the County Auditor of the County in which they j nay be situated, on or before the 1 ;wentieth day of February next after he same shall become subject to 1 ;axation. s All returns for taxation must be c lied with the Auditor not later than ^ February 20th, 189G, as after that J late the law requires the addition of j JO per cent, to the last year's return. c ?oll tax as well as property must be c eturned. < M. D. HARMAN, 1 ? C Auditor of Lexington Count v. 0 y I November 27?td. t a St. Peter's Sittings. s Co the Editor of the Dispatch: "We have had very pleasant weather ind farmers have been busy putting n small grain. Mrs. Drury Harman is still very ow. Mr. Stone's singing class closed at loreb last Sunday and we feel that le did much good for the church >y his untiring efforts to instruct his ( :lass. The Eev. G. Edwin Stokes deliv- ^ >red a very impressive sermon to a arge and attentive congregation last J Sunday, it being his last appoint- nent. Since our last writing, death has 1 'isited our community and borne ' iway our aged mother, Mrs. Nancy s 3allentine. She was a Christian I idy, a kind neighbor and a lo ving h ompanion. None knew her but to " ove her, as4we have every reason t o believe tlrat white robed angels r lovered round her dying couch to ;arry her safe beyond the dashing 'oam, where she is permitted to bask n the presence of loved one3 gone pefore her. J We learned quite recently that one )f our batchelors have made a start md ere long we may hear the merry C vedding bells. s Many good wishes to the Dispatch. Flossie. LEXINGTON MARKET, CORRECTED WEI ELY DY THE MERCHANTS, Cotton, per ft a Bacon?Ilatns. p? r ft 10 a Sides, " " 8 a Shoulders," a LarJ. per ft 10 a Flour, per ewt "2 ! "> a '2 23 Corn, per bu go a Peas, " " Go a Oats. " " -*3 a 50 Fodder, per ewt so a Sweet Potatoes, per bu . -ro a Bice. per lb sj.a * Batter, per ft 15 a 20 Eff^s. per do" lo a 1*2J... Turkeys, per lb... 7 a Geese, per i?r so a CO Chickens, per head. 10 a '25 Beeswax, per lb 13 a 17 Beef, per ft * a 10 Pork, " " S a 10 Tallow, per ft 5 a ESTABLISHED 1869. iri-pi 1 ITHf A Jj. > ISAJAJSIiA. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND SPECTACLES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and all kinds of STRINGS. EYISANVKA IS THE RIGHT MAN to go to when you want anything in tnc jewelry or musical lines. He will sell yon goods at the lowest cnfc prices and guarantees honest dealing. V m can also get a first class job at a very reasonable price when yo i hive any repairingCOLUMBIA, S. C, Main Street, next door to Central National Rank. v November '20?2m. The State of South Garoilna, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. In the Court of Common Pitas. IdaB. Spires, in her own right and as Administratrix of the Estate of M c\;el Simpson Spires, deceased, Plaintiff. vs Mary Ann Spire?. M try E. Rutland, Roderick V. Spires I-lei la I) Joiner and D. II Fpirus, Defendants. IN OBEDIENCE TO AN ORDER OF this Court, in the above stated action, I will st-U to the highest bidder at public outcry, before the court house door at L xiugtou, S. C., during the legal hours of sale, on the. first Moud;^^:salesday) in December next, the s-ma being the 2d day of said month, the follow ng described property, to wit: All that piece, parcel, or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the coiui'y and State aforesaid, containing one hundred and forty acres, more or less t-nd bounded bv lands of \Ym. A Spires. John H. S. ires, Trustice Jackson, B II. Spires and M. C Spires, being the t. at tcr parcel of land coav-yed to the lute Michael S Spires by Miry Ana Spires and others by their deed ditedihe twenty-first day .of D.cember, 1SS7. TERMS OF SALE Cash. Purchaser to pay tor papers. george s. drafts, s. l. c. November y. 1895. 3w2. