LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS Mrs. N. G. Evans...Chairman Mrs. J. L. Mims_1_Secretary Mrs. J. W. Peak..Treasurer Mrs. W. L. Dunovant Mrs. Mamie N. Tillman.Finance Mrs. W. B. Cogburn_Literature Miss Sara Collett.1_Publicity _Press Register And Do Your Duly, Yote For Righteousness. However lightly we women may view this new duty, new responsibility, or new privilege, it does not change the seriousness of the situation. We have "Come into the kingdom of such a time as this," and it does not matter what our attitude toward voting is, we should religiously study the politi cal conditions, and vote for right. :eousness. Have you ever stopped to think that the enfranchismeent of so many women at this critical time has'nt just happened, that above the human there there is the Divine. Were you to decide to make a gar. ment you would begin to assemble your material. First you would decide upon the pattern and then undertake to select your goods, your trimming, your thread your pins and needles scissors and so on. God also works out by a pattejm the things that come to pass. What part in his plans are you taking of your own free will? Are you . a tangle in the divine thread, or rust upon the needle ; or are you the wax that makes the thread run smoother -or the emory that polishes the needle? Ask yourself this question, place yourself-are you governed by prin cipal or prejudice? ? Many of our greatest men and women fear that our civilization is trembling on the brink of disaster, and is it^too much to suggest that the salvation of our national life lies in the hand of woman? By what right do you withhold your part? What excuse .have you for drawing about you your self righteous skirts and passing by on the other side? Too many otherwise good men have already followed that policy, preferring to live oblivious to .the political demands of their country " .and are patting themselves on the back,, while unctious pride oozes up every pore. ' ~We C&n sot plead that politics is too "dirty. That fact is your call to duty. Wade in and clean up things. What though you bef oul your garments you can change them? Even/tho you should become submerged, you will .make a good mud.sill for the struc ture that is to be ; there is more honor :in that than in tipping the dome! You say not a very promising pros pect, but why haggle over your own .political prospects when the salvation ,of a nation cries aloud for sacrifice? p Each succeeding generation sets its -ideals, and the indications are that money and fame will not fiigure ex cept wheh Oinked with sacrifice, and .the men and women, ivho e?ntrjbute imost to their generation in sacrificial service wll be most honored. Be a Jo_ ah of Arc, Deborah, an Esther if you must, but if not, then be a good conscientious, intelligent citizen' and do your duty and the country will be safe. Do not follow men, but follow what they advocate if it is good, if not turn them down. The studies in citi zenship are open to every woman who "will use them, and the registration books are also open to all who wish to register up to the eighth of Octo ber..Secure your registration certifi cate now while you can and do your duty. Mrs. ~W. L. Dunnovant. State Press Chairman, L. W. V. b _ i, If your better half objects to your I xegistering, use the wise tactics of .queen Esther. Feed him three days