?t?efi? ?NetvHpapet?a^rtirtb (tato EDGEFIELD, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1922 JOHNSTON LETTER. Mr. Alexander Elected Super intendent of School. Mrs. Bouknight 111. Baraca Picnic Friday. D. W. Alexander, of Woodruff, S. C., has been elected superintendent of the Johnston High School. He has had much experience in teaching, and comes highly recommended. Mil ton Stackhouse, who was elected superintendent about a month or so ago, found that it was impossible for him to serve the school. It is a dis appointment to many that Mr. Stack house found it so that he could not come to Johnston. Miss Thomas who taught here about three years ago, has been elected first grade teacher. .Rev. W. S. Brooke went to Rocky Creek church Sunday morning to con duct the funeral services of one of the members of- this church, Mrs. Coon. He was her pastor about two years ago, and as the church is with out a pastor now, he was asked to officiate. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Scott and chil dren and Mrs. Scott, Sr., of Bates burg, have been for a visit to friends. Mr. Jame?5 Barnes left on Monday to take a special course in a northern university. Mr. Barnes is assistant su perintendent of the Baptist Sunday school, and an assistant will be elect ed to fill his place. Sunday morning, Mr. M. R. Wright, superintendent, spoke of the departure of Mr. Barnes and said the school would miss him and he knew it was a regret on the part of the school that he would be no longer be identified with it. The shipment of peaches is now very good, and plums and figs have also been shipped. There seems to be a'good sale for figs and some of the farmers contemplate putting out a number of fig trees this fall. Matny have been encouraged by the ship ment of asparague and larger beds of this are already being planned for. Mi\ and Mrs. Henry W. Dobey are now occupying the dwelling on Cal houn street that was occupied by Mr. Pope Perry. The personal service committee of the Girls' Auxiliary, Baptist church, met last week with Miss Agnes Browne, and delicious candy was made and a package was arranged for a number of the elderly people and shut-ins. This week the commit tee will meet with Miss Helen Berrj^ and ice cream will be made and a vis it will be made to the sick and con valescing. Mrs. Erwin Smith, who is at the University hospital is much improv ed now. Mrs. Bettis Bouknight left last week for Chattanooga, Tenn., to vis it her parents. By the time she had reached her destination she had be come suddenly ill, and was carried to a hospital where it was found that she was suffering from acute appen dicitis. An operation was performed, and her condition is now very good. Her husband was wired for as soon as she reached Chattanooga. Miss Mary Waters has gone to Au gusta, having accepted a position there. Miss Helen Wright is spending a while in Rock Hill. The Baraca Class of the Baptist church had its annual picnic last Fri day afternoon at Salter's Pond. This class numbers over 50, and the mem bers had the privilege of inviting friends, so there was about 100 pres ent. The afternoon was one of the unusual hot ones so all who possess ed a bathing suit carried it along. It was .jolly sight to seo the bathers, big and little, young and old, and those who did not venture in were left to make lemonade and iced tea for the supper. A most bountiful sup per was spread, which every one en joyed. Miss Isoline Westmoreland has re turned from Charleston where she visiter her sister. Mrs. Frank Weirse. Mrs. Alice Cox and Janies Robert are at home from a visit to relatives in Saluda. Mrs. Sophia Meyer Lindermann has returned to her home in Florida after a visit to her aunt, Mrs. M. E. Norris and other relatives. Mrs. M. R. Wright has been for ? visit to her sisters, Misses Luelle and Sara Norris jn^Golumbia. Miss Marion;.lNorn of McCormick : is the guest of her cousin, Miss Fran ces Lott. Miss Anibell Turner of Augusta is spending a while with friends. Miss Grace Crouch of Saluda is spending this week in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Watson. Miss Olivia Milford is at home from a visit to Cope, S. C. Miss Alice Lowry is expected this week to visit in the home of Mrs. Bessie Bean. Dr. Janies Halford has returned from a business trip to Charlotte, N. C. Mr. Claud Allen of Meeting Street was a welcome visitor here during the past week. Mrs. J. L. Walker has returned from Newberry being accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Smith. On Friday evening she entertained in her hon or with a charming tea, a number of friends