Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, October 12, 1921, Image 7

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All Selling Records Smashed-Frantic Buying Marks the Greatest Sale in the History of Edgefield $100.00 Given Away RUBENSTEIN'S MADE GOOD ^Five minutes after the doors opened the army of sales-people were * working like bees making out sales checks, which only a meant , a part of what people were used to paying for good quality merchandise. Hundreds of dollars worth were sold. Hundreds of dollars worth were bought from the ware rooms for tremendous selling., In order to make buying easy for our customers we are going to close the store all day Wednesday, October 12, to re-arrange and re-mairk the stock for the three final days-Thursdays, Friday and Saturday. Be in line. Be on time Thursday morning. In order to show our appreciation to our friends and customers we are going to present to the first one hundred people that enter our store Thurs-, day morning, October ?3, 9:00 A. M. sharp, a coupon good for one dollar ($1.00) to apply on any purchase you may make amounting to $2.00 or more. Remember the store will closed all day Wednesday. So be on time Thursday morning. Big Bargains await you. . . *. ' CHEVIOTS Best Cheviots, all colors. They were 25c. now ni PER 2C. YARD WHITE HOMESPUN THURSDAY ONLY ' 10c. Values 31 PER >C. YARD (Limited) DBESS GINGHAMS 25c. Values SATURDAY ONLY IOC. Y*AYD (Limited) I CHECKED HOMESPUN Checked Homespun, good quality^ The regular 14c. per yard value. NOW 71 PER 2C? YARD Store Closed All-Day Wednesday, October 12, to Re-Arrange and Re-Mark --'-Goods! HOMESPUN White Homespun, 40 inches wide, best quality, formerly priced at 25c SALE PRICE" % -I PER HC. YARD LADIES' COAT SUITS 75 Ladies' all wool coat suits. Hand tail ored, silk and satin lined. REGULAR VALUES UP TO $55.00 NOW $17.50 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS All wool, strictlly hand tailored, latest stlyes, English cut. REGULAR VALUE $35.00 NOW $14.95 TRICOTINE DRESSES Just arrived, all wool, navy blue REGULAR $25.00 VALUES NOW $10.95 Store Opens Thursday, October 13th, 1921, 9:00 A. M. Sharp. BE ON TIME! PERCALES All colors of percales, good quality, regu lar 29c value for_17c OUTING FLANNEL Best grade of Outing Flannel, formerly sold at 25c, now per yd._15c HANDKERCHIEFS White Handkerchiefs, regular price 10c, all go at, each_03c GINGHAMS Good quailty Apron Ginghams, formerly sold for 15c. While they last, per yd. 09c Excellent quality Dress Ginghams, former ly sold for 20c, now per yd__i 12V2c BLEACHING White and Brown Bleaching, good quality. Sold regularly for 15c, now per yd. 09c BED TICKING Good quality Bed Ticking, formerly sold at 25c, all go at per yd._12V2C MILLINERY Pattern Hats, newest styles, $5.00 values at-$2.59 Hundreds of hats on display at ONE THIRD off. HOSE Hose and half hose, all colors and sizes. Sold regularly at 20c, now per pair 07c Ladies' Silk Hose, 50c quality for_29c 98c quality for_39c MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Blue Chambray Work Shirts, all strongly made and bought to sell for 98c. Two only to a customer at_59c LADIES' COAT SUITS % Formerly Sold up to $39.00 Specially Priced $14.95 This special lot of coat suits is all wool blue serge and other good materials. Strict ly hand tailored in plain and fur trimmed. This lot should sell immediately. SHOES Excellent quality Women's Work Shoes, lace, solid leather, all sizes, sold for $3.50, now_$1.95 White high shoes, high and low heels, $4.00 value at_$1.49 Dress shoes, $5.00 value at_$2.79 Men's Work Shoes, guaranteed, $6.00 val ues at_$3.59 Men's Dress Shoes in black* only, $5.50 val ues at_(_L_._$2.95 . Men's Dress Shoes, black and brown, English lasts, $7.50 values at $4.49 Dunlap and W. L. Douglass shoes for men, best quality, $10.00 and $12.00 values at-$4.95 BOYS' SUITS Formerly Sold For $7.50 Now Go At $2.49 v One lot of 50 suits, 3 to 8 years. BOYS' KNEE PANTS Former 98c values for_59c Former $1.50 values for_69c Former $1.95 values for_85c This is a specially good lot of Boys' Knee Pants. A large assortment to choose from. Sizes 6 to 18 years. There are real values in this lot. SPECIALS Boys' Hats, sizes up to 7, or 16 years. All colors, fall styles. $2.25 values'now 95c Children's Cloaks, sizes 6 to 14 years. Lat est styles and well made. $9.50 values, now_:_ $3.95 Children's Underwear. Tihs lot is for chil dren and little misses. All extra heavy weight. 65c values now_29c Boys' Sweaters, all colors, good weight, $1.50 value now_69c Boys' All Wool Sweaters, heavy weight and all colors. $3.00 values now_$1.49 Middy Suits, all wool French serge, beauti fully made, $20.00 values_$7.95 Children's and Little Misses all wool Middy Suits, values up to $15.00, now_$6.75 Rubenstein's Dep't Store EDGEFIELD, SOUTH CAROLINA wm