The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, April 01, 1891, Image 3

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I Abstract of The Evidence. Facts Presented to the Jury that Tried i the Sicilians. 2st?w Orleans New Dedta The people and the newspapers at | a distance who are censuring the act of the people of New Orleans in met- | ing out punishment to the men guilty of the murder of the chief of police aaam i/\ lnco GlOrht fif facts of CaSC OWMi WV AVWV v. It was a question cf existence between the people and the Mafia?a secret society of criminals organized for crimes, and defending its members by bribey, perjury, intimi ""ation and reorder. Either the Mafi must be destroyed or the people o* New Orleans must succumb to its domination. That was the alternative presented to the people of New Orleans. The chief of police was assassinated at midnight almost upon his own doorstep by a band of murderers, not one of whom had any personal inter est in his death or any personal j L grievance against him. He was shot j down the day before he was to have produced in court a terrible mass of procured against pose of stampinq^jPSgBBRl it slew him. The people were incensed, dui they were patient. They put their ft trust in the courts of their country7 P and they made an appeal to the * forms of law. At an enormous expense of time, labor and money an immense mass of evidence, both direct and circumstantial, wa3 procured against the men who were arrested. And the people were ready. The case came on. A jury was im. panneled. The evidence was produced. It was damning. By both reliable eye-witnesses and irrefutable circumstances the guilt of the ac*? >* i y i * i cuseci, witn tne exception 01 iwo, was established. The evidence is too long to give in this article. A sample will suffice. Macheca, the chief instigator, was shown by the positive testimony of four witnesses, two white ladies and two colored women, to have rented the little shop from which the shooting was done. He rented it un der tlie assumed name of "Peter Johnson," and took a receipt for rent in that name. That receipt, described by the lady before she saw it on the trial, was found in the pocket of Monasterio, the shoe maker who occupied the shop, and who was identified by eyewitnesses as one of the assassins. Macheca was proven to have had a grudge against HeDnessv and to have threatened to have nolence done him. He was proven to have industriously established alibi for himself during the time of the shooting; so industriously as to excite comment. And he was covered sidewalk as he ran away. His coat was found with the slime from the side walk all^ver the side of it where he fell. His shoes, pointed as were the ones of the man who fell j (as shown by the the tracks,) had I the same slime around their edges, j He was sworn to by three witnesses, who saw him from different positions, as the man who carried, the day j before the murder, the guns, or some of them with which the murder was done, to the store of a Sicilians in the neighborhood of the shooting. His eonduct before the jury showed a consciousness of guilt. Against this he put the unsupported statement of the woman with whom he lived, and many believed to be his wife, that he was at home. This Li a sample of the case made by the State, and of the evidence with which it was rebutted. And in the face of this testimony, and other equally as positive against the others, the jury acquitted as to some and # *1 i i * ? ^ iaiiea to agrre as to otHers. Un tlie top of this came the proof that the jury had been bribed. You^are in a Bad Fix.?