MAKE SOMEBODY GLAD. On life's rugged road, As we journey each day, , Far, far more of sunshine Would brighten the way; If forgetful of self And our troubles, we had The will, and would try, To make other hearts glad. Though of the world's wealth We have little in store, And labor to keep Grim want from the door, With hand that is kind And a heart that is true. To make others glad There is much we may do. A word kindly spoken, A smile or a tear, Though seeming but tritles, Full often may cheer. Each day to our lires Some treasure would add To be conscious that we Had made somebody glad. Those.who sit in the darkness Of sorrow so drear, Have need of a word _ Of solace and cheer. There are homes that are desolate, Hearts that are sad? Do something for some one, Make somebody glad. A Farmer's Some Duty. If there is any one thing more than another that farmers need urgiDg to do it is to give more attention to the garden. Far too many farmers plant oat a small garden and then neglect to properly care for the little they do plant, so that ths village mechanic with bat a small house and lot will have more vegetables for his family than the farmer. This ongbt not to be, for the farmer having plenty of I land can select a garden where the soil | is of the right character, and plenty of manure, with all kinds of farm implements to prepare the soil and cultivate crops; in fact he has every advantage, while the mechanic has few implements,and no choice of land; I^^B^^he mast take what is in the rear of V s^P^^fchouse, however poor and stony it his strong desire for a good stimulates him to action, he p.^Tl^thQ stones, man a res heavily and cultivates continuS^L^^1 last he brings his land into a condition to produce wonderfal crops. tSome farmers in the care of their garden would do well to imitate the ; mechanic.?American Gardner. tumorous. An exchange says that chickens can be bonght for four cents apiece. It doesn't say how big the pieces are. When the widow buries her, first husband she becomes pensive, after she gets the second she^^s* ally ex-pensive. / C J "It's an ill wind that blow^wbody the man remajjMwR&H 11 im 1 HRnHm^FT^^at od8 cannot tot ac- j I Piavitstioa. don*'"give me a penny," ? *??<* a youfiglopefol to his mamma, ^*'1 know a boy that's got the measles, and 111 go and catch 'em." "Who is sweet ?" is a remark that was heard to be made by one of our gallants a few eveniDgs ago, while walking with a youDg lady. The reply was "Both of us." T* * ^ i. 1 II you can gee oue vowm uu. ui one yard of clotb, how many towels can you get out of two yards? Tiafc depends altogether on how maiy there are on the clothes line. a . "Is it wrong to cheat a lsvyer?" ' was recently very ably diseased by the members of a debating jggietyT The conclasifc amved It was that it was not wj,^ but impossible. A young ja(jy being asked what jja business ljr sweetheart was engaged Bra iD> an<*uot liking to say he was botHL Mr ** and mineral water, anI^^^V^&ered: "He is practicing fizzition." "Please ^f>ass the goat," said a boarder to his hostess. "Why do you call my batter the goat?" asked the lady. "Because," replied the unIpM* feeliDg wretch, "it is a very strong butter." "What are you doing with that cigar, you little wretch?" exclaimed a father, addressing his son. "Ma says if I hit that cat again she'd make me smoke, and I hit her again and am smokin'." "Do you ever gamble?" she asked, as they sat together, her hand held in his. He replied: "No; but if ] y wanted to, now would be my time.' "How