Death of Mr. C. M. Williams Death has deprived Edgefie county of one of its best, very bei citizens. There were but few lil bim of his day and generation. ^ refer to Mr. C. M. Williams wi passed away Sunday afternoon his home in the Cleora sectioi For more than a year be has be' in declining health, being a gre; sufferer for many months. Vi welcomed death as a relief to h: ?pain-racked form. Under all circumstances, in wi as well as in peace, Mr. Wiilian proved himself to be loyal and tm to every duty and every trust When but a mere boy of tende years, near the close of the Civi War, he offered his services to hi country and donned the Confeder ate uniform. All down throng! the years since the close of the wa he has made his value felt as ? sterling citizen-not obtrusively o ostentatiously but in a modest, re tiring way. He served Edgefiek ?county two terms as county treas airer, making the people a faithful, conscientious public servant. H< was an indulgent father, a thought fal neighbor, a public spirited, pa triotic citizen. Would that Edge field county had more like him, Mr. Williams was not a man oi much speech, attending always tc his own business, yet he was a mao of sound judgment, broad vision and decided convictions, always having the courage to stand by his convictions. Nothing was ever un dertaken for the good of his com - m unity or for the benefit of the .county or otate that he did not wil lingly have a part. He was always in the class of volunteers and never bad to be drafted into any form of public service. Mr. Williams talk ed freely of his readiness to face death, having accepted Christ as his ?Savior. Mr. Williams' wife died about twenty-five years ago, while his .children were small, but he devoted ly careel tor them as a mother and father would. They are now all ?grown men and women and are an