^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ J^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ '^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ Wini $twxpa?t? JtpoiJlb (tolte VOL. 87 EDGEFIELD, S. C., WEDNESDAY, OCT., 18,1922. No. 36. JOHNSTON LETTER. Baptist Pastor Resigns. W. C. C. U. Met. Will Publish School Paper. Two Ball Games. On Sunday morning Rev. W. S. Brooke tendered his resignation as pastor, this coming as a great sur prise to most of the members. Last Wednesday evening, after prayer meeting he called for a meeting of the Boa.rd of Deacons and made his intention, known to them, this being the first intimation the church had of his accepting another field of labor. Mr. Brooke has accepted a call to the Lake City Baptist church, and he asked that the church permit him to leave by the last of November. The resignation was accepted with much regret, although there were discus sions as to whether Mr. Brooke could be prevailed upon to remain, it being hoped thai he could continue as pas tor until the 75 Million Campaign was completed. Resolutions of regret upon his departure, and commending him to the church of Lake City were read, coming from the Board of Deacons, by Mr. S. J. Watson. H. W. Dobey, acting as moderator, appoint ed a committee to begin at once, to secure a pastor, this committee being Mr. S. J. Watson, Mr. J. C. Lewis, and Rev. James Edwards. Rev. Brooke has been pastor here for] about six years and not only in this church, but in the community has he been a force for great good. He has labored faithfully, and has done a great work, and it is not only his own flock that is saddened over his leaving them, but every one that knew him and his estimable family, regrets their going. The prayers of every one will follow them wherever the go. The last meeting of the music club was held .with Mrs. Joe Cox, and during business,it was decided "erected at' the Fair grounds. A letter was read from the District Vice President, Mrs. Patter son, stating that the state president Mrs. Adam Moss, and herself would visit the clubs of western district the week beginning November 20, and asked for a convenient date. It was decided that the clubs of the town could join in and have a public meet ing, thus giving any interested the pleasure of hearing these club wo men speak an club endeavors. The musical program was led by Mrs. M. T. Turner, the study this year being musical forms. Piano numbers were by Mrs. ?0. D. Black, Miss Veda Barr, Miss Frances Turner and Miss Annie Holmes Harrison. Voice, Mrs. Kellar and Miss Dessie De'an. After the program all enjoyed hot coffee and a variety of sandwiches. The W. C. T. U. met on Friday with Mrs. Joe Wright, and a very profitable meeting was had, Mrs. T. R. Denny presiding. The chief busi ness was in plans for the reception by the union to the teachers of the high school. It was decided to have this on Friday afternoon, October 27th, and a committee was appoint ed to make all arrangements. The delegates elected to the state convention were all urged to go, as the meeting promised to be a great one. The report to be carried was a good one, as read. The program on Sabbath Observance was carried out and all were impressed with the thought that we must "remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." The Johnston High School will be gin their paper, and the first edition will appear next week. The paper will be called "Purple and Gold," colors of the school this year, and will be published the last week in each month. The subscription price is 50 cents for the 8 months. The young women are to solicit subscrip tions and the young gentlement are to secure advertisements from the merchants and others. The paper will be eight pages. Cecil Scott will be editor-in-chief and he has a splendid |force, who will aid with news from each department in the school, about town and otherwise. These are Aus tin McCreight, Albert Dozier, Davis Lewis, John Howard Black, Robert Crouch, William Crouch, W. H. .Glover, Jr., Wheeler Rhoden and Misses Marion Turner, Ella Fannie Mobley and Mary Mitchell. The local foot ball team played the Ninety Six team on Friday after noon and a lively game was had, the score resulting in 23 to 6in favor of Johnston. After this game the bas ket ball teams of these two towns had a spirited game, the honors this time going to Ninety Six. The band from the Piedmont section that is out advertising, was present and the bright music added to the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. George Burch and little boy of Florence