The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, October 22, 1890, Image 4

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nOBHHBBBKBBBBaMMBHBBMBHMBBI ' I SHALL BE SATISFIED. I" After the toil and turmoil And the anguish of trust belied, After the burden of weary cares, Baffled longings, ungranted prayers; After the passion and fever and fret, After the eching of vain regret. After the hurry and heat of strife. The yearning and tossing that men call "life;" Faith that mocks, and fair hopes denied, I shall bo satisfied. When the golden bowl is broken At the sunny fountain side; When the turf lies green and cold above Wrong and sorrow and loss and love; When the great dumb walls of silence stand 1 At the doors of the undiscovered land; When oil we have left In our olden place Is an empty chair and a i Ictured face; When the prayer is ended, and the sigh is sighed, I slgill be satisfied. ?London World. OLD MF.EK AVENGED. I At Meyer's Cross Roads, Tenn., a do- J serted shanty marks the spot where I there once flourished a great.commerciai emporium. This busy mart of merchandise was presided over by a wheezing old fellow who was known as Meek Ben- i der. His whole life seems to have been; a continual round of apology. His fear j was not of a drought, which might in- j jure trade, or of an overflow of the ; creek, which might wash his house away, but that he might at some thoughtless time wound the feelings of his fellow man. His name was John, but hi3 habit of extreme care, his man- j ner, which had been refined into gentle- | ness and then softened into timidity, j brought to him the name of Meek. His ' business was good, for there was no ! other store in the community, yet he j was always hard pushed. The fact is he ; was too timid and too much afraid of giving offense to refuse credit, and when credit had been given he was too gentle to ask for the money which was due him. % Even people that were regarded as strictly honest were not slow in imposing on old Meek. The back room of Meek's store was the wet day gathering place for the neighborhood. Contracts for the yeai -n-n 11 n fhare and manv an old score had been settled in that dingy back ! room. When the weather was cold and when the fire bnrned low no one would , offer to go out and bring in wood from the rick, a short distance away,some strapping fellow would call old Meek, no matter how busy ho might be. "Here, old boy, you wiH'havo to calk up this room to keep the fire from getting out if you don't mind." "Gentlen^g^- he^-would reply, in a manner, "you must me' You'll pardon me, ^gg^jp^pPiBIM^ryoa? I will do better in the futOne day 'Lige Parker came into the store, and calling old Meek aside said: "Meek, I've got to have $25." " 'Lige," Meek answered, with embarrassment, "you know that if I had it you could get it." "What, haven't you got it?" "Not to save my life, 'Lige." ("Oh, come now, jjieea. w no ever hearn of you bein' out of money? The rest of us mout be hard up, but you air alius fixed. Let me have twenty-five." " 'Lige, I lent the last cent I had this very mornin'." "Go and look in the drawer, Meek. 1 reckon youH find some sneakin' round in thar." "I took out the last cent, 'Lige." "Wall, dang it, go an' look when I tell you." 'Lige followed him to the money drawer. The old man pulled the drawer open and said, "Thar now, 'Lige, don't you see thar ain't none?" "Thar ain't none, sho huff. Who did you lend it to?" "I don't like to say, 'Lige." "Oh, it's all right. What difference can it make?" - - '.1..ItSctit like* to be. Wllic.' whfwJL lenfl mniiev to." " liJ~~ c "'Qpmev'USn'me! I won't say a word i abouflt." "Not a word, Tdge?" "Not a single word." "Wall, Fll tell yon, jest to 'commodate yon. but please don't mention it. Jim Heniy come to me this mornin' an* lowed that he must have twenty-five, an' I let him have it, although I've got a bill that I must pay this week or shut up the house." "Jim Henly, eh? W'y, he oughter have plenty money. He's got some celts that he can sell any time fur a good price. Say, when he pays you back will you let me have the twenty-five?" "Of course, 'Lige, you know I'll let you have it as soon as I get it." That afternoon 'Lige met Jim Henly in the road. "Hello, Jim, which way?" "Oh, sorter ridin' roun' for my health, as the feller 'lowed when he was gittin' outen the way of the sheriff." "Didn't know but you