The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, April 22, 1891, Image 3

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psaxmmmmmmmmm/mamBmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Highest of all in Leavening Power. H \~JSS3!@? ABSOUT Local and Special. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF COUNTRY I MAILS. For Seayville, \V( stinger's and Banks, J leave this place on Mondays and Thursday j at 6 a. m. and return at 7 p. m. same day. i There is a route from Seayville to Savilla ! (Paul Black's) which conneots with the above mails. Mondays abd Thursdays for Rocky Well and Rorena leave at 7 a. m. and return on sanfe days at 6 p. m. On Tuesdays and Fridays for Clarks Mills, Rishton. Rishes Store, Beaver Pond And Reader's Store leave at 6 p. in. and return at 7 p. m. Agents for the Dispatch, W. S. ELEAZBB.-SpriDg Hill. ' Jasper S. Derbick, Leesville. Henby J. Wessinger, Fairbanks. J. C. Glover, Batesbnrg. S. J. Riddle, Sinclair. Capt. D. J. Griffith, Gilbert Hollo* D. I. Epting, Pine Ridge. G. A Goodwin, SeDD's. Ten cents per line for locals In this column. By We are not responsible for the view* or assertions of correspondents. W Parties sending Obituaries to this office will remember that ail over ten lines will be charged for at regular advertising rates. SU3SCltIB?Rb receiving their paper xoiih a REI> GROSS mark upon if, are thereby totified that with the next number their Suh jf icription expires. / Index to New Advertisements:? r" ?T T, \Timnau)?h & Co. Positive?McCreery & Bro. Male Jewelry?W. Scott Pope. Medical Card?Dr. J. E. Lee. Better Than Ever. The May number of Peterson is J Utterally crowded with fine engrav- j lags and capitally illustrated stories, sketches, poems and the very latest fashions. It should be in the hands of ail the ladies. Terms $2 per year. Address Peterson's Magazine, Phila- 1 delphia, Pa. - ? ? , ma i ob &vei. , Did you ever hear of a merchant closing out goods just to get rid of them? Well, that is just what J. L. Mimnaugh & Co., Columbia, are do- . ing. Prices make no difference. If you go there you are bound to come away loaded with the grandest bargains that the most fertile imagina- 1 tion could conceive. But, if you 1 ~ wast to.-know all about it, you must fV?air o.rJ vat which firives 1 fiie details in another column. 3 SfcVer'xJrea."Er&^i "C* ""^? Do you know that one of the most marvelous things in Columbia At this season is the great activity which prevails throughout the store of T. B. Aughtry & Co. This is the result of the wonderful low prices they are selling groceries, provisions, etc. Everybody going there to get the bargains which cannot be obtained elsewhere, and you should not lose ' V t* 11 _ the present ciiance 01 geumg more for your money than you ever dreamed of. The Down Coining. "While some go up others come down, and the down coming is the part that interests the majority of mankind wb " it relates to the prices of goods which they wish to buy. "Well, the down coming prices is just what now prevails at Messrs. E. C. Shull & Bio's, Columbia, or we should more truly say that prices are air ady down with them for all kinds of groceries, etc., to such a low figure that it almost looks like J stealing to buy goods from them at 1 their low prices. What Enticements! Now ladies, if you wish to give your- , self the greatest conceivable delight and at the sometime save your dear husbands piles of money, just go straight to Columbia and call on Messrs. McCreery & Bros., from whom you can get all styles of centennial goods at prices which defy the sharpest, keenest competition. The enticements offered are too numerous for us to mention here, but you can get a glimpse of the induce- j . . . ments by reading tnerr new aavertisement in this paper. Read it carefully. ^ Bargain?? K. For- one' week we will offer : special prices in every department. Just received a large shipment of j ladies' and gent's furnishing goods, i a Twenty dozen ladies' blouse waists j at 25cts. and upwards. Twenty-four dozen boys' waists an 2octs. Ladies' Undervest at lOcts. 