i *I*Ten cents pet line for locals in this ; eolmnn. 93T Wo are not responsible for the views ' or assertions of correspondents. *& Parties sending Obituaries to this office \t , wtU remember that all over tea lines will be v sfe&rged for at regular advertising rates. j SUBSCRIBERS receiving their paper witi (j a RED CROSS mark upon it, are thereby d notified thai vnih the next number their Sub- ; ncripiion expires. ^^^Agents for the Dispatch, j Eleazes, Spring Hill. B^HHs S. Dekeick, Leeaville. HgH^Hrav J. Wessingee, Fairbanks. HfwC. Gloves, Batesburg. t T> o: rB. 1I. lUDl'iifi, h}iuui?it. , Oapt. D. J. Gkiffith, Gilbert Hollow D. I. Epthwj, Pine Ridge. G. A, Goodwin, Sena's. Rev. J. K. Efird, RightweH. ? , ? I X^iTrirxe Serrricee. Will be held in the Methodist church at this place as follows: Every second Sabbath f at 4 o'clock p. m., and every fourth Sabbath at 4 o'clock p. m. |& Index to New Advertisements :? Clothiog Etc?M. L. Kinard BVMeeting of Trustees?E. L. Win- i IHgard. m. g gqg mim ciDiiim. ? ? i 2v?a^ze "STaux Selection. j V FOR SENATOR. v S. P. WINGARD, ^ Maj. H. A. MKETZE. _ f If OR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Col. A. MIMS. J. H. COUNTS. J. KINSLER DAVIS.. CARROLL BOOKMAN. FOR CLERK OF COURT. WM. J. ASSMANN. JAS. C. FORT. FOR SHERIFF. GEO. S. DRAFTS. E. RAWL. W. A. CORLEY. -"S JAS. I. CLARK. \ i S FOR JUDGE OF PROBATE V G.^E. GRAHAM. iar is ! crowded with good things aud when I in town don't negieet to .come in and i see them. We are requested by Rev. A- E. i Gregory to say that the deferred campmeeting of Mt. Zion A M E | feharch, will commence October 12th, j and fiGfctiype to the 10th inclusive ij necessary. | Will you suffer witu Pyapepsiu and Liver Complaint? Shi lob's Vital j izer is guaranteed to earo you. Al 5 Or. Q. HendriV. Soiiooi &ooks, pens, pencils, ink al j color*, paper, 6tf<;>aJop8P, fancy station ery, memoranda^; iiogUs, pockel | books and purses, poaket eojjabe, bay | brnshes, etc., at the Bazaar. We are reqnested by Rev. J, K Efird to state that there will be f I eo?n3unioo meeting held at St John' j chared sj? the second Sunday ii rwrthor ?ir?d r^-^iii'liiner on the Satar j ? r* ""? . w 1 day before, at 11 o'cioft* $ jn. i Those delicious Jfoston j j suow tiake crackers, full Hue cakes j fancy crackers and a "Leap" of otbe good things, jnat opened at th . ,B?za*r. 3 #eat North Carolina Plaids for 7 I cents, at ^srley & Long's, same a i! heretofore sold -lot- $ cents. Poioj Lour own work,expenses arevs$ved ani ^fcysLpricee given oar customers. HL. \ Mr* U'ada Spirga hm f"as contract ; ! cf building a nfetr bridge acrc>s 12 > 1 ? .1 J Mild en.ek oa 0;:? ^ but;' tout*? for: I $167; ;i!so the u: i.ver Galium i J creek near Hojih nHan; : ;??:> the I bridge over 20 Mdi oree." i:'H?r . U"\s?