The Lexington Dispatch G. M. 11AKM AX, Eiitor and Publisher. LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1894. TLe Dispatch is now located below the court house, where it will hereafter be published regularly, and where we will be pleased to have our friends call and see us. All persons indebted to us for either adver tising, subscription and job wort are earnestly asked to call and settle up, as we need money, now if we ever did, and by their prompt action we will be placed on our feet again. The remnant stock of goods of the Bazaar can be found at the store of W. E. & A. F. Ilarman, and ottered at unusually low prices. The stock will be repenished as soon as possible everything that was usually kept in stock will be found there, such as fancy groceries, confectioneries, cigars and tobacco, medicine, Stationery, fruits, etc., and will be in charge of Rice B. Ilarman. Our attention will hereafter be devoted entirely to the newspaper business, and we propose, if possible, to improve the Dispatch. It is said that the Ice men are forming a trust. Eight negroes were lynched in Madison Parish, La., for atrocious murderers during last week. It is said that heavy drinks are being sold openly in Columbia. The United States Revenue officer has issued a number of licenses recently. Gen. John B. Gordon was reelected commander of the United . Confederate Veterans at the great re-union at Birmingham, Ala., on -Ut II. Why is it that the opposition make so much ado because Senator Irby gets a little off while on vacatiomor, is off of duty, when there are some 'ffioozy*' pretty well all the time at Washington. Attorney General Buchanan informs all Trial Justices throughout the State by circulars that he will appear for the prosecution in any in dictments which may be brought before such officers against whiskey sellers. A military company, 150 strong-, lias been organized at Darlington. A good man}- of this company arc old Confederate veterans. It is probable that it will be divided into two companies. The men say there will be no throwing down arms whenever the Governor calls. Maj. P>. B. McCreery, of the firm of McCreery Bro., Columbia, died in that city on the 27th. Maj. McCreery was one of the most energetic, clever and respected citizens of that city, and many of our citizens will be shocked to hear of his death. But he now rests in peace. A Columbia man has been North on a business trip. He says that he was struck with the admiration displayed by Northern people for Governor Tillman. They continually talked of his nerve and backbone and said that if he was in a Northern State he could get any office he wanted. The power of the great strikes are felt in the various sections where tney exist. Plants are closed for want of coal Ac. The strikers propose to tight to a finish. Capitol is not power every time, and we think where eapitol and labor are always identified it is far better to arrange difference without resorting to strikes. Collector of Revenue Townes has appointed Joseph Ouzts of Edgefield ? 11 i .. r it.? v ..j I. i: as-ucpuiy coiu'eior o? nit* luunu <.uvision of tliis State. Mr. Ouzts is a son of SherilV Ouzts of Edgefield, and is a young man. 'I ho division comprises the following counties: Oconee, Pickens, Anderson, Abbeville, Newberry and Edgefield. The unemployed in all sections of ' - ????? ? . 11 2 K the l inteu states, especially norm, east. west, are in sympathy with the Coxey movement. It is more serious than tirst apprehended, but what the result will be, must be seen. There are now out a large number of strikers by far, than ever known. And what does it mean? The business of the country demands more money than we have in circulation, and the money power is using all efforts to control everything in their favor and refuse to yield to any measure giving the needed relief to the various enterprises, thereby throwing laborers out of employment and clogging ! general operation. Relief must ! come through some action of the government. The Coxey contingent | may not be composed of that class of people it should have, but the j I cause is just. People are suffering : for actual