Edgefield advertiser. (Edgefield, S.C.) 1836-current, January 21, 1920, Image 1

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Widest Newspaper 3n Southjto??na VOL. 84 EDGEFIELD, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1920 NO. 45 JOHSTON LETTER. Reception in Honor of Mrs. Mobley. Victory Day Ob served. Apollo Music Club Met. On last Wednesday afternoon, Mrs., W. S. Mobley and Misses Mar ian and Elise Mobley entertained with a beautiful reception in honor of Mrs. George Walker Mobley. The calling hours were from 4 to 6 o'clock and a large, number of friends came during this time. Mesdames Mims Walker and P. N. Keesee met the arrivals at the front, and they were carried tb the parlor by Mrs. Bartow Walsh and Miss Gladys Sawyer to greet those in the receiving line, which was composed of Mrs. W. S. Mobley, Misses Marian . and Elise Mobley and the honoree, Mrs. Walker Mobley. . Piano music by Mrs. Eugene Mc Alpine was enjoyed in here. After : cordial good wishes to the young bride, the guests were carried into the dining room by Mesdames J. H. . Payne and James Tompkins. The dining table was covered in a , handsome lace cover with a pretty centerpiece of flowers and ferns. . Seated here, Mesdames J. A. Dobey , and Frank Bland cut white block , cream and this with bride's cake, was . served by Misses Maude Sawyer and ? Sue Smith. ; The room was shaded in pink. The entire occasion was a most . pleasant one. On Sunday evening at the Baptist J church the congregation had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Watts, of Columbia preach. He had been out . in ?a nearby community on Sunday School work and was here to' take . the evening train, and came around . to the church for. service. He preach- . ed a forceful sermon. Before leaving he stated that he hoped to have an Instituts held here in the church ] some time during the year. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Lott have gone to Florida, for a visit-to the family of their son, Mr. Frank Richardson. * Before returning, they will visit Mrs. . Lott's brother, Mr. St. Clair Smyly, 1 and her daughter, Mrs. St. Julian 1 Harris, both living in Georgia. Miss Hortense Landrum is visiting Mrs. J. W. Browne. Mrs. Heyward of Beaufort, is spending a few days with her daugh ter, Miss Sallie Heyward. Mrs. H. W. Crouch and M:.33 An- ' nie Crouch were visitors in Augusat recently in the home of Mrs. W. W. Satchex , Mr. M. 0. Fulmer has purchased ' the home of Mr. Will Collins and as ] soon as it is possible, will move in. 3 Mr. Collins and family have decided 1 to make their home elsewhere. Mrs. Huiet Waters and Master ' George are expected home nexL week 1 from Alexandria, Ala., having spent a month with the former's mother, ' Mrs. Osbourne. 5 Mrs Mary Hamilton has been quite sick at the home of her niece, Mrs. ] Alice Cox. J Mrs. J. R. Kelly of Charleston, is J spending this week with her grand- ] parents. Dr. and Mrs. Wiederman and fam ily have moved into their home on J West Calhoun street. Mrs. Eugene McAIpine has return- 1 ed with her little son, Thomas to 1 Hartsville. Miss Sallie Carwile re turned with her to spend some time. 1 Mr. Jefferson Lewis left last week 1 for California where he has a posi- ' tion. 1 Mrs. Gibson has been the guest 1 of her sister, Mrs. Gall. Mrs. J. L. Smith has returned from Leesville, where she visited re?a- i tives. The Apollo Music club met with 1 Mrs. 0. D. Black on Tuesday after noon and two very pleasant hours I , were spent by the members and visi- ? tors present. ? The meeting was presided over by Miss Zena Payne, president, and the ] chief business brought before the i members was that of practicing i "Thrift." The General Federation is definitely committed to three para- ] mount tasks, Americanization, Com- j munity service and Thrift, and Na tional Thrift week was told of and j thrift cards distributed and each ( member will co-operate in the move- 1 , ment. , The name of Mrs. W. S. Brooke '. was received for membership. The subject for the meeting was Scotland and was led by Mrs. W. J. ; 9 Hatcher, who gave some interesting thoughts on the subject. "My Ain Folk" was sung by Mrs. C. P. Corn; "Scotland and Music" was the sub ject of the paper by Mrs. O. D. .Black. Piano, Scotch music-Miss i?etty Waters; Chorus, "Annie Laurie;" Reading, Miss Westmoieland ; Cho rus, "A.;id Lang Syne." During the social period the hos tess served an elaborte salad course with coffee and whipped cream being assisted by Mesdames Harry Stroth er, Wallace Turner, L. S. Maxwell, and Miss Antoinette Denny. Mrs. Harriet Kenney celebrated her birthday on Wednesday last, having lived to an honored