/ri Ferry. , ! (Jatakrh cuiti D, i'o.ltb ana sw^t j breath secured, by Sbiloh's Catarrh ! . ^ I Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal In- j jector free. At Dr. M. Q. Heudrix'. j j R. H. Edmunds, of Columbia, is j just back from the Northern markets ! and has the choicest section of dry j poods ever seen in that city, aud ;f j J you want something good, beautiful | ?od dirt cheap, be sure yon call on Ni him. \ \ The Lexington Graded School is growing in popularity and increasing each week in the number of pupils. Quite a number of new pupils will enter at the beginning of the second school month, on Monday next. r\f <5io P.mntB Damn. UlC l.'JCrin HI Hill ? _?. cratic Executive Committee will not forget to call on 0. S. Bradford Secretary, at his office. next to Drafts Hotel, for voting boxes, tickets, etc, for their respective township precincts. Mr. Bradford has all ready for delivering to proper parties. Shiloh s vitalizkr is what yon need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite. Dizziness, and *11 symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. At Dr. M. Q. Hendrix'. If von wish a magazine which is fall of instructive as well as delightfully interesting mutter and alaable information of a domestic character, subscribe to Arthur's Home Magazine. Address T. S. Arthur & Son, 808 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. $2 00 per year. The State University opens on Monday, October 1st. The yellow fever scare at Hendersonville is over. Ail the patients have recovered and most of the refugees have deported. Gov. Hill, of New York, says that Cleveland will carry that State by fully 20,000 majority. For First Place. A great amount of political eogin-? ?ill Iw U?n Kt> frinn^c nf n>nn eeriug wm \?v> ?.?j .lluuuu didates to secare for their man the first place on lhe ticket, and the best man will probably secure the coveted place. Then if iudorsed by the majority cf the people, the election is 88-: sored. Electric Bitters has been pat to the front, its merits passed upon, has been indorsed, and unanimously given the first place, among remedies peculiarly adapted to the reiief and ionre of all Diseases of KidneyB, Liver, 'and Stomach. Electric Bitters, being /goarauteed, is a safe investment. lEAiy Iti^d I -jufx fr 4hVi ] drag 6tores. j At tho residence of the bride's father, on j Sunday 16th instant, by Rev. M. Norris, j Mr. H. Sh ei.ro n Shealy to Miss Cobhje T, I Reynolds. All of Lexington connty, S. C. j MARKET REPORT. Colombia, cotton 5 to 9? Angnsta, " 9? Charleston, " 9 13 16 LEXINGTON MARKET' CORRECTED WEE?LY BY Lexington Merchants. Cotton, per to $ 5 a Bacon Hams. p?r & *o a 12 '* Sides. " " P> a 11 " Shoulders, per to "is $ Lard, per to to n it , *- ? fi 85 J Corn, per ou Peas, " " a '5 Qs^ta. " " 45 a 50 Flou?. per cwt 2 &? a 3 oo Fodder. '' " oo a l 00 Sweet Potatoes, c.er bu 50 a [rteh " ,v ? .... l 25 a l 50 Bice, per lb 4>?a 5y. Butter, per lb. 5W a 25 fggs, per cue*. a is , urggys, per lb 9 a 9)/. Geese. '* * a S3 : Chickens. ' " I2?ia 30 I Beeswax, per & i ? a i*xA Beef.perlp.1....... 5 :o Pork. " " *. e a IP 'fallow, per & '..'.....'.1.1 5 ? 6 j COLUMBIA MARKET. | Prices Current. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY LOR1CK $ LOWBJLNCE. \ Apple/?, per bbl 50 @ 5 Baggieg. D.cr y<} 10 @ 5 Bale liope.Vrtii^isi. pap fe ...., 1<5 l" I j Butter. Northern. *. 22 & 3 " Country. " " y> 25 ; Ba^on Hams. " i2>?