so ?" "Because I hold a beautiful hand." Thg engagement is an\ nonnced. \ ^-"1 have been carried now mor< than thirty years, and bave.nevei A given my wife a cross word," boastec A a prosy old igpw rtmfTTTittle them; "if you ?iTaW auntie would have made you jump." V A Chicago wholesale house sent out three female drummers by way of experiment. One of them wore all -- her samples t<^a picnic aud got lemonade, pie aud grass stains all over them; another got mashed on a brakeman and followed him off; and a third reported three new dresses, a lawn-tennis suit, a garden hat, and a Langtry bang in her expense account, the house is so well satisfied with the resnlt of the experiment that it will cot repeat it. THE MORAL OF IT. We may moralize as much as we please about pain; but the fact is, that we don't like it while it lasts, and that we want to get rid of it'hs soon as we can. Whether caused by rheumatism, gout, disordered liver, weak nerves, irregular kidneys, bad blood, or anything else that is just the reverse of what it should be, the sooner it is out of the system the happier we are. "Whether pain is the result of imprudence or of accident, or is sent as a punishment for our sins, may be a nice question for the philosophers to argue; but people who are suffering want first to be rid of the pain, after which those jwho are fond of argument may argue the matter to their hearts' content.' Above all theory, argument, and philosophy, comes the delightful feet that Brown's Iron Bitters drives pain away., Sufferers run no risk in trying this medicine, the only com j ! ! _t_ puunu cuuuuumg iron wmcn cames no mischief with it Those who have used it will tell you so; and you can tiy for yourself by buying a bottle of the nearest drueeist ? ' Oct. 3?ly ch. w. # Half Out of His Head '"Blessed be the man," said Don Quixote's weary squire, "who invented sleep." Sancho's gratitude is ours, bnt what if one canj not for any reason enjoy that excellent invention? "Nervousness in me had become a disease," writes Mr. William Coleman, the well known wholesale druggist of Buffalo, New York. "I could not sleep, and my nights were either passed in that sort of restlessness which nearly crazes a man, or in a kind of stupor, haunted by tormenting dreama. Having taken Parker's Tonic for other troubles, I tried it also for this. The result both surprised and delighted me. My nerves were toned to concert pitch, and, [ like Caesar's fat men, I fell into the ranks of j those who sleep o'nights. I should add that the Tonic speedily did away with the condition of general debility and dyspepsia occasioned by my previous sleeplessness, and gave xne strength and perfect digestion. In brief, the use of the Tonic thoroughly reestablished my health. I have used Parker's Tonic with entire success for sea-sickness and for the bowel disorders incident to ocean vuyuges. This preparation has heretofore been known as Parker's Ginger Tonic. Hereafter it will be advertised and sold under the name of Parker's Tonic?omitting the word "ginger." Hiscox & Co., are induced to make this change by the action of unprincipled dealers who have for years deceived their customers by substituting inferior preparations under the name of ginger. We drop the misleading word all the more willingly, as ginger is an unimportant flavoring ingredient in our Tonic. Please r .member that no change has been or will be made in the preparation itself, and all bottles remaining in the hands of dealers, wrapped under the name of Parker's Ginger Tonic, contain the genuine medicine if the fac. simile signature of Hiscox <& Co. is at the bottom of the outside wrapper. 