I Highest of all in Leavening Pcv AB&OfiUI The Lexington Dispatch WEDNESD.il'. NOVl'.MDEii 28. Ib'Ji. Index to New Advertisements. Harman's Bazaar. Mimnaugh?Cut Bates. J. S. Dunn?Cheap Harness. Kinard?Cheap Clothing. j G. M. Fulmer?Final Discharge. D. T. Hare?Final Discharge. ? Apportionment of Schccl Funds. P. H. Martin?Coffee. We knpw whereof we affirm when ! we state that Avers Pills, taken oromptly, at the first symptoms of colds and fevers, arrest further progress of these disorders, and speedily restore the stomach, liver, and bowels to their normal and regular action. If you owe the Dispatch any money call and settle up. A number of Communications crowded out of this issue. NOTICE. I want every man and woman in the United States interested in the Opium and Whisky habits to have one of ?t books on these diseases. Address B. M. Woolley, Atlanta, G&, J Box 3S2, and one will be sent you free. All kinds of matches, clocks, jewelry, guns and pistols repaired at the shortest notice, at the lowest prices and in the most workmanlike manner. All work guaranteed. J. M. Cp.ai>s, Lexington, S. C. Senator Etird left for Columbia, Monday to take his seat in the State Senate. Mr. Alexander Marks is in Columbia in attendance upon the United States Court as a petit juror. Your name will be printed on 100 good envelopes at the Dispatch office . */? r?rv Bill, letter and note >VA vv / heads proportionally cheap. Every person should use printed envelopes. AYe invite ladies to write us about their troubles. Thacher Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tennessee. Monday is sales day. There will be -'sonVeA'nluable property sold by the Clerk of Court and the Sheriff. Don't forget to pay for your paper. 1 Print yo'ur name and business on the upper corner of your envelopes and this will insure prompt return to you if letter is not delivered, and prevents it from being sent to and opened at the Dead Letter office and saves much time and annoyance, j ^ The Dispatch will print 100 good ' . "envelopes for 50 cents cash. Rev. G. Edwin Stokes, we aro pleased to : ay, has been returned to v I this Circuit for another year by the ^ South Carolina Conference. AY. A. McGuire, a well known citi- j zen of McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that there is nothing as good for j wifb colds or cmiuxeu uvuuivu. ..? croup as Chamberlains Cough Remedy. He has used it in his family for several years with the best results and always keeps a bottle of it in the : house. After having la grippe he { was himself troubled with a severe cough. He used other remedies | without benefit and then concluded i to try the children's medicine and to his delight it soon effected a perma- j nent cure. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale at Julian E. Kaufmann's i I drug stcr\ AY. H. Sharpe, Esq., tlie brilliant | young orator of the Lexington Bar, j was licensed to pi actice in the United I States Court, Monday. [ A cup of muddy coffee is not wholesome, neither is a bottle cf muddy medicine. One way to know : a reliable and skillfully prepared ! blood purifier is by its freedom from j sediment. