The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, September 09, 1891, Image 3

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Local and Special. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 9 1891. P ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF COUNTRY Fur Stayvillu, Wessinger's and Banks, leave this place ou Mondays and Thursday, at <> a. m. and return at 7 j>. ru. same day. There is a route from Se&yville to Savilla (Paul Black's) which connects with the above mails. Mondays nhd Thursdays for Rocky Well and Lorena leave at 7 a. m. and return on sinie .t.ivc if R n On Tuesdays and Fridays for Clarks Mills, llishtou. Kishes Store, Beaver Pond and Boeder's Store leave at G p. m. and return at 7 p. m. Agents for the Dispatch. Bjl W. S. EleAzer, Spring Hill. Jasper S. Derrick, Leesville. Henry J. Wessinger, Fairbanks. J. C. Glover, Batesburg. il,- S. J. Riddle, Sinclair. gjjjSI Capt. D. J. Griffith, Gilbert Hollow D. I. Epting, Pine Ridge. ggfig G. A. Goodwin, Senn's. ai" Ten cents per line Tor locals In this it?" W.? are not responsible for the views Hr or assertions of correspondents. W Parties sendinsr Obituaries to this office will remember that all over ton lines will be charged for at regular advertising rates. 11 SUBSCRIBERS receiving their paper with 11 a RE1) CROSS mark upon it, are thereby I ' tofui that xoith the next number ineir cuoscri 'on expires. LEXINGTON. First Sabbath, preaching 11 a. m. Second Sabbath II a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Third Sabbath 7:30 p. in. Fourth Sabbath, preaching 7:30 p. nr.. Sabbath School every Sabbath at 9:30 p.m. Prayer service every Wednesday at PROVIDENCE. Second Sabbath, preaching 3 p. in. Fourth Sabbath, preaching 11 a m. Third Sabbath, preaching 10:30 a. m. LECTURE AND PRAYER SERVICE. 1st Wednesday evening, mission concert. 2d Wednesday evening. Bible reading. 3d Wednesday evening, lecture. 4th Wedesdav evening.expository discourse 5th Wednesday evening, special prayer. >1^ services at St. SteDhens in the even Iing when the communion is celebrated at Providence in the morning. No services at Providence* in the afternoon when the communion is observed at communion skp.vices lexington pastoeate Communion service at Lexington on 2d | Sabbath at 11 a. m. Preparatory service Friday previous at 7 30 p. m. At St, Johns the 3d Sabbath at 11 a. m. Preparatory service Saturday previous at j Providence the 4th Sabbath at 11 a. m \ Preparatory service same day at 10 30 a. m. I J. G. Gbaichen. Pastor. j i Index to New Advertisements:? Great Sale?Mimnaug's. Wells?Diekert & Meetze. Notice?E. L. Wingard. That enterprising and hustling mei * J. L. Mimnaugh, has just retunieu from the north where ho purchased and now has in his Columbia stores an immense stock of i , ^tll thejffxals enumerated ip his r?ow advertisement in this issue, and the beauty of it is that he is offering all at such low prices that the bargains I are simply bewildering. If he can't suit you in goods and prices then you simply can't be suited. "Without Proof. Messrs. Win. Piatt & Co., Columbia, S. C., are making a grand risk prior to the buying of the fall trade ! and if you will call on them now you i will be able for the next two weeks io buy your groceries, provisions j etc., at prices which absolutely allow them no profit. They are determined j to have your trade and have adopted j this sensible way of getting it. Try I Good Things. Gilt Edge Butter, full cream j cheese and macaroni, at the Bazaar, j If you wish to enjoy a cup of good coffee, tea or chocolate, at the Bazaar | is the place to get the best. ir un line 01 cases, cmcsexs auu candies of all kinds just opened, at Ginger ale and orange cider, at the Bazaar. "Remember this during Ham sausage, roast beef, salmon, mackerel, sardines, oysters, and pickles, at the Baza*"\ Don't this Sale. If you wis the prettiest and best goods of the &. ~on at prices which will make you fairly dance with joy, you should carefully peruse the new advertisement of the "old reliable" house of McCreery & Bro's, Columbia, and then call. They have special low prices for the next few days and you should not neglect to avail yourself of this great inducement for it