The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, April 10, 1889, Image 4

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poiinir wanted Hf -'iS &Qo.x>? J m Who do aroehinfl bcsiuess A,' oa Fortane Eow, ; 1 fflHr I've seen their advertisement? MT '*vBBt P^aclc afcd co^Age-:'^:^'; E Ar?.;a?t sh? kuul desire-a. ^ :7; \ < <<?; j f WAnt a i>oj wl^has ?o fea? * "IRm* dees' not" *ak ?br Isclc or fate, / i 1 Tliroagh problems hard a score, , | And stUhhaa writ and wwr&ge left ' -: I To try as many more. "Who cart vi9w ?.two-foot colama v I Of finn?aa.\i n A t c;n^r> V n<3 - J y_? _ I And through a tough analysis Of ccu^igatiou wade. Who takes eachlsohool-iime lesson And makes it all bis own, Thus laying up las future On good foundation stone. - Who does not wait for help to come Fxom feiry, witch or elf, But laying bold on 'fortune's wheel,'' Acc^if it grisd3 and will i^ofc move /And chance is hut a came, jggjl^phit picd^ad. push and patieno?;^^g jj And kids like this are just the kind , For Will Succeed & Co.,' I Who are wanting junior partners 'Way up on Fortune Bow. 2j Tire oa^ths Prairie of Dakota and ? ^Minnesota, Villus* and Towns Levaled to tba (Mv od, Farm Hoosss, Barns and j ^^ Wipdd Coil V fiLv \ % A. . *. .'i ' V V ' ?? 1 y 1* i _A LI t 1 i 1 Iq many places the crops were covered b loose sancHsnd aa& and will v have to be replanted. x ' Travel was suspended on some lines' of road so great was the force of the wind. Cioads Of dost prevented the i # engineers from seeing the track. A report from Gary says the sun was almost totally obacored, and the superstitions thought the 6nd of the world had come. Farm hooseaf Sad - XT * bar^a we re^-swept away and horses and catch* were burned to death by V scores. Near Milbank^^ftj head of live I stock are reported lostr^xl .fire baB j swept o*er twenty miles of ssitatry, | uaanjug imiwzjov jwwco. The storm baa abated somewhat, but the wind is yet Ligb enough to keep tbe fire ^burning fiercely, and farther heavy fosses are almost car- , f ain. -The damage in Minnesota' ie zmch less tbso iaH^akota, as fbe dree of tbe- e*orm was pretty well (pent before if reached ibe boandry. A dispatch from Yankton, Dakota, iays: . The records of tbe Signalled show that daring the prevaspce of tbe fii?t in this region tbe >amidity was bat seven per cent.?a ?edition, of dryoee*, Serge a a v'J Oswald says, ,ievor before attained in j fete "region.- The maximum buiaid- j ;y is 100; -be mean annual hamidity j ere is 10. This-shows that tbe at- j losphere t** almost devoid o* u io:stn?e- Thf relpaUy of the wind j -as fort; z:x ^;le3 an boar. Jhe ; >8868 in Soath IMota. will <j?e$ 000,00'". at lo -f c v.;. Ration. [ St. F.\r:, ipiil 4 ?A juvke Beotor; lion., 8r...zizl says: Tbe r&T; dosatating r>r;>ir::a fire ever T^own iged aver ibe prairies West forth of L s;e Benton Taesday/ Ive ind was a hurricane for- tiekf-br *enty-foor honrs, and swept the fits aioog WUQ eoszbiwss lorce, passing the widest ?/e brea&p-aa nothing s$ra : leapiog-p lowed ?UIds>with a boa ad, j ^ . ik licked ap bosses, b*rss, slock sad some places human The '^51 loss of life is ia Daki^^tse j HeigMs, a town West op the NoEft-.j *T>t&s*Qxn road,- is ai^ >. destroyed. j J)e!j&pstert a station t-r the Watertown branch; is reported deetev^d. Spatdding'p itanch, Bear there, reported consmned. Grossing into Xancoln ccasty*/o?er\ tract of land core pa rarely little settled and covered with a heavy growth 'of grass-, it swept o?i With rehewed velocity. -I^s reported that Henry Koarth, Mr. Berg, G. H. Moon ami others near here Jostr nearly all their build-1 iogs with con ten U. A Jacfcaon, Minn., special "says: Theprairie fires prove more general than was at first believed. Additional losses are reported from .all directions, and messengers bring news of stubborn fights to save endangered property. Fires were l^gieg in eveigr direction, and each iPwmF^1p^^p*pi|(* . -J , ,. \^>Jk xiww ^AJ if tbey will sead nie tfcteir ?xpress and post ofSoe address* Respectfully,^ T. A. Slocum, M."