necessity in many sections,; . ! while willing laborers demand em-: ployment are refused, and al-; most every branch of business is J feeling the effects. Items from Wessinger's. T1" nf flic niwniflif 1U LUC liV-U lUi v*. k/uv News is rather scarce, but we will endeavor to pencil a few dots from our section anyway. The small grain crop, especially j oats, has been greatly damaged by > the recent, cold. In some places the j oats are dying and people, who have j j examined them, say that the roots i ' are killed. As a geneial thing the wheat is j j not injured as bad as the oats al-, though it is hurt considerably. O v We are glad to see the warm j | weather begin and think perhaps it j will help the injured grain. Some of the farmers of our section ; are nearly clone planting cotton, j while others are not more than half j done. A large crop of corn is being ; planted also. We hope this will be j a bountiful year. The 30th of March marked the: I | closing exercises of Newburg Acad- j ' emy, of which Prof. J. E. R. Kyzer | I was principal. The day was spent pleasantly and peaceably, and is likely to be long remembered by the : teacher and pupils. Prof. Kyzer has now opened a school at Chapin. We : hear he is meeting with success, j j We congratulate the people of Cha-! j pin on having secured the services of j one so well qualified to teach. Mrs. W. A. Wessinger has been I ' very sick for the past few days, but' we are will be repeal the tax on State bank - issue, according- to the plank in our I w * I " platform, which says: c recom1 mend that the prohibitory 10 per cent, tax on State bank issue be re> pealed." - This plank strikes a blow at the j ) I existence of National Banks and willi i do much good toward giving us a 3 j currency such as we need. 21 I shall try to say something about j f; the above plank in a succeeding ar- j ! tide. W. H. H. 1 j Caughmans, S. C., April 21, 1894. j s j Edgefield papers may copy. Illicit whi.ikey selling ought not to be tol-1 crated, and the town or locality that permit ! j it to go on will suffer greatly sooutr or j } j later. POMONA HILL * Nurseries, ' POMONA, N. C. e t | ALL LEADING FRUITS, . { Calculated to suit the Southern and border States. 0 ; Send for descriptive Catalogue No. 1, of J FRUIT TILED, VINES, ETC., aud No. 2, Green House Catalogue of young j l" pot grown Q ROSES, CHRYSANTHEMUMS, CARNATIONS, Ac. e Calalogues free. Correspondence soli cited. Address 5 J. VAN LINDLEY. Proprietor, Pomona, N. C. April 23 -Iy. e CAROLINA >1 NATIONAL BANK,! e| AT COLUMBIA, S. C. r STATE. CITY AM) COUNTY DEPOSITORY.! ^ Paid up Capital - - - $100,0001 e Surplus Profits . 100,000 yI Savings department. ^ | Deposits of $5 00 and upwards received, j v i Interest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent. e per aunum. W. A. CLARK, President. Wilik Jones, Cashier. ,t | December 4?1 y. Speculation ! yj 1.1 The Hodgen Commission Comp'y, j i- BROKERS >> i 248 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,; >-1 Pa., offers special facilities to traders e j in Stocks JSonds and C*rain , i in large or small quantities, for cash : " ' or on margins of one per cent, or l* more. Send for our pamphlet "How I- to Speculate." ! I a WT/'TB i1 o 1111' 111 i hair balsam e jS Cleanses and K..ntifiea the hair. ? i'ruinulcs a luxuriant grnwth. 1 Never Fails to Hestore Gray ! Hair to its Youthful Color. i' IMd fflffiiTill1 g^lIB iT, | -ji ij |TJ|Tg i bftt'i'a** 11 ri i u imjulij I'se Parker'B Ginger Tonic. It cures me worst louim, I Weak Lungs, Debility, Imligeiition, Pain,Take in timc.iUcU. HINDERCORNS. The only sure cure Tor Corns. ^ StwPi aUpaio. lie. at Druggists, or lllSCOX A. CO., N. Y. ' GEORGE BRUITS i! MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S.C., " jeweler j"j repairer i i II Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Silverware. A tine line of" i " "Spectacles and Eyeglasses to lit every one, 1 till for sale at lowest prices, j Uepairs on Watches lirst class I | qnickly done and guaranteed, at moderate ; I i prices. 50?tf. / Jl We bad an op- j II iall Por?uoity to buy ^ |l TM Ll '0t -POODS at f ' lam ^tr tbe reguS lar price and we propose to give our IV customers the ben- Tnis spoon is! made of the finest j nic?