being invited. Mrs. C. P. Corn entertained the Thursday Evening rook club in a very pleasant manner, the affiair being on the porch to en joy the evening breezes. A salad course was served during the even ing. Mrs. W. B. Ouzts gave a spend the day party on Thursday in compli ment to Mrs. Leland Miller of Rich mond, Va. The day was happily spent, it being a pleasure to all to be with the honoree again. Mrs. Archie Lewis entertained on Wednesday evening in honor of Mrs. Miller, and a tempting dinner was served. Bridge occupied the time. Miss Emmie Wright was presented with the ladies' prize, a set of cards and Mr. William Bouknight, the gen tlemen's prize, a box of candy. Mrs. Miller was given a dainty bouquet of organdy flowers. I Miss Willie Ruth Wheeler of New berry has been the guest of Mrs. . Claud.cHeriong. -. . ? - -.r- ? - - Miss Juiia Riddle of Augusta is the guest of Miss Sallie Butler. ? party of young people from here will-camp this week at Salter's pond there being about 15 in the party ex clusive of the chaperones. They are well equipped for the stay and, judg ing from the boxes of food stuffs they are expecting their appetites to be much whetted by the pond breezes. Mr. F. L. Parker is at home from Blue Ridge, where he attended the institute in session there. He greatly praised this movement and urged all the young people to avail themselves of the opportunity of attending. Mrs. Joe Cox has returned from Jonesville, where she visited her sis ter, Mrs. Hames. Mrs. C. M. Moull of Charleston, has been the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Jordan. Albert Freeland Drowns in River. McCormick, July 2.-Albert Free land, the 18 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. C. Freeland of Plum Branch, was drowned about 4 o'clock this afternoon while in bathing with a number of his chums in the Savan nah river at the old Ferguson ferry, about four miles from Plum Branch. The young man, in company with several of his friends, had walked about three miles to the river to go swimming in water very little over his head and only a few feet away from one of his friends, whom he caught when he was sinking. The friend believing that the drowning boy was only diving and playing, made no effort to save him. The young man nearest Freeland stated ?that he thought Freeland was only playing at the time and when Free hand caught him he was almost ex hausted and he also came near being drowned. The water at this point is very swift, and although relatives and friends were soon notified' and the river for some distance down had j been scoured at dark, tonight the i body of the drowned man has not j been found and it is thought that it (was carried on down the river ahead of the searching party. The Ferguson ferry has been aban doned for some years as a ferry and the road leading to. this landing has reached such a stage that travel upon it is almost impossible and this ac counts for the crowd of searchers not reaching the scene sooner. 'Th^e searching party will continue tomor-^ row in their"efforts to find the body.' Successful Co-Operative Mar keting of Tobacco Assured. The successful marketing of their, tobacco by cooperative sales is now assured to the organized growers of South Carolina by the record break ing campaign of last week which reached 52 towns of the belt within seven days, sweeping millions of pounds and hundreds of nev/ mem bers into the association. The last, strong barriers to Cooperative Mar-, keting have broken down within the Palmetto State. While half a million pounds a day were added to the pool in the last' days of the drive, the strength of the association in the State was doubled by the fresh support of busniess men and bankers in a score of towns, whose efforts will continue to win signers. Timmonsville, the second largest tobacco market in the State was the first to close its doors to the Auction sales then Aynor and Kingstree fol lowed fast during che days of the fu rious campaigning. Other towns will go one hundred per cent co-operative as hundreds of acres surrounding the big markets begin to grow tobacco* for the farmers' own organization. Thousands of acres more will be added to the great pool before the markets open, as committees in every large tobacco growing county pf South Carolina push the signup tb the limit in the few days that remain in which to sign the present crop. Growers from Kentucky who made the long journey from the Blue Grass Country, growers from the Dark and Light belts of Virginia bringing their message of success, have found a ready welcome and a quick response in action, that means the end of an era <_f debt and poverty for men and women who produce the wealth that has been passing steadily into,J>t?er With the new. cooperation^/?