will save you big money. Opening of the Graded School. The building of the Lexington Graded School was rilled by patrons and pupils of the school at 0 o'clock Monday morning. The exercises were opened by a beautiful and appropri j|| ate prayer by Rev. Mr. Graichen. Mr. Etird, chairman of the Board of Trustees, then followed with a few pertiment remarks and introduced the new faculty. The principal Mr. g*? P. E. Rowell then made a fitting and telling address to tho children and n closed by showing the parents the great importance of their co operation in maintaining a perfect disciplin in the school. Fifty nine pupils were then enrolled and the school started with promises for a large in crease in attendance. "We wish the new faculty the greatest suoess and a hearty support from the intire aBttMBMMM?BSCBMBaaMBaBisa?a?iMM TM?T?T?TT?T,s! j >?? < V * 4 i i j A fine ox for sale. P. I. IIawl. : Trj BLACK^RAUGHT tea for Dyspep>ia. Can Rubbers, at the Bazaar. j Mrs. Lucimla Drafts is very ill. Miss Iver Caughiimn is 011 a visit to relatives in this place. Fashion Magazines, at J. L. Berg's Book Store, Columbia, S. C. We will let our readers know what 900 is in next issue. The price of cotton is advancing ft id the lusiuess without s promising. School Books, wholesale and retail, at J. L. Berg's Book Store, Columbia S. C. The examination of public of school teachers will take place on the first Friday in October. Go to M. A. Malone & Bro's for first class Sewing Machines, Colum<5 r. v.. It is claimed that the long continued rains have damaged the cotton c;*op from 20 to 30 per cent. The best of groceries at the lowest prices always obtainable at S. XHendrix's Columbia S. C. Miss Florrie Harman returned home last evening after a visit of several weeks in Abbeville. Good cotton is bring Gfc. to 71c. in this market, while storm cotton is only bringing 5c. It you want good cigars, cheroots, cigarettes, smoking tobacco, pipes, etc,, call at the Bazaar. Mr. S. X. Hendrix, one of Columbia's leading merchants, and his wife are visiting relations here. Buy Pianos and organs from M. A. Malone & Bro's., 130 Main Street, Columbia, S. C. McElree'? WINE OF CAROUJ for female diiea**:. I Miss Nettie Gable, the belle of Lexington county is on a visit to her relatives in Columbia. Good 7^ Upright Pianos from $235,00 up, at Malone & Bro's Columbia, S. C. The lecture delivered before Rock Alliance by its Lecturer will appear in the next issue. You save middle man's Commission in buying your Piano and Organ from M. A. Malone & Bros., Columbia. S. C. Mr. B. K. Kyzer left for Salemn, N. C., Monday to go into business for his brother P. B. Kyzer. A young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Hook was buried Monday afternoon at the family hurrying ground of Mr. Walter Hook. It is said by old observers that the water in 12 Mile creek was j higher last Thusdav than at any time for ten years. I Those who the wwill find the following favorite brand of chewing tobacco at the Bazaar. Red I Meat, Limited, First Step, Grover } Cleveland, U. & I. MoELREE'8 WINE OF CARDUl for Weak Nerves I If you want a lunch while in town ! at any time, you can get salmon, I mackerel, sardines, lobsters, potted I * I ,1 T > j nam, etc., at tne r>azaar. Mrs. J. A. Meetze of Columbia, returned home to day after a pleasant visit of some days to relatives in this place and vicinity. The Farmers Alliance, 15 cents; Our Country, 25 cts.; Looking Backward, 50 cts. All good books for farmers to read, at J. L. Berg's Book Store, Columbia, S. C. Mr. P. T. Brodie who was recently elected superintendent of the Spartanburg graded school left for that city Friday night to assume his duties. Mr. Jacob Harman, who has been an invalied for several years was baptised Sunday by Kev. Joab Edwards. Talk about cheap goods! Why alliance prices are nowhere. Just go to J. W. Long's and you'll find what you want almost at your own j prices. i Fishing will positivelv be prohibi ted in the Lexington Manufacturing Cos. pond on and after Saturday, 12th instant. Notices are posted. In our own Governors Mansion the Fischer finds its place. No - other piano so combines beauty, sweetness and grace. For sale at Malone & Bros., Columbia S. C. : jJ?F?WINE OF CARDU1, a Tonic lor Women, If you wish a first class well with terra c* to curb read the advertisement of Dickert & Meetze and write them. The wells bored by them in this section are giving the best satisfaction. | Rapid work is being done on the ; new factory building. Blasting in j the rock quarry is heard throughout { the day and Capt. Merservev is presJ sing everything forward. | The heirs of the estate of the Rev. I David Shealy were in town yesterday ! for a settlement of the estate, but as I Tii/1 Afific tifill /-,nifo if I v IViiV. 