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is , always bright and sparkling, because it is an extract and not a decoction. At a mass meeting of the citizens of New Brookland, held in that town j Monday, it was decided to have the j place incorporated under the name 1 of Brookland. For a pain in the side or chest I there is nothing so good as a piece of j Hannel dampened with Chamberlain's ; Pain Balm and bound on over the j seat of pain. It affords prompt releif j and if used in time will often prevent a ; cold from resulting in pneumonia, j This same treatment is a sure cure ; for lame back. For sale at Julian E. ! Kaufraann's drug store. The night services at St. Stephen's have been discontinued. Hereafter there will be preaching there every Sunday afternoon 4 p. m. We believe that this change will not be popular. Tn fbfi maiorif.v of cases. Neuralgia is caused and continued by some disease of the female organs. StellaVitoe \vi?l cure these diseases; and it is for sale at the Bazaar. Messrs. A. M. Lod? & Son, Lave sent to this office a sample of rice hulled and polished by themselves, which is of a beautiful white, free from chaff and rough grains and is ef t suj rior to the . ver.?Latest U. S. Gov't Report Jssv PURE Tomorrow is thanksgiving day. There will not be a meeting of the G)od Templars Friday night. If what Mr. P. H. Martin says of Cole's Xew Domestic Co Tee is true, it is a good thing. See his advertisement. The best place in Columbia to purchase your family groceries j cigars, smoking and chewing tobacco I fruits, nuts, ingredients for fruit I ? o cake and Christmas goods, is atS. X. Hendrix. A large assso; i m ?nt of these goods are coi stantly in stock, at the very lowest price. Henry Vv'iHou, the postmaster at Welsh ton, Florida, says he cured a case of diarrhoea of long standing in six hours, with one small bottle of i Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and ' Diarrhoea Bemedy. What. a pleas- i ant surprise that must have been to'* the sufferer. Such cures are not un- j usual with this remedy. In many instances only one or two doses are required to give permanent relief, <; It can always be depended upon. ; When reduced with water it is pleas- ! ant to take. For sale at Julian E. j Kaufmann's drug store. We acknowledge the receipt of a sample of syrup made from the rib- i bon cane by the new process invented by the Gross Bros. The sample was ! fine, of splendid flavor having lost j that green taste so noticeable in that j made by the old process of boiling j in brass kettles and over fire. The place to buy clothing is no j longer a secret, Kinard, the men's and boys' outfitter of Columbia, has one of the largest stocks of ck>thing, gents' furnishing goods, hats, shoes etc.. in the State., which he is offering at prices that will suit the purse cf j any one. Purchasers of clothing will doubtless lose money if they fail ; to call at this great clothing empo- i riurn and examine and price their j goods. I iv | REASON you toward economy 1a al! ^ purchases f-J & ? a'.e.-iory v:.r?;?s^ b^t comparative advantage. K.-m.-tiiOcr ns *-3 ifiuneedof i.amber, Ooers, Sash, liiiuda, and jm kindred products. Catalogue Free. AUGUSTA LUHUKlt CO., ?^% i i 41 Bay of the Maker." A i.FCSTi, G.t. t5 >?2?2SES?^2S?53^^ES2S5SS^ Xo remedy has proved itself so ! efficacious in constipation and cos- ! tiveness (a common complaint among ! women) as Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup, for sale at the Bazaar. J. S. Dunn, the manufacturer of saddles, harness and bridles, Colum- ! bia, is offering astonishing bargains ! to the cash purchaser. There is no | excuse now for a farmer to have j old dilapdated and broken harness, j when he can go to this establishment ; and buy a brand new set for such a j little amount of money. lie aho keeps a large and well Selected stock ! of fine pocket and table cutlery, j razors, etc., and low prices. All Free. These who have used Dr. King's I New Discovery know its value, and ; those who have not, have now the j opportunity to try it Free. Call on 1 the