^? come new independence, new oppbr-" tunities ,new standards of living for. the producers of the millions of dol lars of wealth which now go on to other states and other people, accord ing to last week's message, which has roused the growers, the bankers and the business, men -to cooperate to keep it at home. From Danville, Virginia to Tim monsville, South Carolina, ware houses, tobacco growers and the bal ance of power have been passing into the Great Cooperative. A few men can no longer hope to block 70,000 organized tobacco growers with $30, 000,000 assured them, with 206 ware houses ready for business, with un surpassed leadership chosen from their nunber, with the foremost ex perts cf the world's tobacco trade ready to handle a majority of the to bacco from three states for the As sociation. A majority of the tobacco farmers from the Carolinas and Virginia make a last call to their fellow grow ers of South Carolina who take the risk of waiting longer.. ?. D. Frissell. Citadel Moving to New Building. s Charleston, June 28.-This is mov ing time at the Citadel, and various articles of equipment are now being transferred to the buildings at the Hampton Park site, where, in the fall the cadets will report for the new term. The Citadel library, composed of several thousand volumes, b?? al ready been moved to the new bar racks building along with tables, chairs, book racks and other equip ment and motor trucks are hauling apparatus and supplies from the chemical laboratory, to be installed in new quarters. Considerble prog ress is being made on the hospital at the Hampton Park campus and vari ous activities are going forward to be ready in the fall for the big open ing. It is understood that the facul ty members, for the most part, will oontinue to use the present quarters at Marion square, as a delay has de veloped in plans for erecting officers' residences at Hampton Park this summer. This will mean considerable inconvenience to the professors, but they are taking the situation philo-' sophically. -;-^ I am now prepares to sell ice m any quantity. W#l. deliver anywhere in town. J. P. NIXON. [Women's Clubs Have Plan for fw:- Regulating Marriages. A- Chautauqua, N. Y. -Runaway j flapper marriages are marked for death by representatives of 2 million women assembled here at the conven tion of the Federation of Women's Clubs. : Launching a drive for reform of divorce and marriage laws, the con vection leaders advocate: Repeal of all state marriage and divorce statutes. Enactment of a federal law, gen era] in its application. ff?is movement was started after fu tile efforts to induce various states toi.ehact uniform laws were made. *c,Miss Genevieve Parkhurst, writes ort. women's subjects ,was here rep resenting supporters of the move ment, which has the backing of some of Iv the nations most representative ers. She conferred witv Mrs. Thomas Winter of Minneapolis, pres ident of the federation, before the convention formally opened. ^Interlocutory Decrees Opened .iThe proposed law, which will be ?fcgiented to congress for action, con the following provisions: p girl under 18 or boy under 21 rry without the consent of pa s'\or guardian. Banns announcing "intended marriage must be pub two weeks before the cere ' nioijyv- Physicians' certificates as to the^mental and physical fitness of parties -to the marriage must bc |sq9f& when the license is issued. :?|v$:ce. cases to be heard behind proved^.physical or mental cruelty, desertion- for; a period of one year or njjfi&~^oved infidelity or habitual dru^cen'n?ss. OKlyr- interlocutory decrees, made final'af t?r-dapse of one year, are to be ?-r'?r.ted. Marriag^e^efore^the lapse P?W^^c??.ct;' to be - heard- b?hiird? ^^sed3i^s:'aii?'the testimony never made pUb^c?;;. The mother always to be given the custody of the children unless prov en unfit to take care of them. United States Has Most Divorces. "No two states have the same mar riage, and divorce laws," said Mrs. jParkhurse. "Some states do not even forbid the marriage of deficients. Per sons who arc married in one state are'' not legally married in another. The proportion of divorces is greater in America than any other nation in thq world." Planting Fall Irish Potatoes. Clemson College, July 3.