783 pairs of ladies' and Misses shoes at 50cts. i and upwards. 576 pairs of gents' ! shoes at 25cts and upwards. In 1 dress goods we have everything that 1 a lady wants to make a complete suit, from the shoe to hat. 376 suits ! of clothes going this week at S3.75 and upwards, former prices S7.U0, j 536 b ys' suit at 9Scts. Hats, trunks, < jewelry, watches, clocks,?in fact, we 1 have anything you can call for and ] I at astonishingly low prices. We in Tite you all of Lerington < county to give us a call and secure I some of the greatest bargaina of the i age. Johnston'3, 72 Main Street, , ne^t to Hotel Jerome, Columbia, S. C. j i * - - t I ? U. S, Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. ; n iff.! % rowuer rELY PURE BREVITIES. Try BLACKJDRAUGHT tea for Dyspepsia. The picnic season is new at hand. Linen dusters and palm fans will soon be fashionable. Every guideboard pointing to heaven says, "start now.'' ??m * 1 7 i?'me dried beei ior cmppmg ara broiling, at the Bazaar. Two good listeners may be friends, but two good talkers never. Sheriff Drafts has been confined, to bed for the past two days. Big line of fishing canes, lines, hooks, bobs, flies, etc., at the Bazaar, j Quinine 50c. an ounce, at the new Brick Drug Store, Batesburg, S. C. Messrs. Roof & Leaphart will rv open their brickyard in a few days. Shreded cocoanut ready for pies, | custards or cakes, at the Bazaar. "Who navs the highest prices for a j i ? w - ^ 1 home 1 The woman who marries for ; one. Picture frames made to order, at the new Brick Drug* Store, Batesburg, S.C. J^-WINE OF CARDUI, a Tonic for Woman. It is only the prayers that come from the heart that are heard in heaven. 19 pounds of standard granulated sugar for $1, at P. J. Rucker s, Columbia, S. C. fV,? i jluv/ii as jlv/4xlc? v va*w truth they prefer to have it told about other folks. The Columbia canal is full of water, and J. L. Berg's book store, also at Columbia, is full of books. When did Christopher Columbus diet Where was he buried, and where is his body now? Bead the advertisement of the Columbia Register in this paper and be Bure to subscribe for it. Paints, all kinds in one gallon tins nlort in v>qt-rol l^fa of flip tipw "Rrift Drug Store, Batesburg, S. C. LACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. The examination of public free school teachers will be held in the court house Friday, the 24th inst. A. daily mail will soon b^^f the CyumbkjJTewben* rens flj mean iiiHii has is to remember that there is somebody else just as mean at he is. Another big lot of Clocks, and Jewelry just arrived at the new Brick Drug Store, Hardin Drug Co., Batesburg, S. C. Capt. J. T. P. Crosson, of Fredonia, Gilbert Hollow township was in town Monday and made us a pleasant call. Dr. J. W. Eargle one of the cleverest gentlemen in the Fork and a successful pill roller and powder mixer paid us a pleasant visit yesterday. J. L. Berg, who runs a book store and printing office in Columbia, keeps files "for sale, but he is not in the hardware business as his files are called Columbia Letter Files, and they are good ones, too. The man who finds fault with the poor quality of the sermon generally tries to make the collection equal to his opinion of the preaching by dropping in a cent. That popular gentleman and expert physician Dr. D. M. Crosson was in town yesterday a9 a member of the Count, flamming Board of * Physicians. MoElr??'