was goin' over I te.Ald Meek'a." ?"Wall, I didn't know but I moufc ride over that way befo' the thing is done^ "Goin' to pay him that money, I reck W _ . "What money?" Jim asked in surprise. "The twenty-five you borrowed from "How the devil do you know I borrowed any mony from Mm?" "You won't say nothin* about it, will "Wall, I was over to the 6tore this mornin', an' th6 old man was sorter complainin' about a bill he's got to pay or shut up the house. Said he needed the money he let you have." "Ah, ha, the old fool is paradin' it Yound that he let me have a few dollars, is he?" "Not particularly paradin' it, Jim. He 'lows that he needs the money, an' 1 iwlmn hA dr>. Rrm't rav nrvfchin' Arvnnt it, but if you can raise the money, w'y go an' give it to him. Wall, so long." It was a chilly evening. A number of the "boys" sat in old Meek's back room playing cards. "You've got me faded now," said Alf Moore, bunching his cards. "Got me down wh&r the ground is mighty rocky. Hello, Jim Henly, how air they cominT Squat and take a hand." "Whar is old Meek?" Henly asked. "Gone out to git some wood. I blieve." Meek came in and put a back log on I the fire. "W'y, howdy, Jim," said the old man, as he brushed oft his sleevee. "Sorter chilly an' saft outside." Jim stood looking at him. After a while he remarked, "Yes, a little chilly, but not as much so as it will be if people don't stop talkin' about thar betters." "Anytnmg wrong, Jim: tne oia man j asked. "Yefl, thar is. Thar's a blame sight wrong." "What is it, Jimmy?" the old man jisked, almost affectionately. "Why, it's this, an' I want you to understan' me when I say it. If yon don't stop bio win' an' a-sncrtin' about lendin' me that money I'll shut off jour air. Oh, you needn't try to look like a sick j kitten. You've been talkin' about me, an' you know It; an', more'n that, I don't i intend to let you lie out of it. Don't j s^y a word, you old blatherskite. The j totgnes of old fools haye caused me j enough trouble lately?caused me and ; my wife to part?shut up!" Old Meek had attempted to say some- j thing. "Jest stan' thar an' take your medi- j cine, as I am a mind to give it. 1 ou have been playin' the hypercrit with us : long enough, an' me for one ain't goin' ! s?find it no longer. Don'tsay a word, i I tell you?don't open your chops. You git about ever* cent that's made in this ! neighborhood, an' then when a man j wants a little accommodation you go around an' blow about it" Every one gazed at Jim, but not a word was spoken. The violence of Jim'a temper was well known. No one moved except Alf, and he, taking out his buck? 1 " - 1?!?- \ *. ? QOm rianuie mine, vcguu to cut uu a chew of tobacco. "Yes," Jiin went on, "we've been i thinkin' all along that you was so harm- | less when we mout 'a' knovred that you was a snake in the grass. What, you will say somethin', whuther no! By G?d, 111 show you!" He snatched the knife out of ALTs hand, and. 60 quickly that a -wide awake eye could scarcely follow his motion, stabbed the old man. Jim sprang through the door and dis- j appeared in the darkness. They took ; old Meek from the floor and tenderly j placed him on the bed. "Alf," said the old man, "I've bled on ; * j i?-. t ??Alf" your H&HU, Ulili JL WUIUU u nay ill, nn. # * * # * # The boys were in the back room of the j store sitting up with the old man. Sev- j eral days had elapsed and a physician : who had just left thought he might re- j cover. He was resting quietly; the boys were playing cards. 4 Gen tlemen" "Want anything. Meek?" Alf asked. "No, I don't want nothin', an' above j all I don't want to interrupt the game, | but I jest wanted to tell you that I be- I lieve that I am dyin'." "Oh, I reckon not," Alf replied, getting np, but when he reached the bedside the old man was dead. ? * "Who's thar?" Jim called, opening the door and gazing into the darkness. "Alf an' the boys," came the reply. "What do you want, bovs?" "Come out here." "What's up?" he asked when he came to the gate. "Jestice." "I don't understand." "But you shall. Meek is dead." "I understand." "Cy, hand me the rope," said Al? - ? # * * The men that were.pattfng the grave clothes on old Meek the next morning i could look through the door?the door through jvhich he used to bring in wood ?ai.