@ 14 j " Sides. S;j(si 0 : ,f Shoulders, " "...111 GV? " BUorts. b^cks 6/a Bran, per cwt 1 ft3 ' 1 Chickens. " 90 & 25 ; Candles. Sperm. " " 12 & Adamantine, per te... 11 \2XA Chee-e. per lb 8 n Coffee, Rio, per lb 14 <& 17 Laguayra. per lb @ 22 " Java, per lb 24 j Kgas.pordoj? 12&@ 15 , ; Floui, fcer fahi 4 Oo @ 5 25 MeallperbuiV.' , >2 I Grain. Corn, per pu .: & 75 " W, r' * ;;;. 1 25 S 1 50 | " Gats. " h a ' Hay. Kottipirn, per cwt....11.. 00 @ 1 00 . " B.C.. '* " 90 @ . Hides, Dry. per it9 & F " Green."" \VM Lard, per lb ; Llrue. per bbl I 30 ? l 25 ; Lumber, per cwt ? 1 W j l Molasses. Cuba, per gal so 40 New Orleans, per gal 25 @ 48 . j " Common, per gal 20 25 i NaJLJs. per keg 2 35 @ t | Omdr^. lift bbl 5 oc @ O 1. Rernscite.'^er gn! 11 <& " Machinery. * 30 /a 75 Peas, per bash 111'..v. i, 75 Potatoes. Sweet, per bush 1. ?) 1 ?"*<* 1 1 1 Potatoes. lrl*h, pr? push ........ > f w Pork.nerlb ,. 6 ? 7 Rice. Carolina, per lb 5 & 6 i. Shot, per biwr & 1 *5 I Salt. Liverpool, per sack '?* 60 j . Soap, per 1& 8 @ 5 ^ SiJkrar Crushed, per h> h ' * Powdered." " 8 <& i *' > T.'htia, " " 7 3 J l Tea, Green, per & II ?0 , " Black. " > P (* 7S 3 Tobacco. Chewing, per lb P & W Brooking, " w & W \ * Turkeys, per lb ...,. ... 10 Vinegar. Wine, per gab... S" <3 $5 French." " . .. .... #1 @ Seed Rye and Barley, per bu .. 1 15 @> I 25 Spirits turpentine 3:j (jc 5?> j Rosin per hbl 90 ( i - r* Primary Candidates. I e i ' '' For State Senator j The friends of S. P. WfNGARD aa)> ! nounce bim as a candidate for re-election g for State Senator, and pledge him to abide i the result of the primary election. *-> The many friends of Maj. H. A. Meetze tl respectiully nominate him for the Senate, with the sincere hope that lit will not decline the nomination. w ? 4 I ?* . 'r i .. A 1~ " " **' -ii j, J??or H'ouSetf? Representative *?bo iri.b'ts of fa-A* ALFE?tl> MIMS atno'.Jnec iiliu us n jc'Mtaidato lor re-i !?-?*iio'fj 1.0 tiji.: lioUsu ofjslkprp'eulnfj'.tr. ami pledge h:m to Demce *ur -h-cuou to ihe House of Represents3ro,J1 D*xington County, subject to the |uct^011 t3 ?*>- Democratic primary. The many friir:jt' tnliy aunounce CAKKOLL liO^^MAN sis a candidate for the House ol ^'fcntnrjves in the ensuing primary eltctigp? niul pledge him to abide resnit of thBr''^For Cler*of Court. a-.- .... ,4 \v\r .T rwnvY J lie menu.> ? ... .... knowing Lis efficiency a?> one of the best officers in the State, respeo.ieUy announce Lim tor re-election & Oourt for Lexington county, sTiffpledge hiiu to abide the resnh of Die prijnary. The friends 01J. Ok EOET announce him as a candidate for tie office of Clerk of Court of Lexington tonnty at the ensuing primary and pledge jiini to abide the result of said election. BMMMMBMBBMMNB l M WWW WW? inn ? ?a WKK?WM1 For Sheriff. The many friend-, of GEO. ?S. DRAFTS appreciating the eminently satisfactory manner in which he has tilled the Sheriff's office, nominate bin- L>r re-election and pledge hiui to ubide #1' rules of the Democratic party. The many friends ol J AS. E. 11 AWL announce him as a candidate for Sheriff of Lexington County and /ledge him to abide the result of the primary.