11 nun Vjuitv/ ?J*V u * V ! was necessarily postponed. The Lexington County Medical ! Association will meet at my office in ; Lexington on Monday, 21st inst., at j 12 m., every physician in the county I is invited to attend. Dr. C. E. Leaphart, President. j i The real property of Lexington ! county is assessed at SI,585,720, railroads. $053,480; personal, $039, 560; total, $3,178,700: increase over last year, nearly $100,000. f?^8LACK-DR4UGHT ie* cures Constipation. I | Mr. John J. Hammer a prominent j and popular merchant of Gadsen i returned home last night after a ! short \isit to relatives and h lends I here, his familv came with him ami i j will prolong their \mit lor some days, i : l\ rfumerv of all kinds, Hoyt's J I and Tavlors cologne, bay rum for j the hair, pomade, hair oil, sweet soap, toilet and tooth powder, hair and tooth brushes, combs, etc., at the Bazaar. Three bales of new cotton has been brought to town, the first by Mr. J. Sol. Dooley last Thursday was sold to Mr. 0. S. Ranch for 7.30e. The other two sold at 7.2oc. The Board of arbitration appointed to assess the damages to R. W. Cayce's land by the South Bound Railroad passing through it met last Thursday end fixed the amount at S700. Mr. Cayce furnished one of his inimitable barbecue dinners. September 2.1d has been appointed by the Railroad Commissioners the day on which they will hear all - -* <1 i !_ parties interested 111 tne uoiuiumu, Newberry ami Laurens road ease of freight rate discrimination on guano. Just think how many batches of bread you have spoiled with sour yeast and then conclude that in the future you will always buy sugar coated yeast, which is always fresh. Try it and have bread like your mother used to make. For sale at the Bazaar. Our old friend Mr. J. S. Derrick, the popular ex County Treasurer is spending a few days in our twon 011 matters of private business. He recently returned from a \isit to Georgia and Lis many friends will be glad to see him. We must decline the publication i of communications which contain harsh or bitter personalisms. All such will go to the waste basket. Those which properly discuss the merits of matters of general public interest, and items of news, only are desired. Senator Maxey, of Texas, is an earnest advocate of the nomination of Mr. Cleveland for the Presidency. He says the tariff is infinitely the most important question before the American people, and that the fight J in 1892 should be made on that issue. The County Normal Institute will open 011 Monday next, 14th instant, at Leesville, and continue for five days, and it is important that all the teachers in the county attend. It will be greatly to their interest to do so. An earnest and urgent invitation is extended to everyone owing the Dispatch for subscription or arvertising to drop in while attending court and settle up. If you do not attend court then send your dues by vour neighbor. " - ? * . _ I Rev. Mr. Graichen last night delivered an instructive and very impressive sermon in the C. M. E church of which Rev. E. P. Moon is pastor, his theme bring freedom, physical, intellectual and spiritual. Rev. R. S. "Williams of Columbia, will fill the same pulpit to night and pastor Moon extends a cordal invita tion to all to be present. For Sale. 100,000 first class brick for sale, cheap, apply to C. E. Leai'hakt, or W. P. Roof. Pensioners. xnr V/U'l t\. Ui VUUil uua i nci $1*2 each for payment of the following list of pensioners. This is the last payment to be made this year. The Clerk is anxious to get rid of them, so call on him at once: James M. Lucas, J. F. Wise, N. W. Hyler, Thos. Busby, J. G. Kelley, S. C. Gantt, H. M. Smith. Mistresses M. I. Boone, Zilpliia Chaney, Jemima B. Shealy, R. A. Koon, Henrietta Franklow, Ellen Rowland, M. J. Taylor, M. C. Amick, Martha Wise, Annie Frey, Polly Shealy, Martha Miller, Catherine Son, Annis John son, Eliza Wooley, M. A. Koon, Sallie Klamp, E. M. Taylor, Mittie Smith, Mary Taylor, Elizabeth Steel, Harriet Rucker, Epsy Jacobs, Elizabeth Arehart, Louisa Shealy. The following names have been dropped from the pension rolls: A O. Ranks. A O. Wilson. 