Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, February 16, 1921, Image 10

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Office No 61 Residence, No. 17 Wednesday, February 16 JLOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. R. G. Lee went to Grenville Tuesday to visit her mother. Mrs. Ellie Brooks Jones is the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. M. Smith. Mr. W. D. Allen of Chappell was very cordially greeted by his friends here the first of the week. Rev. P. P. Blalock will preach in the Presbyterian church here Sun day morning at 11:15 o'clock. Mr. Ira Armfield, Mr. T. C. Ster lett and Mr. J-. C. Holstein of .Saluda . were visitors in Edgefield Friday. Miss Sophie Dobson left yesterday morning for Greensboro, N. C., to 6pend several weeks with her brother, Mr. C. R. Dobson. Hon. M. P. Wells came home from. Columbia to spend the week-end with his family, returning Monday night to his post of duty. The Stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jackson Tuesday and left a dear little girl to be a perma nent dweller in their home. Mrs. B. B. Jones returned this morning from a visit to Spartan?urg, bringing with her Miss Letitia Fairy, who is always a welcomed visitor in Edgefield. An important meeting of the far mers of the county will be held in " "the Court House Saturday next at 12 o'clock. Several hundred farmers should attend. Mrs. M. C. Turner of Greenwood is a welcomed visitor in Edgefield to day. Her friends regret that the inter vals between her visits to her old home are so long. i -"Miss Ida Lou Parkman returned to her home last Saturday in the Elm wood section after spending several weeks in Edgefield with her sister, Mrs. W. L. Bryan. iHon. F. B. Gary of Abbeville will preside at the March term of court ] which will convene the first Monday. The petit and grand juries will be drawn next Tuesday. The name of Mr. W. P. Yonce was inadvertently omitted from the list of directors of the Peoples Bank last week. Mr. Yonce has been a director from the time the bank was organ ized. A splendid set of books of literary gems will be in the order which will he installed in the library. A list of the new books will be published and will include the best of popular fic tion. Mr.. and Mrs. Frank Lyon are re ceiving the congratulations of their friends over the coming of little Frank, Jr., into their home. They now have a little girl, their eldest, and a little son. Mr. John Hollingsworth and Mr. Diomede Hollingsworth have return ed from a sojourn of two months in Florida, where they have been on a hunting and fishing expedition, spend ing much of the time camping. They enjoyed immensely the unique ex perience. Hon. S. T. Williams has been sick at his home with influenza for the 5>ast ten days. He came home from Columbia sick Sunday, February 5, and has been confined to his bed ever ?ince. We are glad to report however, that the worst is over and Mr. Wil liams is on the road to recovery. Mrs. Preston Wright is here visit ing her mother, Mrs. Mamie N. Till man, and grandmother, Mrs. Mary Norris, this being her first visit to Edgefield since she went as a bride carly in November to make her home in Cincinnati. She has been very af fectionately greeted by her Edge field friends. Dr. R. G. Lee announced Sunday morning to his congregation that he had received a call from the First Baptist church of Chester, but that he had not yet reached a decision as to whether he would accept the call. The people here are eagerly awaiting his decision, praying all the while for him to remain in Edgefield. Keep your eyes and ears open. -Good, times are just ahead. YONCE & MOONEY. The Civic League will hold its reg ular meeting in the library Monday afternoon, February 21st, at four o'clock. The members are urged to show their interest in this great or ganization by attending the monthly meetings. . Miss Kate Samuel and Miss Ruth Lyon went to Atlanta Monday to buy a spring stock of ladies' ready-to wear goods for the store which they will soon open in Edgefield. They are both experienced buyers and know how to select the cream of the stylish ready-to-wear for women. Watch for their announcement later. Clemson Boys Will Meet. All Clemson boys of the county will meet in the Court House Sat urday, February l?9th, at 3 p. m. for the purpose of talking over a few things for the good of the Agricul tural and Mechanical College of the State. This meeting has been called by B. R. Tillman, '96; A. L. Brun son, Jr., '06; A. B. Carwile, '16; W. H. Mays, '19. All ex^Clemson men are urged to be present. Boll Weevils Living. Mr. W. P. Gordon brought a bot tle containing about a dozen living boll weevils to The Advertiser office yesterday. They came from the farm of Mr. W. F. West, and doubtless on every farm in the county can be found living boll weevils, which means they will attack cotton .early this year. Cut your acreage in half. Don't plant cotton merely to feed boll weevils on. Plant food crops instead. Store Robbed. Burglars entered the store of Hon. S. T. Williams last Sunday night and carried away several hundred dol lars worth of groceries, shoes and dry goods. Not satisfied with taking mer chandise the intruders stole a rifle from the store and also the keys to Mr. Williams' gin house and other outbuildings. The guilty parties should be apprehended and punished. It matters not