Highest of all in Leavening Pow I ww'# A \ AB50U/I Local and Special.' 1 -' ? f WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 15. !8S3 ? ; j *3" We are not responsible for the views or assertions of correspondents. Mar Parties sending Obituaries to this oHk-e 1 wiLL reineajber that ail over ten lines will be > Charged for at regular advertising rates. SUBSCRIBERS receiving their paper iciih ( a RED CROSS mark upon it, are thereby i notified thai with the next number their Sub-' tcription expires. < ' ^ a C5arrri LEXINGTON. j First Sabbath, preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Second Sabbath 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. 1 Third Sabbath, Lay Lectures 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Fourth Sabbath, preaching 7:30 p. m. Fifth Sabbath, Preaching 11 a. in. Sabbath School every Sabbath at 9:30 ? a. m. Prayer service every Wednesday at 7:30. p. U). ppnvrntiKrE I * I Second Sabbath, preaching 3 p. m. ; f Fourth Sabbath, preaching 11 a. m. ST. JOHN. 1 Third Sabbath, preaching 11a. m. J. G. Graichen*. Pastor. r Appointments for Lexington Circuit. ! r 1st Sundays: Hebron 11 o'clock a. m. I and Shiloh 3 30 p. m. 2d Sundays: New Uoreb 11 o'clock a. m. v and Lexington 3 30 p. in. | 3rd Sundays: Shiloh 11 o'clock a. in. j and Hebron 3 30 p. in. a 4th Sundays: Lexington 11 15 o'clock a. m. and New Horeb 3 o'clock p. m. 5th Sunday in January: Hebron 11 j 1 o'clock a. m. and Lexington 7 30 p. m, ( B. C. McRot, Pastor. 11 t Index to New Advertisements:? Allowance Store?W. T. Martin. 11 Notice?F. Racket. { Wines, Ac.?W. H Fitzgibbons. | < ^ i t To Farmers. One of the most interesting andi. i reliable announcements to farmers j that has appeared in this paper for a long time are the facts set forth in the advertisement in another column ( under the heading "The Allowance store." Read it carefully and you , will see that if you will respond to it j you will surely get the best goods, and fullest weights at the lowest possible prices. For Sale. 1 An 18 horse power boiler on skids. In use less than 6 ruonths. Apply ^ to Wv W. Uarse, | * ^ Lexin^. ST Oi |g Horses for Sale. Three good farm horses lu sale, j cheap. Apply to James W Cokley, ( Lexington, S. C. Wanted! . j To employ several good, honest, j *merrretie men. on a liberal salarv. to , work in their neighborhoods in Lex- ^ ing county. ] Write me at once. ( L. E. Busby, Leesville, S. C., Feb. 8, 1893. Minstrel Shew and Concert. J Under no circumstances should ^ you fail to attend the minstrel show and concert to be give in the court j, . j house Monday night next, as j it is to be a first class shew in every respect, entirely free of everything offensive to the most refined sense, f It will even make a fellow laugh who j1 has been eating green persimmons j1 or drinking apple vinegar, and you j I will be sure to n the 4th Sal ath of February at 11 a. m. Olie. the 10 year-old son of Mr. J. F. Harman, died on Monday. The finest of parched coffees and ;eas are at the Bazaar. The Shealy land of 270 acres, was told by the Clerk of Court today to 5. J. Miller for ?1,345. The Hebron (Methodist) parsonage vas sold January 30th to J. F. Drafts 'or ?825. j?g=?BLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. Preaching at the Methodist church lext Sunday at 7:30 o'clock. Prayer neeting Thursday at 7:30. , Remember while at court next veek that you will find the very best lilies, Liquors, Beer, Cigars, etc., ,t Meetze & Sou, on the corner. Be sure to enter your sou or laughter at the Institute not later han March oth. You can't enter he student too early now. Go to the handsomest man in Coumbia for the best and cheapest groceries Ed. Hendrix, at S. X. Hen Irix's. Don't mistake the latter for lie former. Mr. H. A. Spann, Clerk of Court, -equests that all jurors and witnesses 3e in the court room Monday mornng next by 9 o'clock, so that the organization of the Court will have no lelay. The best Tennesse wagons and * .11 i l :ne greatest oargains in ouggies to oe had iu the State at T. B. Aughtry fc Co's., Columbia. Call 011 them utd they will prove it. Messrs. Meetze Son, are deternined to sell the cheapest dry goods, shoes, groceries etc., sold in this place during court. Try them if fou. waht the proof. Jgp-WINE OF CARDUI, a Tonic for Women, of is Institute Pfdcounty npw has nght at the Institute. tiurran Mr. Wio. Fitzgibbonlias ve-opened ais saloon at bis old stand in Columbia. His wines, liquors and cigars ire all of the finest kind and bis pa irons are provided daily with a free iuncb. Give bim a call wben in tbe -ity. Mack Cooper, colored, charged svith killing of Tom Leaphart, colored, on H. A. Spann's place near Leesville