Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, October 25, 1922, Image 10

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Office No 61 Residence, No. 17 Wednesday, October 25. ?OCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. R. 0. Brezeale of Greenville is here visisting Mrs. Capers Mad den. Mrs. Gus Merrimon of Sumter is a guest in the home of Mrs. Lizzie Tompkins. Miss Elizabeth Greneker of Au gusta is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Greneker. The recent fire loss by Mr. A. B. Miller at Trenton has been paid through E. J. Norris agency. Miss Margaret Hill came up from Augusta and spent the ' week-end in Edgefield with Miss Sophie Mims. Mrs. J. E. Gaskin and Mrs. James Nelson of Columbia spent Sunday in Edgefield as guests of Mrs. Annie iRives. Misses Juincy Robinson and Willette Matthews and Mr. Jesse Reynolds of Columbia were guests of Miss Mae Reeves Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Aull of Co lumbia have been spending the past week in Edgefield with Mrs. Aull's mother, Mrs. Lizzie Tompkins. Mr. George F. Mims went over to Columbia Mondaymorning to attend a meeting of the board of examin ers in optometry. He will return to day. William Thurmond came over from Columbia to spend the week end with the home folk, returning to his studies at the University Monday morning. Mrs. Lynwood M. Johnson will leave today for Greenville to attend the wedding of her brother-in-law, Dr. I H. Grimball to Miss Margaret Mackey. ? The public is invited to a box par ty to be given at the Pleasant Lane school house on Hallowe'en night, October 31. Oysters will be sold for the benefit of the school. What Frank Huggins says this week should be of especial interest to the Edgefield housewives. A list of .' good things to eat is given for you to make your selection from. Mrs. May Nelson is assistant in The Model Home, 1104 Lady Street, Columbia. It affords a rest room for ladies and carries an assortment of art goods and home products for sale. Mrs. J. Mitchell Chase, and little son, Henry Hughes Chase, and Mrs. Caraher of Clearfield, Pa., are guests of Mrs. B. B. Jones. Mrs. Chase is pleasantly remembered as Miss Elise Lake. Mr. Shields L. Johnson who has been at Horse Shoe, N. C., for the summer will reach home Saturday to spend some time. He will be very cordially greeted by his Edgefield friends. Mr. Turner calls attention this week to the Corner Store's large as sort of shoes, hosiery, sweaters, blan kets and dry goods. Visit this popular store before supplying your needs in these goods. A meeting of the Winthrop Daughters will be held at the home of Miss Sallie Mae Nicholson, at "Cedar Grove," Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. All the members are urged to attend. Sunday morning Rev. A. T. Allen appointed the following delegates from the First Baptist church to the union meeting at Berea: J. H. Cante lou, L. B. Jones, W. E. Lott, E. C. Asbell and J. L. Mims. Mrs. Mamie N. Tillman, Mrs. J. P. Nixon and Mrs. J. L. Mims attended the annual convention of the State Woman's Christian Temperance Un ion which was held in Newberry from Friday night until Monday. Congressman James F. Byrnes ran np from Aiken Thursday to mingle with his Edgefield friends for a few hours. He always receives a cordial greeting in Edgefield. Mr. Byrnes is enjoying a short period of rest be tween the sessions of Congress. Early in November he will have to return to Washington for some im portant committee work in advance <?? the convening congress. The boys of the Edgefield hi school are planning to give a m strel in order to raise funds for th? athletic association. It will be a go entertainment and the cause likewl being a good one our people shot attend en masse. Rev. G. W. M. Taylor is closing i his year's work in order to be rea to attend the annual conferen which meets in Gaffney on Nove: ber 7. Rev. A. L. Gunter will be t host, being pastor of the Methodi church at Gaffney. Commencing Friday, October 2 the Quarles & Timmerman Varie Store will put on their annual fi sale which will mean