The Lexington dispatch. [volume] (Lexington, South Carolina) 1870-1917, January 09, 1889, Image 3

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V > Local and Special. " *srTen cents per line for locals in this ~ column. KP We are not responsible for the views or assertions of correspondents. $9" Parties sending Obituariusto tlii? office will remember that all ovor ten lines will be ehargedfor at regular advertising rates. SUBSCRIBERS receiving their paper with a RED CROSS mark * upon it, art thereby notified that with the next number their^Suhtcrlption expires. .Agents for the Dispatch. W. S. Eleazer, Spring Hill. Jasper S. Derrick, Leesville. Henry J. Wessinger, Fairbanks. J. C. Glover, Raiesburg. S. J. Riddle, Sinclair. Capt. D. J. Griffith, Gilbert Hollow D. I. Epting, Pitie Ridge. G. A. Goodwin, Seno's. Rev. J. K. Efird, Right welh 3Divi2ie Services. Will be held in the Methodist church at this place as follows: Myery second Sabbath - * *- ?. i.m.l ovnrv frvnrtli Sabbaih t 4 *1 k'.. u ISDEX TO NEW AI>VJO5T30BE*ent3:? Clothing aft red need prices?M. L. Kl^ard' . , . , Dry goods marked down?Mc.-^ Masonic notLe?G? M. Harrxra^ -* m ~ A Pre? Lecture, Brookland Academy, on Wednesday^ ~Sf 16th instant, at 2 p. oo., on Stenog^ invited to come, see. and^ hear sd^e Mrs. S. Canfield, General Agent for The Ross Turkish Rag Machine, also the Mrs. X. E. Norman Tailor t System, improved July 1887, the only one known that will cat perfectly | every garment. Cuts cloaks, dolmas; gives drapery cats for irregular form? as well as regular. Positively no trying on required. Perfect fitting sleeve. I aim. selling the new three needle Embroidering Machine; beautiful r ^ tafting work. 1 keep on baud rugs * of all sizee and styles; yarns of all -w-" colors and ^Fade^TuU iratruferdns with machines for $150. Will re. * main this week only, at the Drafts Hotel, and will give lessons. We commence the New year with a larger number of subscribers in arrears than at auy time siuce the Dispatch has been published. Now we are in dead earnest in saying tliat it is actoally necessary that we should be paid, in order to enable ns torun the paper. Call and settle, or send by hand of yonr neighbor, or if yon can't do either settle at once with our agents. Go running, with your pocket books opeD, to the old reliable dry goods, honse of McCreery <fc Bro , if yon wish to secure some of the numberless bargains they are nowoffering. They say the goods must go, and they are too, almost walking off. The low prices will not let them remain on the counters, they are snatched np so quickly by customers. Maj. Lee has completed a pre% liminary survey of the South Bound Railroad, from Columbia to Savannah, Ga. The distance is 128 miles. He estimates the cost at $14,000 per mile all equipped with rolling stock, depots, etc.. or $0,200 per mile ready for equipment. This road runs through large portion of this county. Rev. J. G. Graichen, of Winchester, Yfl who was recently elected to this * w I Lutheran pastorate, will arrive tonight and be the guest of Mr. S. O. Kb miner, for a few days, prior to occupying the parsonage. He will be installed at St. Stephens church next Snnday at II a. ^p. by Lev. C A. Marks, of Prosperity, and will preach his first sermon iu St. Stephens at 7 p. m. Eev. Mr. Marks will deliver a Sunday-school address the same day at 2:30 p. no. If yon want great bargains in clothing now is the time to get them, as M. L. Kinard, Columbia, is offering everything in his fine at a wonderful reduction in prices. Yon are "dead sure" to get a splendid suit for a smali amount of money by calling on him. Dy the way. Mr. Jvinard has opened another clothing store in Columbia, next to (J. C. Habenicbt's, where that popular and clever gentleman Mr. 1. H. Y,leader is in charge, and who will also sell you goods at an immense saving. If you want nice perfumery, hair oil, pomade, sweet or shaving soap, shaviog brushes. otr.4 you will ?mi them at the Bazaar. V' Local Brevities, , The Sheriff has fourteen boarders. Mr. Levi Corley is some Lettef?rrr-? day. Mr. W. M. Wilsou is again . a resident of Peak. Splendid teaa^and hue grt uud j coffee at the Bazaar, at lo*e.