> WINEOFCAROUI forfemal?disease* Don't forget to bring your pictures ?does not make any difference what kind?to the new Brick Drug S^ore and have them nicely framed?Cheap. Hardin Drug Co., Batesburg, S. C. IF TOUR RACK ACHES Or you are all worn out. really good for nothing It is general debility. Try BROWX'S IROX HITTERS. It tfill cure you. and give a good appetite. Sold by all dealers in medicine. I Have you paid for your paper? If \ not, remember that it takes just as much money to run it at this season as any other, and be sure you come in or send and pay up. For the latesi, the newest the and prettiest dress goods, go to Edmund's, Columbia. There you will find a full md beautiful line from which to make your selection, and all at the lowest prices. Mr. Charlie Corley of this town and Miss Emma Reeder of Boiling Spring township, were married last Thursday at the residence of the bride's parents. May their journey down the hills of life be all sunshine and happiness. All you people who like to have first-class harness, saddlery, buggies, :arts and other vehicles should not fail to visit Mr. W. Scott Pope's, Columbia, for there you will find just what will take your eyes at the lowest prices in the city. Mr. John j Sutphen, who has been all his life in j this business, will be pleased to wait ou you. Read Mr. Pope's advertisement and go to see hiin. j The body of Mr. Bonnie Xunna- j c maker was found Saturday afternoon | floating in the river some distance below where he was drowned I and was buried Sunday a. in. at St. } A idrews church. l>r. J. E. Lee a graduate of South Carolina Medical College, is nowlocated at White Koek on the C., X. j a t pu;i Tiairl us n visit vester- I 1 i/. j-vaiii vuu %? - ?. day. He is a clever and popular j 1 gentleman and will doubtless meet j - with much professional success. I pgr BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Nervousness, and General Debility. Physicians recommend it. All dealers sell it. Genuine lias trade mark and crossed red lines ou wrapper. j The County Board of Medical Ext | aminers met in the court house j yesterday, and the following physi| cians appeared and passed satisfaciactory examinations. Drs. P. W. < Hite, J. E. Lee, A. W. Quattlebaum and Lewie A. Griffith; Col. C. P. Quattlebaum who has ' ? ?- ?- 4- ^rxl A Vtntwn O 1 ' D66U OH 21 Vl&lt lU ins i/iu i.ivu*v ni. Pinearia, stopped in town Monday, as he was returning to Conway, Horry County, where he has be-, n residing and practicing law for some years. ' The exact location of the Lexingrr Vi o o Vvo??n rv". o Tlror? I IUU lntLUJLJ UUUUUJ^ uao MVVM ammamvv. ! and the erection of the building will 1 j be commenced at an early date. The ' building will be completed and filled with machinery and in operation by : the coming crop. About $5,000 in I the stock is yet unsubscribed for. This is an excellent investment for those having money idle, as interest ! will be allowed on fullvpaidup stock. ^ ? - i ( Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I, i * The best Salve ixi the world for i Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt j ' Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped j Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar- j 3 anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or j 1 money refunded. Price 25 cents per 1 : box. For sale by all druggist. | March 31. L ! j Shooting ASray. j t??i 1 a i VJTUS JDCl L ttlKl .TllUicnn, workmen on the South Bound Bailroad?the camps in this county? went to the house of Jasper Spires, another workman, on Saturday and j had a difficulty. Bert shot Spires through the stomach and through the knee cap. Sheriff Drafts went ^ down Saturday night to arrest Bert j. and Andrews, but they had left. ( Trial Justice Green arrested An- J drews in Columbia Monday afternoon and hopes to effect the arrest /vf Kafnrdaar nirrhf, Dr. Hen M gg ?went through J r-'> -i'Bie front of his ^ ' Bbdged. There 3 l^onop^iopireB recovery. c 7 j Washington Letter. 