__ ? -_ j_ _ A^mZJ ???? ? "l" - - _j_lfjf_J ?-______ _. I --M-, VOL. 84 EDGEFIELD, S. C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER i> 1920 No. 25 JOHNSTON LETTER. Demonstration Meeting Held, School Superintendent Ar rives, Mr. and Mrs. Marsh on North / ern Tour. On last Thursday afternoon, a very helpful and entertaining meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Albert P. Lott, this being conducted by Miss Patti Major, County Home Demon strator. She was assisted by Miss Sni_ der, of Winthrop College. ? At this meeting a county club was organized with 18 members, and of ficers were elected from them. There are many prospective members, all deeply interested so no doubt the membership will soon be very large. Mrs. Lott recently took the prize of the membership, no doubt other and with the splendid qualifications for the best record in poultry raising, prizes are coming to this club. A pleasant little incident, of this meeting was the meeting together of two* loving, loyal friends- Miss Sni der and Mrs. Willie Pearce Stevens. They had not seen each other since college days in Florida, and as they met face to face, there was a great surprise and most affectionate meet ing. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kneece and children, of Monetta, are spending a few days here in the home of Mr. Mike Clark. The two older ones will . spend thek winter here with their grand parents and attend school. Mr. Henry Dobey has been sick with chills and fever during the past weeks, but is now better. His daught er, Mrs. Brunson, of Augusta, spent fora part of the time here with him Misses Carrie Dorn and Elizabeth Elkins have been visiting Mrs. J. A. Dobey. Miss Clara Sawyer is at home from a visit to Savannah, and Misses Maud and Gladys Sawyer from Vidalia, Ga. Mr. Will Broadfield, of Charlotte, has arrived for the Cotton Season. His many friends are glad to see him again. Mrs. Ona Denny Reese, of Colum bia, has been visiting Mrs. T. R. Den ny. Little Billie, the two year old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cassells during the past week was ill with Diphtheria, and a nurse and every effort resorted to, to relieve him. On Sunday, his condition was so critical hewas carried to the Clynic, of the University Hospital, hoping that .there might be some means of saving his life. Miss Lillian Mobley has been to Orangeburg, to visit her sister, Mrs. lH. T. Siftley. Mrs. J. B. Knight and daughter, Miss Ray Ivey, of Mc Bean, Ga. have been visiting their Aunt Mr?. Georgia Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Ballentine are at home from Hendersonville, N. C. Those returning from Ashville, and near by, are Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lott and Marion, Mrs. James Tompkins, and children, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. La Grone and children. Mr. and Mrs Wallace Prescott have been visiting in the home of Dr. F. L. Parker. Miss Ella Fannie Mobley enter tained the young folks with a pleasant party on Friday evening. Dr. Connerly is at home from a visit to his parents in Charlotte. Misses Maud Nickerson and Hor tense Padgett have returned from a few weeks stay in Hendersonville, N. C. Mr. F. M. Boyd will leave at an early date for Columbia, where he will make his home. Misses Loise and Marion Boyd will enter Coker College, and little Miss Stewart Boyd will be with her grand mother, Mrs. Stewart at Chester. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Strother, j with little Harry and Josephine have gone to Newberry and Greenwood, j Mrs. Mena Calhoun has returned to Greenwood after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Ben Wright. Mr. Preston Wright, of Cincinnatti, is the guest of'his sister, Mrs. Wiley Derrick. Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Strother' have gone to Walhalla to'visit in the home of the former's brother, Mr. Willie Strother. ?ificial Returns Primary Election, County, August 31,1920 Bacon . . . Cleveland . . Collier's . . . Calhoun . . . Edgefield No. 1 Edgefield No. 2 Lee . . . Long Branch ,Meeting Street Meriwether . Moss . . . Pleasant Lane Red Hill Ropers . Rock Hill Shaw . . Total . . Mrs. B. L. Boatwright very pleas antly entertained on Tuesday after noon at "The Cedars", in compliment to Miss Marie Ferrell, of Rock Hill and Miss Virgina Harrison. After a cordial welcome, all were seated at tables for Rook and an animated game was had. Later music was en joyed. The honor guests were pre "se'?t?d with lovel j- gifts.'A/^inty ^.al ad course, with iced tea was served. Dr. and Mrs.' F. L. Parkr and Fred Parker are at home from a visit to Greenwood. Mr. Briggs Kammer, of Blackville, has been for a visit to his brother, Mr. Calhoun Kammer. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson and Miss Williamson are at home from a visit to relatives in N. C. Prof. Crompton and family have arrived and are domiciled at the School Manse on the Campus. School will begin Monday Sept. 6, and the boys and girls are keenly alive to the fact, each, more or less delighted. Mr. Leroy Wertz, of Belton, has purchased the Kenney dwelling, and in Sept. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. Wertz, will occupy this. Mesdames, DeSausaure Hogan and Wilbur Wertz, of Columbia, are guests of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Marsh are now enjoying a northern tour, after a so_ journ in the mountains of N. C. They expect to be at home the first week in Sept. Miss Beth Shell, of Laurens, is vis iting her cousin, Mrs. J. W. Browne. Woman's Missionary Union. The fifteenth session of the W. M. U. Auxiliary to the Edgefi?ld asso ciation was convened with the Modoc church on Tuesday and Wednesday August 24, and 25. The attendance was good both days, the churchh being full and some standing. All the Woman's Mission socities were represented except Mt. Zion, Horns creek and Gilgal. The reports were the best finan cially ever brought in, each Woman's society except one having gone over the year's apportionment and most of them over the one fifth of their 75 Million Campaign pledge. About ten Mission study classes were'reported. The Tuesday Morning session was called to order by the Superintendent, Mrs. J. L. Mims, and each society rep resented made a report of what they had done, our societiesbeing on the Honor Roll. Clarks Hill,. Republican, Trenton and Hardys. i The representatives of these so cieties, Mrs. H. E. Bunch, Mrs. Carrie Hammond, Mrs Anna Eidson and Mrs. T. J. Briggs were called to the front and honor roll badges were pinned on by Mrs D. A. G. Ouzts, superinten dent of the Abbeville Association, who was welcomed as a visitor and presented the badges in very gra cious style. The three division presidents, Mrs W. B. Cogburn, Mrs. Donald Smitt and,Mrs. J. M. Bussey were callee upon for a report of their respective divisions. Mrs. Smith's absence-wai much regretted as she had in her di vision three of the four honor roi: so cities. ?rlrs. Cogburn aau'our,ccd?5 ha? she hoped to hold the next division meeting in October at Gilgal. Mrs. 'Bussey announced the third division meeting for Plum Branch. Rehoboth society has joined this division. Visitors welcomed were, Mrs. J. S. Harris of Troy, president of the Western Division. Mrs. D. A. G. Ouzts, superintendent of Abbeville Association, Miss Brodie a graduate of the LouisvilleTraining School and a member of the faculty of Edisto Academy. Dr. R. G. Lee, Rev. G. C. Wells, W. R. Barnes, Charles Wilkin son pastor of the . church and Mrs. Manly Timmons of the Horeb church. Mrs. Warren Mc Daniel, leader of the Modoc Sunbeam band welcomed the delegates in the name of the Modoc society. Mrs. J. L. Mims made the annual report as superintendent , and the re port of the chairman of mission study Mrs. B. L. Mims, was read by Miss Kellah Fair. The message from the Woman's j Missionary Union at large was brought by Mrs. Harris and was full of practical suggestionns and inspi ration. Mrs. Mamie Tillman spoke of our missionaries, Mr. and Mrs. John Lake of whom Dr. Love of the Foreign Mission Board wrote so highly in the recent issue of the Home and Foreign Fields. A beautiful song message was brought by Miss Gazzie Osborne and Mr. Drennan 'of Parksville. At dinner a most bountiful repast was spread on a long table by the side" of the