who they are, such out lawry should not be tolerated. Mr. Williams was sick in bed at the time. Purchases Interest in Grocery Firm. Mr. Roy Smith has purchased an interest in the grocery firm of Satch er & Nixon, one of the leading gro cery firms in Augusta. Mr. Smith is now teaching the Cooper school near Sweetwater church and will not be come personally identified with th? firm until the close of his school.' This firm will henceforth, be com posed of three Edgefield young men, all of whom are energetic, ambitious and possess sterling qualities. Suc cess to them! Unprecedented Bargains. Mr. Rubenstein takes two full pages of The Advertiser this week to tell the people of Edgefield county of the special sale which will begin at his store Friday, February 18. The list of bargains which he announces is unprecedented in this section. Read what he says concerning sea sonable offerings in every department of his large store. He has employed Mr. E. B. Holt and Mr. Ory_ Berman of Greenville to manage this special .?ale for him. This large double-page advertisement contains some speeial offerings for certain days of the sale that should attract a large number of people from a great distance. Mr. Elubenstein stands behind every statement contained in this advertise ment. Solicitor Callison Coming. In a letter to Clerk of Court W. B. Cogburn, Solicitor T. C. Callison ?tates that he will be in Edgefield Saturday, February 19, for the pur pose of getting everything in readi less for the March term of court. Amy and all witnesses who may desire ;o confer with the solicitor before ;he convening of court should come io Edgefield Saturday. All magis ;rates should also send all of their jfficial records to the clerk of court Dy that date so the solicitor can in spect them and have everything in readiness for the March term of :ourt. Solicitor Callison stated in the campaign that if elected he would risit each county seat before the con vening of court and familiarize him lelf with the business of the court so as to conduct it wisely and with dispatch. We trust that Mr. Callison will meet with the fullest co-opera tion in his efforts to conduct the people's business. It would be well also for grand jurors to have a con ference with the solicitor daring this afficial visit to Edgefield. i 1 Metropolitan Glee Club is Coming. The fourth Lyceum number will be presented in the Opera House on February 28th, which is Monday. The attraction. The Metropolitan Glee Club, is one of the highest priced at tractions in America today and has the distinction of being one of the few companies booked for a third return engagament. They carry 100 per cent rating which means they have left a delighted audience at each place without an exception. The ver dict is "the best yet" wherever they go. About the middle of April we will have a strong company of Hawiians. This will be the last for the season and we shall be glad to have a full house for these two fine companies. Attend Farmers' Meeting. ? This is a time when the greatest cooperation is necessary. We might say .as old Benjamin Franklin said in the olden days: "We must all hang together or be assured that we shall be hanged separately." We should say: "We must reduce our acreage together or' our acreage will reduce us separately." Mr. Farmer, if you care anything at all about standing for yourself and working with your fellow-far mers come out to the farmers meet ing to be held in the Court House, Saturday, February 19th, at noon. We are fortunate in having B. R. Tillman, one of the best farmers' in the county, as head of the County Cotton Association. If we shall give Mr. Tillman the proper support, great things will be accomplished. Miss Ethel DeLoach Hostess For Civic League Party. Miss Ethel DeLoach was hostess at a most enjoyable progressive conver cation party Friday afternoon of last week. The attarvtive home was fragrant with masses of spring flowers. The guests were given a list of topics: the Library, Civic League, Our Town, Housekeeping, Gardening, Flowers, Men, Women, Fruit Cake I Baked, My First Auto Ride, The Man I Wouldn't Marry and My Hobby. "Dates" were then made with each other for these topics and much mer riment ensued, as different views on the subjects were expressed. After the "dates" were filled a de licious course of chicken salad on lettuce heart? pickles, crackers and ice tea was served. Post Office Burglarized. Although Edgefield is something ; like 100 years old, Monday night was the first time that expert yeggmen ' have made an "official" visit to this place. About two o'clock Monday \ night the postoffice was forcibly en- : tered and the safe dynamited. First 1 the burglars broke into the shop of ' Mr. A. L. Kemp on Jeter Street and secured a hammer and other tools which were used in forcing open the 1 door of the post office and wrecking the safe. The safe contained less than $100 in cash and about $1,500 in stamps and other supplies, all of which was carried away by the bur- , glars. It appears that there were three parties to the crime, two stand ing guard, on the Opera House cor ner and the Kemp Grocery store cor- 1 ner on Main street while the third 1 did the devilment inside. There were ( two policemen on duty Monday night, J Mr. Douglas Leonard and Mr. Eddie 1 Whatley. The regular policeman, Mr. 1 Jack Whatley, was at home with his 1 sick wife