The Lancaster ledger. (Lancaster, S.C.) 1852-1905, March 18, 1905, Image 1

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-? t " * T#\ # 1 #V' > "^^pjRl^W a OABTKB. ? ^ JB?fly /r.ian'spa': FhrC:* ^vwOce* iWW?'? Cw?b*, { 2??3Lfcifc tA~Li> A Wo* tVmmAjre Mn>n? I ^ ,, _?__|_umill]U?_ ; I Eteczp *? AL\;rys*^ "V,-??^ w EKK LY Li A N C A 8 F K K. S. O.. M A R C 11, 18, 190.5 K81'ABLlBllffS v: Happenings in the State, i cotton Miu M?n k?iumi. j 19 nip, in n Firp. I m-i:.. - I Am Chronicled l?y the Alert Cor- j respondents of the Colum bia j Stale and the Charleston News and Courier. (Specials to The State ) Petition Circulating in Sparta nburg to Vote on Dispensary. Spartanburg, March 14 ?A petition whith the following wording is being circulated here: "We, | the undersigned (pmliGed votersof Siinrlnnhot-f* 1 ' fully petition the county super-I visor to order an election in said county on the question of dispensary or no dispensary. An effort will will be made to vote tho dispensary out, and the plan of campaign will be to secure some reliable man at each of tho county precincts to circnlute the above petition. Tho law requires one -fourth of the qualified voters to sign before an electiou can be ordered. The temperance people and friends of prohibition are , rather confident that the number of signatures will appear on the petition. Most Daring Robbery in Spar- , tanburg History. Spartanburc. Mareh 1K?Tbo c " "v" *MV most daring robbery recorded in i the city's history was the sand- 1 bagging of Mr W L Gowan and ' the rifling of his pockets of $15 by an unknown thief list < night about 8.30 o'clock on north I Liberty street, about a block from t Main. Mr. Gowan had started 1 homo from his greon grocery, G1 1 east Main street, for the night, I carrying in bis largo leather*purse < three Ave dollar bills, along with 1 some express receipts and other papers. He passed a pedestrian, a tall man enveloped in a long i black overcoat, who appeared in < the act of tying his shoestring, ! Just us ho walked by Mr Gowan ( received a blow in the hack of the j head, which felled him and ren- ' nerou mm unconscious, during \ which time the highwayman 1 "went through" his pockets. A j little negro reported to the police that a man was lying dead on , north Liberty street, and when the officers arrived Mr Gowan had regained consciousness, and was lying on the sidewalk, with * his head resting against a tele- ^ phono post. There was a large knot raised on his head, about the base of the brain, but he was ' c not seriously injuYed. Further . down the street the purse, papers an I receipts were found, scatters. ed about. The police have been working on the case; hut so far, there have been no further devel- ^ oninents. ARE YOU ENGAGED ' c Engaged people should remem-v \ Iter, that, alter marriage, many j quarrels can be avoided, by keeping their digestions in condition ' wilh Electric Hitters. S. A. ^ Brown, of Bennettsvile, S. C , i says: l4For years, my wife suf- t ferod intensely from dyspepsia, j complicated with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength nnd > vigor, and became a mere wreck of her former self. Then she tried Electric Bitters, which helped her at once, and Hnally made hor 1 entirely well. She is now strong ( and healthy." Crawford Bros. 1 J. F. Muckoy & Co., and Funderburk Pharmacy druggist, sells and guarantees them, at 50c a hot- fc tie. e Foley's Honey Tar tor,sure, No opiate*. c \ , x _ I Charlotte, N (3 , March 15.-?J As Ihe result of a quarrel Karl ; Carpenter shot and killed A M Kalo at Hardin, N C., thin afternoun. Before the fatal l>ullet was fired, Kalo shot Carpentor, who is in an '.nconscious condition and is expected to die. Kalo was the superintendent of the Nims Manufacturing company at Mount tlolly and was about 35 years old. Carpenter is a son of O D Carpenter, the owner of the Hardin cotton mill, and is about 21 years of ago. Tho two men quarreled over the omploymont of mill help, and when thoy met in tho public road near Hardin a tight ensued. Both men wore well known citizens of Gaston .Mi'inl .? A l.'