Western, Division to Hold In stitute at Greenwood. Associations in Western Division, S. C. W. M. U.: Abbeville, .Aiken, .Barnwell, Edgefield, Edisto, Lexing ton, Reedy River and Ridge. The institute for this Division will be held at Greenwood, S. C., with church at Connie Maxwell Orphan age. Informal conference evening on April i9th. Sessions continued April 20th. Dr. C. E. Burts, General Secre tary and Treasurer, Miss Emma Leachman of the Home Board and Miss Ada Bell of China will be among .the speakers. Exercises by orphans; round table discussions.. Be sure to come! Every W. M. S. should be rep resented bytwo or more and Junior organizations by leaders. Send names and expected time of arrival, by train or auto, to Miss Jeannette Murdoch, Greenwood, S. C., Connie Maxwell: Orphanage. Mrs. J. S. Harris, Vice-pres. The above is an announcemnt of the Western Division Institute of the W. M. U. Edgefield association being so near to Greenwood and easy of ac cess, makes it greatly desirablo that as many societies as possible take ad vantage of this opportunity and visit the orphanage and at the same time derive benefit and gain enthusiasm for the cause. Here you will meet your western division president, and the workers in all the associations listed at the top of the notice. Mrs. Harris suggests in a letter that those interested in each commu nity together secure a car and share expenses, as this will be cheaper and will make it possible to return Thurs day night. Those who live on the west side on the railroad might find it more convenient to go by rail. Mrs. J. L. MIMS; Supt. Edgefield W. M. U. ? News From Trenton. Mrs. J. D. Mathis, Jr., entertained the Episcopal Guild last Tuesday af ternoon. Miss Cathryn Marsh of Columbia College, who has been ill with pneu monia, underwent a serious opera tion at the Columbia hospital last Saturday. Her friends are rejoicing at her improved condition. Miss Marguerite Smith visited friends in Augusta Sunday. The ladies of the Episcopal Guild will hold a cake and candy sale Fri day and Saturday in the old post of fice building. This is a most excellent opportunity of securing cakes and candies for Easter, thereby relieving the, housewives of a part of their bur den and at the same time assisting a worthy cause. Mrs. Susie Miller entertained with a spend-the-day party on last Thurs day in honor of Mrs. Charles S, Al len of Jacksonville, Fla. Miss Pauline Harling who has been visiting friends and relatives in tr Edgefield ha3 returned to her home. The ladies of the Baptist church will hold a spring bazaar on Satur day, April 22, at the store of Mr. A. J. Day. They will have on sale ma chine made articles including aprons of all description, also a good many children's garments, which will be sold at a very reasonable price. These articles will be displayed in the show windows of Mr. Day's store three \.days previous to the sale. Mrs. J. D. Mathis, Sr., together with some Edgefield friends motored to Batesburg ' last Thursday and spent the day with Mrs. W. F.. Scott, who entertained in honor of her mother, Mrs. Haltiwanger. One of the largest children's par ties of the spring took place Friday afternoon at the lovely home of Mrs. Ed Covar, when she entertained a number of children in honor of her niece, Nelle Kirby. This event cele brated the beginning of Miss Kirby's "teens." After a number of games Mrs. Covar served delightful ices and sweets. There will be special Easter ser vices at the Church of Our Saviour next Sunday afternoon. Mr. Bub Hord visited friends in Sa luda Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Knowles of Augusta spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Wicker. ICE! ICE!! I take this means of notifying the public that I am now selling ice, be ing located near the depot where Mr. W. F. McMurrain formerly sold ice. I solicit a share of your patronage. My price will be right. I will deliver ice anywhere in town. J. P. NIXON. FOR SALE! Any one wishing a copy of the Life of D. A. Tompkins can procure same at the store of W. E. Lynch & Co., Edgefield, S. C., price $1.25. This book ought to be read by every young man in the county. Announces Engagement. Clinton, April 8.-The Rev. T. Peterson Burgess announces the en gagement of his daughter, Jessie Mel ville, to Robert Lea Paine of Atlanta, the wedding to take place late in June. Rev. J. R. T. Major, P. E., to Visit Edgefield. Rev. J. R. T. Major, presiding elder of- the Columbia distrdict will visit Edge?eld Sunday and conduct the second quarterly conference at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. He will preach at 8 p. m. The pastor, Rev. G. W M. Taylor, will preach at ll a. m., subject, "The Immortal Soul." The public is cordially invited to all the services. Interesting Missionary Meeting The Woman's Missionary Society of Harmony church was most pleas antly entertained by Mrs. T. G. Smith and Mrs. W. H. Griffis on Friday af ternoon of last week. A goodly num ber attended and a good business meeting was held. After the business meeting a sal ad course with iced tea was serevd. The home was decorated in lovely pot plants and bright blooming flowers. Some selections were also enjoyed from the victrola. Miss Dorothy Wheale Coming. Miss Dorothy Wheale of Connecti cut, a lecturer of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, will be in Edgefield on Monday, April 17th. Miss Whe?le is making an itinerary of our state especially in the inter ests of children and young people, but word comes from other places in our state that she is a clear cut, well informed speaker on the temperance ^question. Miss Wheale will .speak at the Baptist church Monday night and to an afternoon meeting on Monday at the home of Mrs. J. L. Mims. It is also expected that she will