1 GRAM) OPENING \ -(0F)_ . NEW and FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. SIRS. S. ROfelNSON, MAIN STREET, (/ COLUMBIA, S. C. I\ill line ofHat3, Plowed, Plumes, Silks, ' aU aC Irtfoct cfvloa ^-~MVWU5, JL AlUJUJlUgO, CWV/. V* uawov ovj*vo. \ J ha^ employed the services of an exCLOCK Jewelry. LOOE AT THE PRICES. Having a Large Stock of JEWELRY and | other goods in our line, in Styles and Prices to suit all we respectfully invite the attention of our Lexington friends to the following prices: .1EWELRY.. Setts of Broach and Earrings fn*&>LID GOLD at $7, $8, $9, $10. $12, $16, $20 to $50 a set. Single Broach or pair of Earrings at about half the above pri ces. Necklaces in Solid Gold at $5, $6, $8, $10, $12 , $40. Bracelets in Solid Gold at $12, $16, $18, $25 and upwards. Rings in great variety from children's rings at $1 or beautifully carved at $1.50 and at all prices to real Diamond rings at $25, $30, $40, $50, suitable for young gentlemen to buy for "somebody." In addition to our Fine Gold Jewelry mentioned above we have a choice selection of Jewelry in ROLLED GOLD. It is all of fine quality and will wear for years. The prices are from one-quarter to a third that of the real gold. .* WATCHES. We Lave Solid Silver Hunting Case Watches, boy's size for $10. $18, $20. Gent's size $14, $15, $18, $20, $25, $30. These are all good watches and can be depended on to run and keep tune. Ladies' Gold Hunting Case Watches from $30 to $100. Gent's sizes from $45 to $1,50. ' CLOCKS at $1.25 to $11.50 and upwards, suitable lor parlors, bed-rooms, offices, etc. tSilver Ware. i We hare an immense variety either in or out of "cases, at all prices viz; Spoons, Forks, Soup Ladles, Gravy Ladles, Sugar Spoons, Butter Knives, etc. We sell an ( elegant sterling Siver Teaspoon at $7.50 a set of six. We have a splendid assortment of Silver Plated Ware in CasterR, Cake Baskets, Ice Pitchers, Pickle Stands, Card | Receivers, Tea Sets, Knives, Forks and Spoons. Send to us lor anything you may want in our line we can fill any order. REPAIRING. We do the finest repairing in the State. We have a Silver Medal avxirded usjor Fine j Watch Work. When you come to Columbia, call f and see our goods. Be sure you find -1? ricOifc nlaee 1 .tu. lacHICOTTE&c0., 99, MAIN STREET, Exactly opposite the Carolina National Bank, COLUMBIA, S. C. oct 3?ly. ft W?. 1 mitAtiou goUi jc,. bvrfi'l jcoMf 12. Cbe*p*?t ania, S. C. Oct 31?tf. Dr. (ho. Smith, DENTIST, Lexington C, II., S. C. I al80 dkaleb in ^ Drugs; Medicines, Chemicals, 0 Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, Paints, ? Class, Putty, Spectacles ?. and Eye Classes, And All Patent Family Medicines. Sewing Machine Needles and Oil. . Apr. 25?tf. BUCKINGHAM WHISKEY. A Really Pure Stimulant. rrraisT plunkey is eogfjolled sMirely by ("jjb New YorjM^^^u ions is permitted to enter iwWffcomposition,^uid none of it is allowed to be sold untilrafiy 3 years old in order that it may be entirely free by evaporation from fusel oil. Venablc A Heyman offer these goods as perfectly pure, to ?11 a long felt want for medical purposes. It is their own brand, and they stake tneir repmauon uu iuc truth of this assertion. i For sale by W. 31. WILSON, Peak, Lexington County, S. C. MEETZE k CO., j Lexington C. H. S. C. j Oct. 3-Cm THE BEST SEWING ^MACHINE. "TTTE the undersigned bought the Weed V T Sewing Machine from John C. Swygert & Co., ot P<>ak, S, C., and are higfity pleastd, and it affords its much pleasure recommending them lor their durability, light running, good work and the general satisfaction they have given. They sell their machines cheap und guarantee satisfaction in every sale: Mrs. Ida Seare, , Mas. Frank Corlf.y, Mks. Della Summer, Mrs. II. H. Swyoebt, Mns. Eli .abeth Haltiwanoer, Walter Stoudemire, Frank Chapman, Frank Lindles, Henry Summer, J. R.