Irlrrf TRUr NOBILITY. i Who shall judge a man from Nature? Who shall know him by Ins dress? ( Paupers may be fit for princes, Princes (it for something Ira!*. Crumpled shirt and dirty j teltet May bcclothe the golden ore Of the deepest thought and feeling? Sat 11 vest eon Id do no more. There ero springs of purest crystal liver welling out of stono ; I There are purple bed? upd golden t Hidden, crushed, and overgrown. God, who counts by' so id a, not dresses, Loves and prospers you and ino, While lie values thrones the highest Cut as pebbles oa the sea. Mart upraised above bis fellows (3ft forgets his fellows then ; Masters, rulers?lord remember That your meanest hands arc ntcn, Men of labor, men of feeling, Men of thought anil men of fame, f e pial rights to sunshine In a aim's ennobling name. There are foam-embroidered oceans. There are little weed-olid rilis. j There are feeble inch high saplings There are cedars on the hills ; God, who counts by soai.s,iiot t?.ali? ns, j Loves ami prospers you and me. For to him all vain distinctions Are as pebbles on the sea. j Toiling b nils alone arc builders or in.) 01 ' nciiun ;inu l.<010, Tilled hi/incss i.i pensioned, Fed and fattened on the same, Wi tlio sweat of other foreheads, Living only ti> r< juice. While the poor man's ortir g (1 freedom Vainly lift :;1 lip its vo'ee, Truth and justice arc eternal. Born with holiness ami ii,.rht; Secret ehull new r prosper While there is a sun by day. Go:!, whoso world-heard voice singing Boundless love to you and me Rinks oppression, with its titles, As the jo bbles in the sea. Jtgriralhirnl. [From the S. C. Agriculturist. SHALL GRAIN CROPS. It is now generally conceded that the production of staple inaikel crops, to tlm exclusion of small grain erojis in tin* Siiult ! ? a very griuvioiis fallacy. The cxhntistion of the arable Ian.I, wuli ail incidents connected with the culture of cotton' as it has from the imperfect system of giain culture, whicli have been persevered in. Cotton of i'selt returns more feili 'izing const linen's 10 ihe ? >il upon which it ha-, grown, tbun any other cultivated crop in the Soudi; for the stalk, pods and seed, comprising all that is valuable as fertilizois, certainly exceed in value an lirni- i died fold, the lint which is sold. The-o i portions of the plant, wit It economical i.~n? ... .iiuiiiuim, tin ne returned to the soil on some portion of tbc plantation. Corn is at best a hazardous ami uncertain crop in the middle and most of the upper districts of South Carolina. 'Hie contingencies of drought and freshet, have , this year swept the country from one end of the Stale to the oilier, ami bu: a few favored locations have escaped. The entire crop of corn produced in the State will he harvested at an expense of not less than one dollar per hmhel, if we ?-s j timate the labor and capital bestowed on i the production of the w hole crop, and w e J are firmly of the opinion, that to average i a season often years this estimate of its j cost to the planter would not be too high, t As this fact is one which stares us in the j face, would it not be wed for us to look to the economical substitutes for this crop, which in fact is the great exhauster of our soil. All the valuable fertilizing elements of the corn plant are taken from the fields ami seldom returned. The present system of tillage, exposing the soil J to the heats of summer, and subjecting it t<> the wastage of washing rains, all lend to shake our confidence in the itnivenal value of this crop to the planter. Its proper cultivation, of which we shall treat at another tmight decrcaeo but would not wholly eradicate the casualties attendant upon its production. We think that the small grain crop*, wheat, oats, rye and barley have been loo , much neglected, and that their increased , production in the planting State# should be fostered. The cotton planter objects to laige crops of small grains, because the harvesting interfere# with tbe cultivation of his summer crops. With the old sys?ern of hmto-dug this is a grest diaw hack, but now. since reanin r m,.. have become practicable, ami are being : introduced, (bis objection fails to the I ground; lor with a little preparation a tew hands can harvest immense cjuanti-I ties. So with improved machinery for j threshing and cleaning up small grain crops. Old fashioned threshers accomplishing the task of one hundred bushels per dav, can be supplanted by others, doing with the same motive power, and bands enough to tonnage the straw ami grain, five times as much. We look upon the gathering and threshing of a largi wheat crop, when d by proper fixtures as an easy task, noL interfering with the i routine of the cotton crop to an injurious 1 extent. The snrno may he said oi oats, I barley and rve. All these are valuable, and, besides, their remunerative character come in as ameliorating crops in a proper system of rotation. 