atremendo saving on every purchase you mal at this popular store. Read their a vertisement in this issue. Miss Ethel Cheatham is he: spending some time with her mothe Mrs. J. W. Cheatham. For the pa year she has been in a leading hospi al in Memphis in training to be trained nurse. Dr. M. D. Jeffries superintendent of the hospital. The popular V. & L. Restaurar and Chiles Cafe announces a sui stantial reduction in prices. They bu only the choicest food and serve : in the most approved manner. Sto at this popular place when in Ai gusta-315-317 Jackson Street. Mr. T. A. Hightower who alway keeps abreast of the times in cotto manufacturing, spent Friday an Saturday in Greenville attending th Southern Textile Exposition whic has attracted men interested in col ton manufacturing from all parts o the country. County Treasurer J. L. Prince toi The Advertiser's representative yes terday that there remains yet un paid about $33,000 of 1921 taxes This shows that a considerable num ber of taxpayers in the county no-* have two years taxes upon then: 1921 and 1922. We have carried some of aur sut scribers who have heretofore bee: unable to pay their subscription promptly, but we must now insist up on payment. Look at your label an< see l ow you stand. We do not wis to drop a single name, so remit a once, if in arrears. .Capt. P. M. Feltham stopped ove for the week-end with his familj ?leaving Monday morning for Wash ?ington. After completing his worl in Alexandria, La., he was orderei , by the government to inspect Lin wood hospital near Augusta, havinj come from there to Edgefield. I I Mr. Abrom Daitch tells The Ad vertiser's readers this week that hi large stock is now filled in every de partaient with winter goods tha were bought right and will be sok I right. R*ead what Mr. Daitch say: this week. He also has a large stocl of army goods that he is seling verj low. Mr. Clyde Hamilton spent Mondaj in Columbia with his mother, Mrs Bonham Hamilton, who is in the hos pital. While in the city a transfusior of blood was made from Mr. Ham ilton into the veins of his mother, Since that time, Mrs. Hamilton's fiiends will be pleased to note that she is improving. Mr. F. G. Mertin of Augusta an nounces to our readers this week that he is selling all boys' and men's clothing and furnishings at half price or less. Such a statement coming from so reliable a source should in terest many of our people, especial ly at a season when many family needs have to be supplied. Rev. A. T. Allen will attend the union meetings of all three divisions Saturday and Sunday. Saturday he will attend the meeting at Antioch and in the afternoon he will motor to Clark's Hill to attend the union meeting of the third division. Sunday he will attend the union meeting of the first division at Berea, preaching the sermon in the forenoon. Tn his attractive advertisement in this issue Mr. H. G. Eidson, the Ford dealer of Johnston, gives the figures showing how much is saved td* the buyer by the recent big reduc tion in Ford cars. Mr. Eidson an nounces that he can now make im mediate delivery on all style cars. Better get your order in before some body gets your car. Ford sales will increase at the present low prices. LOST: One the streets of Edge field Thursday, October 19, a gold bar pin. Finder will please leave at The Advertiser Office and receive a suitable reward. , According to a dispatch from headquarters, the mail which has been coming in on the afternoon train on Sundays will be discontin ued. On all other days there will be no change. This order has been is sued on account of the light mails coming in on last train, and the dis continuance will begin Sunday, Oc tober 29. The Yonce Motor Company gives this week the actual cost of a Ford car or truck in its easy term plan of buying a car. The amount of cash payment and the monthly payments are so small that Ford cars are now placed within reach of people who heretofore could not own a car. Call on Mr. Yonce and he will explain in detail his easy payment plan. You can pay for a Ford while you ride. A man who buys a car for business