- Kelly, Chas. Kennedy, col'd aug 15?6m ~ WANTED. COTTON SEED! COTTON SEED! , I will pay (15c.) fifteen cents cash per bushel for Ten Thousand Bushels Sound Dry Cotton Seed, delivered to me at this place before the 1st of next November. Will exchange Cotton Seed Meal for Cotton Seed. J. W. MITCHELL, Batesburg and Leesville, S. C, Oct 10?3m WE WANT ONE OR TWO RELIABLE, INDUSTRIOUS Men in every Town and County to sell onr Popular iiootcs. uner jioenu muuaments. Applicants "will please give age, experience (if any), and reference as to character and habits. A SPLENDID CHANCE for men who are not afraid of work and want to make money. Apply in person or by letter to B. F. JOHNSON & CCL, 1013 Main Street, Richmond, Va. Sept 5?3m Andrew Crawford, Attorney and Ccra.n.sellor, LAW RANGE, 'COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA, Will practice in the Courts of Lexington County. 1 _ Sept 19?3m Ir. ? Urt,?. S?eX TiDf lEAM. I ? <*11 il^lnlow. '"J Jrorfr?? twfc,?ui B JONES OF BINGHAM TON, msGuiMTON,?. HI Be8t0on*!iHisJrroP- Twt?i*ood. p< jtf Uw in lime. A Bold bydruiafUt*. gSJ ii3W|kJ ^ mn^jmail Mttf One o/the ^restest cutofuft* t"^Jioso exj>><-tior; !-' *. -B fM tohe confiuetlisn renu-ily uc^i yhii-h i.-njilieit c0.j [ A XJil fidenee can be plsccti-oiie tbs/wia produce nsaf - J and quick delivery?one ih^i ?/iii controlpain nuu J . ' ^ ?hortenthcdurationofUbwr..i3UcLls"TuiiilOTH. ( ^ kk's Fbiknd." Try it and so? what -La ? A Blearing it is iS Snifering Females. / ftf AVE 1 TI This Liniment wbeersed two or three weeks be- / fore confinement, produc.*s u wonderful elleei J J mm an _ causing a very easy nJnL(}?i<.-ii labor, ?itii conipar | J atlvely little pain. wavee ?r... ..... , dltion to recover quickly -orin otherwordsto have A/t/t+i, a good setting up. Under its use. Ulmr will or6iw-j *V|In VlOOQS thl rlly occupy much less than the usual time, audi ' the suffering ho diminished beyond expression. } The condition lor wuleh this remedy is offered irJ Of such u cbafacter as to forbid h Ion#; array of Cer- IrrtRrtTTP wrr/v-nor tiflcatcs. Those interested in its use are respect- r^-1 '?Hiih tVliilLSLAL fully referred to the hundreds who have used It. 11 compelled to build READ THE TESTIMONIALS: tyate their extensive ant: I most earnestly entreat every fernsle expecting Jexclusively to WHOT.F to be contlned to use tlie Tile Motjtkk'm i?VT/ilT I)Ul.iwtv,1, Fr.tKN7>." Coupled with this entreaty, I will add-* AiAj ''L'MNr.hS. that during a large obstetrical practice (forty-four WL years), I hove never known it to fail to produce u ft -v safe and quick delivers'. . 