^ But we will cure you if you will pay us. Our message is to the weak, i nervous and debiltated, who, by early evil habits, or later indiscretions, have trifled away their vigor of body, mind and manhood, and- who suffer all those effects which lead to premature decay, consumption or insanity. If 1. ' j i? ? <" -t mis means you, senu. ior ana reaa our Book or Life, written by the greatest Specialist of the day, and sent (sealed) for 6 cents in stamps. Address Dr. Parker's Medical and Surgical Institute, 151 Nor*T ^(>rpce St., Nashville, Teen. * - C ' Aug. 27-lv. y 6 v^ v * \V A Plant Less Cotton. ,^V Col. Livingston, President of the State Alliance of Georgia, has written the following letter to Col. Polk, President of the National Alliance: Dear Brother: I am satisfied that the Alliance organization should J i. - l-x- it - - -? euueavor to so reguiate ui? produce of the soil as to furnish a full supply of the necessities of life at least, and at the same time avoid an over production in any given crop. To do this our farmers must have some means by which they can understand what the markets of the world demand and that some plan of co operation so as to meet these demands without producing a glut in any given product. A step in this i direction bv our order would result, j J i perhaps, in an intelligent and safe cropping on our part. In ray opinion. the cotton growers of the South ~ y 0 should lessen the cotton production to a safe limit, and enhance the price of the American staple at least 20 per cent. At the same time the acreage for other crops should be devoted to such crops as are needed for home supply to the utmost possible extent. Such a course -would give much better living at home an more money for the cotton crop. To this end I suggest for the cotton belt, at least, a conference between Alliance officials of other agricultural associations at some convenient point for the consideration of a wise and remunerative cropping, and, if this meets your approbation, I wish to , call a conference and request the proper officials of the State organizations to join you in the call. Something must be done to direct and influence our people in adjusting certain crops to th* ptlQ nr>i ^ *~e the difficulty. I am taking for granted the assertion is universally made today that the low price of cotton is on account of over-production. If this be not true, a move in the direction suggested would readily develop the fact and enhance the price of the present crop. "A Drink Fit For Ye Gods." Lovers of a fruit juice beverage will find a pure, wholesome and dr lightfully refreshing drink in thi Specialty Co's Apple and Peach cider, Grape and Florida Orange Juice, Raspberry and Pineapple Julep. Be sure that you ask for the Specialty Co's goods. The Specialty Co., Cider Mills, 28 and 29 "Williamsoil St.; Office, 107 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. 52-ly Rev. E. Z. Simmons, a missionary to China, in a letter to the Baptist Courier, thus descibes a marriage ceremony which he witnessed: "On the way back to our place of lodging, I saw, to me a novel and interesting sight. It was connected with a wedding. The chair bearers and procession had come for the bride. The village maidens had assembled at the houee nf f.hft nn? t,r> ha married, and had during the day gathered a large unmber of stones and some bamboo poles "with whieh to defend the bride elect, and not allow the people who had come here, to carry her off. They kept up a lively battle there j yielded, as they generally do in matrimonial