can make it pay for itself. Hallowe'en Party Friday Evening. The Girls' Auxiliary and the Roy al Ambassadors will be entertained at the home of Mrs. W. C. Tomp kins on Friday evening when they will enjoy a most pleasant occasion and will have an opportunity to meet Miss Azaee Wofford who is especial ly interested in young people. Mrs. Tompkins/is leader of the Royal Am bassadors and Mrs. E. C. Asbell of the Girls' Auxiliary and together the young people with their leaders will make this occasion count for great good. Our Boys at Saluda. The football team of the high school went to Saluda Friday after noon for a contest with the team of the Saluda high school. Whi^e they lost the game, they won the respect and admiration of the people among whom they were visiting. Considering the fact that they made a higher score than has any other team that has played Saluda this sea son, we should be proud of the rec ord they made Friday. Let's stand by our boys and encourage them. They are a manly set of boys who reflect honor upon Edgefield wherever they go. Last Case of Criminal Court. At the hour of our going to press last week, the court was engaged with the trial of Elias Barnes, War ren Barnes, Abrom Holmes, Charles Jennings and Boisie Anderson for murder, having been charged with killing another negro near the home of Mr. S. A. Brunson over a year ago. In the case of Boisie Anderson, who was represented by C. T. Bur nett, the judge ordered a verdict of acquittal. As to the other four ne groes, who were represented by J. H. Cantelou and S." McG. Simkins, the jury failed to agree upon a ver dict after being out all night and a mistrial was ordered. Miss Azilee Wofford in Edgefield. Miss Azilee Wofford is the Field Agent of the Woman's Missionary Union for South Carolina. On invi tation of the Edgefield W. M. U. She will spend Friday and Saturday in the Edgefield association, and will be entertained on her arrival in Edgefield by Mrs. W. B. Cogburn and Mrs. A. T. Allen. Miss Wofford is a graduate of Winthrop college and the Louisville Baptist Training school for missionaries and Chris tian Workers. Friday afternoon at 4 p. m. the Woman's Missionary Society, with Mrs. Mamie N. Tillman, president will hold a meeting at the home of Mrs. A. A. Woodson which will be a reception for Miss Wofford and an opportunity for her to present the work of the Baptist Woman's Mis sionary Union. A musical program will be rendered as follows: Violin trio "Sing, Smile, Slumber" Mrs. Leon Warren, Mrs. Walter Can telou, Miss Lois Mims; Miss Gene vieve Norris accompanist. Vocal solo, Mrs. M. B. Tucker. Vocal solo, Rev. G. W. M. Taylor. Saturday morning at Antioch the morning session will be in charge of the program and Miss Wofford and Rev. A. T. Allen will speak. Satur day afternoon at the union meeting at Clark's Hill Miss Wofford will also have a part on the program. From there she will go to Greenwood to J meet engagements on Sunday. Attractive Post Cards, Comic Sou-, venirs and Hallowe'en. COLLET DRUG CO. The Best Hot Weather Tonic GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC enriches tht blood, buildu up the whole system and will won derfully strengthen and fortify you to withstand the depressing effect of the hot summer. 50c. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Think of buying a Ford on the following terms-the cheap est in the history of automobile industry : KIND OF CAR Touring, no starter, plain wheels . . , Touring, with starter, plain wheels . . Touring, with starter, demountable wheels Runabout, no starter, plain wheels. . . Runabout, with starter, plain wheels . Runabout, with starter, demountable wheel Chassis, no starter, plain wheels . . . Chassis, with starter, piain wheels . . Coupe, with starter, demountable wheels Sedan, with starter, demountable wheels Truck, pneumatic or solid tires . . . Fordson Tractor. DELIVERED DOWN $369.00 442.00 468.00 339.00 412.00 438.00 299.00 371.00 611.00 679.00 448.00 446.00 $140.00 167.00 176.35 128.35 155.35 164.67 114.35 140.70 228.35 252.35 167.70 Terms MONTHLY $23 35 27.84 29.40 