1. B. I Mack, J. P. Taylor, J. W. Tolbert, Mrs. M. C. C. Amick, Mrs. C. Fresh ley, Mrs. A. S. Coogler. Fine County Officers. Columbia lbx'onl. Comptroller General EUerbe lias returned from his recent trip, during which he made settlements with the county Treasurers, of various counties. If there is one set of county officials which the Comptroller General likes, it is those of Lexington county. Their books were in such good shape that he was enabled lo make his examination in a very short time. * It is needless to say he found every thing correct. praise for i.exixgton's auditor. Columbia Register. Comptroller General Ellerbe has high words of praise for the Auditor j I of Lexington county, who, he says, j ! lias made his returns in more satis- J factory manner than any other Auditor in the State. General Ellerbe says that this official keeps a model j set of books from which it is possi! ble to ascertain the exact condition j J of the transacticns at a glance. Northern onions, at the Bazaar. (, ^ i <ra 1 ?? K,? fi v i ft Kit Irv'V* ?b I vlbfci 'Alio Colored Alliance Takes '. -Lets- | son from Their White Brethren. New Orleans. September 0.?The j Picayune's Houston, Texas, special ; says: The headquarters of the Col ored National Alliance of the United Shifts is in this citv. Col. K. M. Humphrey, general superintendent of the Colored Fanners' Alliance and Cotton Pickers' League, has been actively at work in organizing colored men for a general strike all over the South. To-day your correspondent obtained a copy of the secret circular which Humphrey is having distributed by the thousands ail | through the cotton States. The i following is the main feature of it: Whereas, the planters and specu- | lators above mentioned are firm in their demand that you pick at star- | vat ion wages as offered by them, and leave your families to suffer fearful consequences, placing to your account the piesent low price of their cotton: and whereas, above six hundred thousand pickers already have bound themselves together in sacred covenant to pick no cotton for anyone * in i , "VT except their own Deiore aoout ;>o veraber 1, at less than one dollar per one hundred pounds, with board; and wlureas your success depends upon your united action, now: Therefore, I, R. M. Humphrey, by virtue of authority in me vested, do issue this my solemn proclamation, being the 12th day of September, 1891, it being Saturday, as the day ?* *i*l*i/-?l> nil aiiv t\nr\"?vl n clioll ? lllV'll rtll KJU.L .UJIU1 cease from and absolutely stop pick ing cotton, except their own, and shall pick no more before about November 1, unless their just demands for wages shall be sooner acceded to by planters and others interested. Tight in the Iowa Alliance. Sioux City, Iowa, Sept. 5.?The break in the Iowa Farmers' Alliance is complete. I'he faction in the Eleventh Congressional District Alliance which desires to go into politics has thrown olT all allegiance to the old Iowa Alliance and organized as a faction of the Southern Alliance. The faction is led by A. J. AVestfall, a Peojde's party candidate for Gover nor. Representatives ot the Rxecu tive Committee of the Iowa Alliance have already begun to work on reor ganization and the tight between the j two Alliances will henceforth be hot. ? ? Inspecting the South Bound. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 8.?The officers and stockholders of the South Bound Railroad and the ?South Carolina Commission of inspection over the SPntoad to day from Savannah to I-w^jark, the crossing with the South Carolina Rialway. The road is completed from Savannah 110 miles toward Columi a rri uia, ">. <J. ine remaining inu^y imivs will bo completed by October 1st when the road will be in operation through to Columbia. For Over Fifty Years, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has? been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediatlev. Sold by Druggists in all parts of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. "Winslow's Syrup," and take uo other kind. 40. A little boy hearing some one remark that nothing was quicker than thought, said UI know something that is quicker than thought.'' ' What is that, Johnny?" asked his pa. "Whistling," said Johnny. "When I was in school yesterday I whistled before I thought, and get. licked for it too." Jewels of a "Woman's Life. La-lies' Home Journal. T1 icvn ot'n art monv l'uw ola tliaf mo V 1 IV/ (UV; >;u iiiUiij ju II W4?J (AIMV be worn day and night; so many gems that arc always and only your own that you need not grieve for thos6 that show their brightness only by day. There is the jewel of Consideration that you may wear just over your heart; there is the moon stoneof Hope that may glitter over your brow, filling your eyes with brightness; there is that brilliant stone of Sympathy, the emerald, that makes you put out your right hand of help; and there is the beautiful one of living Kindness that makes the left hand help the right. But, above all, over shadowing all, pinning down your tresses is the diamond of true Love ?love which endureth all, suffereth all, lielpeth all. Are not these better than jewels dug out of the earth? For, indeed, these jewels come from the heaven above. "No cards" used in announcing a j marriage in a newspaper means that the bride and bridegroom wish to maintain all their former visiting acquaintances. The custom of sending out cards enables them to drop such j acquaintance as they may not wish ; Iik tlin a 1 4/nroninelonono tu it"luiil 111 luc autitu v j i v.u i iij i ciiiv c ; of tneir lives. The Charleston V\Y.ih: <-t.ii. .*i 1 v says: "Lei flic discussion proceed, for the right of the individual to < x presss his opinion on any and every question is the fundamental condition 1 of human progress." Of Interest to Cinners. So much has been said about the | i scales at the a'in house that we call ! 1 particular attention to a now book j entitled "Facts about Scales" pub j lislied by "Jokes of Binghamton" in i Bingham ten, X. Y. It contains full information regarding costs, patents, &eM and should be read by every in telligent ginnei. A postal will get it 12w51 iUarhfd. Septembt-r t'th, 1 s.?1, by ltev. II. L. L\ brand, at the parsonage, -Miss A. V. Eau give ana ur. r. hite. an <>; l.e\myioi! county, S. C. September 1, lM'.U. at the resilience of tLn* bride's father, near Sally, S. C\, by the Rev. II. LeCroy, ('apt. (?. A. Li < as, o! Lexington, county, S. to Miss li?.\ Maky Phii.i.iis, of Aiken. McElree's Wine of Cardui ami THEDFORD'S BLACK DRAUGHT arc for sale l?y the following merchants in Lexington county: Mcrrif .V Ptuukett - - ltatcsburg. Whiles Pros., - - - Peak. ... Podia, ... Leesvillc. K. l.. Kvisler, ... Lewiedale. 11. P. Price. - - - Lewiedalc. ]>r. J. w. S;incl(-!, ... ivaK. J. J. Wessineer. - - Wt-sxi liters Dr. M. 0. Hendrfw Lexington. S (J. Hardin A Bates. Batesburg. O. J. Harris. ttntcshurg H, 1'. l'rieo. - - White Bud,. Advice to Womeu If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, "Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Meri struation you must use 1BRADFIELD'S|| FEMALE 1 REGULATOR J r* . r>cr?T, tt, A +A tSSA v/a.rtxx?no? ljuuflif m/, awv? This "will certify that two members of my immediate family, after having suffered for Sears from ^Mflnatrual Irregularity, eing treate^^phout benefit by physicians, were at lenj^^Bmpleteiy cured by one bottle of Bradflel^V Female Regulator. Its effect i3 trulyHbnderfuL J. w. Strange. Book to " WOMAN " mailed FREE, which contains valuable information on all female diseases. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, OA. FOB BALIS BY ALL DB UQGISTS. May 27 ? ly ' Jo ( Wells, Wells, Wells ! i i THE BORED WELL A SUCCESS. WHEN CURBED WITH TERRA COTTA. I "\\rE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE , V ? you n Well at reasonable prices that I will last yon a^^ftimc. We also iurnish Tenit Coy a I for turthcr Dicker^^deetze, j / t r ?. ' ._ >-? f V 1 1; 1 " V/. 