Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, March 01, 1922, Page THREE, Image 3

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, Women Smoking. Jennie N. Standifer. In recent issues of many c leading city dailies, round tab eussions of women smokers ha peared. Men and women of i gence and high social standing freely expressed their opinions whether the practice is rig wrong; injurious, or a harmless ure. Many think it is merely a fad women and girls who want to a .smart, and in time it will die However, retail tobacco dealer port a rapid increase within thi two years in the sale of cigars .cigarettes to women. The habit i doubtedjy spreading. A number of prominent men have been asked to express opinions on the subject, maintai attitude of neutrality, although commend the habit or profess at ation for female smokers. The question was raised: "Wh a girl old enough to smoke?" S men answered "Never." Others i "In the next world." In this discussion many opp -women smoking because it is cleanly, and is distinctly unlady Yet they were forced to admit women of culture knd refinement smokers. A prominent club woman s "Smoking by women is foolish, I don't see why a woman should .smoke as well as a man. On the o band I see no reason why eLuer should waste time, health and mo ?on the habit." These are certainly excellent : sons for abstaining from the use tobacco; for, weakened lungs, i vous diseases, the "tobacco hea: and weakened will power are poor turns for ?the pleasure of indulging smokes. Besides among the work ' people the waste of time and moi by both men and women of a fan on smoking, would be a grave men; to efficient labor, thrift and prosp< ty. But the most serious objection ?women smokers was omitted in t discussion: That is the injurious feet the use of tobacco in any fo has upon unborn children. Futi generations will be physically, m< tally and morally weakened and hi dicapped by such a practice, should "become general. It is true that the have been, and are still, women in i ral districts who have smoked c pipes and dipped snuff but none them has ever been known to ri above her environments by her o\ exertions or to help others in the fe ward march of progress except humble household duties, where r brain work was required. There a doubtless good, pure women amor these old-time fore-runners' of tl up-to-date smoking woman, but wii breath reeking with the odor of t bacco, and blood poisoned by nicotin could they possibly be wholeson mothers of tender babes? Can the supply the wholesome nourishmer Nature intended to their infants, an later, with weakened wills, contr< and rear the kind of men and wome needed in the world today? Will th cigarette fiend be an improvement o - these primitive smokers? Can the sell indulgent mcther restrain her boy and girls from using tobacco durin; the tender years of childhood and for mative period of adolescence if, sh is addicted to the habit? Another de plorable 'feature of the practice o: women smoking is the lowering o: the high ideals of American woman hood. Our men have reverenced PU: women as queens of the home. Car they still hold these high ideals wher women have descended to the level oi cigarette smokers. It has been said that a nation's morals rise no higher than its women's standard of morality. Whal will be the moral and spiritual con dition of our land after a few genera tions of cigarette poisoned, weak-bod ied mothers have been the progeni tors of our race? Will true men want such caricature of womanhood for wives, or for the mothers of their children? Or, will they too have be come too degenarate to care or to feel race pride? For generations the advice has been give no girls: "If you do not want to be 2. drunkard's wife, do not associate with drinking men." Will . . self-respecting, patriotic, loyal Ameri cans make application of this and choose their women friends from non -smokers? If so, they will hold the ' remedy for this growing evil in their I hands. It is contended by a number of women in the above mentioned dis cussion that a woman has as much right to smoke as a man. This is true, but neither men or women have the right to harm, defile or abuse their ? bodies. They are to be kept pure as the dwelling place or caskets of im mortal souls. In God's Word there is no mention mad3 from Genesis to Revelation of two standards of mor ality-one for women and another _ for men. What is wrong for one sex j is wrong for the other. The Woman's Christian Temper ance Union, since its organization, has stood for this principle. With un tiring zeal these Christian women have striven to teach boys and girls, men and women all over our land the dangers of the tobacco habit. As they struggled to free our Union from the liquor traffic they should now use tongue and pen and individual influ ence to arouse sentiment against a smoking womanhood and rest not un til Nicotine is outlawed as