have been guests of relatives here and nearby town. Mr. Watson Nickerson of Atlanta is here for a visit to his wife and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Capp have been guests in the home of Mrs. Annie B. Harrison. They were with Mrs. Cul lum, Mrs. Harrison's daughter, dur ing her three years' stay at Asheville, and their visit here was chiefly to see Mrs. Cullum. Mrs. Virginia Price is at home from a visit to the home of her son in Batesburg. Miss Antoinette Denny spent the week end at Saluda and was present at the announcement party at the home of Mrs. W. S. Crouch, the en gagement of her daughter, Miss Ruth Crouch, being the happy secret which was disclosed at this time. Mrs. Nettie Jacobs is spending this winter in New York in the home of her son, Mr. Clarence Jacobs. Miss Gladys Sawyer entertained the bridge club during the past week and here decorations were of Hal lowe'en. The tables held yellow pumpkins filled with candies and the score cards had me witches and gob lins of this wierd night. The top score was held by Mrs. W. E. La Grone, who received a bowl of nar cissi and Mrs. J;imes Halford drew the visitor's pr?;e, a set of cards, and Mrs. L. S. Maxwell was given; riety of saidwiches, was served, the napkins being decorated in Hal lowe'en pumpkins and wtiches. Those from here to attend the State W. C. T. U. meeting at New berry this week, are Mrs. T. R. Den ny, state recording secretary; Mrs. J. H. White' and Miss Zena Payne, state superintendents of depart ments and delegates, Mrs. Haltiwan ger and Mrs. Thomas Weiderman. The district Mason's meeting was held at Aiken last Friday night and there were 18 from here to attend. There were many matters of busi ness to attend to and a fine address was heard. A banquet followed th a meeting, to which, it is said, all did .full justice. The Literary Society of the high school had its monthly meeting on Friday and a debate was one of the features of the program. In turn, each pupil is on duty this way, which is very improving. Mr. Frank Suber has gone to Jonesville to spend the winter in the home of his daughter. Mrs. Walter Hendrix and Mr. Fred Hendrix of Leesville were vis itors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Turner on Sunday. Mr. Walker Mobley has gone to Rock Hill, having accepted a position there. Mrs. Stan Sawyer has announced the engagement of her daughter, Miss Lila Sawyer to Mr. Anderson, of Columbia, the marriage to take place the last of November. On Sunday morning Rev. W. S. Brooke urged the church members to bear in mind the meeting which will begin first Sunday in November. He will be assisted by Dr. Fuller of Greenwood, and a singer has been engaged to have charge of the sing ing. A Spirited Contest. A membership and attendance con test is being conducted by the mem bers of the Baraca class of the Bap tist Sunday school. The membership of the class is divided into two sides, the Reds and Blues, Miss Ruth Lyon being the captain of the Reds and Mr. E. C. Asbell the captain of the Blues. Sunday morning the two forces tied, each side having 45 present. As the days pass interest in the contest steadily grows. Sermon by Rev. Arthur Allen. "The Present Crisis." "And who knoweth whether* thou art come to the Kingdom for such a time as this-"-Esther 4:14. The present crisis is always pres ent. There is no such thing as a past or future crisis. The present crisis^ is the only one life has. The story<#? Esther illustrates the critical nature of every period of human history^ for history itself is but the sum total of the deposits made by nations ahcti generations to the life of theworlct,r On the coast of Florida are beautiful: coral reefs, thrown up and construe^ ed through the process of the cenra?. ries. They stand there today as a 'si? lent monument to the successive gen? erations of little coral creatures. On&. colony of these little animals comes| forward, lives, makes its deposit of. coral and dies. So one generation ap^ pears on the scene of action, makes? its deposit of life and passes oufctf And if there is any exception to that* rule, if we depart without leaving. av deposit, then life is not as rich and* well-rounded and full as it otherwise^ would be. It lacks something in cont?; pleteness and history is held up in.itsf upward movement toward a great su? preme climax. We like Esther come to the kinggj dom for a special hour and a definite^ purpose is all the time being worked? out in human life and history. You' do not have to search for illustra^ tions of this truth. They are found| in the story of every nation whether/: is be Hebrew or British or Frenen? or American. Every great character, that ever walked across the worldfff life arose to meet a crisis., Joseph: became prime minister in the- -land] of the Nile that he might save his; family, the chosen people, from famr ine by bringing them into.Egypfe Constantine became Emperor pf Rome that he might emancipate; Christianity which was. struggli.a^ for exis^nce.