The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, July 19, 1905, Image 4

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THE ALLIANCE MONEY, j First Step in n Final l>eeision! Cii-e Will Now ^0 to tin? Supreme; Court Tor the last t ime it is I'honght. Columbia Record, i 5th While the fate* of the $t8,0<t0 known as the Alliunco exchange fund is still in doubt, there are at til'nwtUodc ?if ..?* oh ? ! o ? !/? . v.. . J,i vvo VI Mil i ill I > ^riuv ment. Thin motnino .fudge Gary, who hcrad the arguments lit the last Ictm ot' court here, sent down bin decree, and the decision was rend with much interest by those interested The case ??rew out of n dici>io(i of certain members of the Alii a r???o exchange to distribute ?'1 *5,000, which w o- nSi that rcmaine I < t the once large fund railed o\ the fainter* for the A1 li-itice. Id ccd.iii.- were brought by tiic oilier members to prevent liiia und the ca-o went to the supremo court on demurrer*. h ii?vi! 1 y these wete cleared away and the argument* on the tacts in the ctsc rc made bef>re ,Iu Ijje C'a 1 v. This morning i;( decided that tiio complaint should be dismissed and that the drectora hud the right to distribute the money. The money is now in a b ank and at one time a receiver was appointed t< take charge of the money. It was announced t day by the attorney- interested that there Wi ... i be an app? ui to the supreme court on the docisi jo, but wlieu the supreme court iinal'y decides the points raised th:> time it is expected that the funds will once for all lie cither distributed or held. HCKKNINll SHIVERING F118 of Auo,jo and Malaria, can he relievco and cured with Eloctric Hitters. ibis is a pure, tonic medicine; of especial benefit in malaria, for it exerts a true cura tive intluenco on the disease, driving it entirely out of the system. It is much to be preferred to Quinine, having none of this drug? had after-effects. K. S. Monday, of Henrietta, Tex., writes: "My hrothor was very low with malarial fever and jaundice, till he took Electric Hitters, which saved his life. At Crawford Hros., J. F. Mackey Co. and Funderhurk Pharmacy drug stores; price 50c, guaranteed. Shot Wife Twice. Special to News and Courier. RocIIkill July i4. ? Albert Milli er, colored, Wednesday night, near New Port, a few miles from ner#, shot Ins wife twice and she will probably Jie from it. lie had beaten her a few nights ago and she > i\ awnv t ) another negro Tuan's house. While some sort of gathering was in progress thero last night Miller appealed and culled his wife outside. In a few moments tho shots were heard and the woman was found alone, shot through the arm and stomach. Miller has not been found. SPOILED HER BE A1 TVHarriet Howard, of 209 \V. 34th St,. Now York, at one time bad her bounty spoiled with skin trouble. She writes: "I had Salt lihouni or Eczema for years, but nothing would euro it, until 1 used Bucklen's Arnica Salve.'' A quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c at Crawford Bros , I. T Mnckey & Co's, and Funderhurk Pharmacy, il r u ^ store. New Orleans s First Bale. New Orleans, duly 14.?The first bale of new crop cotton for this season was received today. It was sold at auction for 20 cents a pound. As customary, the proceeds were given to charty. 