0H? r.isn of rn'livsting udo?i?f( and other small grains, is simple, hut effective. We plow the laud deep and thoroughly, harrow it smoothly, then apply whatever fertilizes we u?e, be it guano, cotton seed or compost, tow the seed and cross plow it with small short p'ows. Land sown down in barley, should b? made very rich with compost manures. If ibis is done from two lc> three bo?he!s per ncro is the proper quantity of seed to tnw. Jdu.-h ^Oo liulu wheat la generally rown per acre. i We great 1? incline to thick seeding, and our ?xpericnce proves that an addition over tin usual quantity of seed sown more than compensates. Tlio best steep for seed wheat is a so!u lion ot blue vitriol at the rate of one pound to every five bushels, fcoak the seed wheat twelve horns in this solution, and it is a certain preventive of smut.? The world is itidebt to the lato John S Carwile, of Newberry, for ibis discovery and it has now been practiced tested twenty-live years with im'r ersal success. T< u years ago >N>uth Carolina f?*l her cities from the grain fields of the Nrnth ?now she exports wheat and ll"iir to a cons'nb rab'e extent, and w heat crops have j roved more remunerative to the planters thru cotton. The middle and upper districts, now connected bv railroad com I immication with Charleston, should become almost entirely grain growing distiiets. Following in the track of grain growing, w ould be found systems of stock raising, and when the horses, mules and bacon n-ed by tlif iSiate are produced within our holders, then can we anger increased prosperity and complete indepeii denco. FALL FLOWING. Tiio advantages of fall Flowing may be enumerated as tohows : 1. la aututnn, the leaiu having become inured to work through the summer, is more vigorous and belter prep.ucd tor labor than in the spiing, and oilier laim work is less ptes.-utig ui us demands upon tire time and attention 'ban in Itiat bustling period. Let all the plow nig be done which is possible in the lab, and still the spring work w ould give abundant employment to the fanner and his tenuis,tu drawing manure, cross plowing, cultivating, harrowing etc. '2. In the tali, low, moist lands aregcti -raiiy in bellvi cond'Uoh lor p.owing than in spring time. We say g?-iieraiv t??r ibis season low, uioi.-t lands aie decided.\ uroisl, at present, bin! we eannut Indie lor any be.tor stat.- very car.)' next year, and il plowed as they should be, wei lands will stiller vety little Itoui water I 11 1 < 111 I 1 r lit*. VVililor v"o" vuv " 3. Suff, heavy soils, plowed in aul.tinn untie go, I?v ihe iic ion ??1 wat i aid fro a it.ore thorough disintegration?vl.iy > aie puiuri/.cti ami nmnb.e?|, am! Iiea\ \ loins ami hard j?an lands arc acted upon in a like maimer ami with like beiiclii. 4. Heavy, swards, In.I of rank weeds and glasses, can ho heller snhdiitii by plowing in lite fall?their roots aic inure a pi lo tlie out, aud far Us.- i..i'nc l>> to sprout again, than when plowed m ihe spr tig. TLe turl is hotter prepared hv its inure advancetl stale of tlceay, tor the use ol tlie crops which may he sown or planted upon it. 5. I'nll plowing distill hi the " winter uirungemenis" ol numerous worms ami insects, and innst destr >\ a large uuinbei ol these pe-la, and also eggs and l.srvte. Tins ir a minor advantage, hui one worthy ot consideration, especially on .amis .nlosled with the wire-wor'ti. I ;.e principle objection to fail plowing are these: 1. lilt* losK of ill lt fi-rtil. f.-i-.t la lion readily peiineablo to inr and moisture, and the consoiidat ion otihes<>il b\ long exposure lo changing and stoiiu\ weather. This, on soils ?>! a lighl diameter, is a very serious objection to plow mg in autumn. 