(?^ 181 Pearl Street, New York, I -r I *Wood AsJus is thd Hog-pea. I Tt i" ko mono tKala ItKorol lO I/QI1VVVA4 Ul SJ* U J V* supply of wood ashes in the hogpen serves to promote the health of the occopaata, and is a sore preventive for many forms of disease. The following from an exchange shows that ashes are highly valued by some swine growers. A certain farmer and his neighbor to whom the secret had been communicated, bad been f*arj successful in keeping tbeir herd of swine healthy and thrifty, while those of their neighbors were dying. The'ssoret of their. succes^was doe to the free use of ashes on tbeT feeding pieces. When corn feeding eomlienced these farmers wottM baat?d load of ashes and scatter over the feeding place, repeating from time ft*' time daring the fattening period.. Oca! ashes was fonnd to answer as well as wood ashes when the cobs accamnlatiog aboat the feed lot were piled together fce^neotly aod turned, allowing the ashes to mix with the coal ashes. By practicing ibis, these two meu saved their hogs each year, patting them an. the market healthy and fattened. Daring , twa years,, when cholera raged in^the neighbor-;] hnod. seme men lost afl their boos." while those of the farmers above named were* 'exempt.^ Yet these losers would not adopt the simple preventive i&t gaie immunity tQ. two farms iu tht-.i'e midst froa^flsease, i tbe remedy is so simple that they | sfcefied at its sa^J>09ed efficacy. Too j much fcestiinotiy has --ahcamnlated in I c&e ikyoz cf as.befeeca triba tisg. to *tbe l health of swine, ' wbeq they- have | eon stan & access to .them, for farmers! to their value. Thi's^ preven- J tfve is'io the reach of ail mefb, and i tliere is no reasonable excuse for not | making free s?e of it.?American ! jCultivator. s v >?. ' \ r - ,--r'\ jTowa farmers raised enough cofh year to pay elf all the farm caoki^gee io that State, aDd leave a feal&rjp of 100,000,000 bushels for their fefel ncd seed. . aeecaed to parsae a distinct coarse of its owa. The fire- which woaid have 8wept this village. iron* the lace oi the earth has bee a traced to its ? 'origin. The search culminated in the arrest of James Travnick. When arraigned be pleaded guilty and was seqleacced to pay $25 and eosts, or in def^jlt thereof sixty days, in jail Math dissatisfaction is expressed about this i&nteuce, -Public opinion itf that justice has been too bighlf tempered with mercy. Th Milled Dakota, correspondent of the Pidrifo' Press telegraphs: The prairie jires^ Tuesday night destroyed about forty houses, many barns, a large numder of horses and settle, and left about forty animals destitute in the South part of this' county. A terrible gaSt of wind added to the terrors of the situation, The loss is estimated at* $50,000. The County Commissioners are in session and will see that no one suffers for the necessaries of life. I Womta in Politics. f ?? Oscaloosa, Kansas, April 3 ?The Oscaloosa idea is still extant, After a vigorous fight, the female candidates for city offices' won the day by sweepiog majorities. At Cpttonwood Falls, Kansas, the ladies weae also 1 , . . - i # JiffSTisg Cow, In the nst^l succeesioB, after