Meet Your Corner Main and Taylor Sts. Friends at Efird's STATE FAIR WEEK, OCTOBER 27th to 3ist Fair Week Corner Main and Taylor Sts. RAILROAD FARE FREE BOTH WAYS ' YOUR RAILROAD FARE FREE BOTH WAYS. FAIR WEEK ONLY. OCT. 27th to 31st. FREE TRIP TO COLUMBIA AND RETURN. EAILB?AD MEE F?EE mm WAYS YOUR RAILROAD FARE FREE , BOTH WAYS. COME TO THE STATE FAIR OCTOBER 27th TO 31st. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT EFIRD'S. Free Transportation Offer to S. C. State Fair For the week only we will refund your railroad fair both wajrs in cash if your purchases amount to fifty dollars or over in our store. Mileage limited to fif ty miles. If your mileage to Columbia is over fifty miles we will refund to you in cash for fifty miles both ways. Refunds will be made on distance up to fifty miles. . SANITARY FEATHER . P?LIOWS in New Ticking; size, 17x25 $2.25 PAIR BATH ROBES In all the new fall patterns $4.50, $4.98, $5.98, 6.50 PURCHASE $50.00 WORTH OF EFIRD'S SPECIALS AND GET YOUR EXACT RAILROAD FARE BACK. WE REFUND FARE BOTH WAYS UP TO FIFTY MILES. $29.50 values, Wool Poplin and Serge Suits, made in the newest styles, trimmed with silk braid and buttons. $22.50 $31.75 values, Ladies' Coat Suits in Wool Poplin and Serge, in Navy, Black, Taupe, Green and Garnet, made in the newest fall styles. Our special Fair Week price $25.00 $35.00 Coat Suits_$29.50 39.5 Coat Suits_ _ 31.75 42.5U Coat Suits_35.00 55.00 Coat Suits_ 42.50 LOOK FOR NOT ADVERTISED SPECIALS THE GREATEST FEAST The greatest merchandise feast ever held in the city of Columbia. Thousands of dollars have been invested in snappy ready-to-wear for this special occasion. About Women's Ready-to-Wear October 27th to 31st you are invited to see the new est in clothing for ladies and gentlemen. Charming new styles in feminine apparel, including the very best in Suits, Dresses aij'? ^oats. The variety includes a design, material, shadfe and size that will appeal to any woman. Coat Suits that are in fashion, favored shades, Tricotine, Silvertone, Serge ,Broadcloth, Ve lour, mixtures and other popular materials. Dainty Dresses that are out of the ordinary, embracing styles that are distinctive as well as correct, and priced down to the lowest figures which their superior quality will permit. Clever Coats selected carefully my our buyers, not only for style, but for comfortable warmth. The Newest Models in the Famous Monroe Line of Men's and Young Men's Suits The kind that really nt and give that comfortable feeling of utmost security and warmth all through the long winter months. Perfect in workmanship and in every popular shade and material. Monroe Clothes sell the world over $25, $30 and $35 suit. TWO HUNDRED LADIES' SKIRTS in all colors and sizes. $7.50 values. Our special low price Fair Week $4.98 EACH Blankets to Retail Trade at Wholesale Prices One Hundred Pairs of Wool Nap Double Blankets, size 66x80 inches, Grey, Blue, Brown plaid. $111.95 values. Special Feiir Week $6.98 PAIR MAKE A PURCHASE AT EFIRD'S TO AMOUNT TO $25.00 AND GET ONE- HALF OF YOUR RAIL ROAD FARE BACK. A Big Range of Ladies' Coats In Black, $12.50 and 14.50 values. Our special Fair Week price $9.95 each . $16.50 Ladies' Coats in a large range of styles and materials. Our Fair Week price $12.50 $18.50 value Ladies Coats in the newest styles and makes. Very dressy. Our special Fair Week price $14.50 FIFTY LADIES' COATS With Fur Collars, made of good, heavy, cold weather coating. Colors, Black, Brown., Grey and Navy. A real Fair Week bargain. $16.50 each This is one of the eighteen big department stores which we conduct in the principal cities of the two Carolinas. We buy all merchandise direct from the factories at one time. $12.50 Values in Ladies' Sweaters in the leading colors and styles. Our special low price Fair Week $8;50 EACH C0NG0LEUM ART SQUARES ABOUT HALF PRICE 6x9 Art Rugs_$ 6.95 7y2x9 Art Rugs_ 8.50 9x10y2 Art Rugs_11.95 9x12 Art Rugs_12.95 While this lot lasts at above prices. Wool and Fiber Druggets Size 9x12, in new fall designs $11.95. $14.95, $16.50. $47.50 values, Axminster Druggets, 9x12, very special for Fair Week $39.00 Genuine Cow Hide Suit Cases Made very strong and Linen lined. $12.50 every where. Our special low price Fair Week $9.95 AND $11.95 EACH These are hard to find at these prices. ONE HUNDRED PAIRS Men's Dress Shoes, $5.00 and $6.00 values, in Gun Blucher, Gun Bals, and English cuts. Our special Fair Week price, $3.85 pair LADIES* DRESS SHOES Two hundred pairs ?55.00 and $6.00 values, in Gun, Calf, Patent, Vici Kid, high and low heels. C special Fair Week price, $3.4. FREE ROSE BATH SOAP FREE NAME. CITY STATE. Fill out the above and present in person and we will sell you three cakes of Palm Olive Soap for 25c and we will give you two 10c cakes of Rose Bath Soap FREE. EINE DRESS SERGE 36-inch $1.48 values in Fine Dress Serge for fall vfrear. Colors, Navy, Black, Brown, Purple, etc. Our special Fair Week price $1.18 the yard 36-inch Amouskeag Dress fierge in all the leading colors; $2.00 value. Our specie..! Fair Week price $1.48 the yard We have a special place for parcels. Leave your parcels here and we will send them to your stopping" place All cars transfer to Efird's. Free telephone service for all EFIRD'S DEPARTMENT Wholesale and Retail Cor. Main and Taylor Sta, Columbia, S. C. Wholesale and Retail