2. J'Le lo.? of vegetable matter and the ga>es to the same while in a state of decay, is another disadvantage. The latter is lint a small loss, if the work is done late in the fall, hut often on h:l! sides, a large part of the soluble and floating organic inatt-r is washed aw .a', by the heavy rams of winter and early spring time. The soil is also consolidated by the same i i lluotices. Heavy swards thus situated wi>uid sustain le-s injury H an light sward or stubble lands. The advantages and disadvantages of. this pi act ice may be appropriately followed by brief directions tot performing the work. 1. Do it in the best manner. 2. Throw up low Ixnds in narrow beds and cut cross throws ami drains sufficient to carry off at otiee all surface water.? l his will obviate one gie?t objection to fall plowing. 3. Plow deep find narrow furrows? such will best secure the action of the ameliorating influences of fiost upon die roil. A rough broken surface is belter than a smoot ha one for ibis purpose.?Jin rul Nrw Yor far. In the gardens of Cliepultcpcc, near Mexico, the first object that strikes tineye is the magnificent cypres* of Monte /.uma. It had attained its full growth when thai monarch was on too throne, (1520) so that it must now beat least 400 years old ; yet it still retains all the vigor of youthful vegetatior. The trunk is 11 feet in circuinference, yet the height is so majestic as to make even this enormous mass appear slender. At Santa Marie de Tula, in Oaxaca, is a cypres.-. 03 1 2 feet in circumference, which does not yet show any symptom of decay.? Exchange. IIoops this seems to he the delicate wii ler ques ion among the ladies. .Snail they wear hoops or iio uoops during the tempest time. Shall they throw away the graceful auxiliary, ?>r put on more tluuiie. and defy old JJoreaa with its pleasant tuo '? TllAV Ufit IIIi.Ia/ ulo.l VV .? however, the hoop will carry the Jay. ii hh the Boston Herald, writes to his Bunion creditor : " I c?n\ pay your lull till alter the elect'on. At ihe money I have is 'up' on tiie reanii, and I c .li't loud It. il is the Sam* wiih pre ay muHi all nw neighbors. 1 ho following is from a Crawfordsville. Indiana, paper. lioad it ami bo astonished : , M The doctrine that lta*heen so holdiv ' advocated l.y the leadirs of the ppty du; ring ike last year, "that a vcorn Mtd ux erlitt College, it) tliu fcjtate of Ohio, gate hi.r only daughter it) marriage to ti sooty African wlio l>< en educated at this Abolition institute. '1 Ins man. wo tmdorsiMid, is Stale clec'o, on the Kunii.tit ticket, and | tog ids the negro as his eiptal. 1 In young lady is described as being exticutely beautiful and but sixteen veais of tree, while her diiskv lotd is blacker than the ! darkest midnight." D?. Ckane. the I'ijnr.not.oot.vr.?Tlte Washington (N. t .) 'l imes says; Or. Crane n|U?lled for a short time in \ irgitna not long since, and thete lie lelt tlie lady he look from Portsmouth, to her ; . late, and it is said llottcd oil with the' lady of his landlord ! Clli cts toe in hot j pursuit of h'tn, and ft captured, he w id pay deal for Ins impudence. Wewailietl | the pl.hiic a week or two ago, to watch ] thill lliati. Our Terms. TliK ;LAXfASTiill Ll\)I!Lii IS ft lll.isioai wkkelv, IIY I W. M . C 0 N N 0 R S , j KDl'l O li AND P HOP U 1 ETU U. At Two Dollars per atimitn, i.n advaNck ;) 'l'wo Dollars mid i*'i t?y ('cuts, if paid wiitiin 1 ,i\ tai.u'.'is: i.i t Tim e Dollars, it not paid t mil the cltd ol (lie sohsi i.plion ^ car. ? (Subscription*, when paid witiiiu tltrce j ! i .< i.i . ?. alt, i ri i-i ii tag toe tusi latiiibcr, w id j be COIisidi i i'll til advance. , j--i-? No paper sctit out of the State, uu- j ! icss tin* money accompanies i' e order, c.\- i j ccpt to a known tcspoii>il>lc liatltc. j .\n\ person aenumjt us? tuo subsenboi* I : and 1 t'li Dollar*. aiiriiiii|)iiiiird b) the Ca?1I.,i | j will bo entitled to oiw copy gratis. N" paper oi^i-oiuimnH. until .?11 ar j . renl'ages arc paid, mi > ? .>1 our o|)> "... TKHMS OK A1 ?\ l".l?'l lslN< . Anvi UTi*tMENT? will be inserted at Om i ' Dollar |? r *?ja..rc, ol sixteen luu* or ic-s . Ior it t itiiiiiiiicb, v. i t\ I ne < etd* /or tl \ lira! insertion, iilltl i'itljr Cell.* lor eacil nub | sequent insertion. I In- following dedtntioiiH will be made in j i'.vur ol' standing adveiliseniolits : 3 Mo.MII*. ti SIhMIIS. I VK\li I iOno Square, &i.o j $s> mj ife'd.t t? | I n o ?? 0 I o on l ;>.ot> I I lir.'ts * II oO IJ oo irt.oo | Halt t.'oliilliti, KiUO \i'Jt Uo dotal; t Hie " 30 MO -iO.l'U Ml.OU l5n?iii? s* (!unin of ti\ e linen or less, inch <1 j i;.o Uu* paper, Six Dollars per million Announcing ('atnbvlatva !