cot-. ton planting coi*tt8 the first worting of the corn. The first care, however,, and thin the .plants if necessary. Re phuting Should rarely be necessary if good seed and careful "planting, j etc., has preceded. One band, with a wooden paddle three fleet long, can. often replant and thin at thejsame | time, to advantage, and ?way carry from one to foar rows^ according bs I the Stand is less or more perfect. ! Oar practice was. always to Soak replanting seed aboat . twenty-foar ! board in water, wliich will cause it to germinate one or two days earlier. I It is not generally desirable to rtlstnr tV?o first timn whtfa flfcill j T? Wtu HUV UI, ?. ? ' Very small. ** Better. 1st the plants become stock/vand able to stand a slight dieting, unless the soil has been ^rety closely sodden and compacted bj, heavy rains. "Ran 'round" the entire crop with two furrows. Then ritaro and'give two more furrows, and so on antil. the middies are entirely plowed out. A good , rale in deciding what plow to use, ia lc use the one that does most satisfactory work at the time, and that wiii re^ftiire the fewest nutnber of furrovftST to the row. Ia soft, mellow ground, free from much trash and old stubble, in which a sweep or heel-scrape, or cultivator, will' do good work, it should be employed. A doable shovel, ia the absence of a cultivator, will often do excellent and rapid work where a sweep would fail. By deferring the first plowing as late as 'may be done with safety, the interval between the first and second workings will be shortpned. Not more than two weeks should intervene between these ssveral pIowiDgs. PROMPTNESS. First a cold, then a cough, then consumption, then death. "I took Dr Acker's English Remedy for con sumption the moment 1 began to coagh, and I believe it saved my life." ?Walter N. Wallace, Washington. Sold by *W. P. Roof. ^ 0-n???r>?T TIT antra ' Tffi?e cora crib In the -world in TOyees, Nebraska. It is ^00 feet long, and has a capacity for holding 25,000 bashels. It js stated fhat the Farmers' Alliance .has grown to enormocs pro: portions in North Carolina. There . w^tb a total f^mbersyp of 80,000. lnwraesfl izcsi horses cost is ft Iff HVJ- V ^ ttlfeS feif Qp ;thfl " -WBBSK&9BKUM Miss Bessie E.BeeHoe, of Burlington, Yt., had a disease of the scalp which caused her hair to become very harsh aod dry and to fall so freely i she scarcely dared comb it. Ayer's Hair Vigor gave her a hlUthy scalp, and made the hair beautifally thick and glossy. No member of President Harrison's Cabinet is a total abstainer, though Wanamaker publicly frowns upon intoxicants. Mr. Harrison likes a swallow ci Irish whiskey now and ! then. Blaine is a connoisseur of j French wines, Windom enjoys a dinner at which each coarse has its appropriate stimulant, Tracy is fond of a pint of champagne at lancb, Noble likes malt drinks, and indulges? every day in a bottle of imported ale, [ Miller seldom takes anything bat rye and seltzer, while Bosk swallows his corn jaice plain. Elijah Ha!ford has never tasted whiskey* but has sipped champagne now and ^ben -on , convivial occasions. The Charleston Sun says: In twenty years in the United Slates divorces have increased 157 per cent. They have grown in number more than tVice as rapidly as the population. In twenty years there have been 32S,716. divorces granted. The causs of I the increase-rs largely to be found in } the fact jA Haws' have been | ?banged ^rtbetojrecfcioQ of easy di! rorce. Married people are* cot so i much; more wicked than they were, 1 but the laws allow them to get rid of ^ r ; each other mor^asiiy.