Office No 61 Residence, No. 17 Wednesday, March 10. LOCAL AND PERSONAL, Mr. Jerald LaGrone and Mr. H. M. Reynolds motored to Savannah and spent the week-end. Mr. E. P. Arthur has installed a lath machine at his shop near the de pot and is sawing laths every day. Miss Margaret May came home from the Greenville Woman's College for the week-end. Miss Mamie Dunovant spent the week-end in Aiken as the guest of Miss Louise Coleman. Mrs. Berta Hill and Miss Janie Hill came up from Augusta and spent the week-end at "Cedar j Grove." Miss Katherine Mims entertained a few friends very delightfully at tea Friday evening. The occasion was one of unusual pleasure to those present. Mr. W. D. Allen came down from Chappell and spent Sunday here, be ing very cordially greeted by his Edgefield friends. Attention is directed to the quar terly statements of the Bank of Johnston, the Farmers Bank of Edge field and the Bank of Edgefield in this issue. Mr. C. M. Thomas is having his attractive residnece on Main street repainted. Who'll be the next to im prove his premises and thus contrib ute to the beauty of the old town? Mrs. Arthur Childress of Greer, accompanied by her son, Master Benjamin Jones, has been spending several days in Edgefield and vicinity with relatives. Miss Grace Brumbaugh, the pub lic health nurse, has greatly endeared .herself to many people in Edgefield whom she has visited recently, prov ing herself to be indispensable in the community and in the county. Mr. T. A. Broadwater opened a store near his residence in Eastern Edgefield. Before many years the old town will spread until it reaches the -Cross-Roads, which will be the ter minus of the street railway system. Mr. J. D. Holstein, Jr., has just re ceived a car load of Overland-4 auto mobiles. The Overlands have stood the test in Edgefield county for a number of years and their popularity is increasing. Mr. D. A. G. Ouzts of Greenwood has sold his law business to his part ner and is now engaged in organizing another bank for Greenwood to be known as the American Bank, with -capital stock of $200,000. Messrs. Yonce & Mooney announce tha tthey now hava a limited supply of genuine Ford starters for Ford cars and trucks. Better have your car equipped with one before the sup ply is exhausted. A Ford is a good thing without a starter, but it is two fold a better thing ,rith one. Mr. W. A. Strom and Mr. T. A. Broadwater will erect a modern gin nery north of Edgefield just beyond the town limits at the Jackson place on the Ninety Six road. A modern equipment has been ordered and will be installed by the opening of the next season. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mathis of Tren ton, who have been visiting in Flor ida for about two months, have re turned to Trenton. They came a little earlier than expected on account of the illness of little Kathleen, who has now improved. Mrs. Mathis' friends all over Edgefield county have been greatly interested in her improve ment. Rev. G. W. M. Taylor, the beloved | pastor of the Edgefield and Trenton Methodist churches, has been engag ed to teach in the Trenton school, filling the place made vacant in the teaching force by the recent resig nation of the principal of the school. On account of the sickness of sev-J eral teachers, the Edgefield school is closed this week. FOR SALE: One 7-Passenger Na tional Six Car, battleship gray, slightly used. W. J. HATCHER, ' Johnston, S. C. What better car do you want than a FORD with Self Starter and Elec tric Lights? YONCE & MOONEY. D. A. R. Meeting. The monthly meeting of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion will be held at the home of Mrs. Mamie N. Tillman, Tuesday after noon, March 16, at 4 o'clock. ?> Preaching Sunday. Preaching at the Baptist church this coming Sunday at the morning and evening hours. In the morning at ll :30 and at night at 7:45. Let all who will attend. Sunday School at 10:15, J. H. Cantelou, Superinten dent. The Baraca Class will meet at the usual hour. Let all come. ROBERT G. LEE? Pastor. Conference Called. The pastors and members of the executive board of the Edgefield Association are earnestly requested to attend a conference to be held in the First Baptist Church at Edge field at 10:30 o'clock, Wednesday, March 17, to consider with Dr. C. E. Burts and members of the General Board, matters pertaining to the 75 Million Campaign. 