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, In the Court of Common Fleas. Levi Metz, Plaintiff, against C. J. Iredell. The Commercial Dankiqf Columbia, 8. C , and S. S. Metz. Defendants. By virtue of an execution in the above case, issce I out of the Court of Common Pieas lor the county and Stateaforesaid, aud to me directed and lodged in my office the loth day of October. 1895, T will se;l before the court house in L xington county, on the first Monday in December next, it being the 2d day thereof, within the legfd hours of sale, at public outcry to the highest bidder, All the right, title and interest of Levi Metz in the following described tracts of land, to uit: Johnston Tract of seven hundred and AO acres, more or less, iu Fork bounded by James Richardson, I)r Joseph Earglc. Paul Eleazer, John Fulroer, John Shealy, Samuel Shealy D. A, Richardson, John D. Amick and Losisia'R. Fuller. Hobbs' Tract ot four hundred and liftyhve acres, more or less, as will be more fully shown by a resurvey plat made by Win. B Elkins, surveyor, on December Jj;st, 1S89, lad being Tract No. 1 of the Hobbs* land I md are levied upon as the property of Levi j lf/\< f?A " 1 b A t AVArtui'All JLC ?tC UliUCl >UC i"?JU VA^A-uvivu. TEEMS OF SALE - Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. GEORGE S. DRAFTS. S. L C. Sheriff's Office, November 9, 1895. 3w2. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, In Court of Common Pleas. Julius E. Lo:ick, Plaintiff, vs. F. 1L Amick and Joseph W. E.'.rgle, Defendants. Foreclosure of Mortgage. IN OBEDIENCE TO THE OLDER OF the Court lu tne above staled case, I will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, jefore the court house door in Lexineton :ounty, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Monday in December next, toe j ollowiag described propert\\ to wit: All that lot, piece and parcel of land ituated, lying and being in the :onnty of L.xingtcn and the State j iforcsaid, and bounded as follows, to wit: >y lands ot John Wessinger, Estate lands lohn R'ddle. George W. "\Vuliams and Ja ob It. Boukniyht. in the fork of Broad and Jaluda rivers, coutaiuing sixty-two and ine-qnarter acres, more or less. TERMS OF SALE - Oue-th r 1 < f the purEase money to be paid in cash; the balance >n a credit of one and two years, with in erest from day of sale, secured by bond >f the purchaser and a mortgage of the remises sold, with leave to the purchaser o p-iy ail cash. The purchaser to pay for ill papers. GEORGE S. DRAFTS, S. L. C. iheriff's Office, Lexington C. H., November II, 1S95. 3w2 Fhe State of South Carolina, | COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, Cotjrt cf Common Pleas. J. Painter Sons Company, Plaintiffs. j against 3. 13. Huiet, R. G. Jobnsonand J. II. Iluiet, i Defendants, lopy Summons for Relief. (Complaint } served.) :0 the Defendants alove named: irOU ARE HEREBY SUMMOND AND ! required to answer tbe complaint in ! his action, of which a copy is herewith j erved upon you. and to serve a copy of j our answer to the said complaint on the | tibscribers at their oliice at Lexington C. j I, S. C., within twenty days alter service j tereof, exeh s.ve of the day ot such service; ] nd if jotr fail to answtr the complaint j I'itbin the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in j his action will apply to the Court lor the j eitei demanded in the complaint. Dated November oth. 1895. [L. S.] II. A SPANN. C. C. C. P. I MEETZS & MULLEK. ' Plaintiff's Attorneys. 