v An Incident of the Late Freshet. E Among the many 'hair-breadth 'scapes,' H from the dangers of the late disastrous K flood, we have heard of none more tbrill ing than the following, which occurred on the Saluda, near Anderson's and H Neely's bridge: w On the Abbeville side of the river, on I ? a slight eminence, was erected a small two story house for the accommodation of the toll keeper. In times of very high freshets, this point was sometimes cut oflf from the main land by a sluice running round it, but it was so elevated that no . danger was ever apprehended from its entiro inundation. At the time we refer to it war, occupied, with feelings of perfect security, by a Mr. Busby, an honest and up rignt mnn, ins wiie, lonr children and two negro men, who had taken shelter from the storm. A It was soon ascertained, however, that r no ordinary flood was coming down the , j river, and iu endeavoring to make their ce- i caj>e tlie sluice was found to bo so deep J and rapid that they were unable to cross it. Alarmed, but still entcrtaing a hope that the watei would not reach the house, they repaired to it for shelter and protection. But on dashed tho wild nnd turbulent element, overleaping with fearful rapidity the highest point that it was ever before known to attain, and yet no indications of abatement. At length tho eminence was r.-achcd, then tho unwelcome intruder took possession of tho first story, compelling the lamily to repair to the second: then the second story was submerged, and about 0 o'clock at night, in tho midst of dismal darkness, with the wild waters raging around then), nnd all hope of succor I gono, its powerless inmates were almost frantic with terror and dismay on feeling the house gently move with tho current. I In tho meantime, however, one of the negroes had succeeded in bursting through the roof, and in taking a position upon )ts top, and to this fortunate circumstnncc the ultimate safpLV of the femilv is flnuUt less Attributable. He had scarcely gained tho roof before the house commenced moving off towards the main current of tlio stream. Hut seizing the branch of n tree, he gnvo it the opposite direction, and it was left to its fate. As the morning dawned, some faint hope of succor l**gan to glimmer in the breasts of the terror-stricken family. The cries of [the negroes, who had found a place of comparative safety among the brauchcs of a tree, attracted the attention of a number of persons on tho Laurens side of the river, whose curiosity early led them out to soc tho ravages of tho flood. Fortunately, among the number was Mr. Jnincs McKinney, an active and industrious mechanic, who immediately commenced tho construction of a boat, and in nn , incredibly short time launched it for its perilous adventure. For some time no one dared to brave the resistless element; but the claims of Uumnuitv soou impelled a Mr. Taylor, formerly of fourth Carolina, oud a negro of Mr. Seely to attempt the 1 rescue, and, amid breathless suspense, and ot tho imminent risk of their own lives, they struck boldly across the raging curIruut iut that it originally occupied and lodg> d against a clump of trees. The daring boatmen soon landed its _ XX* * I ? _ ? _ ? ? 1 .V % nungiiica crew 111 saieiy, Hinia ing nenny chocri of the anxious sptvtators upon the shore. Tho whole time l>ctween the first stroke in the construction of the boat aiul tho rescue, occupied but ?n hour and forty-five inintitCH?an adventure as remarkable for celerity and dispatch, as it was for success, and certainly entitling its participators to no little share of public admiration, as well ns the lasting gratitude of the rescued family.?Laurenarille Herald. Extknsivk Hank Robrkrt.?The Mount Vernon Bank, of Foster, Rhode Island, was entered between Saturday evening and Monday morning, and $10,300 in notes of tit? bank were stolen.?About $7000 were of the denomination of $50, and were numbered mostly from 400 to 500. $2000 