*lection. The friends of W. A. CORLEY announce j him as a candidate lor Shd'iffi and pledge | him to abide the result of the primary election. The undersigned at the solicitation oi j many friends take this method of announcing himself as a candidate for he office of Sheriff of Lexington county, subject to primary election. JAS. I. CLARK. For Judge of Probate. The friends of Mr. G. T. GliAIl^M-aj^. nonHce him lor re-election to the Juice ol Judge of Probate. We take pleasure in nomiuatmg'Prof. E. J. DEE HER, a man born and reared in Lexington county, for the of Judge of Probate; he is fully couifftcnt *? fill the office, being a lawyer and puiau of ability. He is pledged to abide t10 result of the primary election, " Many Yotuxis. The friends of OTTO TEtGMANN", announce hira a candidate1or ^ie office ol Judge of Probate, and pI^S0 him to abide the result of the primary Jcctiou, For School" Commissioner. The friends of E. L. ^INGARD announce him for re-election I'd School-Commissioner of Lexington Coanf &?d pledge him to abide the result of thednruary election. ' - " * - - ? --iJifnc nf TT r Tne mentis ann scaow?"v~ ... BAILEY, appreciatingfcis OI1S ft?d faithful service as a teacheiyfcspectfully announce him as a cundS^ for School Commissioner and pled^Bm abide the result of the primary. ^^B Having beer. soiioit ^^?rehy announce that I ain a candid^^^H tlio cfhce of School Commissiond^^^B* 1 am out on my own hook, I win^^^H^-'le to put me in at the primary. will execute the law, will locat^^^^Bee where the educational public^H^H:^ mo at any time, will work fo^^^^Vterest of the children. I am ^^^ kharpe. For CountjB^^Hfck^r The frien^^^^^^^H>MAS CRAFT annouuc^^^^^^^^Hdate for pledge him to Democratic party... Mr. G. A, GOO* fcggm. office of County j to the announced by abide'he pnjgg *f Capt jjOBEKT T. Conalv Commissi bi,u ? '"r abide iheresBlto""'1''"'"11^ rhe primary. Xi'vLOiUiLl eu'ds pC RULING S. as a candid?if ra r<''? ??<>"???!?? >?m and i,ledt!efe*,r 99?"'}' Gommissioncr, primary eleSBr0 lUuae tlle of the uoune/u2?f WESLEY 1IARSEY anCommission Jl pand.dato lor County result of the*Pd p^4ge U?m to abide ffx^nry election The ffiiendit%f' nonnceh rnjl' c- p- HAltWAHD anOonn^Ccmml;,VO.dat,for Oh- office of abide the result orHtl ai. P'ei-i e him to Jt the primary eCctir.n. Knowing the fiC , , ...? . . DERRICK to fill less A f,\ty ? 9; Amissioner we. hisV office ot County Cornname for said offi&neua.ds; f!in,?uncefh,S of tlje primary e|e$|H? -1 action J The friends of R^BL , ,,TT ! nominate him for the%AWfL? P, P 5' noissiouer for r.exingto?'e',f,Co,ln -vf""" him to abide the r4fc^d"e The many friends of ^ $ SEAKE " candidate lor UOIUUV pieu^e mm to abide the result of the Ijf :nijivv election. The friends of Mr. GEO. fcAWYEE nominate him for County Commissioner and pledge him to abide the result of the primary election. \ The many friends of PAUL H. CRaPS announce him as'a qandidaAL for County Commissioner, and pledge abide the resijlt of the primary dectic^B Thp ifiany frippds pf ,? NKM IT H nominate hjip for Cpunt>-^Kir,wis?ipner and pledge him tp nlndi^Rhe primary result, B For County Auditor. The friends ot JOH/S D. PGU. respectfully nominate him jior tin- mlicr of Auditor for Lexington C?iunty. and pkdge hiip, to abide 11 ?result o! the primary The many friends of K.