42 Con. ^ J ITotice. u Aj a ' Office ot SCHOOL COMMISSIONER, LEXINGTON Coi'NTY. Ltxixor.fS, S. September 8th, 18t)l. 4 LI. PERSONS IIOLI)I NO SCHOOL 1 J\. cl.ums no*. \ct nppr ved by me lor n the .scholastic year ending August Hist, are t hereby notified to present tlu-ni at once tor approval so they may be embraced in my annual report an the law requires. E. L. WINGARD, School Commissioner L. C. 2%v4b The State of South Carolina. ^ COUXTY OF LFXIX'iTOX. Jiy .1. Walter Mitchell, Probate Judge TT7IIEREAS lACOi: L NTXAMAKER Vt has inaib.! suit to me, to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate oi and effects ot R-nj imin S. Numitimlo r: These are, therefore, to cite Hint adand U'Oiiish all and singular the kindred creditors ot the said Uenjuiuin S. Nunamaker deceased, that they he and appear before me, in the Court ot ( Probate, to bo held at Lexington C. IT., | S. C., on the "2LSd day ol September in-\t,af- & ter publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the t forenoon, to shew cause, it any they have, o why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 2d day of September Anno Domiui, lfsni. " J. WALTER MITCHELL. [L. S.]. Probate Judge, Published on the J2d day of September, 1891, in the Lexington Dispatch. 2wl2 JTWalter Mitchell. f H A T T O H IS' i : V i f AND Counselor at Law. Will practice in all of the Courts of the ? State, (except tbo Probate lor Lexington County) and of the United States tor the k n xwsOC?... ivl.mnei \ji ouuiu l/aiuau;i, pSrOftiee in Court House Building ; LEXINGTON, S. 0. J Mar 18? 3m. _ | 1 LEXINGTON GRADED SCHOOL. | LEXINGTON, S, O. | f P. E. POWELL. Principal. ! Miss MINNIE I. DICKS, First Assistant. j Mks. M. A. SAWYER, Second Assistant. Mrs. M. E. LATHROPE, Music. 1 MRS. J. G. GRAICHEN, Elocution. OPENS MONDAY. SEPTEMBER, 7, lS'.'l. \ SESSION TEN MONTHS. J J Tu.itiozi, IPar J | I rirsi anil oeconu uraaes 5 1 <>i> 1 11 Third and Fourth (trades 1 5t? \ :I 1 1 Fifth Grade. 2 ()< Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grade.. . 2 50 } Book Keeping 2 10 " Music. . 3 (mi j Contingent Fee 10 ) Greek and Latin embraced in last ^ four Grades - Latin obligatory. French and German, each. f.n All tuition payable Monthly.ct. Board can be liar at 5u per month. | ' For lnrtl er information, address the j Principal. . I\ E. HOWELL. i Vusnst If?v. I 1 ? J A HOiiSShC'i'i | 4 E? LOOii S 23' ^ | ^ DI?E.A88SS | } mmis balm * t 14- SCROi'Ul/*. ULCERS. SALT X * 11 RHEUM. ECZEMA, e>ery f 4 form cf malignant SKMS ERUPTION, be- ^ i sines hiii.j (liiifecious ir. up the A system and restoring the constitution, \ r when in paired firm any cause. Its W (} almost st?r.e?natural healing properties 4 g justify us in guaranteeing a cure, if A \ directions are followed. \ 4 SENT FREE ..nI $ SLOnO CALM CO., Atlanta. Ca. $ I .in 'J I ly Every one should use P. V. I1.; nearly every cue needs a medicine t?> purify, vitalize, una enrich the bhxxi. P# P" Poke Root and Potassium is the greatest blood purifier of the ago. It cures all Blood and Skin Diseases, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Syphilis where all other remedies fail. P. P. P., Prickly Ash and Potassium will cure Syphilis, Rheumatism, Scrofula, S\ phiiitic Rheumatism,Malaria,Old S. >ies,P>!oo?i poison and Dyspepsia. If your head aches and you are out of spirits take P. P. P., Prickly Ash, Poke Root, ami For a Tired Feeling, Impure Blood, Dis- i tress after Eating, D\spojs:a, Pains in the Buck, Headaches and Nervous Prostration and Debility and Weakness all yield readily to P. P. P. For Sleeplessness, Exhaustion and Malaria use P.P.P, Catarrh and a Shattered Constitution, both male and female, nothing' better than P. P. P. ladies whoso systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an impure condition, due to Menstrual Irregularities, are peculiarly benefited by the wonderful tonic and blood-cleansing properties of P.P. P., Prickly Ash, Poke Root, and Potassium, the greatest cure known for ill diseases of the LI PPM AN BROS., Proprietors, SAVANNAH, - - - - GEORGIA, July 29 ~i\ ?? 