of them had never been put in circulation. The remainder of the notes were mostly of the denomination of $10, $20, $50 and $100. Jttariiagr s. At the Cstswbn House on Thursday, the 16th Instant, by the R*v. D. P. Robinson, Mr, W. R. HOI >D, to Miss A. II. VILLINES, all of Iamcaster District. The Editor, Foreman, Compositors and Devil, return thanks for the Can aecom|wnying the above, and unite in heartfelt wishes for the happiness and prosperity of the new couple. , Also, on the 17th instant, by the Rev. A. J. Canthen, Mr. NELSON ROBERTS, to Miss JANE, daughter of James and Elizabeth LANGIJ2Y, all of Lancaster District. Also,on i nuraosy, vie win insc, r>v jscod Fundorburk, Em., Mr JAMEfl 8IOTARE, to Miss JANE 8IIE1IANE, all of this Dtst. evncK or tact, la" worth a pound of i theory: and the awarin of conclusive facta that cluster round that incomparable preparation, Hoofland's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia, establishing its value as a tonic and restorative, < are such as would prevent incredulity itself from questioning its efficacy, la all eases of diseases of the stomach, whether acute or i chronic, R may be recommended for its , soothing, cordial, and renovating infljueufe. ' Dyspepsia, heartburn, loss of appetite, nausea, nervous tremors, relaxation, dohMty, die. are relieved by the MMeve hi a very short 1 space of time: end a perseverance in their < use never fdla to. work a thorough sure, afewftm. AXOTKX& sfflMfflo WOVDKR. Important toDpaptrptioa/ Dr. J. 8. Houghton's Pepsin, The True Digestive Fluid, or flulrin Iiil^o nMiunvl frnm ILniud m IIm Fourth Stomach of tho Ox, alto directions of Baron Llebeg. tho great Physiological , . Chora tat, by J. H Houghton, MI)., Phila. , del phi*. This ta truly a woudorful remody Bir Indication, Dyapepsia, Jaundice, Liver C >mptatnt, constipation ami Debility, curing alto Nature'a own Method, by Natuae'a own A rent, the GASTRIC JUICE. Pamphlets. retaining Scientific evidenee of ita value, famished by Aganta gratia. See notice 1 atnoog the ntodfea) advertisements. 81 i i n ii i unfaa?,rw i ?? COMMEECIALlatest DATES. From Liverfooi Sept. 3. From Havre Sept 1. From Havana Sept. 2. From Charleston Sept 18. The Markets. Charleston, Sept. 18,1862, l|P. M.? Cotton.?The Coton Market at present presents very littlo of interest io the trade, and our remarks mnst necessarily hi brief. The article has been very much neglected A since the dato of our last publication, and l>i prices have, in. consequence, manifested a 0( drooping and declining tendency, but the least demand?so sensntive is the market, ^ owing to the limited amount on sale?would immediately strengthen the position of sell- 1,1 ore. We therefore think it advisable to re- 5C new our former prices, and w ould refer to i" these quotations, under existing circumstan- in ces, as a fair exponent of the value of this er staple. The ri ceipts of the Week foot tip V 471 bales, and the sales in the same time arc estimated at about 950 bales, at the lollowing prices, viz:?11 bales at 8}; 69 at 9 ; ?, 151 at 9* ; 252 at 9* ; 11 at 9J ; 23 at 10* ; . 45 at 10| ; 11 at 10* ; 193 at 10} ; 25 at 11 } ?>' 10 at 12 ; and a few bales of Mustadon as >? high as 121 cents. Among the foregoing C transactions were ten bales Georgia, quality si; strictly fair, which brought 12c. We quote tit ordinary to good ordinary 8} and 9} ; midtiling, 10} middling fairand fair, 11 and 11}; (j fully fair and choice, 11} and 12c. Nothing . has been done in Long Cotton. j Coi,umma Cotton Market Sept, 17. Cottor.?The transactions in Cotton, in our Market to-day, were 52 bales, all new, ti at prices ranging from 10 to 10} cents. p LANCASTER PRICES CURRENT, Corrected Weekly for the. Ledger by j] j. a. iia8hki.tixk. r] BACON, Hams per It! 16 a .. Sides M.. 14 a .. c< Shoulders 12}a .. BUTTER per lb.! 15 a .. BEESWAX 20 a .. fl CANDLES _Ad -..| 30 a 33} ;r Tallow ".. i 20 a . . | " COFFEE, Rio ?.. 