~l - ' ' ' vi...uvt. niier ivn-o ni'cu tiis revolver ho whs shot several times by Carpenter, the bullets taking effect in tho head and other place?. Death resulted immedi* atoly. Two Lives Lob in Texas By Torrifi? Waterspout. Austin, Texas, March 15.? A telephone ruessugo received here 8a 's that at 8 o'clock tonight thore was a terrific waterspout at Lnfkin, Burnett county, 40 miles above this city, causing tho water to rise in the river and surround ing creeks 14 feet in tivo minutes, catching half a d-?zon campers in the bottoms and drownirtg two of them, four barely escaping with Lhoir lives. Considerable stock was swept away. For .30 minutes bail is reported to have fallen to the depth of 1 1-2 inches, with inch force as to wreck many farm aousos. ATTACKED BY A MOB ind beaten, in a labor riot, until :ovored with scares, u Chicugo itreot car conductor applied Buck en's Arnica Sab e, and was soon tound and well. t4l use it iu n.y family," writes G. J. Welch of Tekonsha, Mich., "and find it perfect." Simply great for cuts ind hums Only 25c at Crawford Bros'., J. F. Muckoy & Co's and ETnnderburk Pharmacy. Two Thousand Armenians Kil'ed in tho Caucasus. oi roierstiurg, March 16, 2 u 11.?Private mail advices from he Caucasus indicate thut tho iitnation there has not been exaggerated in earlier reports, According to one lotter tho Arincnans estimate the number of their lead at 2,000. Hope For South Carolina. Jharlotte News. A South Carolina jury rendered i verdict or murder in tho tirst legreo against a white man who Killed a negro and recommended lfe imprisonment for another , vhito man who was an accomplice, i 3d the samo day and in tho same State another jury convicted a ?egro ot murder, his victim havn rv Imnn n rFU~.. . - - wvvii n u uiiu iiiimi- JL IICI 'J IK ret hope for South Carol inn - The Ledger, The Atlanta Journal, Sein5 weekly, and The Southern Cultivator, ill three jno year for $2., but must ho paid for inadvanco. Many a man would starve if < lis wife didn't keep u few hoard irs. A spinster siys that dying an >ld maid is easier than living one. | # >. More Than 40 Others Woro In- ! jured. ? Disaster Worst Ml the History of the Kast bide. 1 New York, March 11. ? Nine- ( teen persona were hurned to death , in n tiro which destroyed tlio 5- | story house, 1,005 Alien street, early today. More than 40 were ' injured and only a few of the 1 sleeping inmates ecipod unhurt. < I Several of those who perished ' were roasted to death in plain view of thousands in the sheets. ' The scenes woro heartrending. < The lire started in the busoment, I occupied by Isaac Davit, his wife i and three children. When Davis I reached his home early this morn- < ing and went i;t;> his store on t I w k (.? >??*? f I - * viiv ntiitiu uuur lit* MIW 21 KoroSOTlG ' lamp in tho tear "xplodo. lie j awoke liis wife and both tried to ' I tut out the flaming- lamp without 1 success A policeman who heard j tho cry of alarm rushed to the i scene and every effort was madoji to rouse the sleeping people, j Meantime the flames had spread it v.ith startling lapidity and the 1 occupants of the upper floors ' awoke to find themselves confronted by a wall of flames on nearly every side. Panicstricken people rushed to the tire escapes only to find them littered with rubbish On some of ihe escapes \ the rubbish was so closely packed t that it. became impossible to pass , certain points and men, women ( and children stood literally roast- , ing to death as the flames roared t through windows around them. , One of tho escapes was manned , by Policeman .John .1 Dawn, who | had run a plank across to the ( win low of an adjoining building. ( He rescued nearly a dozen persons , but finally fell 20 foot to the paved yard and shattered bis shoulder. Dozens of people were taken from tho crowded fire escapes and upper windows. By this time i; tho building was a furnace and t the rescues were effected in many c c 1808 only through heroic efforts f of tho firemen. Lioutenant Bon* i ner, son of tho former chief, descended the now rod hot fire 1. escapes five timos. Four times t he brought down a woman or a f child in his arms. The fifth time ho was descending with ?? nn_ n ----- 1,11 conscious woman hut staggered ' and was barely saved from death. ^ Once Bonner rescued a little girl j from a window where sho stood surrounded by flames. She pleaded with him to lenvo her on the escape and go in after her little r brother whom she said had fallon ^ unconscious. Bonner jumped in?? to what lookod like a furnace, found tin boy and saved him. 1 .Notice to the Public. ? 