well as Alcohol. The strength of our nation is threatened as well as the peace and happiness of our homes. ? "Wets" to Campaign in Texas. A fight to legalize by law the sale of light wine and beer is being staged by those who would disregard the Eighteenth Amendment to the Con stitution of the United States, and Texas has been selected as one 'of the battle grounds. Already insidious, poisonous propaganda is filtering through the daily press in form of communications disguised as disin terested discussions of public opin ions. A little later, no doubt, these enemies of the Constitution will have imported lieutenants in the field who will organize for the supreme effort to put Texas on record as a State where the majority of citizens are willing to prostitute the basic law of the land that their appetites for booze may he satisfied. There are thousands of law abiding citizens, who, no doubt, would vote for the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment, substituting therefor a" provision which would legalize the sale of light wines and beers, who will refuse to indorse anything but a strict and fair interpretation of the Constitution as it now stands. They argue, and rightly so, that the Eight eenth Amendment can not in any manner be construed to permit the sale of any ki:nd of liquor of an al coholic content sufficient to intoxi cate if taken in any quantity, a'nd while this amendment remains in the Constitution, it should be strictly enforced. If the people of this coun try do not want prohibition in strict est sense, there is a legal way to re peal the amendment. Those who break the laws of the land or countenance their breaking are the chief advocates of such a loose construction of the Constitu tion that will permit the passage of a wine and beer measure. They are in league with the bootlegger and the moonshiner and encourage them by continually announcing to the public that prohibition laws can not be en forced. Every prohibitive law on the statute books is broken, and many of them frequently. The traffic laws are violated by hundreds daily in our Texas cities, yet no one advocates their repeal. Murders are committed; citizens are held up and robbed; checks are forged and various swin dles perpetrated daily, but no one has yet been found who will openly ad vocate the repeal of the laws prohib iting these crimes or a lax enforce ment of any one of them. The argu ment that the prohibition laws are violated daily, and therefore should be repealed, lacks logic and those who use it are not sincere. Before another generation reach es a drinking age, most of the booz ers of this country will have killed themselves with bootleg whiskey and law violations in this particular will have been reduced to a minimum. We have a prohibitory law backed by the Constitution of the United States. Let every good citizen obey its pro visions and assist the officers in bring ing into court all those who willingly and knowingly disregard them. Farm and Ranch. Summer Tourists Fares to be Cut by Southern. Washington, Feb. 23.-General Passenger Agent'H. F. Cary, of the Southern Railway System, announces that the Southern will put in round trip tourist rates to mountain and seashore resorts for the comnig sum mer season at 80 per cent of the double one-way fares, which is a very substantial reduction under the tour ist fares in effect last summer. For example, where the one-way fare is $10.00, the round trip rate this sum mer will be $16.00. Last year the round-trip rate would have been $1S plus $1.44 war tax, making a total of $19.44. These rates will apply from all stations to all mountain and sea shore resorts reached by the South ern and are expected to have a great effect in stimulating tourist travel. Press and Banner. ^ J. S. BYRD Dental Surgeon Offico Over Store of Qu a rle? & Timmermao Office Phone No. 3 Residence Phone 87 -I. * s & * j rr**-*4 \ Geese Are Attracted, j: by City and Captured ?? Lemoore, Cal.-Attracted by ?I the street lights shining through \\ the dense fog, thousands of wild \\ geese took refuge on the city ?I streets, their cries keeping resl !| dents awake the greater part of \\ the night. Street cleaners ran % home for guns and killed a num Iber of the birds. People living lu the downtown district said hundreds of the birds were sit ting on the pavements while the air was alive with them. Late merrymakers added hunting to their sport. FIRST GERMAN SKYSCRAPER City of Hamburg to Have 16-Story Building-More Expected to Follow, j Hamburg, Germany.