Office No 61 Reuidence, No. 17 Wednesday, January 4. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. D. P. Burton spent Sunday in Granite ville with relatives. Mrs. Annie Walker spent the Christmas holidays in Atlanta. Mrs. Ada Bridges spent the holi days in Blythe, Ga., with her parents. Mrs. Abrom Daitch spent several days in Atlanta last week on busi ness. Mrs. Arthur Childress of Greer was among the holiday visitors in Edgefield. Mr. Victor Daitch spent last week in Atlanta, returning to Edgefield Tuesday. Miss Ida Folk returned to Walter boro Tuesday to resume her duties as teacher. Miss Catherine Fitzmaurice of Co lumbia is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. S. Byrd. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Allen of Chap pell were among the Yuletide visitors in Edgefield. Miss Maggie Ray spent several days last wek in Lugoff, S. C. visit ing relatives. Mrs. M. B. Tucker spent a portion of the holidays with relatives in Thomson, Ga. Mrs. R. 0. Brezeale of Greenville was the guest of, Mrs. Capers Mad den last week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Covar of Ab beville were among the holiday visi tors in Edgefield. Mrs. Lemie Jackson of Trenton visited Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Johnson during the holidays. Mr. W. H. Turner spent several days last week in Greenwood with his mother, Mrs. M. C. Turner. Mr. A.noldus Lewis of Atlanta was among the home-comers for the holi days and was a welcomed visitor. Mr. C. T. Burnett spent the early portion of the holidays with his pa rents and other relatives in Georgia. Misses Elliott and Conyer Hardy of Johnston were guests of their cousin, Miss Lillian Smith, last week. Mrs. J. Y. Phillips of LaGrange, Ga., spent last week-end in Edgefield with her daughter, Mrs. W. S. Boy kin. Miss Rosada Talbert of P?rksville spent the Yuletide in-Edgefield with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Parker. Mrs. Kate Minick, Misses Janie and Belle Minick and Mr. J. A. Minick spent Friday With Mrs. Emma N. Dobson The music club will meet Wednes day afternoon of next week at three o'clock at the home of Mrs. M. B. Tucker. Rev. G. W. M. Taylor is in Colum bia attending a conference called by the presiding elder of the Columbia district. Mr. aid Mrs. L. J. Blakeley of Gray Court spent the holidays in Edgefield with Rev. and Mrs. P. P. Blalock. Miss Lillian Smith came over from Columbia in her handsome new tour ing car to spend the holiday season at home. Mrs. J. A. Hickerson and Miss Caroline Hickerson spent the holi days with relatives in Davis, West Virginia. Miss Grace Dobson was a guest of Misses Janie and Belle Minick during a portion . of the Christmas holidays. Miss Janice Morgan who is teach ing in Gastonia, N. C., this session came home to spend the Christmas vacation. . Mr. William Carwile of Augusta spent Sunday in Edgefield, worship ping at the Baptist church Sunday morning. Miss Elizabeth Rainsford returned Tuesday to Blackstone, Virginia, to J resume her duties as teacher of vo cal music. Mrs. Walter McDonald of Augusta spent several days last week in Edge field visiting her mother, Mrs. Agatha A. Woodson. [ I Miss Gladys Rives came over f Manning where she is teaching in high school, to spend the holiday son at home. J. Glover Tomkkins, Jr., retui to his duties in Washington Mor after spending two weeks under parental roof. Mr. B. T. Rainsford came di from Greenwood to enjoy the fes ities incident to the holiday sea in Edgefield. Mrs. J. C. Hughes, Misse Sa Hughes and Mr. J. C. Hughes, spent the holidays in Kinston, N. with relatives. Mrs. James Walters of Wayi boro, Ga., spent Christmas in Ed field with her parents, Mr. and J S. E: Morgan. Mr. E. J. Norris went to Colum this morning to attend a meeting the Baptist General Board of wh he is a member. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Callison ca up from Lexington- and spent a p tion of the holidays here with Mr. f Mrs. J. H. Reel. Miss Hortense Woodson came do from Newberry for a short visit Edgefield relatives and friends d ing the holidays. ' Mr. L. Ralph Jones of Colum' spent several days last week in Edj field visiting his parents, Mr. a Mrs. L. B. Jones. Miss Mary Dorn spent Christn very pleasantly in Edgefield with t homefolk, returning to her duties Columbia Monday. Mr. W. E. Lynch who is engag in the practice of law in Rowland, C., spent the holidays here with 1 mother, Mrs. Kate Lynch Miss Hortense Padgett who teaching in the Greenwood hi school spent a .portion of the Chri: mas holidays in Edgefield. Miss Sallie Mae Miller who is tea ing in the Pee Dee section came hor to spend Christmas with her paren Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Miller. Capt. W. A. Woodson who mak Atlanta his headquarters, spe Christmas in Edgefield with his mot er, Mrs. Agatha A. Woodson. Miss Florence Mims returned Tonkawa, Oklahoma, Friday to i sume her duties as teacher in ti University Preparatory School. Major and Mrs. T. J. Lyon have r turned to Greenwood after spen ing last week in Edgefield visitir Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Sheppard. Mr. W. R. Dobson and Mr. G. V McElmurray of Beech Island spei Sunday in Edgefield as guests in tl home of Mrs. Emma N. Dobson . Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boazman ( [Chappell spent the Yuletide in Edg' field visiting Mrs. Boazman's pi rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Reel. Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Johnson c Aiken spent several days last wee in Edgefield with Mr. and Mrs. S. I Morgan, Mrs. Johnson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cogburn wh formerly resided at Meeting Stree have come to Edgefield to make thei with their son, Mr. C. E. Cogburn. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith of Au gusta spent a portion of the holiday in Edgefield with Mrs." Smith's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Scurry. Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Clevelam cf Marietta spent the holiday seasoi in Edgefield with Mrs. Cleveland' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Padgett Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Simkins re turned Monday to Richmond afte: spending the Yuletide in Edgefieh with Mr. and Mrs. S. McG. Simkins Miss Ouida Pattison who is a mern ber of the faculty of Anderson col lege returned to Anderson Mondaj to be ready to meet her classes Tues day. Mr. Baldwin Carwile of Atlanta spent several days last week in Edge field visiting his mother, Mrs. Marj E. Carwile and sister, Mrs. R. A, Marsh. Misses Jeannie Simkins and Anna bel Saunders returned to Chappell Monday to resume their school du ties after spending the holiday season at home. Mr. and Mrs. Janies McFae of Winnsboro spent a portion of the holidays in Edgefield visiting Mrs. McFae's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Morgan. The members of the Edgefield chapter, U. D. C., will hold their Jan uary meeting Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. C. Padgett. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Holland Greenwood spent the holidays w Mr. and Mrs. Sam Agner, Mrs. H land's parents, of the Red Oak Gr< section. Mr. Walter Hill Ryan came ho from Atlanta where he is att?ndi a business college to spend Chri mas with his parents, Mr. and M P. F. Ryan. Mr. Goode Bryan of Beauf spent the early part of the holidays Edgefield visiting Dr. and Mrs. A. Nicholsol. Mr. Bryan is a brother Mrs. Nicholson. Mr. S. W. Nicholson of Columl wa?; among the holiday visitors Edgefield. "Shem" says the capi city is all right but that Edgefield his first and last love. Mr. Morris Deal secured a she furlough from the navy in order spend a portion of the holidays Edgefield with his parents, Mr. a Mrs. M. H. Deal. Miss Hattie Johnson, chief opel tor of the Johnston telephone e change, spent Tuesday in Edgefie as the guest of Mrs. Ada Bridges ai Miss Maggie Ray. Mr. P. P. Burns has returned Birmingham after spending a week Edgefield but Mrs.' Burns will rema with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0 lando Sheppard for some time. Hon. James A. Boykin of Lincol ton, Ga., spent a portion of the ho day season in Edgefield visiting h sister, Mrs. J. M. Lawton, and aunl Misses Sophie and Marie Abney. Most of Edgefield's merchants a: taking stock with the incoming of tl new year in order to compute the losses. But few merchants, if an made money during the year 192 Mr. James Cothran of Columb spent a portion of the holidays i Edgefield visiting his sister, Mrs. , D. Holstein, Jr., and aunts, Mrs. Si san B. Hill and Mrs. W. C. Tompkin Mr. Francis Simkins returned :i New York Friday where he is attent ing Columbia University after speni ing two weeks in Edgefield with h parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. McG. Sin kins. Mrsi Bessie Robertson of Plui Branch and her son, Mr. Joe Maj Robertson, who is a Clemson collei student, spent several days in Edgi field and vicinity last week visitin relatives. . Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Sheppari Jr., and Mr. Mobley Sheppard ha\i returned to their home in Atlant after spending the holidays in Edg< field with Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Shei pard, Sr. The Edgefield graded and, hig schools resumed regular exercise yesterday after the holiday vacatior But it will require several days fo the children to acquire the studyin habit again. Mr. and 3\"rs. J. W. Leak of Rocl< ingham, N. C., and their daughtei Mrs. Rufus Howard, of Savannah Ga., were guests of Mrs. Maner Law ton and Misses Sophie and Marii Abney Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Turner of At lanta spent several days last weei; ii Edgefield visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. H Deal. Mrs. Turner is very pleasantly remembered by her Edgefield friend; as Miss Lottie Deal. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Rhodes am son, Mr. D. R. Lynch and Miss Euh Lynch of Darlington were holiday guests of Rev. and Mrs. A. T. Allen Mr. Allen was their pastor befor< coming to Edgefield. Mr. J. A. Morris and Mr. Edwir May of Asheville, Fla., were weet end guests of their cousin, Mr. C. E May. They also visited Mr. and Mrs W. T. Walton of Johnston, who are their cousins, before returning tc Florida. The friends of Mrs. John Bronson regret that she is quite sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fannie Sewell, in Augusta. Mr. P. W. Cheat ham and Mr. S. A. Bronson spent several days in Augusta with her last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Denby have re turned to their home in Sylvester, Ga., after spending two weeks in Edgefield visiting Mrs. Denby's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Kinnaird, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kinnaird. The beasts of burden that draw heavy loads in and out of Edgefield will rise up and call the mayor and town council blessed for providing an adequate drinking fountain around the base of the monument on the k public square. The friends of Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Barnes have learned with regret