'T? ROBBERS TRY AT $5,000 Police, Ft rewnrned, Kill One l!iniiiii(>htitii, Ala., July i5.? L. I> l*iii r, pa) master of tin Sloi-s-SlicllicM Steel & Iron Com party was held up l>y ntas'tet highwaymen 1 h i ? afternoon on tin railroad latwien Littleton at.t Flat l op and relieved of $.*>,000, ? ? i 4! which no iiM-ti in paying 01 tlic men. Less tbun livo minutes after wards Petectivo George Hodcker, Policeman J"?> Nix anil Charlei I'ickhart. a Flat Top guard, lnu shot and killed one of the high wuytnen and recovered the money I'ho other roboer ellected hia escape. 1 .vo HO fs'LK i CURED III Al "1 wus troubled with kidney complaint for about two years," writes A. Ii. Davis, of Mt. Bterl ing, la., 4 luit two bottles ol Foley's Kidney Cure effected t permanent cure." Sold by Fhii derhurk Pharmacy. Selling ut 5 Cents on the Dollar. Special to News and Courier. Marion, July 15. ? Stock ?n th< Independent Cotton Oil Company was sold in Marion today at tivi eonlr on the dollar, and it is suit that other shareholders here an ready to dispose of stock at the same rate. There aie a dozen oi more stockholders here, repro seating many thousand dollars. to I . 6 -a-d tha _/7 di8 Kind You Have Always Boi'gh *el:r Many a man has drowned h'l self respect in whiskey. Dogs are better judges of me1 than men are of women. "Make haste slowly" is tin motto of the mc-scnger boy. Frequently a man is hones because he is afraid to tie diahor est. \Visi<? im thn niin i?kr> i?j nl?1 to conceal what lie doesn't know But few widows arc half o gay and giddy as they arc su| posed to l>o. A woman thinks her clothe made ber and her husband know they break him. Foley's Money and Ta children,safe,sure. No op/atei No married woman is ever i happy as she thinks her husbar. thinks she is. If a woman is afraid of losin her hair she should put it in safe deposit vaidt. A man may bo a hopeless idio but no woman will admit it aft< he has proposed marriage to he An old bachelor says that boi sing is not a woman's providonc No married man would dare sii snch a thing. NO FALSE CLAIMS. The proprietors o f Foley Honey and Tar do not udvorti this as a "sure cure for consnm] lion." They do not claim it \v core this dread complaint in a< vanced cases, but do positive assert that it will cure in Iho ea lier stages and never fails to gi\ comfort and relief in the wor cases. Foley's Honey and Tar without doubt the greatest throi an 1 lung remedy. Refuse sul stitutes. Sold by Fundet but Pharmacy. Go to the LANCASTER MARBLE >V > I > GRANITE WORKS, For Good Work and Low Price A. J. ulcrJinch 1 LANCASTER, S. C ' Negro BallUtiUie Eudd ill a Irudgi ' edy. S Newberry, July 16.?Yestorday afternoon a' a barbpcuo on1 - Mis. Willio Knit's pluco-~ in in cl u Broud river, trthur Wilson, a young negro about 'JO years old, A] Wits shot and instantly killed by ^ Berry Sober. *l 0 ... tl j 1 be negroes were having a baseball git mo and were having 11 ' the sihuhI fuss. Berry leinou ^ [ * Q slrated wilh one of them, when ' Ivl Suhm pulled his pistol