<r*see Jim hanging from a tree.? -HEJpie P. Kead in Arxansaw lTaveier. Soldier*' Indian Hardship*. In a land of leeches you should think ! twice before wading in water. Otherwise you may emerge with a shaggy covering of jet black. Something like this has happened to two British warriors in India, Privates Speed and Davis, who, having left Bareilly for a day's sport and j lost their way, were fastened upon by ; the leeches in the pools which they had to cross barelegged. The two soldiers wandered about hopelessly for nine days. Bareilly is near the jungles of Nepaul, the favorite home of the tiger; but before the nine days were out Davis and Speed would have given a year or two of their lives for the sight of an honest wild : pig. It is a marvel that the two did not die of hardship. The heat in upper India in July is simply terrific. Yet the two survived it, exposed to the sun's rays during the day, sleeping in the open air at night. Not a village did they come acffose, not a human being, for-the whole region was submerged by the yearly floods. They began by catching butterflies, and they finished off by being found nine-tenths dead beside the metals of a railway line. The first solid food they had in nine days was two "chupatties." A chupatty is a wheaten cake, not unlike a Scotch bannock. There's nothing about the restorative "pig," but doubtless it came in time.?London News. The Muskroot for Cholera. The Russian government has sent sevwith ferula sumbul, or muskroot, a plant which grows in Turkestan and which possesses certain anti-spasmodic properties. It formerly enjoyed quite a reputation in Germany and Russia as a remedy for cholera, but has fallen out of use in recent times. Even its name is now unknown to most practitioners in, those countries, although the plant is still regarded popularly as an efficient diarrhoea medicine.?Chicago News. Voocl for Mastication. Accepted Suitor?And did you return all the rings to the gentlemen to whom you have been engaged? She?Why do you suppose I became engaged so many times??Epoch. The blood must be pure for the body to be in perfect condition, Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood and imparts the rieir bloom of health and vigor to/he | whole body. The anti-Tillmanites, iii mass meeting at Bamburg aver that while Tillman was not their choice for Governor, he was the first choice of the Domocracy of South Carolina, and it is the duty of every true Democrat to support the ticket. Resolutions to this effect were unanimously adopted, and also that the delegation claiming to be from Barnwell county in the Haskell Convention, did not represent the sentiments of the Straightouts of Barnwell county. If you are all run down?have no strength, no energy and feel very tired all the time?Take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla. It will impart strength and vitality to your system. Mr. R M. Allison, of York count}*, has gathered and measured from two special acres this year?one acre 1644 and the other 145 bushels of com. He is one of the most progressive farmers of that county, and this is not the first time he has made over one hundred bushels to the acre. Last year he made 137 bushels to the acre. Perfumery of all kinds, Hoyt's and Taylor's cologne, bay mm for the hair, pomade, hair oil, sweet I soap, toilet and tooth powder, hair ; and tooth brushes, combs, etc., at i the Bazaar. "When a woman marries a fool she spends the rest of her life in tugging at his coat tails to make him behave. Ladies, if you want your stoves to look as good as new, use Lustro Stove Polish, only 10 cents a box, ! And your kitchen tables, tin ware* etc., to look neat and clean, try the I kitchen soap, at the Bazaar. The South Carolina Methodist conference will meet in Anderson November the third. Independent in ]?>(thcs is like a free thinker in religion. Independent in politics sets his judgment up against the continued wisdom of the party of which he has t>een jrresumed to have been a member.?Speech of Senator >X C JButler, October 31, 1878. i Say It Again. In speaking of fiaskell and liis lieutenants. Brother Sweeney, of the Summerville News, says: "They must know that they cannot win. It is impossible, even with the aid of the traitor Governor. The people of the State are determined to win this fight, or know the reason why. We hone that henceforth thev will carry A- ^ ( tlie brand that they have received and justly earned, that of Independents and traitors to the Democratic party/' ? The