about tbe 1st of last December came down with Capt. A. P. West, vith whom be ]: " s been working on Monday and su rendered himself to die Sheriff. If you owe the Dispatch, don't fail ;o bring or send the amount by your leighbor during court to pay up vhat you owe at the old rate and to ;>ay for renewal at the new rate of *1 per year. Mr. J. H. Brooks, Jr., has sue seeded Capt. Blanton, who has been or many years Supervisor on Charotte, Columbia and August Railroad jetween Columbia and Augusta. We 'egret to lose Capt. Blanton, as he is l genial popular gentleman and an efficient railroad official. Mr. Daniel Corley who has been ;ic*k for about two weeks died last light in the 80th year of his age. ' de was a life long long member of he Lutheran church a man of high baracter and a most excellent neigh>or and citizen. He will be buried X Stepneu's church tomorrow at 11 ('clock a. ra. Don't waste time, money, end lealth, trying every new medicine ou may see advertised in the papers, f the cause of your trouble is in the )lood, liver, stomach, or kidneys, take Iyer's Sarsaparilla at once, and be jure of a cure. Take 110 other. Palmetto Colliagte Institute coninues to enlarge its roll of students, sow that the public schools are closng. a large number of young men O'O %f O .nd ladies are turning to the Instiute to better prepare themselves for heir noble calling. The officers of the Young Men's literary Society recently organized >re as follows: B. B. Goodwin President, Wilson C. Kirton Vice President, Hal. Bradford Secretary, -tobt. E. Black Treasurer. The Society meets in tbe court house :very Friday evening for the purpose >f debate. The debate announced last week j o take place in the court house on i Friday night 17th, by the I. <). G. T. j jas been indifinately postponed. There w ill be a regular meeting of be lodge that night in its hull. TilE GLOBE PHOSPHATE I'OEPAW IX TiiE LEAD, In Regard To Thar Gotten Seed change. Mr. FtlzSimoDs. for t L?* Sor.lbein ' \ rt ^ t ^ i. ? uii tJuiupany. jWut'saDiiiiement. Certificate from the Secretary of State. The State cheerfully complies with the request of the Southern Oil Company for space to correct any mis taken impressions conveyed in these columns. To the Editor of The State: On Sunday the oth, your paper published the name of this company and myself as its manager as being the "oil mill" in this State that was violating the fertilizer laws. While I do not believe that your paper would intentionally injure us, the fact remains that it will result in serious injury to us unless it is fullv explained. We J x therefore ask that you will puunsh the following and request all papers in the State that may copy your Sun day's issue statement to do us the justice to publish the following: Office of the Secretary of State, Columbia, S. C., Feb. Cth, 1893. Mr. C. FitzSiuions, Manager, Columbia S. C. Dear Sir: I very cheerfully state, iu reply to your letter of this date, that 110 reference whatever, in my letter to Mr. H. B. Crossland, fertilizer inspector, was made to the Southern Cotton Oil Mill of Columbia. Mr. Crossland reported the violation of law from Bennettsville. The Southern Cotton Oil Co., has not in any way sought to violate the law. Yours truh\ J. E. Tixdal, Secretary of State. To the Cotton* Planters of South Carolina: As we have had so many inquiries about whether you correctly under stood our proposition of exchange for fertilizers or not., we have determined to try and make our proposition very plain. We do not manufacture fertilizers but buy them with the money we would pay you for the seed and give you the wholesale price of fertilizers. What we want you to know is that at the present cash price for cotton seed you can sell them for anniirrli mnnoi' fn lmv oil fliA fprfil izers you will need this year for spot cash prices. Now if you will ship us a carload of 800 bushels of seed, or twelve tons, we will pay you in cash two hundred and forty dollars for it, or thirty cents per bushel of thirty pounds for the seed, and; we The usual amount of seed applied per acre to the land is twenty bushels or $6 worth, at the price we offer you. If you cannot buy 500 pounds of the best 2J per cent, ammoniated guano of the same brand, or coinlionv'o frru-wlc iliaf. vnn ll!)vo linnn O ^ W V* kj VUWV J vw UIV T V K/VVli using from your local dealer, we will furnish you with 500 pounds just as good a 2^ per cent, guano manufactured by a large and responsible company here and fully protected by the State tax tags. If yon have not as much as carload of seed our agents at all railroad stations will take them from you on the above terms. All that we are anxious to do is to let you know before