fc>AY, SEPTEMBER, 30 1691. Advebtisements:? B?D. J. Knotts. Bps Dictionary. a ?McNuIty. S ^?"VY O rVnirr A: Oft. IkVW "* ? Now is the Time hge your old Sewing Mapave it repaired, at c [ A. Malone & Bro's., e Columbia, S. C. i ' t fcu Paid For Your Paper. ^ nd other bills are crowdibis season and we trust le have indulged will * by paying up as soon as v They Must Go. c nest line of Piano9 and I1 TCttcrvnaKIp rvriftea ailfl on Ems ever offered in the * fcre, at 1 A. Malone & Bro's., J Columbia, S. C. . r important Factors. Rous stock! Low prices. ^ Bat's the matter with the far, bacon and other proWm. Piatt & Co's., Co- ( md'llie consequence is that getting an immense trade over the country. If you ? ' A WArtlraf ^ I Il'pui UiOUtJJ 1X1 JliUl pd buy from them, as they pg the fall trade at prices ?fy competition. Don't you J ^Special Bargain. 1 dickering piano in good 1 Vd.00, at Hi. Malone & Bko., ] W Columbia, S. C. j ^ Hooms Sweeps Clean. O. Craig & Co., clever hous gentlemen with busi- J 'ience, have opened a first ] eery house in Columbia, and ^ g the patronage of the peojH^^^HHHLexington, offer them the ^advantages in the purchase j supplies, etc. See their ad- | BBeut and don't fail to leam Kices when you are in the city. H Special Offer. < ?| no Steinway pianos in first-class ' ^^^orsale very reasonable. ApMf. A. Malone & Beo., Columbia, S. C. B Good Things. ?| Bdge Butter, full cream Bd macaroni, at the Bazaar. Bftsh to enjoy a cup of good ^ Br chocolate, at the Bazaar P Bee to get the best. Rie of cake8, crackers and Bof all kinds just opened, at Brer ale and orange cider, at Remember this during sausage, roast beef, salmon, WL sardines, oysters, and H^Bt the Bazaar. I New Shoe Store, Bier column can be seen the Hfcnt oL W, E. McNulty, V a liberal sharqH VBe sure to fplpr^ R his stock, whic^^^^ow IKVi jyui UiOyweiVU k 1 ' VUV Ju'VOV block, next to C. F. Jackson's, pia. Iff Irresistable Prices, ftrgest and mo9fc stylish stock Bung ever known in Columbia fit Messrs. J. L. Mimnaugh & IWhen th^t fact is known, in kion with ?the low prices at [they are being sold, the desire Lrchase is irresitable. That and courteous Lexingtonian, >hn M. Stuart, is in charge of epartment and it will give him re to fit out in nobiest suits all ends at prices which cannot be sated in that city. Be sure to im a call and purchase your fall uter suit. Good For Everybody Iuuiiau^u AO a u^v f vx uiuvi VAVU c It it. He moves new goods in Istore, which is crammed and ted in every department, while prices at which they are offered, B them right out to his numer- ! Customers. Here is the place to lust what you want. If you to purchase shoes, clothing, dress goods, domestics, prints, ery, carpets, etc., call at this Inoth establishment and you will le courteous attention from his \ of salemen?among them you find from our county Messrs. l. Stuart, B. H. Bucker, Beuben orley and J. Hiller, all as clever ig men who ever lived, as will take 3ure in serving you in their re five departments- Country mer- | |s will find it to their interest to p wholesale department. K-w Furniture Store in Columbia, i B Sbull formerly of Lexington i B and now one of the firm of the I Br house of E. C. Sbull & Bro., j ||Moeiated himself with J. A. | Beister of Richland county, un- j fcjLfirm of J. A. Buckheister & j Mcy have opened a very large Bcell selected stock of furniture, new, beautiful and of latest 5BS- > They are determined not Be undersold. They are both good Bch business men, and their past Bf-ss in business is a guarantee as j Bwhat may be expected in the fur- I ? " rr>i T _ il. Rrasmess. j.uev nave iu. uieii i / our esteemed friend, Maj, ! oon, -whose practical knowl- ! \ a mechanic and salesman i ble him to give the patrons i ouse furniture that will give satisfaction. Call and see j or, he will be glad to see ! They