11 IrU AfTfIC* 11. J. IIoL.V Its, if. D., Atlanta, G*. IT* J V*vUilO; A lady from one of the counties of Middle Geor- J ** - Cla, who has been acting as midwife for many J IfAQ/lT year*, writes: "I have disposed ol all T:i?: Moth- w - AvCddl l KB's Frutsn you sent rat. aud I ain I)ELI(JHTED V "J v WITH IT. In every instance where it has been lurtJ1 rtvrfu , used its effects hase been all that 1 could ask. 1 i"-"I1 PARC CONiS'DEii IT A GREAT BLESSING." iftuUSE CAN COUPE' A f'ntlemiin writes: "My wife used your Mont- jjfP0'"' please and sa kti's at her fourth continent cat, and her LpAH they cirft find anv testimony is that she passed through it with onehalf of theauffeiins;of either of her former confine- 'I ment*. and recovered from it in much loss Ome. J VV HO She also recommended it to n lady friend who was j\ about to ho contlned for the hrst time, and she fU *?? . nays: 'I IIAVK NKVElt SKKN ANY OSK i-ash X beg to say that W OUR AT TRIAL WITH SO MUCH tfUlis v. EASE A NT) SO LITTLE sUFKEKINO.' " ft ? ,DLatfet A0 The names ol ali these, and many others, can be W11 "IjJFgOOas they liiav had fcy cJliinir at my ofllce. ftl W&Rav(?>i voeo loer,! Having limf tin- foregoing rcm?dv Tnnitornjn.v Li*L. ery large Tasranin Atlanta and vicinity. 1 n<.w offer it to P expense, superk my patrons as possessing superior merits. ppened to the DUbllO ill I sm oermitted also to refer to the following well- p nnrTavi nt f t knowncliixeiM of -\VkU.t*:?(,vf? of wi?4ya? iucker, Jacob Keisler, an k!m& to"V tify tTthe iu?-riis of bo prepaw- Jejr frienda ieel at hou lion. Price |1,W per boltle. " ., Prepared by _ ^ ^ /; V J. BRADFIELD, . for acli eivryv/u rc. w Nov. 8?ly. cligfl, STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!!^ Cry is ARE THE BEST. E. Ca.ugLtm4^ WOOD DOORS at both ends of Fire^^^^^Hirthy friend and3 large flues. Remarkably Durable PuteL^^^HB^frDrr place in ihf Wood Grate, large broiling door with of sorrow.' Hi draft, removable damper, ring cov^^^H^oiaQ(i adjoining c< double crosspieces, reversible long crf(tr dealing. The 1 piece, swing hearthplate, swing flue s^^^Rays \ili be npprecede sifter grate, illuminated sliding fire do<^BPfy;UjjX- place, nexl etc. Nickel kn#bs and nickel -Pan^B^' Made with solid tire doors if preferred. W?I. DEL?H,HBf V Aug Scott Hendrix, -^B?; i Dralrr in ) ^HaRDWARE, Ttfines, liquors, Soda Smoking and TobaccOyj iiji Cob. Mats asd Church tEETS7^^^B PAINTS) II Lexington, S.'l. ^B OIL, . He Mar- 21~lf- I LIME, "FT TT POTJ.fttTT 1 tsi 154 Main St, Columbia, S.v * ^ ^ ^ WATCHES, CLOCKS & PROMPTLY REPAIRED. ' j -AJ.1 Work Warrar^' Sta> Sept. 5?tf to JUST THINK OF^I^P^ J y JanMy OUR STOCK OF CLOTI^G ^ TjEjm Is now ready for yotir inspection, and we 11A have placed our counters so as to show you the goods to advantage. Come and examine this beautilnl stock. It consists of , all grades of goods aud in ? SACK SUITS, I'TU Vy? k CUTAWAY SUIp4, / i A DOUBLE BREASTED >EAK, LE SACK SUITS, ^ COATS ana \ f YES? "J cut in Single and Double Roasted. Tit' vJTOOCLS have either of the above mentioned suits cut ^ out of the Finest Imported Goods or Do- x J mestic. iarawa I'll guarantee you that our Fine Suits are cut and made as .well and trimmed --mr,,.- ...... better than any custom made suits. It has CUU|N6 STOYEi been our aim to present to you this class of garments, that will not only be a Perfect ftnftfl C nT Fit^ but will give you wear. 'JZ&- CuTON and a We would call vpor attention to the line of Alwaysive 118 a HECK y i ' that is just received. The assortment is j < very large and you can make your selec- T tions in any style or color. v We have our line of Gents' Furnishing ! goods of CE0IC UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, HANDKER /v nrr CHIEFS' AND HDSIcKT ' Ull of all the Leading Styles and Colors. "We try to snit the wants of our friends in this / p, line in order to be comfortable in cold * weather. r> . " ^ Our Stiff Hat stock is large and era-' braces many different styles too numerous \j to mention, bat the "p|" BELL CROWN W is the latest design in the Stiff Hat. We have many other shapes to please all. Now Sept. 5-~3i we give ypu a cordial invitation to call and _____ ? see our goods. We will be pleased to show this stock. v _ yy M. L. KINARD, ?