advertised Druggist and get a j Trial BotPe, Free. Send your name' ; and address to K. E. Bucklen & Co., < Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life, Pills Free, as 1 well as a copy of Guide to Health i and Household Insliuctor, Free. All i of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost yo.i nothing. For ; sale at the Bazaar. Friends Over the Elver. "We ant ym to bring your .cotton ! to Lexington. "Will pay the ferriage, j We use it all. W. P. Eo r. -? - ppf s r>rh 1* S? C* WvW* i Xit The most important feature about that very'common complaint, catarrh j in the head, is its tendency to de- j velop into some other more serious i and dangerous disease. The foul : matter dropping from the head into the bronchitis tubes or lungs is very liable to lead to bronchitis or consumption, that destroyer which causes more deaths in this country than any other disease. As catarrh originates in impurities in the blood, local applications can do but little good. The common sense method of. treatment is to purify the blood, and I for this purpose there is no prepara\ tion superior to*Hood's Sarsaparilla. I The powerful action of this medicine j upon the blood expels every impurity, ; and by so doing cures catarrh and t gives health to the entire organism. I 4' Lexington Pays the Bills. | "What has become of the Ike [ Kinard case? This negro was convicted some time ago at the Court of [' of Sessions for Richland county for I raping a white lady at Irmo in this i county, and sentenced to hang. An f appeal was taken to the Supreme | Court, and this has been the last i heard of it. In the meantime the j negro languishes in the Richland jail, and Lexington, she pays the bilis. In justice to the tax payers of Lexington this expense should be - stopped at once. "TTTTWiriirw A Bad State cf Affairs. The people of the South are bein<: I deceived in the purchase of imitatioi 1 medicines. It's poor consolation ii j a sick map to be told that the modi j cinc offered him certainly wont tic I him any harm. Wrong; it will dc : great harm. It allows the disease I to progress instead of stepping it, j and this is most dangerous because ! the disease will soon be beyond cure, i This is the best reason why you | should be sure to get the right meui' cine. Don't lisk your health iu trvj irg any of the many Liver Medici) es ; wiucii have sprung up m me r>outn J to be sold in place of Simmons Livei Kegulator, put up by J. II. Zeilin ic i Co., with the Hod Z on every package, this was the medicine of your j fathers, and they lived long. Have nothing to do with anything else, or | any druggist or dealer v. ho would i persuade you that the many imita{ tions under different names are just I as good. It's not true. The people i who buy them heap up their miseries, j Beware! Thanksgiving Seivice. There will be no prayer service at S . Stephen's this evening, but in lieu th ret f there will be a Tnanksgiving service at ihlif church, tomorrow evening at at 7 o'clock. Aft offering for the destitute will bqrtaken. VyBev. G. Edwin Stokes, of the Methodist church, will deliver the sermon. Music in harmony with the occasion will be rendered by the choir. The public is most cordially invited to participate in this service. Free Pill. Send vmir address to II. E. Buck len A Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's Xew Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are j)articularly effective in the core of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vege table. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. per box Sold at the Bazaar. 