age, and had with her on this occasion about twelve of h=r warm friends of her young days. The day was happily spent. Rev. W. S. Brooke has given up the work of supplying the pulpit of Rocky Creek church which was every first Sunday afternoon. He deeply re gretted to do this but he found that his duties of his regular pulpit re quired all his time. On Wednesday evening at the Bap List chuch "Victory Day" was cele brated under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. The meeting was conducted j by Rev. W. S. Brooke and was large [y attended. Two fine talks were beard, "Righteousness Ex?lteth a Na tion" by Rev. J. D. Kinard and "Law Enforcement" by Rev. David Kellar. Mrs. T. R. Denny, president of the W. C. T. U., told something of the kvork of the organization and read :he 18th Amendment. The orchestra rave several selections and other special music made the meeting an enjoyable one. - . Mr. Williamson, tobacco expert, las moved here for a year's stay and viii instruct any one in the cultiva lion of tobacco, and this fall will aid j n the gathering in of the crops. The [armers of this section are paying his ?xpenses here for the year that they night begin this cultivation of a , iew crop in the correct way. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. 3e?Pwi<Ci>oaeh> ^rrtertenied; with an (?' ?lab?rate dinner party for their sis ;er, Mrs. Taylor Goodwyn of Green wood ,and those present were the ,varm friends of the honoree. They were assisted by their daugh ;ers, Mrs. L. S. Maxwell and Miss An lie Crouch, who made the evening i pleasant one for their guests. At 8 o'clock the guests were seat ;d at dinner, there being twelve cov ers laid. The table had no cloth, but j i handsome imported set of lace ta rie mats, from Japan was used. The centerpiece was a large vase of red chrysanthmeums and ferns which . vas beautifully reflected in the pol shed surface of the table. At each place alternately were red and yel ow baskets of crystalized ginger to )e enjoyed during the courses which vere served. All of the appointments of the ta rie wei*e lovely cut glass, china and silver. Those invited to be with Mrs. Good wyn were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lott, VIrs. W. B. Ouzts, Mrs. M. T. Turner, Mrs. J. H. White, Mrs. 0. D. Black, Miss Zena Payne and Rev. W. S. Brooke. The Mary Ann Buie Chapter, U. D. C., met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. M. W. Crouch and several mat ers were discussed by the members, :here being a full attendance. The chapter was delighted with laving an offer made to it, a well lo cated and valuable lot, to erect a arick hail as a meeting place. This rift came from Mrs. W. Lee Coleman i charter member and one who is de moted to the work of the U. D. C. Plans were made for the observ ince of "Lee and Jackson Day," the 19th and 21st, the occasion to be on the 20th. The chapter will contribute to the Confederate Home College as soon is possible, this college being told, of it the meeting. Reports were given than fruits bad been sent the veterans who were sick and flowers had been sent the riderly ladies. The ?committee for year books bopes to have these ready for distri bution at an early date. Mr. Will Sawyer*has purchased the lo tin front of his dwelling and at an ?arly date will have his house moved to the new lot and a large and hand some dwelling erected instead of his former home. Let's all pull together for greater Edgefieldl 1 1 YONGE & MOONEY. Law Enforcement Day Obr| served. Sunday was observed all over th|? United States as law enforcement': day and ministers asked to give this\ subject thought and expression frd?E the pulpits. Rev. Mr. Peatross spoke from the subject "Righteousness. Exalteth a.! Nation, but Sin is a Reproach to any . People." Those who heard him spoken highly of his presentations of the idea of the real nature and presence^ of sin in the world. Rev. E. C. Bailey spoke from the] same text, those who heard him say-,i ing that his viewpoint was most in terestingly given, taking up the evils of intemperance as taught - in the I Scriptures and especially the neces sity of instructing children in the home in all the principles of modera-.; tion and sobriety of conduct. % At the Methodist chuch Rev. G. W. M. Taylor used the same text and spoke from the four ideas of Agita tion, Education, Legislation and Law Enforcement. Miss Elizabeth Rains ford sang "The Plains of Peace." At the Baptist church the subject was presented in the evening on ac count of the visitor, Mr. Lanham, who occupied the pulpit in the morn ing in the interests of the Y. M. C. A. At this evening service the chil dren of the various