Office No 61 Residence, No. 17 Wednesday, July 6. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Stallings is the guest of Mrs. J. G, Alford. Mr. Edward Rugheimer of Charles ton is the guest of Rev. P. P. Blalock. Miss Eva Knight of Columbia is a guest of Miss Margaret Madden. Miss Ella Mays of Greenwood is visiting her father, Col. S. B. Mays. Miss Mary Nicholson is in Green wood attending a large camping party. Miss Mamie Dunovant is attending a camping party in Darlington this week. Mrs. George Stewar; of Augusta is a guest in the home of Mr. L. G. , Quarles. Col P. B. Mayson will leave today for Washington, D. C., to spend sev eral days. Miss Carolyn Dorn is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Adams at Plum Branch. A meeting of the Civic League will be held in the library Monday afternoon, July 18. Mrs. Annie May Linson and her mother of Augusta are guests in the home of M. and Mrs. A. A. Edmunds. Miss Callie Long of. Saluda spent last week-end in Edgefield with her aunt, Mrs. Jake Smith. Just received a nice line of Jane Jackson and College Girl corsets. I. MUKASHY. Miss Sophie Abney returned to Edgefield after spending a month in Savannah with her niece, Mrs. A. J. Ives. Miss Margaret May is enjoying a very delightful house party in the home of Mrs .W. W. Patrick at Quit man, Georgia. * Misses Ruth Lyon and Byrdie Mc Clendon are spending this week in Wilmington, N. C., enjoying the surf of Wrightsville Beach.. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Allen of Chappells spent Sunday in Edgefield with Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hollings worth, Mrs. Allen's parents. Did you know that the Ford Motor Company rolls out a Ford every six seconds? YONCE & MOONEY. Miss Ethel Cheatham is spending this week in Abbeville attending a large house party that is being givtti i by one of her college friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boazman of CJhappells" spent te early part of the week in Edgefield visiting Mr?. Boazman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Beel. Mr. Anoldus Lewis of Atlanta is spending a portion of his summer vacation in Edgefield and is being very warmly greeted by his Edgefield friends. Mrs. William Anderson of Thomas ville is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hollingsworth, and is be ing very cordially greeted by her friends. ^ .* ^ We have one coupe, one touring car, and one run about in stock that we can deliver at once. Phone 82. YONCE & MOONEY. A large number of Edgefield peo ple-men, women and children of all ages and sizes-will attend the annual community barbecue in Au gusta to-morrow. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sossamon and son, Mr. Shelton Sossamon, of Green ville, spent several days in the city this week the guests of Mr. Foy A. Vause, at the Dixie Highway Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Powell and their children of Clio, Marlboro county, and Mrs. I. V. Moore of Walterboro, were guests of their sister, Mrs. J. R. Scurry Sunday and Monday. * \ The members of the Edgefield bar will hold a memorial service in honor of the lamented Mr. W. B. Cogburn in the Court House Friday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. The exercises will be opento the public. We are selling Palm Beach suits st reduced prices. Before purchasing come around and let us fit you. L MUKASHY. Miss Sammie Pearce of Johnston is assisting with the work in the office of clerk of court. She proved herself to be very efficient when she assisted Mr. Cogburn in the office about .a year ago. Mr. and Mrs. James Aull and Miss Hortense Woodson motored to Au gusta from Newberry Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. McDonald, stopping several hours in Edgefield Sunday afternoon while returning to Newberry. Mr. Victor Daitch of The Hub an nounces some great bargains in his advertisement this week. The sale which he is conducting will last through Saturday, July 23. Read what he says in his advertisement this week. It will pay you. Mr. Turner lists scores and scores of great bargains in his advertise ment this week. It will pay you to look them up and see how much mon ey you can save on your purchases at this popular store while these great inducements are being offered. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Tucker of Con yers, Ga., are spending this week in Edgefield visiting their son, Mr. M. B. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker made a vaulable contribution to Edgefield's citizenship when they permitted their son to make our town his home. Mr. C. W. Watson has made good what Fe claimed for his early sweet potatoes. He brought to The Adver tiser office Monday two sweet pota toes that were large enough for the table, which is exceedingly early considering the dry spring we have had. Mr. C. 0. Daughterty of North, S. C. , the inspector of the Federal Land Bank is in Edgefield inspecting the land of farmers who have applied for loans. Up to this time application for loans aggregating about $150,000 for the Edgefield district have been filed. Mr. T. B. Lanham made a hurried visit to Edgefield Tuesday to visit his sisters, Mesdames W. H. Dorn and J. P. Nixon. Mr. Lanham was accompa nied by Mr. William Reasor, his father-in-law, who will spend some time in Edgefield with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dorn. Mr. J. T. Parks of Plant