on Bar- ' ry. The latter went to his house, I r< 1 about 200 \ ards distant for his 1 * tl j gun, a duuhle-harreled breechloader. Arthur, who, according to Ber- 111 ry Suber's statement, had notlu ing to do with the quarrel, also ^ went for his gun. When tluy ^ returned Barry Bays A ther raised his gun and tired ut him, mUs' ir.g him entirely. Berry thcu shot Arthur in Uiu face, killing him almost instantly. Beuy suri rendered to the magistrate and is - now in jail. I U R E AT L Y IN 1) E M A N D 1 1 ISot' is more in demand than i u medicine which meets modern requirements for a blond and } j system cleansor, such as Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are just what you need to cure stoin- b 3 nch and livor troubles. Try them. 1 At Crawford Bros', J F Mackey ? ; & Go's and Fundorburk Pharmacy, , I drug store, 25c,guarautoed. Millionaitc Suicides Jersey City, N. J., July i5.? At his home this morning Louis I J Apgar, a wealthy retired groi car, committed suicide by .-hooting himself. Apgar was namol | as oorrespondent in a divorce case, * j which terminated yesterday in 1 awarding a decree of divorce ! against Mrs. Clarke Meyers, wife 1 2 ! of a Now York envelope manu| facturer . It was rumored yester- 1 ^ day that counsel for Meyers would brioe suit for $50,000 for alienrting tho affections of Mevors wife against Apgar. Apgar is said t| e to be worth a million. CASTOniA. " lH Bear?th# ,4 E# Kind Yon Hew Always Bougf 1 - T* I 5S -Clubbing r Payable Strictly id " THE LEDGER (twice a wc a JOURNAL (twice a week) o t, r THE LEDGER (twice a wee TON NEWS and COURIE a p year for iy TMF LEDGER and The SC TOR one year for 8 THE LEDGER, The ATI./ ae p. SOUTHERN CULTIVATO ill U 'y r- THE LEDGER (twice a wee CONSTITUTION (three tin iw nt '? THE LEDGER (twice a wee k WORLD (three times a weel THE LEDGER, ATLANT/ and FARM, one year for Positively Cannot a J Sensational Attest. pedal to N? ws muJ Cornier Greenville, .'ulv 15.?Ailhur [jeegle, son of former County u, ei \ isor J K Speech*, mul chief crk in the < fficcr during tip* for ler's ii>i umbency, v\.1 s aiusU-1 ere ??t 3 o'clock this afternoon ? a result i f an investigation of te finances of Gr? cnville County o\v being made by a boat*! of ommissioncrs named t?v th* eneral Assembly. Speckle is charged in '.lie war - 1 int with obtaining money by il*c pretense. lie gave bond in ic sum of $1,000, and has been leased. Tho investigation pro- ' lises to develop a number cf tnsatio nal disclosures a* it prog;s?es. The elder Spcegle i* in orth Carolina, where ho is said > be dying of some disease. ?j CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Boupt lignature of om v. ?%%+**** ?r. ?*r ? > r*t jmu.v*. ? *.1 '-r ;o1*,.'. C?UACC onuc-o rarra *3S^;53?!JWKHK TKX&G55Z& We are expecting a call fr<?in you. Wo now lwive a complete lino of Tan Rial White Cunvis llibhon Tics, just the thing for summer any price from *1.00 up Wo ca!. special attention to our High Grade lino of DRESSY low cuts Ed win Clap;; for men LaFranco for women. KTOA WfWiimn?? t CHERRY & CO. i I PR*) FISSION A li fARO i )K M P Ikawkokd 1)K U C IIUOWN : CRAWFORD & BROWN, PhyalcianH ami Surgeon*, l.aneaater, S. Treatment of the eye, tuts* ?t,d liroa: a special! v. ('alia promptly aimwercd d?y ?.j | iglit. Ollloe over Crawford Bros 1 )riig Store. I'liouea: Office, No I7fl; It Idencew !