suits, and she was "carried off to her future lord, whom she probably had not seen or knew before. The men generally manage to see the girls they marry before they are engaged, though they are sometimes badly fooled. A man forty years old, :n the village where we were staying, married j while we were there. He paid eighty dollars for a girl that he though was grown; but when she was brought to his house he fouud that she was but little more than eleven years old. He had beed duped. He had shown the girl in company with two others, one of them a large girl. He thought, of course, the large girl was the one, and did not ask many questions. Moral: People had better know who they are to marry before the knot is tied." Don't B9 uloomy. Tho8e who are the victims of mercurial poisoning, or who are suffering from mercurial rheumatism, are inclined to take a gloomy view of I life when, as the poet says, "Winter is folding its white tents and spring gitting its thunderstorms together." You these victims have no reason to | despair...S. S. S. is a sure remedy for all forms of mercurial poisoning. Though it is purely a vegetable medicine, it is powerful, indeed, when called on to chase mercury, and the last lingering effects of mercury, out of the sysem. It performs the work with neatness and dispatch, as thou' sands of tertimonials show. "Have you anything to say for yourself prisoner?" "Only this, your honor. I hope in sentencing me you will take in merciful consideration the extenuating circumstances of the kind .of a lawver I had to defend me." N / * The United States Senate stands politically divided as follows: Republicans 47, Democrats 39, Alliance 2? Republican majority 6, instead of 14, as in the late senate. Malaria produces "Weakness, General Debility, Billiousness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion and Constipation. Grove,s Tasteless Chill Tonic is a perfect Antidote for Malaria and removes the cause which produces these troubles. Removes Billiousness without purging. Is as large as any Dollar Tonic, and retails for 50c. Is as pleasant as Lemon iSyrup. Try it, and you will be delighted. There are many imitations. To get the genuine, ask for GROVE'S. Never fails to cure Chills. Sold by all Druggists Sugar "Will 2s $ 1-2 coats, j Boston, March 24L?The Boston \ sugar men are rery reticent in sugar j ar.d will say but little. At the "rffic? j cf the Standard refinery there was no j doubt that on April 1th the price of j granulated sugar will de down to 44 j cents. It is also true that the trust j will be down to cents. It is also true tiiat trust naa ovdr-esu- i mated the demand for March, and that April would probalj see considerable March G? cent sugar on hand. Another Sucoomha. Richard Voss, the eminent German poet, has been sent to an insane asylum at Gratz. He is suffering from brain disease?the bane of this age?brought on by over-work. His recovery is very doubtful. Millions of his fellow-creatures are wrecks today from the same cause. To live - - - it 1 I at high pressures seems tne oraer 01 the hour. Nature has offered us the remedy. It is at our hands. When A the system is enervated or run dow? to the lowest ebb of depression, threaten^u?tWj^f? an oasis in the desert stands Dr. Westmoreland's Calisava Tonic. As an eradicator of malarial poisons, for chronic headaches, general nervous prostration, neuralgia of the facej ovwl cfrvtnor?