1 [From Our Regular Correspondent.] Washington, D. C., April 18, 1881. ' Mr. Blaine has lost none of his old tine cunning. He wishes to give the country the impression that he f is running the Department of State , entirely independent of Mr. Harrison, and to help that idea along he waited until after Mr. Harrison had gone on his grand vote hunting tour before he delivered a copy of the reply of this Government to the last dispatch of the Italian charge d1 affairs in this city, for ^ transmission to Rome, although, I 5 have it on excellent authority, that V 7 reply had been entirely written, and S approved by Mr. Harrison and the cabinet as long ago as last Saturday. . This reply is one ot the longest and most elaborate documents ever sent by this Government to a foreign nation, and it informs the Italians in ! unmistakable language that the | rj United States does not propose to j 1 interfere with the regularly constitu- ! J ted State Courts under any circum- j stances, and that when it shall have been proven that any citizen or citi- j * zen of Italy were among the members ; of the "Mafia"' lynched at Xew Orle- j ans it is willing to take up the ques- ! tion of paying to his or their families j [ a money indemnity. It is in short a I thoroughly American letter. Mr. I Blaine has many faults but lack of I Americanism isn't one of them, thank j lioovon "Teddy" Roosevelt is the happiest j , man in "Washington since he found ! out that his Civil Service Commission was to have added to the number of people over whom it tyranizes about six hundred employes of the t Indian service, mostly connected fl with the Indian schools. A no5-s.t partisan Indian service may be very * desirable, but it will never be accorn- jplished as long as the agents and * * * i i t,nn 'in ii , tLeir employes?not unaer"?ecias i supervision?are republican strikers, v as they are now. g Another bogus reform is the alleg- i ed attempt of Secretary Tracy to clear the navy yards of the country of partisan politics. He has issued 1 an order declaring the positions vacant after June 1, at the Norfolk yard of all foremen and master me- f chanics, and ordering an examining board of Naval officers to convene at i * these yards respectively May 11 and j June 3, for the purpose of examining j applicants for the vacancies. "Why'1 j ( said a'Nav&l officer, "this thing is a j 1 fraud on its face, and, in my opinion j t is only gotten up to get rid of some men whose open discharge is not Mmpl '' 1 lesirable. If there are incompetent ! oremen and master mechanics em- j doyed why not discharge them and, j f it is the desire of the Secretary, ! mve their places filled by competi j < t ] 1 ive examinations, but what sense is | ' j ;here in requiring men who have ; proven by years of successful woik j heir competence to take part in com- j oetitive examinations in order to de nonstrate their fitness for doing the work upon which they have been engaged, in some cases, for half a life [ime." 1 The workingmen are after Secretary Tracy with a sharp stick, because of what they claim to be a vio- . iation of the contract labor law by Commodore Folger, of the Washington Navy Yard, in employing upon the recommendation of an English official, two foreigners as machinists, within a week after their arrival in this country. Secretary Foster will be asked to investigate this matter as soon as lie comes back from New York, whither he has gone to brace up the Harrison forces. The remains of the big hearted democratic veteran. Representative Spinola, who died here Tuesday ^ morning, were taken to New York { for interment "Wednesday morning, { accompanied by