-1 \ silver, and F heavily silver plated, 5 oz plate, j 1 That is neatly equal to triple j plate, which is G oz "While they a last we will sell 11 them at one dollar o per set of six. ' y This is a great J bargain, and if you j need any spoons it I ^ will p.iy you to get j tin m now. Nothing hut tea spoons in this lot. * ?n uy man uuu o i cents for post ige. | P. II. Lncbico te &j Co. Jewelers, Columbia, S. C. J _ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, c COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, j a By J. Walter Mitchell. Probate Judge. | ? WHEREAS, H. A. SPANN, C. C. C. j v P., hath made suit to me, to grant him I Letters of Administration of the Estate ; j( of and effee's of David B. Culler, de-1 ceased. ! j( These are, therefore to cite and ad-' monish all and singular the kindred and 1 j, creditors of the siid David B. Culler,! deceased, that they be and appear be-11( fore rae, in the Court of Probate to be ! held at Lexington C. II,, S. on the j, 28th of May at 11 o'clock in the forenoon,; to shew cause, if any they have, why ihe j, said Administration should not be; granted. j t Given under my hand, (his 12th day i 0 of April Anno Domini, 1894. J. WALTER MITCHELL, I ( Probate Judge L. C. Published on the 18th day of of April, j 1894, in the LexingJon Dispatch. 6w27 j STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. j \ By J. Walter Mitchell, Probate Judge. ! WHEREAS II. A. SPANN, C. C. C ,! hath made suit to me to grant him Let-1 ters of Admin-stration of the Estate of' aDd etfects of Aaron Taylor, deceased: 1 These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Aaron Taylor, de- j c ceastd, that they be and appear before t mo, in me uourc or rrouaic, u> ire ueiu ?j at Lexington Court Hous*, S. C'., on the; r 7ih day of May, 1894, after the public.*-1 c tion thereof, at 11 o'clock in the fore-jr noon, to show cause, if any they have, I why the said Administration should not ! r be granted. Given under my hand, this 2Gth dayic of March, Anno Domini. 1894 J. WALTER MITCHELL. [L. s.] 11 Probate Judge Lex. Co. Published on the 28th of March, 1894, j 1 in the Lexington Dispatch. Gw24. : 1 J. L. MIMNAUGH & CO. 11 This enterprising firm, in their usual ; i energetic way are advertising their im-: mense line of goods in a manner cal-! j culated to draw the attention of the public. In one of iheir front windows Mr. j i Englehart, the world renowned land-j scape artisL is at work with his brudi. | In a few minutes, with marvelous skill, j he paints a beautiful oil painting, fit to j i r?r?tr TKocq rvirdiirna T I (tUUl 11 (lu y jmi iui . i uv.og |uvuu? o w. i Mimnaugh & (Jo. are giving away with ] every dollar's worth of goods bought in their establishment, but there is a small charge made for the frame at less than it really cost. Whether you wish to), buy or not you are cordially invited to watch the artist at work. j Added to this attraction, prices on their goods are away down and it will | well repay every one to look at their I lines before buying. j V EDMUNDS V 1 DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOE AND HAT I 1 HOUSE, , OFF. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, ON CORNER, j i Here you will find an Elegant Stock j( to select from and prices VERY LOW. Please call. Very respectfully, I R. II. EDMUNDS, JR. i Columbia, S. ('. j' i ( ANEW NAVAL STORES FIRM.! WE HAVE JUST EMBARKED IN the Naval Stores business and would like to buy your turpentine and rosm. With j orders from the best maikets constantly on hand we are prepared to pay TOP PRICES. Be sure to call and see us before sell- . ing, it will be to your advantage to do so. A. T. McCANTS, Next to Union Passenger Depot. j < COLUMBIA, S. C. i April 20 ?tf. FINAL DISCHARGE. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED WILL t please take notice that 1 will apply to i the Probate Court for Lexington eountv, I S. (J., <^n the 4th clay of May, 1894, at : 11 oelock a. m., for a final discharge as j Guardian of Es'ate of W. A. C'orlev and c W. F. Corley. * r EMANUEL L. CORLEY, Guardian. April 3. 