-f riicts. Auditor Pon is again in tBe Fork ..receiving tes returns. Mtet him j k promptly. Good second-Laud baggy for sale. ; Will sell very low. Come and see me. j j E. B. Roof. ! I If you want bargains iu fancy j china, vases, Ac. now is your time, and at the Baziar is the place. See advertisement in tbis issue | of the Brookland Academy, Prof. A\. D. Scboenberg, principal. The P.nnntv Trpusnrer has in structioDs to refund to taxpayers amount's paid by them, as railroad tax, to meet interest township bonds. j Lexington High School continues i to grow iu numbers since Professor | Dreber has devoted his time to the . school. yon want cakes, crackers and kind?, L A secood^Bmd V .fTTT^&T.g MhLchine with attachments and almost |*A8 good as new, for sale cheap, by | Mrs. Eugenia Hendrix. When yon want your money to go a long way in the purchase of Hie best groceries, be sure yon call on T. B. Aughtry & Co., Columbia. Too mncb stock left over. * It must i be sold, so call or send to the Bazaar and get two pounds of good mixed candy, for 2f>c. * We print in this issue the new act passed by the Legislature as a safeguard in conducting ptimary elections. Read it and see if you think it sufficiently stringent. The Royal Tiger guano prevents rust, stands the drouth aod will make as much cotton as any guano made. For Sale by P. J. Racker, Colombia. / Monday was sale day. The Martin lands were not sold. atSummit was bid in by Sr. Mtelor for $400. -*J3| School books, pens, pencils, ink ?3L ^colors, paper, envelopes, fancy st&ftjttBery, memorandum books^|^R^rv books and purses, pocket co ni^ V* j ! brushes, etc., at the Bazaar. I Iq consequence of the great in| clemency of the weather last. Friday evening the Lexington Literary and Social Clnb failed to meet. It will meet at Mrs. Drafts' on Friday J I d-vening next at the nsnal hour. \?be Coanty Boards ^rill be at once ^provided with necessaVy bUnks in /connection with the pew Pension law, and full information^ as to how ; j to.proceed.' - ^ T Mrs. Sarah Trice, ; widow of i Christian Price, died at her residence, j near St Panls cbnrch, in Lexington county, January 3rd, it), the 87th year j of her age. j "Capt. D. J. Griffith, Oapt. J. H. j f Lewie and Col. A Mims of Lewiedale, . j were in town Monday. The former paid ns a pleasant visit. If yon wish to start the new year with a new buggy or wngoD, T. B. j Anghtry &, Co'p., Columbia is the ! place to get it, ns they soli yon the best at the lowest prices. Mess. Joe Shumpert and Jno Tayj lor have returned from their trip to Arkansas, both well pleased with j their visit. Dev. Mr. Taylor accompanied his nephew back on a visit j ' to his old home and relatives. ; j We are requested to call the attcn- j j tion of the Connty Commissioners to i ! the impassable condition of the j j poblic road at Long Branch, on the j | Spriog Hill and Lewiedale road. I In conseqnence of the biul weather j Saturday, only sn iufoimal meeting | of the Lexington County Farmers ; Association was held. The election j of officers and all other business was postponed till the next regular meet- j | isg- ] The happiest man in town Monday i was Capt. Jno. T. Derrick, of the ' Edgefield section of Lexington, lie j | having been united in holy wedlock : j to Miss Mary Elizabeth Sbealy of j i rtilhprt Hollow, ou the 2t*th Dec., j Rev. L E. Busby tying the kcot. Col. W. J. Assmursn received a j i telegram Monday afternoon inform- i \ ing him of the critical tllnessjfof Dr. ! ] Jas. G. liobbs in Louisville, Ky., j ' and requesting his prompt presence j j at his bedside. He left on jester- ' | day morning train f >r that citv. The young ladies who have hereto- I , J 5 _ I j fore so liberally contributed sweet j boquets to our former devil will not j cease to send them in as they will i .'smell none the less sweet. We I i Intend to have ano'her devil on hand j at an early day to appreciate them. The Verdict Unanimous. j W. D. Suit, Drnggisf, Rippns, Ind., i i testifies: "loan recommend Electric t Bitters as the very best reipcdy. ' ! Every bottle sold has given relief ii) i j every case. One inVi took six bottles, j and was cured of Rheumatism of jO years" standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, lleliville, Ohio, p.Oirins: ??rri,,. r-t lUiirr inr.?li<*inf? J have ever ' A ur ucat r*ui tn? . handled in my -O years experience, is i Electric Hitters." Thousands of other.