$1.98 values at X . 1.50 values at . 1>00 values at . 95? 69c 49c 86-inch Percale at ... . Ladies' Middy Blouse at . . 12k 79c Ladies' night gown, long or short sleeves, at $1.40. Men's White Oxfords at $1.65. Dress Ginghams in small pieces at 82C m values, at $1.49. Ladies' Slippers in black, 4.50 values, at $2.29. Colored Voile, 25c. grade, at 12 Je. Boys' wash suits up to 3.50 at $1.49. Ladies' white canvas slip pers, any style you want, at $1.59. Pajama checks, 40 inches wide, 25c. grade, at 15c. Men's union suits, 1.00 val ues, at 79c Men's union suits, 1.75 values, at 95c, uidren'sT??se^^cT" White underskirts, 1.00 values, at 49c. Children's white embroid ered dresses. Sizes 5 to 20. Prices from $1.00 to $10,00 \ at HALF price. / Men's work shoes, good quality, 5.00 values, at $2.75. One hundred pairs Palm Beach pants, 6.50 values, at $3.75. Men's balbriggan under vests at 89c. Organdies in solid colors, 75c. values, at 34c. Read Our ' V v uf A\ v.. . . Pri?es Over Carefully - Remember we sell 12 yards of White Home spun for 48c Men's Oxfords, black, choc olate and tan, prices ranging from 7.50 to 9.00 at $4.29. SILKS-Taffeta and Mes saline at $1.29. Boys' blue serge caps, 1.00 values, at 50c. Men's dress shirts at 79c. Children's dresses, sizes 7 to 18, in Jap silk, 8.50 value, at $3.50. SHOES-We have hun dreds of pairs of shoes in odd sizes, which we are offering at 95c. and $1.50. One hundred children's Gingham dresses, prices up to 3.50, at 95c. Jap silk, all colors, at 49c. $2.50 Middy Blouse at $1.19. Voiles, solid colors, 59c values, at 29c. Children's and boys' cloth hats up to 1.25 a piece at 49c. Georgette waists up to 5.00 at $1.98. Flowered voile, 40 inches wide, 75c values, at 37-lc. Ribbons, all colors, 25 and 30 cents values, at 12ic BOYS' SUITS This is a fine chance to fit the boy up with a big saving. Boys' wool suits, $13.50 values at Boys' suits in light summer shades, $10.50 Q|* values, at . $5.90 Boys' straw hats, also in colors, 1.50 and 2.00 values, at 75c. Georgette smocks in all colors, 6.00 values, at $3.75. 25-cent gauze vest at 15c. Dress ginghams, extra good quality, at 12?c. Be Sure and Attend as We Have Many Bargains to Offer Clothing This is a chance for you to dress up with very little money. We have suits that have been retailing at $35, $40 and $50 we are now offering at $12, $15, $20 and $22.50 Men's Palm Beach suits, new goods, just arrived, up to $17.50, at . .. . $9.00 and $10.50 .1^ Milliner F We are offering hundreds of hats of all the best shapes, styles and trimmings, r Hats up to $7.50 at ... . . ). .... . $1.79 Hats up to $20 at. . . . . . I . . . . 5.50 Hafs up to $450 at . . . . | --* cniicifen's and Misses7 hats up to $5.0$ at . . . 1.75 Children's and Misses' hats up to $1.78 "at . . . .49 Dresses Fifty-five dresses in Messaline and Taffeta, prices ranging from 5.00 to $20.00-your choice $5.95 140 dresseb ai Messaline, Taffeta, Crepe de Chine and Georgette, prices ranging from $20 to $40 at LESS than TT A LF price Wr nm m-^ carori um lugaroieb^ Ol cosC. We have a few Ladies' Spring Coat Suits, prices up to $50, at . .. $14.50 Owing to the extensive advertising of this sale we warn you not to >e misled by fictitious signs. Be sure to see the name Rubenstein's Department Store, in front of our store, and you can't go wrong . . 1 Sale Starts Saturday, July 16th, and Ends August 1st * i . ... tUBENSTEINS DEPARTMENT STOR NOTHING CHARGED DUR ING THIS SALE Edgefield, South Carolina NO GOODS SENT OUT ON APPROVAL I 1 1 warn