4- <> Lost, A gold filled watch between PL 1 Bawl's mill and Lexington. A liberal reward will be paid for its return to Paul E. Amick, Ella, S. C. ' Dr. E. F. Strother, and his son were in town last week. The latter is thinking of locating at this place to practice law. Vfe will gladly welcome him, and be delighted to add his nume to-the business fraturnity of our growing town. - * $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh, //all's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actiug directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. kriTSold by Druggist, 7oc. 4 Wanted. Lady or gentleman canvassers in each township, will guarantee at least S2.C0 per day to faithful workers. Address, JciinF. Simmons, Rowesville, S. C. ? Sinclair Ledge, No. 154, A. F. LI, There will be a regular communication of Sinclair Lodge, No. ioi, A. F. 31., held at Sinclair, Saturday, December the 8th, at 2 o'clock, p. m. A full Lodge is earnestly requested, as business of importance w ill be transacted. By order of the "W. 31. G. A. Derrick, Secretary. A Worthy [Representative. Judge J. Walter Mitchell, left for Columbia Monday where he will be sworn in as a member of the Lower House. We are satisfied that the interest of Lexington cuuntv will not s-7 * suffer in the keeping of the Judge and that he will not betray the trust reposed in him by the people. MAHP.1ID. i November 22, 1894, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Lev. S. C. Ballentine, Mr. John P. Richardson and MissHattie O. Kes ler, all of this county. t t t Increasing Its Capacity. Mr. W. P. Roof, the enterprising -t-? i i p ii - T J _? ir. rresiaem, 01 me jL,exmgion -Manufacturing Company, has greatly improved the plant of the company b\ the addition of steam power, so thai the mill can be run at all seasons A commodious engine room of bricl j and rock is being built, and new improved machinery will be adder to meet the increase demand for tin goods manufactured by the company Duii't forget when you come oi send to pay your taxes to call or sent i money to pay for your Dispatch ? ~ Dr. D. L. BOOZER. J. WILLI AM. EOOZZ^ Extracting un>j Artificia Der.turc. Filling i DRS. D. L. Erf ; T^,PTtrFi5-AT vo i*>>r.r> L, ltilV.1 L\J iliCVf VUt 4. WI+VIW4. J.UVW wvy j face and share their hospitality. AVe have to pay for our paper on j which the Dispatch is printed in ad- I j vance and to do this necessity forces I us to adhere strictly to the cash in advance system in the future. Ihe names of all subscribers, who are in \ arrears January 1st, will be .stricken j i from our books. AVe trust that all ! will renew as we will regret to loose a ' single name. Paper and envelopes of all kinds [ writing and pencil table.s, pens, j pencils, memorandum and pass I ; books, purses, banjo, violin and i gui'ar strings, and notions generally, J at the Bazaar. I ! \ ! tfH 1? O I>i fK S A^CI - * IlilUIUlU I TTTE WILL SELL LOTS SUITABLE^ ^ VV for residences or business in tliop i Town -oC Lexington, on the Orangeburfe | road, leading to the depot. Also on ne& 1 streets to be opened. Tf-j This is a chance to secure a good site fcif | residence, or business stand. Apply a| j i once and select a iot. 1 W 9 SpHHHI i1 .