-; have added their testimony, so that the verdict ?s unaninir i>s 1 Electric Hitters do cure ail diseases of the Jjiver, Kidneys or Hlood <hilv a half dollar h ho!tie, f??r yale 1?v all 'drnggiat?. k # / f Ask For flyer's ~~?3rsi!fi3H:rav and l>o sure you get it, j v.'hen you want the l>cst blood-purifier. ' I ! I "With its forty years ' 1 tT unexan,l^cd sucI i i\ Ir ct'ss 5n cure ?* I I' fvfr'W Blood Diseases, you J I-/T"yflMv can ,n;,ke ?iis- '[ ta':e |u preferring ^Wri'r SaraaPar'"a ! f ' *? any 0t'ler' ^10 i II j i fore-runner of modU k V em blood medicines, ' jUjgj^^HSp -* Ayer's Sarsaparilla F5^ is still the most popular. being in great* er demand than all > yp others combined. " -1V(T s 10 oddu^ lcvoiTTi than ever before. I never hesitate to i .commend it." ?George W. Whitman, Druggist, Albany, ind. " I am safe in saying.that my sales of Ayer's Sarsapariila far excel those'of ' any other, and it gives thorough satisfaction."? L. If. Bush, Des .Moines, Iowa. " Ayer's Sarsapariila and Ayer's Pills are the best selling medicines in my store. I can Tecommend them, conscientiously."?C. Bickhaus, Pharmacist, Boseland, III. " We have sold Ayer's Sarsapariila here for over thirty years and always recommend it when asked to name the best blood-purifier."? W. T. McLean, . Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. " [ have sold your medicines for the last seventeen years, and always keep them in stock,* as they are "staples. ' There is nothing so good for the youthful blood' as Ayer's Sarsapariila."? It. L. Parker, Fox Lake, Wis. ."Ayer's Sarsapariila gives the best \[ Sjkisfaotion of an.v medkin* I have ia . . 1 recomuieild it, or, as the Doctors say, * I prescribe it over the . counter.' It never fails to meet the eases for which I recommend it, even where the doctors' prescriptions have -been of no avail." ?C. F. Calhoun, Monmouth, Kansas. Ayer's Sarsapariila, PREPARED BV Dr. JV'C. Ag?r & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six bottles,Worth $3 a bottle. Oct. 3?Iy TC-A-Z-A%-R: Flinrs, CANNED GOODS, ETC. Figs, llaisins, Dates, Prunes, Currants, Citron. Nuts, Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Malaga Grapes, Cocoannts, Cabbage, Onions, etc. Canned Pine Apple, Pears, Cherries in syrup?They are delicious. Eagle Brand Condensed Milk. New crop Tomatoes, Lobsters, Oysters, Salmons, Sardines, Pickles, Jellies, Pine Apple and Quince Preserves, CANDIES. Pure hand-made Sticks of all flavors, and Fancy Candies of every kind imaginable. " - * * - 1 /?-1 5_ Candy iqade especially ior uougua, uotus, Hoarseness and Throat affections. Worm Candy for Children, etc. [ Wakes and crackers. f Soda. Lemon, Assorted Fancy Crackers and Cakes^jHfk Biscuits, etc. FlavQgpi^Extraets. Ground Cinnamon, Etc. Wlpte nulWMfilored Sugars for Icing and Declratin^Cafces. innce ifea^. linni^jdilJol^na Sansage, Pickle pig pe\-u ji ripe; cheesg etc. Cigars and Cigarettes, Jchewing ar.d Smoking Tobacco, Fipe^ itc. Dolls arid Toys^-'every description for the little folkfe,. and beau^j^articles suited for bridal, birthday' aagWthcr presents. Plush Work Boxes, ToUte^pts, Photograph Frames, Scrap au<L. AUPgraph Albums, Beautiful Vases, CupPnigi Saucers, Mugs, Shaving Mugs, Glassj?p& ^tc. Pricket- knives, Poclret-books and Parses. Mfltrr.v.a.iTTnfPfflTd BtArk Books! '* " School Books, Copy Books, Pencils, Pens, Ink, etc.. Writing Papers, Note. Letter, Legal Cap, Foolscap and Fancy Box Stationery, etc. PERFUMERY, SWEET SOAPS, ETC. Hoyt's German, Brown's and other good Colognes. Pocket Handkerchief Extracts, Bay Rum Hair Oil, Pomade, and other goods in this line. See'thein. 