occupy store No. 246 ;reet, one block above the j ce. j ' A/ all special attention of our 1 selling cotton in Columbia the card of Messrs. B. B. 1 Co. They pay the very best ad give honest weights. See fore you sell. BREVITIES. :. ry Bl^CK-DRAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia. Can Rubbers, at the Bazaar. i < Lexington Rifles will drill next | aturday at 3.30 p. m. School Books, wholesale and retail, t J. L. Berg's Book Store, Columbia \ LC. ( The (County) Colored ^Farmers' | Jliance will meet liere on Thursday. , It you want good cigars, cheroots, ! igarettes, smoking tobacco, pipes, tc? call at the Bazaar. Remember when you sell the first ale of cotton to remit for your aper. Mr. Chas. H. Campbell, of Colleon county, is attending Lexington xraded School. Next Monday, saleday, the Clerk eill sell some valuable land in front if the court house. Lexington County Alliance will aeet here on Friday to transact business of last quarter. ach. The very thing you want, one. At the Bazaar. The new county fever seems to be epidemic with very few exceptions, >utside of Lexington county. 2,000 bushels of Bed Rust Proof >eed Oats for sale at T. B. Aughtry ?_ \.;n x L/O 5., V^Uiuu_iuia. On Sunday night the penitentiary guards carried off the five prisoners jonvicted at last week's court. Dr. J. W. Boozer returned to Coumbia yesterday and will be in Lexngton Friday or Saturday. Mr. W. N. Lucas is the champion melon grower of the Sand flats, having raised one of the Dooly variety iveighing 56 pounds. If you want a lunch while in town at any time, you can get salmon, mackerel, sardines, lobsters, potted tiam, etc., at the Bazaar. . Public school teachers will remember that the examination will take place in the court house on the fi-ref Fri^ftv nf ripxt month at 9 a. m. LACK-DRAUGHT tea, euro Constipation. The Farmer's Alliance, 15 cents; Our Country, 25 cts.; Looking Backward, 50 cts. All good books for farmers to read, at J. L. Berg's Book Store, Columbia, S. C. We have received the Graham News this eek enlarged and improved in the general make v^>. Success, Bro. Rowell. Our young friend Eddie Derrick, who is a student of Conover College, writes us that that institution has 1 nl - *-?3?L ~ ??J - - /> fl/MiweViinnr JUM siuuenvs auu is m ? uvunouui^ condition. For the best groceries cheap, always go to that reliable grocer, S. N. Hendrix, Columbia, who also keeps the best brand of chewing tobacco. Mr. Thos. R. Davis, son of Mr. J. K. Davis, is now with the Columbia Clothing Company, wheje he can fit your person in stylej^d not hurt your pocketboojyj^^:* Bu^tfternoon by a copious and refreshing shower. It was preceded by considerable wind and accompanied by some thunder and lightning. We would remind our people i when in Columbia,and wishing to pur chase dry goods cheaA, to be sure and call at C. F. Jackson's. His goods and prices are bound to please bargain hunters. iQrwi NE OF CARDUI, a Tonic for Women. Col. D. J. Knotts was in town last week at Court. He is opposed to being cut off from Lexington into any new county and says but few, if any, of his neighbors favor any such scneme. Mr. S. J. Ballentine one of our best farmers of Hollow Creek sold his first bale of cotton in town on Saturday, and made it a point, as he always does, to call and settle for his paper. Let others follow his example. You will find Bacon, Flour, Tobacco, etc., cheap at P. J. Puckers, Columbia. He says his sales for the last two weeks have averaged $100 per day by avertising in the Dispatch, otherwise they would have not averaged over $25. Now ladies, if you want nice, pretty, fashionable hats, bonnets and notions, at Trump's, Columbia, S. C.. is the place. He has just opened his new fall stock and if you will only call and look for yourselves you will find just what you want, and cheap at that. Jesse Daniels