21.40 25.90 27.45 19?06 23.45 38.25 42.10 28.00 if desired The above time prices include both tire and theft insur ance with a $10.00 lock and steering wheel IF YOU WANT A FORD, TRUCK OR TRACTOR SEE US. We'll Do the Rest YONCE MOTOR CO The House of Service Abbeville-Greenwood Mu tuai Insurance Asso ciation. ORGANIZED 1892. Property insurred $17,226,000. WRITE OR CALL on the under signed for any information you may desire about our plan of insurance. We insure your property against destruction by FIRE, WINDSTORM, or LIGHT NING and do so cheaper than any Com pany in existence. , Remember, we are prepared to prove to you that ours is the safest and cheapest plan of insurance known. Our Association is now licensed to write Insurance in the counties of Abbeville, Greenwood, McCormick, Edgefield, Laurens, Saluda, Rich land, Lexington, Calhoun and Spar tanburg, Aiken, Greenville, Pickens, Barnwell, Bamberg, Sumter, Lee, Clarendon, Kershaw, Chesterfield. The officers are: Gen. J. Fraser Lyon, President, Columbia, S. C., J. R. Blake, Gen. Agent, Secretary and Treasurer, Greenwood, S. C. -DIRECTORS A. 0. Grant, Mt. Carmel, S. C. J. M. Gambrell, Abbeville, S. C. J. R. Blake, Greenwood, S. C. A. W. Youngblood, Dodges, S. C. R. H. Nicholson, Edgefield, S. C. J Fraser Lyon, Columbia, S.^ C. W. C. Bates, Batesburg, S. C. W. H. Wharton, Waterloo, S. C. J. R. BLAKE, General Agent. Greenwood, S. C. Wanted: Piano Pupils* I want to start a music class. Those desiring to take piano lessons will please see me. I am a graduate of the S. C. C. I., Limestone College of Gaffney and of Brenau where I took music under Professor Otto Pfefferkorn, and am fully competent to train children on the piano. I will give lessons for $3.00 per month. Mrs. L> S. KERNAGHAN. ?lIPk'l CW? IS TKE ONLY GENUINE ARNICA SALVE Six Por .Cent Loans. I hereby announce to the farmers of Edgefild County that I am now prepared as the Attorney for The First Carolinas Joint Stock Land Bank of Columbia, S. C., to file ap plications for loans at 6 per cent straight. No commissions, no ?stock taken by borrower, loans promptly made, and easy terms. Don't confuse this bank with The Federal Land Bank. J. H. CANTELOU, Attorney. Edgefield, S. C., July ll, 1922. SEED OATS AND WHEAT. We want the farmers to know that we can supply them with seed oats, seed rye and wheat. Let us have your orders. We also carry a complete stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries. We can make you very close prices. Come in to see us. J. D. KEMI\& CO. FOR SALE: 100,000 Charleston Wakefield cabbage plants grown from certified seed. Prices: 1,000 @ $1.50; 5,000 @ $1.25 per thousand; 10,000 @ $1.00 per thousand. G. W. M. TAYLOR. Every Departme WINTEB We invite the people to co stock of winter goods tha t wei We can supply the needs of and save you money on every Our stock of shoes was hoi facturers, and we are showin dress and work shoes for men, in and let us show you. Our stock of boys' and m< latest styles and most popular man or boy. Our dry goods stock is one ever shown and we bought bc you money on every dollar sp? Large Assortment Army C ABROM FRANK HUGGINS SAYS That Crisco is better than butter for cake baking; and, too, it is super-fine for shortening and frying. This week's specials - Fancy Mackerel, each_15c. French Mustard, a jar._15c. Argo Salmon._29c. Buck-Eye Sausage, a can...29c. No. 8 Coffee, still the best.40c. I Luzianne Coffee_29c.?. Social Tea Orange Sandwiches a lb. _35c. Plum Pudding, a lb.49c. Heinz's Cream of Tomato, a can._15c. Ask Central for 107 and you'll get connected with HUGGINS' STORE AT THE DEPOT FOR SALE: Wyckoff-Barron sin gle comb white Leghorn cockerels, February and March hatch. $2.50 each. Mrs. GEO. F. MIMS mt Filled With I GOODS me in and inspect our large re bought at very low prices, every member of the family purchase. ight from the leading manu g a large assortment in both , women and children. Come sn's clothing contains all the weaves. We can fit any size of the largest that we have ?fore the rise. We can save int with us. ioods at Very Low Prices DAITCH