THE BANDST VS. TS i-'WflMi^ TWENTYSlX CENTS M0MwM% THAT MUST BE ON W*$M?$& O'THESE BIRDS w ITP^^SS^ PUTS ALL HIS CCI -j J - i m THE SAViNGS B r j ^ AND THRIFT STAM BARDING DECLARES THAT ECONOMY IS IMPERATIVE Pleasure Is Expressed By President Over Large Investments Made.ln Savings Securities. Declaring that "nothing could be truer than that in the present eco nomic state of the world it is neces sary not only for the people to teach, .but to practice economy In expendi tures and sound methods in invest ment of their savings," Warren G. Harding, President of the United States, has expresed personal pleasure over large investments which are-be ing made by the people of the United States in Treasury Savings Securities, which are the 25 cent Thrift Stamp, SI Treasury Savings Stamp, $5 Gov ernment Savings Stamp and $25, $100 and $1000 Registered Treasury Sav ings Certificates. For the benefit of the people of the United States the Treasury Depart ment makes all Government Savings Securities, ranging in denomination from 25 cents to $1000, available to the public al or through any post office. The records of the Treasury Depart ment sbow that the $25 and $100 Reg istered Treasury Savings Certificate are sought as investments by an in ?reaeiug number of savers. During President Makes Pledge About War. Washington, Sept. 1.-Assurance that they wili not be called upon to enter any war that "you could not enter with all your hearts and given by president Harding today in an address to 200 officerstudents ! at the army war college. Lack of understanding was declared by Mr. Harding to be the basic cause of all conflict, whether between nations or I domestic. He cited the disturbance j in West Virginia as a case in point. "The trouble with the world today" Mr. Harding continued, "is that too j many zhecrists know nothing about ! actualities, and have learned 'noth ing of experience, and whoever in this life brings the wisdom of ex perience into a blend with the teachings of theory makes a contri bution to real progress. "-vo matter where the best aspi ration of the world may lead us, no mattet what tremendous and gratiry ing progress is made, there may nev >er bo a time without the necessity for armad forces in every govern ment. 1 believe with all my heart wc are coming tn a rime when we are going to diminish the burden of ar mament, s I think there will be less of ar mies and less of navies. I wish it with all my heart, but there never can come a rime when there is not . a requisite agency for the mainte nance of law and authority and for nationa) defense. It is perfectly fu tile to think there m?y never be con flict when you stop to consider that in two thousand years of Christian civilization and four thousand more of pagan civilization concerning which we are informed, we have only .lately come to a real civilized state. "It has been a slow proceeding, and 1 believe we of America, with out unseeming boasting can say we have come the nearest to unselfish, conscientious warfare of any people in the world. "I am a firm believer that there are two essentials to the civilization to which we all subscribe. One is the nnderstanding among men at home. We ought to have na conflict like that which is distressing us in West "Virginia at this hour. That is a lack of understanding. There should nev er be a conflict between civilized nations and there never will be if t?iere are men in authority who will ?nsist on a full understanding first." Knott in The Dallas News the last few/years the people of the United States have saved for them selves in Government Savings Secur ities an amount equal to the- cost of digging the Panama Canal, the great est ditch in the world. FRENCH THRIFT France is making a wonderful re covery. Ou: of 1,400 miles of railway de stroyed in the war, more than 90 per" cent have already been replaced. Of the 550,000 houses destroyed, some 160,000 have been replaced or repaired. More than one-half of the 1,986 fac tories destroyed are now re-established and producing. In every line of activity the French j have1 demonstrated wonderful recuper I ative powers. What is the reason? There is no question as to the an ! swer: it is thrift-not only thrift itself hut the HABIT of thrift which is an immeasurably bigger thing. > France belongs to its people. In a population of 40,000,000 some 12,000, 000 are householders of whom 9,000,000 own their own homes. Nearly one-half the area of France is under cultivation and there are few i and h o gs. Why Durocs? The men entering the purebred hog business should use the same kind of judgment that he would in launching" out into any other line. He should not be influenced by fads and fancies,- but weigh the merits of the various breeds and choose that breed of hogs which nearest con forms to his standard of an ideal pork producing machine. We wish to set forth the merits of the DUROC BREED for your con sideration? 