- There ar3 'far fewer dlvorces^^ the South than the North,,bnt even there the rata is steadily increasing. In South Carolina there were odIvJ.63 divorces in the twent7 years frdm ISC6 to 1886. ^ ^ """ To?car eostivene^s tlie medfolpemai^, be more than apuryauve. To v snaheni, it la^Hi eoiitaiix *v~-7 Tonics Alterative - and Cathartic Properties. Tntrx Wl!? possess these qualiUeA la uu einlacat degree, uutf Speedily Restore to the bosels their natnal nerhitaltlo taotioa, so essential to regularity. Sold Everywhere. j cot. *U?ly j -7, " v > t ' - > , r b^t put her to taking : Colambas,G"aM reb H^jjjjjB TEE WORLD OUGHT TO^B %b8 world ought to S. S. has done for mej neighbors sent me^^Sfe o^aL rtdvertisemenfc cat regard to Swift's Specif ahd'fHg^r taking it I got relief from few doses; the poison was grjjteftHy forced* oat of my system, soon cared sound and now ten months since I gnjaBB S. S. S. and I have had return of the dreadful dise*|tr nftfn'rftl /miaf alaan Kxr rflRarfnc ^ ^ .Jta, l iQa olrtl06df' perfect satisfactw^^^H^^BH ed. Price 25 Jwale drbggis* Asardine boxjfwas found' in tb i 'X stomach of a b?lr recently fe?Iied in A NAiBOW ESCAPE. J Col :W. K. Nelson, of Bj-oofelyUj came home one evening fcelitrg^?#peenliar tightness in the chest ( iBefore retiringhe tried to drawa loaj&edth, but found it almost impo?^8et' He saffere9*foor days from pneumonia, and the doctors gave him ^p. Dr. Acker's English Remedy for eybsomption saved him, and he is weii to-day, At W. P. Roofs. 1 I !;y A cotton factory id soon tfr be established at Greenwood-witHft capital of $60,000. TAKE IT IN TLHE. 'f ; "For want of a oftil, a &oe waa lost; for want of a shde, a h&rse was lost; for want of :a borisf a tider was lost." Never negtytf small things. The first signs of pneumonia and consumption ca$ -positively be chewed by Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Consumption, ^or sale by W. P. Roof. ^ ^ 5?be Farmers' Alliance ^y^arlboro is goic^ to bcild^a cotto^yfcory. Two thirds of all the dealiTe in Nftjifl -?ork City are from CQOsa^tioo pneamonia. The aanre gibportion bold^ for moat other^lft? ?,:' Delays are daogsrous. X>r.'^rerViEogli^h' Remedy for Cooanmp^ou"^! always -relieve, and may savey oardife. At <W, P. Ron'f*.^ v, Tuo tkirtceut u u a a *1 art" tp 5 r> f <; be Gland Lodge of Knights 0 R.j&ht . /tp'il! be held in Colombia ot ib? 3.71 ii inst. ' -z~.% i# - pf. * TEB BIBLE Ffl|mB.tSs. Cough in the mbroicg, harried or difficult breathing) raising .phhgm, tightness in the chest, quickened polae, ' ivllineaa iu tb.o -gfiteuieg or sweats at -pigbt, :Vj1 on. any of tbesa ..things are'the first, stages of coa| sumption; Dr. Acker's Eag?ieh Eem. -edy for, conaauilptidr will ^nre these fearful evmrtorifc. nDde^a 7K)S2Yu?e^uaiaD^e. By W.,P. Roof. | Mr. W. MpCampbel), who.lives I near Seneca, hauled corn last week, raised on _bfs #arm, and shipped it to Newberry, io* which he received per bashel cam, deliverd &i the depot in Syeoa. I -"* - *- ?-v^ -yjSf^ggB I * X'-V-' .w' *"-#1' \ BPe at his &tor$, ^?T I I 1 flRbllPiKfiE ??? w*fW^?l llltft 4 i \ a?a'it*oIdforifott. HUh'iii I Jfhf M ?53^*?jii:,cltae:'??> ?.nd now ?eI7i for H rRfell ??Di* h, ,?**l-?roore?t,nx>rt nao. H ! ' I flEU FtwFr ??cWae in liae worl& AIl I IH J %oo5*??????>cII f I jtiiox I CURE FITS! When I say CtrsE I do not mean merely to stop them for-a time, and then have them re. torn again. 