}i imrmrfl blond fttld chill* and fevers, it is the leader of medB cines. For sale at the Betsaar in 50 cents I and $1 bottles. A sallow faoed woman, with a wealth of freckles on her long nose, atered an Austin street car. There ,-ere eight or ten well dressed genI leinen in the car, but none of them ? aowed any inclination to give her a ! seat. After she had waited a reasoni able time she remarked, with asperi ty: "Ef any of you galloots are waiten for mo to squat in your laps, you're a sucked in crowd, for I want you to understand I am a lady from the ground up." A dread that she was not in earnest about not sitting in their laps, caused six of the gentlen^n to leave the car.?Texas Sittings. jpjpA Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed bring you satisfactory results, or case of failure a return of purchife price. On this safe plan you ca ^|| from our advertised Druggist oi Ut. iiiiigs i>ew i^scotm ^c , Comsumption. It is gnaraiff v S bring relief in every case, for any affection of j^roaJSr^ or Chest, such as Cm ;'j f flammation of 2-"^9|hma. I be depended upon. -l!oial free at any drug store. ^ \ A cotton picker has been invested and tested at Waco, Texas^ which promises to revolutionize cottin picking if it realize all that is claimed for it. The entire weight of the picker is about 1,C00 pounds, of light draugh and easily drawn by an average pair or horses or mules. Only two laborers are required to operate it. It is said it will pick 90 per cent. ! of all open cotton, and will gather per day from 3,000 to 3,600 pounds, or two bales. The lint iB as free from dirt or trash as that picked by hands. It does not injure the plant. " Capt. J. B. Breeden, the leading farmer and merchent prince of Marlboro, died last week at his home, one mile from town. He was 65 years of age and leaves no children. Mr. Breeden is said to have been the wealthiest man in the county, being worth 8200,000, and every year raised on his different plantations 1,000 bales of cotton. Patient?"I am ever so glad to be up again, doctor. You wouldn't do ftnvtVnnflr to oriifip r rpla-nsp. xrnnlrl you?" Doctor?"Why, of course not." "Then don't bring in your bill for about twelve months." ? ? "The other night, just a^tbbiasoilwas getting down on his 0>,ees to propose to a girl, his suspender parted." "How unfortunate. I sup- j pose Robinson was in a terrible rage, j wasn't he?" No, but the girl was." j bbbb Is an invaluable remedy for urAnsrur rnoom LIVER, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, MALARIA, COSTIVENESS, | AND ALL BILIOUS DISEASE& Sold Everywhere# Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for Moderate Faaa. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, end we can secure patent in lees time than thoaa i-emote from Washington. 6?uu model, drawing or photo., with description. We advise, if patentable or not, froo of , charge. Our fee not ane till patent is secured, j A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patanta," with names of actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Addreea, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. C. -"ft If tlie efte is weak rub if witli a mixture- <x?posed of one tea-poonful i of water, o? tablespoonfnl of brandy and a pinclof soda. In this d^ntry alone 5,000 young physicians ire liirned out from the medical coieges yearly. A rich n?i > heirs weep iogether l\- m Jf *. 1 1 ,?f < 011 t-11 L-JLA vxaO ?