that Mr. Barnes has resigned as pas tor of Antioch, Republican and Red Hill churches to accept a pastorate in Anderson county. The fact that the Collett Drug store alone sold over $400 worth of fancy candy in holiday boxes during the month of December shows that the young Edgefield swains remem bered their sweethearts Christmas, in spite pf the scarcity of cold cash. Dr. and Mrs. James S. Byrd spent Christmas in Columbia with Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzmaurice. Mrs. Byrd re mained throughout the holidays but Dr. Byrd returned to Edgefield, be ing accompanied by Mr. George Fitz maurice who spent several days here last week. Mr. A. L. Kemp, Mr. W. F. Hol ston and Mr. Frank Johnson returned Tuesday from an auto tour of ten days in Florida fishing, sight-seeing and prospecting. They were provid ed with tents and made their trip leisurely, camping at night wherever they happened to be. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Cheatham went to Columbia Friday to see ?he play "Three Wise Fools." Mr. Clarke who is one of the leading actors in this popular play is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Cheatham. Mr. Clark spent Sunday in Edgefield as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cheatham. . Mr. R. L. Chisholm of Boston, as sistant treasurer of Addison Mills, Mr. Hollis Cobb of Camden, service manager of Wateree Mills and Mr. A. S. Payne, of Camden, general manager, were visitors in Edgefield early in the week and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hightower at an elaborate tea Monday evening. Last Sunday the Greek quartette, composed of Messes E. V. Servetas, Alex Takis, S. ,C. Servetas and John Contipidas, went to McCormick and participated in the song service at the Baptist church. They were great ly pleased with the kindly hospitality of the good people of McCormick. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dorn spent Monday in Edgefield visiting their son, Mr. W. H. Dorn. Mr. Dorn is a Confederate veteran who fought the entire four years of the war, being now in his 80th year, and is living at the old Dorn homestead where he was born and reared near Celestia in Saluda county. As per the published schedule,'the first appointment of Auditor J. R. Timmerman for taking tax returns will be at Ropers next Monday, Jan uary 9. As many property owners as possible should meet with the audi tor when he visits the different sec tions of the county and make their tax returns for 1922. Capt. and Mrs. P. M. Feltham spent several days in Atlanta last week and instead of returning to Edgefield with Mrs. Feltham Friday, Capt. Feltham went from Atlanta to St. Paul, Minn., to resume his engineer ing work. His Edgefield friends re gret that his stay at home could not be prolonged far into the new year. Little Sarah Assendelf Lewis Gray don, the very beautiful little four months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Graydon of Columbia, was christened in Trinity Episcopal church last Sunday, she being named for her maternal grandmother, Mrs. S. McG. Simkins. The christening presented a scene that was exceed ingly beautiful. Mr. H. W. Waldrup spent the hol idays in Edgefield with his sister, Mrs. 0. B. Anderson. Mr. Waldrup is yet suffering from the effects of military service in France and has been in- the government hospital in Gulf Port, Miss., for treatment un til recently. He left Monday for At lanta where he will attend school un der th'e direction of the government. Tuesday night Mr. M. C. Pai-ker celebrated his 67th birthday with an elaborate stag dinner, inviting some of his friends to share the joys of the occasion with him. Covers were laid for 14 and it was a very conge nial coterie that gathered around the festive board. The occasion will af ford pleasant memories for a long time to all who were honored with in vitations. New Grocery Store. , Maj. W. A. Collett has rented the store in the hotel block now occupied as a pool room and will about the 1st of February open a first-class gro cery store. Major Collett has closed a very satisfactory year with his drug store, in spite of the business depression. He gives expression to his appreciation of the generous patron age accorded him in this issue of The Advertiser. Will Return to Cleora. On account of failing health, Mr. Albert Reel has been advised by his physician to return to outdoor life on the farm instead of continuing in the store. Acting on this advice, Mr. Reel will return to the Cl-.?ra sec tion to reside, having purchased the place occupied by Mr. B. E. Timmer man before coming to Edgefield. Mr. Warren Reel has purchased the in terest of Mr. Albert Reel in the firm of Reel Brothers and will hereafter, conduct the business in his own name. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reel regret to see them leave Edgefield. To Prevent Blood Poisoning apply at once the wonderful old reliarle DI PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL. a sut Zical dressing that relieves pain and heals ai ".- spreciative -ve desire to express our e patronage accorded us luance of this generous lew Year. We will carry ; of hardware of all kinds, r the plantation, and we r to merit the patronage e and all a happy and Kernaghan CAFE OPEN class cafe two doors to the field, and can serve lunch he day or night. nner Served I Cents rte service, preparing on ed. Fish always on hand and rhite man of many years' tas. , le pies and doughnuts. 1 you will be satisfied that rant for ladies and #entle jefield has ne?ded a long ic staurant EflELD of Bank of Edgefield