\ THOS. EAUCH respectfully present bis ulnue as a candidate for County pledge him to abide tiie result electionThe friends of i MAN4 announce him as a candidat<^^^^^?iy Auditor, and pledge him to abic^P^mQili ol' the primary election. W >3 The farmers of ^ jexinjjj county respee:tclly nominate S . READY CKOUCfL as a cr,ndjdut^ far . Auditor, subject to the rules ot iho prima cv ekc|ifa/s ?/' -; P t?W ^ It Saved =17 Ciild'o lice. , vp& M v| ? ^ ^ . It Has No Equal. "V."hcn rr.y ciiifi \u^ bora, zjf {g ^ ? Q "^*e are using in our nor. 1 he doctor ordered one {I'm _r r *r it * 1 r n n ?i~- *? -11 ? iStrtiii / 0 G/7J U.sKUU0 j " ? iw" i.octOK, \vqo raid tnc trouble < which. lias been used, diiriuor V? THE PHYSIC/AITS FAVORI???????* i..u. Itsa\ci.mj thi.dt.iie,; .rt/ ?n .? Sisters of Charity, who have uid I ewe you many fc.uis! sABszS Ch'Y rUH If. cha 0f the institution, say for it I rog-ard your Too:! *s : I ft if A LIDS RELISH IT.! t has no cquaL" S ^ 1 P2rf,'Ct!y Nourishe8 a Baby with W. K DE COCECT. M. D.. t^t.-n.u^a..ooa ^rtaj.& or without tho addition of milk. . , ? ..... Mns. A. J. BSKFino). j <-. ?? St. Joseph's Foundlm* Asylum, ~ ^ ? r I t bree crzec. 25c. ojc. 51.00. a^s%cii, : Cincinnati Oliio 1> Indiana Pace. I A valuable pamphlet on "The Nutrition ^ Uf 1 of Infants and Invalids,'1 free. WELLS, RZCKARDSON & CO., BURLINGTON, VT. March T ly I | y. W. WAG EN E it. * OF.O. A. WAGES EE. F. W. WAGENER & Co., GOTTOIS &m BAVAL STORE FACTORS, V.'HOLES VT.K Gs?o-?ea?s axtd laiquoa? Bealersj. OILAlir/tCSTON, S <\ titredllxgee | iSa-irex cincl Cprs.xsctiori.ex, 25fi jMCIIAIIDSOX STKEKT, COLUMBIA, S. C'. Yon wilt always find in my store, under Columbia II^tc-1 building, Fresh Bread, Cakes. Pies, etc. Kemember ibis when yon arc in the city. Sept. f>?3m Br. E. C. BIBOifZl TAYFiR! ^ DE1TTIST, Notice is hereby given that I will be ami : attrml at the fidlowing named plaets on the BATES BUB Cr. . - - - S. C. j dates n entioned lor the purpose ot rreeivAT 0? ing State and County tax*.s, tor the fiscal 1 -t ":i year commencing November 1, 1S88. viz: mtrmrm*. LexiligtOll C. II Oct. 1.3. 18.H7 "D !i ft [ Martin Chapin's, morning; ' lt>, 44 A i fry.- y* v* O t X BoadSchooI-hou.se. afteruoon 44 l!l. 44 Peak 44 1 7 44 We will furnish at Lexington <_'. II., on : Spring Hill 44 \s ?4 Thursday 27th day of September next a honknighr^iaoriii'i^.'!44 19, 4 farst-ehtfs barbecue and refreshments, j Houston Yansanfs. afternoon 44 19. 44 Candidates ami the jmbhe genera!^4 are in- ; M /?..! t> . r. z. ? V <-1. J'Ull N, illilTllUUIl " 29, * oMiniMiiMMmfrww Draft's store. morning " 26, ' NEWBERRY COLLEGE, |?S'%:~:::::: - %" : Carson Abies. utttmnon 44 29, 44 DEWBERRY, S- C? Unnu Miiis, morning 44 90, 44 S*. Nrxt session opmis Ootohor-2,1. i-ph" SenffiU'K, aftmicou " 39, " JfHflL Preparatory Diriment nn.l. r . *'?*b s. ; . " 4K efficient ? . ~W^ Technical Deputmeat. Ck *. H"t,? * !aorMV? *<"' ! ! Brunches taufrht.Penmanship, ; Kecdcr s siniv nftcrnopn 1 Book-keeping, Type-writing and Short ; J.jOX3}i?.'0.n Z* : Goodwins nml. afternoon. ... 