THEATRE For One Day Only FRIDAY, OCT. 31 For One Day Only Congressman Richard Pearson ii i-m ff ff . I ??oh Hobson's Great Reform Play EFOANCES NE MOYER Ari Pronounced by critics to Be The Season's Most Sensational Picture Play Only 2 Performances Matinee 4:(|0. Night 9 BE ON TIME ' vi Special Scare of Music Admission 50c, 75c, $1.00-War f l No Children under 15 years old admitted onli?ss with, their parents IX tXlld. Reserved Seats ai Mitchell's Druj; Store, Monday m I-M?- - ?bbeville-Greenwood IS! tuai Insurance Asso ciation. ORGANIZED 1892. Property Insured $4,268,30 WRITE OB CALL on tbs und signed for any information yon n desire about our plan of insum? We insure your property agai destruction by FIRE, WINDSTORM or LIGE NING and do so cheaper than any Co nany in existence. Remember, we are prepared prove to you that ours is the sai< and cheapest plan of insuran known. Our Association is now licen* to write Insurance in the co un ti of Abbeville, Greenwood, McCc mick, Edgefield, Laurens, Salud Bichland, Lexington, Calhoun ai tJpartanbuij. The officers are: Gen. J. Fra? Lyon, President, Columbia S. C J. R. Blake. Gen. Agent, Secty. ai Treas., Greenwood, S. C. DIRECTORS. A. 0. Grant, Mt Carmel, S. C. J. M. Gambrell, Abbeville, S. C. J. B. Blake, Greenwood, S. C. A* W. Youngbioodf, Hodges, S. C. B. H. Nicholson, Edgefield, S. C. J. Fraser Lyon, Columbia, S. C. W. C. Bates, Batesburg, S .C. W. H. Wharton, Waterloo, S. C J. B. BLAKE, GEN. AGT, ,* Greenwood, S. C.. February 1st, 191?. School Notice. The compulsory school attendant law requires that all children be tween the ages of eight and f ourteer years shall attend school four con secutive months. To better suit th? convenience of ail - .concerned, we apply th^ law. from. November 1, m?f^ J?arch* 1^1920. Jf ? school ^s in session for less than . foui months, attendance for full term is required. W. W. FULLER, Co. Supt. Education. for Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening tonic GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives ont Halar?a and builds up thc system. A true tonic ard cure Appetizer. For adiitt and child fa. 60>. - No Money Sense You often hear the remark that "So-and-so ia very well educated and quite competent but he hasn't any 'money sense.' " And it is true that a man may be ever so well educated and still not be able to successfully conduct a business. He is shy on business training and business experience. We maintain that the best way to get in touch with the business world is by doing business through a bank, thereby becoming familiar with all business methods and touching elbows with business men, because nearly all business men conduct their business through the bank. . The Bank of Trenton, S. C. Can you be cured? What will it cost? How long will it take? I treat successfully: PILES. Without operation, pain or loss of time. DISEASES, KIDNEY, BLADDER, SKIN DISEASES aod NERVOUS TROUBLES Dr. P. J. O'Neill Carolina National Bank Building COLUMBIA, S- C. Special effort made to avoid delay in out-of-town cases WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED Sixty Tons of Pipe and at present have all sizes from 1-8-inch to 4-inch in Galvanized and from 1-8-inch to 8-inch in Black. Also have received large ship ment of Boiler Tubes. Have also some two or three carloads of Iron in stock. Let us bear from you. Columbia Supply Company 823 West Gervais St., Columbia, S. C. Have Made Large Purchases We invite the people of Edgefield county, the ladies especially, to visit our 2nd floor and see our large stock just received from the largest manufacturers we have the best assortment of Bureaus, Washstand;;, Hat Racks, Wardrobes, Chifforobes, China Closets that we have ever shown. Also see our Rocking Chairs, Dining Chairs, Centre Tables, iron Beds, Springs and Mattresses, purchased direct from the factories. Large stock of RANGES and STOVES to select from. Make your wife happy by buying a new stove for her. See our stock of trunks, suit cases and traveling bags, all marked at rea^ sonable prices. Beautiful assortment of rugs and art squares. "Just what you have been needing to ~.ake the home brighter. # We have on hand che largest stock of lap ropes and harness of all kinds that we have ever shown, both single and double, for wagon or buggy. When in need of a buggy or wagon call on us. We carry a stock of good . buggies, open or with top. We sell the celebrated Mitchell wagons. No thing better on the market for the money. If you need a one-horse wagon, try our "Chase City.", We have been selling them to satisfied customers for eight or ten years. GROCERIES AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES When in need of fancy or heavy groceries get our prices before buying. We buy in large quantities and carry a large stock, consequently we are in a position to make attractive prices. If in need of hardware of any kind for the farm or supplies of any other kind come to us. We can save you money. IN FURNITURE Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Bags Lap Robes and Harness of all Kinds Edgefield Mercantile Company