1 will hold nil inquests in the county. Phono to my residence at Pleasant Hill for mo when 1 needed. c f. Montgomery Caskey, . opt. 20?tf Coroner L, (1. overworked kidneys Mix i- rra.V'8 IlllcliU, Gin mid Jiltl | ip-T i pre*n<ihe<l and endorsed l>v einlca lit pbysi. inns. It cures wlion a'I el* fftih Pievents Kidney di-?f am p. Dropsy.bright* disease, etc At nil druggist* tjtl OO A BOTTLE Or Direct Kiom Murray Drug Co, Columbia, ^ O * A miuiiiuil up 1UL LUC, Supremo Court Rejects Appeal of Men Who Killed Han Burton. Morgan VV. Thrailkill will go to tho penitentiary for life. On the 27lh of last April he and his ion Clarence Thrnilkill shot and killed Bon Burton on tho street of Monet tn, and Lecky Burtons was shot down in the Burtons' itore. Tho elder Thrailkill was sonvioted and the case was appealed to tho supremo court. The decision which was filed yesterday overruled all ( f the 11 abjections raised by the attorneys for Mia defendant, and the lattir is ordered to tho penitentiary for life. The younger Thrailkill's 2sso has not been disposed of. It is sill fresh in tho memory of the readers of TheStato thut Morgan and Cluranco Thrailkill rode up to tho Burtons' store and tried to get a pistol which had been pawned by a negro. A dispute arose, and Lecky Burton was shot down without warning. Ben Burton was shot and killed without knowing who killed him, while he was on his wuy to tho place where his brother lay desperately wounded.?The Stale. New Russian Loan. St. Petersburg, March 15.?At Ihe ministry o! finance it was *aid today that the negotations. for i new Russian laan of $125,000, )00 in France are expected to be loncluded and signed in Paris in en days. Nevertheless the As.ociatod Press is in a position to issert that theParis financiers huve ?eenprossing for peaco, justifying heii attitudo on tho ground )f tho enormous French commits nents in Russian funds Linkous Will bo Hanged. Ronnoko, Va., March 15.?The State supreme court today refused o grant a writ ot eraor in the use of dames Linkous, the lladord wife be hanged at Radford on lext Friday. On last Christmas day Linkous willed his wife and adoptod son in heir home and set the home on ire. Mothers can safely give Foley's loney andTar to their children for oughs and colds, for it contains io opiates or other poisons. Sold >y Funderburi Pharmaey. ?Subscribe to The Ledger. Many a man lives in tho narried state who isen't peruutcd to think in it. Lots of men who claim to be ooking for justice will find thorn__1 t-_i **i - . icives oeniuu me oars u tney over jet it. ? For letterhead*, noteheads, jillhcadn, circulars and all kinds )f printing neatly and quickly rrinted, send your work to this dlico. Roy S Strait. MURRIUY'S IRON MIXIURE No la the time to take a spring tonic. By far the heat thing to take ia Murray's Iron Mixture. it makes pure b'oo?i and gets rid of that tired feeling. At all drug store-. 5<>e A BOTTLE t Or Direct Front 5 The Murray Drug Co, Columbia, H C , wuria s moodiest uatile. Losses ut Muktlon Nearly Twice lvx as Grout ;is nt Leipzig. 1 (From tho Philadelphia liocord') Tbo estimate by u correspond ^ dent who is with Gun Kuropulkiti . I that tho Iossch on both sides ut tho battle of Mukden wore not if r less than 200,000 tnen makes it ap poar that this combat was b\ far ' tho bloodiest ever known. ^ Tho largest number of tumps ever engaged ir. buttle vus ( at Arbola, in 334 LI. C , when 35,000 Greeks, under Alexander, ^4 | put to route a horde of undisciplin ed Persians believed to have numbered 950,000. Before tho present .?nr the . 42 Uloodiost battle in modern history ( ., was that of Leipzig, in IS 13, when 300.000 Gormans defeated 171,000 French, The Gcnnans lost 47,000 and tho French (50,- } 000. cl" (tfl rho OVl'l' ** 0 w,.fS..v III thin country was that ofUcttysburg 1 111:2 in 1803, when 11,700 Federals defeated 08,000 Confederates The losses, including prisoners, , do were 17,000 Federals, and 27,000 Confederates. The Confederates ^ lost 40 nor cent of their force, becx< the largest percentage of loss ever known. The numher of men engaged at , Su Mukden is variously estimated ut from 800,000 to 1,000,000. The " ? percen age of loss appears to have C? been 20 and 25 per cent. m l>? GOT OFF Oil FA F He may well think, ho lias got off cheap, who, after having con- tin traded constipation or indigestion j,,, is still ablo to perfectly restore t his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Fills. I' A quick,pleasant, and certain euie l'M for headache, constipation, etc. sin 25c at Crawford Bros, ,). F. Mack- rci ey A Go's and Funderhurk Fhar. W( maCy- to , . ?? ratal Fight in Arkansas. ? mi Memphis, Tenn., March 14.? A Commercial-Appeal special from Lako Village, Ark., says a . 