^nd-grvh $t?& ??WCV ! in the Roman Empire. It is not neces sary to multiply illustrations. A glance backward over our history will furnish them in such quantity as to convince us that every generation has a great moral problem of its own. John Fiske wrote a book en titled "The Critical Period of Ameri can History," but someone else might with good reason mark off another or still another, and call it The Criti cal Period. Whether a man live five thousand years before Christ in Babylon or nineteen hundreds years after Christ in America, he is in The Present Crisis. God is not a poor artist who brings on the stage, in addition to the ac tors, others who have no parts as signed. Every actor in the drama of life appears just when he does, be cause he is needed then to the de velopment ofthe plot and its solu tion. In the narrative of Esther everything seems to hang on an if or happen so. It is full of unexpected turns and apparently unrelated events only casually connected and touching each other. If the king had not have been intoxicated, the Jew ess would not have been chosen queen. If he had not have had a sleepless night, Mordecai's service to him would have been forgotten. The accidental reading of the state ar chives recalled that he had once sav ed the monarch's life. If Esther had not have been queen at this time, her nation would have perished in a bloody massacre. The characters seem to act spontaneously, but be hind the scenes in the shadow is God, who so shapes events as to fit together each individual and occa sion. And what seems to be mere chance and the mutation of fortune is actually Divine Providence and the unfolding of a great life scheme. Be ing great literature, this book is true to life. The central fact of life itself is that God prepares every life for a peculiar service to its own time and a definite purpose running through it. He had a George Washington pre pared for the Revolution, a Lin coln for the Civil War and a Martin Luther for the Reformation. You may be more obscure than they,but he has just as clear cut plan for your life and mine. Rupert Brooke saw this beautiful truth and sang "Now God be thanked who hath matched (Continued on second page.) Miss Florence Mims Sees Old* est Ship Afloat, in Boston Harbor. Dear Advertiser: At present, the oldest ship afloat, (built in 1790, is anchored in the Bos ton harbor. . It is the convict ship, "Success," the sole remaining craft of the ter rible felon fleet which England used to send the prisoners from her shores .to Australia. These ships were known as "ocean hells," since they were dungeon, cell and torture, as well as ?"the scene of every inhuman practice I that a cruel captain could devise, to make life intolerable to the convicts. .Many of these convicts had been sent for the most trivial offenses. / ' : At the period of English history, when this ship was in use, there were one hundred and forty-five offenses punishable by death. For lesser crimes, the culprits were put or? board the "Success," which was [worse than death. [.'? In England today, there are two [crimes punishable by death, murder and treason. I doubt very greatly the justice of the death penalty for trea son. ... am of much the same mind and mood when I write this on prison re form as I was last year when writing oh school reform. Though I am sure that you will be of the same opinion concerning the atrocities permitted by England's penal system, many of you disagree deeply, no doubt with my ideals of the present educational syst?m. I ??The "Success" was launched in iBritiBh India, as an East Indian mer chantman, and was used for carrying 'spices, aromatic teas, ivory, jewels ?nd other luxuries all over the world. ./ It is built entirely of Burmese leak wood. In 1802 it was first used as a/convict transport. . ? Below the water line are the dun geonsj the. condemned cells and the 'p black; h oles," the. most; terrible cells >.:>?;fe-l3frip^ p?a-son. was placed in total darkness, with the ball and chain to make life more intolerable. The branding irons, the cat o' nine tails and manacles made one. shudder at these evidences of "man's inhumanity to man," and