-The first sky scraper in Germany will soon be com structed in the old business section of Hamburg. It will be sixteen stories high, topping the highest building in Germany at this time by five stories. Architects believe the construction of this building will institute the er? of skyscrapers In Germany, and ex pect to see a number of similar build ings go up within the next few years. Unusual difficulties must be over come. The city water plant ls equipped to furnish water to the eleventh story, and this brought up the ques tion of fire danger and Insurance, as well as the probability of financial loss In view of difficulties In renting offices on the five higher floors. Despite these difficulties the pro moters have secured permission to erect the structure, "provided the building does not destroy the archi tectural symmetry" of the streets. TAKING BABY FOR AIRING ' A typical Indian servant gin carry ing her young charge In the popular Indian fashion, the baby carriage be ing still unknown ii] La Paz, Bolivia. INDIAN TERROR NOW TAMED Woman Now Greets "Agency People" With Kiss Instead of Tomahawk -Wants Auto. Eufala, Okla. - Civilization gets them all ; the old wild reservation In dians are fast passing. One of tile last of the old regime has just shown the devitalizing ef fects of the white -nan's habits. Ellen Perryman, full-blood Creek woman, who was one of the principal leaders of the famous Snake upris ing of the Creeks, has conferred with Indian agency officials nt Muskogee in regard to the purchase of a "fliver." She has now lost all of her ani mosity toward the "agency people," against whom she fought so fiercely. Instead of greeting them with a toma hawk, as she did In the days of the rebellion, she recently planted a re soudlng kiss on the cheeks of several of them-much to their embarrass ment-and her husband, who accom panied her. seemed not to mind this caprice of his spouse In the least. ^ Ellen now lives on a farm in Mc Intosh county, and ls contented and peaceful, lt Is said. HARVARD ENTRANTS ARE FIT Examinations This Year Show Young Men Are Remarkably Free From Bodily Ills. Cambridge, Mass.-Young men en tering Harvard, this year were remark ably free from serious physical de fects, Dr. Rogers I. Lee, professor of hygiene, found In examination, lt was announced recently. Less than 1 per cent of the men examined were found to have neglected teeth, poor eyesight or enlarged, diseased tonsils. Dr. Lee attributed the freedom from physical defects "to the thoroughness of the physical examinations of the schools, and to the Intelligent Interest of the hdty In matters that concern tr>e he?ir? of ihelr children.". . A?y u 48 per cent nf the freshmen and 54 per cent of tte men entering the business school said they smoked. Bags Enormous Brute on Reser vation of Moqui Indians in Arizona. BECOMES KILLER OF STOCK Government Hunters Have Orders Not to Molest Black Bears Unless They Kill Live Stock-Then They Are Doomed. Washington.-When Daddy went a huptiug,. according to an old nursery "story, the best he could do was to get a rabbit skin to wrap the Baby Bunt ing in, but a government humer went U-hunting the other day and got a bear skin big enough to wrap the au tomobile ill-and it was a seven-pas senger touring car, too, that the bear skin made a top for. It happened in Arizona on the res ervatiou of the Moqui Indians. This 900-pound brute, foresaking the whole some habits of the ordinary black bear, turned cattle killer and stirred up anew all the black bear superstitions that the Indians ever had. When he wanted a steer for dinner or a calf for breakfast, he went out and got it, and there was no Indian hanging around to cry scat or shy a rock. Use Fox Terriers. Then the government hunters-those wizards of the wilds that the bureau of biological survey of the United States Department of Agriculture em ploys to protect the nation's live-stock interests from predatory animals went on the job. They have all sorts of aids, those hunters-guns, 'traps, poison-but this time they took along a pack of wire-haired fox terriers. Fox terriers cannot kill a bear, but -Wellington could not defeat Na poleon. All he could do was to hold him till reinforcements came. And this pack of terriers did as well as Wellington. They got on the track ot Wie bear in the snow, near the scene of his latest steer-kllllng operation, and trailed him to the place where he was getting ready to "hole up" for the winter. The den was not com Government Hunter With Bear Dog and Skin of 900-Pound Black Bear. plete and extended only a little way .Into the earth. The dogs blocked him in-900 pounds of bear, equal to about 40 dogs in weight- and held him there for an hour. Had Close Call. Finally the hear made a dash for liberty-hut Blucher had arrived. In fact, half nf him had arrived too early. One of the hunters-there were five o? them mi the hunt and two had come up with the dogs-had the te merity to come very close to the mouth of thc ?len just before Bruin made his grand rush. When the whirlwind broke, bear and dogs in a mighty mix-up, the big brute was almost on top of the hunter before he could move, and his gun was useless. The other hunter, standing to one side, got in n shot and dropped the bear only four feet from the man he had charged. / The bear fell without a struggle and rolled down the hill with all the ter riers hanging on. This was the first black bear killed by government hunters in that region for a long rime. They have orders from the biological ..survey not to mo lest tlie black bear unless he be comes a stock killer. Indeed, it is the universal policy of the government hunters to leave the general run of wild animals alone and go after the outlaws that are destroying property. Dig Up Wolf To'th Necklace. Berlin.