and Paul A. Bicklv have been drawn as grand jurors, and Simon P. Shumpert as a petit juror, from this county to serve at the United States Court which meets in Charleston on the first Monday in November next. The business season is about opening and we would remind our business men in town that the use of a little printers ink would add considerable to their trade. Show what inducement you can offer and stop trade that we should have which is now going elsewhere. See schedule published elsewhere iji this issue of the fast train between Chaj-JLeston, S. C., and Cincinnati, Ohio, over the Richmond and Danville system. This is the best and quickest schedule ever operated between Charleston and Cincinnati, and trains run through the important cities of Columbia, Aslieville and Knoxviiie. McELREE'S WINE OF CAROOl ?cr Weak Nerves Mrs. Ehzabeth H. Leaphart, relict of Mr. Joseph Leaphart deceased, and sister of Col. D. T. Ban*, died while on a visit to her son-in-law, Mr. T. G. Smith, near Trenton, Edgefield county, on Saturday 26th instant, after two weeks illness. She was 73 years old. Her remains were interred at Shiloh on Sunday. Thus another noble old Christian has passed away to rest. California Hams, at the Bazaar fcn Enthusiast on "Intensive Farm ingM and he will "Get There" t c n ism juu.>u.>ii?r.o. kj- v., ? . John H. Huiet, Esq., President Globe Phosphate Co., Columbia, S. C., Dear Sir: In reply to your first question: I used the present season 20 bushels cotton seed with 200 lbs. i>f your Alkaline Acid Phosphate and | put in the drill with planting seed | 50 lbs. Kainite and 50 lbs. of Alkaline Guano. Had it not been for recent heavy rains, think I would have averaged over 500 lb bale per acre, which - n i : ma W0U1G U&y0 oeeil an macasutui per cent, over last year, I have experimental patches that I will get over a bale to the acre on this season. Am an enthusiast on intensive farming. Consider your fertilizer as good as the best. Yours Respectfully L. J. Williams. Court Proceedings Continued. Nathan J. Neece who was convicted of selling whiskey or bitters withoutlicense appealed for new trial; gave bond and returned home. Noah and Lizzie Bunderick, charged with incest or adultry, was found not guiltv. - ? . v. ? Mint un^>. house breaking and larceny. Mint j Geiger guilty and sentenced 18 months in penitentiary. Stark not guilty. Mary "Williams, charged with administering concentrated lye to "a child, was found not guilty. COMMON' PLEAS. G. F. Litzsey against Greenville & Columbia Railroad Company, suit for damage. Verdict for plaintiff for the sum of $300. J. L. Dominick against The Richmond & Danville Railroad Company, suit for damage. Verdict for plain fclii 1UI tuc 3UU1 Ui vvw Sophia Crim and others against V. V. R. Jefcoat and others: recovery of real estate. Verdict for plaintiff for the land in question. Verdict for defendant ?315. John J. Jefcoat against Lewis Hoover and others; Question as to right of title to land. Verdict for plaintiff with ?250 damage. F. B. Rucker against F. J. Buyck and J. A. Smoke; suit for damage. Verdict for plaintiff for ?1.050. G. TV Kyzer and J. J. Kyzer vs. Laura E. King; suit for possession of land. Suit being tried now. The Court has sounded Calendars number 2 and 3 and continued most of the cases. It is doubttul wnetner the cases still open on those calendars will be passed upon at all at this term, as there are still several cases upon calendar number one for the jury, which will consume the remainder of the week, at which time the session ends. Tho World Crrows. Noah "Webster would not know his old dictionary in the perfection it has attained in the hands of modern scholars. The world grows, however, and dictionaries with it, so that a cheap reprint of the II year old "or ginal" Webster is worth about as much as an old almanac. Webster's ' 1 TV vannnf international i/n-uwai;, tUC 1 VV/tii b successors of the latest and still copyright "Unabridged," is the best work of its kind ever published, and well used in a family, will be of more value to the members thereof than many times its cost laid i}p in Interest to dinners. So much has been said about the scales at the gin house that we call particular attention to a new book entitled "Facts about Scales" published by "Jones of Binghamtox" in Binghamton, N. Y. It contains full information regarding costs, patents, &c., and should be read by every intelligent ginner. A postal will get it 12w5I THE NEW WEBSTER A New Book from Cover to Cover. FOLLY ABREAST OF TH1 TIMES. fymsTE^s\ i international] Vdictiomrv/ A GRAND INVESTMENT fop the Family, the School or the Library, The Authentic Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, comprising the I iiniM of 1864,19 and '84 (still copyrighted) has been thoroughly revised and enlarged, and as a disttagnifthing title, bears the name vTebstar's International Dictionary. The work of revision ooonpied over : ten years, more than a hundred editorial laborers haying been employ ; ed, and over $300,000 expended I before the fix it copy was printed. SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. A P&mphlet of specimen pages, illustrations, testimonials, etc., sent free by the publishers. Caution is needed in purchasing a dictionary, as photographic reprints of an obsolete and comparatively worthless edition of Webster are being marketed under various names and often by misrepresentation. GET THE BEST. I The International, which bears the imprint of ! G. & C. MERRIAM & CO., PUBLISHERS, I SPRiNCFIELD, Mass., U.S.A. JUST OPENED flcM LTY'S jlOMRUI HOUSE Fost Office Blftck, J MAIN ST? COLUMBIA,'8. C. NEW OOOPS JUST IN AND ARRIVING. school s:-:oss for Children, Misse-?, Youths and Boys. NICE ffOODS IN LADIES' AND GENTS' SHOES. A FULL LINE OF SHOES TO SUIT THE COUNTRY TRADE A LARGE LOT OP TRUNKS, VALICES AND TRAVELING BAGS. .Good size Boxes pine French Blacking 5c. Large Boxes of Blacking 3 for 5 cents. Foot Power Button Fastener for Sale Cheap 4- share of patronage kindly solicited. 4otf. ;;The intensive system is iiiy J motto. I don't know how to make j money any other way." So says Mr. j D. S. Burnett, Eulala, S. C., in a let- j ter to the G.obe Phosphate Com- j puny, Columbia, S. C., and adds "I j used this season 300 lbs. of your i Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, and I j regard your fertilizer as ahead of any thing on the market. My prosrvppf is fine." Perfumery of all kinds, Hoyt's and Taylor's cologne, bay rum for the liair, pomade, hair oil, sweet | soap, toilet and tooth powder, hair and tooth brushes, combs, etc., at the Bazaar. IVScElree's Wine of Cardui and THEDFORD'S BLACK-DRAUGHT are for sale by the following merchants in Lexington county: Mernti Piunkeit - - Batesburg. Whites Bros., - - - - Peak. J. P. Bodie, ... Leesville. K. 1j. Keisler, - - - Lewiedale. H. P. Price, - - - Lewiedale. Dr. J. W. San del, ... Peak. J. J. Wessinger, - - Wessingers* Dr. M. Q. Hendrix, Lexington. S. C. Hardin & Bates, Batesburg. O. J. Harris. tsntesrmrtf. H. P. Price, - - White Rock. * A Household Remedy j f FOR ALL i BLOOD and SKIN i I DISEASES ? t Botanic Blood Balm # \ If ^?,r?e SCROPULA, ULCERS, SALT \ 0 * RHEUM. ECZEMA, every f a form of malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be- J 4 sides being efficacious In toning up the ^ ^ system and restoring the constitution, \ V wnen impuirtu uvm any ?- . 