0. SHEPPARD, Moderator. Will Advertise Edgefield. The Atlanta Constitution will'issue a special edition by way of celebrat ing the official opening of the Dixie Highway some time early in the sum mer. The town of Edgefield, through the members of the chamber of com merce and other citizens, purchased an entire page of space in which to advertise the town of Edgefield, pay ing $600 therefor. The old town is comin' to the front and will stay there, or a "leetle" ahead of the pro cession/A cut of the new hotel will be placed in the centre of the page. Many Buildings Going Up. Building goes merrily on in Edge field. Mr. J. G. Alford is making good progress with his handsome bunga low; Mr. J. W. Morgan is adding sev eral rooms to his residence near the High School building; Mr. A. A. Ed munds will soon complete the addi tion to his large boarding house near the Presbyterian church; Mr. H. H. Hill is making good headway with his residence in south Edgefield; Mr. Bettis Cantelou is transforming the Timmons house which he purchased some time ago; Mr. Israel Mukashy's new bungalow, erected by Mr. Heath, will soon be occupied; Mr. J. Ru benstein is making an addition to his residence; Mr. E. S. Johnson is add ing to ?his brick store near the depot and will soon begin work on the two stories above for a hotel or large boarding house; Mr. Heath has com menced work on the two bungalows for Mr. J. L. Mims. Mr. James 0. Sheppard is planning to erect a bun galow in south Edgefield. Betrothal Announced. Cards containing the following an nouncement' were received in Edge field Saturday: Miss Nelle Braxton Jones and Mr. Thomas Lawrence Nicholson Betrothed. This announcement which has been the leading topic of conversation in Edgefield for the past few days was not altogether a surprise, as Cupid does not always effectively conceal his plans. Miss Nelle Jones came home from Converse college Sunday, where she has been engaged in spe cial work since the opening of the present session, and will remain here permanently, or at least until her marriage to Mr. Nicholson early in June. The faculty of Converse compli mented Miss Nelle with an elaborate announcement party in the parlors of the college last week and two other friends in Spartanburg also gave delightful social functions in honor of the' bride-elect. Mr. Nicholson was reared in Craw fordville, Indiana, and volunteered for military service early in the World War. He was on duty about a year at Camp Hancock and served a year overseas. Upon receiving his discharge from the army Mr. Nichol son located in Chicago where he is engaged in the brokerage business. Edgefield friends of the bride-elect will eagerly look forward to the con summation of their plans in June and in advance extend hearty congratu lations and cordial good wishes. For Quick Acceptation. Galvanized Roofing, $8.50 per spuare, except 10 and 12 feet lengths which are 10 cents higher. This is cheaper than factory prices, tf E. S. JOHNSON. ! Did you know that we will equip your Ford with Shock Absorbers and guarantee them to give satisfaction and servcie? YONCE & MOONEY. ( I \ Street Improvement Needed. If the county launches upon a mod ern roads building programme the towns of Johnston, Trenton and Edgefield will have to look to the improvement of the streets. Unless Edgefield gives more attention to working the streets, the remote ru ral districts will have better high ways than will be found almost under the shadow of the Court House. Lumber Business Grows. The lumber business in and around Edgefield continues to grow and if it continues many years there will not be left a tree for a bird to light in. However, we are not fighting the lumber interests. They mean too much to the prosperity of our people. Preserve the small trees and they will provide fuel and lumber suffi cient for coming generations. Possible Railway Extension. It has been intimated to Capt. 0. P. Bright, the secretary of the Cham ber of Commerce, that if the people of Edgefield will make the proper showing.the officials of the Southern Railroad will extend the road to Greenwood, giving Edgefield a north ern outlet to the world. This is Edge field's greatest need, now that we have a modern hotel in sight. Let's put every shoulder to the enterprise and possibly we can draw the cork that has had the old town bottled up for more than thirty years. Look at Your Label. There are some of our subscribers who have neglected to send in their renewals and we call attention to the expiration of their subscriptions so they can rejnit before our list is revis ed. The Advertiser will never return to the old system, as the cash in ad vance plan has met with the approval of practically all of