<;?. 11 and 30 Ratesr in Advance. el<) and the ATLANTA nc year for $t 7 tk) and THE CHARLES R (twice a week) one >$ 75 )UTIIERN CULTIVA$175 vNTA JOURNAL and R, all three one year for $2.00 k) and The ATLAN TA ?es a week) one year for $2.00 k) and The NKW YORK c) one year for $2.00 ^ JOURNAL and IIOML $2.00 ; Send oh Crodit. T. S. CARTKR, Pub. Ledger. I * F ^ I A\fcgelaU? I sunUatingshcFoixlandKcguIa^ng the S^' -. iiul Bowels of ^1| Promotes Digcslion.Cheerfu!-j 1 ncss andRest.Contains neither j Opium.Morpliiue nor>Iiiicral. i :J Not >Iau c otkc . nkafMJ O-SAMUEL fTTCiaii i! pAnyJun Senri' . I Alx.Stnn* * fM'lU JAM,- t j At<L<* -fcv*/ * - ) h> w>)i *wir<f Jtii v i UvSttd M<ry } iHMny/wi ftnvn , l'\ ' ' S Apence I Remedy forConslipo i ' i Tiun, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea j I Worms .Convulsions,Feverish- j, \ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FaC Simile Signature of UstCi*-'' EtXACT COPY OF WTtAPPETR. u*? m?BB3BSgg? m i >r hi < * ? 'Ti I?? M i , I<i?nr !>to;, 8. (1 H?'?i?l ti<*> j11? .?;iNd i*7 ?lli ??, ' JT-uvIh Uutltllnji Main ami j Dun lap h! i t?? ,?; j?f. i ; T\ Will UriwtlOB i t b'it.) i iwti ami j county of J .a'i'.j -* cr A..: i I>, -i:!i i Uay Of niki ? i ' r i:,'ivi' ji! >in . *' j lutitiou Jni; 10. ]!)()) if. NOTICE. | The hoard o<>:r \ \ - v)!. >n: jioneis in their merlin*; 'In ' >> passed a i I'MI;nl.. .> i 11 v- v ; thai hci oattcu no in ?gi>! i a'r ?i. Lanea-Mor conuty au. r. . x i holding an inxiu'-t uoi. s? ii i. i;u : poHHitile i" get tho coroner, and then iii: untwist i ato ma-t ?n?p . ' with tho inw hy sec ? : ilH.iavi . { frati) tliii ci'-ix iift <>i' Hie i a I modiato cOMiiiMjait. ti .* it i> i .. 'portunl that an imj ic ' o in 1 I r the particular ca>e und::r ; !c: utioii. M C liardtu r. <Jonnt y Supervis? >i Notice. My rajjular < 111 ?* il v w .. In- i onlays ami ii rat Momiv.s. * d o:i?-i daynyou will litnl i? * * at my oil's ?: near I. '' >1 }? it VS'ii! lorji s;*li . l> >nl<s ?i* it t'> i 111 ?" ).:> wi I !? ' : ' lo Willi '?ii y mi ;?.i\ ??: v mi I lia wtck \V M .Moore t ' ) .-juj' i {' III': ill ' Jan 11?, I'm*. mhnH , +?r* n w I01T TO LOP 1 luive u '1 aniifiiu nt w lander* of i oi i >. . . New Y J"; 1 WUh win-ill I alii i* !' in- fotl ton. in 14 . ? II > v 11 .1 . : : : 1 ' ! 1 I Ml J I ! . ' . oOtiuu f ruin ' .! 7 , ' i tl tor.repay abo ii. am ti u? i?t-? > . live \enr.i N i . i 1 oi oonr.n: xioti olil' Oii'V '< t fir on m t I' clmrgo I' i" u'..i mot < <iii It K WYUK, A Hi! tl?(im At" ifv ??< l.tiv. Winthrop Coileg and Entrant! Examination. T. e <*x Hit:, i oil ! .!' til. ti'A'Hiii ?>; Vtuao! *.o'.o am p- it; WJol'irofi \ ol alt' > I" til" 11: i < i : i ' liow II ill !i * will t <* h I ! i ! I ||i* "..mi1 v '..oil iloii.'ii oil Fi 1 '4?y, Ju y /ill m' U a oi. A l'|*.'i '< nl* " il. t n'.'t I. > f i* f'.i'i tfcl'll veins <>f llf r W ll?M: a. 'ft.dh'pH Hi ? ViO.iii-.l a f ii July 7 S " oy v- lii bo ? ? or I u?: to *Utu>!.t. ? e t ?' <r t ii h .