-a COLUMBIA, S. C. ly Crackers. Cak SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE, Columbia, S. C. always op hai John M. McBryde, President. * Session begins Oct. ?d. Vacation ??bnes jS^ | 18th. TUITION Fl&K. Annual fe^or \ Hf fgB K * repairs S10. Board at Steward's Hall SUV | B ftJR B ill pilVUtt; UllliJilCn V>1J IU OJU pCi M JH ^ Expense** should not exceed $150 to $175. Alidw,"rhM1 For requirements for admission and courses ?ach siciIt from o J.. ?J3?. ? * ?f?unn< F?m*l?Compl 01 btudj' address or Jem by n>*il for 8 c.n JNO. 31 McBRIDE, Pres. fc???-?? Sept. 19?2ru A ' A r / r t / lHys ahead. (ooo) rCREERY & GO., ^ol\a.m"bia, S. C., IS SEASON FILLED THEIR SHSXL7 LAF.G-E STORE" e Prices of which Cannot be Equaled in the Southern Country. iE TRADE having increased to such an extent they have been one of the LARGEST STORES IN THE SOUTH to accoraoI rapidly increasing business. Their upper floors are devoted SAT.P. TRADE, and their immense stretch of lower floors to We keep everything the people need in , Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, r-Made Clothing, &c., &c. 1AINS IN EVERYTHING. NO MARKET OR BUSINESS fE WITH US. We always LEAD IN LOW PRICES, make it tisfy our customers, and give them better value for their money where else. LESALE CUSTOMERS, eVre.jirepwetl to- dflRK them advantages in Goods And Prices rtlt aad South, and can save then^reights, Time and 'Expense want for their store. L Waggon Yard for the use of our friends and customers, built at >r in comfort and convenience to anything of the kind"' ever Columbia. Is will find in our employment Messrs. Luther Wcssinger, B. H. J. B. Lowman and J. L. Eargle who will do all they can to make le, and above nil, give them good bargains. T. A. McCREERY & CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. Jan 20?ly A CASH DM GOODS STORf, ?.?00(0)00 Still They Come. The World Dving and Wonders will Never Cease. itoMPotb from the City and the Conntry daily throng the I iASH DRY GOODS STORE, in crder to examine the endless variety of l^^otions, and Ready-Made^Olothiing e jnst perfected our arrangements by which we will receive every portation from England and France the very latest styles for tht of the Ladies. he name of "LEADERS," bat it is au established fact that foi e been THE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES, occupy the same tend to do so asjong as we remaiu in the dry goods business, ; the door alwayS indicate corresponding prices in the store, i SALES, SHORT PROFITS AND FAIR DEALING with al color or previous condition, m ill not ?tako njve^r-jnaanent residence in Greensboro, N. C., m Editor of tiy> x^sy^ir?e^lDj^ntionally represented, but will mak< > Columbia Cash Dry ?ou,?^tore| while toiling in these lov s will be nleased at all times tojT his mauy frien(Js from Lex 3 unties, and will guarantee _e*^l^kM**$faction both as to low price; jargins that will be offeredfro^F^ ^ tQ the Chri8tmag Hol; nted in the history of any Clty c0jumbia. r4 t door to John Agnew. v. , JAOZSOtf*l Feb. lo?ly? 0K & LOWRjQs'CE, V?' v ^r-t COLUMBIA, S. . " . ' . -s.. lot, Powder, Caps, &c. .