City, Fla., is here visiting his father, Mr. R. H. Parks, and brother, Mr. Abney Parks. Mr. Parks has been making his home in Prant City for about ten years and is greatly pleased with Florida. He has been very warmly greeted by his Edgefield friends. Mr. W. H. Wallace, editor of the Newberry Observer, and his son, Dr. D. D. Wallace, who is a member of the faculty of Wofford college, stop ped for a brief stay in Edgefield while passing through Monday. We deeply regret that we were out of town when they called at The Adver tiser office. Mr. Walter Contelou recently com pleted the course at Clemson col lege in cotton grading but he is not satisfied unless he uses every possible means of thoroughly equipping him self as a cotton grader, so he will leave Monday for Charlotte to take a course of several weeks in cotton grading in that city. Mr. R. C. Miller went to Columbia Monday to attend the funeral of his brother, Mr. T. B. Miller, who died at the Columbia hospital Sunday af ternoon from the effects of a blow on the head struck by Mr. G.. C. Pratt. The people of Edgefield extend sym pathy to Mr. Miller on account of the death of his brother. Miss Gladys Rives, whom all Edge field regrets to lose from the per sonnel of Graded School teacher, has been spending the week with Miss Marge Tompkins in Buncombe, and has been the recipient of a round of social functions, including dinings and the season's favorite sport, swim ming parties at Smith's pond. Misses Mary and Leila Durisoe ar rived from Washington Saturday to visit Mrs. Nannie Griffin, Miss Tillie Youngblood and other relatives in Edgefield and vicinity. They have been very cordially greeted. The early part of the week was spent with relatives in Trenton and to-day they are guests of Mrs. J. L. Mims. The only regret in connection with their visit to Edgefield is that they did not bring their father, Mr. John Durisoe with them. WANTED: TIRE SALESMAN to sell low priced guaranteed tires. All br spare time. Exceptionally good commission. Address BURR OAK CORD TIRE COMPANY, Burr Oak, Michigan. 7-13-2t. l At a conference of the members of the Baptist church Sunday, held immediately after the close of the morning service, a call was unani mously extended to Rev. W. B. Fea gins of Ocilla, Ga. Mr. Feagins filled the pulpit of the church Sunday morning and evening about a month ago and made a very favorable im pression. He has been urged to ac cept the call as' early as possible. The people of Edgefield, and par ticularly the friends of Mr. T. B. Lanham and of his daughter, Mrs. Ethel Lanham Barnes, were distress ed to leam of the tragic death of Mrs. Barnes' little thirteen months old son, named Tom Lanham for his grandfather. One night \recently while the little boy and his mother were sleeping in their home near a window he in some way fell from a three story window about twelve o'clock at night to the pavement be low. He was carried at once to the hospital but died the next day. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes reside in Medina, Ohio, and he was away from home at the time. Mrs. Barnes' Edgefield friends sympathize with her deeply in this hour of unspeakable anguish of soul. Summer Clearing Sale. Every year in July Mr. Rubenstein has conducted a sale to clear out all summer goods, making prices very low. In a double page advertisement this week he tells the readers of The Advertiser the wonderful bargains that he is offering during this mid summer clearing sale. You can not afford to miss this bargain feast. Mr. Hubenstein will make good every statement in this advertisement. Supervisor's Report For Month of June. W. M. Seigler._$ 36.60 W. W. Fuller_ 119.98 T. B. Greneker_ 60.00 Good Road Supply Co. 16.00 C. P. Corn_ ' 5.00 State Highway Dept._ 4.00 F. F. Edmunds_ 91.15 Yonce & Mooney _.. __ 49.43 J. J. C. Seigler_ 20.00 West & Williams_ 158.80 G. F. Long_ 25.00 J. W. DeVore_ 12^0 -M. A. Watson_ 16?56 T. L. Talbert_ 12?50 A. A. Edmunds_ 101.1.3 Edgefield Chronicle __ 9.50 J. M. Yonce_ lO.fcO F. E. Prince_ 70.00 Jim Cain- 5.00 M. A. Taylor_. 193.94 L. S. Reese_ 60.00 W. T. Kinnaird __ __ 50.60 Gulf & Atlantic In. Co __ 18.00 Press Morgan_- 70.00 Stewart & Kernaghan_ 25.50 National Office Supply Co. 11.17 J. L. Prince_ 50.60 J. R. Timmerman_ 66.60 Miss Sophie Mims_ 5.Q0 J. B. Holmes_ 12.50 R. N. Edmunds __ 34.50 R. W. Cartledge_ 6.50 Reel Bros._ 6.00 Lyon Bros._- - 6.20 W. B. Cogburn __ - 9.00 H. L. Williams -_ 28.25 S. H. Allen_ 84.20 B. T. Bussey_ 25.00 D. D. Brunson_ 37.50 Est. N-. L. Brunson_ 75.00 R. M. Johnson_ 18.75 T. E. Miller_ 25.00 W. R. Swearingen_ 165.00 W. M. Burnett __ __ - 43.75 T. E. Byrd_ 10.40 E. M. Crouch_ 25.00 C.. H. Woodward_ 37.50 J. M. Holland_ 31.25 Wallace W. Wise_- 31.25 P. W. Cheatham_ 32.85 P. W. Cheatham_ 31.25 C. A. Cheatham_ 25.00 W. R. & C. L. Johnstone-_ 83.42 R. D. Waring_ 130.58 J. D. Kemp & Co._ 80.87 W. C. Williams - - 4.00 Jno. G. Edwards_ 15.00 J. E. Bryan_ 56.25 Board Public Works_ 6.25 W. H. Harling, Agt._ 103.75 Board Public Works_ 17.30 Board Public Works_ 19.30 W. W. Adams & Co._ 16.65 J. A. Hungerpillar_ 4.25 R. D. Waring_ 50.00 Dorn & Mims_ 10.50 Est. W. B. Cogburn_ 75.00 Total_$2,961,18 County's Indebtedness Amt borrowed for Ordi nary County expenses $ 41,522.18 Claims & Court expenses paid to date_ 19,668.28 $21,853.90 Of this amount $12,000.00 in banks at interest. Balance of $9,853.90 in hands of treasurer. WS PSIPS ps ?c?t^ &