11 a 12* J Javn ".. I 14 n 11} I ' CORN per bush.I 00 a . . " Meal ]! 00 a 1 10 r< EGOS per do*. 8 a 10 r? FOWIjS per pair. 10 a 20 \\ FI/3UR perbbl.6 00 a rf LARD per lb. 15 a . . MOI.ASSES, W. I... .per gal. 30 a 33 N. O "...J 15 a &<>* " RICE perbushel.'3 50 a 4 00 * SUGARS. I?oaf. per Ib.l 10 a 12 Crushed "..! 10 a 12 N. Orleans ".. 8 a 0 ? N. Y. Refined..".. 10 a 11 SALT per sack 2 00 o 2 25 SHOT per lb. 8 a 10 i MACKEREL No. 1 p.bbl. 16 a .. -f No. 3 "..11 al2 !" No. 3 ".. 7 a 8 111 TALLOW per lb. 10 a 12* LIQUORS. N.O. Whiskey .gal. 621 a .. 111 Old Rvo " "..I 00 a .. Coc. Brandy.. 3 00 a 4 0 ) Byass London I'orter,quarts dz I 50 a 5 00 fe " " " pints. . 2 50 a 3 00 sc SPECIAL NOTICES. fc?T" Th<> friends of GEORGE McC. v WITIIERSPOON, Esq., nnnounco mm nsn Candidate to represent this District in the o Senate of the next legislature. ??jr Tho friends of WM. McKENNA nnnounce him as a candidate to represent this District in the Senate, at tho ensuing p election. '1 MR. EDITOR:?Please announce Col. u| THOMAS W. IIUEY as a suitable candidate to represent this District in tho Senate, 0, in tho next legislature, and oblige C MANY VOTERS. w =====rr-==^-^r^==========.-^=^= cl f Tho friends of Dr. VV. C. Cautiif.x announce liiin to the citizens of I-meastor District as a candidate to represent them in tho House of Representatives in the next Legislature. ^ MR. EDITOR?Please announce Mr.l'.T. Hammoxd as a Candidate for tht: House of * Representatives in the next legislature, and oblige MANY VOTERS. jj MR. EDITOR?Please announce Mr. T. K. Ccretow as n Candidate for the House of Representatives iu tho next Legislature, and oblige MANY VOTERS. I^r-The friends of MARTIN P. CRAWFORD, Esq., announce him as a candidate to ~ represent the District of lawcastcr in the House of Representatives nt the ensuing ' ^ ?v * ? - ?/?'whv>i iur mi-miien VI IflQ I : f o I R Y O U R ',h< P A P E [?' II P A th,( a M ? do n _ V^oi ntkukkits.? \\ c learn from tho ugusta Constitutionalist that, counterfeit lis of the Southwestern Railroad Rank Charleston, of the denomination of 20, have been received in that city on inittance from tho country, fn tho {feline note the vignette is a ship. In this ? lunterfoit tho vignette is a female figure a sitting posture, with a sheaf of wheat irwdiately on her right, and on the left id of the note a full length figure of Gen. no Washington, which is not on the true one. wl X1T The Missionary Society of the [etbodist Episcopal Church has 251 Mis- Jl uuarics, viz: 4 in China, 20 in Africa, 1 ^ South America, 18 in Oregon, 29 in J?? nlifornia, 5 ill Germany, besides thrco as- 101 itants; 140 among the German j>opula- j-(c r?n in this country ; T among the Swedes orwogiansand Danes; and 12 among Rr ic Welsh population. Whole number ' church members under the care of the [issionary Society, 42,024. IIo*. D. Wallace.?Our Reprosentave, Hon. P. Wallace, arrived at this y lacc on Wednsday evening last, and ow otwithstanding the fatigues and labors co f the session is in line health and spirits, a . le was detained some days in Charleston nd Columbia, in consequence of the m; itemiption of commnuicatio l?v public U| jnvcyance.? Unionrille Journal. Polygamy among tiik Mohmons.? ha rother Pratt, of the Latter 1 >ay Saints, i a printed defence of the Mormons nd Rrighntn Young, says of the latter, mi :ho number of his family does not exceed ?f io estimates which have been going the tlx lundsoftlic American press." As it was ported that Mr, Young had sixteen n"' ives, more or less, a majority of them '.v aring young prophets, it is thus tacitly na! Imitted that this is the correct number. iLW IDVERTISEMKNTS. pn ELECTION" NOTICE. \X Election will he held in Lancaster ] District, on the second Monday, and iv followini? in*October next, r.t il,.