and child. At the time the * first explosion occurred the police- "* men were warming by the fire in the club rooms of the American Legion club. They at once rushed down stairs to make investigation, and as soon as they reached the street they were . fired upon by the two sentinels on the opposite side of the street. About eight shots were exchanged between the officers and the burglars but none j took effect. As soon as the work of the man inside the postoffice building was completed all of them made their j escape down the street .by the Pres byterian church, proving themselves to be expert runners. They left no clue nor trace that would point to their identity. The postmaster, Mr. C. M. Mellichamp, at once notified the postal inspector of this district. Later: Responding at once to the notice of Mr. Mellichamp, the in spector visited the post office yester day and after a careful examination has placed the government's loss at $2,184.37 as a result of the work of " the burglars. No clue has yet been 1 fo*nd that would lead to their iden- ] tity. j I COE-MORTIMER FERTILIZERS For 1921 We have been in business since 1857, and our brands of commercial fertilizers are well known to the farmers of Edgefield county. Farmers who have used our goods are thoroughly satisfied and are our best advertisers. Ask your neighbor who has used our brands. Our motto is "QUALITY," and our reputation shows that we have endeavored to live up to it. Any of the Coe-Mortimer brands can be had from the following dealers: EDGEFIELD WAREHOUSE CO. Edgefield, S. C. W. P. CASSELLS, Johnston, S. 0. SAWYER & JONES, Ridge Spring MPH MIMIIWI mm mw mW WM WM Wm Notice o?r Final Discharge. To All Whom These Presents May) Concern : Whereas, H. W. Kenner has made application unto this Court for Final Discharge as Administrator in re the Estate of W. B: Kenner deceased, Dn this the 14 day of February, 1921 These Are Therefore, to cite any and all kindred, creditors or parties interested to sihow cause before me at my office at Edgefield Court House, South Carolina, on the 18th day of March, 1921, at ll o'clock a. m., why said order of Discharge should not be granted. W. T. KINNAIRD, F'robate Judge, E. Co. Edgefield, S. C., February 14, 1921. NOTICE. A meeting of the stockholders of j ;he Dixie Highway Hotel compi viii be held in the Court House Fri lay afternoon., March 4, 1921 at 4 )'clock for the purpose of consider- j rig/the issuing of bonds to the .mount of $50,000' (fifty thousand lollara). All stockholders are urged ;o attend this meeting in person or be .epresented by proxy. J.. C. SHEPPARD, ? President. J. L. MIMS, Secretary. For Rent On Dixie Highway between Tren on and Augusta, 360 acre level to lightly rolling farm. Over 100 acres ich, open land with clay subsoil, ."ine two-story dwelling and good tut buildings. Rent reasonable. For erms apply to Sheppard Bros., Edge ield, S. C. B. F. GAINES. J. S. BYRD Dental Surgeon Office Over Store of Quartet & Timmerman Office Phone No. 3 Residence Phone 87 nvlgoratlng to the Pale and Sickly rhe Old SUodard genera1, strengthening toole. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out t? alan a .e nriches the blood, a sd builds op the sys* aa. A true tonic For adults and children. 50c STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA: County of Edgefield. By W. T. Kinnaird Esquire, Probate Judge Whereas C. H. Ransom, of said county and state made suit to me to grant hmi Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of N. Cothran, late of said County and State THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said N. Cothran deceased, that they appear before me in the Court of Probate to be held at my office at Edgefield,' S. C., on the 21st day of February (1921), ajfter publication thereof, at ll o'clock in,the forenoon, to show cause, if any ??y have, why the said Administration should not be grant ed CJuVu: iy of^Tet Funder my hand this 7th day of ~~ February, Anno Domini, 1921. W. T. KINNAIRD, (L. S.) Probate Judge. To Prevent Blood Poisoning .pp: y at once the won der ii: I old reliable DR. PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HFALING OIL. a ?ur. ?ical dressing that relieves pain and heals at 'he same time. Not P liniment. ?So SPECI/ New Spring 25c. Values . STANDARD We now carry a complete si You can select your new not have to wait for them t A. J. DAY Trentot Auditor's Notice. All persons owning property of any kind whatsoever, or in any ca pacity, as husband, guardian, execu tor, administrator or trustees are re quired to make returns of the same to the Auditor under oath within the time mentioned below and the Audi tor is required by law i:o add a penal ty of 50 per cent, to all property that it not returned on or before the 20th day of February in any year. All male citizens beuveen the Ages of 21 and 60 years except those ex empt by law are deemed taxable polls. The 50 per cen?;, penalty will be added for failure to make re turns. The office will be open to receive returns from first day of January till the 20th day of February, 1921, aa prescribed by law. J. R. TJMMERMAN, Auditor, E. C., S. C. NOTICE. If you want your garden plowed phone 95. Fifty cents per hour. Can also have your hauling done. S. B. NICHOLSON. VALUES IN . Special 19c. j PATTERNS ;oek of Standard Patterns, spring patterns here and o be delivered. ' THE 9 LEADING STORE