churches sang the "Saloonless Nation in 1920," which they had been singing since South Carolina was in a campaign for a dry state, marching in a processional. Carolynn Dorn sang the solo part with pipe organ accompaniment. Miss Miriam Norris gave the vic tory solo, which is a prophecy ful filled, this song having been sung at National W. C. T. U. conventions for many years. - j The Jubilee Song which was also written in celebration of the victory was sung by the choir. The 18th Amendment was read by Mr. A. B. Carwile and the-Provisions SFine law by Mr. T. B. Greneker. Dr. R. G. Lee preached a very help ful and stirring sermon on the text . for the occasion. Mottoes in the church were "Vic tory," "National* Prihibition," and "Enforce the Law." Personally I have interviewed sev eral members of each church where I did not have the pleasure of listen ing to the sermons, and each with one accord has spoken very pleas ely of the occasion and the discus sion and the subject, saying that they enjoyed and were benefitted by the sermons. ' I wish that I might haye been able to hear each one and listen to the va ried viewpoints of good men as they spoke to their people on this great subject. The Woman's Christian Tem perance Union of Edgefield appre ciates this co-operation and sympathy on the part of the ministers of our town. They are always the best friends of temperance and sobriety and have done their share in pro moting these blessings. MRS. J. L. MIMS. Pres. Edgefield W. C. T. U. Poluhni, the Magician. Poluhni, the magician will be here on February 6th. This date falls on Friday and on Friday afternoon he will be ready to drive the car you promised to lend him. You will have the novel experience of riding with him and directing him by your thoughts, or sitting on the back seat and watching some one else do it. Poluhni is one of the very best of the world's magicians and can keep you guessing every minute. On account of the Opera House not being available for the 6th of February, we will give this, the fourth Lyceum number, in the school auditorium, and will also use that auditorium for our lecture, which is the last number of our course. The Civic League has assumed the responsibility for quite a large sum of money without any guarantors. We earnestly solicit your sympathy and co-operation in our effort to bring wholesome, clean amusement to our people. We recognize the nat ural desire for amusement, and the imperative need for that which is clean. We ask the co-operation of our people, our council and county officials in keeping our county and town supplied with the best, and their support in discouraging what is unwholesome and injurious. CIVIC LEAGUE. Dr. J. S. Byrd Entertains Roy ally. There is a most genial spin abroad in old Edgefield, reviving th< *>ld order of things which was banish ed during the period1 of war, Edge I field putting her patriotic duty to th? Ifront. ; Now that the war cloud has beer ?.dispelled homes are being throwr jopen for many delightful entertain ments. ? ' -There has been a series of mosl enjoyable stag dinners given, for in. stance a climax being reached in the &ne given by Dr. J. S. Byrd Thurs day evening of last week. The guests arrived promptly at *even and were soon ushered into the pretty dining room where three ta bles with covers for twelve guests ??&ch, were prettily arranged. The dinner was a culinary triumph, be ginning with oysters, followed by an elaborate turkey dinner and salad course, then ending with fruit jelly, Whipped cream, black fruit and pound cake. Tables were arranged in the big jiving room for bridge and soon in a blue haze of smoke, the game pro gressed. Mr. Ernest Padgett cap tured the head prize and Mr. W. L. Dunovant, Jr., the consolation. ? Mrs. Byrd invited Mesdames Ed win Folk, W. A. Byrd and P. M. Fel tham and Misses Virginia Addison, Ruth DeEoach and Snow Jeffries to assist her in dispensing the generous hospitality for which the hostess and host of this delightful dinner party are noted. MRS. P. M. , FELTHAM. Friday Your Only Chance to See "Mickey." "Mickey" has played a huge suc cess in all the large cities to the ex tent of having to play return dates In securing this wonderful picture for Edgefield it has brought here a y^?e.that-is rrakihg history in the Motion rfcture industry. T?e star, Miss Mabel Normand, is originally a Georgia girl, coming from Atlan ta. If you want a seat for "Mickey" you had better come early. Letter From Former Hardy's Correspondent. Dear Advertiser: "We still enjoy the paper each week and all the 'ce letters from everyone, especially Miss Florence Mims. But as yet do not find any news from our old home