\.r Oil i we, Five Dol'nr*. Advertisers arc requested to mark the I number ol' insertion* desired on c cli adiorliscnicnl, or they will be uiseiiid cuU. torbut, ami charged a.?iJix'iti, Mis* S. R.; Davis, J. M. , F Faulkner. s.; F'lciiiiiuiiy. s.; I*'under- i Lurk, A. li; Fiucher, 1>. F.; Fmyd, S, t>. ii.? lint ler, J. K , iluuiphic)s, C.; li.iuib\, L. A , tlou^u, Al;?. L., lingiiis, Aliw. M.: | llays. Mrs. K.? Kenntnyion. S. I). S , I L?ix'iiitiiuiis, Mrs. M | M.?Miiurc, L>., McC'ormick, \V. J.; Moth- , I inlitil. J., Aim tin, Aii-s S. J,. l,.--l'inl?i, W. 'i I'cs r, 1). M., 1 I)lei, 1 C. A. _ , i it. ? linger*, Mr.; (luhiii?on, S.; Rutland, ic"s- . N.? SJlevdiuaii, J. A.; Silica, I.'1.; Star-' 1 ley, J. /v.; Moyiier,Jolin; Sttlweil, J?. I.. I.?*1 hoinpsoii,; 'J hoiap-ori, A.; T.iu'n^MHi, .'ors. h. li., lit)lor, M. V..? V\ aiM'ii, I..; Walls, I'", l emons culling tor leileis ill the above i list, will please ?h| II.ej are noterllsi d. 1 DOS. li. MAhlhL, I'. M. \ KEW DRUG- STORE. ' :?r THE UXDEIiSWXED TAKhS pleasure iii inlonnin^ ihe friends ] and former patrons ol lier InisOuuU, Unit sue | liiiit ojieued a iilll I * S'lUKL, next door below Hie i ' TIAkOMt HALL, ; where will constantly be kepi a fresh and ! ; select stock of Hi ties, Chemicals, Family and 1'ladtall. u? Medicine*, Soaps, FerUniicly, Brushes, Spices, and Fancy I , Articles, Jell*, J'hjw?;, Kit?elopes, Inks, A... At.. And respectfully aolini* a tontinuuiice 01 t i it 10 |>ioruii:ige mi liberuiiy bvMoweo on lilni. J LTl. Hal. g-tf Mr. ]>t liny will give yvrsubil 11* | U'liimu l<> Itio bit?in??** ui Uie {stunt i 1 uiiU resitting un ihc |>rviin>H?l (Miaou* mm- 1 ii.g in low h ulU-r nigltl uinl w ?iiiuig >.tiiieiiil'H, will be WMlied oil A'l A.N i lil-Ll. Cuiudon, April JH, 1?A0. lu-uj. i Notice. APPLICATION ill be nmdoNl Ihe nexi i ?eN??iolt of llie l/cgmliilure, lor n i'ubuc Komi, lending from Ihe bteel ( reek innd below W. J. (melon's fetore, following ino lied where the io..d now ruun nw? rie..r m? 1 |>ructi??blr, by the Jhetliodiai l.tiuicii, ineravcling (he rher ro..0 * In m ilie ruuo una. bMlntift* hboul 3} toilet. JlAMMi ,>iii.l?KK. Aug. 21, 18?li *>-4)11. I TLottery. SOUTHERN LOTTERY ON TIII5 ii A V \ N k P L i\! I PKIZK3 GARKANTlhD! $102,000 ECLLAKS. ' ONLY 15,000 NUMBERS! PKI/.KM PAYABLE WITHOUT DKBUCTiON! ; 1 JASPER COUNTY A(,Al)KM\ LOTTEK Y. By A\?thciity oi tl.c State ol Georgia. 1 CLASS S. 'IO 111. im\UN NOV. l/irn. 1850. At fNwecrt Mall, a. (i.i.. under tlu Mljn rllitelidi-i ve til t VI. (> 1,1>. M. I.ou ' 10 arc cyatu 1 J.i nop <>\iY. <:f 00 fi,i"iu ! 0 " 0 *iv>' o i t' " ?U ,U"U I 1.71^ 1>1'ixe.s aii:ou:.tin- t o SiUitOOO Tickets $10, Halves $5,Quarters $2. GO. 'i'lie I .DUO 1'iiziA t>f $40 ur-- determined l?V II.t-l ll^lile ul the Illil'lU. r dr. o - 1 ihe < | i .1 Piue ol i.V i). i'in- ? i |>i i.l Pl'lZi Mill, nt enlir-e, fill! Willi .uir id tlu lie-iue*.? I. it. it. I. '). 0, 'J, N. 5) ii 'I i u?e holt' Tukels i n tin. Willi Ilie - .iiii- limine .is I lie ! in liie ( ;. | 11 a I ? II lie ? liiiili-il to $ IU. I tiitv e.s anil f^n ilolsill |?. nfuiruoll. j Persons sending llione\ bt III ..I lli i il IO.I i le.-.r Hh tici?i{ list. Ordi'fn punelii.dK nt i., / : - ' -'' ' i? *i??r\a ?w, \ |(MI> I't'll >Kli ? l'>.ink i\ulf* ul Miiillii IV.Ilk* I. krll :.l |i;ir llmst- willing |> .ilic;il;.i kliiiiilu , uiilt-r it;:tit?ill.lit 1 y. I)r..\tinr-? m-iti ! i' 1 m ilt'i i: i ^ i ivi.iM AilJrt-i-#, JAS K WlNTKIl, M.uiajrer, i I ilItfUll, (J.t. " ?>????- ?? t ;!.\(j||it[l StOiU! j, (CuiiiniiMK-fil mi tin- "J'itl S-|itfiul.i r.. Ii\ it l'ii|iiil?! ( i i ti-ilnitiir, MISS E. I, SAXON OF ALA. liticom acc l><*i n \V i is< i, Auit Sill strlUr I'.ir lilt1 COLiXjMBIA BAxiI\,ER: 'i il\* ( F A M 1 L V 1? A 1' K It IS TIIK SOl'TII. 82 PER AKNU1I-1N ADVANCE. 'J l) t-UUM ItlUKHS: \Vt- w onltl I' .riii'Mity it <>i;r hiiIum-i'i ( liffH I" niti hi |>it mill;? , .|tii:iui.? t ?? fur ' li?l. \\ > i it* la'n irij nttii!iiiiut!i In ?h..!(r , i ll'tin- lif.M y tlt-lil t- i..i!i tl ii|it.ii ti. li\ iIhivtKlritii> tin- \\ ) it Ii f.\t t |.| nil nur nflit-c in IKJ4 'I'lit I..IHMT c 1.1..lit;, larifcr AliMiUliI 111" tfatiiiig in I'.t-i lli..ti . iiv Wffl.1. |?njit-r in ilit.' SStiiic ; Mi J ilif luw l*i it.