11AZAAR, L E X I N.G T O X C. II.. S. C. * MARKET REPORT. Colombia, cotton f? to,9j Angnsta, " 9.} Charleston, " 9 j LEXINGTON MARKET" | CORRECTED WEKKT.Y liY Lc.ri))(ftO)i Merchants. Cotton, per jt/ t 7 a 9*4 I Bacon Haras, per ifc To a 12'< Sides. " " ..II... I" a 1l!-f Shoulders. per tt? * a 9 Lard, per It. in a 71 Corn.per Mi a t-n Peas. ** ** a ?n Oam. " " ... 45 a ce Flour, per ewt 2 ?r>o a n no Fodder. - r' On a l on Sweet Potatoes, per bu r?" a frish " " " .... 1 - > a 1 iiiee. por 11: 4La r?M Better, per tt>. 20 a 25 EffKs, per do- a 3"> | Turkeys, per II. 0 a OM il oese. per pr A 95 Chiekens, " 1-}{.a 50 Beeswa*. per lb. T" a !2}<t Beef, pei u, s a In Pork. * " . * a in Tallow, per H? 5 a n COLUMBIA MARKET. Fpiccs Current. COttKECT?t> ST L0H1CK A' LOU'Ji.lXCE. ? ... j Apples, per bid $3 no @ ?. 23 I lJaearinsr, per yd 11 13 Bale Bope, Manila, per H>'in (j 17 Butter. Northern. " " 20 ? Country, " " 20 (ct- 2T> j Baeon Hiups. " " 12li<a it j STiMo. " " >'.@ | Shoulders, <5/j' & Shorls. hacks " s'! Bran, perewt..*. 1 12 chiekens. * ' 20 ? 25 j Candles. Sperm. " " 12 t?x Adamantine. per tn... 11 ? 12U I Cheese, per !t> 12 & 11 j Coffee. Bio. per i<> ? 17 i Lairuayra. per H? (?? 22 ; Java, per tt> ? 2> j Ea'aa. per ddli 20 ? Flour, per hbi.... '.I I * *0 ttr 7 00 Meal. per bush ; Jo drain. Corn, per bu 7o ? 73 " Wheat, " " 1 00 ? 1 75 j Oats. " " C*? ? no i ll.-jy, Northern, per ewt 1 "o ? 1 It) ' tl. c.r no Collides, Dry. Pf'-r -"ft, ^ Oreijtl. " 1's? Laid, per le '. ' ? ? 10 Lime, per Mil. I ;.. t 2rt <fe 1 25 | Lumber, per ewt & 1 00 I Molasses, CtiV?a. per gal 50 {?> 40 New Orleans. pertfttl 25 ? 4S Common, per *cal 20 ? 25 Nails, per loar 2 :>o ? Onions, per Mil 2 75 ? 01. Kerosene, per gal 12 ? iiachlnery. " " .. ? 75 peats.' per !u,si> MI a ',5 Potatoes, SU'ent, per bush....... ni Potatoes, irisii. per litMli' 1 #*? 1 50 pork, per IL i 0 ? T IJiee.-Carolina. per lt? 4?.*? ? Shot, perbiur. <<> 1 4*. . Livi'ri'Ool. per sa<-k 5.7 ? <>."> Aoiij:, l.f'.f Ify ' '<? 5 S.tnrar Crushed; i?er K y'! Powdered," '? >. or" ('White. " - i ? Brown, " " <534? dran. " " a Slar-h, pi-i W, $ i Tea. (Jreejj, per tfi :>n 171 '(. > Bl:p'k. " ....... ..... (tj) '{'<?Si,-ie..o. (dp-wintr. p?;r lj? 2a ? i?l ?<< 40 NUI'.UIIIK, - ' | 'i*ui u"js, II* 1! ill Wine, |.i?r hmI '<<" oi "5 r~f? u?*ii. " %i ct . Kyi* jui'l ilurloy. i??r liil .. J ' '? w' 1 -' > J Spirits terpentine to tin <m? 1 I.', is in per I.!.! W W \ W? | Mkmphjs, Dec. 27.?^Special.]? The blacks and whites are agaip clashing in Mississippi. fir* - fi m i i *"* ? Oq the 4kh iost. the Supreme Court iu the case of F. W. Wegener & Co, vs. Jno. S.-Swygert et ah, j motion to reinstate appeal dismissed, j Io the case of Mrs. H. A. Benjamin j vs. Sarah Drafts et ah, consent ; decree tilled?case referred to referee j to take testimony. < j We had a pleasant visit from Prof. > W. D. Schoenberg, ^bo is now principal of the Brooklaod Academy. ! A splendid new building has been i erected for school purposes aod the promises are bright for a large and ! progressive school under this ex- j perienced and successful! teacher. Mess. Chas. B. Herman and J. J. % - y Bawl left last night on a prospecting tonr up ttye Spartanburg and tSn'oti Railroad. It may lie that they will resolve themselves into a syndicate and buy the road aod large timber tracts daring their absence. A tremendous excitement prevails in Columbia over the terrific cut made in the prices of everything in the line of dry goods, cloaks, under wear domestics, clothing, shoes, bats i etc. at J. L. Mimnangh's. Now'is ! certainly the time to get great I bargains as they are making a clean i sweep of their entire stock; So don't j fail to call on them at once. From A Dragjgjst ^ Palatka, Ffa., May 31, 188^. The demand for Botantic Blood ?sm (B. B. B ) is such that I now bay in half gross lots, and I anhesitatingly Bay that my customers are all well jfteaaed. > R. Kersting. 