4* 44 nana.- . T), . Collegiate Department?Classical, Phil- :L1UVV1 Vi * J* " osophical and Eclectic eoursos. ; MarUn s mill, morning 44 b %&r*For particulars as to terms Ac., j \an!') U,V ; ' ? n* tl write to ! Archie Wolfe* s. morning 44 9. 44 President G. W. HOLLAND. i Wm. Martain\ afternoon 44 9, 44 New Brooklar.d ' 10, 44 Aug 1 ? 2m ; Burr's Station, afternoon, 44 19, 44 I Lewirdale *414, 44 (MEBSITl OFSOLTiiCAKOLiXA, jS&v;;;;;;. AT G8L0M31A, S. G. j U*'sUm "" ""c'13'1888 Includes Graduate Department. College | For Slate purpose* 5 mills of Agriculture and Mechanic Arcs, College | For Count; purposes ."J of Liberal Arts and Sciences, College oi For School poroses 2 Pharmaucv, Normal School, Law School For 11. II. Broad Kiver township 2 7-10 44 ^^^chexs. 11 ^ ?j'A0 44 * cent for | noq nav- ? iron^wo^k^Bxpennaental Farm ilode! j~~"" ' Classes connected with Not'i:d School lor at the practice in teaching. nfirm u-y. .^ TFTTION?S40 per 8 4-rftoii. Otaer ; Fees $15 W Board. J $ to $12 pe; j T> A */ A A T) mouth: I>-A-'Z-'A-A"K; penses. including icel vm*6> boots, Ac., j about ^ rf-'i itiedi^Muileiits certify- j Jti,ricaWiuyioKf| . . * I PRC.rs, canned goods, etc. For farther informal/ iMPPLv to ,7. if. McBn*} ., Piosident. , Figs, Eaisins, Da tea, Prunes, Currants, Anrr 1?2ra j 'i ^4r"n? Nats, Apph-s, Oranges, Lemons, , liriIT f#---. u Bananas, Malaga Grape^, Cocoa cuts, Cab- / . pornx op ^- -'V v\ X? , : ;:;,Vi.i ? , ' T, E X I j\T G T <) N 0. V S r Patricks. i(:i}ci n ,; ' h* ?* To Alice Davis, one of,n\ ^sssofgfaim babbeche. * : : summons heivui upon >. attention i - S '\n in eVti 2 *iil be Ine &r? invited to ;?tWd ' ine el5 Cauvloa S. (J.; sit-ehamHiih^th^r 1 ' V/ V SflFUV * rn u ti i! of November nevt, at Iffy ln< m.;W . j,j nu.^ ' " ?t tO. o> the 1 an order appointm*; suitable B _.." ' ' Call s competent person pnaJj litem V ~ - m n yon. authorizing ami di'?.*?im to B T1,,. ~ on i e ? . . t pear and defend lite :ibtv.jiidcs of Public Schools', I ^ - ^,,i - .,, , - J T?a ,l- ' 0:11 ,;0: ^' to attend, j ?? 5 salesmen inte%?? * " ~'c; ii . I 10 ,UNDLE ? lp'3 l*sanen.la of West Virginia ?? Thoroughly. ECfcle \ >' * enti.omstic /<* VI OTRSERT SDCZ. fc4 "*'! "'""" aml the r, j S:.ifi?i no oh a II CO nf \ ;e We engage men on lib. vahmiission, '\:r#. .t t c . * i ?? i * . ..... . . . vnt tniit Jmu!o . t" j c.~ on salary ?.u;.? ;.eneg*.;., jnutmiio-u i\ V>;'' ' MJ ? ; nermann;! eiiipio;yueut ..ml i'a- 1 V_ . 1 v* | eilitus unwjuajod; 'nicr;s: v;.:Usona'ale- j ^ " ??H) seen in the! J r* n ? i OUTFIT FRKift. JJeciMfuj :w.ig&s m i i'?i siii i ojj r iH'j'iinj'Tu. Vv's:ti> at otw*. \ . j rv KLL'tVANGKii A* ft IVY. | ran jw.Jil msnn sty fhfit Now r! ill m v i fji >t| / once tr Jul1' 1* -3m " ^ j Hill gr> h?j Citvclnud by 5,000 kinds o 1 ' u' -,m \ tomeis. : \w { wge, Unions, etc. I I Boarding lOIlSO. | Canned Pine Apple, Pears, Cl^as in j ? a I am prepared) uceommodafe ' &tgle Brand I b ) ,.j,. s and Urdiiie nnoik of ! (;ondfx^ ***& crop Tomatoes, Lobpi* f^s?