circulation of the blood? quickened and enrichened?bears life and energy to every portion of the body; appetite returns; the hour of rest brings with it sound repose. This can be secured by taking Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla. The man who "don't care a cent'' is the man who does care for a dollar, but never has one. Regulate The Bowels. Coitivvneii deranges the whole system and begets diseases, such as Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Kidney Diseases, Bilious Colic, Malaria, etc. Tutt's Pills produce regular habit of body and good digestion, without which, no one can enjoy good health. Sold Everywhere. Taxes. "VTOTICE IS HEB2BY GIVEN THAT JA I will be at the following named places on the dates mentioned for the purpose of receiving State and County Taxes for the fiscal year, commencing novemoer 1st, 1889, and ending October 31st. 1890, viz.: Sandy Run, October 22. J. A. Wolfe's, Forenoon, October 23. Win. N. Martin's, Afternoon, October23. New Brooklaud, October 24, Wessinger's Forenoon, October 27. Josh Shealy's, Afternoon, October 27. Chapins, Forenoon, October 28. Cross Roads, Afternoon, October 28. Peak. October 29. Spring Hill, Forenoon, October 30. Bouknight's, Afternoon, October 30. lrmo. Forenoon, October 31. Dreher's Afternoon, October 31. Reeders, Forenoon, November 3. Red Bank Mills, Alternoon, November 3. Black's, Forenoon, November 5. Col. Rarr's, Atteruoou, November 5. Lewiedale, November 6. Barr's Landing, Forenoon, November 7. Leesville, November 10; Batesburg. November 11. Draft's Store, Forenoon, November 12. Crap's Mills, Afternoon, November 12. Prmri H"r? November 17 to | ~v 1 -December 15. [ After which time a penalty of 15 per cent, will attach. LEVY. For State purposes 5J mills. For County purposes mills. For School purposes ,2 mills. For Interest doe on Bonds in favor of Columbia, Newbeiry and Laurens Riilroad: Broad River Township 3 mills Fork Township 3 mills Saluda Township 3} mills Tax payers will please take notice and meet me promptly. 'D. J. GRIFFITH, Treasurer. Lexington County, S. C,, Lexington C. H., September 15, 1890. IT Will DO 101! GOOD. r- eOJttC- SEE THE IMmense line of New and Attractive Styles of New Fall Clothing I have in stock this season for men and boys. It will do you good to know how cheap these goods can be sold. I am asking for business with the attractive promise of the Best Clothing at the Lowest Prices, quality considered. I defy all competition in goods as well as prices. I offer such e variety that choice in selection may be gratified to the fullest extent. Just think of it; Sub 8 selling at $3.50, $5.00, $7,00, $10.00, $12 and $15.00 up to $30.00. These are men's suits. I will give you more value tor your money than any one in the city in my line of business, for I have *he largest stock and it will be sold at close profits., No such offers have ever been made before. I am in earnest and will give you bargains throughout this enI tire stock of Men's and Boy's Clothing, I Hats and Underwear. MY HAT STOCK is the largest ever I shown in the city and contains an immense variety of shapes and styles so that you ,can make your selection without any trouble. These hats are sold at remarkable riow prices. UNDERWEAR. My line Is complete in all quality and sizes and at the lowest prices. - TRY WARD'S LIFE PRESERVER WOOLEN UNDERSHIRTS AT 50 CTS. Drawers of same at 50 cents; tbe best ever i offered for the money. Give a customer a bargain and he will come again, that is my idea and it works like a charm. M. L. KINARD, Columbia, S. C. Nov. 12?ly For Sale or Rent. My plantation, containing ioo Acres, or more, of land, good for cotton, corn, wheat or oats; 300 acres of woods land, pine, oak and hickory; lays level and has plenty ol good water. Will J sell on reasonable terms or rent to a good ! tenant. Apply at this office or to edwin harman. September 17-tf "ftFnf i XI V VXWI I A LL PERSONS OBJECTING TO THE j j[\_ change of the Saluda Read at Mike I Shall'* house will please make same known [ to the undersigned within ninety days alter I date. G. A. GOODWIN, ) Commissioners | R. T. HOOK, \ of P. H. CRAPS, ) Lexington County. I August 18th, 1800. 39-tf LEESTILLi EKGLISH ?(AKD>? "* " " n* V T ffl IX CLASSICAL IASTITI1TE. CHARTERED 1881. Hon. M. 0. Butler, Chairman Board of Trustees. 13th Session opens Sept. 15. 1890. 