10 years with rheumatism. Newton, N. C-, Jooe 25, 1887 Gentlemen: I am pleased in sayibg I have been a great snflfeter of rben matism for 10 years, and I have ex . ? . bansted almost every known remedy without relief. . 1 was told to try B. B. B. which I did after long procrastination, and with the experience of three bottles, I am almost a l>uUtto man T iftbft it AR ft Dftrt Oi UCQ ii,uj uinui * wv - - r my daty to make known your wooderfaI BIood Purifier to. soffering ' humanity, and respectfully ask yon to mail me one of yoor books of . wonder?. ^ liespectfoWy, W. I. Morehead. Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. For sale by W. P.JRoof. Jan 9?10 Canghman Dots. Dear reader, we are not dead yet, and whoever may have thonght thus, will now be thoroughly convinced to the contrary by a gentle pen tharst through the eye. Because we have not borne to yon ere this, those promised newsy items of otir last, and the other thousand and one events which are ever and anon tran: spiring among us. is doe to the fact that we have been very busy during j the last month helping to limi -up 8 i great many of these things, and have not been able to get a letter off edgeways. In order that the girls may not be in a qaandary as to the meaning of the above, we will say that we have oot as yet taken any steps that would be detrimental to their interests, and that we are yet as ever only half of oarself. Mess. Hare, Eargle & Co. have moved their stock of goods into their new building, where your humble scribe will welcome you any day ex- j cept Sonday, when he is off cd ; private business. Ycnr humble serv- I ant has also been appointed post- j master of this post-office, which has ; been moved into onr place of business. Cook, our turpentine man, has left us, and gone to Swainsboro', Ola., and it j is reported that another still will be j dropped into its place, Sbealy & Hall- ! man. Cedar Grove church has lately , grown beautiful under the painters brush. W. H. FI. Jan. 5, 1SSS, I i Carlisle on Elections. "I have long desired to have seme j method of voting for President tLat j would enable the majority of the ' people to elect the President. The ; vote of the States need not be die- I ! turbed, but a law may be passed to give this vote a different expression. In the 45th Congress I was one of a committee, composed of Gen Ben Butler and others, that considered this question. IVfy proposition was not to give the eutire electoral vote of a State to one set of electors, hut " 4 b ir?r? I tO glY0 PHC11 lurn uuu, ; according to the popular vote in the j State. For instance, Kentucky has j thirteen electoral votes. The State j votes Democratic. tfive the Demo j crats first the two electors at large j and divide the vote among the other j electors, giving the Democrats their | share in proportion to the Democratic | popular vote., and the Republicans a j share ip proportion to the Uepnblican popular vote. I think this could te readily done, and the people could elect a President of their choice." ? Si Louis -?r ? The total expenditures of the Augusta Exposition amounted to The repeipiti o^ly fell short about ftfj.PQO of paying for (be buildings, grounds and running e^pepseg. Mr. A, T- Carroll formerly of the firm of Hrennan A Carroll, Columbia, died on the 4th inst.. The Northern and Soptherp Presbyterians are <n Uonierauep in New York with the object, of forming j amnion. I Possesses many import&M Advantages over all other preiiaSefl Foods. BABIES CB1 FOB IT. MAUDS RELISH IT. Makes Plump* Laughing, Healthy Babies. Regulates the Btotoaeh and Bowels. Sold by Druggists. ?Sc., 50c., 91.00. WELLS, ROIRPSOW t CO., >8?uw8T8N, vt. Baby Portraits. . A Portfolio of oeantifhl baby portraits, printed on fine plate peper"i<*j?tent photo process, sent f ree to Slothcr of any Baby born within a year. Every Mother wants these pictures; send at once. Give Bahy's name andrage. WELtS. flICHAROSOK i CO., P ops., Burlington, Vt. <r :*'y- / * -' - March ' 11 I*. \V. WAGENE!.. ;l F. W. WAG1 Cotton and navai WHOLE _ _ , Grocers and L: * CHAliLESTi "vx . ^mmmmm