a Congressional committee and a delegation of New Yorkers. He will be missed in the House. _ i Just opened a nice line of toilet 1 ind shaving soaps; Austin's Forrest Flower, Hoyt's German, Taylor's ind Tappin's Colognes. Finest toi- i Let Extracts. Toilet powders with md without perfume. Dressing combs and brushes. Special bargain cf 3 cakes of fine Windsor soap for i nickel, at the Bazaar. ^Harriett. April 5ih, 1891, at the. residence of tb< price's father, by the Kev. N. S. Younginer. \Ir. David Ellisob and Mhs Lizzie Elli- I joe, all ol Lexington county, S. C. ! . ? < McEiree's Wine of Cardui md THEDFORD'S BLACK-DRAUGHT are !br sale by the following merchants in ! ^exi.'igton county: Merrit' & Plunkett - - BatcsburvWhiles Bros., - - < Peak f J. r. Bodie, ... Leesville ^ It. i,. Keisler, ... LewiedaL H. 1*. Price, ... LewiedaU Dr. J. W. Sandel, ... Peak J. J. Wessineer. - WessingerV 1 Dr. if. 0. Hendrix, Lexington. S- C Hardin k Bates, Bat?sburg i 0. J. Harris. Butesburg A uu i i urv iviar\r\c. i. Charleston, Middling 8?@ Lugusta, Middling 8?@ Columbia, Middling 8|@ Lexington Middling 7@8? } J~ eTEE. M. DT 1 1 GRADUATE OF THE SOUTH CAR T Hl olina Medical College of Charleston ?. 0.. Class 1886, having recently located t White Rock, S. C., offers bis professional ervic^s to the people of. the ? ;oan try. a iLu CALLS PROMRILV ATTENDED TO. * 3 us 22* ? A. WEEK Will Get ME COLUMBIA < DAILY REGISTER j E?t&l;li<shed 1875. A PAPER CONTAINING a * * THE LOCAL NEWS. Ill THE TELEGRAHHIC NEWS. Ig | THE STATE NKW8. ? I JIJTHAT GOES TO MAKE UP A lUii GOOD PAPER. >6 a Year. - - - - 12 Cents a Week. | end orders t-o Chable* A. Calvo, Jb , Columbia S. C. Do You Need a Tonic? Do You Need an Appetizer? ?< Does Your Constitution J Need Building Up? 1 [AKE MURRAY'S !R0\ MIXTURE, * C'ne Best and Parest Iron preparation in the world. PURIFY YOUR BLCOD, 'repare your system for Spring and Summer by using Q MURRAY'S SARSPARILLA. Q < % rhe Murray Drug Co., j wnoxesaie ur:iggi6is. < COLUMBIA, S. C. FOB SALE BY c W P. BOOF. LEXINGTON. S. C. April 1*5?tf i mbi ac????? I rho State of South Carolina, g COUNTY or LEXINGTON. By J. Walter Mitchdl, Probate Judge ^ rTTHEREAS, S. L. SMITH HAS MADE YV auit to roe, to grant him Let er6 of Administration of the Estate of ,ud effects of Levi Smith: These are, therefore, to cite and adDonishjfl^ana singular the kindred .ud cr^BP^; of the said Levi Smith, leceased, that _ they be and ap)ear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be beid at Lexington O. H., -i >. C., on the 27th day of April inst, af- J er publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the ^ orenoon, to shew cause, if any they have, u i-hy the said Administration should noi be t( ;ranted ^ Given under my hand, this 10th day of Lpri. Anno Domini, 1891. J. WALTER MITCHELL. [L. P.]Probate Jndge, Published on the 15th day of April, 891, in the Lexington Dispatch. 2w22 Teachers' Examination. rHE EXAMINATION OF AJ'PLIcants lor certihcates to teach in the ree public schools of Lexington County vill be held on Friday, the 1th day oi Lpril. 1891, in the court house, corarnencng at 9 o'clock a. in. All applicants will be examined on Orhygraphy, Reading, Writing. Arithmetic, xeogfaphy, English Grammar, History of he United States and of this Slate, Physi- j logy, Hygiene and the Theory and Pracice of Teaching. I E. L. WINGARD, ! T Chairman Board Examiners. i I March 25 -5v22 HORSE MI.IM1I i Otbeiwise Saddlery, Harness, Buggie; x" 17w QTnn: f T ^ JL. \/ V' and IL^O-W 2= r BUY FOIt CASH ONLY AND CAN A) L one else in the- city When ;n need ot a md see me any way. No uonb/e to show g< it. scoi POST OFFICE BLOCK, April 22 ly nr\y TYirwr i uiruu AVIDIA MANUFACT FINE CONFI NEXT XO POST OFXIl Patronize your home industry in Candy from the old fash