neighbor hood. I went out home last Thursday for a few minutes with Mr. E. C. Smith, the surveyor, to get something for him we had out there. One of the old land marks, the grand old oak in front of the house had been cut down to keep it from falling on the house. It died a year ago and has been losing its limbs ever since, so it was dangerous to leave it standing. That was my first trip over the new road and that was certainly an im provement over the old way. The gang was plowing up great clods along from the "Bad-Luck House" to "Pretty Run" hill, which were very rough and hard to travel over. The galvanized pipes in "Pretty Run" are a great improvement. It seemed strange not to have to go through any water at all, all the way from Augusta out home. We were greatly shocked when we heard of the terrible accident Mr. Nixon Bunch had with a traction en gine out on his brother, Mealing Bunch's place, last Tuesday. His left arm and leg, I understand, were ter ribly crushed by the machine. The doctors cannot tell yet, what will be the outcome of it. We hope he will soon be better and able to save both limbs. Glad to hear of Mr. Ed Bunch im proving at the Margaret Wright Hos pital. Hope he will soon be able to be taken home. .^Mrs. Sallie Bunch is still confined to her bed, where she has been for eleven weeks. Mr. Harry Bunch was feeling very badly Friday. We were very sorry to hear of the death of little Mae Mealing and sym pathize sincerely with the family. Mr. Ernest Cogburn was out tak ing census Thursday when I went out home. I hear Mr. Kugley could not ac cept the call to Hardy's church on ac count of having all his time employ ed. So there were no services at Hardy's Sunday. I had the privilege ?f hearing the great tenor singer, Mr. Harrison, of New York sing at St. Johns chuch Sunday and enjoyed it very much. Sunday night I heard Mr. Wilson's sermon on "Why men do not attend church:" I think it was the finest sermon I ever heard, and hope to hear more of his sermons. The music also was fine at the Christian church. I attended that church when I went to school here and have always been partial to it, but see so few familiar faces there, now. The congregation is younger people. They have a fine Sunday School and I wish it was so that our children could attend, there, as well as the Houghton Institute day school. They are very much pleased there, and have so much less distance in the cold, mud and rain to go, and get home by half past two. Much better than io start at eight and get back by five in the afternoon. Besides the other many advantages. Wingfield and Emma were real sick and could not go Monday. Hope their vaccina tions are not going to keep them at home longer. L. B. 619 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Splendid Civic League Meeting Mrs Edwards presided at a splen did Civic League meeting Monday af ternoon in the library. After the Lord's prayer, Mrs. P. M. Feltham, acting secretary in Mrs. B. L. Mims' absence, read the last meeting's minutes which stood ap proved. * Mrs. W. L. Dunovant, Sr., gave a good report on the>Lyceum, announc ing that Poluhni, the clever magician, would be here Friday nigj*?? Feb ruary 6th. The Opera. Housfe not be ing available-ibis ehterc?mhieht will be given in the school auditorium. A very remarkable program is prom ised and everything for the comfort and enjoyment of the audience will be looked out for botn by the League committee and the School Principal. A report on cemetery work was made by Mrs. Edwards. Miss Ethel DeLoach was made chairman of the cemetery committee. A workman has been engaged to do some very necessary work in Febru ary. It was decided to send out pos tals to all cemetery plot owners ask ing co-operation in financing this work. The president read letters received referring to the Thrift Campaign that is being carried on with a special Thrift week to he observed. Miss June Rainsford was appoint ed chairman of a committee to work with state officers of the campaign. Mrs. W. L. Dunovant, Sr., chair man, Mrs. J. L. Mims, Mrs. Mamie N. Tillman and Mrs. P. M. Feltham had been appointed a committee to look into the plan to furnish a playground for the town, which is in accordance with a plan that has taken hold of many towns and cities all over our land. The idea is if the right kind of enjoyment, decently conducted, is available, young people wont resort to injurious pleasures. A crying need is felt for a swim ming pool where this healthful sport can be safely indulged in, and the committee is looking carefully into several suitable localities for a con crete pool. It is earnestly hoped citizens gen erally, will co-operate