0 Courses; 5 Departments. "The Model Schooi,"? Cheapest and Best in South Carolina. Write for Catalogue to Rkv. L. E. BUSBY. A. M., President. Leesville, S. C. 1 ? Sept. 1?3m If You Have' CONSUMPTION COUGH OR COLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affecticn ? SCROFULA "Wasting cf Flesh ? Or any DLscnte where the Throat and Lungt ^ are Inflamed, lack of Strength or h'erve Power, you can be relieved and Cured by \ ow i i *aw EMULSION [ PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites. PALATABLE AS MILK, Ask for Scott's Emulsion, and let no essplanation or solicitation indues ydy to | accept a substitute. Sold by aU Druggists. SCOTT k BOWNE,Chemists, N.Y. New Advertisements.) M VBNES8 8 NEAI HOiSCS CURflbr 8k A ! feck's I.N VISIBLE TUBOLAK EAK 90 la rn\. I C3SHI0BS. Whispers heard. Comfortable. Saeereefol wker*all KeaeSlee fall. SoI4kj T. HIS(OI, oalj, Sil Br-dwaj, Sew Yark. Write far hoak of ?roob fUKft. ? ' ' < I PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Sm anil beau ti fiea the hair. ' 5vS? @38 Promote* a luxuriant growth. ItySvS?* JHNeTcr Fails to Ecstore Gray |fi?Qj{pi? ~t2fiS Hair to its youthful Color. Irr*1 ?T^' sffBI Cures scalp di^-ascs & hair tal'ing. ^*jfc-an^UX)atDTO?gist^__? -i bm33sbieehebi 1 Use Parker'* Ginger Tonic. At cures the worst Cough, C Weak Lungs, Debility, Indigestion, Pain,Take intime.ibcU. ^ HIN D E RCO R N S The only sure cure for Coma Stops aSfpaia. lie. at Druggists, or 11I3COX it CO., N. Y. iwm?c GRATEFUL-COMFORTING-. fi EPFS' COCOA BREAKFAST. t 8 "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of diges- "i tion and nutrition, and by a careful apriliea- I tion of the fine properties of well sea ted Cocoa, .Mr. Epps has provided our oreaamsi tables with a delicately flavored beverage ] which may save us many heavy doctor's) bill. ] It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that s constitution may be gradually built up uutil s'rong enough to resist every J tendency to disease. Hundreds of siibtle ( maladies are floating around us ready to at- f tack wherever there is a weak point > We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ( ourselves well fortified with pure bloodfand ( a properly nourished frame."?Civil Service ? Gazette. Made simply with boiling water , or milk. Sold only in half-pound tins. '>y Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPFS k CO.. f Homoeopathic Chemists. London. {England, t ' \ ARE THE BEST POROUS PLASTEltSB IN THE WORLD. \ 1 They cere Rheumatism. Kidney Pains, Backache, Pleurisy ana all lameness brought on by exposure or over-exertion. Ifyou want J Quick Relief from pain,insist on having Grosvenor's BKLL-C'AF-HIC PLASTElt J&'ppBk with a picture of a bell on thetHbell Kg A back-cloth, for there is no plaster, wcap_s5AS Q liniment, or lotion that haa^^~^j# ? such complete mastery over -1 tAiiPA inn n i hip ? ALL AUHWmUmStlW I Dr. Groerenor'f are Purely Veget&blet^^^^^^^Hj^Hjw instantly f ^2;' ~c SCHOfiW^m | i i The Boys and Girls trill \ hare to settle down now to ? work as schools are opening * again. Please don't forget i BERG'S BOOKSTORE, ' at 111 Main Street, COL DM- e BIA, S. C. He keeps School j; Books a n d selIs th cm at rea- i sonable prices. Write for f prices on any books you ? want, q N. B? Special Hates to A ! TVj/j/i/i/jjtc //n/? i's' * O UICW vwvv. ? ' GEORGE BRUNS, MAIN ST., COLUMBIA. SC..' JEWELER-J REPAIRER, [ Has a splendid stock of Jewelry, Wat" lies, I Clocks and Silverware. A line line of I Spectacles find Eyeglasses to tit every one, I all for sale at lowest prices. ! I pit- Repairs on Watches first class, I quickly done and guaranteed, at moderate I prices. 60-tl. I PATENTS j Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and all ^ Patent business conducted for Moderate * Fees. Our Office is opposite U. S. Patent Ofa - rxr. t ? ...u ? n e iittve n\J an uuoiness direct, hence can transact patent business in less time and at Less Cost than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or photo, with description. We advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our lee not due till patent is stcured. A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with references to actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington. P, C. oct 24?tf FOR MEN ONLY! LOST or FAIT JUG MANE OOIfc : I n I ^VrMrn |Qeneral &nd KEBVOUS DEEI7.TTY- A J jWeaknesec^ Body and Mind, ^Eccti \ Boboit, XoMa MaXHOOD folly He-nlorrd. How to mla*sr<> ?n? ! A Straaetbrn WEAK, I'XDKVKLOPKD ORGAN'S* PARTSOKRODY. I Ab.olut?ly unfalllnf HOSE TREATMENT?Renrfltf in a day. i S?b tattlry ft-om 60 State* and Karrlg-n CoontWrt. Write thrm. ~ Daaeriptlro Book, explanation and proofs mailed (.mlet!) frca. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y/ W. A. RECKLING, * ARTIST, ? COLUMBIA, S. C , g In now making the best pictures that can 0 be had in this country, and all who have cl never had a real fine picture, should now & try some of his latest styles. Specimens />un ho ooor> at. f}?llr-rv. un stairs, next to Kinard's. 1 March li-tl 1 W. HUSEMANN -? Gun and Lock Smith, ? { A.XD DF.ALEU IX } GUNS, PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE, 1 ud all kinds of Sportsmen's Articles, j Inch lie has now on exhibition and for | lie at Lis store. Iain Street, Near the Central Bank, Columbia, $. C. Agent for Hazard Powder Company. afltepairing doDe at short notice"?^ ; MM .ill | To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Use the SJf .VLL Size (401ittlc Bcanstotho bottle). They aue the most convenient, j Suitn)>lo tor nil A.gon. Price of cither size. 25c. per Bottle. mrnw-n-wmaw IB I E 3 a Mall?vl fort rls. (roppem or ttampn). j i.F.SMITH & CO.Mtiktr?of"KlLEBEANS,-'ST.LOUIS MO. ?BB i I Hill I 111?? ; TO OUR FARMER FRIENDS of LEXINGTON Believing in mutual benefit as a satisfactory basis lor all dealing jetween man and man, we have always euieavored in our business by strictly fair dealng, true representations and honest goods ro give our customers FULL VALUE FOR A DOLLAR EVERY TIME. We be lieve it. makes 1 TRUE ALLIANCE letween dealer and patron which secures i ustomers to the ionner and good goods nd entire satisfaction to the latter. EVERYBODY I.\ LEXINGTON COUNTY >r elsewhere who has bought goods at our it ore knows whether we have successfully :arri. d this into effect. Our buyer has just returned from the J Northern markets and we are now every , lay receiving New Goods, of the latest j tyles, best quality in complete assort- j ment of SOOTS AND SHOES Lace. Button and Congress, handsome to look at and warranted to wear, lor the Lalies. Gent's Shoes, all kinds, light and aeavy weight, stylish and serviceable and i large stock of Childrens* Shoes, and by tdvantageous purchases we are enabled to j )ffer REAL BARGAINS at prices lower than >trer before. Our stock is so large and our issortment so complete that WE CAN FIT A.LL FEET. Call in when in Columbia ind examine our stock, note our prices md we feel sure we can suit you. Respectfully. LEVER & STORK'S, I 48 Main Street, rv\l / %. W i-^1 V r A A ) X -*- * 9 A XTL nov 2?1 j' ilCHMOND & DANVILLE RaILKOAL COMPANY, SOUTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Mail and Express. Going North. Leave mgusta, Ga 8 fO an rraniteville 8 38 ?renton 0 14 late?burg y 58 ^eesville ... 10 02 ?nminit ...10 11 jewiedale 10 14 Leisler's. 10 16 larr's 10 .6 jexington 10 32< Jolumbia v 11 53\& iharluiie, jS\ 0 afhve 4 30 ? - i ' \juuiy &uuLii. jLieave lliarlotte, N. C., at 1 00 pi Jolumbta 5 ?0 jEXISGTON, C. H C 03^' larr's 0 13 [oisler's G liG jewierlale 6 20 umrnit 6 32 jeesville.. 0 46 latosburg 6 ?.2 "reuton 7 50 Iraniteville b 20 lUGUsta, Ga arrive 9 CO pu "Mail and Express. Going North. Leave lUgusta, Ga., at . 0 30 pm Irani teville, 7 27 Trenton b 17 Satesburg, 9 19 ieesville, 9 24 umrnit 9 37 iewiedale 9 40 [eieler's 9 45 larr's 9 57 jexingtok C. II 10 18 Solumbia arrive 10 20 p u Going South. Leave. Jolumbia 6 55 an: jexington 7 31 sarr's v [eisler's 7 52 jewiedale 7 - 5 ummit 8 00 ^eesville 8 12 latesburg 8 17 'renton 9 18 rrnniteville 9 48 lUgusta, Ga arrive 10 30 an CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In Effect August 31, 1890. (Trains run by 75th Meridian time.) No 50 j No 52 South Bound. Daily j Doily. iV. New York [ 12 15 p m 4 30 p m iV. Philadelphia 7 20 a in 6 57 p in iV. Baltimore j 9 45 a m 9 30 p m ;v. Washington ;11 24 a mil 00 p m iV. Richmond '... 3 00 p m j 2 30 am ;V. Greensboro j 10 37 p mi 9 50 am jV Salisbury, 112 32 p m j 11 23 am iV. Charlotte | 2 20 a m j 1 00 p m jV. Itock Hill ! 3 17 a mj 1 54 p m v f'Viwtar- . 