church and very cordial hos pitality was dispensed. Mr. Oscar Timmerman said there were no end of good things which women knew how to cook. The afternoon session was in charge of Mrs. R. G. Lee, four honor roll societies being reported, Edge field Y. W. A. and G. A., Republican G. A. and Red Oak Grove Y. W. A. -Dr. R. G. Lee presented these. The report prepared by the Associate Superintendent, Mrs. A. B. Carmile, was read by Mrs.T. J. Briggs. A very instructive demonstration on the way in which each dollar in the 75 Million fund is spent, was given by. seven young ladies, Elizabeth Lott making the explanation. Miss Brodie made an excellent re view of her experience at the Train ing School, and more in detail of the work of Edisto Academy. When she had finished speaking of ?&? needs of the school; among them tbj? lack of serving and other dishes in the dining room, the question was telfi?d if each society would contribute twp dollars or more each Y. W. A. one dellar and the G. A's. and R. A's. and Sunbeams 50 cents each. T&s request w?s favorably responded MK-iid-.ihe .money ;s to be sent Miss ' The programme closed with a page?nt by the Y. W. A. of Red Oak Grove led by Miss Mamie Bussey. The Royal Ambassador Report prepared by Mrs. E. S. Rives was read by Mrs: P. H. Bussey. The night session was presided over by Mrs". Tillman and a beautiful pageant or ^xercise by the Modoc so ciety under the direction of Mrs. Warren McDaniel was given. Dr. R. G. Lee delivei-ed the address and one young man said he had decided to be come a missionary, and that he never heard such an address before. Th,e delegates of the Woman's Missionary Union spoke very highly of Dr. Lee's message. Wednesday morning was devoted to the Interest of the Sunbeam soci eties under the leadership of Mrs. Tillman who presided, over this session and entertained the congregation dur ing the whole morning by her happy way of presiding and the beautiful programme which her societies car ried out. Mrs. Tillman stated that this was decidedly the most favorable and successful year for the Sunbeam bands she had ever had. At present there are nineteen Sunbeam bands in the twenty churches of the associa tion, ten of these being on the Honor Roll and fourteen have held mission study classes. The devotions were led by the Parksville band singing the Lake Sun beam song, Plum Branch band giving the scripture lesson, Red Oak Grove in the person of little Drew Bussey the son of Mr. and Mrs.' George Bus sey leading the congregation in prayer. Mrs. Tillman said as this man ly little boy finished his prayer that she could not refrain from reverting to the memory of his beloved grand mother, Mrs. Mary Wates. Each society came forward through their representatives and gave their report and some demonstrations in song or story. The Honor Roll societies are: Beth any, Mrs. Hollingsworth leader, Clarks Hill, Miss Anne Rowland Edge field, Miss Gladys Lyon, Cleora Mrs. L. R. Brunson, Little Stevens Creek Miss Mary Lewis, Red Hill Mrs A. B. Young, Republican, Mrs/W. G. Wells, Mrs. Parker Plum Branch; Hardys, Mrs. W. A. Stephens; Rehoboth, Miss Lucile Culbreath. The Bethany Band was the lar gest contributor over the appointment of any in the association and the Edgefield band had sent in the most beautifully filled out chart of the years work, the badge being pre sented to < Miss Gladys Lyon. Miss Maizie Kemp gave the story of the hymn, "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name", and Mrs. J. T. Harris talked very convincingly on the; value and. importance of Sunbeam work. The'report on the, Baptist Hospital. Plum Braiftch was read by Mrs. Till man. Mrs. W. G. Wells made the re-j port on Personal Service. Mrs. J. A. Hamilton of the Moun tain Creek society brought a most cordial and urgent invitation for next year. Up to this time the Woman's Missionary Union has met with every church in the association except Mountain Creek, Mt. Zion, Re publican and Plum Branch. The report of the resolutions com mittee was read by Mrs. Mamie Bus sey and is as follows: We, the members "of the fifteenth annual convention of the W. M. U. of the Edgefield Association, grate- j