^31 s. o. ;u.iy, Briday and Saturday after the/Second Jo You Want a wituafcicn? -j ProJ^ "Wilbur It. Smith, Lexington,Ky For In v ars T'resi- ( spei-irti att Miti'on to FtofctWiuu* r. Smith, eral years Vice P. uxincton ky. idcnt <>f a han't; j WorUrk Fair Commissioner frc ni Km uclcy itud a irliablc business man. Ampin; the lO.OoO sncee?s''nl ? r oi'i.it's ol thp Profs. Smith, are 10 > in b::uk;. ] 2j^^rsfrom this ami otiicr St-.b.s. J'rat'. . FS^^Smith, Principal of th- 1 ft e^jfco, was awarded! the lledal at \V -1 x ?i ation of the tine properties of we!i selected 3ocoa. Mr, Epps has provided forottr break- 1 fast and supper a delicately flavored hover- L tiro which may save us many lie,ivy doctor's r >ills. It is by the judicious use of such ar:ict,cs-of diet that a constitution may be built up tPTTil trong enough to resist every ten- 2 ieney to disease. Hundreds of subtle mulaiies are floating: around us ready to attack .vherover there is a weak point. We may "scape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourjclvoirwell fortified with pure blood and a I jropt^y nourished frame."?Civil Service iazette. M de simply with boiling water and milk, sold only in half pound ties, labelled thus: TAMES EPPS & CO.. Ltd.. homoeopathic Chemists, London. England. V\ TT g"> S~~y bJLU UKUrb c Hie biggest kind of big drops all s ;hrough our stock just now. A perfect shower c c them. Few goods are joining and must have room. Notli- a .ng like a storm of this kind for jiearing the stock atmosphere. Re- h freshing to 3*011 as well as to us. Our sales of 55.00 Buggy Harness lias >eeu gratifying to us, an-', demoralizing to 0 >ur competitors. We have tiic lead in ll;is grade of goods, is vel! ;.s the flr.er, ard offer astonishing bargains to the Ca.-L I'r.reL- sc v. Our slock of riding s i Idles. bridLs, -| ulups, spurs, lap lul'ts, l.oise blankets, ' rloTcs, etc., is conipble c.ul off' red at iqna'ly low prices. POCKET AMD TABLE C> '! LET.V. SCISSORS, RAZORS. HONES AND STRAPS, rhis department l?as received our special ind careful attention, in which we oiler 3 on the largest and most complete assort iic-ut in the city. pa- Remember the place 3". S. jD'C^'TJ^T, ? HARNESS AND HARDWARE, f 13u MAIN STREET, I COLUMBIA, S. C. c Aug 2?ly ROLLER MILLS. \ We offer Liic latest and most -tl improved Wheat and Com j Roller Mills. Will estimate ] ou the improvement ot plants <. now running with old Mty li machinery, or entirely new ^ outiits throughout. ] CORN MILLS, . : Cf the latest designs, vertical and horizontal, double and ingle gear. SAW MILLS. i RICE MILLS, ENGINES AND BOILERS, WOOD WORKING MACHINES?, THRESHERS, GINNING IVIAOHINERY. V. C. BADrlAH, Manager, COLUMBIA, S. 0. October 1. .1 w sni swat IN ;-'i ^J^OUR MA X VV friends an.) customer', that we hav leased that beautiful new brick building th Hisses Wessiiigcrs, ii^ar the .Bridge, in New Drooklaud, where we will open July 1st, a first class Trail m HOLSE FUHXISIliXG STOKE, with a j al 1 il> o( CTGAES AND TOBACCO and w'ijM 1 < oleascd to L .ve you slop in to so u:. "ueto;e having eleswlicre. K. li. WOOD ?t BliO. li. II Wo on, T. 0. Block, Columbia, S. C. K. N. Wood, New Brookland, S. 0, SC3BBSH^.X??raSBaR5525E3?B5:3^':' rTTSTT*2U.. G I"F11F-1>PV if If %\ *^ri B Ah !i s js "a tj3 ? % ? 5' f-G\ ? B t. nt. is i.": i : ur ?7 5 < J ? >_w < e n ; >! : 110V ill S'.t the & r & *? >;* r > fs130 r. 2 ~ ft?/ ruSc t?rrs5?s &i/oi>K m ?;O?D; STOHL ftli'F Will ! -O i'.O T>'j\Vc:st 1'i'I?*:*-I. W'c ;ji-i a \i.r:i. Ibuo Prints, I " t lot V/Mk- ; l#i< ached tioods, L'.fl h A'liitc r..r?\V!is, LiCjju 'J O' < i i A'?o on ltiiiul :!! thi1 /not Dryss (jor>ci u? i tv; -is and it drf'.rcui prices, i.tnl :: suit atoci; ol X**.:i 1 do- -u C. F. JACK SOX. Max \ oi.it, COE&MJ3IA, 8, C. May 80,?ly. nmmim, AT COLUSIDIA, S. C. fTAl'E, CITY AM) COUNTY LTOffiHiY. Paid up Capital ... $l;;o,000 surplus Profits . - - lUO.OtiO ^aviisgs 2il(l32f. Deposits cf $5 t'O and upwards received, [utc-ivst allowed at the rate nl ; pr-i cv:.t. )Ci annum. W. A. CLAiiK, President. Wilik Jonfs, Cashier. December 4 - ly. Final Discharge. A LL PERSONS INTERESTED Ax. will lake notice that_I will apply to the Probate Court Ipr Losing ton County, S. C'., on the 30th Jay of November, 18'J-l, at 11 -pVIoch a. in., for a filial discharge as? executor of estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Chiller Oc"oncod JOHN J. GTLLElt. Executor. Oct. 30 tb, 1804. . 