fections that human ingenu Fully, ask the merchants to senc ?andy; we guarantee it to be i ?ver stick, melt, gum up or in we will replace it with fresh go Dig or little, old or young,.we when in Columbia. Come and nels, Chocalets, Hand Made C will take pleasure in showing y< fou want to buy anything or 11 Feb. 11? ly THE IMPROV ? . ???? JLN W V ? ... ? ??HM Ipecial Sales in every department. We will per yard. Forr-lour Lnbleacbtd Shin ing and insertinga. at 5 and lCc., wort) ruings, at )ur entire line of Millinery must go, so that ts former price, We are manufacturing a fu ;ntqualled in tbe Sontb. You can select fro ;uarantee satisfaction. We have ordered abc lartinent has been a great success, so we wili JUST RE Five hundred White Spreads, at; riee< ram ies' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, which we i .ace Fhlow Shams. Apron Lawns, Checked at?nd to move theuj ogee, and you will fi: laiuly. McCreery's Improv />r\T TT t r 1"*T tULU ->1151 'ho L'aiM?p Stora, Post Office Block, CoIuj )1 h' ^^^ResTlhau can bo vVpt^^B ai,(* se? yon^lf whttu y \ s ^BN, will be- on hasd to ser^e you. ML AND W AT LESS T> :lothing and cloaks at less BARGAIN COUNTER PUI Bi.WTZK.TJF' >OST OFFICE BLOCK, Dec 17- l'y lll.YI UU FORGET! I THE SIO SALE.! ,r _ r ; Of Spring Suits which I am still j . ffering. I have placed on the counters j 150 Suits for you to make your sections from. These are of greater <alue than any I have given at this SPRING SALE. , I Those who are alive to Greo.t Bargains icill take advantage of this Sale I once Suits sold at $15, $18, >22.50 ar,d $25 n0VJ offered to you , or 810 This sacrifice sale is genu - j t " uc Any garment you may select will j ?ay you big value. Do not loose this J kance, but come at once 'There has, tever been any such offer or sale given J a this city that can equal Ike one I am i ioing you now. Only Q cash will! ive you your choice, yn. i^. jsxjsajslt>9 !; 1 Columbia, S. C. Final Discharge, j. r WILL APPLY TO THE PROBATE! L Court for Lexington county, ou the bth | .ay oi May next, at 11 o'clock in the fore-1 ooli. lor a fiual discharge as Admiuistra- j or of the Estate of Samuel J. Sistrunk, j , eceased. W. P. Ii'JOF. ' April'2d. 1891. 5w24. ; VE WANT 1 A BOY in every town. The bright indusIrions Lustier?the youth of todaj\who is cut out lor the live basing *nari ?A infuse, can j1 make 8^'cral dollars h week at odd timds. We only waut one in each town or village, and bopu rtnA will send his Wi-10 ii^ub - name first; N Address, | i satubdaYI evemxg post, 723 Sansom, SL.jPhiUcUlphia, Pa. *V i \ \\\\ miii: ji:?F.i.Hi known as s. Road Carts and Vehicles SEW GOODS, 1 at EICES. FORD TO SELL CHEAPER THAN ANY uytbing in my line, come ted s>ee inc. Come ->od.s whether you buy or not. ?T POPE, - - - COLUMBIA, 8. C. __ CANDYGO., URERS OF ECT10NERY, DE, COLUMBIA, C. . We are making everything j ion molasses to the finest conity can invent. We respecti us a trial order for stick ibsolutely pure. If it should any way become unsaleable ods free of charge. To all, invite you to visit our factory I see us make Bon Bons, CaraIreams and Stick Candy. We I 3u through the factory whether ot. ED RACKET. 3O0DS ' offer as leader*; Dreas Ginghams at 8$c, ing, at 5c. Lines ol Han burg Ldga double the money. Torchon Triin5 cents. you can make your selection and pay bali ii ine of Ladies' Underwear and at pricts ui stock or leave order to be made, ana we iut o u new stamping rauerns. jluih uei this season make a specialty of it. SCEIVED, ?ring from 75c. to $1 5*8 .Pifty dozen La*rill close out below cost, several case* <?t Nainsooks. Sateens and Cotton Laces. We id them on the center counter, marked ed Racket Store. A, S. C. Jan 20?ly IXKRIPT PRICES. aibia, 3. C., is now receiving a tine stock of iff A 1T1\ ?TAmT?'ilTfi