-The greatest difficulty in the growing of a second crop over that of a spring crop is the defective stand, which may be overcome by employing the careful planting and cultural meth ods necessary at this season. The fall oij second crop of potatoes , may fol loSv the spring crop or any crop that is,.off the ground by the first of July. Planting after the spring crop is es pecially desirable, as "volunteer" plants from the first crop will add to the stand of the second'crop. Soilslr^-This crop delights in and grows and produces to perfection on a rich sandy loam soil underlaid by a clay subsoil retentive to moisture. However, the absence of such a soil ?hould not be a hindrance in the growing of Irish potatoes for home consumption, as they adapt them selves to a great diversity of well drained soils. Preparation of Soil.-Thorough preparation can not be stressed too ?much. This consists of thorough and deep turning, followed immediately by harrowing until a thoroughly pul verized seed bed is formed. Rows or deep furrows, 3 to 3 1-2 feet apart should be laid off and well thrown out, using either a turnplow or a shovel-plow. Fertilizers.-Both barnyard ma nure and commercial fertilizers are .used, but the former must be well rotted and judiciously applied; oth erwise, scab and similar diseases may result. In the use of commercial fer tilizer, a complete mixture, phosphor ic acid 8 to 9 per cent, nitrogen 4 to 5 per cent and potash 4 to 6 per cent, is advised. The fertility and physical condition of soil should determine .imount of the application. Barnyard manure, if used, should be applied broadcast, 8 to 10 tons per acre, and thoroughly disced into the soil. In the use of commercial fertilizer, it is best to apply in the drill, using 800 to 1500 pounds per acre, depending upon the strength of the soil, and thoroughly mix with the soil, otherwise a poor stand may be obtained as a result of the contact of fertilizer and tubers. Varieties and Time of planting Of the many varieties suitable for fall planting the Lookout Mountain is us ually recommended as being the best and? most popular in South Carolina, not because of its superior table quality, but by reason of its good yield and excellent keeping quality. Substitutes for this may be such spring varieties as the Cobbler and the Early Rose, each of which is good but neither of which is nearly so good for the fall crop as the Look out Mountain. This crop should be planted from July 10 to about August 1 depending upon climatic conditions of the sec tion in which it. is to be grown- j warmer climates calling fer later planting. Fall varieties amount to very little when planted out of sea- j son, and this especially true of the Lookout Mountain variety. "Better safe than sorry. Pardon Record of Governors. To the Editor of The State: Some of us have gotten into an argument as to the pardoning records of Governor Blease and Governor Cooper, some contending that Copoer pardoned nearly as many as Blease. As it might be of peculiar interest to some of your readers to have their memory refreshed as to some of our past history I would appreciate your giving us the pardoning records of both governors and ask also, that you quote the proper authorities in order to settle our .controversy. ^Jgj I "A Vote^'.v..: The State has obtained the desired information from the records at the secretary of state's office and from other reliable sources. The records show that Governor Blease granted 1,708 pardons, paroles and commu tations of sentences during his four years as governor against 303 par dons, paroles, commutations of sen tences and restorations of citizenship j by Governor Cooper during the three j years and four months he was gov ? ernor. These figures may contain a few duplications, but they are very nearly accurate, coming within a few cases of being absolutely accurate. In the 1,708 granted by Governor 31ca.se are not included a large number of pardons granted to same persons he had already pax-oled under his "blan ket pardon" granted a short time be fore he went out of office. In this "blanket pardon" Governor Blease restored all the persons he-had pa roled during good behaviour to citi zenship. . Governor Cooper's record was, 203 paroles during good behavior, ?2"par done, 63 restorations of citizenship and 25 commutations of sentences. Governor Manning granted 217 pardons, paroles and restorations of citizenship and commutations of sen tences during his four years, divid ed as follows: 157 paroles during good behavior, 7 pardons, 20 commu tations of sentences and 24 restoi*a tions of citizenship. Institute for Colored Preachers The second annual institute for colored preachers will be held at Bet tis Academy from Monday, July 10, to Friday, July 14. This has largely been accomplished through