111 ?a? tm ? ca? Final Discharge. rWILIi APPLY TO J. WALT hit Mitel ell, Judge oi Probate Court lor Liexington county, on Sitnrduv. tin- ntli lay of September next at !1 o'clock in the breuoon, for a set Cement and final disburse as Administratrix of the K.siate of lenrv M. Arehart, deceased. KI.TZAfiETH AKF.HAKT. August Oth. 1S91. Admiiiisttatrix. 5w I A. ? ? ! ! I ? 111 I II ! wri I II Final Discharge. f WII.L APPLY TO J. WAI.TEU L Mitchell, Esq , Judge < ! Probate Joint for Lexiugton county, S. (\. on the *2th <1 iv of September next, at t?> o'clock n\, jura tlnal discharge as Guardian of ho Estate t>1 W. F. Snelprove. W.m. J. ASSMaNN, Gunrdi.ii . August 7, 1S91, -lull. ?Maiif Mil Land for Sale. pvN MY BULL SWAMP PLACE. LF\l / ington c< uniy, in lots to suit puthasers. Apply either to the nnd-rsigut ?t >r to C. M. F.tird, Lexington. S. C. 1'. P. TO ALL. Charleston, S. ('. August o. 117 tint. ......... a . ^ Final Discharge. rWILL APPLY TO L WAT.TEli Miteltell, Esq., Judge ot Probate ?ourt h?r Lexington county, S. C., on the 2th dav <il September next, at 10 o'clock j .. m., for a iinal discharge us the. Adminis rator of the Estate of Joshua Taylor, d? eased. W.w. J. ASsMANN. Clerk mid Administrator August 7th, lull. ? m in, " WKJWi?? Land for Sale. r WILL SELL MY PLA.STATION.CON I taiuiug Four glCi?) Hundred Aeres; ball riginal woods. A good dwelling .and on; j nildings; healthy location, '.villi Loth coin aid flour mills nud a gin that runs with j itlier water or steam powere on Fig (Yd u nek. -'r. M. DUNLM'. JS?3m* Fairfield, Co , f, 0. >0UTH Cil.0L.IHi COLLEGE, j COLUMBIA, S. C. Opens September fifth. Entranc e F.xam- | natious begins September'21th. Classical, .literary, Scientific and Law Cours* s. Thir- I e'en professors. For further information, adlress the ^resident. JAMES WOOl'KOW. 7 w 17. f Ol\TV Mil!UAL IXSTITI.'TE, II HE LEXINGTON COUNTY NOUL nml Institute fur white teachers will be u-ld iu the Ltisville College. September j Ml). The course of instruction will embrace ..eotures 011 Education :uul School MangeniL-nt, Mind Studies from Welch's teachers' Psychology Methods of Teach ng, Geography, with Sand Modeling, dethods ol' Teaching Primary Reading vith Practice Class. Methods of Teaching sTmibors with Practice Class. Advance Steading with Practice Class. Physical Culure, Illustrated with Indian Cluhs. The dm is to give teachers much practice work ind illustrate the true science ol teach- j ng. All teachers, and those who .It-sin- to irej are to toich, are e: rnestly re?pn -sled to i itteinh The Institute will be conducted by Pro}. I j. B. llaynes, assisted by Miss Ma:y L. ) k'eargiu and Miss Nellie Chapman. Special rates tor Hoard will be given the . eaclu-rs. E. L. WINGARD. School Oomnrssioner Levinglon Co. ? -- ?? .? nut 1 ^ 111 ?... I .> XlllgUHl ? * III .?*> 1-. BETHEL CLASSICAL mi MILITARY J% ACADEMY. $4; 6a.[S:S31ia /krXV^ Prepared f?r Busluosd, Univ. of V a.. '] ! and West Poiot Catalogue adJr<Sd I I I X " ' Maj.A.Q.SaiTH.Botb'.i Auitdetny. V v.-gtiBriw' f?i: o n ViJi 5 ivt'nr 4 is'HtSh MlBiJi) .1 Ollifrwisr 1 ; Saddlery, Harness, Buggies __ _ _ . ? Hi-,., 'V J." \V v-T/ v/M/ ami X_i O IP T 1:1" V FOR CASH ON FY \.\i> CAN AC ft. f*;:o in tUs- city. Wh-.-ti >:i <>t :iv iat! M-f Hit. si'iv way. No t'Oii'n'c to show uW. SCO'S j POST OFFICII 11LOCK, April ly | EIIMI ! GEE AT CLEA ? 01 Summt Will ceritiii it' through .July uud August Liu-t-s, ,V<\, sttlil w:ti THEY tft/ 1 <>0 | jits Ladies' S i reut9 4 1 I.(lilies' Oxford l ifts :tt 51, wort!i S .1 the UK H' you visit our store save n T?_ M TTDMl &. A. /Bt? ABA OITOSITE GRAND CENTRA 2S - ]y. M AN lT FACT C RE K ! WHIPS, LAP ROBES, SA Aiso hnvt) ia stock i ! Carriages, Surrys, Buggies, on which I ilft> TURNKSAND I! When in need of anything ia my L -} \u~ 21, ?Jy * GKEAT SALE] i OF SPRING CLOTHING. j J will offer you bargains in Spring Clothing tmw goods). XO SAMPLE OR ! I JOE LOTS PURCHASED for this occasion. I am of f.o-imr vYm miitS tllflt WOIV purchased this seuson in Sacks and Cutaways that sold at sl.5, $io.r?o, sis.50, S22.50 and S25. You j can take your choice for S10 Cllsll. 'I his line is an- superior to any I have ?-ver offered i:i the past itml will the record oi .my i:i the city h r i real values in u? w Spring Suits. 