*f i tt-ripli'tii. W hilt- Ntiiilifin |i.t|it-it fi.iii.i I.. ; ii....M . . IHMU-UMUK. UUI> ill lilt- OHllill II AC | >l| I Mil l Jri'd*, mid nmld not !.? pul'li-ln udt i'i lining lie i.iiili d. ou;- vwi-lilii'* niulil mil exi-l. Ni>u, iti. |nili.i?'..timi ol it tt-.ily |?i.juT ulone him n 1111111 iih in h11111* 1 v mi huge Ml iiliioun i i't r.i.ilinj.' hi illcr for net SHI..I* I. nl|b?t'i'i|? in" |>l !? ? . Mill it i. Mill lil 11 iery huge i.dtiiiiun ?if Mili-erilii i.t ill.,I we van Iki|h fur ri'iiiuiii'Miiiim. N\ i.l iinl eitvli ot Mir frit-nrl* in :k?? Mi ? !'. I fort |<>r ns> I Mrs. < lurk hh\*<: "There i* like funking hii i Mori " We would like \i*ii iiiucii lor each oiru lo try ilie vir tUe ? ) llt-r |i|llltiMijllil. NuVV Its THE TIME: Till- '* tl>** JI'VJ'Vf tiu.l' lo ?II\ >| rilif. mo ' I hill you liiiii pi I t lit- whole nlnri ?if " l.?irutie or ^u| ei mil ion."' It in I ii% eqm.l lo lite puiiou-. Mu.i'ohlul k.iin of mii i.-iliird I'M reHlMlll(J?lll. TO Tlit BIBLE SDCIEffES Throughout the State of South Carolina Several yrart hating r!np?'d nincc tin1' Crit iiiiM of iiioU- Liiaiiili.ilion in tin- Slide liiiin iiwrinblrd tor * hrinii. n emuiM.'! Mid greeting, tliu tiliiiiiigers of the Cliirlealoii j lil id ( oluinhi.t Jtihli' SiH'irtii'M luitt ri'Milvid lo in?ui' it fill I tor u if.hit* Convention, to meet til Columbia, in November next. 'i lit- l(it It* (StHMvlit r. throughout ihe t lute nfi', therefore, re?|nf;tiilly unit v-rmatli in j i lit d to iiii'i'l' nliu .('point iKUgnteit. w lot j Miiiii itnM*inble in C luiiiln.i, on TIhiimIiiv uiglii, 1 lie kiln ol i\o\tu tier next, ill 1 *>' i 1'iot'K, iht* pl.we ot iiit'oiiiig to Lo herei.f'Ur ( inure {nirtlt ulitrli tli'm^imd. Tin y nrt refpic.-ti-u. nUo. to fornitli com- ' < ptele to the iiuuil or of llit'ir j nit inbi r?, tin* auina r..l*?i?d ht tIi?-iii dining ' no j?ni? i ) our or ino, the amount of dimii ' hi.lion <1 lit'tln \V mo M Ithlli their hoin'dx, M' nip) ly limy h.Af beclt utile to li.n.lil', j li.e iiol mill to tlio Aim-fte..Ii l(ilite So. < i it it . iill liiiit'i ?til.i?'i'i?? ?? H 1- * ,, j-..- mil uu ll| llllVM'Kl Hi llir liMIIVrii^iill. i i 1 llf KeV. Jif. JtlfiNi'lll) dill! i.f lilt* iM'.Tv ] laMcn uf lh? All.fti'all l>ihle iMn-lft),ll nX|M?Uil, Will he jifiM iil, null nh<.~e mil i - . I ih .1 til the n(>'in, one or lltou- |i.ih'u (Heeling* II.a V he lie HI timing the Killing ol lilt!' t OH I Million, to ih?* glial toil* Milage III ll.C ClUnM. DAI.NKI. RAVKNKU VV Ji. II. i hHOiNNLAU, L T. JthhlwI&OA. i l (in.ioiliie ol the l.hfciinUili li.lee {Soviet it. At. 1 | ( J. At. 1 ivI.vIjI.L, iioi i ui ii. \cK, ; \v. L?. KklNOLO, I < of the lJoi??i/ili*M litliio Hgf. i i>l I i . - f Willi HUHOl ti II i 11 .f i > I 111> in- hi.ill. Hi .1 in* I'.U i'l I iiii.nil i J>. I'v llll-lll III 1110 Lotion (iiu & Wheal Timi'sliur iii t i \i U ..! \ ill l I .in- cut licvii iiiti ,1 I lliTi'tnlur*' . Mtil IliMtt |<>II'! 1'ilH'llrm In- li.i* it" li?..r in en .ili-i.^i.i^ u? Kthi'i fr' lull, ll l.lT Ml|l||ll|' iSiilllll, III 11II iijHiil. lie f.-i'l.. ii i') vmiliiL'ni in niiii^ I til' |i iinr. vi'ik'Ii wu niiicr |ir lil.iii In i-i.iifil. i.llil Willi ^uoii driniijf | ii - i ..;.i! .ill 11 it I., i ?-i, 11 1 > > . w ^ , w III t I'lllli I III ii bill'* 111 NIUTll ill ll il.lVi wvbt iiiy Irni'i J.'jU in t lu lira., wi.ieli l? .is iti.i lillll) '111' ll.-Ill* l' ill VI I'll ililltulf III .1 tl .ni t |>iTmiii 1111111111^ i (tin ur I lif.i-liiT, e or mi|i|iiti it tii nfinliiiy fii lii? i.rili i lo i t; i.i'w ikiillr, i ni'Mt-r Diiliii l, S (J. \i u >1 III i f ?lll|'|?? <1 iii jllll i'lul't' llollfli. Itlil'AiUlMi uoiiii jit I li*.* ulu'rivvl !> ? oil notice lo llmm* HuiUers, I wi'i *ny ttant I i mini,jf..i'iiirin^ ?*.\Sll, & I11?I 1 ..iiy ili'Fin'iiiltnll, in.iitf nl' I III' in->1 iiiiilt'i i ii r v lam Ln r, ..(nl iviirkiii.iiitliiji I lie it Ur>l. .Ail uurk carefully jfwkwd .in! for nurd lo urili-r. ' Jull.N bl.MI'JiON. June I Itli. liJitG. 17-lf MAIL A Kit AN OEM EJN i . C.\JlDh.N 31AII. I)...- Monthly, Wiiliu-il.iy uini i'litiu, ..I ocli'l'k. |> III l)f|>iirl.i I III'KU.IV , TIiIIImIi) Willi Jit 1. 11 III ( IiAHM/M' .MAiU li.i MOMtOB Due Mesniny, \i cdi.eiil.iy, j.iut l'tiilni,.i li'l- II l.l I i j'iirin I inncUy, Thursday mid ttalmd: ai "J, u in I'lNLVIMJS MAIU liiii* Monday itiul Friday, at t? j> in iJijmria f*unda) ami '1 hurutin nt 8 * tu. U.W t.