our subscribers. All are treated alike and the paper will be discontinued if not renewed upon expiration. Look at your label and renew at once. Unless you do we shall be forced to stop the paper. Don't delay. Act NOW. Ice Manufacturing Plant. Mr. W. F. McMurrain has com pleted his ice plant and turned out his first block of ice Monday. The capacity is eight tons for a run of 24 hours. This is a new enterprise for Edgefield and we trust that it will be altogether successful. We^ confident ly behove it will. Mr. McMurrain, the proprietor, is a capaole, energetic young man who does not stop short of success in whatever he under takes. There should be no dearth of ice henceforth in Edgefield the year round. Mr. McMurrain can supply your needs. W. C. T. U. Meeting. On Monday afternoon the W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. W. F. McMurrain where a very pleasant gathering of the members occurred. Mrs. J. W. Peak led in the devotions and the 23rd Psalm was repeated in concert, all present seeming to know it from memory. The study on citizenship was un usually interesting, led by Mrs. Till man and Mi's. W. L. Dunovant was called upon to make some comments, which she did in her charming en thusiasm for the cause. Most of those present were interested in one or more phases of the discussion and gave their opinions or asked ques tions. An interesting paper on some of our "Health Problems," written by Miss Grace Brumbaugh was read. Year books and budget envelo; ?s were distributed and some p.ans of work discussed. At the close of the program little Misses Mary and Doothy Marsh serv ed a very dainty salad course with iced tea. A beautiful victrola selec tion furnished music for the occa sion. Mrs. Chesley Wells was a wel comed visitor at the meeting. The April W. C. T. U. will be held with Mrs. N. M. Jones on April 5, when Mr. A. B. Carwile has been in vited to make a talk on the attitude of the Boy Scout movement towards the smoking of cigarettes. This ques tion is beginning to get its share of discussion at the present time. Kan sas has declared her intentipn of. starting the juggernaut in motion which will crush to atoms the Ameri can cigarette. Two states, Kansas and Utah, have already banished the lit tle white tyrant from their borders. STRAYED: From my home on the Gary place, a red sandy sow weigh ing about 75 pounds. Will pay rea sonable reward. CHARLIE SWEARING EN, Edgefield, S. C. 3-101pd Attention Ford Owners We have just received a limited supply of the s GENUINE FORD STARTERS for Ford cars. Bring your Fords in and let us equip them with self starters and electric lights for you. List price $75.00. First come first served. . / DON'T FORGET THAT WE ARE Specializing on Fords and Fordsons ANYTHING. YOU NEED FOR YOUR FORD ' WE HAVE IT YONCE & MOONEY NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT The undersigned will make a final settlement as administrator of the estate of John McCarty in the office of the Probate Court at Edgefield,. S. C. at ll o'clock A. M. on Satur day, March 20, 1920, and ask for a final discharge. All parties owing said estate will present same itemized and verified to the undersigned.. j. s. MCCARTY, Administrators 2-18-4t Supply the Family Needs When you need anything for any mem ber of the family, young or old, come to our store. We cannot only show you a large assortment to select from, but we can save you money. We buy only dependable mer chandise, the kind that we can stand square ly behind. Come in and let us show you what we have. Our stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Clothing for Men and Boys and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear is such that we can supply your wants. Come in when in town. It will be a pleas ure to serve you. A. DAITCH Notice of Final Discharge. To All Whom These Present? May ..Concern: Whereas, T. J. Briggs has inAiie application unto this court for final discharge as Administrator in re the estate of Dr. Wm. T. Briggs, late of Edgefield County, S. C., deceased, on this the 27th day of February 1920. These are Therefore to cite any and all kindred, creditors or parties interested to show cause before me at my office at Edgefield Court House South Carolina, on the 3rd day of April 1920 at ll o'clock a. m., why said order of discharge ^should not be granted. W. T. KINNAIRD, J. P. C., E. C., S. C. February 27, 1920. FOR SALE: 150 acres of land, 2Vz miles of Edgefield, twr tenant houses; well watered and wooded, $20 per acre. JOHN RAINSFORD, Edgefield, S. C. 2-ll-6t