M-'MaxM, ~? ' ? Jil the"^^ s father s. C. P. Kizer, Mr. 1 waiie KM^kpiner ami Miss Carrie Ij. /Kyzer. Wn. S^lRtfO, Rev. P. Kyzer ofliciatin? ;<r /ipeeerabcr 1Mb, at the resilience of the bride's father,.Mr. George W. Enrgle, by ! Kev. vl. A. CreBift, Mr. J. J>. Turkett and Miss A. E. Earglo, all of Richland county. * . i By the same. Dec. 27th, at the residence ! of the bride's father, Mr. Jesse Swygert, ' : Mr. IL E. Barman to Miss Mittie Swygert. By the same, Jan. J, 1SS9, at the resi dence of the brjtle's father, Mr. Thos. A. Wingard, Mr. ?. Henry Corley and Miss Sallie Wingardi" By Rev. das. H- Bailey, Jan. 3, 1889, at the bride's father's, Mr. Edwin Cook, Mr. ; Dantzler Harraau and Miss Pinkie Cook. Dec, 23, 188S, by Rev. N. 8. Yonnginer, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Henry Kooii and Miss Nnrsissus Wingard. ; all of Lexington county. n"rgfc135 f:'.t. I By the same, Jan. 3, 188!), at the resi- j dence of the bride's father, Mr. Finkney ; Fowler of Fairfield countv and Miss Susan I Bagley of Lexington county. LEXINGTON.LODGE, No. 152, A.F.M i Regular ecba am nioat ion on Saturday 19th ) instant, at 3 p. m. Final settlement of j does for past Masonic year required, and . other hnsiness will be transacted. By order of the W. M. (ir M. HARM AN. Sect v. Jan. 9?8 Notice Physicians. | The nndarsigneil County Commissioners o? Lexington county invite from practicing ! physicians sealed bids lor t)ie Jail and Poor House practice for one year, commencing 15th JaSS^ary. All bids must be j filed with the Clerj* on or before 10 o'clock i a. m., dawC 15th instant. The right to reject ar.v and all t ids is reserved. 1 ^G. A. GOODWIN, R. T. HOOK. - P. H. CRAPS. C or nj y_?om m issi oners. NOTOE. j To the teachers of Lexington county: i There has been a bill passed by the Legis- < lature authorizing the' 8chl. Commissioner ; and Treasurer cj this county to borrow j money to pay on all school claims. We j think we will be able to pay said claims : soon and insist upon the teachers not j disposing of their claims at any discount. I W. H. SHARPE, School Commissioner Lex. Co. Jan. 2-ywtf. COMMERCIAL BANK.! COhFMBIA, S. (\ ! ...,.$25,000 j Transacts a Ranking and Exchange bnsi- i ncss. Receives Depoaita. Interest allowed j on Time Deposits and paid semi-annually. ! Safety Deposit Boxes to rent at SO per annum. . . I C. J. Ibkdet i.. Jamf.s Ir.nnF.rj., j -Manage v. Cashier. Nov. 28?iy RRIIflKIUU \( AllEMV i Oilers its patrons unusnal nd- ! qrm vantages. The curriculum embraces besides the common English branches, Latin, Greek, j French, German, Book-keeping, ! Stenography, Typewriting and Music. cows of jssrnrcTOF.s; W. D.' SCHOENBERG, Principal. W. H. McFeat, (Stenographer of 5th Judicial Circuit) Stenography and Typewrit- j iug i Miss Mamie Fold, Music. jaBT- For terms, Board, etc., apply to M. H. WITT, Chairman Board of Trustees. New Brookland. So. Ca. ' L. L. LOWS, Sectv. Jan ' )?tt *?? j NEW LAW. OFFICE cor NT Y AUDITOR. Le*inqtos, fJ. 0., Jan. 188'.*. j THE following Act is published in ac- \ cordance with Section 8: An Act to Allow Unimproved Lands Which ' Have Not Been on the Tax Books Since 1875 to be Listed Without Penalty. Section 1. Be it enacted by the' Senate i and Ho^ac of Bcprescnativfis of the State I of South Carolina, now met and sitting in j I General Assembly, and l?y the authority of the same, That in all caws where unimproved land which has not been upon the [ tax books since the fiscal year commenc- ! ing November 1st, 1875, and which are not j ! on the forfeited list, shall at any time be- | ! fore the }st day oi October, 1888, be | returned to the Cnnntv Auditor for taxa? i *~ i.