>Vll,I.K MAIU Due Friday al 4 oelnvk p. ni. Wrjs.rii fitiluidiiy nl 8 a in ( llhMhltFlULD MAIU I'in* Mai ui'Jy, ul tun viinl. .a. in. I;el).?rl V\ i-tiin Mt.?y . nl '2 o elfick, i>. in. Ail lelltln Ilium Ln- ili'|'i"*lii il Liy t) UCili j> in, to insure their ili'p.irlnrw l?? uextim All |i??r?oim Who receive new *yia(?er? a oilier |>erioOit'llU, will wIimth* iliai ihc I' equina lliv jM'ni.i^i- lo lie {mill qiinllclly Htltlllll't*. l.t'liti.. t.ntl transient i.i-ni<|iii|icmiium |>it'liuttl, other* hte lliey are mil untiled, T. It. MAOll.U M. Ifre&h i-ru^s, Mediciu< &.G., &.o, Are received cierj week?nisonjj I lali nl are freuli itojijil) of Cilriat*' of Mi lien In. Tamil!* Mell/er ulnl Atv?ieirt,l ox rparliliii|i Gel..line, l lev eland * nlojji e ilranjflil. II I LAI Of A 'I IIUD.tA. FLOW FIGS. Uoik t'oLmih III I una with I liiri-vtiiina i'ur nniki* y In r?l ami *6li fco..p CLI.V i.l.AMr* Original I'rixf Attaint \\ it ill ('till Unities Irvlilhn 'ii'llol low it I mil Inlitl ? I. mi ? K<< lli.'-li int. Ii . f T. icnplicr. .u*. Ivan t.imlri.1. iV . Jttal rfj.-ivfii nl J K. DkIIAYV. (.'minion. April "23. IIn il 1 a^iiuKttitlf Uilliucr AND MA TXiA MAK A. Tilt xulmuUji, being in receipt ol thai ftci monthly Now Yank nml r?ri?, respe iully ikiiiciU llio pmiui.up,* oi ilia t-AMlio.NAUJv LAUIKS [it Uncmtltr anal vicinity, in lliar al.otti lino. All onion* e*ecuteil with pioiiipmaa*, iwtiiio .uvapnwM and dMpwicb. MARIA CARTON. Jmv . ?SfrA 7- U Misoella neous. SUPPORT YOUR OWN PAPERS New Southern Literary Journal. (T Ij r x i; in 111 r r PUBLISHED AT COLUMBIA. S. C Tlii? Journal Ii.ih entered upon soco volume. and. with this issue*, we coalmen tin* publication of an Priiw Talc ot great literary ? ciit and thrilling mterc This will bo followed by A SEKIKS OK ORIGINAL 8TOK1ES, written expressly for the columns of T; Kxamixkk. T..esc s'oiies are nil fioiu *. pens ?>i St)l "I'l ILUN \\ RITKKS. m-d w initiate* anew en in Southern |ierie*?lit literature W e think, fr??tn urranguuicl tm?'.* in progress, u o inu\ assure our rvudi i bat. in all fit are issues of the lixamin its volume* will be* Mini wi'.lt Omuls and Novt.t.t.TiKs. equal to any pi islied in literary journals either North South. We have printed a large edition, and w be enabled to flipp y in w subscribum fri the re iiiiuoiiceiiHiil of these Stories, if ders are s. tit in early. The r.x.i.oincr is printed on a large d< ble slim l **f eight p 'go*. containing Jo coini:int ot reading matter, with \er) f sidv ertiseuiettls A* . LiN r?ry liasulivadv tali I high st.illtl. ami witil propel* CUe.M.r.i] iiient will m o,i rank among II.e best in I eoutiti \. As a i'tilili t! J..urn .I it u ill ?*/cr ad< ente tie Lights, Interests, ami iiislinitii ot tin* South itvsidCA these fealuic*, e. ill weekly furnish a lull summary news. It w ill be 1 i:i u| tile eo.l.M to lli.i tile I. . .iliner Jllsl m.vIi a paper as w vuuHe i* to ne a welenlue visitor in e\? Southern t'ainilv. the lieW Volume will be printed on i tr.i one white [ per suitable lor blliitil .?:;t s..t!i|r \ ot er t. i|*rov e:ui nts v. ill he trt i.iuvii liiSu ill*'tii(*nl ulul I\ | yi; 1'i.ic.i! ii|>i?tMr;.iiCf. 1 no Unii? ul' tliu i. ta'iiiti. r aro jiiu'i' > I't'r Amtliiti, < >.. \ ..nli- in nil f.iM-n in JNiuuiura ri'uiliiij; I'titi ihu lUt'sr J'A ftp ITS CLASS i'i< i iixiivd i.t I In- .'until, forward \ii uliM'iiiiiimiit tin'tin u"iv luliiiiir. it i ? ut till win no I'iI'iiimIioU with i |i.i|>i i lor 1 uvuij a.u Uulhfii iivri'.-i *\ M. i>. jullN.ViV tul iiiiliia, Au^iif.t u. lojii. i'o Planters and Blous Builders. 'I in. Mil?ii'iil?vr rviurim In * thonks lot i .. t\ :?!.* ? ii ji.iiruii.i^i' iiiiiiiik ti.r iiui |M .. i t I in iIiIm lin Uii'il lii nlmni ll;i'VIH/.C Periodicals. 11 ' BRITISU IglMBMU. Premiums to New Subscriber8. > EAHLY COPIES" SECUREU. . i 1 LKOXAHD SCOTT, A CO., New York, con- ? !t I tinuc to re-publlsli the following , I British Feriodcah, nd | v*u: co | . Tub Iakuox Quamjuu.t LUritv, (Conaer/% * I tiv*> - e. M H|- | Tiik Eoimiuoii Rkvikw, (Whig.) ^ Tin. South Dhitisu Hmvikw, (Free Clutch,) n r u 1 I | Tiik Wkstmi kstv u Blvij:\v, (I.lbenJ.) ulaciwuuii'? kuixbpmii maoazikk, (Torv.) ? Periodical* ably represent the three "rs i peat political purtieaof Groat ltiitain?llhig, I 01 Tory, an'I lludicul,?l>ut politic*^ form* only one '<' j fiiiluro "i tlicit character. .1* Oi^im c?f the j ilr- I inn-; piolbund writer* on Science, LiierMture, r .Morality, in:d Kelipinn, thev KUuid, ii.h they cvci 1 ' inrvc aloud, unrivalled in tuu world of letters, ill being couaideivd indispensable to tho scholar ] jin the |>ivifcsaionu', while to the intellier tr'-nl reader ol every class they fu mi ah n mori ? correct and satisfactory record of tlie current ( lite utine ot tiiethir, thougtiout the world, thau can be possibly obiai' cd from anv other nouice. "f EAULV CUl'lES. 1 The receipt of 'Xulvanco thenU" from tlie ,-n i F.l.