p^ftwii.mrrmwx < Hsores. This is a chanco not to be Lad oo .coaac to Columbia, j our old frisLd, C, INTER GOODS HAN COST* THAN HALF THE OLD PRICES. ;L OF GOOD BARGAINS. r STORE, COLUMBIA, S. C. J. Walter Mitchell, ATTORNEY AND rAimcolnr al TAW VV/ UilOVIVI U V JL*W/ f i Will practice iu all of the Courts of the State, (except the Probate lor Lexington Cfoujityj and of the United States for the District of South Carolina. jsirOffiee in Court House Building LEXINGTON, S. C. Mar 1??3m. Hack Line, ? MY HACK LINE WILL MEET 11 passenger trains and run from Depot to Lexington C, Vr rSji ?H. and Red Bank. 8pecial attention < Commercial Travelers ?*RATES THE LOWEST-fc* lS-tf JOHN ENLOW. NOTICE? THE nudersigncd as administrator de bonis nou of the estate of Y?Toi. F> ru deceased, will apply to tLo Court of probate of Lexington county, on the 2-5:h day of April next, lor a final discharge as such administrator. JAS. C. FORT, Administrator de bonis non. G. T. Grah .ru, Atty for Adrar. March 25?22 The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. In re the Estate of Mrs. Mary Wilson, deceased. TO all aud singular the hoirs and creditors of the late Mrs. Mary Wilson. You will please take notice that the administrator in said estate will apply to the Court ot Probate for Lexington county, on the 24th day of April, 1891, at iO o'clock a. m., for a final discharge in said estate. MEETZE & MULLER, March 25. 1891. Attv. tor Adrnr. Mar 26?22 KEEP i ON j YOUR I US, j I To every buyer of goods at our store du- j ring the next 30 days who will out this ad- j vertisement from the Dispatch and present j it at our counter we will make A DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT On all cash purchases. We carry the I lirgeet assortment of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers j IS SOUTH CAROLINA. LEVER & STOEK j I 60 Main Street, COLUMBIA, H. C, D'.'V 2?ly Iii imiiwiiiibihih I ? ! Ill nil h 11 mil ii Good, reliable time keepers, Swiss movements, for S3, S-l and $5, heavy plated chains, watch keys, etc., . at the Bazaar. t POSITIV^^^I i T&~ TL:s '.void has a striking significance *nrii alluding to tLc valuta ;t.s i MliKFilV & RROTHFR'S^^^^B i Watching the markets for the most desirable effects at lowest prices has always leeu the aim of this house. WE OPEN A LINE OF GLORIA CLOTH IN BLACK AND COLORS. J This is a nice weight fabric of peculiar brilliancy, and lrom its smoothness and finish wiil not retain dust ?ffi9RB^EH^99H9BH GRENADINE. Looms up again and is much sought alter this season. Wo show the pure SILK MESH only, as the color cannot be guaranteed in low grades. Wide India Silks in exquisite tints; also in Albatros and Nun's Veiling. A complete line ol Trimming Silks and Tinsel Gimps. BLACK GOODS. There is no department we can r- commend with more confidence ot giving satisfaction to our customers than Black Goods. You can see a handsome line in choice weaves just opened. w a ?t-r tv1 zV rti? m m As the season advances the den?and for these goods is steadily increasing in French Zephyrs, Dress Giugbaws and Percales.. Ladies' Waists in Flannel, White and Colored Percale and Sixteen. Crepe Windsor Scarfs, you can buy here in desirable shades. All Wool, Perfect Fitting Blazers for $2 50. ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT OF SHOES fUST OPENED AT HcCREER I* A* BROTHER'S, UNDER GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL COLUMBIA, S. C. Jan. 1-ly. . foTHElADiil m LEXINGTON COTTNT7. VH I offer a fiua Saddle and Briddle to the lady resident of Lexington county who will send me, of her own composition, before the 1st of April, the best advertisement, either in prose or poetry, to fill this Three well known gentlemen o: Lexingon county will be the judges. I hope all the ladies will join in competing for this handsome prize, llatfaara which will be or exhibition in my window alter the 1st ol March All communications must be addressed to me 'at Columbia. _ T. S. ID-CT IfcT 2ST . l^M MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN fPBSjfiBW HARNESS, SADDLES, BRIDIES. NAMES, &C H| jau. '21. 