5v, 2. The State of South Carolina. COUNTY LEXINGTON. By J. Walter Mitchell, Probate Judge. TTTIIEKEAS, H. A. SPAXN, C.O. C. P., t V liatli made sv.it to me, to grant him betters of Administration of the estate of uid effects of J, W. Batigbman, deceased: Tlie.sc arc, therefore, to c'tc and iduionish ail and singular the kinIrcd and creditors of the said I. W. Baughu.an, deceascl, that they jo and appear l.cforv-?ao in the jor.rt of Probate, to b-rbcld at. Lexington :ourt house S. (A,on IVtk of i?ece*?fher hi''l, ifter publication thereof, at 11 o'clgpk in be forenoon, to snow rtiuse. if Ja7!y tuey lave, vrhv the said Administration .should lot bo granted. Given under my hand this olh day of November, Anno i'nniiui, .I.VJ f J. WALTER MITCHELL. [L. S.] t.. ,.? i>?j n > liU^C \'L iiUU.ilf, Ai. * . Published on the 7th diy oi November, 8*./J, in the Lexington Dispatch. Gwi. Filial Discharge. 4 LL PARTIES INTERESTED L will take notice tuat L wiil ap>ly to the Probate Court for Lexing011 county, S. 0., on the 30tk day of sovember 1894, at 11 o'clock a. in., or a final discharge as Executor of he Estate of Mrs. Rebecca Crout, jjeceased. ' NATHANIEL OXNEE, Oct. 30,189-1. Executor. 5w2. Nurseries,5" " X'OMOIVA, IV- O. ALL LEADING FRUITS, !al?ul?ited to suit the Sou the:-zi and border States. end for descriptive Catalof.-ue No. 1, of fruit thei), vines, etc., ud No. 2, Green Honse Cut Cogue of young pot grown ICSES, CHllYSANTilEM cDlS, CAliXATT.IWi A-/* Catalogues free. Cone spun deuce soliit c d. Address J. VAN LINDLEY, Proprietor, t?c u:ouu, N. C. April 23?ly. The State cf South Carolina, COUNTY OF Li Uvi NGTON, In the Court of Common Fleas, llrs. Harriet 1. Benjamin, Ftainlifi'. against Irs. Sarah Droits, Puilv C. Ueetze and Wm, J. Assmunn, Defendants. rTNDJIB AND 3A' VI3TUE OF HIE L. decree ? f ".he o?/art in the above staled ase, I vill soli t? ilio highest bidder at mbiio o uteri. be lor a the court house door u Lor.iugtou county, drtring iLo usual lours of sale, on tlie nrst a.ouday in itaember next, thefollowing described lands, o wit: Ail that piece, parcel, plantation or tra'-t >t land, sit late o- the county c-f Loxiagmu a baij State, on Twelve Mile Cr-'ui;, waters Sate da iliver, containing 'i'iav e hundred ml ninety-two acres, more or : a.ljotnug !;w~r ol J. G. Ltuphart, Conrad >enu and others, in lour tracts, as follows: Tract No. I, containing one hundred and brty-six (1 iG.oO-iUO) acres, more or ?nmitled bv lands of Mrs. Jca.se lien iris, 6. L. /Vrufis, Tract No. 2, J. Yv* lioot, 51. )?. 2j (.miner, M. D. Shull, Esiateof Ed. Shnli f.iui Mrs. Senu, en which i.s the old Leaphnrt Idili Place. Tract No. 2. Containing ninety-five NM00 CJj.oO-jOO) acres, more or less, bounded bv lands of J. D. Drafts, Tract No. 2 of said lands, Henry Corley, Den lioot' ;3ul tract No. 1 of s.ii.t la:. Tract No. 0, Containing eigi.i' - our (81) acres, more or less, bounded : v lauds of J. L. i/1'afts, Tract No. -1 of :;ald lands, John Su'ACil, Henry C'oilev and sahi Tract No. 2. Tract No. 1. Containing sixty-six (eG; acres, more or less, bounded by l.;nds of J. L. Crafts, A. -J. Lorick, Jomj.1i Shull, John Howell and Tract No. :> aforc.