-i; ib'.i Inns civ. - additional value to ilr'-e 1 m- Iteprint', rspecially dining the present exciting |K. state of Kuiopc.tti affairs, inasmuch as they cai 1 i now lie placed in the liundsof suited iber* aboil In. ! C:*-s ('lc Is*11"' editions- / .?> i TEEMS AND PREMIUMS. iii * ^ . | (Sfr hist t>f I'rcmium 1 hini>s helcic.) . ' For any one of tlie In n Ueviews, and one premium vol. ! For any two ot the four lie views, m.d J ;r* ) one premium vol. ... ] For any three of tli" four Il.?v lews, and i*\- two premium vols. ... 7 I 1.!, For nil four ot the Ho views, and two j 111 premium vols. .... *y i 10 For ltlaci*wood's Magazine. ami one preiiiiuiii vol. .... 3 Foi Blackwood and three lice!..-**4, and three p:viuimn vols. 9 For If luck wood and the four He views, g (rt and thiou preiniiiin vols. 0 no Fnymoii! t. lir made in nil c.i in lolvance. ? 1K. j Money current in the folate issued will In | received at par. q Fhc I'reiilliillSH 1 o:is'i-;J ,if tlie f.dbiwini; I work v. biu'k voluuicaor which will bo glvvt ? t:r J to new Stilts wi'icr* according ' > the mini I her of periudn e* order i. titubuvt explain ? he j ,di Premium Volumes. 1'oiti ! . % ami *ti.y kr.vtt 'a . (one year) iji.aa ..?. 11 s .m.-. ..\/.im: s|\ months). ?1 I.onuo.n tji 11: tv it i.y Hi.vir.vv (one year; [? KuiNnuimit IshSitw (one year). C &1 bTKOPOLoTIS MaQAKIKK (six month*). Wl.k.mlnntkit Ukviuw (one y ear). I I <'oiiwecutive Ibciiiitim voluuieH eunnot in .11 easeab.* t . mor? of the ; '-ovt "" : woiks. 1 nny. tnnr copies <.f Itluc.kwood, o: " . ol one licvi. v., ...II I..- s. 11I t one address foi j s'.i ; lour copie- of tii- four le v i. .. s ..n 1 |t;j- - ! *e I wood lor ami so on. ' t . preuiiuiii vv;il !>o j?Ucn o.-herc the e- J above Allowance is tame fo Clubs, nor w ill \'< w ] t'leniiuuis, in any c.nte be fii tlshe l. utiles. |. [li. i llie sllbf'/iipllUII III Itiey is ]> i I h tit'l I ' tlie 11 it* [ t'oblislu rs \vitlfiit reeotirse to .it iio.-rt. eti ; Money eiirrel t ii tlie Hi .,e vvficie issued ! ') 1 will lie eeeivcil .it j mi | Keii.Ittaiiceit and eoiiunrnicalloits sbrudd al* ' C m ways, he aiitliit??il, poat*pitiil, to the 1 *nt? I 11, I ishers I.Rt>N*AKD St'OTT .X ro., H| Grtt.n XriirKr, S'eiv Yn;k. tM;r mi >i.veri:< {S I or in!*. j L1:AVJ:N\VUUT1I JOlTiNAI, 1 The Mii?liTiiij*n d proposes ii> . onitiii'Di'r : i ii ; the publication of ii Weekly \i>w?)i i|ht in I la-av t'liu 01 til < it,. under the tillo of ilic LKAYIiNWoRl II J. K'KNAL, AlloL'T TIIK Hi: ST or JV.SR. l?t. \N I- iiiv induced to engage in tlii? r in required by the |(r?uiiouree* j politics, present -oilliili'XI itini till mi' pros ,, (iffIn. hmli iiilurnii tiotl Wf 1-,-itl lll.irt' H-kili.v furnish Itfii', wince UnM-iwrih in tin; ,| 1 b of the Territory?occupies .1 |mniiioii oi iii rev I intcr-comtntinii-nlion x ii \\i h two third* ol lis population, Mid is Ilic . j,j flic 111 l.r new*. I p. 2opontiiiiiis in our in p..per, and tin .ill in our povv er to make K ui1 h.-ot a hI.ivc Slide. In ibe discussion of the | slavery qu. sliutt. however, A"*- will el tleiiv P" or lu maintain ii et?tmervutive position, to w' ! present arguments ami locls instead wf de ouneiiilioii alol abiiHe. 'f ml 3d. Aflhcu h the "laavciiw #rth Jonrruil' j'," t\t will he devoted to I'ul.lo- M a great degree, in vet it \? ill p?\ due regard to tile (tood, the (\ I rile and the iiuauiilol. It will exhibit a b, biithful portraiture of the tunes in whicii th we lite, by pr< seeling a correct account ol' tlic t illri lit evelilH of the d'lV, the progress Ih of the Arts and Science", of Kdncation. sy t otiinierce, Agriculture and lute lui> "" j prove incut* Ii will disciita all subjects v\ it It 'J' freedom ami brumes*; giir all p.ilies their tlUtH, and follow the light of truth. *j' it our Weekly Journal metis with a cor ^ ^ dial Sllonorl . We lllleiul I"' - Tn-VVeikl) and pcrli?p? i. Daily. I '1 lit* editorial d. -pur I nun i <>t tin* Jnuritil" I( v* 111 !