> ft.!??, - l> g places ami by the following persons, for io Senator, nn>usr:?M. P. ('rawml, J. A. Cunningham and Richard Cow foi At flrl Air, or Indian hand:?Robt. M., liller, Wm. C. I toby and James Miller. At Tank:?J. R.Hunter, George Holland [. V. Mussey. At Stoverx :?Wm. G. Stewart, Grifiin v'niker nnd J?Us fc?. l?. r?v. At Cotton's :?C. Alobley, Jackson Cast- g, n nnd Evnti Rollin. At Iforlnn's:?Win. Roberts, Uriah Williins ami Robt. Gardner. A At Tnxahtnc :?Wiliis Gregory, Samuel * leMantis and N. Heckham. At Funderbnrli* Muster (irouud:?Uriah J ' 'underLurk, G. W. Fundcrburk and John 'J 'uylor. "f At NiimIFs : ?James Small, Joseph Haile nd Allen Small. > R'' Polls to lie kept open iwo days at the ''' ourt House, and one day at each of the nV ther jiLtces, Managers to meet at the ourt House on Tuesday, count tho votes nd declare the election. The Polls to be losed at tho Court House on Tuesday, at ro'clock, P. M. (;' One Senator and two Representatives to b elected. NOTICE. ? rn.K- Hanging Rock and Pel Air j ? i mvisions, nnu the ruhlic generally, Mi notified lliat tlie Pic Nic and LYlobra- C< on, advertised by tlie Lancaster Division, ?take place on tho 25th inst., is indefiucly postponed. . , By order of tho Division. I. II. BLAIR. d kl! J. LKVKRTON, I Committee. ,... A. J. BELDKN, f E. C. BEECII, J Lancaster Division Room, Sept. 22d, 1H32. LAND FOR SALE.. s )?i#h M. Croxton.ct nl. > ln Eqolty. ? . B. Ward 4t wife, et nl. > ' virtue of the decree of the court of \ 3 Equity in the above case, I will sell at . ancaster C. II., on the first Monday in No- j- | itnber, next, the Croxton I^inds, \ iz: one net containing 12JJ acres, on both sides ^ f Rum Creek, and the road from Lancaster |)(. lingo to Brown's Ferry, bounded l?y lands j(i| f Cnpt Stewart and others. * ^ Also, ono other tract adjoining the above, jn intaining 3204 acres, on both sides of said eck and road, bounded by lands of Cnpt. ^ tewnrt, John D. McCardell, R. Barton, and 0j. L Cuskey. Thosu two tracts adjoin id form one body of productive land, mostwoodland, with a comfortable dwelling or >uso and other buddings. Term*: n credit of one and two years ^ ith interest from day of sales (excepting (j, much cash as will pny costs,) purrbaser " ving Bond sud two good sureties. JAMES H. WITf IF.KSPOON Puui'i ii\ Eq, I* U ,, Sept. 22, 1852. " Printer's Fee S7^?|. S3?Gt J," TOBACCO AND SEGABfiT ? L SUPPLY of the above articles, of v*. JJ;" 1. rlou* uualitics, and at different prices, ' ? it received direct from Baltimore, for sale ' Woodville. E. C. BISHOP. < Sept. -2J, 1853. 33?3t ' NOTICE- B" Wi Centennial Anniversary of Upgnot ? . WASHiaoToa will be celebrated by CKSON IvODOE, No. 53, A. F. M-, on i iU?. Noyember next, by a public wooes, n. An oration will bo delivered by one rT the members. The Brethren are all re X bated to be present on that oceaaion, and din i citizens generally are respectfully invit- 131 to attend. wtl DANL W. BROWN, ) J W. W. MOB LEY, > Committee. J. R. MAGILL, S Sept I 30 2m ? MISCELLANEOUS, n MEDICAIi NOTICE. ~>HE undersigned respectfully Inform tin* gj _ Citizens of I.ane:iMter District, that! _ jy have this day formed a co-partnership. j \ the practice of the various brandies of jir profession. *o1 One of them may l>o at all times found, a I scept when professionally engaged.) at the cal ice hitherto oeupied by Dr. Morrison, next S'J or to the residence of George Withorspoor, J ?! ft. C. MORRISON, M. D. J. OAIAUCIIAT, M. D. Lnncastervillo, Sept. 15th 1852. 32?3m. LANCASTER iaguerrean hall. J. B. COUSART. S, OW* Informs the citizens of this place, s and country generally, that lie is ,, w prepared for the purpose of giving those * 10 way wisli to do so, nn opportunity of sl" curing perfect IKESISSESc themselves or their friends. The latest nn, provcuients are now in his possession. uis I^ulies and gentlemen arc respectfully so- I ited to call and examine his stock. , \c Miniatures inserted in Lockets and j bei east pins in the neatest style. Lancaster, Sept. 19. 18551. 