^^3noai' ?rdines:pick,es akVwf| following rates r month: i Je.lies, Pin- Apple and Quince Preserves, Monday till Friday $5.00 . j Entire month iaohuung shing. lights. j. CANDIES, fuel, etc., SS.O0. Pati ge solicited | : with assurance to parent* u their ehtl- [ pure hand-ni/tfh: or nl! flavors ah-i IV ton will every care ? ^ kin'd LglX III ... il, 0.-^5,HJiAN. J Candy made .specially for ConShs, Colds I Aug S?"0i j coarseness and Throat affections. Worm | i,nr eMo-i*=*- ? wj.r.gw,,>to , ^finely for Children, etc. | State of SoutHrolina, CAKES AXD crackers. j | COl'yTY OF L ffiyox. ' As's-artKl ^ Crockets j -T ' . utdCa*es, Miji. ooTiti? or ooMifl f., i3. I 1' In voting tAivauts, Ground Cinnamon " .... !?.. ; . I Nutmeg, Cloves. Eio. ' Er.z.ibpth IptihppHitiff, j "White and Colored Sur;aiv. for Icing and 1 _ j Deecratmg CiiVus. ! Patrick K. llalinwn. his Halknan, { M; t A. . ' Clieslev llaHuian. Wdl Rail man, : p.,-l.'I11- ' ??? ?n?l Bologna Sausage, ^ Ellen Hendtfx, Mary A iie?, Henry j * iC;;i0 11'- 1 Cheese, etc. M. Davis, Amaridiuavhort, Ella j Cigars and Cigarettes, Chewing avd Willis, Alice Davis, jrja.elly, Jane \ Smoking Tobacco, Pint's, etc. " Posey, and John WJIjieis admr. o r.?. /?Ca......i \ I -a. ... ... f ?*uiiimi>ii>/i'i rt-'4T4 ' To the Defendants abtyraH: . , , i -j _ . , I'Oils f\iu4 fojv-j vf fcvoj-y (iesevrpfion for \ou are herebj s. mtUHd mpnrod the li{tlu and k-ratfifui articles suited to answer the coraplai* t4 V-nAn. oi - f(>i. hirthilav and other presents, a, which a copy is Ueyevj] H^upnu you, , Phlsh Wovk Raxos% Toilet Sets, Photograph j and to sert.3 & frbu rijle? to> die : Frames, Scrap and Autograph Albums, . said C01"f^t ^ J-tHn ! Boa;Uifil5- 0nPs ftn:* Spacers. Mugs, elusive oi the day of si, and it j * sn-.ves. Peekct-lyoks and Purses, von ?ui { "? e,uAv\ i- the jui>l>|i;hiii the ' ^l-;uiora::ihmi and Blank Books, time aforesaid, the plaiiitV ij|s action n !(,1. , Books, C^py Books. Pencils, i will apply to the Courier tilled do- 1 ,;ns- h)r':- (ik'v ^nung Papers, >^oie. \ inanded in the compiaik .1 i ' . f::i1 ':ih' Boo!s?.-;p.\ y,iid Paucy Dated 10th StM.teadKij^r "1,x stationery, etc, Wm. J. A*#m*x. ' WtfUUSsHV. SVEKT SOAPS, ETC.- g (l.s.) Clerk C, C. P , ^ , j j [ lloyt s German. Brown s aud other good " j , I , ! Colognes, Pocket Handkerchief Extracts I The State oi Sol (Mna,i \ : oorxrr of n\%rot ? . . Se^fall dry goods \ in coiAjmbia, s. c. We unfurl the Bansehjiearing the worda Best Goods, Lowest Prices, at iff reeky a mather's.-h \ Through the columns of tho Dispatch we fire the first volley oK bargains. We have secured extraordinary value in Black Silks and want every lai^y in Lexington to have one. They are imported every fibre silk, but we refraun quoting prices, as it is our desire that the ladies should see and judge for themselves. Faille Francais, Rhadanies, Grosgrain and Surah Silks. \ Heniretta Cloths ar.d all the leading fabrics in fine wool textures w&h a beautiful line of trimmings to match in Plush, Velvets, Gimps and Braided settts. On our centre tables you will find in Domestic Dress Goods values unprecV dented. \ Jcrsv Jackets for the Million. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Underwear. \ A word about Jeans and Cassimeres. Searching the market during the \ heated term to secure for the Fall trade, a line of these goods, having weight, \ make and tow price combined, we have secured this and offer this Fall values in Jeans and Cassimeres that will completely paralize all bargains in the past. CLOTHING ^VISTr> SHOES. Th'is stock will show this Fall a hat close buying and small profits will secure to the purchaser. Ail Domestic Goods at Dot torn Prices. Our patrons across the river will find this season that the several departments throughout this house embrace the largest and most diversified stock we have ever shown and our aim as in the past, is to give to each and everyone uniform prices for every article purchased ancl^hat the lowest. MyAPaFgpgftif ? nnATiipn oncxiu ? snu inert, COLUMBIA, S. C. Jan. I?ly. ^ McCEElEET'S CYCLONE RACKET STORE, COLUMBIA, S. C. y:%l , ? N V ' f * wjj We have just bought out a New York Bankrupt Stock of Mens' and Youths' Clothing. MENS' WOMEN AND COTLDRENBiSHOES, M it 4b cents on the dollar. And will give our friends the BIGGEST BARGAINS in the ibove lines that have ever been ottered anywhere. All iu need of goods in these lines ihould call early and get their choice of every desirable goods at T ? --- *-17 jSTteTUANI TA'i&Hi .UUIJHSlZi. ?? " The Stock in the Racket Store will lie filLd with the CHEAPEST and MOST DESTKBLE GOO OS to be found for CASH. iVE buy for CASH only and sell for CASH nlv, und buyers can rely on getting decided BARGAINS. T. A, EcGREERY & CO., coltt^musx-a., s. c. Jau 20?ly ry rr> iitt wtufmutmt i nawii i mamHtauOKJmsaBC * ,"^aaBaMMi if I MM? EDMUND'S JR EAT BARGAIN HOUSE, OPPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL,, FUIaXa ?F \44r?. Ill (SOODS, I0R HATS AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, FOB TEH FALL TEALS. fou will find my prices as low as any, and polite attention to all who visit store. Yours verv resnoetfullv ; - x J ? ' MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C* \ >ril 4?ly. ; ^ :. X. WILLS, TURNER WELLER^"1^^ !~* ' WILLS & WELLER, ' ^ ; DEALERS IN GROCERIES, GRAIN., FRUITS, CANDIES, T31 JSS, 3D T7v" 25 E3 , Etc. keep a Complete Stock of Groceries, Provisions, trails, etc., for both Wholesale leiail trades, which will he sold at the wry lowest prices. Our stock is new and and it is onr intention always to have <>? Imini only those thiuos which arechAioa ry particular. An inspection oi our stock and quotations is asked before purehassewhere. Post floods, Pnli Weight, Courteous Attention and Prompt Delivery ^ main features of our establishment. and give us a trial and be convinced of out cheapness. EMHJNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Very respectfuUv, WILLS Ac WliXXEK, truer Main and Taylor Streets, COii^JMBIA, S. Oi 19 --lm Zn 23 T .iTIONS, DRUGS. crockery, mm >OTS, vfEDICINES, tin-ware, [OES, GllOCEHI^v tobacco, Ete lim is to please our cnstomera Vy frying, tk>m good goods at lowest prices , of MM adiug with us, we expect ',*(.-$* to do j?q 1>' iUIi. We will puy highest prices for ail 'i country prodo au.iW'og>"d VAy- Vard, Shed and Stables tor our cu&. MM Feb 9-tt