1 mean A RADICAL CURE. 1 hare made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A life-long study. I warrant my remedy to CUR^the worst cases. Because others bare faile^w ncrtreafeon for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express and l*03t Office.. It costs yon nothing for a tiiali and it will cure you. Address H.C. R60T,M.C., l83PgAW.STnHCTY0M m fl?B HYPOPHOSPHTTES Almost 89 Palatable as Milk, So disguised that U can be takes. digested, sod assimilated by the most sensitive Stomach, when the plain oil cannot be tolerated; and by the com* bin, at ion of the oil with the hypophospbitea h mneh more e&caciou,. Remarkable as & Sesh prodneer. Persons sain rapidly while taking it* SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to bo the Finest and Best preparation in tho worldior the relief and cure of CONSUMPTION* SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, WAST IN." DISEASES, EMACIATION* COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. The great remedy for ConStmptian, and Wasting in Children. Sold by ail Druggists* Oct 31? ly MONEY TO LOAN! IN SUMS OF $300 AND UPWARDS, .' i .1 J 1 A. 10 do secured oy nrst mortgage on improved farms in Lexington and Richland counties. Long time and easy terms. Apply to ABNEY & THOMAS, j Attorneys, Ooiumbia, S. C. Oct.31?6a ) ' "* ^ V-" ' r.' ... -. v. ' . ' REMOVED TO? .' J ' | ?r *t-v" :'sj3%4\ < ;> .. ! . . ... V Northwest Cor. Main and Taylor ps., . COLUMBIA, B. C. .> . v * ' A". -t ' A ^ . ?<:-ur-?- ' *c new styles in Jewelry are elegant j bsrond description. r SflTer Kniig. Case Ameno? r ? r; V ' MUSIC DEPARTMENT. ; In which will be found the c|Jefer*ied Stein way Upright, Grand and Square PfSnoe, of which I hare the sole control in this < Statej also Fischer, Grorenstein and Fuller Sfrall styles. .Wilcox A White, and Shomngar Organs of, etrfery description. Stringed and Twdmnxm^ Sheet Music and Musical Findings. ' Send for descriptive catalogue and prices, raibe sore and write to B. HV Biehbourg, Columbia, 8. C., before purchasing elsewhere. % t buy my instpuniuts outright, and can therefore c#4r you lower prices than those Latin^Greek, Ifrenoh, to TX3TTI01T. 1st Grade ?~ - - 50c. par month. ?d and 3rd Grade . :S - , 75c.- - " " r 4th. 6th and 6th Grade, $1,00 44 44 7 and 8th Graae, - 1.50 44 44 . Any two of the optional studies inclnded, 2.00 4 4 44 ? " - ? i j j a. a .a ar " An uie optional statues liiciuuou, c&a; i per month, except Music $3.00 per month j extra. Tuition payable at the end of each month. Session .commences'on the 3rd of Sept. and runs ten months, with one weeks intermission at Christmas. ^a^For farther information addresss^t Lexington, S. C. M. D. HA KM AN, ' Secretary, or C. M. EFEBD, Chairman Board of Trustees, PATENTS Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Office is opposite XT. S. Patent .Office. We hare no sub-agencies, all business direct, hence can transact patent business in less time and at Leas Cost than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or photo, with description. We advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our tee not due till patent is secured. < A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with references to actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address 0. A. SNOW A CO., v Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D, Ct- 'f oct 24?tf j WATCHES. ' ll Jl Good, reliable time pieces Key and Stem winders, frpm $3 up, at the ^ BAZAAR, ? * Lexington, S. C. Positive Notice. As I cannot run my shop without cash for <vork done I will hold work sntil it is paid for. JOHN ?. MONT* Deo. 6, i' s... V ' y^yl^ P^pH|*^ ft|1 ' "!vy v/.- '^-'-V; ? . * !>. v?' "r-'fr.r';..'^r^'y m . ? . ^JPTK < &fc^->f - TV uvva vriuMg vw.^ JEXWXU) JPlditi and Decorated