then suddenly rejoice at the great progress that the human race has made during the last century. Many of the prisoners became in sane, some committed suicide, and others died from the effects of cruel treatment. A broad arrow, the insig nia of the ship, was branded on each of the prisoners, so that when he had served his term he still bore the mark of criminality. This would al ways keep him from earning an hon est living when he had served his teim. People with their narrowness and prejudice were apt to turn from | the man they should have helped most, the friendless and despised ex-convict. The ship was raised from Sidney Harbor, Australia in 1890 where she had remained under water for five years. The "Success" has for years been touring the world as an educa tional object lesson. She has been up the Mississippi River and will go along the East coast to the St Law rence River and on the the Great Lakes. Over twenty million people have visited the Success." The same da; a* the "Titanic" set sail from S . Hampton, the "Success" left G Dock, near Liverpool. Sea.. of experi ence said that tux. sn.A was too old and battered to withstand the Atlan tic ocean, but a brave crew set sail, and for ninety-six days battled with the waves, arriving at the end of the time in Boston Harbor. The Titanic, meanwhile, which the seafaring world considered impregnable, went down like an eggshell. That epoch making voyage of the "Success" was compared to that of Christopher Columbus. In 1857 the knowledge of the in humane treatment of prisoners made great trouble in Australia which al most amounted to revolt against the British government, and this has end ed the atrocious system. The management of the "Success" offered any Boston girl who would spend twenty-five hours in the "black hole," one of the smallest and black est cells, with the manacles on her hands, forced to stay in a cramped ?position, neither standing nor sitting, a prize of $100. A student from the Emerson College of Oratory volun teered, and remained the entire time. She was to 'be seen on the .upper dack all last week wearing a con vict's cap, and ready to answer any questions concerning her harrowing experiences. She was from Illinois, and had the middle western practi cal mind. It was nothing to her, seem ingly, that she had the courage to take the challenge. She did it solely for the reward, since she needed the money for her tuition. I talked to her for some time about expression, while a crowd of people waited \to ask her about the strange experience she had had. A trained nurse was kept just outside her door, to release her in case she wished to give up the undertaking. One hour out of the twenty-five she was taken up on deck for air and exercise. She said she went to sleep there standing up, so exhausted was she from the close confinement. The convict ship was like a real bit of the past brought to light, in teresting to the student of history, to the reformer and-to anyone with a love of the human race and sympa thy for its sufferings. FLORENCE MIMS, 25 St. Stephens Street, Boston, Mass. Fall Term Court pf General Sessions. The court of general sessions con vened Monday morning, with Hon. W. H. Townsend as presiding judge. Solicitor T. C. Callison, Stenogra pher O. B. Anderson and the other court officials were promptly at their respective posts of duty and the: court machinery was set in motion without hindrance or delay. The solicitor handed out a num ber of indictments and the grand jury returned true. bilrsr- in the fol lowing cases.: . . .. v . .. prohibition law: F. Pierce Ouzts, violating the prohibition law; Perry Butler, murder; Luther Byrd, house breaking and larceny; William Scott, murder; Charlie Diggs, disposing of property under lien. Luther Byrd pleaded guilty to the charge of housebreaking and larceny and was sentenced to one year on the county chaingang. Aaron Hill who was charged with murder was found guilty of man slaughter and given a sentence of 10 years on county chaingang. The state was represented by Solicitor Callison and the defendant by Mr. J. W. Cox. Alfred McGhee was convicted of violating the prohibition law and given a sentence of 6 months in the penitentiary or for a like period on the public works of Edgefield county. When three months of sentence has been served the remaining time is to be suspended during good behavior. The state was represented by the so-' licitor and the defendant by Mr. C. T. Burnett. Elisha Adams was convicted of manslaughter and given a sentence of 7 years on chaingang. The state was represented