* se, Ship Promptly, Work Can't by Any Market. We Guarantee Prices Ye have the Largest an(t Most Complete e in this Section, and Invite our LexingCome a/ul See. We will Save you Money. EEC 6Z LOWEANCE, LUMBIA HOTEL BLOCK. '$ LEADING STORET 3WIGERT & CO., JXIKGTOX (,'OOTY, (C. & G. R. R.) PEALERS I\ , Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, re, Crockery, Groceries, Etc. S, SEWINQ MACHINES, FURNITURE, 4c. Uy, and Prices are Always the Lowest. 11 kinds of Country Produce bought at highest prices. 1 and yon will be pleased sept. 13?2in HE PLACE TO BUY YOUR E FAMILY GROCERIES, JARS, TOBACCO, &c., / IS AT McCRANEY'S J5 G-KOC COLUMBIA, S. C. man's Bazaar, I^exingrtoB, S. C. es, Candies, B*nits, &e Station^*?* Toys, Fancy Goods, Etc. / a. _ _ [id at jpiiees. 5MSSPILLS ..._?i:5 ??* inthmmmitlu. Anrp.nnn who Will MktOHS PILL i'J KKIfS. B1?T btrfltottd to lounif Lrftlch. if luoh * thinf i> ponibU. Dec '-Jan 31 ? < New Advertisements. A T? TAQ -Esthetics, (4 designs), j VJixJA'JL'O Something good Mailed | 011 receipt ot (1 coats iu stamps. Heabse | A Co.. P. 0. Pox 1487, N. Y. dH r A MONTH AND BOARD for 3 t]pOO live yonng Men or Ladies, in each county. Address P. W. ZIEGLER k CO., I Philadelphia, Pa. MTT^TP without A 1VL U Olv TEACHER ! j Soper's Instantaneous Guide to Keys of Piano and Organ, price SI. Will teach any j person to play 20 pieces of music in one day. Y'ou couldn't lorn it from a teacher , in a month for $20. Try it and be con-' | vinced. Sample copy will be mailed to any j address on receipt of 25 cents in stamps by Heabnx & Co., Publishers, P. 0. Box 1487, ! New York. ? 50c . Byron, 50c. m Vrafil 0 Mrs. Browning, 55 cents, , Campbell, 40c., Chaucer, 60c., Coleridge, j GOc., Cowper, 60c., Goethe, 70c., Goldsmith, 50c., Hemiuis, 50c., Iliad and Odyssey, 70c? Hood, 50c., Ingelow, 50c., Tve^ts, 40c., Meredith, 50c., Milton, 50c., Moore, 60c., Pope, 50c.. Poe, 40c., Schiller. 40c., Scott, 50c., Tennyson, 60c., Virgil, 45c., and others. Fine cloth binding. Sent for examination before payment on evidence of tood faith. Catalogue free. Not sold by ealers. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher, Versey8t., NewTork. ???? WHAT ONE CENT WILL DO. It will procure you a Priced Catalogue of all | kinds of Farniture, simple and elaborate. 100 pages. postal for this Magazine of Furniture. BROOKLYN FURNITURE CO., 559 to 571 Fdlton St, Brooklyn, N.Y. "MOORE COUNTY GRIT" JKLCORS MILLS AHDHJ-LSTOrES, bestinthewor j> f aaxpLXs or mi nr. ox arrucATio*. 9PK&X i HUTi CAWUIA WHSTOK tfl. Branch Office,?Charlotte, N. C. ' rsrMESXIOX THIS I'AVKR. No More Eyeglasses, No W tv GROCERIES, GRAIN, Provisions, Cutlery, &c. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. HAVING opened at T. B. Aogj^try's old stand. No. 174 Main Street^ Columbia, S. C., with a FULL STOCK* of GOODS, solicit a liberal share of the pat- r ronage from my Lexington friends. My PRICES are the LOWEST. Ufc May 23?Cm .1 HENRY HEITSCH, . DEALEBIN Imported Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc., Etc. KESTAITKANT. Regular Dinner served from 2 to 4 o'clock. Special meals furnished at all hours. 155 Main Street, Columbia, S. C. Sept 5?ly riTTITC! mCmATC L. uuiiq, noiuL^ac. We respectfullyinvite the jNfc?T|^L pablic to call and inspect our stock of fine BREACH ??T Srl%,L0AI)ING GUNS> Muzzleloading Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Shot, Powder, Caps and Sportsmen's Apparatus. All of which will be sold at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. f&r Repairing and Stocking done at short notice. P. W. KRAFT & SON COLUMBIA, s. c. Sept 12?3m WAnted= j to aell our popular BOOKS ax? BIBLBS In e*?ry Q Town ?n