'oC B Iluiet. absent defendant in above stated case: You will please take notice that the orgi- i lal complaint is now on file in the olhce of | ,'lerk ot Court for Lexington County in j aid State. MEETZE & MULLER, Z Plaintiff's Attorneys. November 9, 1893, Cw5, > | THE VICTORIA HOTEL, J, V/. GQLUCKE, MAX'.geb, ! SOS. CO. 32, 31 SOUTH PRYOR ST11FF.T, (Hilf Block from C;ir Shed,) ATLANTA, GA. I Are you going to the Exposition? If so, stop at the Loading Hotel, where accommodations are to be Lad for 1,000 guests per day. j The only first class hotel in the City charging Oiilv ?2.00 Per Day " ? .Burglar Proof bafe tor \aluablcs, Cars Pass the Door Every Five Minutes for Exposition Grounds. Every! thing-First C;ass. The Best Beds in the City. The Best Table in the City. Telegraph or write ahead for Accommodations. Remember we will treat you right, and charge you only $2.00 per day for Board and Lodging. Porters at all Trains. The Greatest Attraction at the Exposition is the Wonderful Cyclorama, "Batt!e of Gettysburg." Located just outside of main entrance on 1-illi St. and Piedmont Ave. Don't miss it. nil. - nil"i\Ti GOODS ARE NOW READY AT GEO. E. JACKSON'S COLUMBIA, S. C. Yon can save from 10 to 13 per cenb on the dollar by making you purchasers from this store, Ask lor TICKETS GN SILVERWARE and yon will get a part of the profits back. The Stock is No. l.und embraces ail styles, quality and prices to be h,d in the larger stores. iiemcmber the stand, POST OFFICE BLOCK, 1715 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C, C. F. JACKSON, Manager, May 30,?ly. Executors' Sale. IJURSUANT TO TH3 AUTHORITY vested in us by the will of David Black, deceased, of Lexington county, we wiil on tue 10th day of November next, at the late residence o: said deceased, on Hollow Creek, in said county, proceed to sell the entire real estate ol the said David Black, deceased, consisting of: The Homestead Tract, containing one hundred and eleven acres, more or less, adjoining lands of the estate of Jasper Black, deceased, J. D. Addy and others. Tract No. 2. containing seventy-two acres, more or less, bounded by lands of the estate of Jasper Biaek, deceased, estate ot Joel Taylor, deceased. J. D. AJdy, the Homestead Tract and others. Tract No. 3, containing seventy liveaeres, more or less, bounded by lands of D. U. Addy, Donly and others. Tno above three lots cr tracts of land will be sold on the following terras, to wit: One third of the purchase u oncy to be paid iu cash; the balance on a credit of one and two years, secured by bond ol the purchaser and mortgage of the lands sold. Tract No. 4. containing eighty acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Samuel Black, G. P. Craps, Samuel btuckmaa and others. Tne last named tract will be sold on the following terms: Two-third cash; the balance on a credit of one \ ear. secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the land sold. One-half aero lot. more or less, with the improvements thereon, in the town of Leesviile, in said county, on the following terms: One-liaif cash, and the baltnce on a credit of twelve mon ks. The credit poriioa to be secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the lot sold. All of the eicdit portion of the sale of I said lands is to bear interest from the day 50c. W*o are showing the best line of Knee Pants Suits, -i to 15 years, ever ! brought to this city, at only 82.50 | If you cannot visit Columbia, write for sample. M. L. KINARD, ! CLOTHIER FOR THE PEOPLE, j 1523 Main Street, At Sign of the Golden Star COLUMBIA, S. C. April 25-ly. j of sale. Purchasers to pav for pipers. JAMES J. BLACK, G. P. CHAPS. Erecntcrs of ihe Will ol David Black, dec. October 19, 1899. 4w.3pd. HOW TO SAVE M0\F Y" This is a matter which is troubling the minds of many people, and if you will come to see us when you want Men's and Boys' Clothing, Ilats and Furnishings you will be surprised at the number of dollars you can save by dealing with us, because we make a specialty of these lines and are better prepared to serve you than any other bouse in this city. Y\"e are offering the following special values: Line of black and blue ribbed cheviot Sacque.Suits at only 85.00. Line of all-wool black and mixed cheviot Sacque Suits at only 88.50. I Line of black Clay weave diagonal Sacque and Cutaway Frock Suits at only . .