32?lv to the imported jack maringo. ] s If ILL stand the present season I am t at Iainc:istorville, at his ? .til I yo n stable. at ten dollars the insurance, (no j tlu It no pay,) and twenty-live dollars to ins ure j tin lenny. Any person trading or tmfiicing away the ire before it is ascertained whether she is th foal or not, forfeits the insurance. PEDIGREE: ' Maringo is n beautiful dark brown. 15 nds bi'jh, 5 years old : possessing beauty (Yame, tine action, and muscular power unrpassed by any Jack of the present day.? jtf was imported from Spain about sixteen inths ago, and was bought by John Drown Liberty Hill, from the importer, about 1 v'" ! time lie was landed in Charleston. I S(d For tne correctness of the above statement !11 f :1 further information. I would respectful- u*' refer those wishing the same to the above un mod gentleman at Liberty llill. I cn' The subscriber feeling an interest in the " sing of line mules in this part of the State. kf 1 having n lull knowledge of the purity of f!,,! i blood, oilers the services of his Jack on above low terms with the hope and ex tation that tfio public will avail them- 'V ves of an opportunity for improving their I a iek, whieh lias never before been otlered. WM. T. lMIIFF.R, LincnsterC. II., Sept. 1852. ?t;t. ~ tukilnu, hoping k twine. '> \ YDS. of CiUNN V Hugging. ^ )\ H ) io Coils of S. C. KOl'l.Mi, a ~ iv article. > Coils Northern Hoping. | O lbs. of TWINB. T The above articles we offer for silo low 1 cr..sh. CURF.TOX Si MASS FY. \\ Sept. 15. 1852. 32?4 m .11 SOUTH CAROLINA. h. IX CAST Eli DISTRICT. James II. Witherspoon, Esquire. Ordinary far said District. ? \rllKRE.\S, ilFGH SUMMF.ItVILLE . v.? guv M'UW "I .\<1 II11II- | f) it ion on :ill ntul singular tin* Goods and | inttlcs, rights mid credits of .MRS. MAU- | 11A CUNNINGHAM, late of the District J ircsaid, deceased. * These are, therefore, to cite mid admonish | i nnd singular, tire kindred and creditors of 1111 e said deceased, to he and appear before I > nt our next Ordinary's Court for the ca ill district, to he linldcii at I aincustcr Court [ ' \ use, on the 29th day of September, inst., "' show cause, if any, why the said ndniiiiis- " >tion should not be granted, veil under my band mid seal, this 15th day of Sept. in the year of our l.ord one thousand eight hundred nnd filly-two, and in I the "i?ih year of American Independence. I ' . jas. ii. withkrsuoon, I* S. v Ordinary I-ancastcr Dis't. ' , ? ' sept. 15?32 * St 1 ! >w Hides, Deer, Sheep, Otter & Coon ' ' SKINS, Bees-wax, Wool Tal- II low, &c., &c, j1' L \D all country produce of this kind pur- !jj V chased, for which the highest inar- , t ('ash prices will be paid, or leather giv- ^ in exchange, by JUIIN T. BAOM, V No. 28f>, King j^t., Charleston. S. C. Sept. 15, 1852. 82?tf tate of South Carolina. XECUTIVE DEPARTMENT.' V^HKREAS. information has been reeeiv- f ed n? this Department, that an nttro- ! *ma outrage was committed by a Negro C< How, on the person of a lady of A: dcrson to strict, on the 28th of July last, and that tii e said negro has made his escapo. Now J it known that in order that the said negro How niny Iki brought to trial, I, Joiix H.! ? bass, Governor and Commander-in-Chief' .Mill over this Slate afores aid. d n SttatiA lK!o i Procclamation, offorini*1 n reward of Tun -m undrcd Dollars for !iis delivery to the Jail I Anderson District. ^ The said Negro is a young fellow, not ex?ding 23 or 3- years of age, five feet six j eight Inches high, well built, of rather ' eit II o wish complexion, converses briskly and ' at isibly, was well dressed at the time, with S< rk coat and pants, checked shirt, and wore i jjj lap and slippers. He was a stranger in the ! ighborliood, and represented blmsclf as a *l iek Vinson fVoin a distance, hunting work, j 5 Is believed by certain persons who saw n to l?e n fellow by the name of PAT, or kTKKSON, who was taken from Anderfi District to Alabama some eight years r>, by one William N. Wyatt, who after- \ rds sold him to a trndor near Columbus, ^ orgia. Mi ven under my hand and the seal of the at State, this the 11th day of August, A. I). Cu Dno Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty- ft" two. all J. If. MEANS, [l. ?.] rej hjamis Perry, See'y State. Sept. J 6th, 1852. 