*x io r . ;i pin :i?rl| I ti y to. el I J.< ? u id irtl* |? . .:% tiiv 'tu* i.\> si i, ; i "i ii'ii .re' Ii;k s'lo'i.'l wim. to .".c lit <.t JoJii.ioh i. i < 11 ? "X ii 'it Hi i. > > i r -0111 'II t I |I t a :. if I i.iii ! tidiiuifti'Mtii net wo/Hi Hi i*o?t f<. o tult -'ii I i. i ? x' I tj vwj.i ,<"1 Ho|*i? in ?i ut) urn*. J- u /'irmi i iufoi iimlion a i t '"ipi Hiiitr*. .*> Fie I> I> Joli'.no i, liotl* 11 r i, I* I .. * >... \-^i if . v-v- ?o ft nlicu to t *<i l'uMio I will iioid ft! j T; < j 11 *i? t III till* !> T. 1 II1IIIU l<? ill | I f | ? 1 ut i'ka*nut hill t' >i mv, v. !. ?n ncpilfil. !. Montgoiuoi \ 20?tf & v m m> $ m | f % i:- jfl } 14' I em mm % mwm For I^tfnntp "i 4 OH Mr en. WiUriiii .*n or.Af * apuMr.s*. ? : ???<??r Fhe Kind Yau Have &m ty%> teougik ,9 rears tiie 6' 4 * /'V 4? Signature //$4tf of IMF i VV f\ |K?e -_ *Lr & fv pf? IISB \J': for Over Thirij \ears f n - ; # ?fe s ft '!?' V? K" 8 i s i? i S rI [>?'!* 2% T *j b Pt fe Cfi c.S'fc iTl' r ?W?*lSln6 TUB (lil'CtUR ?pt?PANV. ???V fOAK OIT*. frm&frmmmtzsBSBDBBM J. E. ROTIEBGF,. Dentist, Lancaster, S. C. \\ ?ms ere lit doesn't pay, i 1 < v :i!-di i'r mi this >e;-. i'-. l!: uru sit lolly ; ; -vi :i o:i ab I .!? r ic a j . ft .Id Filling * 1.50 -ludguin i' To cts. Cement Piling 75 ct t.VK.- U 1'I.ATK, 1' . i . 'i *? I vii U'Oih *12.00 I IK'i : i'.1 i i.lVN '!' a t *25 50 _ . : p.: u 3 arc wti ietly w it U done except fin- e v. I * . good security. j.-E. RiuLED&E, Dentist. j. / ., /, >- fo.Sn-:u. . / jr;t !j (t / L<( V, laNO va TKK, a; C. *(?! 'ori *2 >n4H s?p-(S <aI ? \ CT_5tURt..r - ^ <; 23 usi>>'<dac ttion PAYS Dl\ ;l)ICM)8 ! V * I tjue I n i .* i .! '?' ii.i-'i es.-i 4 ?f-wcntHii W itu.?r so Iffa'-tlOM. <J-.i'.l v.-:. i t slii'tv clut >1 Xi I)- ilii; l!i?i in at pro. -icrti; > y Iihvp t . HtiptrioH lllKlni.-ll'tll IJIViill l:< t: No ultn r v.jjsinn- i ?4|, vuntw i t?-r now ng-l pr.Miire ft r a lw ;:?!ive : n. t >n . -aduatea mr 1 :i <;viti:?r;?i ,i:l .js i- . * > y u wo _ IJ:?V* . :- '? 1 i. i ir - :? !>?*-. n;;. < ! , -.-if \Y?* oiiiM* II; H'illl I'.ktlM v * I MM'J-H Collide S (J. ' Au.'. 2i>, l'J'M if |'iyj' "-i?i w3?l?rtek.W are the inoxt fata! of all dla^ cases. FOLEY'S SSMAf . c? ok ncy refunded. Contains remedies recognized fcv eminent physicians as the best lot Kidf and Bladder troubles, PPJCB jO-% urtd $1.00. L ,w, :S'i> - A In i CUES M R KAli.W <v i - > i . till!) ii fcii i'l '.V iM !y ?>rc<-4 . - ^ j iCSVKOl'M 1-. l?v l<:? . i^r"i ft 3 ' H in 8 4*> p ni Ijv Fi>. ' !. ? 4ii m in 1 15 p m (,v oi-. f ' ) !? > oW r\ ih 4 :p) i, m l . i> . : ? " .... I MO u in I 4? p ni A ri'iB'-cr, 3o h in 5 15 p m <V: Mo l< 0 r?ri k in 7 Oil j? nj /?r ' .ii 'irt ^i) Kid 15 u in % K'\Hi I v li N !/. j I '< i ; n i lil i, So 11 H 0?) a i; S |l) |i m Lv < lii?ii??ti? , So K b 05 ?.m 0 )(' pin l,v i ho1 i I' no n in H IS p in I V 11 ii 'i4:' ?i in h 80 p in {' '.K'' in' i ?*, 0 0 .? in 8 45 p in i V . i -i a it HI .? m m hit p mi A ' Lh . < .* ? 10 ? ? u i.. 0 16 p rn V OS \ K? II' Nr . < }i f -> i' t.i it: > ion i] a ml * 11 lii.*. i .!< Sf'i li-r 1; It v. ,1 y. A i'. .V* 1 !. i -.-i i rtiiii . mirr i'i * . jHiv.1 .\? il,.i .;L*l ? uM| ?