-.iiJ, on wllicu is the old Crafts Home Place. Plats of the above land will be exhibited on date of sale. TERMS OF SALE-Fifteen Hundred Dollars to be paid in cask: the balance in two equal annua! instalments, with interest from dale ol sale, scented by bond of purchaser and mortgage of liie premises sold. Purchaser to pay for paix-rs. * li. A. SPAN N, C. C. C. P, . Clerk's Office. November 10, ISO!. 2v,2 Executors Sale. I) Y VIRTUE OF TIIE POWER VESTj ed in me as Executrix c?t iho Est ale of Jacob Selzler, deceased, by Lis last will and testament, I will offier lor s tie at Peak Edition, in this county, at public out cry to the highest bidder, on Saturday, the 1st day of December. 38'?>. atTl o'clock a. m., the following described property, to Vit: Ait that pic-ce. parcel or true: of land, situate, lying and being in the St do of South Carolina and the county of I.exiiigton, containingtwenly-eigiit acres, move or loss, bounded by lands of J. A. flanriter, Elias Stoudeminr, Jacob Setzler, L. 1'. Stondemier and others. TERMS OF SALE-C:s1j. Pare Laser to pav for papers. MliS. T. IRVIN 3IIT.LEE, Nov. 5, 18'Ji. Executrix, iwi A Cotton': Purchase only such fertilizers i least 3 to 4fc actual potash. I For Corn, Fertilizers sho Poor results are due entire j \Vc will gladly scud you our pamphlets cn They arc ?cu: free. I: will cost you r.olii I GLZitL'.M !i j fia tm ^ Sill 4 i w.v_ ? _ kUj w) Su? lueli l5 XTAYIXG A LARGER STOCK C JL hand than I can afford to carry, these departments and have to closcUiut the entire stock. This is co?>l*or?j n? rionnino Troviiiq nriil nllA in this market again. . is to be sola regardless of cost. This C.-' tit* h*?y r.aj ir.J ?-j _ A large slock at cost, consisting of | In all other departments I am offering ! T pT jl Y.TY' /is JZJLJtJL A. e b 1 1 !P F I I 1 If3 IP ksa & Li gaa FOR THE [LIVER Mm KIDNEYS I s 5 i| &> I IIA It MAX'S | COMECTIOXEBiES, FRll I gk CIGAIJS, CHEWING ami Toys, Facv G( ?/ 7 e/ .ZDZeXTG-S an.& 2 PEBFL'MEKY, STATiohsr. SC ?27" A well selected stock of the always at the very lowest prices. The Although unfortunate in having his ton destroyed by fire last April, Old St of his usual Christmas supples of pre from the lifc'le tiny doll, tin wagons, t< ful, delicate and useful China and plus friend, fruits, candies and nuts in end! fail to call and examine these goods, a big rush and they are picked over. . ij e x i n rr o rs ESMW MfH! rant* i wwu I A.n I ! PIN12 WEAR I The newest, the lisjf-st and most fashionab] carries the largest stock of the kind of .my b Hosi< ry, New Gloves in Moesquetairc lm:to s'.-v Skirts, best Knitted Jersey Uudtrwear 1< cheap you can buy the icanv articles a lady ! PIANOS AN: ; We sell direct from the factory. No oxpe: j Jtciiutil'u' (I^right Pianos, *:200. Fine Parle | bold on easy terms. r*\ enl 015-1 t-'-'' rrr*a -LN u W - \JL COLUjII I August 12?tf. I V?. I. jHAflilil, WHOLESALE AM8 RETAIL tp' I? Si**'! JZJ&j cL:i*a tfiL^y 5 COLUMBIA, S. C. i Merchants and Planters will do j well to try this House when purchasing. i All kinds of ! HEAVY GROCERIES, GRAIN, I;EEI>, &c., | kej)t in stock, f Orders accompanied by* the cash will; receive prompt attention. Name amount of each article wanted | for money sent and prompt shipment will be made and SATISFACTION G U A RAN TEED. j M tmumw .STORK, COLUMBIA, S. C. ! June 6.?If ! IF. W. hosemann, I C-u2" ASTD LOCKSMITH, j .Mid dealer in sass, pistols, pistol sap.tsidses FiSHiHG TACKLE, J and a!i kinds o! Sportsmen's Articles, i "which he has now on exhibition and lor j ale at his store, j Slain Street, Near the Central Bank. Coin nth iff, S. C. ; AC-ENT FOR HAZARD POWDER CO. Repairing done at short notice. ! 