* |)ri'?i(li'4 n\vr It) S. S (Jiiitdc, hitc of jt Kmlurky, uxl Wwireii I). Wilkca, lalu of in ouulhinruliiit. lli \\ v ' ppe-al to trie-url* to musI.iiii u*. ih I t. Mn?VV i-i'kl). I fl-tVt'illlIt . ^0. ii> t,.r I (jOf)UK, V\ il.Kh* fc to. i. la'.iVfiiw orlli . K.iOai.a. ^ v. Milloi til' Two Lar-c Watches. 'a W ATI 1ILS.TLO( kS AMI JEW- ELHY. ? ATN^W \OltKa Pfclt-tb it OA CASH n Meiciiaii?* and lii-uivii* will ilo wail to rail iij and examine the slock ot M atclir.*, i'liK kit, AlliJ wl |(1 Jv?rl ), at U4W Hiug-diit-ti, helot f tint) pur- t'l iha*u t-Uewlieio. Ih L hwrv *1 IHlel wailwlilval. A at<" a always ou hand peculia ly adapted to Coii i>t< v elt-an-iii. Suva Ifant) pert-cut, hy c?Hh p. on as, U a. i.hiAA, in 547 Keltic at., Ctiariaaluu, ! 1,1 Kuur iioora Ikmu Waul worth #. I fM i VTcdioal Advertisements Dr. McLANE'S cclb1jhated VE RM IFUGE LIVER PILLS. Two of the bc?t Prcpor*llou* of the A(l> ?r They are not recommended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports. The Vermifuge, for expelling Worms from the human system, has ilso been administered with the most satisfactory results to various animals >ubject to Worms. The Liv er Pills, for the cure of Liver Complaint, all Bilious Derangements, Sick Head iche, $cc. Purchasers will please )c particular to ask for [)r. C, Me Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge a (id Liver Pills, prepared b\ qF.V?a\uyi<| ole proprietors, PittS>urgh, Pa., and take no ithcr, as there arc various >thcr preparations now >eiore the public, pur>orting to be Vermifuge nd Liver Pills. All >thcrs, in comparison vith Dr. McLane's, are worthless. '1 he genuine McLane's 7,*?:r.? ? j * ^mtuugc ana jl?1VCT >ills can now be had at 11 respectable Drug tores. FLEMING BRO S, co wtxib St., pittsmtrou, pa. f?l?' Proprietor!, J'c i1 ' McM !>n ill * i. 11. i i id r*\ < >. In.,ii*. (fi-niTii! Wind, n;.U* Agent* fi?r v Si iiTln rn Stain*, to \v| i ni nil ordr* us! li -lfl'lr '"Kfll, So!,'. I.N MUitl.l.* IIKA'J'11,1 .iiTieriyf nr. April Mi ISM*. 11 i v. Jarfcor'u Spanish Mixture V f jgN &: > *7 X'S (* .J> -<0 > 5 -^'v. r VL/ //;: a re at rvRirrnn of run ni.oon f IIF. RKST AW.UATIVP. KNOWN'.! Xol u Par tic If of .\frrcurij i,> it.' ii infnMihle remedy for Scrofula, King"* Evil, licnniNiixin, Ohou'wate <'utaneovv Eruption', triples or Poololexon the Face Hlolhw, I toil#, gue wnl Fever,Phrenic Sore Keyca, Ringworm, Totter, ScaM head, Enlargement and pain oi 0 Ilonc* ?f Joint*, Salt Kheum, Stubborn I Ir?,Syphilitic |)i*or,Ur*,aiid ail dlaeMM uridine tin an iniualii-H> Blood. 1 ^reat alterative Medicine and Purifier of 0 (Hotel i* now u>od l>y thousand* ol grateful itielit* fivm all part* of the I'nited State*, lio tc*?rty tl.?ily to the remarkable cure* pet1 tried by the great eat ni all medaeiwfi, "Carr'* Spaniah Mixture." Neuralgia, Hbeumflin, Scrofula, P.iuptioua on the Skin,' Liver nwn'e, Fever*, L It-era, Old Sore*. Affection oi ?r i\iare with it. It rleones tl e . m of all impurities, net* gently and rfliei'tly on the l.iver and Kidneys, strcngthcr-a e Ingestion, g:ve*t >ne to the stomach, niak,a v Skin el* ur and lie lihy, nml rcsiotes the institution, enter bled by Mj or broken wn by the i scesnca of youth, to its pristine gor ami strength. For the disease- of fenialea it Is peculiarly ap* cubic, ami wherever tt has Income known i> gularly proscribed with the happiest effect*. invigorates the weak and debilitated, and parts elasticity to the worn-out Irama. clears ? skin, ami leaves the patient fresh and hea!v ; n singln bottle of tins inestimable remedy * in lli nil tlis ro-cahed Ksrosparilla* in ciis* lire. . The large number of certificates which w o iv* received from pviwoim from all parts of llio liiteil Mules, is Out bout evidence liiat there no humbug statu! it. The preen hotel keepa, magistrates, physicians, and public men, >-ll known to the comiiiti ilty, all their testi my to the wondt, lul effects of this "(bout loud Purifier." i'all on the Agent and gel an Almanac, and ad the detail* of astonishing cures performed i UiUr1! 9p3!,.,"h Mtvrurw. (in most cim-i here every thing else had signally failed. ie liiuib* of an advertisement will no* admit eir lull insertion. W*. 8* BKERS & CO., Proprietors, ,\o 9*>4, itnniiuajj. Arte )or*. To ali'iiH all order* must be addressed, korsato by lin guists and (ootitry Merchants ail parts ol the L nited Stab ? and the Canai*, slid by ilAWKLltVS 4 CVRCTON, Uneastcf t iUv jnh is? \r I