the ef forts of Prof. A. W. Nicholson who has proved over and over again to be a very valuable leader for his people. The colored preachers having had but limited opportunities for the cul tivation of their hearts and heads, need this institute and it will be at tended by a large number. Such top ics as, "The Background of Christian Preaching," "The Minister's Corres pondence," "The Sunday School," "The Price of Health,"- ^The Church and the Neighborhood," "Helps,in Reading the Bible," will be discussed by able specialists. The regular pro gramme will be interspersed with lec tures that will also prove helpful. Dr. C. E. Burts of Columbia, will be among those who will address the conference. >S?N ------ VAN-NIL never disappoints. The Legislature Spends the Morney. Again let it be emphasized that no governor has. ever materially in cr?as? ed or decreased taxation. No govern or's veto has at any time cut down ?the tax levy half a mill. When candidates for governor make promises _ of'.-what they will do j in the matter of taxation, 'they talk of what they have no power to do. There is not the faintest hope of per-; ceptible reduction in the. tax levy through any other agency than the legislature, which the people are about to elect. Given an able and res olute man in the house of represen tatives and a man of equal ability in the governor's office, the former will exercise twice as much influence ca. appropriations. The State- has frequently pointe J. out that legislatures and not govern ors are not elected in the sa medway;. It is a truth that can not be too of 'ten repeated. The 4,000 : or 5,003 white voters of Pickens have double the weight in the election'of-a" gov ernor that the voters " of many Low Country counties have,, but' the Low Country counties may weigh-for as much in the legislature, becuase they have as many members thereof, rep resentation being based, . not upon, the whole population of the county, white and black. ; . If the people are profoundly inter ested that taxes be reduced they would be wise to dismiss from mind that subject, so far as the election of a governor is concerned, and turn their attention to the choice of legis lators. If they allow themselves to be-, .come excited about the governor's . ! office and to be engrossed in it, they ?will awa.^e, when^ the legislatura [meets, to the .truth that'they- have ; done nothing.-ThV State.. -StVwas ?hnounced bjf |iufh?T?t?c^3 ?the Citadel yesterday that there will ^ ? be a rifle team "at Camp Perry this ?year as last year; The civilian rifle ?team is the name and it will represent ?the Citadel as well as the riflement or South Carolina. The cadets wilt be in charge of Ma jor L. S. LeTel'.ier, who will h aye charge of the boys, both on the trr> to Camp Perry and at the camp. The team will be coached by M. S. Paine, . an expert with the rifle. The mem bers pf the team are J .L. Grambling, J. B. Weston, E. M. Byrd, C. F. Ende, B. R. Fuller, O. H. Kollock, J. jw. Simmons, J. G. Wardlaw, E. W. ?Black and R. C. Jeter. In case anyone suffers injury or is depected from the team for other causes T. ML Mayfield will go as an alternate and will handle the rifle on the shooting range. The substitutes are W. W. Tolleson, J. L. Frost, H. T. Pattern, Harold Cantey, T. C. Adams and F. B. Mood. The record of the rifle team repre- \ senting the Citadel last year was ex- ?. cellent and expects to break their rec- j ord this year; Some of the nfembers of the team are graduates of this^-. year>but are eligible to contend un-^ der the rule but will be barred from the team next season. The team will leave for Camp Perry during the first part of August.-Charleston-Ameri can. Find Largest Still. Greenville, June 29.-The largest and most complete distilling plant ever seen by the raiding officers was taken and destroyed Tuesday night by a group of federal prohibition of ficers operating out of Greenville, near the boundary line of Edgefield and McCormick counties. The outfit was too large to be de stroyed with axes in^th/e regular fash ion and two. sticks; of"'dynamite were set off under the apparatus, blowing it to bits. The plant consisted of a large brick furnace base, over which was a steel riveted boiler having a capacity of about 400 gollons. Two copper condensing outfits were con nected with the boiler, each having; a. capacity of 90 gallons. Five thousand gallons of rye beer were poured out by the officers. No arrests were made. Concordia Lodge No. 50, A. F.-M., will meet in regular communication Friday, July 7, at 8:30"o'clock. Re freshments. W. A. COLLETT, W. M." J. O. SHEPPARD, Sec.