~ 1 i.? i,.Mu J tion, ine sum aiiiii'ui ur, mill u< m ijc.vru, | j instructed to assess the same and to enter : it upon the duplicate ol the fiscal year i commencing November 1st, 1SK7, with the j simple taxes of that year. | Sf.c. 2. That all stu-h 1 in da an may fie > returned tn the Auiptor for taxation he- j tween the first day of October 1H38, and I the tivst day oi October, 1S80, shall be j assessed and charged with the simple taxes | of the two fiscal years commencing rcspec- i tively on the lirst day ot November, 1337, j j and the first day ol Novpmbey, Sp(.. ;> Tfir^t r^ ic,op as practicable after j the passage of this Act the Comptroller I General is directed to furnish a copy of | the same to each Auditor in tlm State, and ! I the j\t|djtnr? {tt!e rennjred to publish the j j same jt? ea,.h of their county papers once a ! j week for three months during the year i ! IhHS. and for the same period of time dnr- j ! ing the year INK'.); and the eost ol sncli J publication shall be paid by the Conuty | ; Treasurer, upon the order of the County j ! Commissioners, ofit oj ijic ^ppimfy county j | tax hut cpljectef]. i Approved |),eyemher 19, 1SS7. j. B. POU, Auditor Lesin $tou County. i Jdii. 9?3m It's Easv to Dye P^ikons gvfs ! xfi" Superior Strength, i Fastness, Beauty, Warranted to tolor more go^ phC ity* i dyes over made, and to give Baj- i!?a:i any other ! durable colors. A>k for the jnre brilliant ami ! uoother.' 36colors; 10 csr.tsrf,,a!i,i take WELLS, RICHARDSON & Vcach ?Burlington. Vt. I'or Gilding or Bronzing u DT AMDND/ancy Article. USE I UArilVlwIN Uf . - ,JTQ Gold, Silver, Bronze, O rr^liS a O. r. . /pvcr- Only ;o Cents. < i t 1 j \ GEO. A. tVAGENKK. 1 3NER * Co., i L STORE FACTORS. SALE iquor Deal ^ ers, j DN, S. C. . r ?' T-c- ?"Wb DENTIST,, J BATESEl K(r, - - . p ) Mav 23? Cm ' j PAY UP. All parties indebted to me tor protessioiml services and otherwise must settle within the next 3i? days, or their accounts will ho placed in the hands oi an ollicer for collection. 0. V.. LEAV1TAUT. M. 1>. | Oct. 24?tf ?i NOTICE. I will bo in the {School Commissioner's ! office on Saturdays ot each week during i the pnbllc school term, utter which, i will permanently locale at Lexington. I am very respect full;y. W. H. SHARPE. S. <\ L. C. j Dee 10?tf j I Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the 1th day of February, ISKtt, 1 will apply to tin t Jndge of Probate -for Lexington eounty. j for a final discharge as administratrix ot I the estate of Emanuel (^lttlcbauin. decM. SARAH M. (yr.AT I'l.EHAl'.M. j ARNEV A: THOMAS, for Admix. ?K1U J\v:? Tax Returns. ' In accordenee with the law in reference thereto, the Auilitov or his assistant will 1>? and attend at the following mentioned places, for the purpose ot receiving tax returns, for the liscal \oar, commencing i November 1, ISS.v Real estate as well a.s persona! properh j and poll must ho listed joj- taxation. iss;>. : Wessi tiger's store. Wednesday, 44 t* j Joshua Shealy's, Thursday. - < lc J Draft's store, Friday, - - It Col. Barr's, Saturday morning. 44 lv j ' N( w Rrookland, Monday, *4 -1" j Wm. Martin's, Tuesday morning. ' 1"> i s J. Archie Wolfe's. Tuesday evening i4 1." j Sandy Run, Wednesday, - If. j Pine Plains, Thursday. - - ,4 17 j Goodwin's mill, Friday. - " In m " m?uiing, i;< { : lamliug\ -Safurtlay JifL Lexington C. IT., Monday. - 44 ?1 f ;4 ,4 Tuesday. - 44 "2'j t Oakvilla, Wednesday, - - 44 j Jacob Leaird's, Thursday, - 44 : -I liishton, Friday, - - - 44 'Je j L. C. Roof's. Saturday morning. ' if- j Lewiedale, Monday, - - ' :N i Batesburg, Tuesday, - - 44 ill' j Wm. J. Barr's, Wednesday, tnorn'g 41 J Samaria, Wednesday, evening, 44 l't> I Lepsviile. Thursday. ' :tl ! Lexington from 1st to 'Joth ;Vb. inclusive. j All male person* between the Age of JI j and 50 years arc liable to a Poll 'tax of ""g , dollar, unless otherwise exempt i>y law. I rt is. therefore, desirable that all citizens ! liable to the said (Poll) tax will n<?tily tin- j Auditor of said tact and thereby save j troubje r.nd prevent errors upon the lav , duplicate, j All concerned will please take notice ai.d j he prompt in making I heir returns during i the above specified time as a penalty of -~>ti ! l>er cent, will attach after 20th February. ! 1889. J. IJ. POU, Auditor, Lexington County. K. ('. j Lf.xinotox C. IT., S. C? Pee. f. ls>H. TAXES! I Notice fs hereby given that I will be and j ( attend at the following named places on the j dates mentioned tor the purpose erf reeeiv ing State and County taxes, for the fiscal j | year commencing November 1. 