i? 20,000 STAND I IN BREAD LIN More Than 1,000,000 Face Death ls Message Brought by Miss Dakesian. Imagine a bread line of 120,000 fam ished people waiting for twenty-four hours a day for the dole of food that is the sole barrier between them and death from starvation. That is the situation in Alexandropol, a city in Russian Armenia, according to Miss Hermine Dakesian, a pretty Armenian ?ri, one o? the survivors of four years I MISS H ERM NE DAKESIAN. of the horrors of Turkish massacres and deportations. Saved by an Ameri can woman, she has come to this coun try and entered Oberlin College. With her came fourteen other Arme nian girls in charge of Miss Adelaide " S. Dwight, a Near East Relief worker, who has been instrumental in helping to save hundreds of thousands of their people from death by starvation. Miss Dwight, who is not given to exagger ation and has seen conditions at first band, says more than a million people are facing death by starvation In Ar menia and will perish unless America aids. Herself an eyewitness to the slaugh ter of hundreds of helpless women and children by the Turks and a vic tim of the deportations, Miss Dake sian, an unusually pretty girl, says there is untold suffering in Armenia and Syria. She praises the efforts of the Near East Relief, formerly the American Comm.'tte? for Armenian and .Syrian Relief, to save as many of -these people as possible. At Erivan, the capital of the Armenian republic, one hot meal is giveu out daily, and by this relief alone the city's death rate has been cut from a thousand daily to an average of twenty. At Alexandro pol, where the refugees from Turkish Armenia were driven by thousands, the situation is appalling, Miss Dakesian says. It is to avert these wholesale deaths that Near East Relief Is making a nation-wide appeal for funds. BOY SCOUTS IN YOUNG ARMENIA! Strangest Troop of All in Con stantinople Being Made Into Good Citizens. American Boy Scout training is aid ing prominently in the rehabilitation of hundreds of little Armenian boy refugees from the Turkish massacres, who have been organized into a scout troop in Constantinople as the solution of one of the most troublesome prob lems that confronted the Near East Re lief workers in that city. Hounded and driven for four years, having seen their parents and relatives slaughtered or worse by Turks and Kurds and themselves forced to beg, steal or do almost anything to eke out the barest existence, these boys had completely lost their moral sense when they finally found refuge in the Near East Relief orphanges. The boys had been clad In rags foi ?o long that they had forgotten how to take care of clothes. This was a tragedy when the Near East Relief had need ol every pair of shoes and of every suit of clothes for new boys constanfly com ing in. Then the boys were organized aa Boy Scouts and given their uniforms. They began to be careful of their school clothes as well as of their uni forms. They had been so often hungry they bad come to steal without compunc tion. When they first entered the or phanages they continued to steal. One boy stole a purse from his American 'teacher. For two or three weeks after he became a Boy Scout he was obvious ly uneasy. One day he came to her with the purse in his hand. "I don't want to give It back," he said reluctantly. "But 1 have to. Tm a Boy Scout now." To form more scout troops to trans form these little unfortunates into good citizens, ls one of the reasons why tike Near East Relief, 1 Madison avenue, New York city, ls making iti nimeal for; funds*_ Don't Ride on the High Winds of Extravagance You may be uprooted and blown away m the blizzard's track. Probably you wiJi never know why. Example is.better than precept. Don't lecture the youngsters on saving. Start an account for Yourself. Si S3 m The Peoples Bank, Edgefield, S. C. | The home of service and where small deposits ?? are appreciated BS Vulcanizing Service Why buy new tubes and casings until we see your old ones? We can make them practically new. Our service guaranteed to auto owners. Ward & Hill Back of Turner's Store and Near Sheppard Bros.' Office PfospetoixsMavmnQ WHICH? A season's toil wasted on a soil deficient in pliant food, or a litde money invested in* Planters Fertilizer-and