ice No 61 Reij?dence, No. 17 Iii' 0 r Wedr^kday, October^. LOCAL j!AND PERSONAL. Mr. Joe;darlington of Georgetown is here viljfing relatives. Mrs. Ro$ Brezeale of Greenville, ic the guesfc of Mrs. Capers Madden. Everybody seems to be in a better humor sinc? the war-time time was discontinued. Miss Margaret Madden who is at tending school in Columbia came borne for the week-end. Hon. Waijter McDonald came over for a hurri?d visit to Mrs. Agatha A. Woodson eatly in the week. Miss Edltih Pearce of Greenwood, and Miss Kyra Pearce of Augusta, are the guests of Miss Justine Can telou. 'M 1 ' *? The friends of Mr. George A. Ad ams of Collers deeply regret that a mule threw! him last Sunday and broke his collar-bone. Miss Louise Woodward, the very capable telephone operator, spent Sunday at her home in Aiken. Miss Hel?fn Tillmari' ;is' spending Fair, week * in Columbia as-the guest .of her cousin, Mrs. B. R. Cooner. Miss Eleanor Mims. and . Master Hansford Mims spent Saturday and Sunday in Augusta as guests of Mrs. j Walter McDonald. Mrs. S. il&G. Simkins is among the Fair visitors'in Columbia this week, teing with her daughter, Mrs. C. T. Graydon. .>? A^great'?:host of people left this .morning forlColumbia to see the pigs and "punkin$" at the State Fair, as well as to :\^ike in" the, midway. Gen. M.jiFj. Bonham arrived from Anderson ??ily this'morning on pro fessional bp&ness and has: been very cordially greeted. He Always "receives a royal wel?pme in Edgefield. Clerk off?jourt W. B. Cogburn has requested jiTBhe Advertiser "to an nounce thait?there ,will be no court next week.iMrors aiid witnesses need not reporter duty.'M?aidaysv JVIiss Pat$ Major is in Columbia .this week tiijfduty at the.fairy having " .part in arranging the its of the hame denion under the^ auspices of liege. had a larji county ext strati on wf Winthrop Mrs Lil? this week awarded wood fair flour for barrel for Mr. Hor| Columbia engineer t| for a few ceives a vf his Edgefu How ms or miles oi you ordere] you to rouj not for its i ready here] Cogburn^.j^^jspending EdgBfi?$| was . prizes l|| the|.-green it week. &|A barrel of best cafe! and$|j half best bisjUfs Dr. R, Wm Cogburn j ieving Mr. week, who ys. Hora cordial w friends, - m er from den as ff duty ykye re ? from feet or'yards or rods asture fence wire have {Don't let the weevil put I ?egin to preo^jnow mg, for tiredest is ?l-1 Jican church next Sunday afternoon ~-rft,Aee-.o.^o^^TJie^Be.Qpleuif that church and community have some thing rich in, store for them. Dr. Lee always has something good to say. j y^g^^?unty-^emo^ A. 3 ? B. Carwile who is making his value . S felt m aJL. parts of, the ,?o,unty has I . been \fip^d{n(g j: sevrfrj? ?af?sj id {Co lumbia assisting in making the sever al county exMbits of the farm demon stratton work. Mr. .id Mrs. S. B.-NjcijAlsan mo tored to Greenwood' ^ijdwlt? visit their daughter, Miss 'mary TitcK?lson, who is attending Lander College. They were accompanied by Miss Bes sie Dunovant and Miss Kate Mims and Mr. Joe Darlington. ff S fi i l ll ll h i I : Dr. R. G. Lee returned last night from his vacation. He has been working in th^.fii pillion ^Campaign much of the'time* instead-of, resting, but he has ^ Befehl "gr?atr? b?fr?fitted by the change. Mrs. Lee and little Beulah are in Greenville with Mrs. Lee's mother but will return to Edge Col B. P. Davies, editor of the Barnwell People, was t in Edgefield Tuesday, being the guest of Mr. J. L. Mims while here. Col Davies has .been appointed supjrjviao^of the cen sus for the second 'cpngxe^sional dis? trict and came tb^Edgefteld -to look after matters per?jald?rigi to h\s duties as supervisor. ?wn/r \ ' '. Messrs. Stewart aHd^Kernagharf. are steadily grovgngf ?hp Ifll?Sf ?Y?r dence of their enlarg?d capacity is the installation of? at ?p-tb-the-mi?-'| ute gasoline tank of six-hundred gal lon capacity. Their sales on gasoline run from 1,200 to 1,600 gallons per week and their former storag?' tank was inadequate. Little Welling Lagro?e, the dear little three-year-old son of Mr. and Ms. Jerald LaGrone, celebrated his third birthday Tuesday afternoon and invited a number of^fcif little friends to share the pleasure foi <*he*t occasion with him. Aft?rMfti?y t?e-1 came surfeited on games and out door sP<^^^fSb^9fr Col. R. E. Babb of Laurens was a visitor in Edgefield Monday. ?Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mims entertain ed the faculty of the High and Grad ed School on Tuesday evening at tea. Thirteen guests were present. The members of the Baraca class have decided to postpone their oys ter supper which was to have been given Friday night. The date for it will be announced later. Mr. Juror, instead of reporting for }'ury duty next week, you can sow oats. Sow every available foot of ground you can; Every acre put in grain is a blow to the boll weevil. *Tell your friends about the ly ?ceum entertainment to be given in ' the Opera House next Monday night, j Tickets on sale at the Mitchell Drug Store. The lyceum entertainment in the Opera House Monday night, Novem ber 3, will afford pleasant diversion for all who attend. A miscellaneous program will be. presented that will not fail to give pleasant diversion to all ages. The second Lyceum 1 attraction will be here November 17th, just two weeks later. Hear them and forget the Knowltons. Their work is superb. They will present the'very best in high class comedy. Look for moro, about them next week. Mrs. Mamie N. Tillman went over to Columbia on Wednesday to assist in looking after the booth arid rest room of the Woman's Christian Tem perance' Union, Mrs. Tillman being superintendent of the department of Fairs and Open Air meetings of this organization. Encourage the ladies of the Civic League who .are managing the lyce um course by purchasing a season ticket and attending the first enter tainment of the season Monday night November 3. It will be a strong at traction. Mr. Abram Daitch, second only in real estate deals to Mr. A. A. Ed munds, has purchased the hotel prop erty from Mr. H. C. Porter. He will probably move his family into the house later. The Hallowe'en window of the Corner Store jg being greatly admir ed. Mr. W. H. Turner, the manager of this popular store, is progressive and is never satisfied to move along in the same rut. Mr. Walter Pierce Ryan has re ceived on honorable discharge from the military service and is at home again to remain permanently. He is now wearing his artificial foot and walks apparently without the slight est difficulty. He is contemplating taking some special course of study at the expense of the government. Call at the store of Stewart and Kernaghan. and ask to see the new Blue Ribbon oil stoves. They are economic and altogether satisfac tory. In this day of labor shortage and high priced wood these stoves should become very popular. Read what Stewart and Kernaghan say about them in this issue. Mr. J. M. Quarles, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Quarles, has just completed a two months' course in auto mechanics in one of the larg est schools of the kind in the country located in Kansas City. He is now well equipped as an automobile me chanic. He was unwilling to enter up ?n the work of a mechanic without eing properly equipped, and he is" right. New Pastor Accepts. Rev. W. B. Barnes has been called to the pastorate of Republican, An tioch and Red Hill churches and has accepted. Mr. Barnes preached at Red Hill Sunday, October 19, and the people were greatly pleased with him. He has been preaching at Kings burg, S. C., for some time and will come to Edgefield county some time before Christmas. Long Record of Service. Mr. Arthur S. Tompkins resigned from the board of trustees of the Edgefield school several weeks ago and Mr. Bettis Cantelou has been ap pointed in his place. Mr. Tompkins has a long record of faithful service behind him, having served on the board for nearly or quite forty years. He and Mr. A. J. Norris and Mr. J. L. Addison were the faithful three in the years of the long ago. Delco-Light System. Read what is said of the Delco Ljght in the large advertisement in ims issue. There are literally hun dreds of rural homes in Edgefield county that should be supplied with electric lights through the Delco system. Mr. Spann Toney of John ston is the agent for this county for the Delco-Light. Write him or call on him and he will give you all of the in formation bearing upon this splendid system. The Knowlton Glee and Banjo Club will be here November 3rd. Dr. Parry says "Hear the Knowl tons and quit talking about the Ha wiians." The Pittsburgh Press says "When the Knowltons let loose with a song and'banjo the audience sits up and takes notice. Six banjos skillfully handled produces an arousing effect.' Don't fail to hear the Knowltons. REWARD: I will pay a reward of $25 dollars for evidence to convict ?he party who took a new Fisk tire 332x4 from the rear of my Chalmers car Sunday afternoon between 5:30 and 8:00 o'ciock. ' * 1 EDGAR STROTHER. Services Announced. Please announce that there will be an all day service at Republican on First Sunday in November ba the in terest of the 75 Million Campaign. Every member of the church is urged to*be present. The pastor will preach at eleven o'clock a. m. and Dr. Lee and others in the afternoon. J. W. KESTERSON. Civic League Appreciative. The members, of the Civic League desire to thank the public for the splendid patronage given "The;Coun ty Fair" on last Friday night.. They also thank, most sincerely, the children and grown people who took part in the performance, , the musicians and singers who helped in so large a measure to make , it the success it was. The'sum of $116.68 was realized on the entertainment. CHURCH NOTICE. Services of worship at the Baptist Church this coming Sunday, Novem ber 2, at 11:30 in the morning and at 7:30 in the evening. Preaching by the pastor. Sunday School in the morning at the usual hour. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. All are urged to be present and take part in all these services. As I begin the second year of my pastorate I am anxious that all help in making this a great year for the Lord. ROBERT G. LEE. Closing Days of Sessions Court Oscar Martin, indicted for murder was found guilty of manslaughter. He was defended by N. G. Evans, and the State was represented by the solicitor. Mike Brooks was tried in his ab sence for taking and using an auto mobile without the consent of the awner. A sealed verdict was render ed. A bench warrant has been issued for Mike. In the trial of Mr. Clarence Wil liams, indicted for rape, a verdict of "not guilty" was rendered. The de fendant was represented by "Shep pard Brothers and J. B. Salleyxof Aiken and the solicitor was assisted in the prosecutioh by N. G. Evans. Civil Court. The court of common pleas con vened Monday morning and the first trial was the suit of Mr. J. D. Thom as for $3,000 against Mr. C. R. Dob son to recover on a loan. A verdict, of $3,000 was rendered for the 'plaintiff. J. Wm. Thurmond repre sented Mr. Dobson and J. rh Cante lou and S. McG Simkins represented the plaintiff. In the suit brought by Mrs. Susan A. Corley and others against tile Hoyt brothers to recover the Hoyt land, a compromise was reached tjgr, fore the case was tried. We under stand that the Hoyt brothers will be paid a certain sum for their interests. The jury cases of the civil court were disposed of Tuesday afternoon. There will be no court next week".?!'1 . . _:_;- ri NOTICE. / All persons who subscribed to the capital stock of the Edgefield Hos pital will take notice that a second payment of 30 per cent, of the amount is due November 1, and all who have not made their first pay ment are urged to do so at once. J. N. CRAFTON, Treasurer. LOMBARD Foundry, Machine, Boiler Works and Mill Supply House AUGUSTA GEORGIA Cotton Oil, Gin, Saw, Grist, Cane, Shingle Mill, Machinery Supplies and Repairs, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Grate Bars, Pumps, Pipe, Valves and Fittings, Injectors, Belting, Packing Hose, etc. Cast every day. GASOLINE AND KEROSENE ENGINES Pumping, Wood Sawing and Feed Grinding Outfits. * . WANTED. Splendid opportunity for men and women selling guaranteed hosiery. Handsome profits made in either full or spare time. Full line of men's, wo men's and children's up-to-date styles. Large . commissions. Experi ence not necessary. Write PHOENIX HOSIERY CO., West Market Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. The C. & B. Hat Company 123 Broad Street JACKSONVILLE, FLA., is the owner of and is carrying on the Mail Order business formerly handled by the H. W. Clarice Hat Company. All orders should be sent to them. AGENTS WANTED SEND FOR CATALOGUE See our stock of clocks and watches. We have just the clock that you have been needing for your home. QUARLES' VARIETY STORE. / When you need refreshing come in and let us serves one of our popu lar drinks at our fountain. It grows more and more popular each day. QUARLES' VARIETY STORE. We want the people, the ladies especially, to see the New Blue Ribbon Kerosene Oil N Stoves We carry them in two, three and' four-burner sizes, with or without baker These stoves burn 400 gallons of air to every gallon of kerosene That's why they are so economical. They afford the quickest and cheapest means of cooking. Considering the scarcity and high price of wood, there should be hundreds of Edgefield homes to install a Blue Ribbon Kerosene Stove. Come in and let us show you these stoves Stewart & Kernaghan wm mmmm Largest Stock Ever Carried We have never shown a larger and more complete stock of merchandise than we have now, all of which was bo.ught early-before the great rise in price. We call special attention to our LADIES' READY-TO-WEAE' Department. Large assortment of coat suits, dresses, cloaks, waists and skirts to select from. All of the popular colors and fabrics. Our stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing was never larger. We bought it right and will sell it right prices within reach of every purse. We were never stronger on shoes. Work shoes and dress shoes for men, women and children. Come in to see us. We can save youWney. ? ? Daitch Brothers