Use Lime for Legumes and on Acid or Sour Soil. While there is a great deal of talk ^and many articles written on the use of lime ""for agricultural purposes, both pro and con, we can safely lay down the rule that lime will be ben -efiecial to legume crops as clovers, al falfa, peanuts, etc., and in general crop rotations where the soil is likely to be acid. The acid soils are found in low, damp, poorly drained places and places that have grown in heavy vegetation for a number of years. The litmus paper test of the soil is the most convenient to determine whether or n'ot the soil is acid. Be low are directions for making the^ lit mus test. "Secure blue litmus paper from the druggist. While the soil has a great deal of moisture in it (wet enough to stick), go into the fir with several water glasses. Put se. eral pieces of litmus, paper (at least two) on the bottom of the drinking glasses and cover these with a piece of a good quality of white paper. Then fill the glasses with the soil to be tested. If the soil is not wet enough to form a little water in the bottom of the glass when packed, add a little rain water or distilled water. Let the glasses filled with the soil set for several hours, six or twelve, and then examine the test. If the blue paper has turned pink or red the soil is acid and needs a good ap plication of lime. The best and safest way to use lime for the average man is for him to get the best quality of GROUND LIMESTONE, calcium carbonate, near 97 and 98 per cent pure. If he is to use this every four or five years and does not care for immediate re sults and does not mind using a good quantity he should use from two to four tons of the No. 10 or No. 12 mesh, bought in paper sacks or in bulk. If he wants imm?diate results as the farmers will want this year in growing peanuts, he should use the finer ground limestone, and in the drill if he wants / immediate results and does not care to use very much in the application. He will find "the No. 200 mesh a good one to use and should use about 500 pounds in the drill? to benefit his peanuts the com ing season. It will be available to get this Ihne in paper bags since it would be hard to handle in bulk, because of its being so light. The No. 100 mesh is a good one to show up the first year. If the No. 100 mesh is used at least 1,000 pounds should be applied, and in the drill. It may readily be seen that the finer the limestone is the quicker will be the effect on its breaking down organic matter in the soil, and liberating certain plant ele ments in the soil, potash for instance, and the effect on the bacteria in the soil. While I am not an agent for lime in any form, nor am I fighting any concern or agent, I am fighting the cheap form of lime and the man who tries to put a low grade of "Agricul tural Lime" that is "just as good" on the farmer. In a few words I say to the farmers of our county, to be careful about the low grades and get nothing except the best. There are many concerns that put out this 97 and 98 per cent ground limestone that I do not know of and have not had correspondence with. I have had correspondence with the American Limestone people and know that their product is good. I have prices and samples of their materials on hand and\will be glad to show to our farmers both, and aid them in or dering direct. As I have said, I am not an agent for Limestone nor any other "stone," but am an agricul tural agent attempting to put the best before his people. If I can serve you, do not hesitate to call on me. A. B. CARWILE, County Agricultural Agent. Program for Interdenomina tional Sunday School Con vention. To be held at McKendree church on Fifth Sunday in February, 1920 Morning Session-11:00 a. m. Prayer and praise service-S. B. Nicholson. How to increase attendance-S. McG. Simkins. How to improve our work with Young People-Dr. R. G. Lee. Song. Dinner on Grounds. Afternoon Session. Prayer and praise service-J. M. Shaffer. How to train ourselves for the Task-T. B. Greneker. How to make the Schools an Evan gelistic Agency-Rev. G. W. M. Tay lor. Have you a question? Adjournment. J. . H. CANTELOU. FOR SALE: Two high-grade Jer sey cows, fresh to the pail. -S. B. MAYS. 2-ll-2tpd . Kingsley and Roberts' Supreme VauaVHle PRESENTS "Billy Pryor" THE BANJO KING Original End Man of the Famous Pringle Minstrels; also former member of A. E. F. 'Thirty minutes of fun, in cluding a Bit JAZZ in connection with a special feature program o atures "The Magie Toy Makers" That Wonderful Illusion Picture -ALSO CHARLIE CHAPLIN "The Gang Leader" Edgefield Theatre Friday Evening At 8:15 Admission 25c. and 50c? and War Tax Come and Bring the Kiddies Auspices Edgefield Post American Legion DOUGLAS IS AT .??c., yr":'.; - . rt ' Edgefield Theatre IN HIS NEWEST PICTURE "HIS MAJESTY THE AMERICAN" Here's a picture for you-a romance with a regular here, and heroine and oodles of villains and everything. And such a hero! He cleans up everything from New York to the Mexican Border, and then hops to Europe to show them how to handle a revolu tion. Can he do it? Well-you know Doug! Monday, Feb. 16th Matinee 3:00 P, M. and Night 8:15 P. M. PRICES: Matinee 20c. and 35c. plus war tax; Eve ning 25c. and 50c. plus war tax. Clemson College Notes. Edgefield Advertiser: , The Clemson Post of the American Legion at a recent meeting decided to hold monthly meetings hereafter and these will he held on the first