your Truck, Cotton or Grain crop more than doubled? Make your choice now. Progressive Southern farmers long ago realized tbs r.ecjssity of supplying ex hausted soils with Phosphoric Acid, Ammonia and Potash, which every crop needs. PLANTERS FERTILIZER DOUBLES YOUR YIELD because it contains available Phosphoric Add, Ammoniki and Potash rn, the right proportions. . Better place your order for Planters right now, and zvoiil delayed deurery. Ask any agent in your tom? for information, free advice, or prices, or write us direct. Every bag is stamped with our Giant Lizard Trade Mark- Look for it-It's for your protection. Planters Fertilizer & Phosphate Co. MANUFACTURERS CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA Swift's FERTILIZERS ?TPAYS TO USE THEM FOR SALE: Wannamaker's Pedi ,Teed Cleveland Big Boll Cotton !eed. This strain advertised hy the ?overnment in fight against boll weevil. Write for prices. J. M. VANN, Trenton, S. C. -28-2tpd I have just received a car of cedar hingles worth $10.00 per thousand. E. S. JOHNSON. Upon These Argumen YOU, the buyers, are the real builders c the final Okay upon the usc of certaii struction when you buy a wagnn cc refuse to buy a wagon that does net. We w? the Thornhill Wagon is built. Upon a pla we are wiliing to rest our case. We bclicvi would he your way if you should build a wage Full Circle Iron Malleable Front Hours Plate loteten? Can't IMUS tn Turning In turning and backing up, with the ordi nary circle iron, which is only a half circle, alsters run off the end of the track and lang. It is difficult to make short turns and sack up. The Thornhill full circle iron rives a continuous track on which the bol ters can tum. The gears of Thornhill wagons stay in line for ife. Instead of the usual front hound plate, i hound plate of malleable hon is used. It is i metal jacket braced at eight points that keeps gears from ever getting out of linc. )e rroven meir eriority in the Field Untamed highest rank for many years, .s say they are the best and make extra ade from the best materials, skillfully 1 are in fine condition. garantee of highest quality goes with ihased and are receiving ample supplies of ch (formerly German) Potash. As usual ly leads in best materials, supply this year will be short of the tage is more serious than ever before md get your supply of Swifts Fertilizers in your barn now. "It Pays to Use Them." Swift & Company (Fertilizer Works) SALES OFFICES: Atlanta, Ga. Charlotte, N C. New Orleans, La. Shreveport, La. Edgefield Mercantile Co., Ed^efield, & C. Pipe, Fittings, Pumps, Cylinders and Well Points Due to strikes, in both steel and coal mines, and other unsettled conditions, it has been hard to secure material, but we have been very fortunate in having a good stock of Pipe, Fittings, etc. Columbia Supply Company 823 West Gervais St., Columbia, S. C. ts We if wagons. Yen put i materials and ccn mtaining them-and int to show you how in statement of facts c the Thornhill way in. For spokes ar.d axles tough second rrowth highland hickory is used For hubs and felloes the sturdy white oak is preferred. This wood grows upon the mountain side. Thc ground is hard the climate severe. It rcs to fight for life. It has ncarlytwice the strength of oak and hickory that grows under softer conditions. Outdoors under shelter it remains for three to five year?. Th? ?ap dries in it, giving it a strength that's kin to steel. Trussed Bolsters arid Gears Long Wear Beds Note tho Adjustable Brake Lever On the front bolsters of Thornhill wagons are heavy iron plate:, running along top and bottom-connected by rivets that run clear through the bolster. Strength and lightness are combined. Rear gears are strongly ironed. There are braces on both top and bottom that extend the full length of thc i hounds. Solid trust bars extend the full length of thc axles giving them double strength. If you examine the beds of Thornhill Wagons closely you will see at once the superiority of the construction. The bottoms are rc-inforced over front and rear bolsters. Come in and examine this wagon for yourself. We will take pleasure and pride in showing you a Thornhill-Thc wagon made of tough highland oak and hickory-with features all. others lack. [610-N] BETTIS CANTELOU