32 4t an Head Quarters. ?uck lb;AO,64th Auguat 18512. r| Ml E BRIGADIER GENERALS are J . hereby required to make return* u Dj< eetod by the Act of 1841, (aee Section ret :h.) Upon a non-compliance, the law lat I be enforced against all defaulter*. hiv By order of the commander-in-Chief. om J. W. CANTEY. pn Adjutant and Inspector Genera). *opt. 15. 34?tt RY GOODS & GROCERIES.! WOODVILL12 STORE, I " x Miles South of Lancaster C. H. Jnn [ Y STORK IS NOW OPEN, AND ready for the. accommodation of Cits- pr? liters. I have a tino stock of Goods, and ; general assortment; ladies and gentlemen it be accommodated to almost any article of | . r.iPLIlA FANCY DKYCvj L.! .VC\ IS TKR D TSTilTCT. Bu flic? Court of (lencral Sessions utnl p ^ Common Pints. IT. It. PRICK, Esq.. Clerk of said'ja:' o Court, in pursuance to tlui directions of I ore e Act of I lie I .egislaturc. in nueli case nuide I D. <1 provided, do hereby give public notice j ; itt un Kleulion tor Tax Collector for l^m- ' tali stor District will be held on Monday, the I lan tli day of October next, nt the usual places ! election throughout the said District. j ( 'itness my hand at Lwcaster C. II., this J Tli lOtli day of August. A. I).. 1832. i wit II. K. DRICE, by ( In k" (r. S. ami C. P. August 11. Pin 27 NOTICI-i OF" ELECTION ' w L A ELECTION will be held on the 2d j ? V day of October next, for Major of the i j?rj ?\ver Battalion, to till the vacancy oeea- | aned by the resignation of Major J. 1). ' aile. The polls will be opened at each of i ie places of rendezvous of each company 1 the Lower Battalion, at 11 o'clock. A. M? """ id close at 3 o'clock, 1'. M.; the Managers. I II least one of them front each box, will meet I 111 Ijuicaster C. II. on .Monday the -1th, count j e. votes, and report forthwith to the Briga- J cr tioncrul the result of the election. By order of the Brigadier General Chandler j h llrigadc. ' ( I H. R. PRICK, ! % Col. 21st Rcg't S. C. M. 1 (tjj August 23 Ct 20 j , I in I^otice of Election. | Mill k N ELECTION WILL BE IIEI.I) E()R the V 1st Lieutenant of the Lancaster Ritlo s>cr >mpany, on their next regular Muster Day, Sav till the vacancy occasioned by the promo- p.,j inofC. Bclk, By order of II. R. PRICE. 1,1 Aug 23. 29 tf Col. 21st Reg't. N 0 T I G ? " TS HEREBY GIVEN,THAT AN AD- I L plication will l>e made, to the next (,_p gislature, for a charter for a Rail Road n0" >m Lancaster Court House, to connect ri? her with the South Carolina Hail Roni?crty, and tako him away. 1 JAMES ADAMS, Apt August 18th, 1262. 9herifF L. D. S LEGAL NOTICES. K?li;iTY.?LaacaMcr District U'K M. Ingram, Executor ^ Rev. Elias I- Eraser J Petition neis I\ Boulware, f to 8C" nd Mary E., Iiis wife, j slaves. et. al. J t a wearing to my satisfaction that Fran* P. llonhvaro and' Mary K., his wife, delimits in above petition, reside without limits ot this State. It is vtdoiwl on liou of t V.ston, solieiior mr petitioners, I said defendants, Francis P. Boulware Mary E. his wife, do answer, plead or mr to the petition in above ease on or ba the l?th day of November, 1852. i rvvise an order pro confesso will he or?d against them, J AS. 11. WTI HERSPOOX, Com. Eq'y Lan. Dist. loiimiissioner's Otlic", i iieasti r . E. h. D. *25, 2'.? ht printers (ce $5,25. )USE AM) LOT FOR SALE. us* \ ?? n?l A Jam? his wife, | ^ icn M. Rk-liard.-on, | ?<^Stek, and others. J !y virtue of tin* ilccreo of the Court of lily. made in tiiiscn.se, Juno Term, 1852, II sell at l.anoaster II., on the 1st nl .y (the till day) of October next, that ruble lot in the village of I.ancastcr, near fronting the Court House, with the dings situate thereon, bounded North by ih.p street, West by Catawba streut, th by lot ot*Jones Crockett, and East by J. Dunlnp's lot. fVrni.i?A credit of 12 months, |>urchaser ng bond and good security, with interest 11 day of sale." .IAS. II. WITHER SPOON, tugust 23d, 1862. Coin. E?