1888. viz: j Lexington C. H., Nov. *21>t to Pec. 15..188$ j LEW. I For State purposes -I mill- i For County purposes ' i For School purposes J 44 For lb R. Proud River township "J 7-ln " FoVk - :? lt-10" 4 44 Saluda ,4 3.1 Poll Tax Si.Oil A penalty of 15 per cent, for nou pay- j ment will attach after the 15th .January j next. J. S. DERRICK. Treasurer Lexington County, S. C. Sept 12, 1888. MONEY TO LOAN!I' I I IN SUMS OF $300 AND UPWARDS, j to be secured bv first mortgage on im- J nvrtvpfl fnrr?,.< in Lexington and Richland ! comities. Long time ami easy terms. | Apply to ABNF.V A THOMAS, Attorneys, Columbia. S. (', (Vt. !>1?<>111 -JU* I) M '* . ' The State of South Carolina,' COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. I>y O. T. Graham, Probate Judge. Whereas, W. M. Wilson liath math'1 .-nit me, to grant hint letters ot administration ! of the estate of ami e!|e(\s ot Mrs. Mary i Wilson, These are therefore to cite ami ailmonish j all an<l singular the kindred and editors of the said Mary Wilson, deceased, that ! they he anil appear, before me. 115 tie- I Court of Probate, to he held at Lexington C. H., S. C., on the loth ot .January next, after publication hereot. a< l! oV.lork in the forenoon, to hhyw ea;.se, it any tlmy i have, \\hy the. said administration should i not he granted, Giyen nudev my hand, this 1st day of January A. D. lssstt. (}. T. GRAHAM, [r..s.] .Judge o( pyr.Vslie, : ? Jan. 2- ?\v7 _ '_ -;' ?. 9VS sewiiir-aiafinnt-n I'll 111 ; |g0^|i| 0%J? *i once ea t a l> 11 sh It IJ Ij lj : traJe ia all part*, t" P H |l M j g piaL-binol lljjjj I ^k^ff^^^S^S^^^^^a'tarhmttil*. ami mm IP|M VBCL^'O: Bret. atrongeat. aioei u?e- i I RfM pliP ^ful machine in th- ?urU All I I ILLS I I ILsIb^^- capital required. 1'laiti, ' . brief Inatrartion* given. J hose who w rite to u? at oii. e rati w. | cure <Vee the best eawing-marhuir in the wotld. and the ' K Aneitllneofworkaof blrhaitevei ttiunn togetheriu Ameiua X?L ? Jk CO : Oiia 7 AO A U(UaU, Alaiuc ; ti * T\ . v Nw \ \ \ m ? 11 EVERYTHING MARKED DOWNl j AT riRFIRY t BROTHER'S - COLUMBIA. S. cr Prior to Taking Stock. No Humbug. Gall and you will be convinced. \ % Jan. 1?Iy. RACKET. GYGLONE RACKET STORE, COLUMBIA, S. C.' :o: Wo have just bought out a New York Bankrupt Stock of Mens' and Youths' Clothing. MENS* WOMEN" AND CIIILDRENS SHOES, t 4(1 cents on the dollar. And will give our friends the' BIGGEST BARGAINS in the hove lines that have ever been offered anywhere. All-in need of goods in these lines hould call early and get their choice of every desirable goods at SO CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. The Stock in the Racket Store will he filled with the CFIRA Pfl iBLE (4O0DS to be t'ouiul for CASH. l\'Ii buy & CASH CASH aiut^iu^jtV ^>tr^wp^OBi*yr-tttnp A** hi. d .* -* * T. Ai McCREERY & CO^fl COX-TJIMIBI-A., S. C. Jan 20 -ly < . \ i'i"" J i \ \ XjflUV^Pflj^H|Ln|it ig jfw. ?HHBWEB3m-?902RSSZ1 V\ [T MAKES ME. LAUGH TO THINK }f the amusing things, the useful things, the pretty things, the sweet and good things, all cheap AT BARMAN'S BAZAAR. EDMUND'S GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE, OFrOSlTE GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL FULL. OF IRI I* SHOES. HATS AMI CITS FMWXIi (il)IIOS, Vou will find my prices as low as any. and polite attention to all who visit nv store. Yours very respectfully, s, s. ittttti, &. MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. April 1 - ly. MEETZE & SONS., le:-:iitgtoit c. xx., c. c. ? DEALERS IX? PRY COOPS, MATS. HYKPWAKE, MlliElNRKY, CAPS. CUTLERY. NOTIONS, DRUGS. ORO<-KKIJY, ROOTS, MEDICINES, TIN-WAKE. SHOES. GROCERIES. TOKA1VO, Etc Our aim is to please ony customers hv selling them good goods at lowest prices , t>r nee trailing with us, we expect them to do so again. We will p.?v highest prices tor all iiuls ot country yr^luce uud have good Wagou Yard. Shed and Stables for our eu^ Oillera. Feb 9-tj