you spoil your seed that you can start your year with your fertilizer bill paid. We only want good sound cotton seed. The above means a saving of from $3 to 5 per acre on every acre you plant this year, or enough money to pay the taxes on you laud for several years. The Southern* Cotton* Oil Co., C. FitzSimons, Manager. Why don't the patrons and trustees visit the Institute"? It would not only please the teachers and students, but it would create an interest in the Institute that would have a wholesome inliuence upon all concerned. Who will be the first to begin visit ingT The County Commissioners have almost completed their rounds inspecting roads, bridges, etc., and have appointed overseers, and roads will be put in good condition as soon as possible. Mr. Cleveland lias officially announced the following members of his Cabinet. Walter Q. Gresham, of Illinois. Secretary of State; John G. Carlisle, of Kentucky, Secretary of the Treasury; Dau'l S. Laniont, of New York, Secretary (^-YYnrr-Wtfefm S. Bisel, of New York, Postmaster General. Hoke Sinitli of Georgia is unofficially announced as Secretary of Agriculture. The Hawaiian annexation treaty is completed and will be transmitted to the Senate to day by President Ri irrison, who will strongcly urge the annexation of the Islands to the United States. The man who keeps his mouth shut never has to eat any crow. McElree's Wine of Cardui and THEDFORD'S BLACK DRAUGHT are for sale by the following merchants in Le\inj,'ton county: Ab*rnt> ?V I'lr.iijictt - - HiitcsLiir^. Whites I?ros., - - - Teak. J i'. Bodie, ... I.tcsville. it i . Keish r, ... Lew led ale. II. i'. Trice. ? - - Lewiedale. Dr. J. W. SandeJ, . - - Teak. J. J. Wessingcr, - - Wessingers* " ^ TT T .ur. iu. v. nununx, jiu.\int:iv/u. IIar?lin & Hates, Batesburg. O. ?T. Harris. liatesburir. H. r. Price. - - White Kock. Children of Mr* and Mrs. M. M. Seller Altoona, Pa. Both Had Eczema In Its Worst Form I ._ . . _ After Physicians iraiiea, nooas Sarsaparilla Perfectly Cured. Great mental agony is endhred by parents who see their children suffering from diseases caused by impute blood, ana for which there seems no-cure. This is turned to joy when Hood's Sarsaparilla is resorted to, for it expels the foul humors from the blood, and restores the diseased skin to fresh, healthy brightness. Read the following from grateful parents: " To C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "We think Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the most valuable medicine on the market for blood and skin diseases. Our two children suffered terribly with the Worst Form of Eczema | for two years. We had three physicians In ! thai time, but neither of them succeeded in curing them or even in giving them a little I relief. At last we tried lloou's Sarsaparilla j and in a month both children were perj foetly cured. We recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla as a standard family medicine, and would not be without it." Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Soller, 1412 2nd Avenue, Altoona, Pa. HOOD'8 PlLLS cuae liver Ills, onitipation, Mllousnesi, jaundice, ilck headache, lndlgeation. i ALLOWANCE e^rr-i/'?n-D-tc-I -L. W J-W-L?. COLUMBIA, S . C., Is the place to btn jour goods. This ii strictly A One Price House Goods are purchased for cash aud discounted and marked down to low watti mark. I DON'T ALLOW My Clerks to sell one man at one price and his brother at another. That used to be a custom with the Jews years ago, but ihey have become more civilized and acquired better habits, and when jou find a good respectable one he won't do it. I DON'T ALLOW 3iy UlerKS to give snort weigut or ujisrepresent anything they offer to my customers, and any man who has ever worked for me will tell you that I DON'T ALLOW My Clerks to offer you one article lowei than its value, with the expectation of selling something else at a higher price tc make it up. My policy is to buy the Best Goods at th< lowest legitimate prices that Cash will com maud and sell them the same way. I WILL ALLOW Any Committee ol Farmers or others t< examine my invoice book, check book, etc. and see lor themselves how I run my business, and see if it is not to their advantage to buy FROM ME. Feb. 15?ly. Notice. TT7"HERE AS MY WIFE. GRACIE AN J t V Racket, having left my bed and boarc without just cause, this is to forbid all persons to harbor by sheltering, leeding or in any manner giving her assistance. Thot< disregarding this notice will be rigoroush prosecuted F. EAuKET. February 15?lwl3 W. II. FITZG1BK0N, COLU3IBIA, S. C., Has reopened at the old stand, with a full stock of tine LIQUORS, WINES. BEER, CIGARS, ETC, Free Lunch tv.