1891 ly EIGHTEEN NINETY J 1SS2.. CITS. tSCt. .jH ?E^e8B8IBI U the beginning of tie New Year we nil make new resolutions*, at d in n)*kitK' H>. a. for this year don't ta.l to odd one more paiagraph, viz.: When \ou * >is?t i>mn-l>m \<?? will make it jour business to cad nt tbe <C0LUMBiA GLOTHiNG - COMPANY'S STORED 1 1 " i i i i. 11 and seenre one of the trauy harg-tns now offered ia CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, TRUNKS. VMJCFS * and ever- article usually kept in a first class Clothing Establishraent. Our counter* <:ro now lined with goods that must be sold regardles of cost in order to make room for a ' % large stock of Spring Goods which we have ordered.-md we must have the r >ouo to place Lhem, so don't miss a BARGAIN for a DOLL iR saved is a dollar made. r f Suits at $3 50, $4 50. S5 00, S7 00 and on up to any price goods deserved. Pants at SI 00. SI 25, Si 50 and $2 00, worth double the monej. We received a liberal share of your patronage the past year for vihiob we thank you. and co'di*lly invite a continuation of the same promising you as good bargains as any house in the house. RESPECTFULLY. ?g|gg COLUMBIA CLOTHING CO., fl *J. 11. ELEAifiER, Manager/; Jan 1? ly # T"rs a T JT. U. ALIJIIIWEHK UU., ^ DEA&EBS IN Southern Pine Lumber ALL1DE8CKIPTIONS, i BATESSI7EG-, S. C. ' ' 7 "We will keep constantly on hand Flooring, Ceiling and Weatherboarding, air dried and worked true on new and improved machinery. Framing Stuff, All tirades and Sizes. We also have arranged for a limited supply of Poplar, Oak, Hickory and Holly Wood*. LATHS TO ORDER ANY LENGTH. We have jnst pnt up at considerable exptnse a Dew milling outfit of the latest iinproved machinery and are prepared to do first class work in every respect, and bills en- f trusted to ns we guarantee te fill promptly and satisfactorily. We are also running a first-class French B ibr Grist Mill, Corn Cob and Thresh Mill, Cotton Seed Crasher and Hollers. Also keep on hand Engine Fittings of all kinds. Galvanized and Iron Piping, all sizes, Elbows, Bushings, Couplings, Ac. Pitcher Force and Lift Pumps, Paints, - ^ Strainers and all the necessaries to protect mills, gins, houses and dwellings from fire and reduce insurance We will put up on application the Electrical Steam Cut off oa any engine, injuring, where necessary in cube of accident, the immediate shutting off of steam and quickest possible stoppage of machinery?this one connection can be arranged with push buttons to act lrom each and every machine in the building. Write for price list or call and see this appliance at work in our mill. . Mr. Aldridge has had over 15 years experience with electrical appliances and will give this work his personal attention. Dec 31?tf - WE HAVE REMOVED FROM? ^ EEOTEL TESOME TO 168 and 170 Main Street, Next to Commercial Bank. AVhero you can find us with a complete iine of choice DM GOODS, (LOTUS HITS. LADIES' AND GENT'S FIRNMING GOODS, . BOOTS AND SHOES, "3 Everything in our line will be sold at fetich low figures that will ind'ice yon to roro again. Now s the time to lay in you supplies. We propoe to establish a livr h >use lor the host gi ods at the lowest prices. Our Bayer is m the market now iaying ;u a heavy stock to meet the tall trade at ALLIANCE LOW RJEMCEsS. We mean jnst what we say. Give us * triaL EPSTIN BROTHERS, " (Next to Commercial Bank.); Col'U.rci'toia, S. C. Sep 2-5 l8*9-!y _ I0BT BEAUTIFUL MOST DUKABLE a. S. ESs^ilD^OiKSD, AND SEE DESIGNS AND PRICES.