4 almost supernatural healing properties # A justify us in guaranteeing a cure, if A \ directions are followed. \ A OCUT CDCC ILLUSTRATED f ObN ! t !ttu "Book of Wonder#." r $ BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Ga. f Jan 21 ?ly TAKE A OI R ICOTT 0 N TO A. T. M'CANTS Opfo-iite Passenger Depot. COLUMBIA, S. C. Mr. J. D. Blakely, formerly of the firm of Blakely Bros., is now with me, and nas charge of the buying and weighing. It will be to your interest to see me beiore selling. I am always prepared to pay top prices, and guarantee fair dealing in every way. A. T. McCANTS, 44?tf. Columbia, S. C. CHILD BIRTH ? MADE EASY! " Mothers' Friend " is a scientifically prepared Liniment, every ingredient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical profession. These ingredients are combined in a manner hitherto unknown "MOTHERS' FRIEND" WILL DO all that is claimed for to" Ml B tainir.^P(BBjHB8Wrao|ran4 voluntary testimonials. Sent by express on receipt of price $1.50 per bottle BRAD FIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. G?. SOLD BY A PL PBUOGIST9. May 27 - ly 4 8 l^rr/wrr r\-na oKaiiM IICO P "P. "P. TlParltT J vuv OiiVUivc uwv * J every one needs a good medicine co purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood. Poke Root ana Potassium i 3 the greatest blood purifier of the age, It cures all Blood and Skin Diseases, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Syphilis where all other remedies fail. P. P. P., Prickly Ash . and Potassium will cure Syphilis, Rheumatism, Sorofula, Syphilitic Rheumatism,Malaria,Old Sores, Blood Poison and Dyspepskp If your head aches and v/mi srft rmfc nf sriirits take P. P. P., Prickly Ask, Puke Root, aiid For a Tired Feeling, Impure Biood, Distress after Eating, Dyspepsia, Pains in the Back, Headaches and Nervous Prostration and Debility and Weakness all yield readily to P, P. P. Fop Sleeplessness, Exhaustion and Malaria use P.P. P. Catarrh and a Shattered Constitution, both male and female, nothing- better than P. P. P. j ladies whose systems are poisoned and i nrVirwoa Klnnri is in an imnurs condition. due to Menstrual Irregularities, are peculiarly benefited by the wonderful tonic and blood-cleansing properties of j P. P. P., Prickly Ash, Poke Root, and Potassium, the greatest cure known for all diseases of the IJPPMAK BROS., Proprietor*, SAVANNAH, ... - GEORGIA. July 20 ? Iv. A Card. At the solicitation of several of my patients in and around Lexington, I have consented to be there during enurt week nreDared to do dental work. Respectfully ! 43?tf ' D. L. BOOZER. J m . 11..,a,i i,. ii Land for Sale, ON MY BULL SWAMP PLACE, LEXington county, in lots to suit purI chasers. Apply either to the undersigned, ! or to C. M. Efird, Lexington. S. 0. P. P. TOALE, Charleston, S. 0, August 5. 37?Cm, The State of South Carolina, j COUNTY OF LEXINGTON i IN* COMMON PX.EAS. j > I 0. J. Harris, j Mary A. Shealy ct. a!. PURSUANT TO THE DECREE HERE- j in, I will sell at Batesbnrg, in the j eountv and State aforesaid, on Tuesday af- j - - . A ,A I I j ter the first Monday in uctoner next, tu n? | o'clock a. m., One lot in the town of Patesbnrg. front- i } ing Line street, sixty-four feet and running 1 back one hundred and seventy-five feet, bounded on the north by T. F.. Mitchell and south by 0. !. Harris. i TEKMS- Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. Wm. ,T. ASSMANX. C. C. C. September 10, 1801. 3w45. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY or LEXINGTON, IN COL'KT OF COMMON PI.EAS. David Hipp, Tom Sease. PURSUANT TO THE DECREE IN this case, I Trill sell at the risk of Henry Bowers before the court house door, in Lexington county, in said Stato, on the first Monday in October next, within the legal hours of sale. All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in said county and State, containing thirtyrfour acres, more or less, bounded by la^ds formerly of Stephen Burkett, Mike Mo\Pi\ Tom Sease and others, on the following TERMS?One-half cash; balance on a credit cf twelve months, secured by bond of purchaser and a mortgage of the land sold, to bear interest ironi day of sale. Purchase to pay for papers. Wm. J. ASSMANN, C. C. C. September 11, 1891. 