nm i wu-JU v BRI IB" Read About this 3-Cent Dress Ginghams As a reward to the first 25 women entering through the door which will be thrown open prompt ly at 9 o'clock on FRIDAY MORNING, FEB RUARY 18th, the first day of sale, there will be sold tour yards of Ginghams, the regular 35c. kind, for only THREE Cents Per Yards. LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS GIVEN AWAY Ladies' Waists, white organdies and voiles, any size, will be given away dur ing this sale, to all ladies spending as much as $25. Come along, save money spending the $25, besides getting a nice Shirt Waist FREE. ORY M. BERMAN The Greenville, S. C., Mercantile Adjuster And his associates are in charge of this big sale, and have orders to close out, sell out and wipe out every article and item, everything, big and little, one by one, day by day, bargains after bargains at just the lowest price ever known based on the grade of goods in this big establishment in one complete merchandising master sti*ok6 AND NPW FAIR WARNING, this ad vertisement and all its special features is copywright applied for, any one caught copying this advertisement in whole or in part will be subject to federal prosecution. Plan and all rights reserved by Ory M. Berman. T YOU MAY have attended sales before, but this sale will make them sink into utter insignificance, for it is the most wonderful price-cutting event ever attempted on the class of merchandise we have to oifer. Never in your most exalted moments have you pictured such* a marvelous selling sensation. It is a gigantic and colossal sale and one of such mammoth proportions and importance that it will stir every human soul in the county to a high pitch of enthusiastic and quick buying desire. Only a few prices here-thous ands more on sale just as low. The bargains quoted here are by no means a complete list of our stock. They are just a few items picked at a glance merely to give a faint ide a of the tremendous reductions to be made. It would be impossible to enumerate everything, but remember every article in our store wrill be placed on sale. Nothing will be reserved. It all goes at this BIG SALE. T7!CE-SMASHING Store closed by authority. Nothing sold until opening day. Think, Watch and Wait for it. 'Twill surely pay you I T Should it rain or freeze or do any other unkindly weather stunt, it won't set the .big opening day back a bit, the bargains will be here for you just the same. Come on everybody. MEN'S HIGH GRADE DRESS SHOES $6.50 value_f2,f& $12.50 value_$6-50/ $13.50 value_-$6.95 LADIES' FINE DRESS SHOES $5.50 value_55*15 $7.50 value_55*25 $9.50 value_5 15 $14.50 value_$6.45. BOYS' SUITS \ $29.00 value_^l0*!?5 $20.00 value_-f 2 $15.00 value_J