-/141/ | 4 ? J 7 J theyhat ^ lh other on the way back. " To coi dje their growth, the nails ? of the le^, ?id require eight or ten days mo,^ Jpn those of the right. ~ North ^fclina, Tennessee and Virginia^? of 2,970,000 bushels ^ peanut^^Riges an annual yield of ^^^ ^fci^nillionaire, Murphy j ow^^^^^^^^ores of land, which ; is eqm^HVa to the State of Massa- : ThefiBHwake farmer visits other Wi farmsHHBi' When no nnci3 conveMj^^Bthods and crops | p w?K?99HBKi6 it improves Lis ; ^ y I frie . I pri< ^^^^^^WTtockhill, a prominet j Noi a reyolverSu8ii-r^? Astor goes to of the fact bushel ^^^ttSHHfiGfi|9&gh. And | Astor is only ! nowadai^BE" ; Or any J>U-^. ^ 6 ^ j _ ar4 Tftroat and Langs Poursr, V6U^^^^y<re,,0,^,l or K""** j ^ ''.ir..i ('hired by no ?c- | | I?^^wUnr n ff^i^^^^?|hola Medicine. r^^^^HB|Kh year the system^^^HBH|^P^ of the impurities the bleed, From childhooc^^HH a^e, no reiaedj j , meets all ca^BKyith the same cer- J tainty of goc^^^sults as ^ \v!^C^AlcGau^^^K>^^City~Ark.. writes, j ^ " B. B. B. has den^^^^fcmore good and for lc?a money than any ot^^^sood purifier I ever used. I owe the comfort or S^Rfe to it." P. A. Shepherd. N?l*lk, V'a., August 10, x883, writes: " I depend on Bl B. B. for the preseivati. n j of ray health. I have l ad it in my family now ! nearly two years, and in Till that time have rot bad j to have a doctor." \ ;TT Write for illu^gaiLrf " P<"ok of Wonder*," SLOOD BaI.M cariCfTkiM. G;<. Sent free. Jan L'l?l^v mmazwm ! BHIHIU'"ngsoiMwui* fa*jax^ J. C. H. TBGE^ER'S Hi Main ^'oltEKT [Opposite Loriok & Lo1 ?nee,] COLUMBIA, S. C. SALOON is stocked with tho Finest | Wines, Liquors, Beer, Tobacco and Cigars. I Restaurant is First-class in every respect. Meals served at all hburs in the highest culinary style Oysters, fish, etc., a':d every thing palatable, that the market, affords, at moderate charges. Oot 22?(Jm i r j | A Spring Medicine 8 j 1 FOR T8RE0 j || 1 MAN AND Hj| I F P. P. P. will purify ;ind vitalize your if I blood, create a good appetite and give your ? whole system tone and strength. S ; ft A prominent railroad superintendent at gg ; \ Savannah, suffering with-Malaria, Dyspep- t* t L sia, and Rheumatism &a.<3: "After taking ? ; P. P. P. he never felt so w?Jl in his life, ana j feels as If he could live fraver. if he could i alwayB get P. P. P." \ If you are tired out from over-work and g 1 close confinement, take p.p.p. 1If you are feeling badly in the spring Pj ; | and out of aorta, take g | I p. p. p. I N I If jvjt digestive organs need toning up, ga j take ; p. p. p. | If you suffer with headache, indigestion, fib! | debility and weakness. Sake' P.P.P. iu If you suffer with rervni* prostration, 53 , narres unstrung and a gan-wll let down 0 j H ocu? sy?uuo, ?&*?? f I p. p. p. i ir D For Blood Poleon. Rheumatism,S?rof- i B uldL, Old Sores. Malari?,. Female /" a Qompkintt, take ' 11 : I" I P. P. ?. < I I Prickly Ash, Pc*e Root 1j j< and Potassium. Th? best blood purifler la the world. |j J Hf 3 LIPPilAN BROS, Wholesale Droygiste, I ! J?1 Sole Proprietors, l; I Lipphas's Block, Saveuinah, Ga. g all Jr'or sale by ileeU?&_2nn, L*xia^, p" ^ ? SSSSSS" RHEUMATISM, KIDh 5-5 cento at Dru^ista, GEOSVEXO r$g7\ Chichester g English. Rll ?fcruHMR<wi V Tgx'n THE OfllGINAL AND GENUINE. 1 7 \?5* /fc*' I-Wtli*-*. .vtk Drug." si for Chichetiert jtngliih fn boxes eeaied with bine ribbon. Take 110 oth ** iff All pills in pasteboard boxes, pink wrappers !?* S7 4o- 'O "'-amps for particulars, f-stiaoaUis, a, A 10,000 Tctimonials. Same. Paper. ( ?- ' Sold l>y nil Local Draif^ist*. FOK Z?UIiE G. CORN WHISKEY,] OO TO D, H. GOBLE'S, | iIT2 ELEPHANT SALOON. I COLUMBIA, S. C. laving bought a large lot of Pure Corn iskev duriug the summer mouths at a need prict, 1 am able to furnish m.v nd.s and customers at the same old j ces. T am also ag<.