with the Lpague in their efforts to give Edger field good, clean entertainments, healthful sports and, perhaps, a play ground where games and stories of value to the future citizenship of our beloved village may beguile many an otherwise idle hour for our children Honor Roll of Antioch School. For the Month Ending January 9. Tenth Grade-Zola Walker, Lu cile Brunson. Seventh Grade-Albert Walker, Eva. Walker. Sixth Grade-Sam Brunson. Fourth Grade-James Talbert, Fannie Hamilton, Susan Walker. Third Grade-John Graves, Thel ma Blair. Second Grade-Maggie Sanders, Juanita Gardner. First Grade-Frank Walker, Eliz abeth Graves, Tyler Gardner. Miss Florence Mirr.s Visits Wellesley College -Near Boston. Dear Advertiser: Yesterday I tramped through deep snow over the campus of Wellesley College. It seemed more like5 some extensive English estate, with its Shakesperian cottage and castle tow ers and wonderful buildings with coats of arms, furnished in the most elegant fashion. Our mind unconsciously connects this cottage with Alice Freeman Pal mer who was one of its early presi dents, a woman of great vision, and strength to make visions come true f or Wellesley. In her honor a beauti ful chapel has been built with mel low stained glass windows. At one corner is a most exquisite marble slab with the figure of Mrs Palmer standing behind a young student, who is hearing a book in one hand and in the other an old Roman lamp. This is a symbolic representation of the great woman's guidance of the students whom she was so interested in during her life time. . On the slab which stands upright are these words: "Here rest the ash es of Alice Freeman Palmer in the heart of the cottage she loved." It makes one think of the heart of Liv ingston buried in the midst of Afri ca, the land that he so loved. ? Ni Wellesley was founded by a Dr. Durant. When the corner stone was laid he placed a Bible within, saying that he wished the college to be founded oh the teachings of this Book. \ One of the many interesting dor mitories and society homes on the campus is a cottage modelled after Shakespeare'^ own home. The day I was there some of the girls with an artistic sense of proportion and a strong sense of humor had construct ed a Shakesperian snow man which was jmstantly recognizable, with his high brow and class? fact- He "was standing..with, folded ?rw?s -serenely, viewing th? campus. It seemed a pity that the first warm sunlight would melt him into ordinary dampness. Northern college girls are essen tially sports-women. We came upon a crowd of them with sleds coasting down a steep hill. One invited me to coast with her ,and although I was alarmed at the Alpine descent, I got on the sled and was soon tearing through space at a rate that seemed to me, to he hundreds of miles an hour. Then with "painful step and slow," we dragged the sled to the top of the hill again. After that I was un certain as to whether I cared to ride any more for the hill seemed to ex tend into a mountain as we scram bled up with the clumsy vehicle. They were all so hardy looking, those stu dents, with healthy red cheeks and strong frames caused from all the, good out door sports that a Northern winter affords. The boarding students number about sixteen hundred. About two thousand students attend the college. I was impressed with the taste and good form which was displayed in all the architecture.. Some of the stu dents' rooms were very lovely over looking the huge lake. Though some dormitories are much newer and handsomer than others, each student has the same chance to enjoy them. The rooms are distributed by having each student draw, and in that way there is a democratic distribution. In one of the new buildings where > there are many class rooms, the cor ridors and windows are built on the old Gothic style. In fae;, the whole building looks (like an up-to-date monastery, but with quite a different ' tpye of inmates. College students make the walls echo with such laughs , and shouts as monastery walls have never harbored. The sophomore, who is a friend of mine, showed us around, and I knew how proud she must have been of all the wonders of this famous college with its great history and its splendid out look for the future. I think anyone could take a forty minutes' ride, in any direction from Boston and getting off the train, find either a college, a battle field or some other even more interesting place. This time at the end of forty . minutes we reached Wellesley, the rendez-vous for hundreds of girls, a veritable paradise of learning whose . motto is "Not to be ministered unto, but to minister." FLORENCE MIMS. 142 Hemenway St., Boston, Mass. V