speak to the school on Tuesday morning. Edgefield's Clean Up Week. The back yards in Edgefield were so creditable that the inspectors found it quite hard to decide what names should be turned in for the judges, Mrs. M. B. Tucker, Miss Mae Tompkins and Miss Lily Adams, to cide on the prize winners. Then when the judges made their round they found it more than hard to choose the best from their list, which includ ed Mesdames James Timmerman, Je rome Timmerman, W. H. Harling, J.' G. Alford, Wright Holston, Mouzon Smith, W. T. Reel and W. C. Mad den. Finally, they gave first prize, which was three dollars, to Mrs. James Timmerman and the second prize, a porch box, to Mrs. Jerome Timmerman. The Civic League thanks every one who cooperated in this clean up campaign and feels gratified over the results. WANTED: Ten Bronze Turkey eggs for setting, state price. Mrs. H. W. McKIE, 3-29-2tpd ; Colliers, S. C. Chero Cola is a pure and whole some drink, always, refreshing with out leaving any injurious effects upon the system. CHERO COLA BOTTLING CO. Sancken's Golden- Cream Ice Cream. Delicious, wholesome, pure. . QUARLES & TIMMERMAN, VARIETY STORE. Just received a big, new line of the famous^ "Buster Brown" hose for men, women and children. QUARLES & TIMMERMAN, VARIETY STORE. If you wint something to rid you of that "tirsd feeling," try a bottle of our Ginger Ale. It's low in price but high in quality, comparing favor ably with that sold at double the price. CHERO COLA BOTTLING CO. THAT DULL ACHING. Don't worry and "complain about a bad back. Get rid of it! For weak kidneys, lame and achy backs, your neighbors recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Read this statement: Ms. H. W. Hair, 405 Gully Row, Edgefield, says: "My kidney trouble came on gradually and I suffered tor ture with my kidneys. My kidneys were congested and my limbs and an kles swelled and were so painful I couldn't stand on my feet. My back was weak 'and painful and there was a steady, dull misery tover my kid neys. Some days I was able to do a little work but often had to give up and rest. My sight was affected and spots floated before my eyes. I had headaches and was run down and my nerves were unstrung. Doan's Kidney Pills helped me a great deal. Two boxes of Doan's gave me relief and it has been a number of years since I have had a spell with my kidneys." 60c at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N.. Y". Y Cre?ted for the very rich but priced for modest purses "s The Jane Jackson sells at one-third to one-fifth of the cost of cor bets of like quality-the first time such an offer has ever been made. The explanation is simple. Heretofore the very finest and costliest corsets have always been profusely decorated .with elaborate trim* mings, real lace, gold plated hooks, etc, Jhese frivolities were an excuse for their extravagant*prices. 1 ._ ' In the Jane Jackson all costly non-essentials are eliminated. But in artistry, in design, in materials, in all genuine merit, a finer corset, simply could not be made. So for the first time the very finest pos sible is priced at a moderate figure. Jane Jackson corsets have all the appropriate touches of daintiness that women love. Both "front and back lace styles. These superlative corsets present the finest achievement of their makers' thirty-eight years experience. For evecy woman the Jane Jackson interprets^style in terms of comfortable grace and healthful beauty. Now every woman may be correctly but economically corseted. The remarkable value of these corsets urges your immediate inspection. ISRAEL M US?AS ll Y u The Store of Better Values and Lower Prices Qi .'. . ic! ST For Every Brefd Mt ^ C?) @ ^iv./^?^ You believe in folks who are fair and honest in all their dealings. You trust them and have confidence in what they make and sell. The feed business is one which gives scope for all classes of people, but in Memphis the Edgar-Morgan Company is an institution which is the pride of the entire South. For seventeen years they have constantly stuck to their determination to make an honest feed for every breed, and these feeds, are known as Happy Stock Feeds These are feeds you can trust. Every ingredient ?8 of the highest quality ard they are combined in the right propor tions to produce the best results. The Happy line includes: Old Beck Chop Feed (The best ration for work animals) Happy Cow Sweet Feed (The world's best dairy ration) Happy Hen Buttermilk Mash (The greatest egg-making feed known) Manna or Happy Hen Scratch Feed (Makes hens earn their Hoing) Happy Chick Growing Math (Saves baby chicks-makes 'em grow) Happy Chick Scratch Feed (Keeps chicks hustling-happy-healthy) Whether you are a large or small user Happy Feeds will make more money for you. The name and trade mark of Edgar-Morgan Company guarantees the quality. Edgefield Mercantile Co., 1 Edgefield, S. C. BRING ME YOUR CROSS TIES I will be at Edgefield daily to receive Railroad Cross Ties. While I regret that I cannot pay as much as buyers located on the C. & W. C. Railroad, yet when the difference in the distance they are to be hauled is taken into consideration, my price will net the sellers as much or more. I will pay the following prices tor cross ties delivered at Edgefield properly placed near the railroad conven ient for loading on the cars: Grade 1 ' Size 6x6 18c. Grade 2 Size 6X*; 28c. Grade 3 Size 6x8 48c. Grade 4 Size 7x8 58c. Grade 5 Size 7x9 68c. All cross ties must be eight feet and six inches in length. I will pay cash for ties at the time they are delivered if they come up to the above specifications. . T expect to be in the market regularly and will guar antee these prices, until notified to the contrary. Any one wishing to haul ties to Johnston should see me. E. S. STROM Edgefield, S. C.