'i Eft n rm 2 fS n m >v. 4 59 a m 3 36 p m iV. Columbia 6 55 a mi 5 30 p m jV. Johustou 8 50 am 7 39 p m iV. Trenton 9 10 a m 8 00 p m <v. Grauiteville 9 iO a m 8 29 p m Lr. Augusta 10 20 a mj 9 07 p m Lr. Charlston 11 00 a m 9 30 p m ir. Savannah 5 40 p mj 6 30 a m ~~~ No 53 j No 51 North Bound. Doily. I Daily. v. Charleston 7 00 a ni 5 10 p m j iv. Augusta 8 00 a m 6 30 p m | iv. Grauiteville .8 35 a ni| 7 10 p m ; a*. Trenton | 9 05 a ml 7 57 p m J <v. Johnstons 9 17 a mj 8 14 p m ! iv. Columbia jll 35 p mllrt 32 p m j iV, w mnsnoro i i itpmiu n pm i iv. Chester i 2 15 p mi 1 22 a in J iv. Rock Hill I 3 42 p m 2 09 a m j r. Charlotte 4 50 p m j 3 13 a m r. Salibury 7 05pm 6 02 aiu r. Greensboro 8 40 p mj 7 47 a in ' r. Richmond 5 15 a mj 3 30 p in | r. Washington 7 03 a in1 7 10 p in j r. Baltimore 8 25 a mj 8 50 p m j r. Philadelphia 10 47 a mj is 00 a m r. New York j 1 20 p mj 6 20 a m ! ^-THROUGH CAR SERVICE. "% % Pnllman Sleeping oars on trains Nos. 52 ! nd 53 between Augusta and Charlotte. ounecting with through Pullman Sleepig Cars at Charlotte for points North, ullinan Palace Cars between Augusta and ! reensborn on Trains Nos. 50 and 51. Pullman Parlor Car on No. 53 between j olumbia and Hot Springs, N. C., witl out j liange, connecting with C. ?fc G. No 54 I aily. J as. L. Taylor, Gen. Paps. Agt. | D. Cardwkll, A. P. A., j Columbia. S. C. Sol. Haas, Traffic Manager. ' RlfHBOGRG'S Jewelry ami Music Parlor, REMOVED TO Northwest Cor. Main and Taylor Sts., COLUMBIA, S. C. Diamonds, Silverware, Platedware, Bronzes, Gold Watches, Silver Watches, Clocks, Jardinieres, the Choicest Gems, Precious Stones, and every article made for Wedding Presents and home use to please the most fastidious. The new styles iu Jewelry are elegant beyond description. A Solid Silver Hunting Case American Watch for only $10.00. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Iu which will be found the celebrated Steinway Upright, Grand and Square Pianos, of which I have the sole control in this State, also Fischer, Grovenstein and Fuller in all styles. Wilcox it White, and Shoninger Organs of every description. Stringed and Brass Instruments, Sheet Music and Musical Findings. Scud for descriptive catalogue and prices, and be sure and w rite to It. N. Itichbonrg, Columbia, S. C., before purchasing elsewhere. I buy my instruments outright, and can therefore offer you lower prices than those who have them on consignment. Jan. 21? tf . PATRONIZE Home Industry! THE Tozer Engine Works, I 117 WEST GERVAIS STREET, Near Union Depot, Are now operated with a competent force ol Skilled Mechanics, and are manufacturing all sizes of " TOZER ENGINES " and BOILERS, including _ RETURN TUBULAR ANI^& MOTIVE IOill4lM| PuHeyT and Shafting Castings in Brass or Iron ^ Famished at Reasonable Rates. . J ^"Repair Work Promptly ExecutedBRASS GOODS A SPECIALTY. Remember, That " THE TOZER " has stood the test of actual and general nse for years, and has no superior on the market. All of its parts are thoroughly inspected and tested, and all our work is fully warranted FIRSTCLASS in material and workmanship. For Price-Lists, Ac., apply to .1 OHiV A. WILLIS, Proprietor Tozer Engine Works, 117 West Gervais Street, Columbia, S. C. Mar. 13?ly. POMONA HILL \TnrcAPiAe JlI U1 kJV1 IVUj POMONA, N. C. i 3 Two and one-lialf miles west of Greens: boro, N. C., on the main line of the R. & D. R. R. FRUIT TREES, VINES, &c.f of every description. The old standard varieties, as well as the new promising va! rieties. The Japan Plums, Specialties Evergreens and Shade Trees. THREE LARGE GREEN HOUSES. Bediug plants in their season. Roses, a large stock of the finest varieties, Send for Catalogue No. 1, of Fruit Trees, Vines, &c., and No. 2, Green House Catalogue, and learn the extenLjof my l^prseries, which is hard to beat anywhere. Correspondence solicited. Special inducements to large planters. J. VAN LINDLEY, Propr. Pomona, N. C. Apr. 23-ly BUSLINE. T A. Iv E - - ??? akiiAAVA ! M CAKTHA7S BUSStS -?AT ILMOS DEPOT, COLU3IBIA ! On arrival of all trains, for hotels or any part of the city. First Class Livery and Feed Stable, and Finest Turnouts in the city at moderate charges. Stable on Tavlor street, Columbia. S. C. J." P. McCABTHA. November 6-tf, A. oluinjje in the huNl & VANMETRE, rt( liimbia, S. O., >vill rous of buying Fur; DON'T FAIL TO OFv Our Undertaking D plete. Special A.tteu try Oj April 17?ly. LORICK & L Columbia Hotel Bio m? * rvrvrr a t> UJUA1/^UA1? Wilcox & G-ibbs Co., Etwian Phosphate Co-, Atlantic Posphate Co., Kainits, Dissolved Bone, FIELD -A-2STID