-ut lor several large j rth Carolina distilleries which give mo ' ant ages over other dealers. The. JinaiiJ. res. Liquors^t.ligars^rsht? ?5bacco always r^rrtTjf. iCiilte attention, square dealing, c., by Pope P. Hayes or D. H. GOBLE, Proprietor. Opposite T. A. McCreery &. Co. Main Street, Columbia, S. C. Oct 22 - ly . WHUSEMANH =EE Gun and Lock Smith,:r== { and dealhb in [ GUNS, PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE, id all kinds of Sportsmen's Aiticks hich be Vis now on exhibition and for le at his store, lain Street, Near the Central Ban!:, Columbia, S, C, Agent fob Hazard Powdep. Company. ^llopairiug done at short notice"?".* New Advertisements. iEATTV PifiHOSilFs1 ?? flfc ira'oe-ue address ex-Mayor DANIEL F. EATY. Washington. N. J. ?aaM ooMmajCfloiawarowiwpwwi Man? ^ a PCSJTQ make 100 PEE CENT. net on ! Lr ray Corse s Beits. Brushf--, ja Curlers and Medicine. Samples fre-\ Ts Write now. Dr. Br:dginan. #>t B'way. fX BBBtfESS & KEAI NOISES COREB =v &B /fit ba I'eoii's INVISIBLE TUBULAR EAS gpB H CUSHiOS". WhJspere heard. Conirtabl*. 8u?.Mifalwber?a!I U*m?d!eof*ll. Soldby X. IJISCOX* ilj. S?3 Kr'dwvj. 3ew Tork. Write for book of \imoU GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. TINS ONLY. ^19 DOYOU DRINK CIDER? OR FRUIT JUICES OF ANY KIND. j p* SO, be sure that your dealer furnishes you with Goodsthe quality of which cannot be surpassed. This can only be done by buying The Specialty Co's v APPLE and PEACH CIDER, GRAPE and FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE, RASPBERRY and PINEAPPLE JULEP, The most pure, wholesome and delightfully refreshing fruit beverages to be had In the country. Packages of these goods are always In perfect condition and are guaranteed so tc be by THE SPECIALTY CO. Cider Xllta, Office, 18 4 29 Williamson Street, 107 Bay Street SAVANNAH, GA. Wholesale and Reiail :urniture Warerooms, PARLOR AKD BEDROOM SU'TES. IE HOARDS, SAFES, Mattresses, 14 '^MAIN F,T:: ff&ErUMBIA, S. C. sep24-ly. ' -l.l(ill\5!lMFl!Tll!il ^OR THE VERY BEST WORKMANship at Lowest Living Rates in PLANTATION WAGONS, LOG CARTS, SPRING WAGONS BUGGIES, ETC. Carriage Repairing of every description id first class E!ack*ruitli Work. PHILIP 5IOTZ, >s*mbtj- Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. September 17 8m. rEOEG-E BEUNS, MAIN ST., COLUMBIA. S C.. EWELER *?<> REPAIRER, is a splendid stock of Jewelry, "Watches, ocks and Silverware. A fine lir.e of ectacles and Eyeglasses to fit every one, for sale at lowest prices. Repairs on Watches first class, ickly done and guaranteed, at moderate I ices. 50-tf. BC] iEY PAiNS, LAME BACK, &6. H. <fc RICHARDS, Boston, Mom ) Cf!QS3 'ip% DtfiitCNO 3RAHD A ib * rVub'a A 1 "lie only Safe, Sure, *n-l reliable Fill for aale. \ i /HomonJ Brand in Ked and Gold oietal'io \y rjf or kind. Refute Subetitutwm and ImUationt. * , arc dangerous counterfeit*. At Drugfiiu. or lend nl jd 'Kellef fo'* Ladle*," t'n Utter, by ret em Stalk Jhichester Chemical Co., MadUon Squara, PUJLLADKLPIUA. PA. ^ PATRONIZE f| Home industry! - THE 1 Tozer Engine Works, ? ! 117 WEST GERVATSfSTEEE l\ I i T7m.iT> Df-nnt. Are now operated with a competent force of Skilled Mechanics, and are manufactnr| ing all sizes of " TOZER ENGINES " and : BOILER \ including RETURN TUBULAR AND LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. Pulleys and Shafting Castings in Braes or Iron Furnished at Reasonable Rates. I ^H&pair Work Promptly ExecutedBRASS GOODS A SPECIALTY. Remember, ; That " THE TOZER " has stood the teat of ! actual and general use for years, and has no i superior on the market. All of its parts i are thoroughly inspected aud tested, and : ali our work is fully warranted FIRST ! CLASS in materiel and workmanship. For Prifie-Lisi?, &< .. apply to JOHN ^V. WILLIS, Proprietor Tozer Engine Works, ! 