1. Due to the fact that the DUROC has the ability to produce the.most pounds in the shortest time and on the least feed, statistics furnished by the national Association show him to be the most popular breed of hogs. liv 1020, according to statistics, 51 per cent of all hogs marketed in the United States were Durocs or Duroc crosses. In 1919 the Duroc As sociation recorded over 17,000 more purebred animals than their compet itor. Isn't that evidence that h*e meets the demand of %both the feed er and the packer? 2. DUROCS are prolific, the sows always bringing good litters, raising a large percentage of their pigs.. In 1920 out of the first one thousand pedigrees recorded in volume G7 of the National Association, there was an average cf 9.52 pigs per litter and 7.13 pigs per litter raised. Thus the OLD RED SOW can be safely relied upon for at least an average of fif teen pigs per year raised. What kind of security of stocks do you own that will pay such handsome divi dends? . 3. The DUROCS as a b/eed are docile, quiet and easily handled. They are easily confined but splendid grazers, which cheapens the cost of production. 4. They are adapted to a wide range of climate conditions, as ev idence -of- this they are being raised successfully from northern Canada to the extreme southern part of S. A, 5. The DUROC is one of the two solid colored breeds, which means that every pig that is a good individ ual is eligible for record and for sale. There are no fancy points such spots, white points, nor belt to be lacking, thus excluding a good pig from record and sale as a purebred breeding animal. 6. Durocs are big framed and heavy boned and breed these charac- I teristics. This makes their boars very desirable for out-crossing on grade sows by farmers. Much more could be said of the GREATEST OF ALL BREEDS, but some one. has wisely said, "A hint to the wise is sufficient."-The Duroc Bulletin. NOTICE ! Concordia Lodge No. 50, A. F. M. will hereafter hold its regular communica tion on the"SECOND MONDAY n?ght of each month in stead of Friday night as heretofore^ All members are kindly requested to observe Ihe change and be.pres ent accordingly. J. H. CANTELOU, W. M. Edgefield, S. C., August 1, 1921. Eyes scientifically examined and [glasses properly fitted. GEO. F. MIMS, Optometrist-Optician, Edgefield, S. C. J. S. BYRD Dental Surgeon Office Over Store of Quartes & Timmernyfn Office Phone No. 3 , Residence Phone 87 Lombard Foundry, Machine, Boiler Works and Mill Supply House . AUGUSTA GEORGIA Cotton Oil, Gin, Saw, Grist, Cane, Shingle Mill, Machinery Supplies and Repairs, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Grate Bars, Pumps, Pipe, Valves and Fittings, Injectors, Belting, Packing Hose, etc. Cast every day. GASOLINE AND KEROSENE ENGINES Pumping, Wood Sawing and Feed Grinding Outfit* GAIN STRENGTH Alabama Lady Was Sick For Three Years, Suffering Pain, Nervous and Depressed-Read Her Own Story of Recovery, Paint Reek, Ala.-Mrs. C. M. Stegall, of near here, recently related the fol lowing interesting account of her re covery ? "I was in a weakened con dition. J -was sick three years in bed, suffering a great deal of pain, weak, nervous, depressed. I was so weak, I couldn't walk across the floor; just had to lay and my little ones do the work. I was almost dead. I tried every thing I heard of, and a number of doctors. Still I didn't get any relief. I couldn't eat, and slept poorly; I believe If I hadn't ?eard of and taken Cardui I would havo died. I bought lix bottles, after a neighbor told me what it did for her. "I began to eat and sleep, began to gain my strength and am now well and strong. I haven't bad any. trou ble since .\ . I sure can testify to the good that Cardui did me. I don't think there is a better tonic made, and I believe it saved my life." For over 40 years, thousands of wo men have used Cardui successfully, In the treatment of many womanly ailments. If you suffer as these women did, take Cardui. It may help you, too. . At all druggists. E 85 DO YOU WANT A JOB? If you are out of employ ment or would like to make a change, consult us. COMMERCIAL . EMPLOYMENT AGENCY GREENWOOD/S. C. * Let u Look about your office and see what you need in office stationery. We are better equipped than ever to supply your printing needs. We have re ceived new type faces and carry a well selected as sortment of paper of all kinds. WE CAN PRINT ON SHORT NOTICE TYPEWRITER HEADS LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS BUL HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES CAEDS CIRCULARS CIRCULAR LETTERS MINUTES CATALOGUES BRIEFS We guarantee satisfaction on every job of print ing we do. Your money back if you are not sat isfied. N Mail us your orders or call'in person and see the stock we carry andvthe kind of work we do. OUR PRICES ON ALL WORK ARE REASONABLE ADVERTISER JOB OFFICE