Read About the 3c. Homespun For SATURDAY, May 28, from 3 to 4 o'clock, we will sell a good quality of 36-inch white home s jun at 3c. per yard. Only 5 yards to a customer with a purchase of $1.00 or more. Read About the 5c. Bleaching For SATURDAY, May 28, from 2 to 3 o'clock, we will sell every customer 5 yards of good qual ity of bleaching at 5c. per yard with a purchase of $1.00 or more. Read About Our 69c. Overalls For SATURDAY, May 28, we will sell the best men's overalls at 69c. with a purchase of $1.00 or more, from 4 to 5 o'clock. Only one pair to a customer. Children's Romper Suits, good quality, $1.50 value at 79c Bleaching, good quality at 9c Men's Dress Shirts, $1.75 val ues at 85c White Homespun, 36 in. wide, 25c value at 9c Best Men's Overalls, $2.50 val ue at $1.19 Flouncing Embroidery, 42 in. wide, very thing for dresses, $1.50 value at 59c Middy Blouse, $1.75 values at 79c Colored Voiles with stripe and flowered, 35c value at 17k We have lately received several large shipments of new goods, which we have bought at the new low prices, and we are putting same on our bargain counters for the next FIFTEEN Days. We are are compelled to raise some large amounts of money, and we are willing to sacrifice our stock to raise same. One dollar will buy more than three dollars did last year. All the Prices will be Good Until June 13th > Beginning Saturday, May 2 i -_____ These values will not last long at these prices, so make your arrange ments to be here early New Shipment of the Famous W. L. Douglas Shoes are Offered AT A GREAT REDUCTION We have received this week 400 pairs o? W. L. Douglas shoes. These shoes were made up for some one else and he has refused to take them, so I hive bought them at a big reduction, and we are offering them at a.GREAT SACRIFICE. $7.50, $8.0&:and $8.50 shoes at- \ $4.50, $4.75 and $5.25 REMEMBER we are not offering you any shoe bought at the old time high price at a sacrifice. We are offering you new shoes that we have just bought at the new low price at a great sacrifice price. The $8.50 shoe which we mention above was sold last fall for $10.50. Now you see how nfuch you can save. White Homespun at 3 '4C 5: Ladies' Silk Hose, $1.00 value at 49c Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose, black, brown and white, 75c value at 35c Silk Waists, all colors at $1.19 Men's Blue Shirts, $1.00 value at 69c Children's and Boys' Union Suits, $1.00 value at , 49c Bleaching, 36 in. wide, at Ilk BOYS' SUITS New shipment of Boys' Sui?s just arrived, we bought them at the new price, which means half of the old price, and we are offering them to our cus tomers the same way. I I Flowered Voile, 40 in. wide, 75c value at 39c Solid Color Organdie, 75c val ue at 29c Ladies9 Ready-tG-Wear Department We have about 250 dresses on hand in Messaline, Taffeta, Crepe de Chine and Georgettes, and we are offering them for the next fiifteen days at LESS THAN WHOLESALE COST. Ladies' and Boys' White Rub ber Bottom Shoes, the kind you pay $2.00 for at $1.24 GEORGETTE WAISTS $12.50 value at_$6.50 $ 7.50 value at_$3.95 $ 6.50 value at_' $3.49 Cream Serge, ali wool, $2.50 value at 79c NOTIONS 10c Pearl Buttons at_5c 15c Shoe Polish at_9c Children's Stockings_10c Ladies' Stockings, . black and " white_10c I DRESSES $29.50 dresses in all shades of taffeta_$15.90 $37.50 taffeta dresses at_$18.50 $35.00 taffeta dresses at_$16.50 $35.00 dresses in crepe-de-chine at_$16.50 We also have some silk dresses, one or two of a kind, that we are closing out at_$6.50 and $7.50 SPRING COAT SUITS We have about 40 coat suits left. Prices ranging from $25 to $50 and we are offering them at HALF PRICE. LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS 75 dress skirts in all wool serge, $6.50 and $7.50 at_$2.95 SILK POPLIN SKIRTS 50 silk poplin skirts, all colors, $6.50 values at $2.90 WOOL SKIRTS 35 skirts in all wool plaid, have sold them at $10, $15, $20 and $22.50, to close them out at_$5.00 B?Y?' SUITS In light spring shades, same kind you paid $12.50 for last year at_? $3.95 Boys' Suits, sizes up to 18, $17.50 values at_$5.45 Boys' Wash Suits, all colors, $2.50 & $3.50 values at $1.59 Men's Panama Hats, $5.00 val ue at /^'T'LJIMf^ f Several new shipments of men's and young men's .suits arrived lately ^sl*\J1 Xiii V VJ. in blue serge and any other shade. Prices $10, $15, $20 and $25. MILLINERY! We have hundred of hats for Ladies', Misses' and Children, and we are offering them at a BIG SEDUCTION. Every Item in this adv. warranted as represented and eheaper in pri?e than any other store in this seetion $2.24 Children's Straw Hats, 95c val ue at 49c Georgette Waists, $5.00 val ue at $2.59 Wash Silk, $1.00 value at 59c Silk Hose, 2.50 value at 98c Ladies' Slippers in pumps black or chocolate, $9.50 val ue at $4.50 Ladies' Slippers, $12.00 value at $5.75 Ladies' White Canvas, $3.00 value at $1.49 Ladies' Low Cut Baby Doll, patent or gun metal, $4.50 val ue at $2.24 Edgefield, South Carolina Ladies' Dresses in extra good quality of gingham, $4.50 val us at $2.59