117 West Gervais Street. Columbia, S. C. Mar. 13?ly. w. C. ^ of Greensboro, main line of the R. & I D. FRUIT T^ES, VINES, Ac., i I of every description;- Tb9 old standard : varieties, as well as the new promising va! rieties. The Japan Plums, Specialties . Evergreens and Shade Trees. THREE LARGE GREEN HOUSES. Beding plants in their season. Roses, a ; large stock of the finest varieties, Send j for Catalogue No. 1, of Fruit Trees, Vines, i Ac., and No. 2, Green House Catalogue, and learn the extent of my Nurseries, which is hard to beat anywhere. Correspondence i ty x* m j in 1 nvf/o O'/Uv . ?. i^uuvviuvuvg vv ll** Q ! planters. J VAN LINDLEY, Propr. Pomona, N. C. Apr. 23 ly i rJT A. Iv JE ~?a Im'cartha's busses; ; - _at_ ; | U3VI0A DEPOT, COLUMBIA | On arrival of all trains, for hotels or | ! auy part of the city. i First Class Livery arid Feed Stable, and j ' i Finest Turnouts in the eitv at moderate ! I charges. Stable on Tavlor street. Colurni bia. S. C. J.* P. McCARTHA. j November 6-tf, / _ : \V2 S ^ I5-yji^ ; ftg iiHjM>??iHGeaeral and HESVOUS DEBILITY; j KfpT^JHis 'jWeakaass of Body and Hind, Effectr ; ti&C 11 il i 1 *181 j ot Errors or Excesaea in Old or Yossg, i Rchojt, liobie 3A.NII00D faily HMtored. How to eaiargo ao< | Btronrihec WiiAE, UNDEVELOPED ORGAN'SAPAKTS OK SoDV. I I JbMliUly nafaillng H02K TKEAT3K.1T?BooeSU in a da*, i J3?o teatiry from SO States and Fervlgs Countries. Write them. Do?srfpti?e Boo it. sxpian&ticn and preofa ailH Sealed) free. tfOm# ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N? Y/ To care Bilionsr.ess, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, taio the safe and certain remedy, | SMITH'S ! T7se the R5IAI.T. (40 little Beans to th6 j bottle). Tusr /. ce ti.f. most convenient. Suitnl-?'.f i *>"" nil A^os. Price of eiiJifv ?izo, 25c. per Bottle. | fc*. 3 %?St? ? T' ?l f?r4en. (capers or it&xrss). J.F.SMITHfcvO.-'ii-tr.ot-biLEBEANS,"ST.LOUIS MO. ^r^r:z^sri^ m H W. A. RECKLING, A TJTT^T1 COLUMBIA, S. C , Ts now making the bent picture* that can jl be had in this country, and all who have j never had a real *:ue picture, should now try some of his latest styles. Specimens can be seen at Gallery, up stairs, next to L J Kinard's. iSHLEY PHOSPHATE fl CHARLESTON. S. C. HBH mmgm >LUABLE GUANO, highly aumoni&ted; COTTON SEED MEAL. v . H&uSbB DKSJDLVEDJBONE. highest grade. NQYA8COTIA LAND ?R. iJiWMM AC/lJJ A I'JS, tor Composting. BULTM CAROLINA MX >. MTJM ASH ELEMENT, for Cotton. WheacPeas <fce.. GROUND RAW BONELf HUHnHE COTTON AND CORN COMPOUND. GROUND DRIED BLOOD. MBH1 SMALL GRAIN SPECIFIC. GROUND DRIED FI8H. GENUINE LEOPOLDSHALL KAINIT. GENUINE FLOATS, of highest grade, product of the Due Atomiser. 11?uHHKe he above Fertilizers are of Very Sigh Grade and of Uniform QualitjB I Tbey are rich in AMMONIA. PHOSPHORIC ACID and POT.* AH. and are eomponndeSBQuj^^H th a special view to the wants of our Staple Crops, and to the permanent Improve me nlHflBHBMMI the soil. Special Formulas made to order of best materials. ^9nHn| Special Inducement are offered for Cash Orders by the Car Load. For Terms, Hand Books. Agricultural Primers and good article* on Ash Element. SHI,El PHOSPHATE CO,?CHARLESTON, S. BH Jan 23? 3m OiraiRIl, FRHTS. CAM (IMIjjB PERFl'HERY, STATIONERY, EthlM BOW, ALBLYSS. JTf^M A well selected stock of the above Goods constantly on hand and alK^H9H?