1 tun determined to get rul ol 0;is stock. it such inducements as 1 :;in making will make m-oe. What 1 offer yon is not in small lots one or two suits ot a kiud. hut ft tnll regular line ol sizes such as 1 keep in stock. Those who have been loroiiiate in buying at these can testily to the geuilieltuss of iuV crfers, and the bargains are always as represent* *1. There is no bait or catch to delude the public, hui an honest oiler which hundreds take advantage ot. Those w ho have seen my Spring stock know the value id the offer I am milking tor $lo in cash. There h( \cr was a bettor opportunity to j get a tine suit of Spring clothes than at this sale. Nothing like it t-vcr attempted by any store in the city. It you li.iVc not attended these sales do so at once ami you wi!i never regret it. j M. 1.. KIXAKI), ! ! Columbia. S. C. LE\BGTO!\ SAVINGS BANK.! | IIKI'IISITS DECEIVE# SIBJECT Til ('IIEl'S. ALLEN JONES, President. W. P. HOOF. Cashier. DIRECTORS: j Alien Jones, TV. P. Roof. C. M. EtirJ, K. Hilton, J. E. Flendrix. EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Deposits of ?1 and upwards received and interest at f? per cent, j er annum allowed, payable April ami October. August P.) -tt. T. BERWICK LEG ARE, DKXTAL Sl RGEO>. ! orrici: ovku nurs'.s jkwi:i.ry sToke, l/.l/.V > THE El', COL I'M !i I A, S. C. j2t?f"All work on teeth at moderate pi ices Hit. >. W. ISOOKKK, Attorney at Law, j ('OHM 111 A, S. (\ 1TT ILL PRACTICE IN THE LKXIXGT* ton Courts ami o sowi.i-tv. :iis> u: tin' I" 11 i *? ! St it> s Courts. lUi-nie-s id i I .?xini;toii I'o ut*. idl; .1 to lisi'.u^:. 11* heiv. C;iil .it Koi.m N>. s. Southern 1:.- j sumiive Hti:i?io;>i'ositf- ("it\ Hill 1 write Fire 1 u-u:>i> .-t- i?- jf-oil;.- | iiies. 32tt 1 HE [1.111 known sis Road Carts and Vehicles rmfi NEW (iOODS, At SICES. Oiil) TO SKM, ( HHAl'KK THAN ANY HI 111V 1h.?\ Ci.ll.i I l:tl MC Im\ C'ofUtt is v !i? ili- r \tiii 1 is;. < {. t tzjn hkv /-a> nm raa 1/ H ^ : ?fca ca \i> ha m*b 3 - - - (OLVV.K1A, S. C. imT~ ^ ?** ^ r wuuu?> Ail .-UUllUfV l'Tf-S {(iood.i, \S Lite Goods, lG'.lt !< {.,' ilM ti> i Or !. :usT a-o. I0? SALE pfu-rs tine. week at- & 'ose out the lo4. d 1.30. Best you ever bought for dtll >nev. JL for t\w next month you will lOlll'V. UNDS, JR., L HOTEL, COLUMBIA. S C. ... ? T f. i. n ii i il AND DEALER IN VY HARNESS _ DOLES, BRIDLES, &G. V 111 Elegant Lina ot ^DIk Pheatons and Road Carts ^ 7 competition. UVELING BAGS 0 an-': j:vt- t:ic a cai!. KEEP g ON Th cm ry Ins;,* r of gru as at <?<ir si? e luri --j the i:c\i W days \vt?o will cut this advertisement from tim l)i>j?ftt<*h arc! pit-runt is. at our counter we wili u ak? A DISCOUNT OF 10 PER GENT Oil all cu-li purchases. We carry tho largest assortment ot Boots, Shoes and Rubbers IN SOl'TIICAROLINA LETEBBs STCBK I 60 Main Street, COLPMaJIA, < . liov 2- 1 y immm w?wr mm?w 25*. fi m tija Jfik "AlfAKESIS"(fives Instant 1T?I !m S fa Hi relief anil Is an lnfalliblo IS B s m 5L, tA. Cure for Pile*. Priee$l. By ^"jj| a? \ADnitf#ist8or mail. Samples "" B Sjlfri-c. A<ldnss"A.\AKLSIS,'* S H SSK ft&B tW Box 24 ltt, New 1'ork. City. The Liebig Company's EXTRACT OF BEEF is known around the world ami has lately I.eon curried into "Darkest Africa" l>y Stanley. it is neap* prn.ichahl.; for jmritv flavor p.ut hcm effects. As Bei-k Tea. dt lii-K'Us and refreshing. Indispc n*nhln in Improved and Eeonou io Cookery. D. J. RHODES, F1.\E WATrHESJEWELRV, SILVER an'i? SILVER PLATED FLAT WARE. Difficult Watch ami Jewelry Work a Specialty. Geld Society Budges Made to Order. " 180 MAIN ST., COLUMBIA, S. C., May 27, 1891?ly. If otice. 4 FTEIi THIS DATE NO MOIiTGJ\. a^es. Denis, A^r?C!uents, Liens or other papers will he received f<,r record in the office of the Clerk ot Court until the fees are p?ii > in advance.' Wm. T. ASS.MANS, ('. C. C. Auejust .j, 1S;>1. 27 ? tf Do You Need a Tonic? Do You Need an Appetizer? Do es Your Constitution Need Building Up? TAKE lil !Rl!\ MTIIIE, The Best and Purest Iron p*ep nation iu the world. pukifv voi ii r.u.on, Prei-aro v. ttr sv-t. :i. i'..v S*.iit:.* and Sum - - I ? . . -# r.:i v t\ H'-iiijj MTKIIAVS SAIiSi'Aiill.I.A. The .Hurray Drug Co., Manufacturer* : n i W hcl.-?i'e Dm COLUMBIA, S. C FOlt SALE 11V W. r. i;-- OF. l.iAlSs.'iaN, r. Aj r.l i: Fresh Goshen Butter rii he, 30c., pei i ui-ii J. at the liuzu.ii.