1)0 pitched battle was fought between a sboriff's posse of white men and nil throe negros, suspected of murder on the shore of the lake near that |C town, this afternoon, two of the blacks being killed outright, and ^ C. D. Owens, manager of the Red tin Leaf plantation, wnur.dod in the . m? arm. The third negro escaped to the woods. Bloodhounds were sent Bi(, for and put upon the fugitive's trail and it is belived that hu will be taken boforo morning. .. n IO Recently two brothers named j Watson were murdered near Du- ^ mas, Ark., and the three negroes u 1 were saul to have participated in j the crime. , Kl( LIKE FINDING MONEY Finding health is liko finding monoy?so think those who are sick. When yon havo u cough, c</ld, sore throat, or chest irrita tion bettor act promptly like *?V. ia C. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va. w< Ho says: "lhad a terrible chest 1 ? trouble, caused by snioko and coal '* I I?' dust on my lungs; but, after find" j ing no roliof in othor remedies, i (>i)| was cured by Dr. King's Now j j, , Discovery for Consumptio, Coughs and Colds," Greatest sale of any Un cough or lung medicine in the cot world. At Crawford Bros., J. n?i F. Mackey & Co., and Fnuder- ' burk Pharmacy drug stores; 50c and $ 1.00; guaranteed. Trial hottie free. j suny Free From Debt. i-t'otton King and llardloy, I in l*urt nor Discharged From Bankruptcy. Daniel .J Sully and Edwin urdloy, .Jr., two of the partners the linn of Danici .1 Sully As brokers in cotton, stocks and aiit, of -13 Exchange placo, obined a discharge from bankptey yesterday from Judge lams in the United States dislet court. The discharge covers >th Sirin and individual liabilities. 10 linn liabilities were about ,00o,uou, ami its nominal asts, $1,1 ID,000. Mr Sully's lindmd debts were $311,039 d bis nominal assets $2,071,8. Mr Uadley's individual lia 11103 weio $5,010 and his nomiI assets $15,440. When the o was called in court no one poured in opposition to the (lis. urge and it was accordingly anted. After his dis'diargo Mr Sully ale it known that ho is a do led hull on cotton. Mr Sully o admitted that ho is going to O O what ho call do hull cotton, hough ho didn't say whether expected to get on the cotton change again as a member. "America has never had such banco to sell cottou,'1 said Mr 11 y. "England is sold out and ileal Eastern demand gives this untry her opportunity. Tho oiling of Manchuria is au irartant factor in creating this domil." ? Now York Sun. If tho courts and juries hold il it is libelous for a newspaper loccntly to describe a poi son as olorod" *> hen lie is white, tho pei s may he forced to resort to j expedient of eliminating all idi designations, leaving their ulers to guess the colors, for it mid lie altogether too perilous risk $10,000 on a slip of a no-pendent's pen ot an absontndod Morgenthaler machine. tho wrong designation was ulo with a view of injuring a rson affoeted, the offender should made to smart, and properly ; hut whore there is no such rposo and where full and public paration is extended, no damage s been done and nono should be unied. Under the latter conions the alleged insult is mod into u moans of institute X a "graft."?The Statu. ooiTIA. ars tho KM Yen Have Always Bought T? I have accepted tho agency r tho V. O. Remedies unci will vo thorn on sale at Lancaster inng court week. They euro o.imutism, honrt trouble, bladr affections, la grippe, liver and Incy ailments, stomach disor. rs and general debility. .) M llaerins NOTir.F, I 11v i 1vu Notice is hereby Riven that tlie rtnership heretofore existing be rn Heath Hanking and Mercnntile mpauv. W T NVitherspoon and \V Culp, partners doing business unde l> lira name of W B Culp &, Co., s tills day l-een dissolved t?y mutual isont, and the said W B Culp havr pure! use 1 the entire interest of nndersignod and assumed all the liliticsof said partnership, ho will lduet j?m*h husintss in his own sin. it ath Banking ?fc Mercantile Co By S W Heath Seey and Troas W T Williersj oon. it 24 I Oho,? \v2