-ry any. Feb. 15? tf Notice. 4 LL PERSONS HAVING DEMANDS J\. against the Estate of Jeremiah liarman, deceased, are required to present the same to the undersigned, properly attested and all porsors indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment 011 or before the first dav of March, 1893, to us. F. J. HAKMAN G. W. HAKMAN, -Iwl t Executors. Final Discharge. 4 LL PERSONS INTERESTED WILL A take notice that I will apply to the L'robate Court in and for the the county ol Lexington and the State of South Carolina. 011 the 3d day of March, 1893. at 11 o'clock a. 111.. for a final discharge as Ad?.m nf fVio V.vtafo nf Alhprt. P, I 111 lUI^HUtV'l V A VUV w. I Etird, deceased. ALLEN SEAY, Administrator. January 30th, 1803. 5'.vl5 E. S. Dominick, JEWELER AND WATCH REPAIRER. [at J. W. Long's store.] LEXINGTON C. H., S. C , lias opened a nice selection of jeweltry, , and will execute all kinds of repair work on jewelcry, watches, clocks, etc., at reasonable charges. Feb 8 3M4 Fotice. I A LL PERSONS HAVING DEMANDS ! A ag iust the estate of Polly A. Smith, deceased, are required to present the same to the undersigned, properly at and oil nnrwnnv i Qfi ul j estate, are requested to make i??.Yineut on I or before tbe first day ol March next, 1 1831, to me. PAUL J. LINDLER, Admr. February 7tb, 18i>3, 3wl4. ' ,,, j MORTGAGEE'S SALE. I T TNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE J power contained in a certain mortj gag; executed by Caroline Koon to Melton A* Melton dated tith July, 1800, recorded I in it M. C. office in Lexington county on i the 12th July, In'JO, and assigned to "The j Carolina National Bank of Columbia" by I ..;,i M^lfnn .V- rlt-fnolt hftvino ! made in the payment of the debts secured ! by said mortgage, The Carolina National J Jiank of Columbia will sell at public auci tion before the court house in the town ol j Lexington in said county, on the first Mouday ju March, 18U3, during the legal hours of sale, All that piece, parcel or tract of land ! sitnite, lying and being in the county o: j Lexington and State of South Carolina, j containing three hundred acres, more 01 j hss, adjG-ning lands of D. hfird, Mrs j Mary Summers, Levi Slieely. F. II. Domi I nick and Daniel Sheely, the same being tin tract of liinl described iu said mortgage. THE "cAROL IK A NATIONAL BAN I' OF COLUMBIA, J. S. Mi'lleb, W. A. Clark, Attorney, President. February Stb, 18**3. Iwl5 THE LEXINGTON BRASS BAND WILL GIVE -V BIG MINSTREL SHOW II\ THE COUHT HOUSE A.T ; LEXINGTON, JWi.1V NIGHT, FEBRUARY 20, I for the purpose of raising- funds to pay for the instruments now used by the Band. GOOD MUSIC, GOOD SONGS 1 AIVX> r X- OTS OF IF1 TJ XT . It is hoped and requested that EVERYBODY will attend this show and thereby lend their aid to the Band, which is ' not only a pleasure to its members, but to the town and vici| nity.. PUT IN YOUR APPEARANCE and show your * appreciation. The Band cannot be a success unless helped and encouraged by the people. " ?, > n w COlIlMEi GOOD LOT!! |mm| m b b | _, |, , | | |, | | . _ ' ADMISSION - - - 25 CENTS. 3 CHILDREN ----- 15 CENTS. 7 DOORS OPENEl > 7 O'CLOCK P. M. i I PERFORMANCE IXKOINS* A.X JSi O'CLOCK P. M. ??i??p?mmrmmmmmmmm???k?i rrwwjii wc poll tax will make return ot same. Make an iteinizid statement of property to be returned for taxation at home, and present the same to the Assessor and thereby save time and trouble. M. D. HAEMAN, Auditor Islington county. S. C. Deceaber 1st, State of South CaroIim|fflfflH|H COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. I.N* COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Summons for Relief?Complaint Served. The Atlanta Guano Company, Plaintiff, j|?g against W. P. & T. E. Suujinc?, formerly trading under the fi-rn nam of W. P. Summers & Co., G. H. Stondemire, Silis Eici leburg* r and W. G. Williugham, as Trustees of the A. M. E. Zion church and Mary J. Stoudemire, Defendants. To the Defendants above named : TTOU are herebyeummond ail required X to answer the complaint in this action, ot which a copy is herewith served upon you, an i to serve a copy of *orr answer to the siid complaint on the subscriber at his office, at Lexington C. H., S. C., within twenty auysatier lue service uawi, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court lor the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated September 6th, A. D. 1892. 0. M. EFIRD, Pliintiffs' Attorney. To the Defendant: Silas Eichlet>erger and W. G. Willingham: Yon will take notice that the complaint iii this action was duly filed in the ollice of the Clerk of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Lexington and State of South Carolina. C. M. EFIRD, Plaintiffs' Attormy. I GwH.