fully acknowledge the goodness and mercy of our Heavenly Father in be- j stowing the unspeakable blessings of j the past year, desire to give expres sion to the followering resolutions: That to all who have contributed to the joy and inspiration of this meeting, this union desires to express its sincere appreciation. To our beloved president, Mrs. J. L. Mims, and to all officers of this body for their tireless efforts in the works of the kingdom. That our thanks be tendered to all, our visiting pastors for their hearty cooperation and their most-helpful addresses. To our guests of honor, Miss Brodie Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Ouzts for their helpful and inspiring messages. N To the members of the Hospitality committee who have so faithfully and efficiently provided for our care and comfort. To all the people of Modoc whose gracious hospitality and cordial wel come has made a happy and blessed occasion. May the richest blessings of our ^Heavenly Father abide upon all of us. s Respectfully submitted, Mrs. J. M. Bussey. Mrs. S. B. Strom. Miss. Mamie Bussey. Total contributions this year from woman's mission socities, $6,012^92, Sunbeams $710.55, Y. W. A's.$685 .19, G. A's. $109.52, R.A's. $95.00. Total from all grades, seven thous and seven hundred ninety two dollars and eight cents. . When the morning session was fin ished a very delightful surprise came which was an invitation to a barbe cue prepared by the men of the I church, and there never was a better or more abundant one. Hash and bar becued meat was accompanied . with sliced tomatoes, pickles, bread, pota toes and iced tea. The women appre ciated this attention very much and delayed adjournment before dinner that the men might haye plenty of time, completing thq bushiness at the .morning session. , .JFhe. .saraeooffirers at?re re-elected for the coming year, i>iiai?; 4. ?ta Bunch making the report for the nominating committee. Those who attended the Woman's missionary meeting at Modoc from Edgefield were : Mrs. Mamie N. Till- . man, Miss Kellrh Fair, Gladys-Lyon, Margaret Lyonn, Mazie Kemp, Caro lyn Dorn, Harold Norris, Dr. and ' Mrs. R. G. Lee and Beulah^ G., Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cogburn, Mrs. P. H. Bussey, Elizabeth Lott, Lillian Patti- . son, and Mrs. J. L. Mims. Tribute to Mr. W. S. Harris. William Simpson Harris was born March the 31, 1866. He marriedMiss Mollie Boon, December, 31, 1899,and died July, 31, 1920. He united with the Baptist church: at Rock Creek at the age of twenty two years. He lost his vision about eleven years'ago, and was an invalid the most of that time. It was my privilege to know Mr. Harris all of his life: he was what I call a manly man. He stood for his church and loved her doctrine. At the: same time he was broad-minded and liberal in his views. He faced the bat tle of life bravely and well; hefought a good fight, and he kept the faith. v Now his warfare is over, the victory has been won and he is blessed, hence I say he was a manly-man. He now plies his task yonder un der softer skies. He still sits in the family circle but out of earthly sight, so let us think of him as just the I same : for he is not dead, he is just away. His Ufe was an alphabet on a high plain in action, and in deed. His thoughts sure, his words chaste, his dealings with his fellow man was on the level by the square: his convic tions were based upon the hifh stand ard of truth, honor, and virtue. He was as gentle and modest as a woman, and pure in thought as a vir gin. I beg to mingle my sympathy with the immediate family and fond friends. May his mantle fall upon some one who will as worthily wear it I say, let us think of him as just the same. He is not dead, he is just away. He can now see the King in his beauty, and the inhabitants shall not: say, "I am sick." J. Russel Wright Card of Thanks. The family of the Jate Mrs. An nie Francis (Lowery) Ouzts, through the columns of the Advertiser, de sire to express their profound grati tude and most sincere thanks to all those who extended their kindness and sympathy and loaned them their assistence in the illness and death of their mother. The Family.