$8.50. Beautiful line of Sacque and Cutaway Frock Suits m Black. Blue and Fancy Cheviots and Worsteds, $10 TO $35. Line of elegant Black and Blue Beaver Overcoats at only $10.00. Good quality Natural Wool Shirts j and Drawers, at only, per garments I W. T. MARTIN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, COLUMBIA. S. C. Merchants and Planters will do well to try this House when purchasing. All kinds of HEAVY GROCERIES, GRAIN, FEED, Ac., kept in stock. . j Orders accompanied by the cash will receive prompt attention, j Name amount of each article wanted f - ior money sent and prompt shipment will be made and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. MARTIN'S BIS ALLOWANCE STORE, COLUMBIA, S. C. June 6,?tf Lexington" SAVINGS BANK. I DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. ALLEN JONES, President. W. P. ROOF. Cashier. DIRECTORS: Alien Jones, W. P, Roof, C. M. Efird, It. Hilton James E. Hendrix. | EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest at 5 per cent, per annum allowed, payable April and October. I September 21?tf POMONA HILL Nurseries, POMONA,- IV. C. ALL LEADING FRUITS, j Calculated to suit the Southern and border States. Send for descriptive Catalogue No. 1, of FRUIT Tit CD, VINES, ETC., | and No. 2, Green House Catalogue of young pot grown | ROSES, CHRYSANTHEMUMS, CARNATIONS, ' &c. Catalogues free. Correspondence solii cited. Address J. VAN LINDLEY. Proprietor, Pomona, N. C. April 23?ly. WANTED HIDES AND BEESWAX. IN : large or small quantities. Will pay i highest market (cash) price. RICE B. IIARMAN. LEXINGTON. S. C. M3LLKNKRY. 1 T IHVE OPENED A NICE LINE OF j A F.t+Jtaud Winter II its, Bois and Baby j Caps, Velvet and Velveteens, Ribbons tu:d : Feathers of every description, Net and ; Grenadine Veiling, Ladits' and Childrens' Hoso. A:so a nice line of Cashmere and ; Kid Gloves. I offer to sell cheap, so call j and examine my stock. Respectfully, MIES- EULA WRIGHT,. j October 2 2m. CAROLINA j NATIONAL BASK, . - AT COLUMBIA, S. C. STJTE, CITY AXB COUNTY DEPOSITORY. Paid up Capital ... $100,000 Surplus Profits . - 300,000 Savings Department. Deposits of So 00 and npwards received. Interest allowed at the- rate of 4 per cent, per aucum. W. A. CLARK, President. Wilis Jones, Castier. December 4?ly. GEORGE BBOTS MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C., JEWELER REPAIRER Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and . Silverware. A fine lino of Spectacles ar.d Eyeglasses to fit every one, ail for sale at lowest prices. p?f* Ik-pairs on Watches first class quickly done and guaranteed, at moderate prices. 60?tf, - * How Fortune $100.00 FOR EVERY $10 INVESTED CAN BE MADE BY OUR NEW SYSTEMATIC PLAN OF SPECULATION. SIO.CO and more made daily on small in? vestments by many persons who live away from Chicago. All uc ask is io investigate onr new and original methods. Past workings of plan ' and highest references furnished. Oar Booklet "Points and Hints" how to make money even when on the wrong side of the market and other information sent FREE. GILLTORE & CO., Bankers and Brokers. Open Board ol Trade Building. Chicago, 111. Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, SaltRheum, Scald Head, Sore tipples, Chapped Hands, Itching Piles, Burns, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Eyes and Granulated Eye Lids. For sale hy druggists at 2o cents per box. to hof.se"owness. For putting a horse in a fine healthy condition try ])i\ Cadv's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, curt * loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving x:cv* jmc tu an urn or o\er-worbcu xior^tr. ^ cents per package. For sale by druggists. Professional Calls. 4 NY CALL LEFT AT THE BAZAAR A !cr my services wi'l be promptly attended to. C. E* LEAPHART, M. D. Sep ember 11. ?tl. mm mi sisoisei, A TTORXEY A T W. BATESBURG, - - - - S. C. Practices in all the State Courts, especially iu Lexington, Edgefield and Aiken counties. Mar. C-lr Header, are you in arrears at this office? If so call and settle or send the amount due. nomBBBH