GrJ. COTTON GINS, FEEI T1 ITCSSCS CL1 Plain and Decorated Glass, . Tiles, Grates, A FULL STOCK OF HARD AT BOTTO COME AND SEE US or write to oe Jan 1?ly NEW Mil I HAVE ADDED A MILLINERY DEPA Notion Establishment and now offer Trii HATS AND AL! VT nwrns PF.4THii!i JL f f jm. ? ? - ? ? ? ? of all kinds CHEAPER than ever bought be 128 April 29?ly AGAIN WE TURN THE And put the knife into all former prices. A and Greatest Bargains of the past. Yon ha^ now we desire to call your attention to Wlxat "We E FOR T T2ae ILTesrt X You have been astonished at our past pric be more astonished at the prices we will oflfe Our several buyers have for the past few w Eastern markets, have bought heavily, and t You have been profitted by our past ZB_?.23<3And we mean that you shall be sill more bet and the hard Cash we pay for them enables t tition. Our Millinery Opening has been a ten next Monday morning, Ap IGpnfiml Rnrinc '-tfm J DRV UOOB4?, sWyi? And of Millinery. Will receii New Goods added every day. McCreery's Impro\ M. B. B Furniture ESTABLIS MAIN STREET, ( rvnvp nr?ivri ni Jk \Ji JLS Vi A FULL STOCK OF CHEAP, MEDIUJ in the store, purchased direot from the mant PEICES. UNDERTAKING A fuJl line of COFFINS, CASKETS, ME'] PERf etc., always on hand. J&f Call and see us and be convinced thai Oct 28-tf WAT( g Jewt < of all m Sterling 8i! G and Spoons, 1 ** of Silver in Fine ^ Case? suitable for \ O Brcnze Figures audi ^ some lamps in solid bra f make good wedding and I <; selection of Silver Plated V 2 Baskets. Card Stands, Butter m Pitchers, Sugar Bowls, Pickle * Holders, etc., etc. Magnifying G ? Pocket Compasses, Stamp Bo: Bon Bon Boxes in Solid ? _t VinaigretteR in Silvei 3C Garters with m Buckles, the ? o of the ki: Z4 slip 01 7< pia< P. H. 1 [New Number 105,] Octs?*y ' CARRIAGES, WA IE3 O J&. ZD C Largest stock and best assori lumbia. Agents for the Columbus Bug HARJ of all kinds. Single and Double Har Call and see us for any of the thousand and < Hardware Store. GOODS AND PRH AGNEW HARD1 OPPOSITE LOAN AND Sept. 11 42 ly. PARRY MFO, OO INDIANAPOLIS, IND. No. 71. *~^X\ r Price, $18.00 at Factory, W\ \ 1 Caaa with Order, Y \ \ I Strictly First-C.asa. Warranted. \ All Second Growth Hickory. 1 Steel Axles and Tires. r-je^-~^uy > Low Bent Seat Arms. Perfectly Balanced. Long, Kasy Riding, Oil Tempered 8pricg. Best Wheels and Best All Over. IF TOU CANT FIND THUS FOR 8ALB KENTUCKY WAGON MFG General South* 'H Lness of RHODES * Main Street, C0Crlve persons desinitwre )>ar^ninw. rE THEM A CALL. epartment i* Coinitlosi Given to Councils. i aB OWRANCE 1 ck, Coilumbia, S. C., mt TEES FOR 3g Acid, i J Long's Chemicals, ^|fi Cane Mills, IS Evaporators, |g| Sheet Copper, fl 1R2DEiT SEEDS, )ERS, CONDENSERS, id Belting, v Marbleized Mantels, Glazed Fenders, &c. WARE AND GROCERIES M PRICES. uciuio uujiug aujiuiug tu aai u v* %? ^ ^ XINERY. ^ BTMENT TO MY FANCY GOODS AND f|| timed and Untrimmed BONNETS, RS AND TRIMMINGS 1 fore. . U. 7T. TUTTMP, i MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. 0. WHEEL OF PROGRESS gain we call attention to the Great, Greater re seen them and have been benefitted, and 3xopose HDoingr OU IN lxixt3T 2Da3rs. e8. We now invite you to come, lo^k and r goods at for the next thirty days, eeks visited every &ale in the Northern and o make room have decided to reduce stock, AI1T lefitted. Our is to oSe^at^^^KSgS^^^gBSSBBSBKSSSsEKi H early 1|X| red Backet Store. 0?1> JSuUv A 9 Warerooms, HHD 1843. :OLUxMBIA, 8. C. 2NTRAL HOTEL.] I, AND EINE FUENITUEE, IS NOW ifactnrers, and will be -old at BOTTOM ^ ^ A SPECIALTY. rALIC CASES, IiUBIAL KOBES, WHAT; yoa SAVE MONEY by so doing. i > ? i" irM ^ kinds, ^ [ver Forks p Fancy Pieces p 2 \ . Plush or Velvet ^ Vedding Presents. ETp <Taces, Parlor Lain ps, p" P ss and seven feet high, !JQ ?* lirthday presents. A nice O Aire, such as Castors, Cake ? ? Dishes, Ice Pitchers, Cream ? Stands, Berry Dishes, Spoon ? lasses. Microscopes, Spy Glasses, ^ ces of olive wood and silver, ja Jilver and Silver Plate, Fine Silfc Elastic ? Solid Silver 3fa inest article ^ nd, never * at? at of m, :e. ^ LACHICOTTE CO.? MAIN STKEET, COLUMBIA, 8. CL IMS, BUGGIES,, g 3-A.ISTS. I :SIZNT EVEHIS THE CITY OF CO- __B| 'i7v ComDanv. ?VESS ness, Saddles, Bridle i, Whips. Etc. ^ne articles usually kept in a First ClassWILL SUIT. WARE STORE. ? EXCHANGE BANK. | I BT YOUR MERCHAHTS, WRITS . CO., LOUISVILLE, KY. jra Agents.