1894. . 4w24. Final Discharge. I LL PERSONS INTERESTED "V. will take notice that I will apply } the Probate Court for Lexington aunty, S. C., on the 25th day of May, 8i>4, at 11 o'clock a. m. for a final ischarge as Guardian of estate of finniA T, T.miaford mid nihprs dis, ributes of estate of M. L. Harman. J. C. HARMAN. April 24, 1*94. 4w2G. Notice. XECLTOHS ADMI.MSTRATORS, &0 fN OBEDIANCE TO THE LAW, L notice is hereby given to the ixecutors, Administrators, Guardins and other Fiduciaries who have ot filed their anuual returns in the ffice of the Judge of Probate for the ear of 1894 to do so by the first of une, 1894. The court will refer those Execuors, Administrators, Guardians, and ther Fiduciaries who have not filed heir Annual Returns to the General Statutes, Sections 1942, 1943, and 1041. J. WALTER MITCHELL, Judge of Probate Court. Lexington, S. C., April 25th, 1894. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, In Court of Common Flea?. Hampton L Land, Plaintiff, against John I. Laird and other?, Defendant*. >URSUANT TO THE ORDER OF THE Jouil in this cate, 1 will sell before the ourt hou-e door within the legal bouts >f sale on the first. Monday in May next, :t the risk of the former purchaser, the ollowing described lands, bt iug part of he estate of Jacob Laird, deceased, to fit: Tract 1, containing 97 acres, more or ess. Tract 3, containing 94 acres, more or ess. Tract 4, containing 104 acres, more or ess. Tiact 5, containing 51 acres, more or ess. Tract 7, containing 105acres, more or ess. Tract 9, containing 55J acres, more or ess. Plats of these lands are in the office of he Sheriff, and will also be exhibited >n day of sa'e. TERMS OF SALE?Cash. Purchaser o pay for papers. fiFOPrtF s; nP AFTs ~"s! l?c. Sheriff's Office, April 14, 1394. 3w24 'HE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, Court of Common Pleas. George W. Lorick, Plaintiff, \s. 'ne Piedmont Improvement and Investment Company, Defendant--. IN OBEDIENCE TO THE ORDER T Court in this case, I will sell at the own cf Irmo, in saidcounly and State, in the Columbia, Newberry and Lauens Railroad, on Monday, the 7th day if May, 1894, at 11 o'clock a. m., at the isk cf the former purchasers, the folowing described tracts or lots of land, tear the town <.f Irmo, to wit: Tract 2, containing 37 1-2 acres, more >r less. Tract 3, containing 38 acres, more or ess. Tract 5, containing 43 acres, more or ess. Tract 6, containing 47 acres, more or ess. Tract 7, containing 43 acres, more or ess. Tract 8, containing 46 acres, more or ess. Tract 10, containing 45 acres, more or ess. Tract 11, containing 52 acres, more or ess. Tract 12, confining 58 acres, more >r les-\ Tract 13, containing GO acres, more or ess. Tract 1G, containing 69 acres, more or fS3. Tract 18, containing 36 1-2 acres, liore or less. Tract 19, containing 37 acres, moie )r less. Tract 26, containing 84 acres, more or ess. Tract 27, containing 50 acres, more or ess. Tract 28, containing 70 acres, more or ess. TOQ /.nnt')ininought of G. W. Lorick. Plats of same may be seen by calling on J. H. Counts at Irmo, or C. M. Efird, it L?xington. TERMS OF SALE?One-third cash; oalance in two equal annual install nents, with interest from day of sale, :he ere lit portion t > be secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of premises old. Purchaser to pay for papers. GEORGE S. DRAFTS, S. L. C. Sheriff's Otlice, Lexington, S. C., April 14, 1S94. WW PRFCTWrs y AT LAST SESSION OF TMS^AXJISlalure a Dew precinct for General E'eoion was established at Swansea, Bull Swamp Township, and for the purpose issurins; Certific ?t? s of K 'gistra iou, I will hi :if SfffinsM nn the ad of Mav. 1894. AL-o lied Bank, Boiling Springs Township vas made a voting precinct for such dec!ion-, at which place I will be, for he purpose of m iking such changes as ~ " '' An w' .4n n/I a ft Bo ?ttl? S\ f" nay i#u ucsucw, uu ojiuiutiv. me <#ha wl tfay, 1894 Persons holding certificates for other irecincts are (I* sirious of voting at either if the new ones, will be required to sur ender their old certificates. W. H. MEETZE. Supervisor of Registration L. C. 2w23.