Monday. Addresses will be 'made by prominent visiting speakers. The au thorities of the college entertained the Post at a banquet on February 7. The members of the Post from Edge' field county are Fred L. Mays, Lee C. Timmons, William Hollingsworth, Eugene D. Timmons and J. Robert Adams. In a list of cadet officers appointed by Col. J. M. Cummins, Commandant, to serve the rest of the session, the following are from Edgefield county: Corporal Fred L. Mays and 2nd lieu tenant J. Robert Adams. A dramatic club was recently or ganized among the students with H. C. Walker of Spartanburg as direct or and F. W. Wolfe of Orangeburg as business manager. The dance given by the seniors on February 7th was a "howling" suc cess. There were about seventy-five couples on the floor. LEE C. TIMMONS. Clemson College, S. C., February 8, 1920. Real Estate for Sale. Edgefield Realty and Auction Co. 7 Building lots, property of J. L. Addison, cheap and very easy terms. 4 lots, property of W. E. Lott, cheap and easy terms. Mrs E. M. Padgett, 311 arces six miles from Trenton on the Dixie Highwty, rents for 20 bales of cot ton. A bargain. B. E. Timmerman, 66 acres, five room house, four-room house, two story barn, and other buildings. Near Cleora. A nice home ,in good neigh borhood. Sallie Dunton, One four-room house, and lot in rear Fair Grounds. Mrs. Sallie E. Bartley, 72 acres one-half mile from Cleora, five-room house and other buildings, one gin house and machinery complete. A great bargain. J. N. Fair, 887 acres, two good dwellings, tenant houses and other buildings. A great opportunity. W. F. Holston, 101% acres near Antioch church and school, one five room house, one, two-room house, barn and other outbuildings. David Strother, 100 acres good land, 2 miles from Edgefield. iW. W. Hilton, 8 lots north Edge field on Dixie Highway . Terms 1-5 cash, balance 5 years @ 7 per cent. List your property now for the next Auction Sale. FOR SALE: 150 acres of land, 2% miles of Edgefield, two tenant houses; well watered and wooded, $20 per acre. JOHN RAINSFORD, Edgefield, S. C. 2-ll-6t Farme Now is the an early start the boll wee STALK C? Come in to se We want gi received a soli trucks, and ci before buying Stewar WILL THE INFLUENZA RE TURN ? Public Health Authorities Pre dict its Recurrence.' GUARD AGAINST IT BY BUILD ING UP THE BLOOD Pepto-Mangan Creates Rich, Red Blood and Increases Srtength Surgeon General Blue, of ?he Unit ! ed States Public Health Service, in a recent statement from Washington, warns the public that the much dreaded influenza epidemic will prob ably return this fall and winter. All medical authorities agree that the weak, bloodless, run-down individual is more likely to contract this (as well as any other infectious disease) than is the strong, robust, red-blood ed man or woman. In view of these facts, it is wise to use every effort to build up the blood and thus in crease the bodily resistance .to the in vasion of the germs of the disease. Gude's Pepto-Mangan is an absolute ly dependable red-blood builder in all conditions of lowered vitality not due to serious disease of the vital organs. It improves the appetite, im parts color to the cheeks, and creates new hope and ambition in those who have become pale, weak, and. listless. Physicians recommend Gude's Pepto Mangan. When you order, be sure the word "Gude's" is on the package. Without "Gude.'s it is not Pepto Mangan. Furnished in both liquid and tablet form. For sale by all druggists. WE WILL PAY A STRAIGHT SALARY $35.00 per week and ex penses to man or woman with rig to introduce POULTRY MIXTURE. Eureka Mfg. "Co., East St. Louis, UL \2-ll-lt j Notice!! - All returned soldiers who have paid their poll and road tax for the year 1919 will please bring their tax receipt to my office and I will refund their money as provided in a special act of the 1919 session of the legislature. This does not apply to 1920 road tax. The 1920 tax must be paid by soldiers. .J. L. PRINCE, , County Treasurer. EGGS FOR HATCHING Pure bred White Leghorn (Barron and WyckorT strain) $1.50 per set ting. MRS. GEO. F. MIMS, Edgefield, S. C. Unusual Value in Two PIANOS - I have just received two CARLISLE Pianos, which 1 offer at Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars EACH. Many other pianos of the quality of the Carlisle are now selling for one hundred dollars more than what I am asking for the Carlisle. I have had the order in for over eight months for Carlisle pianos, and I have received only one previous to these two. Pianos are very difficult to obtain and the prices have advanced greatly during the past year, and the indi cations are that prices will go much higher than they are at present. Some one will get extraordinary value in these two pianos. The Carlisle piano is a high grade instrument, and is fully warranted in every particular. It is the pro duct of the Vhase Hackney Piano Co. Call and see these pianos at once if you are at all interested in the purchase of a piano. Soliciting your patronage, I remain, John ?. Holland The Greenwood Piano Man REFERENCE: The Bank of Greenwood, the Oldest and Stronges* Bank in Greenwood County. v i * ;rs, Attention! time to cut your stalks and get in preparation, getting ahead of vii. We can supply you with FTERS and DISC HARROWS, e us. f VEDOLL OIL arages to know that we have just id car of Vedoll oil for auto and an make jobbers prices. See us ; your oil.