|jBfl^HE very lowest prices. VBhMb9HH9mKH LEXINGTON C . II . , S mmmmm?m-w?m i m mmm n iwiiwuwiii i? LORICK & LOWKANdH x |?hh9H Columbia Hotel Block, Columbia, 8. C., nHH HEADQUAP.TEBS FOB Wilcox & G-ibbs Co., Aoid, Etwian Phosphate Co-, Long's Chemicals, 3P??B9Hfl Atlantic Posphate Co-, Ca^e Mills, Kainits, Evaporators, Dissolved Bone, Sheet Copper, -pT"RT_.T5 A TsT~r> rs- A TP.T^-mTsT CtTT'Tr'T-NeH SfflSSnSnB^Bfli ? ? ^ m ' m im i i..fwr oranHBHOI Presses and Belting, Plain and Decorated Glass, Marbleixed Mantels, Glaw(X?RH Tiles, Grates, Fenders, &c. A FULL STOCK OF HARDWARE AND GROC?RLH?HH AT BOTTOM PRICES. VyH COME AND SEE US or write to na before bnjing anything in Hardr*ar?VgM&| Jan 1?ly NEW MILLINERY. T HAVE ADDED A MILLINERY DEPARTMENT TO MY FANCY QOOD8 ANWbMM X Notion Establishment and now offer Trimmed and Untrimmed * " v |f IWI fcfctew a W??? 1 Vrn<^HH[ 1. It is as pleasant to the tasteas lemon: w9H T^e smallest infant will take it and ]H ' never know it is medicjie. AH Oilldren cry for it JH) '" ' 7'jv >'* ' Chills once broken will not return. pgp^ ., ' C^^ou^only half the price of other Mji ' * " - A- No ouinine 'needed. No purgative 1! g , _T --rov -.7 .1.2B needed. Contains no poison. <3 Be*.- . ^Igni it purifies the blood and removes all A mjr$0:?-~+ malarial poison from the system. ? ". *s 23 ^Se as any dollar tonic ao? SB RETAILS FOR s? CENTS. 'j WARRANTED _jH -f - %- " ?7 -^gMPBSK^^ga. OoxKEEaviLLE, Miss.. Dec. 12,2238. ImsISmB > ? "7-7 Pffl:'' Paris Medicine Co., Parti, Term..- ^kgb| y\v-'-;> T-vSfc - >>' % 7J2E>~, Plkcw semi me three doxea of your Giore's Taste* dHES !?? Chill Tonlx. 1 *?? Dleaeeo with the lot frooe m^HBW S you larteommer. The people were delighted wttk BBsffafigB| rst ft. igare your Chill Tonic to eome chtHren who B-j*;. VaSt w?e pale end ewerthy end emaciated, baring bed 7? chronic chllU for monthe putt, one of them for a f! yur, and within three weeke after beginning with ffinirTflrcfflffM <? \ *- the Chill Tonic they were hale and hearty, wRh x3 ^KaSaflF/tfW ?d?*^** VrSw, k. d. MANUFACTURED BY PARIS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. FORMERLY OF PAR 18, TENN. FOR SALE AT THE BAZAAR. M. H. BERRY, J f urniture warerooms, EST-^SILISKKCID I843. MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA,S. C. ' [NEXT GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL.] ^ A FULL STOCK OF CHEAP, MEDIUM, AND EINE FURNITURE, IS NOW J in the store, purchased direct from the manufacturers, and will be sold at BOTTOM PRICES. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. ^ A fall line of COFFINS, CASKETS, METALIC TJSSS^BeBiAiTiOBES, TOAPPERf etc., always on hand. ?50" Call and see us and be eonyinced that yon SATE MONEY by ao doing. Oct. 28?tf y CARRIAGES, WAGONS, BUGGIES, ?20^-1D CAETS. j" ABCtBST stock and best assortment ever in the citt op coJu l'.imbia. Agents for the Columbus Buggy Company. ?? A 1? fy P. ? SI t&JSm Z?e> JW ?v of nil kinds. Single and D?afefe-gft?aess^Saddles, Bridle?, Whips. Etc. rail atrrK&;_ns for .any of thc'lTTouuoid aud one articles ' -in^rrr^r-drsj-rK-i->-r> rift? lardware Store." GOOI).^ AND PRICED WILL SUIT. AGNEW HARDWARE STORE. I OPPOSITE LOAN AND EXCHANGE BANK. 1 Sept. 11--A2 Iv. 1 ? II7* TOU WANT A. FIRRT-CLASS COTTON C1N I At Bottom Prices, writs for New Catalog-.e and Reduced Prices of fpBtBHM IMPROVED JHJGVST& COTTON VS.V. ^ the Extra Fiue Recommendations of last year's work^Sa^ OEM, LOMBARD k CO'SwJI UGHINE, BOIlSR AND GIN WORKS, Mlltr MBk AUGUSTA, OA,, MSSk i the place to Kret Machiutry and fn plies and Repairs at Bottom P>&> v.. and 62 New fiuiine* in Sleek. [?ntipn the Lesingten Di*patek wL?n jou write. _liWCTBtt55fflffi *?^