3w45. State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, IX THE COURT OF COSIMOX TLEAS, Donley & Sease, as Administrators, vs. Isaiah Hallinan. PURSUANT TO THE DECREE HEREin, I will sell before the court house door in Lexington county, on the first Moday in October next, within the legal hours of sale, All that piece, parcel or tract of land"situate, lying being in the county of Lexington and State aforesaid, containing one hundred and ninety acres, more or less, bounded on the north by lands of Mrs. E. C. Willis and James Oswalt, on the cast by lands of U. Gantt and lands formerly owned by Dr. Waimamaker, on the south and southwest by Charleston road and on the northwest by lands of Mrs. E. C. Willis, on the following TERMS?One-half of the purchase money to be paid in cash; the balance on a credit of twelve months, bearing interest from day of sale, secured by boud of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold. Purchaser to pay for papers. WM. J. ASSMANN, C. C. C. September 11, 1S91. 3w45 State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF LEXINGTON, IN COMMOX PLEAS. Donly & Sease, as Administrators, vs. Elbert Hall. PURSUANT TO THE DECREE HEREin, I will sell before the court house door in Lexington ooanty, on the first Monday in October next, within the legal hours of sale, All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Lexington county and State aforesaid, on the Charleston road and Two Notch road1, said to contain one hundred and thirty-five acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Mrs. Claudia Brodie, and lands laid out for Ben Meritt and I ^khfT? ? *. ... 'OlHbe paid in casb: :0K twelve months I^Baser and 2: ~i->4 jpia. Rircbaser to pay for papers. Wm. J. ASSMANN, C. 0. C. September 11, 189ft. 8wl5 The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. IN COMMON PLEAS. Donly & Sease, as Administrators, vs. J. W. Craps. IN OBEDIENCE TO THE DECKEE herein, I will sell before the court house door on on the first Monday in October next, withiu the legal hours of sale, All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Lexington pnnnrv nr?d KfntA nfnrptjaid hnrindod hv lands of Aaron Taylor, Davis Hallman, J, M. Bouknight, S. R. rftmiaoc sold. Purchaser to pav far papers. Wn. 4. ASSMANN, C. C. C. September 11, 1891, 45, Land for Sale. I WILL SELL MY PLANTATION,CON tainiug Four (410) Hundred Acres; hall original woods. A good dwelling and out buildings; healthy location, with both corr and flour mills and a gin that runs witb either water or steam powere on Big Cedai creek. .T. M. DONLAP, 28?3m* Fairfield. Co . 3. C. i Html MilAHIM J Otherwise I Saddlery, Harness, Buggies j NEW STOCK. ami x-?"W :E= TBUY FOi: CASH ONLY AN1) CAN AI one el?e in the city. When in need of h aiul see nicany way. No trouble to show gi W. SCO'S POST OFFICE BLOCK, April 2*2?ly n CLOTH Now Ready for You You w I STYLES PA PMHMMMM MBWB mmJ Ui ill I EDM1 3 " 1 | ec i o . . [ THE MAKE AND FIT I UNSRPASSED, AND W. J. SCRUGGS, | r e. zobel, VSalesmen. .1, LEE SMITH, ) ( Mar 9$ 1 v J. s. MANUFACTURE* LIGHT - HEi! WHIPS, LAP ROBES, S 1 Also have in stocl Carriages, Surrys, Buggies t on which I de TRUNKS AND T Whan in need i?f anything in m jan. 21, 1891?ly _________ DEPOSITS DECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHECK. ALLEN JONES, President. W. P. ROOF, Cashier. 5 | DIRECTORS: Allen Jones, W..P. Ro^f, C. M. Efird, R. Hilton, J. E. Hendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT ANO SOLO. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and interest at 5 per cent, per annum ullowed, payable April and October. Aagnat 19?ti". | T. BERWICK LEGARE, i DENTAL Sl'RG-EON. ; OFFICE OVEP. BEFN'S JEWELRY BTORE, i MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. V. p?rAll work on teeth at moderate prices, 8tf. . | Wells, Wells, Wells i ? \ THE BORED WELL A SUCCESS. ! WHEN CURBED WITH TERRA COTTA. r I TTTE ARE NOW PREPARED TO GIVE ' J YV yen a Well at reasonable prices that ' j will last yon a life time. We also furnish * Terra Cotta to curb dug wells. For tur* ther information apply to 1 Dickert & Meetze, nix A IDTTVr C! r* 42?Cm. LEXINGTON ; GRADED SCHOOL LEXINGTON, S, C. P. E. ROWELL, Principal. Miss MINNIE I. DIOKS, First Assistant, i Mbs. M. A. SAWYER, Second Assistant. Mes. M- E, LATHROPE, Music. MRS. J. G. GRAICHEN, Elocution. OPENS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER, 7,1801. SESSION TEN MONTHS. i Xhxitioxi, IE*er IvHontli.: i | First and Second Grades SI 00 Third and Fourth Grades 1 50 I Fifth Grade 2 00 ^ Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grade... 2 50 Book Keeping 2 00 , Music ?... 3 0O > Contingent Fee 10 t Greek and Latin are embraced in last four Grades?Latin obligatory. French aud German, each 50 r j tuition payable Monthly. [ I t Board oan be had at $7.^0 per mouth, j I For further information, address the i ! Frincipal. P. K. ROWELI, ! Vngnst 10?tf. "I riAf r-nmi t o OiX>JLA. O. Vy. f f | Opens September 29th. Entrance Exasat inations begins September 24th. Classical, l Literary, Scientific and Law Courses Thiri teen professors. For further information, address the President. JAMES WOODP.OW. 7w4o. m mm mm\ known its 3, Road Carts and Vehicles NEW (JOOD8, at EICES. OKI) TO SELL CnEAPEK THAN" ANV uytbin^ in my line, come and ht>e ine. Com? >ods whether you buy or not. . :t pope, - - - COLUMBIA,S. C. * i i... i gen??B F iNG: ::,L r Careful Inspection. ill find TERNS CORRECT. UNDS m P ac W P OF OUR GARMENTS t PRICES VERY LOW. BOYS' DEPARTMENT MOST COMPLETE IN COLUMBIA. M&H * !* UUNN, i AND DEALER IN iTT HARNESS ADDLES, BRIDLES, &C. ; an Elegant Line of Pheatonsand Road Carts >fy competition. RAVELING BAGS y line be ante and giro me a call. ) -l-l J!-.*. ? Ll. YOUR 1 tJS. ^^j|8 To every buyer of goods at our a tote daring the next 30 days who will cut this ad- ^gqBgjftj rertisement from the Dispatch and present Wglgj ; it at onr counter we will make A DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT ; On all cash purchases. We carry the largest assortment of ? Boots, Shoes and Rubbers IN SOUTH CAROLINA, LEVEE & STORK 160 Main Street, rnr TT\fm A a oov 2?lys at I Hi *b "AJUESLS ? gfves Instant 111 1 SB relief and is an lnfoUifcift III 1 . % Care for Plltt. Prioe$L bj . r Bl r m Druggists or malLgMBjM 1 3 | fj_REfreeTAddresg-AJdjmB^2 | I HI IB BFDux S4ia, New York Utg. D. J. RHODES, {FIXE WATCHES,JEWELRY, SIL\1R AND | SILVER-PLATED FLAT WARE. Difficult Watch and Jewelry Work a Specialty. Gold Society ! T>- i nc-j- l_ r\-j ? -uaugtiM axuut) to oruef. 130 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, & G.t May 27, 1891-ly. Notice. A FTER THIS DATE NO MOBTGJ\. ages, Deeds, Agreements, Liens or other papers will be received for record in the office of the Clerk of Court until the fees are paid in advance. Wm. J. ASSMANN, C. C. C. August 5, 1891. 37-U Do You Need a Tonic? \ Do You Need an Appetizer? Does Your Constitution Need Building Up? TAKE MURRAY'S IRON MIXTURE^ The Best and Purest Iron preparation ia the world. PTTRTPV VOTTR RTPHU j Prepare your system for Spring and Summer by using MURRAY'S SARSPARILLA. | The Murray Drug Co., Manufacturers ani Wholesale Druggists . COLUMBIA, S. C. FOR SALE BY W. P. ROOF. LEXINGTON. ?. C. j Apni 15?tl 3*. W. KOOKKB, Attorney at Law, COLUMBIA, S.C. I ^T~ILL PRACTICE IN THE LEXINGI V ? ton Courts and elsewhere, also ia i the United States Courts. Business ia | Lexington may be attended to through ma j here. Call at Room No. 8, Southern In * I suranco Building, opposite City Hail, j 1 write Fire Insurance in good Compa* j nies. ? 32tt