-Necklaces C wolves* and dogs' teeth were am he relics of the early stone age rt'ed to have just been discover estphalia, near Henglarn, b., 'nves.Mga tors. A stone ches ^ .tug stone vessels was unearthed. I Well Drill ls Ruined by j Force of Rushing Water i ? Mountain Lake, Minn.-Drill- ! ? lng for water on the Whitehead ? I farm near here, Anthony Wink ! * struck a stream of such force | ? that lt spouted to a height of i t 40 feet. The force was so strong f i that lt wrecked a half-ton drill- ? I lng outfit. The water COM in- \. i ues to spout In a stream reach- f ? lng the second story of near-by I I buildings. It weis the first oe- j ? currenre of this kind encoiin- ! ! r..v(. > -jv Wink in Iiis .">() years* ? I experience in drilling. . x p..,..?...........; ?-.?.....#-?"?. .?"^.^..-?^-?....?.....??..?-($: We Can Give Yo on Mill Work an Large stock of Rough and I Immediate Woodward QUALITY Corner Roberts and Di COT COTTON ! W. C. 1 Member of New Orleans Cot? Produce E DAILY COTTON LETTER Pi Gr?enwo Commercial Trus2 B t Consult Your Own Inte When! Metal or Comp Mantels, Til Trim HE Walli Doors, S FRI Youngblood Mantel ( 635 Broad St. AUGUSTA, SUMMONS The State of South Carolina, County of Edgefield In Court of Common Pleas. The Farmers Bank of Edgefield, (S. C., Plaintiff, .Against G. W. Adams, Martha E. Barker, Lillie F." Adams, j W. A. Pardue, Mrs. Hattie W. j Adams, The Osborn Company, Ben- j jamin T Crump Company, The Bai- j ley Lebby Company, Shapleigh j Hardware Cmopany, A. L. Kanter, ? The McGraw Tire & Rubber Com- j pany, Hood Rubber Products Com p?n:-, The Bank of Johnston, Brown & Bigelow, Indian Refining Company, Carolinas Auto Supply House, ( Michelin Tire Company, j and The B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company, Defendants. (Copy Summons for Relief. Com plaint not Served.) To the Defendants above named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the Complaint in this action, which is filed in the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas in and for the Courity of Edgefield, State of South Caro lina, and to serve a copy of your Ans wer to the said Complaint on the sub scriber at this office at Edgefield, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service ;and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. EDWIN H. FOLK, Plaintiff's Attorney. Edgefield, S. C., Dated February 9th, A. D., 1922. Attest: P. L. Cogburn, (Off. Seal) Clerk C. C. P., E. C., S. C. To the Defendants, The Osborn Com pany, Benjamin T. Crump Com pany, Shapleigh Hardware Com pany, A. L. Kanter, The McGraw Tire & Rubber Company, Hood u Prompt Service d Interior Finish )res8ed Lumber on hand for Delivery. Lumber Co. -SERVICE igas Sts., Augusta, Ga, TOM SEED OIL AYLOR ton Exchange and New York Exchange. REE TO ALL INTERESTED .Ods Sm Cm uilding-Phone 362 rest by Consulting Us Buying osition Roofing ling, Grates irdware Board . ash, etc. DM Roofing ami Company Telephone 1697 GEORGIA 3 Rubber Products Company, Brown & Bigelow, Indian Refining Com pany, * Carolinas Auto Supply ' House, Michelin Tire Company, and the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Com pany, in the above entitled action, . who are non-residents of the State of South Carolina: TAKE NOTICE, That the Origi- . nal Summons and Complaint in . the above entitled action were filed in . the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Edgefield, State of South Carolina, on this the 9th day of February, A. D., 1922, and the same are now on. file in said office. EDWIN H. FOLK, Plaintiff's Attorney. Edgefield, S. C., . ?February 9th, A. D., 1922*. Attest : P. L. Cogburn, (Off. Seal) Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, Edge field County, South Carolina. 2-12-3t NOTICE I take this means of notifying the public that I have reopened my black smith and repair shop at my old stand to the rear of The Advertiser building, facing the street leading east from the residence of Mr. W. A. . Strom. I respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the people and will do my utmost to give entire satisfaction, al ways guaranteeing my work. I.make a specialty of horse shoeing. Call to see me. GILES BUTLER. Do You Want a Job? If you are out of employment,' or would like to make a change, consult us. Standard Employment Serice, , Spartanburg, S. C. FOR SALE: Corn, peas, Porto j Rica potatoes, pigs and fodder. W. H. GRIFEIS, Trenton, S. C. 2-22-2tpd.