by Solicitor Calli son and Mr. T. B. Greneker and the defendant was represented by Mr. J. Wm. Thurmond. Charlie Diggs pleaded guilty to disposing of a bale of cotton under mortgage and was sentenced to 30 days on the chaingang. M. Wright Holston pleaded guilty to the charge of violating the pro hibition law and was given a sentence of six months in the state peniten tiary, four months to be suspended during good behavior after two months have been served. Mr. J. M. Bryant was acquitted of the charge of disposing of prop erty under lien. The state was repre sented by the solicitor and the de fendant by Mr. C. T. Burnett. At the hour of going to press the court is engaged with the trial of Elias Barnes and three other negroes for killing a negro near the home of Mr. S. A. Brunson about a year ago. Thc defendants are represented by Mr. J. H. Cantelou, Mr. S. McG. Simkins and Mr. C. T. Burnett and the State by Solicitor Callison. The grand jury has completed its work and its report is published in this issue. RED OAK GROVE. Rev. T. E. Seago Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bus* sey Will Move to An derson. S. C. A goodly number from Red Oak Grove had arranged to attend the divisional meeting at Modoc last Sa.t urday but were very much' disap pointed by the inclement weather. The friends of our pastor, Rev. T.. E. Seago will be pleased to leam this his condition is very much im proved and that he hopes to fill his appointment here next Saturday andi S'inday. There have been several cases of' chills and fever in this section late ly, bu tno Dengue fever, as was at one time apprehended. Quite a good deal of moving andi exchanging places will begin soon around here ,getting ready for 1923, which will not take away any of our neighbors. We have none to spare;;., we need them all. Miss Lullie Timmerman accompa nied by her brother, Henry were ples.sant visitors in the home of their aunt, Mrs. Lamb, last Friday night Mrs. Mamis Bussey has gone for a visit to her daughters, Mrs. J. T.. and Mrs. Walter Griffis at Cleora. Mr. and Mrs. George Bussey were guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tim merman last Sunday. Mr. Brooks Doolittle and Mr. Oneal Timmerman . made a business trips to Augusta last Thursday. Mrs. W. M. Agner has returned" from Edgefield where she visited her: daughter, Mrs. Livingston Bailey. Flat Rock Sunday school regrets the departure of Mr. Henry Bussey. as he leaves soon for Anderson.... where he and his good wife.swil?.. spend . the winter 'with, their.;, daught er/. Mrs . Rastus /Thomas. .'"Miss?sv.Hair. ' and '* Tarrant^- ;tpur;c, arranging a plan by which' to' enable;? them to replenish books for thei.li brary. We feel sure their efforts., will meet with hearty cooperation^ for there is nothing more helpful than good reading matter in the homes of children. We well remem ber when our father and mother sought good books for us to read. Af ter lessons for next day at school were finished, they used to read aloud around the fireside and every child knew to be quiet. The class of reading as now in mind was Scottish Chiefs, Robinson Crusoe, Christian Repository, Arkansas Traveler, Pic torial Bible, Commentator and Well springs of Truth, and Sunday morn ings the Sunday schools lessons were rehearsed. Mrs. Sally Jay Dies at Johnston. Mrs. Sally Riley Jay died at the home of her son, A. C. Jay, in Har mony section last Friday morning at six o'clock after a lingering illness, of two months. Mrs. Jay had been in fairly good health until two months ago when she was forced to her bcd and de spite of the most careful nursing; and medical attention her condition gradually grew worse until the end. came. At first there were hopes of her. recovery, due to the hard strug gling and never ceasing prayer. Fri day morning, however, attending physicians gave up ail hope. Beloved by all who knew her, re presenting as she did, that lovable character of womanhood, Mrs. Jay's death will be a great shock to her many friends in Saluda county. A devout member . of the Methodist church of Butler in Saluda, her life was. devoted to her family, her church and . the betterment of the community in which she lived. Mrs. Jay was preceded to the grave by her husband a great num ber of years. Mrs. Jay is survived h^ six sons and one daughter.. Funeral services were conducted at the Har mony Methodist .church .Saturday morning at ll o'clock with Rev. D W. Kellar officiating. E. D. H. FOR SALE: Wyckoff-Barron sin gle comb white Leghorn cockerels^ February and March hatch. $2.50 each. Mrs. GEO. F. MIMS