|. I<. I). 25 22 (it printers fee ?3,25. COMM KStSIONER'S SALE. n Woodward, et al. f p(Irff{io}K alcb Clarke, ot al. S iV ORDER of the Court of Equity, I will > expose to public sale at Izmcastcr C. on the First Monday in October next, the owing TEMCmpF LAMS: Mrs. Charlotte Moll. ;n. d?situate in l/uieaster 1st. A tract in the possession of Dr. J\ sh, containing 200 acres hounded by lands estate of James It. Massev, dee'd. D. W. iwn, and others. 2d. A tract in possession of estate of lies. R. Massev. dee'd, containing 200 as. hounded by lands id' Dr. I). 1'. Rush, W. Brown, and others. Id. A tract called the Glaze Tract, conting acre i, and hounded by the ds of TF.RMs OF SALE, 'asli sufficient to pay expenses of the sale, e balance on a credit of one and two ycais h interest from the day of sale, secured bond with at least two good sureties. JAMES lIKMPIIII.Ii, C. E.C. D. August 31, 1852. 1'. S. Persons desiring information, will ily to James 11. Withcrspoon. Esq.. at iR*ast? r II. -leptembiT 8. 1852. 21?-it. titer's fee,?Advertising <$'5,(18 Job Work 2,50 $8,18 ISCELUNEO ilY. CATAWBA HOUSE, On .Tluiu-Slrcct, few rjds South of the Court House.) T1 IK above named House lias -$rH> iL been nuu-li enlarged and put ?iili thorough repair and furnished anew, .1 is now prepared to accomodate all >so disposed to give it a call. The subiber makes no boasts but will simply - that the Public shall be accommodal iu a stvie not excelled by any Iloose tlie up country. * .1. A. HASSELTINK. Lancaster, Feb 12 tf 1 A C ARD. IESSRS. G. F. KENNEDY, of Chester, and JAMES M. HURST, forniV one of the proprietors of the Planters' tel, Charleston, Wave leased the -an Hotel, King-street, and would poctfully solicit from their friends and travelling public a portion of their pat:nn?. Wft i?lt?#lfrn /wirv "" ?vvr. lilt '.sts of the I loto.l will receive nccoinnioiori unsurpassed by nny in !ho city. KENNEDY & HURST. ^liai lesion, May 1Q. Gni 15 S U R V E Y IN G. A. AUSTIN JAY BE FOUND AT THE CATAWIm House, nt all times, ready to wait >n lliose who may need hi* service* a* a vej er. April '28 12?If COTTON GINS, IOTTON GINS OF SUPERIOR CON t Mraetion, nnd of the Kent material, nt per Saw, in a do nnd warranted by the bsoriber. Also, Wheat Fans, Thrashing chines nnd Horse Mills. )ld Gins faithfully repaired. All orders nkfnlly roeeivod and- nujtctoally attended R. J. McCR EIGHT, 'smden. M. April 14, 1803. lO.fim I RARE OPPORTUNITY. HAVE a first rate Two Homo Waoon. which 1 will sell at a reasonable price, Cy at once, or you will lose the chance, pt 8 tf J. A. HASSELTINE. MISCBLL AN EOlls! V TRACT of Land, lying on both sides of Fiat Creek, in this District, containing 1,700 r.eres. This land is ho situated that it ' may be divided into two or more tracts.? I i. ii ? J ' " " - ? - ji m nrii ?u.-i|iivu 10 me culture or Uotton or (drain, and has a Saw and Crist Mill on tho same, in sueeessful operation. There U also a comfortable Dwelling, Gin House Screw. and all necessary out-buildings. A portion ol' the hind comprises about 100 ueres as good bottom land as can I?e round in this District, or in ?my section of the country. The above land will be sold at a reasons** bU price, and on accommodating terms. JOSE1UI BLAIR. September, &, 1863. 31?3t. | ; liitncnttri' DiviKion, ."\o, 30? SONS OF TEMPERANCE, Holds its Regular Weekly Meetings at the I Temperance Hall every Tuesday Evening, at 8 o'clock. I. II. DLaIR, June 10. 10 R. W. TIIUJ1L0W 0A8T0N, attorney at law and solici tor in equity. Attends the Courts in LcAcnster, Kershaw and Adjoining Districts. l-JT OFFICE, CAMDEN, H. C...