5 ATTORNEY AT LAW, - r? n COLUMBIA, - 5 e, XJI5VCTICES IN TIIE STATE AND , JL Federal Courts, p.jm! offers his proles; Monai services to the citizens of Lexington !; County. i October 18?1 v, ( "B7 < r ertiiizer. for cotton which contain at uld contain 6$ Potash. !y to deficiency of Potash, the Use of Potash. T.g to reau tliem, and they will save you LAL1 V.'OKfIS, 93 ICaiiau S'.rcct, New Yuri:. k mw p.?mm ft il }t r si g ??r. * Kaibli iJa tiiC sti \Lf 3 >F CLOTHING AND SHOES OX I have made a sweeping reduction in marked the prices down to F i" Mif- /T'fwnp ilitf if W8I an opportunity of a life time to which will, perhaps, never be offered Jft ?tc?pn ktci ws. ?f I_\j t -TAL O..VJ B?Ci UUI 4 > line must and shall be closed out. ) IElj S the very best goods of all grades, the best values that money can buy oiv, s. c. Wards off Malaria. Is a pleasant and invig- | ora'irg medicine. Particularly effective j in the care of 7)v>ucpsia, Indigestion, j Nausea, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, j etc. A valuable liver regulator Comets j all disorders of tlie kidneys. Wonderlulh g beneficial in lan-ale complaints Taken J along with-quinine, is an ttiYctual cure lor J Chilis. A grunt appetizer when takeu Lo- j lore meals. After meals aids digestion. In large 25c., f.Oc. and tfl bottles. Sold at the Bazaar and bv W. P. It oof, j' Lexington. ' * Wholesale by THE MUBBY DRUG CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. BAZAAR, ITS, CRAKES, CRACKERS, ECCEKI^S, CHEWING rrOI5j^COiS )ods, Notion^ -VtCEIDXCIIkTIES, iiOfllf m^vALlll3S, ETC. -\ above Goods constantly 011 hand an&?se Goods are all fresh and reliable. ??* larce and only repository at Lexiiijf O / I W mtaCIau.se has stock the Bazaar full sents suitable for young and old, >ps and balls, up to the most beauti>h goods, for sweet heart, parent and .ess variety and at all prices. Don't' nd lay in your supplies before the " J, I-I . , S . C . D O It J.a A i > I 3S S , [o stylos can now bo found at Trump's, xvh .ouse in the city. New Handkerchiefs, New n and hooks. Kid Gloves a specialty, eror ladies and children. C: me and see J.o^ needs Jrom a -Notion House, d organs. use. No commissions. The best make. >r Organs, i'jj. See our stock and Prices JE5 0"2>v/?IE3., >IA, S. C. ~AN EVER6REENTREE Without Cost. \T/rE WILL fciENJ> YCU BY MIAIi y? post-pa:il one small evergreen tree ail .plod to your climate, with instructions for planting and earing for it. together with our complete iist of Nursery stock. If you will cut out Ibis adverlisi :tu nt, mark oil it l the name of this piper, and toll how many and what kind ct trees and plants yon would ??-? like to purchase, and when you wish to plant them. We will quote you lower prices on the ! stock you v.aut than have ever been offered you. Write at once. EVERGREEN NURSERIES, Evergreen, Door Co., Wis. August 15,?llJl I.EXSNCi-TON SAVINGS BANK. DEPOSITS BEl'EiVED Sl'ilfECT TO CHECK. ALLEN JONES, President. W. P. ROOF. Cashier. DIRECTORS: Alien .Tones. V,\ P, Re/, C. M. Efird, R. Hilton James E. Hondrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits ot SI and upwards received r \ interest at 5 i>cr cent. ;>cr annum allowed. payable April and October. September 21?tt ^ITWSTAL LENSES" -w. 0gl ^ rnr.cz mark. k8*Nfi^VT^?& /ZZ-KI v& % J. E. Kaufmann, Druggist, has c-xclcsive | sale of these celebrated glasses in T rv:ng' ton, S. C., from the factory <>f Kellan ?~~ .. ' ^ Moore, the only comnkie optical plant in tlie South, Atlanta, Ga. i Aug 22 iai You will find flavoring extracts. : spices, gelletino, corn stai^, etc., at i the Bazaar. / J]