&FZ FRASEll tV T110M80K Factors & Commission Merchants, adger's north wharf, CHARLESTON, S.C. i klii'k c. fraser. paul s. tji03is0*. Sept. 1, 18.V2. lY?30. strayed 1,^ROM the residence of John- Brows, Ly . berty Hill, n mouse colored JENNY, I six or seven years old. She may be known* i by a lump on the side of her under jaw Any one bringing the said Jenny to me wilt be suitably rewarded. SeptS tf 1\ T. HAMMOND. "PfYR CATT K N EXCELLENT*SKTT OF WAGON ; i\ HARNESS, which will be sold low j for Cash, if applied for immediately. R. S. BAILEY. PARTICULAR NOTICE i We arc now prepared to do all kinds of HANK!'!!.!,. OlECK k CARD PRINTING | Such .is Blanks. Receipts, Posters, Patnpli1 lets. &c.t r.nd on terms as cheap as can he done in the State or elsewhere. Blanks of all kinds always on hnr.J, or printed at short notice. Mechanics, Manufacturers and Knvciitorft. f fAHE Eighth Volume of the Scientific i I American commences on the 18th of j Septemher. It is principally devoted to the diti'usion of useful practical knowledge, and ! is eminently calculated to advance the great | interests of industry?Mechanical, Manu\rintf and Agricultural?the genius and master-spirit of tt?e notion. It is unrivalled as a Journal of the Arts i ami Sciences, and maintains a high character i at home and abroad. { The Publishers pledge themselves that i the future Volumes shall at least equal if , not surpass their predecessors. Among the 1 subjects chiefly brought forward and discussed in its columns are, Civil Engineering, j .trclutoeturc, Kail roads, Bridges, AgrieultuI ral Implements, Manufactures of Metals, Fibronn and Textile substances, Machinery for the purpose, Chemical processes, Distilling, Coloring. &c. Steam and Gas Engines, Boilers and Furnaces, Mathematical Philosophical and Optical Instruments, Cars, Carriages, Water-wheels. Wind nnd Grinding Mill's Powers, Planing Machines, Tools for Lumber. Brick Machines. Fanning, Fire Anns, Electricity. Telegraphs, Surgical Instruments. &c . besides Claims of all tho Patents, Reviews, Notices of Now Inventions, American and Foreign. The work is in form for binding, contains several humhrrd Engravings, over four hundred pages of printed matter, and a copious Index. Nearly all the valuable Patents which issue weekly front the Patent OUice are illustrated with Engravings in its columns, thus making the 1 paper a perfect Mechanical Encyclopedia for future as we ll as present refeieuce. Valuable Premiums are offered for the l largest List of Subscrilters to this Volume. It is published weekly by MUNN & CO., at their Patent Agency <>Jj;cc, 128 Fulton St., New York. TERMS! TERMS ! TERMS! 1 Copy one year $2 00 1 copy six months 1 00 5 copies for six months 4 00 i 10 copies for six months 8 no 10 copies for twelve months.. 16 00 ' IS Copies for twelve months.22 00 | 20 copies for twelve raopths. -28 00 ALWAYS IN ADVANCi. I Southern .and Western Money rind Post I Ofticc Stamps taken for subscription. Letters should ho post-puid. nug. 1828 Caution to Every Body! VLL PERSONS ARE NOTIFIED AND Cautioned not to trade torn note given by me to John Turner, dated 3d January, 1862, and due 1st December, 1862, for Sixty Dollars. Said note wns given for n horse, which was unsound at the time, (but 1 did not know it,) and which Morse died in a few days nflcr I got him. I will not i>ny said; note unless compelled by law, and I no not believe a just law will make me pay it, as. the horse was unsound to rottenness. STEPHEN WILLIAM8. m.l 1 6 3t-?etn.D^ 1000 BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SOUTHERN 4- WESTERN ST A TES TO CANVASS FOU A NEW WORK BY T. S. ARTHUR. OKETCHRJ8 OF HFE ANJ) CHAR >* ACTER,?containing over *100 page*, royal octavo, with P> finely tinted Engravings, and,a Portrait of the Author, handsomely Donnd, Price Two Dollars.. A liberal discount made to Agents. Each Agent ha* a district allotted of one or mofq counties, by which, he ha* the exclusive control of sale. By enclosing ffl to the publisher, post paid, * specimen copy of the book will he forwarded to any part of the United States, fnr td pointer. Add rem, J. W. BRADLEY, 48 North Fourth street, Philadelphia.